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ENGLISH 3 LANGUAGE – 1 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for English language teaching:  Connecting learning to life in the outside world  Integrating English with other subjects across the curriculum  Using meaningful contexts to develop language as a whole  Making assessment for learning an integral part of the teaching-learning process  Ensuring active participation of children by using a variety of activities and tasks Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Traveller series:  B ooks for English are mapped to the assessment patterns of English-I and English-II in ICSE schools.  T he grammar concepts covered in English-I have a horizontal and vertical progression across the grades, providing a spiral of learning.  T he writing sections contain a wide variety of topics with a focus on process-based writing in higher grades.  T he English-II book also covers all the themes recommended by the CISCE curriculum across classes 1–5.  A hallmark of ICSE English is a wide representation of authors – Indian and foreign. The Traveller series includes pieces by writers such as Charles Dickens, Rabindranath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain among others.  Vocabulary building is a key focus area for ClassKlap Pictures for word meanings are included in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words. All in all, the Traveller English books aim to generate greater engagement and enhance fluency in English communication, which spans all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. – The Authors

Workbook Features • Subject-related vocabulary building • Scaffolded approach for development of writing skills • Combination of inductive and deductive approaches to grammar teaching • Simple and age-appropriate explanations of grammatical concepts Grammar Engaging grammar explanations and well-crafted exercises W Writing Formal Writing inculcates writing skills by introducing formal writing styles by providing samples and adequate practice Creative Writing exercises to foster creative writing by using imagination and drawing from real-life experiences R Reading Comprehension Interesting reading comprehension passages on varied themes along with questions that focus on language building

Contents 1 Nouns ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 W1: Make Sentences ........................... Self, Family, Home, Friends ���������������� 6 Picture-based Writing .......................... Neighbourhood and Community ������� 7 2 Punctuation ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 W2: Picture-based Questions ............. Health and Hygiene ������������������������� 14 Photo-based Character Sketch .......... The World Around Us ������������������������ 15 R1: Reading Comprehension ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 3 One and Many ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 W3: Note Writing ................................... Self, Family, Home, Friends �������������� 28 Write About Personal Experiences ...... Physical Activities and Sports ����������� 29 4 Pronouns ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 W4: Paragraph Writing ......................... Neighbourhood and Community ����� 36 Dialogue Writing ................................... Art and Culture �������������������������������� 37 R2: Reading Comprehension ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 5 Adjectives ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 W5: Editing Exercise ............................. Animals and Plants �������������������������� 46 Diary Entry ............................................. The World Around Us ������������������������ 47 6 Articles ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49 W6: Informal Letter Writing .................. Art and Culture �������������������������������� 54 Picture-based Writing .......................... Transport ������������������������������������������ 55 R3: Reading Comprehension ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 57 7 Verbs ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60 W7: Make Sentences ........................... Media ���������������������������������������������� 67 Story Writing .......................................... Adventure and Imagination ������������ 68

1 Nouns Read the passage and fill in the table given below. It is a sunny Sunday. Aayat is sleeping in her cosy bed. The Sun is shining, and the birds are singing. Her friend is waiting for her. Her mother calls out to her. Aayat jumps out of bed. She picks up her clothes and runs into the bathroom. Her brother, Asif, has made her breakfast. He is a photographer. Aayat works as a doctor. She also loves to paint. Proper noun Common noun Gender masculine feminine neuter common Remember • Common nouns are general names given to people, places, animals or things. They do not begin with a capital letter. • P roper nouns are special names given to people, places, animals or things. They always begin with a capital letter. 1

Nouns can also be sorted according to their gender • M asculine gender nouns: These • N euter gender nouns: These are are the names for boys, men and nouns that name non-living things male animals. Examples: boy, that have no gender. They are grandson, master, king, drake, used for objects and places. They buck are also used to name the months of the year and the days of the week. Examples: computer, floor, water, chair, Thursday, March, car, building, river • F eminine gender nouns: These are • C ommon gender nouns: These the names for girls, women and refer to nouns that can be male female animals. Examples: girl, or female. Examples: teacher, granddaughter, mistress, queen, principal, driver, baby, friend, duck, doe reporter, grandparent Collective nouns Read the passage below. bunch of grapes Kriti’s father took her to her grandfather’s brood of hens flock of sheep farm last Thursday. A few of the students gaggle of geese from her class also went along. For breakfast, her grandfather treated everyone to fresh bunches of bananas and grapes. Then, he took them around the farm where they saw a herd of cows, a flock of sheep, a brood of hens and a gaggle of geese. They also spotted a colony of ants near an ant hill. What do the bold words in the passage refer to? Are they nouns? Which type of nouns are they? They are collective nouns. Collective nouns are words that refer to a group of people or things. 2

Here are a few more examples: Groups Collective noun Groups Collective noun soldiers, ants army bees hive sheep, birds flock flowers, fruits bunch ships fleet geese gaggle dogs pack hens brood students class herd cows, horses, buffaloes, cattle Material nouns Material nouns refer to the materials or substances from which things are made. They are the names of things out of which other things are made. Examples: glass wheat gold coal Exercise 1: Colour the boxes that have proper nouns in orange. Colour the boxes that have common nouns in green. One is done for you. a)      May b)      tree c)     Patna d)      run e)     box f)     sleep g)      cup h)      swim i)     Nitin Nouns 3

Exercise 2: Classify the nouns according to gender. One is done for you. computer man hen wife artist lioness book landlord bridge child relative nephew Masculine Feminine a)  man d) b) e) c) f) Common Neuter g) j) h) k) i) l) Exercise 3: Read the sentences and fill up the table. One is done for you Reena plays outside. She is an active girl and wants to be a sportsperson someday. Her brother, Rahul, calls out to her and asks her to give him her toy. Proper nouns Common nouns Gender Rahul masculine feminine neuter common 4

Exercise 4: Match the words in Column A with the correct collective nouns in Column B. One is done for you. Column A Column B a) lions D A) bunch b) keys B) band c) wolves C) class d) musicians D) pride e) cows E) pack f) students F) herd Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with collective nouns from the box. One is done for you. gang    swarm    audience    stack    troop    flight a) The audience clapped at the end of the play. b) My pen was kept on the _________________ of books. c) A _________________ of monkeys jumped in front of our car. d) The _________________ of thieves ran away. e) I saw a _________________ of bees fly by. f) Ira climbed the _________________ of stairs to reach her flat. Exercise 6: Match the objects to the materials that they are made of. One is done for you. a)  wax D b)  plastic c)  gold A B D d)  wood E e)  rubber C f)  cotton F Nouns 5

W1 Writing Formal Writing Make sentences Exercise 1: Make sentences with the help of the pictures and words given below. One is done for you. a) picnic: We went on a picnic to the beach. b) support:    c) cousins:    d) together:    e) listen:     6

f) love:    Creative Writing Picture-based writing Exercise 2: Look at the picture given below. Complete the sentences based on the picture. a) There are ________________________________________________ in the picture. b) They are ______________________________________________________________. c) They look very ____________________________ and ________________________. d) They __________________________________ in a ____________________________. e) One of them is wearing ________________________________________________ __________________________________, and the other is wearing ____________ _______________________________________________________________________. Writing 1 7

2 Punctuation Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to add clarity to sentences. . Full stop It shows the end of a statement. Example: My mother works at a hospital. She loves her work. ? Question mark It is used at the end of a question. Example: Do you know a song about friendship? , Comma It is used to separate three or more words in a list. It also tells readers where to pause. Example: T here are boxes, bags, toys and clothes in the storeroom. It shows strong feelings of surprise, excitement, ! Exclamation mark anger or happiness. Example: What a horrible smell! Many words always start with a capital letter. Remember the acronym M.I.N.T.S. for the usage of capital letters. Acronym Examples M : months, names of days • Our exams are in November. • Sunday is my favourite day of the week. I : the word ‘I’ • I have a new pet. • I study in Don Bosco School. N : s pecial names given to people, states, cities and • My pen pal Ranu lives in Sydney in Australia. countries – proper nouns • I wish to go to Bengaluru during the holidays. T : titles of books and movies • I am going to see Harry Potter today. • Matilda is my favourite book. S : start of sentences • I have a new pet. His name is Tuffy. 8

Exercise 1: Capitalise the necessary words and add the missing punctuation marks. One is done for you. a) ravi is drawing a picture of lord ganesha Ans. Ravi is drawing a picture of Lord Ganesha. b) wow that is a beautiful dress that you are wearing Ans.   c) i borrowed her blue red and green pens as i had left mine at home Ans.   d) do you need something from the bazaar Ans.   e) i lost my purse chain and keys in the accident Ans.   f) yes the spider was a little scary Ans.  Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences by using the correct punctuation and capital letters wherever required. One is done for you. a) Will they come to school today! Ans. Will they come to school today? b) saba wanted to buy diyas for diwali. Ans.   c) Yay? We won the match. Ans.  Punctuation 9

d) The Dog is in the Building. Ans. e) That is rizwan’s book so please put it back on the Table Ans. f) May I have a laddoo please. Ans. Exercise 3: Rewrite the paragraph given below with the correct punctuation marks and capital letters wherever required. The first part is done for you. once upon a time! There was a dog named kalu? he loved going for walks and chewing, his bone Kalu belonged to a Boy named Salim. salim took good care of kalu Ans. Once upon a time, Exercise 4: Read Lily’s diary entry given below. It has a few punctuation errors. Rewrite Lily’s diary entry by correcting the errors. Add capital letters wherever required. One is done for you. 18th december 2017 Dear Diary? i had a lovely day today! It was my birthday. My friends came to my house! joey. seema, rajiv and Reena were all there. we watched the movie zootopia together. Do you know what Daddy gave me. He gave me a brand-new bicycle. It was the best day ever? 10

Ans. 18th December 2017 Apostrophe for singular possession The apostrophe (’) is used to show possession (that something belongs to someone). The most common way to show belonging is to add -’s to a singular noun. Rita’s new shoes. Fred’s house. Ali’s guitar. (The new shoes that (The house that belongs (The guitar that belongs belong to Rita.) to Fred.) to Ali.) The apostrophe is not used for possessive pronouns such as mine, ours, theirs, his, hers and yours. Correct usage Incorrect usage Correct usage Incorrect usage  yours  your's  its  it's  hers  her’s  theirs  their's  his  his’s  mine  mine's  ours  our's – – Punctuation 11

Exercise 5: Rewrite the following sentences by adding the apostrophe for singular possession wherever it is missing. One is done for you. Hint: A few sentences may not need the apostrophe for possession. a) That boys book got lost. Ans. That boy’s book got lost. b) These sweaters are ours. Ans.   c) Erikas pencil fell down. Ans.   d) The elephants trunk was wrapped around the tree trunks. Ans.   e) The childrens toys are all over the floor. Ans.   f) The cake is theirs. Ans.   Exercise 6: Rewrite the sentences by correctly using the apostrophe for possession. One is done for you. a) The new T-shirt of Sahil is nice. Ans. Sahil’s new T-shirt is nice. 12

b) The watch that belongs to Bhushan is old. Ans.   c) The letters that belong to Ram fell on the floor. Ans.   d) The bag of Ravi is lost. Ans.   e) The house of Sandeep is far from here. Ans.   f) The fields that belong to the farmer are big. Ans.   Punctuation 13

W2 Writing Formal Writing Answer questions based on a picture Exercise 1: Answer the questions about the picture given below. a) What are the family members doing? Ans.   b) Which room of the house is the family in? Ans.   c) What is the father doing in the picture? Ans.   14

d) What are the children in the picture doing? Ans.   e) Do the family members look happy to be working together? Ans.   Creative Writing Photo-based character sketch Exercise 2: Look at the photograph given below. Describe the children in the photograph. Hints: • How do the children look? • What are they holding? • What are they wearing? • What are they doing? Note: Y ou can even write names for the children and write something more about them. Writing 2 15


R1 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. A young shepherd named Ramu lives in Amalapuram. He works for Mani, a farmer. Every morning, Ramu opens the gates of the pen (shed) with a bunch of keys. This is where the sheep are locked. He drives the flock of sheep into the forest where they eat grass. In the forest, Ramu is not alone. He has a dog to help him. ‘My work is impossible without Blackie’, Ramu feels. Blackie helps him control the sheep. Blackie also guards Ramu and the sheep from wild animals. Blackie is a loyal and helpful dog. 1) Who lives in Amalapuram? Ans.   2) Who helps Ramu with his work? Ans.   3) Write the plural forms of the words given below. a) bunch − ___________________________________ b) key − ___________________________________ c) dog − ___________________________________ 17

4) T  he word from the passage that means ‘a large place covered by trees’ is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B a) shepherd A) being a faithful and good friend b) farmer B) a person who looks after sheep c) loyal C) a person who takes care of a farm Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Once upon a time, a famine broke out in a kingdom. There was very little food available. Every day, the children of the city went to a wealthy man’s house to get loaves of bread. As soon as the servants brought out the loaves, all the children would fight to get the biggest loaf. One little girl never fought. She used to wait patiently for her turn. She always got the smallest loaf in the end. One day, as usual, she brought the smallest loaf home. When she cut it, she found two gold coins in it. She went back at once to return the money. The wealthy man was very pleased with her honesty. He gave her four gold coins as a reward. 6) Why would the children go to the wealthy man’s house every day? Ans. 7) What did the little girl find in her loaf one day? Ans. 18

8) P unctuate the following sentences and add capital letters wherever required. a) the little girl went to the rich man’s house Ans. b) what are you doing with the small loaf of bread Ans. c) the girl bought a red blue and green dress with one gold coin Ans. 9) The word from the passage that is the opposite of ‘punishment’ is . 10) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B a) famine A) the quality of telling the truth b) patiently B) when there is no food to eat c) honesty C) calmly and not angrily Reading Comprehension 1 19

3 One and Many Read the passage given below about a visit to a wildlife park. Identify the plurals and underline them. Then, write their singular forms in the table given below. We went to the Jim Corbett National Park recently. It has many animals and birds. We drove through the thick jungle full of trees with green leaves. We spotted many foxes, wild pigs and elephants. There were many buses that were full of tourists in the park. We also saw a few rabbits behind some bushes. On our way back, my brother and I ate a few candies. We also drank glasses of orange juice. Plural Singular Plural Singular a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) 20

Remember • Regular plurals are formed by adding ‘-s’ to the end of words. Examples: car – cars, pen – pens • M any plurals are formed in different ways and not just by adding ‘-s’ to the end of words. ♦ To form the plural of words that end in ‘-x’, ‘-o’, ‘-s’, ‘-ch’, ‘-sh’ and ‘-ss’, we add ‘-es’ to the end. Examples: box – boxes, potato – potatoes, bus – buses, bush – bushes, church – churches, glass – glasses ♦ To form the plural of words that end in ‘-y’, we change ‘-y’ to ‘-ies’. Examples: candy – candies, lady – ladies, country – countries ♦ To form the plurals of words that end in ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’, we change ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’ to ‘-ve’ and then add ‘-s’. For a few exceptions, ‘-s’ is added to make plurals of words ending in ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’. Examples: wife – wives, knife – knives, shelf – shelves, chief – chiefs Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the singular or plural forms of the nouns given below. One is done for you.   Singular     Plural a)    box     boxes b)   eraser _________________ c)   potato _________________ d)    class _________________ e) _________________ lunches f) _________________ brushes One and Many 21

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences. Change the singular nouns to their plural forms. Make other changes to the sentences so that they are grammatically correct. One is done for you. a) The rat ate up the corn. Ans. The rats ate up the corn. b) The carpenter repaired the shelf. Ans.   c) The lady was buying a fruit from the shopkeeper. Ans.   d) The baby had tiny hands. Ans.   e) The thief had a knife with him. Ans.   f) Sheela’s dress is very long. Ans.   22

Countable and uncountable nouns Look at the pictures in the table. Label them ‘C’ for countable nouns and ‘U’ for uncountable nouns. a) b) c) d) eggs – ______ courage – ______ cookies – ______ books – ______ e) f) g) h)   cereal – ______ boys – ______ time – ______ coffee – ______ Remember • Any singular or plural noun that can be counted is called a countable noun. • W e use ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘one’ before singular countable nouns. • We use words such as ‘any’, ‘many’, ‘a few’ or numbers greater than one before plural countable nouns. Examples: Please give me three I have many friends. There were a few books. oranges left. One and Many 23

Remember • M any nouns, such as names of materials (cotton), food items (milk) and ideas (love, happiness, information), cannot be counted. They are called uncountable nouns. • U ncountable nouns do not have a plural form. We cannot use ‘a’, ‘an’ or numbers before uncountable nouns. • To show the quantity of uncountable nouns, we use words such as ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘a bag of’, ‘a lot of’, ‘much’ and ‘less’. Examples: There is a lot of water Roger does not get There isn’t any sand in the lake. much time to listen to in my socks. music nowadays. Exercise 3: Sort the words given below. One is done for you. lemon    truth    jewellery    photograph    candle    milk Countable nouns Uncountable nouns a)  lemon b)  c)  d)  e)  f)  24

Exercise 4: Use ‘a’, ‘an’, 'some', ‘a little’ or ‘a few’ and write ‘C’ for countable nouns and ‘U’ for uncountable nouns. One is done for you. a / an / a little / a few C/U (countable noun or uncountable noun) a) a little salt U b) _______________________________ egg c) _______________________________ cheese d) _______________________________ apples e) _______________________________ salad f) _______________________________ cucumber Use of ‘has’ and ‘have’ Minnie and I are best friends. We _____________ a lot of toys. Both of us love playing with dolls. We play in Minnie’s room. She _____________ a big room. Minnie _____________ a cute bunny doll, and I _____________ a girl dolly. We _____________ a lot of fun together. RReemmeemmber Has and have are verbs that show belonging. They are also used as helping verbs • U se ‘has’ with the pronouns he, she, it and singular nouns. • Use ‘have’ with the pronouns I, we, you, they and plural nouns. One and Many 25

Use of ‘does’ and ‘do’ Does Amey play with his He does some work in Does it sleep all the puppy? their house. time? Do you know how to play They do their work Do I look funny in this the guitar? together. dress? Remember Does and do show actions and ask questions. • U se ‘does’ with the pronouns he, she, it and singular nouns. • U se ‘do’ with the pronouns I, we, you, they and plural nouns. Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. a) Do you have (has/have) the car keys? b) I ________________ (have/has) five roses. c) Leela ________________ (has/have) worn a new dress. d) We ________________ (has/have) many charts in our classroom. e) She ________________ (have/has) a cold. f) All the boys ________________ (have/has) their own cricket bats. 26

Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. a) Do (Do/Does) you like to eat apples? b) __________ (Do/Does) he keep his toys neatly? c) __________ (Do/Does) Amir know how to play baseball? d) __________ (Does/Do) they own that car? e) She __________ (does/do) not wear a watch every day. f) It __________ (do/does) not bark at people. One and Many 27

W3 Writing Formal Writing Note writing Notes are used to convey short messages. Read the sample of a note given below to understand its different parts. Salutation/Greeting Dear Parth, Body of the note How you address the YKoeuepdiudpwtehell ingothoedtwesotr.k! Keep it short and to the person depends on how point close you are to the Best wishes, person Mrs Asha Tuli Signature How you sign off also depends on how close you are to the person Exercise 1: Your cousin, Nilima, is participating in an inter-school boxing championship. Fill in the gaps to complete this note that wishes her luck. Dear Nilima, It is great to know that you are participating in ________________________________ ________________________________________________________. I am sure you will do _____________________ because ______________________________________________ _____________________________. I wish you all the very best for the championship. With love, ___________________ 28

Creative Writing Write about personal experiences Exercise 2: Write a paragraph to explain how to play your favourite game. Also, write about a time when you were playing this game with your friends or family. Use the hints given below. Hints: • What is the name of your favourite game? • Why do you like playing this game? What are the rules of the game? • Think of a time when you played this game and write about your experience. Writing 3 29

4 Pronouns Underline the pronouns in the passage below. Sort them into subject, object and reflexive pronouns. The old explorers were very brave. They travelled to strange lands. I am an explorer too. My brother also likes discovering new places. We go trekking in the woods by ourselves. Other children find us to be very different. They sometimes make fun of us. I do not listen to them because exploring is my passion. a) Subject pronouns b) Object pronouns c) Reflexive pronouns Remember • T he subject pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence in place of the noun. • T he object pronoun is used to replace the noun that receives the action of the verb. • Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject (noun or pronoun) of a sentence. 30

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Reflexive pronouns I me myself you you yourself himself Singular he him herself she her itself ourselves it it yourselves themselves we us Plural you you they them Possessive pronouns – whose is it? Read the following sentences: These books are mine. This class is ours. The dog is his. That cycle is hers. The gift in the blue box is yours. That house is theirs. The words in bold are possessive pronouns. They tell us that something belongs to someone. They show belonging. Pronouns 31

Here is a list of subject pronouns and the related possessive pronouns. Subject pronoun Possessive Subject pronoun Possessive pronoun pronoun I he we mine she his you ours it hers yours its – – they theirs Exercise 1: Replace the underlined words with suitable pronouns from the box. One is done for you. us     she     myself     them     herself     they a) Our dog Mini was sleeping. Ans. She was sleeping. b) My mother sent my brother and me outside. Ans.   c) My sister finished the work on her own. Ans.   d) My brother threw the frisbee to Rahul and Sunny. Ans.   e) I wash my clothes on my own. Ans.  f) Sara, Shobha and Ira are best friends. Ans.  32

Exercise 2: Rewrite the paragraph using pronouns for the underlined words. Also make changes to the sentences so that they are grammatically correct. One sentence is done for you. Riya has gone on a picnic with her family. Riya is very happy to be with her family. Riya has gone on the picnic with her dad, mom and brother. Riya’s brother, Rehan, is excited. Rehan is opening the food basket that is full of food. The food has been made by the whole family. The whole family has packed the food on their own. The family are sitting on a mat. The family will eat the mangoes brought by Rehan. Rehan has picked the mangoes on his own. Ans. Riya has gone on a picnic with her family. She is very happy to be with them.       Exercise 3: Underline the possessive pronouns. One is done for you. a) This book is mine, but you may read it. b) Your car is much bigger than ours. c) Is this umbrella yours? d) Raima’s score was more than his. Pronouns 33

e) I forgot to bring my cap, but Leena has got hers. f) Those bags are theirs. Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. This yellow car is mine (my/mine). My mother gave it to a)  me. My father works from home sometimes. That computer is b)  ____________________ (his/hises). Those books are ____________________ (ours/our). We c)  bought them at the book fair. Sally went shopping yesterday. This new purse is d)  ____________________ (his/hers). Let us divide the pens. Two are mine, and two are e)  ____________________ (your/yours). They are workers. This toolbox is ____________________ f)  (theirs/their). Exercise 5: Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns (mine, yours, ours, his, hers, its, theirs). One is done for you. a) This is our house. The house is ours. b) That is your dog. That dog is _____________________. c) These rabbits belong to her. These rabbits are __________________. 34

d) That is my bus. The bus is _____________________. e) Those are his toys. Those toys are _____________________. f) That car belongs to them. It is _____________________. Exercise 6: Rewrite the paragraphs using possessive pronouns in place of the underlined words. One sentence is done for you. a) Sohail disliked his friends’ bicycles. He thought that his bicycle was the best. He used to say, ‘Your bicycles are boring. You should see my bicycle. It is the best!’ The other children did not like this. One day, Aman said to him, ‘Why do you make fun of our bicycles when we don’t say anything about your bicycle?’ Sohail disliked his friends’ bicycles. He thought that his was the best.      b) Maria is excited. It is Christmas morning, and her mother has let her distribute the presents. Maria’s mother gives Maria her present first. She says, ‘Here is your present. Where are our presents?’ Maria gives the other family members their presents. She is very happy with her present, and her family are happy with their presents.       Pronouns 35

  W4 Writing Formal Writing Narrative paragraph writing with linking words Linking words: • link or connect parts of speech. • link an argument to another. • link an idea to another. Examples: • I am tired because I have worked very hard. • We went to the market and bought a few vegetables. • Darshan speaks English as well as Hindi. A few more linking words are as, even though, since and so on. Exercise 1: Write a paragraph about your first day at school after the summer vacation. Use linking words like ‘because’, ‘and’, ‘also’ and so on to write your paragraph. Hints: • Write how you prepared yourself for your first day. • Explain how you felt. • Describe the people whom you met. • Mention what happened on the first day. 36

Creative Writing Dialogue writing Exercise 2: Complete the dialogue between Karim and Sanjana. Karim : H i Sanjana! How  ? Sanjana :  Karim Sanjana Karim. How are you? Karim : I am fine as well. What are you doing? Sanjana : I am making paper figures. It is  . Karim  . You should try it too. : I would  ! Do you know what the art of paper folding is called? :  . It is called origami. : Great! Let us  . Writing 4 37

R2 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. I saw a potter at a fair. He was making pots with clay. The clay was soft and felt very cool. He had a wheel in front of him that went round and round. He made the pots by placing the clay on the wheel and shaping it with his hands. Then, he placed the pots over a fire to make them hard and strong. I tried making a pot too. It was very exciting to see the clay change form and become something different. The potter gave me a pot to take home. I painted the pot in bright colours. 1) What material did the potter use to make pots? Ans.   2) How did the potter make the pots hard and strong? Ans.   3) Change the tense of the given sentences as per the instructions. a) I saw a potter. (change to the simple future tense) Ans.  38

b) He will make clay pots. (change to the simple past tense) Ans.  c) I painted the pot in bright colours. (change to the simple present tense) Ans.  4) The word from the passage that rhymes with ‘got’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B a) potter A) shiny and cheerful b) exciting B) a person who makes objects with clay c) bright C) something that makes us happy and thrilled Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. A heron lived by the side of a pond that was full of fish. The greedy heron wanted to eat all the fish. So, it lied to the fish that a few fishermen were coming to catch them all. He offered to save the fish by flying them to another pond. He caught the fish in his mouth. Before he could reach the other pond, he ate all of them. One day, a crab climbed into his mouth. The crab realised that something was wrong. He caught the heron’s neck between his claws. He did not let go until the heron promised not to be greedy ever again. 6) Who lived by the side of the pond? Ans.   Reading Comprehension 2 39

7) What did the heron offer to do for the fish? Ans.   8) Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets. a) The pond _______________________ a lot of fish. (has/have) b) A fisherman _______________________ come to the pond. (has/have) c) The crab and the fish _____________________ left the pond now. (has/have) 9) The word from the passage that is the opposite of ‘right’ is  . 10) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B a) heron A) always wanting more of everything b) greedy B) understood clearly c) realised C) a large, fish-eating bird with long legs 40

5 Adjectives Read the passage and underline the adjectives of quality. I was lying under my cosy blanket on a cold morning. Something landed on my bed with a loud noise. I woke up. A fluffy kitten was staring up at me. It was ginger brown in colour and had a shiny, pink nose. The naughty kitten ran into the blanket. I was happy to see it play. Soon, the sleepy kitten was snoring away.   Remember Adjectives of quality point out the quality of nouns. They answer the question: ‘of what kind?’. Adjectives of quantity I have a lot of time. He does not have any There is a little water in money. the jug. The words ‘a lot’, ‘any’ and ‘a little’ show the amount or quantity of the nouns. They are adjectives of quantity. Remember Adjectives of quantity tell us ‘how many’ or ‘how much’. Examples: some, a little, all, several, much, many, a lot of, plenty of, few 41

Adjectives of number I came second in the Suraj has three There is one jug kept race. bananas. here. The words ‘second’, ‘three’ and ‘one’ show the number or position of the nouns. They are adjectives of number. Remember Adjectives of number tell us about the number or position of nouns or pronouns spoken about. They tell us ‘how many’. Examples: five, seventeen, twenty-four, tenth Exercise 1: Draw and colour. a) b) pink dress small toy c) d) hot tea big table 42

e) f) fat book happy girl Exercise 2: Complete the story by choosing adjectives of quality from the box. One is done for you. long    high    sour    ripe    warm    hungry It was a warm day. A fox entered a garden. Among the many wonderful things in the garden was a vine laden with bunches of grapes. One of them was a _______________ bunch that hung over the fox’s head. The very sight of it made the fox feel _______________. But they were too _______________ for him to reach. He jumped and jumped, but he could not reach the bunch of grapes. After trying for a _______________ time, he decided to give up. ‘The grapes are _______________. I do not want to eat them’, said the fox and walked away. Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with adjectives of number. One is done for you. a) An autorickshaw has three wheels. b) There are ____________________ days in a week. c) There are ____________________ months in a year. d) A square has ____________________ sides. Adjectives 43

e) Humans have ____________________ legs. f) A triangle has ____________________ sides. Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with adjectives of quantity from the box. One is done for you. much    enough    little    some    half    all a) Sandeep has half of his lunch left. He was late for lunch and could only eat half of it. b) I  have _______________________ leftover food. Would you like me to heat it up? c) D  o you have _______________________ furniture in your house for twelve people to be comfortable? d) There is a _______________________ juice in the bottle. e) She spent _______________________ her wealth. She was left with nothing. f) I don’t have _______________________ time left. Please hurry up! Exercise 5: Do as directed in brackets. One is done for you. a) I have lived here my whole life. (Circle the adjective of quantity.) b) I have black shoes. (Underline the adjective of quality.) c) I  have two new shirts. (Tick the adjective of number and circle the adjective of quality.) d) Today is my eighth birthday. (Cross out the adjective of number.) e) J  oey has fourth books. (Rewrite the sentence by using the correct adjective of number.) Ans. 44

f) There are beautiful birds in the sky. (Rewrite the sentence by replacing the adjective of quality with an adjective of number.) Ans.   Exercise 6: Read the paragraph and underline the adjectives. Sort them into adjectives of quality, quantity and number. One is done for you. Adnan was excited. He was going to the market by himself for the first time. He entered the busy market and went to a shop. He bought some milk and three packets of biscuits. He had enough money to buy these things. a)  Adjectives of quality excited b) Adjectives of quantity c) Adjectives of number Adjectives 45

W5 Writing Formal Writing Editing exercise Exercise 1: You are an error detective and here is your mission: Given below is a paragraph with errors. Spot at least ten errors and rewrite the paragraph in the space provided. The story of the blue jackal is take from the Panchatantra Tales! It is the story of jackal that fell into a bucket of blue dye when he were chased by sum dogs. When he came out of the bucket, he had turned blue in colour and all the animals was scered of him. They treeted him like a king because they thought he would be powerful. But won night, when he herd another jackal howl, he howled back? The animals found out that he was not speciel, but just another jackal.  46

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