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TM LOOK AND LEARN TEXTBOOK – PART 2 Class 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 1 12/19/2018 11:19:39 AM

Preface IMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of the Passport series. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the Passport series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. The Passport Look and Learn textbooks and workbooks envisage language learning through concerns pertaining to the learners’ immediate environment. They recognise the potential of languages available in the classroom for the enhancement of cognitive abilities along with language proficiency and sensitivity. They also strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The themes of the lessons are aligned with the themes recommended for English by the NCF 2005. The books are split into two parts to manage the bag weight. The Passport Look and Learn textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Interactive content that engages learners through a range of open- ended questions that build curiosity and initiate exploration of the immediate environment  Effective use of visual elements to enable learning of personal relationships, the neighbourhood, and the larger community  A focus on vocabulary building through observable materials, structures, processes and phenomena  Integrated learning of values and life skills  Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process Overall, the IMAX Passport Look and Learn textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to enhance language acquisition through exploration of the learners’ immediate physical, social and cultural experiences. They also hope to inculcate healthy habits, skills and values among learners to help them become responsible individuals. – The Authors NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 2 12/19/2018 11:19:39 AM

Textbook Features I Will Learn About I Remember Contains the list of learning Introduces new concepts to build on the objectives to be achieved in the prerequisite knowledge/skills required to lesson understand and apply the objective of the topic I Think Pin-up Note Introduces the concept/subtopic and arouses Contains key retention points from the curiosity among students concept Train My Brain I Understand Checks for learning to gauge the Explains the aspects in detail understanding level of students that form the basis of the concept I Apply Includes elements to ensure that students are engaged Connects the concept to throughout real-life situations by enabling students to apply what has been Be Amazed learnt through the practice questions Fascinating facts and trivia related to the concept Connect the Dots I Explore (H.O.T.S.) A multidisciplinary section that Encourages students to extend connects a particular topic to the concept learnt to advanced other subjects in order to enable application scenarios students to relate better to it A Note to Parent Activity Time To engage a parent in Provides for hands-on out-of-classroom learning of their experience with creating, child and conduct activities designing and implementing given in the section to reinforce something innovative and the learnt concepts useful NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 3 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM

Contents Class 2 9 Dear Drops...........................................Neighbourhood and Community at Large��� 1 1 0 Game of Lights....................................Science and Technology������������������������������� 6 1 1 Air Around Us.......................................Science and Technology����������������������������� 12 1 2 Uses of Plants.......................................Science and Technology����������������������������� 17 1 3 Creep and Crawl................................Science and Technology����������������������������� 22 1 4 Chips and Fries....................................Health and Reproductive Health����������������� 27 Activity Time – B����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Activity B1: Pinwheels Activity B2: Carton Bugs 1 5 Animal Homes.....................................S. cience and Technology����������������������������� 33 1 6 Clothes We Wear.................................S. cience and Technology����������������������������� 39 1 7 Moving Around....................................Travel and Tourism���������������������������������������� 44 Activity Time – C���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 Activity C1: Snow House Activity C2: Red, Green and Yellow NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 4 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM

Lesson Dear Drops 9 I Will Learn About R the use of water for living things. U the importance of water. A the wastage and shortage of water. H how the need for water differs in plants and animals. I Think Look at the given picture. Many animals have come to drink the water here. Do you think everyone will drink the same amount of water? I Remember All living things, be it plants or animals, need water to live. We know that the water we use every day is freshwater. We use this water for drinking and cooking. We also need water for bathing, washing clothes, cleaning and so on. NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 5 1 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM

drinking cooking bathing brushing teeth cleaning vessels mopping the floor washing clothes We also need water to grow the plants in our gardens and fields. All living things need water to live. We use water for drinking, cleaning, watering, plants and so on. watering garden plants Plants and animals also need water. Plants need water for making food. Animals need water for drinking and bathing. Some plants and animals can only live in water. animals need water to drink some plants and animals and bathe live in water 2 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 6

I Understand We have seen that all living things need water. What will happen if there is no water? Let us find out. If plants do not get water, they will start drying. If they do not get water for many days, they will dry and die. What happens if we don’t get water to drink? We will feel plants without water thirsty. We will feel tired. If we don’t drink water for a longer time, we may fall ill. We need to keep ourselves clean by taking a bath. If there feeling thirsty is no water, we cannot take a bath. We may become sick because of germs. Animals also need water. If they do not get water to drink they too will become sick. Train My Brain 1) List any two uses of water. 2) What happens to the plants if they do not get water? I Apply wastage of water Water is important. So, we should not waste water. What do you do with the leftover water in your water bottles? Do you throw it away? We should use leftover water in our bottles to wash hands or water plants. We all get water from rain. What happens if there is little rain? There will be less water. When we do not get enough water for our use, we have a shortage of water. Dear Drops 3 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 7 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM

Sometimes, due to the absence of rain for a longer drought time, a place may become completely dry. There will be no water available. This is called a drought. During a drought, the land dries and cracks appear. Plants dry up as they do not get water. Animals die as they get nothing to eat or drink. Be Amazed If our bodies do not get enough water, our memories may be affected. Then we may find it difficult to remember things properly. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) The need for water is not the same for all living things. Some animals and plants need more water than others. Some can live with little or no water. Let us see some examples. • K angaroo rats do not need to drink water. They live in dry and hot places. They save the water that they get from their food(seeds). • Camels need less water than other animals. They drink large amounts of water at a time. Then they can go for a long time without water. kangaroo rat camel • Elephants require a lot of water to drink. They also require water to bathe and cool their bodies. • Plants like the cactus grow in dry areas and need less water to grow than other plants. 4 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 8 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM

Have you noticed that small plants dry out quickly? Find out the reason behind it. The need for water depends on the size of the body and types of activities done. Big elephant cactus animals and trees may need more water. We may drink more water after playing outdoors. If we sit idle, we may not feel thirsty. The need for water also depends on the climate and season. For example, plants and animals need more water in the summer than in winter. In summer, we feel thirsty more often. Connect the Dots English Fun Arrange the following groups of letters to get the uses of water. 1) gindirkn: ____________________________ 2) thbinga: ____________________________ Maths Fun There are four members in a family. Every member needs four buckets of water daily. How much water will the family need in a day? +++ = ___________________ A Note to Parent Help your child understand the various uses of water at home. Have a talk, and come up with a plan so that they don’t waste water. Also, show them pictures and read to them news reports of a drought. Dear Drops 5 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 9 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM

Lesson Game of Lights 10 I Will Learn About R shadows. U shadow formation. A changes in shadows formed by sunlight. H uses of objects based on the amount of light passing through them. I Think Look at the picture. The boy in the picture is Ali. He likes to make various shapes on the walls in front of the light. Have you ever tried it? I Remember When we stand out in the Sun, we can see a dark A shadow is a dark shape on the ground. It looks similar to us. It moves shape formed when as we move. Do you know what it is? It is called a an object blocks the shadow. path of light. A shadow is a dark shape formed when an object blocks the path of light. 6 12/19/2018 11:19:40 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 10

Not all objects can form shadows. Let us see which objects can form shadows and which cannot. Some objects allow light to shadows formed due to sunlight pass through them. They do not block the light. So, they do not form shadows. We can see through these objects. For example, glass and water. Some objects allow only some light to pass through them. They can form shadows, but the shadows are not very dark. We cannot see through objects that allow light to pass through them these objects properly. objects that allow only some light to pass through them Some objects do not allow light to pass through them at all. These objects can form dark shadows. We cannot see through these objects at all. For example, your body does not allow light to pass through it. It forms a shadow when light falls on it. We cannot see through our bodies. Other examples are the walls of our houses, a blackboard and so on. objects that do not allow light to pass through them Game of Lights 7 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 11 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM

Some objects can throw back all the light which falls on them. For example, a mirror reflects the light. a mirror throws back all the light I Understand We have seen that a shadow is formed when an object blocks the path of light. Have you ever noticed the path of light? It is a straight line. Shadows are always formed opposite to the source straight path of light of light. If you stand outdoor in the sun, on which side is your shadow formed? It is on the side opposite to the Sun. If the Sun is on our left, the shadow will be on our right side. If the Sun is in front of us, our shadow is formed behind us. If it is above us, our shadow will be below us. shadows are formed opposite to the source of light What do we feel when we stand in the shadow of a tree or a building? We feel cool. 8 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 12

Are the shadows formed always of the same sizes as that of the objects? No. They appear in different sizes. What is the reason for this? If the object is close to the light source, the shadow formed is of a bigger size. As the object moves away from the light source, the shadow becomes smaller. shadows are cool different shadows of the same object Train My Brain 1) What do we call the dark shape that is formed when light is blocked by an object? 2) Name an object that does not allow light to pass through it. I Apply Have you seen your shadow in the mornings? What does it look like? The shadow is long. Have you seen your shadow at noon? What do you find? The shadow is short. Have you seen your shadow in the evenings? The shadow is longer. What happens after sunset? Our shadow disappears after sunset, as there is no sunlight. shadows formed by sunlight 9 Game of Lights 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 13

Be Amazed Storytelling using shadow puppets started thousands of years ago. In this, the characters of the story are placed between the light and the screen. This forms the shadows on the screen. shadow puppetry I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Can you guess why we use glass panes to make windows? Why are our spectacles made of glass? We need to see through these objects. Glass does not block light. So we can see through it. What will happen if we use glass panes to make the walls of our glass windows help house? Everything in our house will us see through be seen from the outside. So, we use wood, bricks and stones to make walls. They do not walls of the house do let light pass through them. Hence, we are unable to see not let us see through through the walls of houses. Why do we use sunglasses when we go out in the Sun? Sunglasses let only some of the sunlight pass through them. Thus, we are protected from bright sunlight. sunglasses protect our eyes from the bright light Connect the Dots English Fun Read this poem. Act it out. Light is bright; it travels straight. Shadows are dark; they vanish when it’s dark. 10 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 14

Maths Fun The picture show the shadows of a boy during different times of the day. Number them in the increasing order of time(morning to noon). A Note to Parent With the help of the following activity, help your child understand the concept of light and shadow. You will need: • plate, book, glass, mirror, comb, clothes, plastic box, paper and so on. • torchlight You need to: Shadow puppetry 1) darken the room completely. No light should come in. 2) switch on the torch. 3) take the objects one-by-one, bear goat rabbit and hold them in front of the torch light. Let the shadow form on the wall in front. 4) ask the child to identify which dog bird elephant objects block light and which allow it to pass through. You can also try some shadow puppets with your child at home. camel duck wolf Game of Lights 11 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 15 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM

Lesson Air Around Us 11 I Will Learn About R the air around us. U moving air. a the uses of air. H warm and cool air. I Think We breathe air that is around us. Can we see air? Why do you think air is important for us? I Remember Air is all around us. It is like a big blanket that surrounds us. But we cannot see it. We can only feel it. Air has no smell, shape and colour. It does not stay in one place. It moves from one place to another. Let us learn some more things about air. 1) Air has weight: Fill two balloons with air, and tie them on a hanger. Remove air from one balloon. The other balloon drops down. This shows that air has weight. 12 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 16 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM

two balloons filled with air air is removed from one balloon 2) Air fills up space: Anything that has weight fills up space. As air has weight, it fills up space too. When we blow air The air around us has no into a balloon, it smell, shape and colour. gets bigger in size. a boy filling up a balloon Air has some weight, This shows that air and it fills up space. needs space. I Understand THE MOVING AIR When we fly a kite, why does it move? Why does a pinwheel spin? These happen due to moving air. Moving air is called the wind. A gentle or a slow wind is called a breeze. All of us enjoy a cool breeze. a girl flying a kite a spinning When the wind is strong and blows very pinwheel fast, we call it a storm. Storms can cause damage to trees and houses. There are different types of storms. • Some storms bring in heavy rain, lightning and thunder. They are called thunderstorms. • Some storms carry dust with them. These storms are called dust storms. • The storms that carry sand are called sand storms. • Storms that bring snowfall are called snow storms. a thunderstorm Air Around Us 13 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 17 12/19/2018 11:19:41 AM

a dust storm a sand storm a snow storm Train My Brain 1) What is wind? 2) Name any one type of storm. I Apply You have learnt about the different forms of moving air. Now, let us learn how air is useful to us. USES OF AIR 1) All living things need air to breathe. 2) We also need air for burning things. For example, when a burning candle is covered with a glass, it blows out after some time. This happens because there is no air left inside the glass to keep the candle burning. breathing in air candle goes out when 3) Air gives shape to things. covered with a glass Things like tyres, balloons and footballs get their shapes only after we fill them with air. 14 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 18

tyre, balloon and football filled with air 4) Air helps the clothes to dry faster. 5) Air helps boats to sail. clothes hung out to dry sailing boat Be Amazed Air is lighter than water. Things filled with air float on water. That is why swimming tubes help us to float on water. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) When the air becomes warm, it becomes light in weight. So, it moves up. If we burn some dry leaves, we can see small things get blown up in the air. Due to the fire, the air becomes warm and moves upward. It carries the small pieces of burnt leaves up. Warm air moves faster than the cold air. Let us do one activity. You should take the help of your teacher or parents to do this. fire Air Around Us 15 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 19 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM

Put a balloon on the neck of a bottle. Keep the bottle in a pan of boiling water. What do we see? The balloon increases in size. What will happen if we keep the bottle in a pan of cold water? There is no change in the size of the balloon. Warm air takes more space than cold air. Connect the Dots English Fun You have learnt about adjectives of quality in the previous grade. Circle any two adjectives of quality from the lesson. Maths Fun Have you seen a spinning pinwheel? What shape does it make while spinning? It looks like a circle! A Note to Parent To show the presence of air everywhere, do an activity with your child. You will need: a mug, a bucket half-filled with water You need to: 1) hold an empty mug upside down on the surface of the water in a bucket. 2) press it down into the water. 3) tilt it slightly. 4) ask your child what he or she can see. Explain to him or her that the bubbles that come out of the mug are air. The air was inside the empty mug. When water gets into the mug, air goes out. 16 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 20 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM

Lesson Uses of Plants 12 I Will Learn About R the things we get from plants. U useful plant parts. A plant products. H the uses of the coconut tree. I Think You find sugar, spices, flour, dal, oil and rice in the kitchen. Where do all these things come from? I Remember We have already learnt about the parts of a plant. Let us learn about the different things that we get from plants. vegetables tea fruits coffee oil sugar spices chocolate NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 21 17 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM

perfume soap medicines paper tables and chairs garlands others I Understand The different parts of plants are useful to us in many ways. We use roots, stems, leaves, flowers or fruits of plants. The cereals and pulses that we eat are the seeds of some plants. Example: various dals, rajma and so on. Roots we eat Stems we eat Leaves we eat beetroot carrot potato onion spinach lettuce Flowers we eat Fruits we eat Seeds we eat broccoli cauliflower mango banana pulses We get spices like cloves and pepper from plants. They make our food tasty. We get oil from the seeds of plants like the sunflower. oil from sunflower seeds pepper clove 18 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 22

We get tea, coffee and cocoa from the leaves or seeds of plants. tea leaves tea coffee beans coffee We get sugar from sugar cane. Cocoa beans are used to make delicious chocolates. sugar cane sugar cocoa beans chocolate We get perfumes from the stems or flowers of plants like jasmine. We also use flowers to make beautiful garlands. jasmine perfume rose garlands Plants like the neem and amla are used to prepare medicines. neem amla medicine Tree trunks give us wood for making tables, chairs, spoons, paper and so on. We get rubber from plants. Ropes and cloth are also made from plants. table and chairs tree trunk paper Uses of Plants 19 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 23 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM

Train My Brain 1) Name an oil seed. 2) Name a plant used to prepare medicine. 3) From which plant part is chocolate made? I Apply We have seen how parts of plants are useful to us. Let us see how some plant products are made using such plant parts. 1) Let us see how chocolate is made from cocoa beans. cocoa cocoa add sugar, hot mix well chocolate beans powder water, butter and jute bags milk 2) We can make prints on clothes using plant colours. Some vegetables like carrot, beetroot and spinach are used to make colours. 3) Jute bags are made from plants. vegetable prints They can be used in place of on clothes plastic bags. Be Amazed Did you know a real chocolate river was made using water, chocolate and cream, for the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? It started smelling after a few days! 20 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 24

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Some plants have many uses. Different parts may be used in different ways. Find out the uses of coconut tree. Make a list of things you can make using its parts. Connect the Dots English Fun Find out two rhyming words for the word ‘plant’. Maths Fun To make one chocolate, we need 100 gm of cocoa powder. How much cocoa powder is needed to make 2 chocolates? A Note to Parent Let your child make a list of different plant products used at home. Help him or her find out from which plants we get them. Uses of Plants 21 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 25 12/19/2018 11:19:42 AM

Lesson Creep and Crawl 13 I Will Learn About R insects around us. U the places where insects live. A useful insects and harmful insects. H how spiders catch and eat insects. I Think Rajat found a small, green, creeping animal on a leaf in the garden. He wants to know about that animal. Do you know its name? I Remember The small, creeping animal Rajat found in his garden is a caterpillar. It has many legs. We see many such small animals in and around our house. Do you know their names? ant housefly cockroach 22 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 26

Insects are small animals with six legs. butterfly grasshopper mosquito They may or may not have wings. These small animals are called insects. They creep and crawl. They have six legs. Some insects have Life cycle of a butterfly wings and can fly. For example, a butterfly, bee, mosquito and so on. Ants and termites are examples of insects which cannot fly. Many insects have different stages in their eggs lives. When they hatch from the egg, they look different. They change their shape and size many times before they become fully grown. caterpillar butterfly For example, a butterfly is first in the form of a caterpillar. Then it becomes a pupa. Later it changes to an adult butterfly. pupa I Understand Where do insects live? We can find some insects like ants in the soil. Insects such as honey bees and butterflies are found on plants. Cockroaches are found inside houses. We can find them in cracks of walls, waste water pipes and so on. During the day, they hide in dark corners of the houses. They come out at night. Insects like bees and ants live in colonies. Colonies are groups of insects living together. Have you ever seen anthills or beehives? These are the colonies of ants and honeybees. Creep and Crawl 23 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 27 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM

ants – anthill honeybees – beehive We can find different types of ants in and around our houses. Certain kinds of ants make their colonies on trees. Why do some insects hide? They hide to protect themselves from their enemies. ant colony on a tree Train My Brain 1) How many legs does an insect have? 2) Name any two insects which you find in your surroundings. I Apply Some of the insects that we see in our surroundings are useful to us. Useful Insects Honeybees store honey in their hives. We take this honey and use it in our food and in the preparation of medicines. Beehives are made up of bee wax. We use this wax in medicines. Beeswax is also used to make candles. honey candles made from beeswax 24 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 28

Harmful Insects mosquito biting Some insects like flies, mosquitoes and bed bugs are harmful to us. They carry germs. When they bite us, these germs enter our body and make us sick. Insects like cockroaches and ants eat the stored food items. They can also damage our clothes. cockroach eating a bread ants taking stored grains cloth eaten by ants Some insects are harmful to the plants we grow. They eat up their leaves and fruits. Be Amazed insects eat and damage the leaf Did you know that honeybees and butterflies help the flowers to grow into fruits? I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Have you seen spiders in or around your house? Are they insects? No. They are not insects. Unlike insects, they have eight legs. Spiders catch and eat many insects using their webs. You may have seen a spider web in or around your house. It may still be in use by a spider. Or it may be an old and dusty one called a cobweb. Creep and Crawl 25 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 29 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM

Spiders spin webs to catch small insects like flies. The threads of the web are sticky. So, insects get stuck on the web. Spiders eat those insects. Spiders build their webs between trees or in corners of a spider web rooms. Let’s do: Make a spider web with ice cream sticks and thread as shown in the picture. Connect the Dots English Fun Read the poem. Act it out. Buzz like a bee Climb like a spider March like an ant Crawl like a caterpillar Maths Fun Count the number of insects in the given picture. A Note to Parent Show your child different kinds of insects around your house. Help him or her to name the insects. You may take him or her on a field visit to show the insects found there. 26 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 30 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM

Lesson Chips and Fries 14 I Will Learn About R junk food. U why junk food is bad for health. A the health problems caused by junk food. H how healthy food is better than junk food. I Think Farhat likes to eat pizzas and burgers very often. But her parents do not allow her to eat those food items. Why do you think so? I Remember We eat a variety of food items every day. Food gives us energy, helps us to grow and keeps us healthy. Some items are tasty but not so good for health. Can you name the food items given in the picture? We all like to have food items like pizzas, burgers, samosa, chaat, noodles, chips, chocolates and so on. We like them because they are tasty. NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 31 27 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM

But, these food items contain a lot of sugar, A junk food is any food that salt, oil, cheese and so on. If eaten often, does not give nutrients. It they are not good for our health. So, such food contains high levels of sugar, items are called junk food. salt, oil, and cheese. I Understand We have seen that junk food contains a lot of sugar, salt, oil, cheese and butter. It is not good for health. Why is it tasty, but not good for health? Let us find out. 1) Junk food is usually not fresh food. Many other say ‘no’ to junk food harmful items are added to it. These things make it tasty and ready to eat. Eating too much of junk food causes health problems. 2) The food that we eat should contain nutrients like vitamins and minerals. They keep us healthy. They help us grow. They also protect us from sickness. Junk food does not contain these nutrients. So, we should avoid eating junk food. We should eat many healthy food items. They should include: • Food that gives us energy, for example, rice and roti. • Food that makes us strong and helps us grow, for example, dal, milk and eggs. • Food that protects us from sickness, for healthy food example, fruits and vegetables. Train My Brain 1) What do we call the food that is tasty but not good for health? 2) What type of food are chips and cold drinks? 28 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 32

I Apply unwell child Junk food causes many health problems: 1) Our stomach is not able to break down such food easily. So, we will get stomach problems. 2) It makes us fat, weak and lazy. 3) It affects our growth. 4) Children eating junk food fall ill very often. Be Amazed A single can of Coca-Cola has about 8 –10 teaspoons of sugar in it! If you drink a can of Coca-Cola every day for a month, it is equal to almost a whole bag of sugar! I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Let us compare junk food with healthy food. Healthy food Junk food It is useful for our body. It harms us in many ways. It helps us to grow. It harms our growth. It keeps us strong, fit and fine. It may make us weak and sick. It is freshly prepared. It may not be fresh. It does not have any harmful items in It may have harmful items added to it. it. These make it easy to cook and taste good. Here are some junk food items. Find out what makes them junk. One is done for you: Oil and salt make them junk. French fries Chips and Fries 29 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 33 12/19/2018 11:19:43 AM

samosa ___________________________________________________________ burger ___________________________________________________________ soft drinks ___________________________________________________________ Connect the Dots English Fun Complete the following story. Jai liked to eat junk food. He used to eat ________________, ________________ and _______________. His parents always told him ________, ________ eat junk food. He always fell _________. Once his parents took him to the ____________. The doctor told him how _______________ food harms our body. Now, Jai has decided to eat healthy ________________. Maths Fun Look at the pictures below. Count the total number of food items you see. If all the junk food items are taken away, how many items will remain? A Note to Parent Talk to your child about the ill effects of eating junk food. Discuss with him or her the benefits of having a healthy(balanced) diet. 30 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 34 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM

Activity Time – B Make sure you do these activities only with the help of a teacher or an adult. Activity B1: Pinwheels A pinwheel is a child’s simple toy made of paper. The wheel spins when blown on by a person or breeze. You will need: coloured paper, pin, pencil, scissors You need to: 1) begin with a square piece of paper. 2) fold your square, corner to corner, and then unfold. 3) make a pencil mark about one-third of the way from the centre along the folded line. 4) cut along fold lines upto your pencil mark. 5) fold alternate corners into the centre, and stick a pin through all four corners. 6) fix the pinwheel to a stick or straw. Your pinwheel is ready to spin! NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 35 31 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM

Activity B2: Carton Bugs Let us make some carton bugs at home. You will need: egg cartons, scissors, paint, paintbrushes, wiggle eyes, markers, pipe cleaners and a hole punch You need to: 1) separate the egg cartons into various sizes using a pair of scissors. Make some that have only one cup, some with two cups and some with as many as four or five(for caterpillars). 2) choose what type of bugs you want to make. One cup works well for a spider; two work well for a bigger insect; three or more work well for a caterpillar. 3) paint your bug in any colour you wish. Let it dry. 4) place the carton upside down once it is dry, so that the bump is on top. Using a single- hole punch, punch holes at the base of the cup where you want the legs. For a spider, punch four holes on each side. (This step should be done under a teacher’s supervision.) 5) thread the pipe cleaners through the holes to create legs. 6) decorate the bugs using wiggle eyes, glitter, feathers and so on. 32 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 36

Lesson Animal Homes 15 I Will Learn About R shelters of wild and domestic animals. U benefits of shelters to animals. a zoos and national parks. H animal shelters in different seasons. I Think Sam was playing outside his house. He found two little birds chirping on a nearby tree. Suddenly it started to rain. He rushed to reach his house. He wondered, what would happen to those birds. Where would they go to be safe during the rain? I Remember Like us, the animals also need places to live in. The covered space used by animals to live in are called shelters. Let us learn about the shelters of different kinds of animals around us. Shelters of Domestic Animals and Pets We build shelters for domestic animals like cows, buffaloes, goats, dogs, horses and so on. NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 37 33 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM

cowshed kennel stable Shelters of Wild Animals Wild animals live in a variety of shelters like caves, burrows, nests and so on. Some of them build shelters. While some use the shelters made by other animals. Birds mostly live on trees. They build nests to lay eggs. Nests are made of grass, twigs, leaves, threads, straw and so on. Twigs are small broken branches and sticks. Nests of all birds are not alike. Some birds do not make any efforts to build nests. For example, pigeons find shelters in gaps in walls, sunshades of windows and so on. twigs nest shelters of pigeons Rats and rabbits live underground in fields. They dig holes and burrows in the soil to live. Rats can also be found near houses and public places. They can make holes in the walls and floors of houses made of mud. rabbits, rats and mice live in burrows 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM 34 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 38

Snakes do not build their shelters. They live in the holes snake hole and burrows made by other animals. We have seen that insects mostly use trees or soil as their shelters. Some of them build shelters for themselves. For example, ants build anthills, bees make hives, and so on. anthill beehive Frogs live in moist places. They can live on the ground or trees. Tigers and lions live in caves. Monkeys live on trees. Some animals build shelters for themselves. Some of them find ready shelters in their surroundings. We build shelters for our domestic animals and pets. frogs live on the ground or trees lions in a cave monkey on a tree NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 39 Animal Homes 35 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM

I Understand Why do animals need shelters? 1) Shelters protect them from the harsh weather: Shelters protect animals from the rain, wind, hot sun and very cold weather. 2) Shelters protect them from their enemies: They help them to hide from the animals who eat them. Shelters also protect the young ones from their enemies. 3) Some animals like birds need shelters to lay eggs and feed their young ones: There are many animals which eat the eggs of birds. So, birds need a safe place to lay their eggs. They build nests in such places where other animals cannot reach them easily. birds use nests to lay eggs and Train My Brain feed their young ones 1) Where does a tiger live? 2) What do birds build to lay eggs? I Apply zoo You have learnt about the shelters of wild 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM animals. They are their natural homes. But sometimes we see wild animals like the lion, tiger, elephant and monkey in a zoo. Zoos are man-made shelters of these animals. We build them. In the zoos, animals get food and are safe from their enemies. But they are not free. They are kept in cages. 36 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 40

Some forest areas are protected as national parks to save the animals and their natural shelters. There, the animals can live freely. Cutting trees or killing animals in these areas is against the law. Be Amazed national park Jim Corbett National Park is the oldest national park in India. It was set up in 1936 to protect the endangered Bengal tiger. Bengal tiger Jim Corbett National Park I Explore (H.O.T.S.) The shelters of animals do not give enough protection from extreme hot or cold climate. What do animals do on such days? Let us see. Some animals travel to warm places to escape the extremely cold climate. For example, birds fly to faraway places to escape from the cold winters. birds travel to faraway places Animal Homes 37 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 41 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM

Some animals go into a deep sleep to escape the cold weather and shortage of food. These animals go to a cave or a burrow to sleep. In a hot climate, some animals go for a summer sleep. They bury themselves in the ground to avoid the heat. For example, crocodiles and some kinds of frogs move underground where it is cold and more moist to sleep. animals go to a deep winter sleep a frog sleeping underground Connect the Dots English Fun Find out ten common nouns based on animal shelters from the lesson. Example: kennel Maths Fun Sam went to visit his grandparents who stay in a village. He found two cowsheds there. One had 15 cows, and the other had 20. How many cows were there in all? A Note to Parent Visit an animal national park with your child to show him or her how animals live there. 38 12/19/2018 11:19:44 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 42

Lesson Clothes We Wear 16 I Will Learn About R different types of clothes we wear. U the need for different types of clothes. A clothes in different regions. H how tailors stitch our clothes. I Think We wear different types of clothes. Why do we wear clothes? Why do we need different types of clothes? I Remember We wear different kinds of clothes. Do all the clothes that we wear look and feel the same? No. Some clothes are rough while some are soft. Some are thick and some are thin. Some clothes are smooth and silky. The clothes we wear to different places and occasions differ. What do you wear to school? You wear a uniform to school. We wear night clothes when we go to bed. We wear special clothes during parties, festivals and other occasions. NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 43 39 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM

school uniform nightwear party wear Clothes we wear also vary with the season. We use thin cotton clothes in summer and thick woollen clothes in winter. During the rainy season, we wear clothes which easily dry. We use raincoats when we go out in the rains. summer clothes winter clothes clothes for rain We may use different types of clothes at the workplace. Certain types of jobs need special clothes. For example, police, doctors and lawyers wear special clothes. We wear different clothes for different occasions and seasons. police doctor lawyer I Understand Why do we wear clothes? We wear clothes to cover and protect our body. Clothes protect us from heat, cold, rain and dust. 40 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 44 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM

Why do we need different types of clothes? Can you go to school wearing your night dress? Or can you sleep comfortably in your school uniform? No. While sleeping, we need soft and loose night clothes to sleep well. For school, we need a well-ironed and clean school uniform. Similarly, the clothes we wear should be suitable for the weather. Summers are hot, so we wear thin cotton clothes. Cotton allows air to pass through it. It soaks the sweat. So, cotton clothes keep us cool in summer. Winters are cold. During winter, we need thick clothes to protect our body from the cold weather. So, we wear woollen clothes. They keep us warm. During the rainy season, we need waterproof clothes. So, we wear raincoats. They are made from plastic or rubber. They do not allow water to get in. They protect us from getting wet in the rains. Why do people use special clothes at work? Special clothes are suitable for the kind of job they do. They also protect them. For example, firefighters need clothes to protect them from fire. Do you know why you all wear uniforms to school? Find out. Train My Brain 1) What type of clothes do we use in winter? 2) When do we use raincoats? I Apply We discussed the need for different types of clothes. Do people at different places wear the same kind of clothes? Let us find out. Traditional clothes differ across the states and regions of our country. For example, in Rajasthan, men wear dhoti, kurta, angarkha and paggar(safa). Women wear long skirts called the ghagra and tops known as kanchli. Clothes We Wear 41 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 45 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM

Kashmiri men and women wear poots and pheran. In Assam, women wear mekhela chadar, while the men wear dhoti and gamosa. People in different regions may wear the same type of clothes in various ways. For example, the way women wear saree is different across regions. Kashmiri woman people of Assam Rajasthani women Be Amazed In olden times, human beings did not know how to make clothes. They used leaves, barks of trees and animal skins as clothes. a man wearing animal skin I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Have you ever been to a tailoring shop? A tailor is a person who stitches clothes. A tailor uses a measuring tape to take measurements. Have you seen how he or she takes measurements? He or she uses scissors to cut clothes in the proper shape. A sewing machine is used to stitch. Thread and needle are used to sew clothes. measuring tape, scissors, thread and needle a tailor stitching clothes 42 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 46

Connect the Dots English Fun Find out any five adjectives from the lesson which describe clothes. For example, woollen. Maths Fun Reena wants to create a design pattern for her new skirt. Help her create it using circles, squares and triangles. Draw the pattern in the box given. A Note to Parent Visit a tailor shop with your child to help him or her understand the process of stitching clothes. Clothes We Wear 43 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 47 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM

Lesson Moving Around 17 I Will Learn About R the different types of transportation. U transport vehicles. A traffic rules. H people who help us in transportation. Reena likes to make paper boats and watch I Think them float on water. Have you ever seen a real boat or travelled in one? How is it different from a paper boat car? I Remember A car travels on land. But a boat travels through water. Are there any other ways by which we can travel? Let us find out. We need to travel for various purposes. We also need to carry our belongings from one place to another. We can travel and move our goods through land, water or air. These are the types of transportation. Transportation means carrying people or goods from one place to another. We have roadways and railways for transportation through land. 44 NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 48 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM

Types/means of transportation water land air Land, water and air are the three main types of transportation. roadways railways We use the land type of transport to travel short distances. Water and air transport are used to travel to faraway places. Air type of transport is faster than land and water transportation. I Understand For all types of transport, we need vehicles to carry people and goods. Example: car for land transport, boat for water transport, aeroplane for air transport Vehicles have wheels. The number of wheels may differ in different vehicles. Air transport vehicles may also have wings to help them fly. two-wheelers three-wheelers four-wheelers vehicles with more than four wheels NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 49 Moving Around 45 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM

Let us learn about the vehicles used in each type. VEHICLES FOR LAND TRANSPORT 1) Roadways: For roadways, we use vehicles like the bicycle, scooter, auto- rickshaw, car, bus, truck and so on. bicycle scooter auto-rickshaw car bus truck All these vehicles need roads to run. Buses pick and drop people at bus stops or bus stations. road bus station 2) Railways: Trains are railway transport vehicles. Trains are of different types. Some of them carry only goods. They are called goods trains. Trains travel faster than road transport vehicles. Trains need railway tracks to run. Trains pick and drop people and goods from railway stations. 46 12/19/2018 11:19:45 AM NR_BGM_9789388700986 PASSPORT G02 LOOK & LEARN TEXTBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 50

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