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ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES – I (SCIENCE) by classklapTM WORKBOOK – TERM 3 Enhanced Edition 5 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 1 1/10/2019 10:35:56 AM

Contents Class 5 1 0 Space Travel����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 1 1 Wildfire��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 1 2 Cyclones and Floods ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10 1 3 Earthquakes and Tsunami����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 1 4 Simple Machines�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 2 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM

Lesson 10 Space Travel Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) What vehicle is used to travel in space? [     ] (A) aircraft (B) jet (C) spacecraft (D) telescope 2) What is the layer of air around the Earth called? [     ] (A) open space (B) atmosphere (C) heavenly bodies (D) gravity Fill in the Blanks 3) We need high-speed _________________________ to send spacecrafts out of the Earth’s pull of gravity. 4) We cannot use aircrafts to fly into space due to the Earth’s ______________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What does a spacecraft carry with it? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) What is space? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What can cause a spacecraft to heat up and catch fire? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 3 1 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM

Understanding True or False 8) In space, the sunlight is very sharp. [       ] 9) Space has no air to breathe.  [       ] 10) ISS orbits the Moon.  [      ] 11) Spacesuits cannot protect us from harmful sunlight.  [       ] Short Answer Questions 12) Why do astronauts wear spacesuits? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Which is the largest space station and around what does it orbit? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Look at the picture given below and answer the following questions. 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM 2 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 4

________________________________________________________ a) What is shown in the picture? ________________________________________________________ b) Where is it located? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ c) What is unique about it? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ d) Who stays there? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following things will you get as food when you are at the ISS?  [      ] (A) pizzas (B) frozen vegetables and desserts (C) burgers (D) salt in solid form 16) Suppose you are at the ISS. Which of the following things should you not do?  [      ] (A) skipping meals and daily exercising (B) spacewalk (C) carrying out experiments (D) research in space Short Answer Questions 17) Why is exercising important for astronauts? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Space Travel 3 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 5 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM

18) What type of food items are included in the ISS menu? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) How do astronauts sleep in space? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) If you want to be an astronaut, what things do you need to do? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 6

Lesson 11 Wildfire Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is a natural disaster? [     ] (A) breeze (B) rain (C) shedding of leaves (D) wildfire 2) How many wildfires occur in India every year? [     ] (A) around 30,000 (B) around 20,000 (C) around 40,000 (D) around 50,000 Fill in the Blanks 3) Natural disasters are the disasters caused by ________________________. 4) _____________________ winds blow off everything in their way. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What is lava? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) State any one place where wildfires can break out. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 7 5 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM

Short Answer Question 7) What type of damage is caused by natural disasters? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding True or False 8) Oxygen is necessary for a wildfire to occur. [      ] 9) Firefighters are responsible for spreading wildfires.  [      ] 10) Dry leaves may catch fire due to the Sun’s heat.  [      ] 11) Human beings are always responsible for wildfires.  [      ] Short Answer Questions 12) State any two causes of wildfires. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) State any two careless human activities that may cause a wildfire. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Write a note on the ‘fire triangle’ with the help of a diagram. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 8

Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) How can wildfires cause air pollution?  [      ] (A) due to the oxygen produced (B) due to the smoke produced (C) due to the residue of leaves (D) due to the Sun’s heat 16) Name the gas that is spread through helicopters to put out wildfires.[     ] (A) carbon dioxide (B) oxygen (C) smoke (D) water Short Answer Questions 17) State any two ways of controlling wildfires. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wildfire 7 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 9 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM

18) What should a person do if a wildfire breaks out near his or her house? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Write the effects of wildfires using the images as hints. a) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ d) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 10

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Ali and his friends plan to camp in the nearby forest. Fill out the table to help them have a campfire without causing a wildfire. Situations Precautions a) while choosing a spot to ________________________________________________________ have the campfire ________________________________________________________ b) while lighting the campfire ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ c) while the campfire burns ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ d) before leaving for home ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Wildfire 9 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 11 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM

Lesson 12 Cyclones and Floods Remembering Multiple Choice Questions [     ] 1) What do we call the storms which bring heavy rains along with them? [     ] (A) earthquakes (B) floods (C) wildfires (D) cyclones 2) What do we call the centre of a cyclone? (A) eye (B) wing (C) hole (D) spin Fill in the Blanks 3) ______________________ are formed over the oceans. 4) Around the ______________ of a cyclone, winds spin at high speeds. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What does a cyclone bring with it? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Where does a cyclone move towards? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10 1/10/2019 10:35:57 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 12

Short Answer Question 7) Describe cyclones. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding True or False 8) When a cyclone hits land areas, the powerful winds may destroy everything in their way.  [      ] 9) Land areas may get submerged during floods.  [       ] 10) Cyclones never push the seawater onto the land.  [       ] 11) Houses and vehicles are not damaged during cyclones.  [       ] Short Answer Questions 12) What is flood? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) List any two destructions caused by cyclones. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) What leads to floods during cyclones? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cyclones and Floods 11 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 13 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) A family lost their house in a flood. Where will they find temporary shelter?  [      ] ( A) police station (B) rescue camp (C) hospital (D) post office 16) Flood water makes: [     ] (A) all water sources clean and hygienic (B) potable drinking water available throughout the year (C) all water sources unfit for drinking (D) the life of the trapped people easy Short Answer Questions 17) Aman wants to know how people are rescued during floods. Can you think of any two ways? Write them down. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Why do the people affected by cyclones or floods need medical support? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 14

Long Answer Question 19) Fill in the missing information in the concept map to show how the government helps people affected by cyclones. Government help a) ______________ water temporary c) ______________ medicines b) ______________ shelters ______________ d) ______________ milk Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) The government has given a cyclone alert. People are asked to prepare an emergency kit. List the items that should be a part of the emergency kit. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cyclones and Floods 13 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 15 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM

Lesson 13 Earthquakes and Tsunami Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) What do we call the shaking of the Earth? [     ] (A) wildfire (B) cyclone (C) earthquake (D) flood 2) What is the sign of an earthquake? [     ] (A) heavy rains (B) strong winds with rain (C) shaking of the ground (D) wildfire Fill in the Blanks 3) Most earthquakes in the world happen along the edges of the _______________________. 4) _________________________ is used to measure the strength of earthquakes. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Are all earthquakes of the same strength? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) What is shown in the given picture? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What is the ‘Pacific ring of fire’? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 16

Understanding True or False 8) Inner layers of the Earth collide or move apart during an earthquake. [       ] 9) Tsunami means ‘harbour wave’ in Japanese.  [       ] 10) Tsunami is the result of a wildfire.  [       ] 11) No damage is caused to public property due to earthquakes.  [       ] Short Answer Questions 12) What is a tsunami? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Why do the tsunami waves rise like huge walls of water when they reach the coast? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Complete the sequence events to explore how earthquakes happen. a) The Earth has ________________________________________________________________________. b) The upper layers are _________________________________________________________________. c) They float over _______________________________________________________________________. d) While floating ________________________________________________________________________. This causes an earthquake. Earthquakes and Tsunami 15 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 17 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM

Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) In which of the following years did the deadliest earthquake happen in the Indian Ocean?  [     ] (A) 2010 (B) 2014 (C) 2002 (D) 2004 16) Rebuilding work by the government is necessary after earthquakes or tsunami so that: [     ] (A) people can go back to their normal life (B) people can remember about the event (C) people can always be put in danger (D) people should not go back to their normal life Short Answer Questions 17) What destruction do the tsunami waves cause? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) What damage does an earthquake cause? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) What type of help is offered by the government and some agencies to the people who are affected by earthquakes or tsunami? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 18

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) In the given situations, write the Do’s and Don’ts to follow during an earthquake. Situations Do’s Don’ts a) Y ou are on the school ___________________________ ___________________________ playground. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ b) You are at home. Your ___________________________ ___________________________ house is on the fifth ___________________________ ___________________________ floor. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Earthquakes and Tsunami 17 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 19 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM

Lesson 14 Simple Machines Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) Identify a simple machine from the following. [     ] (A) mixer used at home (B) grinder to grind grains (C) wheel and rope used to draw water (D) iron used to press clothes 2) Which of the following is not a simple machine? [     ] (A) wedge (B) lever (C) pulley (D) washing machine Fill in the Blanks 3) Simple machines are the devices that make the work ________________. (difficult/easy) 4) A _________________ surface is used to load or unload heavy objects. (sloping/flat) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give any one example of simple machines. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Why do we use simple machines? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) How do simple machines help us? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 20

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Match the Following 8)  a) inclined plane 9) 10) b) wedge c) lever 11) d) wheel and axle Short Answer Questions 12) What is a screw? How is a screw useful? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Why do we use pulleys to lift objects? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Simple Machines 19 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 21 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM

Long Answer Question 14) Write a note on ‘lever’ with the help of a diagram. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which type of simple machine is shown in the given picture?  [      ] (A) pulley (B) wheel and axle (C) inclined plane (D) wedge 16) Which of the following is an example of a lever?[     ] (A) steering wheel (B) knife (C) stapler (D) bottle cap 20 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 22

Short Answer Questions 17) List any two wedges that we use in our day-to-day life. Also, mention where they are used. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Identify and underline the simple machines from the following sentences. a) Rajat opened a soft drink bottle with a bottle opener. b) We use a staircase to climb. Long Answer Question 19) Draw and name any three devices from our kitchen that are simple machines. Ans. Simple Machines 21 NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 23 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Name the simple machines you can use in the following situations. Jobs Simple Machines a) to make a trolley to carry ________________________________________________ your school bag b) to carry your bicycle up ________________________________________________ the stairs c) to join a broken arm of a ________________________________________________ chair d) to cut some fruits to make ________________________________________________ a fruit salad 22 1/10/2019 10:35:58 AM NR_BGM_9789386663627 MAPLE G05 EVS I (SCIENCE) WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 24

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