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2 LOOK AND LEARN WORKBOOK PART-1 Name: ____________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: ______ School: ____________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap presents the latest version of the VISA NEP series. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the VISA NEP series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. The VISA NEP Look and Learn textbooks and workbooks envisage language learning through concerns pertaining to the learners’ immediate environment. They recognise the potential of languages available in the classroom for the enhancement of cognitive abilities along with language proficiency and sensitivity. They also strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The themes of the lessons are aligned with the themes recommended for English by the NCF 2005. The books are split into two parts to manage the bag weight. The VISA NEP Look and Learn textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Interactive content that engages learners through a range of open- ended questions that build curiosity and initiate exploration of the immediate environment  Effective use of visual elements to enable learning of personal relationships, the neighbourhood, and the larger community  A focus on vocabulary building through observable materials, structures, processes and phenomena  Integrated learning of values and life skills  Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process Overall, the ClassKlap VISA NEP Look and Learn textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to enhance language acquisition through exploration of the learners’ immediate physical, social and cultural experiences. They also hope to inculcate healthy habits, skills and values among learners to help them become responsible individuals. – The Authors

Workbook Features I Remember I Understand Questions aimed at helping Questions aimed at helping students to recollect critical students engage with the ‘how’ information regarding the ‘who’, and ‘why’ of the concept ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the concept I Apply Applying the understanding of the concept to questions related to real-life scenarios I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Extending the application of the concept to more advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills

Contents Class 2 1 Who Do I Look Like? ......................... Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets��������������� 1 2 My Likes and Dislikes........................ Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets��������������� 5 3 Story of My Family ............................ Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets������������ 10 4 Big Family, Small Family .................. Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets������������� 16 5 How Do Families Eat? ....................... Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets������������� 20 6 Games We Play................................. Sports��������������������������������������������������������������� 24 7 Places Around Us ............................. Neighbourhood and Community at Large��� 28 8 Caring for Plants and Animals ........ Neighbourhood and Community at Large��� 33

Lesson Who Do I Look Like? 1 I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) What helps us to say whether people look similar or not? [     ] (A) shoes (B) books (C) clothes (D) features 2) From whom do we get our features? [     ] (A) father (B) mother (C) grandparents (D) all of them Fill in the blanks using the correct word given in the brackets. 3) A ________________________ is a look or action of a person. (family/feature) 4) _________________________ mostly have similar features. (Siblings/Friends) Write the given letters in the correct order to make words. 5) T R E F A E U Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) B O T R E R H Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 1

Short Answer Question 7) Look at the pictures given below. What similar features do the kids in the pictures have with their parents? a) b) Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Understand True or False 8) Some children may look like their grandparents. [       ] 9) Uncles and aunts are not a part of our family. [       ] 10) Your cousins and you share the same grandparents. [       ] 11) We cannot look similar to our cousins. [       ] Short Answer Questions 12) Whom can a child look like in a family? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2

13) Why do some of our features look similar to our cousins? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions Look at the pictures given below and answer the questions. Rohit Ritu Sumit Ali 14) Who has long hair? [     ] (D) both Rohit and Ali (A) Rohit (B) Ritu (C) Ali (C) Sumit [     ] 15) Who has curly hair? (D) Ali (A) Rohit (B) Ritu Who Do I Look Like? 3

Short Answer Questions 16) How many members are there in your family? Write names of any two. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 17) Circle the odd one out. a) grandmother, grandfather, teacher, uncle, aunt b) mother, father, sister, friend, brother I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Look at the picture of Sana and Rina. They are twins. They look exactly like each other. Can you spot any two differences to identify them?             Sana      Rina Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4

Lesson My Likes and Dislikes 2 I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Alan likes to play on the playground with his friends. Which of the following activities do you think he may like to do?  [     ] (A) playing football (B) reading (C) watching TV (D) drawing 2) Riya likes to eat sweets. Which of the following would she not like? [     ] (A) eating candies (B) eating sweet fruits (C) eating karela (bitter gourd) (D) eating sweet biscuits Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) Rajat eats lots of popcorn all the time. It could mean that he ____________________ it. (likes, dislikes) 4) Aliya does not listen to loud music at all. It could mean that she ____________________ it. (likes, dislikes) 5

Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any two things which you may like or dislike. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) Rehana likes to take care of plants. Tick the activity that she will like to do. a) gardening b) drawing Short Answer Question 7) Write the letters in the correct order to know the two things which children mostly like to do. a) yplangi: ___________________________________________________________ b) andnicg: ___________________________________________________________ I Understand Write Yes or No 8) People like or dislike food items based on their smell, taste and sight.  [     ] 9) If you like something, you do not want to do it. [      ] 10) You and your friends have the same likes and dislikes for all things.  [     ] 11) If you feel like dancing every time you hear music, you can say you like music and dancing. [     ] 6

Short Answer Questions 12) Why do some people not include garlic or egg in their food? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13) Name any two things you do not like to do. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which of the following will your parents not allow you to eat often?[      ] (A) apple (B) candy (C) dal and rice (D) dosa My Likes and Dislikes 7

15) For which of the following will your parents say ‘no’? [     ] (A) fighting (B) eating fruits (C) reading and writing (D) cycling Short Answer Questions 16) Cross the activities from the following which Vinit should not do, even if he likes them. a) eating burgers b) running across the road c) cycling 17) Given below are some activities we may like to do. Parents may not allow us to do some of them. Tick such activities. a) eating a lot of chocolates b) playing in the rain c) reading books d) drawing 8

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) You have to buy a birthday gift for one of your classmates. How will you find out what gift you have to buy for him or her? Draw the picture of a gift he or she may like to have. (Hint: You have to buy something he or she likes. So, you will have to find out his or her likes and dislikes.) Ans. My Likes and Dislikes 9

Lesson Story of My Family 3 I Remember [     ] Multiple Choice Questions 1) The picture given is a:  (A) mango tree (B) apple tree (C) banyan tree (D) family tree 2) Who are the branches of a family tree?  [     ] (A) teachers (B) principal (C) family members (D) students 10

Fill in the blanks using the correct word given in the brackets. 3) All the people in our family who lived before our grandparents are our _____________________________. (cousins/ancestors) 4) Detailed charts of our families look like a _____________________. (house/tree) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Who are called great-grandparents? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the two levels of a family present in a family chart. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What is a family tree? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Understand [       ] [       ] True or False [       ] 8) A family tree grows with time.  [       ] 9) Your great-grandparents gave birth to your parents.  10) Neighbours are a part of your family tree. 11) Your grandparents were kids long back as you are now.  Story of My Family 11

Short Answer Questions 12) Look at the family tree, and answer the questions: level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 a) At which level can you find the great-grandparents of the family? b) At which level can you find the parents? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 12

13) Write names of your family members on the following family tree: grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother father mother me I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) Who among the following, are not included in the family tree? [      ] (A) mother (B) grandparents (C) father (D) friends 15) In a family tree, which of the following is not on the same level as the others? [   ] (A) parents (B) aunt (C) children (D) uncle Story of My Family 13

Short Answer Questions 16) What do we get to know from a family tree? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 17) Suppose you are Anuj. Look at the family chart given, and write the names of: Mohan Meera Rohit Riya Nikhil Nitya Rashi Aman Anuj Shreya (Male) (Female) (Sister of Aman) (Male) Parents Grandparents Uncle and aunt Cousins 14

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Draw your family tree. Paste the pictures of your family members on it. Ans. Story of My Family 15

Lesson Big Family, Small Family 4 I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which member is not a part of a nuclear family?  [     ] (A) mother (B) father (C) children (D) grandparent 2) Which of the following members is a part of both a nuclear and a joint family? [   ] (A) father (B) aunt (C) uncle (D) grandfather Fill in the Blanks 3) A small family that consists of the mother, the father and their child or children is called a _____________________ family. 4) Uncles are members of a ________________________ family. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name the type of family shown in the picture. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) In which type of family do we find cousins? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 16

Short Answer Question 7) What is a joint family? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Understand True or False 8) The size of all types of families is the same.  [      ] 9) Grandparents are a part of all types of families.  [      ] 10) The members of a joint family may do business together. [      ] 11) Earlier, people mostly used to live as joint families. [      ] Short Answer Questions 12) What happens when family members move out for their work or studies? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13) Why are there families of different types? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Big Family, Small Family 17

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) During which meal are all the family members not likely to be together? [     ] (A) breakfast (B) lunch (C) tea (D) dinner 15) On which occasion are you not likely to meet your extended family members? [   ] (A) birthdays (B) festivals (C) weddings (D) lunch break at school Short Answer Questions 16) What are the family members doing in the following pictures? a) b) Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 17) Why can family members not be together the whole day? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 18

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Find out some interesting stories about pets with the help of your teachers or parents. Draw a picture for the story you liked the most. (Hint: Stories of pets helping people in trouble, helping to do household work, helping old people and children and so on) Ans. Big Family, Small Family 19

Lesson How Do Families Eat? 5 I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) What do we call the meal we have in the afternoon? [     ] (A) breakfast (B) lunch (C) dinner (D) snacks 2) Members of Kunal’s family go out to work early in the morning. They come back late in the evening. For which meal would they sit together? [     ] (A) lunch (B) dinner (C) breakfast (D) all of these Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) Usually at dinner time, ___________________________ share what happened at school during the day. (parents/children) 4) We eat _______________________ in the morning. (breakfast/lunch) Very Short Answer Questions 5) With whom do we most often have our meals? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) What do we eat in the evening? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 20

Short Answer Question 7) Why are some family members unable to have lunch with the family? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Understand True or False 8) Do not talk while there is food in your mouth.  [       ] 9) Spill the food on the table.  [       ] 10) Always finish all the food on your plate. [       ] 11) Watch TV while eating.  [       ] Short Answer Questions 12) What are table manners? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13) What should we say while asking for food when we are eating together? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ How Do Families Eat? 21

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) Look at the picture below. How is the boy helping his family members?  [   ] (A) by setting the table for a meal (B) by cleaning the bowls (C) by watching TV (D) by cleaning the spoons 15) Which of the following is not a good practice?  [     ] (A) Riya takes her meals with her family. (B) Mona helps her mother in cleaning the dishes. (C) Rony helps to set the table for dinner. (D) Parents of a child do not let him go to school. Short Answer Questions 16) How do you help your family members during meal times? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 22

17) Say right or wrong. Why do you think so? Viru is a child of your age. He works in a shop. He does not go to school. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Find out from your friends about the eating practices in their family. Find out whether they are the same as those in your family, or are they different. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ How Do Families Eat? 23

Lesson Games We Play 6 I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following pictures shows the game of hide and seek?[     ] (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which of the following is an indoor game? [     ] (A) chess (B) football (C) cricket (D) hockey Fill in the Blanks 3) The games we play inside the house are called ________________ games. 4) Outdoor games are played ___________________ the house. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one game your grandparents may have played. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ 24

6) Give an example of an outdoor game. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Complete the names of the games given below. a) h_____p_____cotc_____ b) bl_____nd_____o_____d I Understand a) tennis Match the Following b) cricket c) hockey 8) d) kabaddi 9) 10) 11) Games We Play 25

Short Answer Questions 12) Identify the games in the following pictures as a group game or game played by a single person. a) b) Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13) Write the letters in the correct order to get the places where outdoor games are played. a) trocu: ___________________________________________________________ b) oungdr: ___________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which of the following games needs the use of only eyes and hands?  [   ] (A) cricket (B) hockey (C) carrom (D) tennis 26

15) Rohan always fights while playing a game. What should we tell him to do to avoid such fights?  [     ] (A) We should tell him to play with other groups. (B) We should tell him not to take part in games. (C) We should also fight with him. (D) We should tell him to follow the rules while playing. Short Answer Questions 16) Why should we play games? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 17) How do team games help us? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Collect pictures of famous female players. Write their names and the names of the games they play. (Hint: Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, P.V. Sindhu, Mary Kom) Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Games We Play 27

Lesson Places Around Us 7 I Remember [     ] Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is a place to learn?  (A) school (B) shopping mall (C) airport (D) police station [     ] 2) Which of the following is a place of worship? (A) restaurant (B) post office (C) church (D) bank 28

Fill in the Blanks 3) Places used by people are called ________________________ places. 4) A hospital is a ____________________________ place. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give an example of a place where we can eat, play and have fun. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the service place in the picture. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Name any two types of places we find in our neighbourhood. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Places Around Us 29

I Understand a) a police catching a thief Match the Following b) a postman delivering a letter c) a doctor visiting a patient 8) d) a boy walking with his dog in a park 9) 10) 11) Short Answer Questions 12) What kind of places do we find in shopping malls? Write any two of them. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 30

13) Why do we go to places of worship? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which is the right way of taking care of places around us?  [     ] (A) spitting in public places (B) putting garbage in the dustbins (C) writing our names on the walls (D) not following public rules 15) How should we get into the bus at a bus stop? [     ] (A) by pushing one another (B) by rushing into the bus (C) by fighting with others (D) by standing in a queue Short Answer Questions 16) Tick the correct way to behave in school when a teacher is not in the class. a) b) Places Around Us 31

17) At school, Sana ate one banana and threw the peels out of the window. Is this right or wrong? Why? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) The picture below shows different stalls in a fair. Identify the different things in the stalls. a) b) c) d) Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 32

Lesson Caring for Plants 8 and Animals I Remember Multiple Choice Questions [     ] 1) The given picture shows: (A) plants in a garden (B) plants in a house (C) plants in a field (D) trees in a forest 2) Below are the pictures of some animals. Find the odd one out. [     ] (A) tiger (B) dog (C) frog (D) cat Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) We find _______________________ types of plants around us. (same/different) 4) The ____________________ is an animal found in fields. (cow/lion) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name two animals seen at the zoo. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ 33

6) Name the following places where we find animals. a) b) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Name four different places where plants are found. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Understand a) keeping food and water for birds Match the Following b) giving a bath to a horse c) taking a dog to the animal doctor 8) d) giving food to a dog 9) 10) 11) 34

Short Answer Questions 12) Why should we protect plants and animals? Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13) Write two ways to take care of plants. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which of the following give us shade? [     ] [     ] (A) baby plants (B) beehives (C) parrots (D) trees 15) Which of the following do plants give us? (A) eggs (B) milk (C) fruits (D) honey Short Answer Questions 16) Fill in the mind map. Uses of trees Caring for Plants and Animals 35

17) Which of the following plants belong to all of us? Tick mark the correct pictures. a) b) c) roadside plants plants in public places plants in a field I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Given below is a picture of a house. What will make it a better house to live in? Draw them near the house. (Hint: plants and animals) A ns. 36

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