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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-15 03:58:58

Description: 202110718-PERFORM-STUDENT-WORKBOOK-ENGLISH-G10-FY_Optimized


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PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) I. Read the passage carefully. [discursive] Answer the questions given below. Giving an opinion requires knowledge of the subject. a. What should one be wary of before giving an opin- You ought to know what are its strengths and weak- nesses or its pros and cons. Then you should be able ion? to reason out why you are either speaking in favour b. How should opinions be conveyed to the audi- of it or against. For example, if you think that exam- inations are futile and encourage a marks-oriented ence? system, you have to come up with reasons for your c. The author has made use of a few phrases in opinion. These reasons arise from a thorough knowl- edge of the subject. Newspapers have a page dedicat- paragraph 4. For what purpose are such phrases ed to opinions about various issues in the region – the used and what other factors should be taken into good, the bad and the worrisome. consideration? If you are supposed to write an opinion piece on the d. How should one conclude the opinion and why? topic – ‘Bullies should be expelled from school’, you e. Find words from the passage which mean the same need to understand everything about not only the as: [i] vain (para graph 1) [ii] to debar (paragraph 2) term ‘bullying’ but also about the term ‘expel’. Your f. Find words from the passage which are opposite in opinion will be formed keeping in consideration who meaning to [i] rural [para 3) [ii] brief (para 5) are bullies, how do regular kids turn into bullies, what II. You are Saksham/Suhana. You have got admis- are some of the acts of bullying, how bullying affects sion in a college in Jaipur to pursue a course in some of the victims, and what effect will expelling business management. Since the college does bullies from school have on the victims as well on the not have the hostel facility, you are looking for bullies. Once you have researched each of these, you a paying guest accommodation. Write a letter can form an opinion about whether you are in favour to the Manager of Marvels PG inquiring about of expelling of bullies or not. the availability of rooms and other facilities. While there are many guiding words for writing an Include all relevant details. opinion piece, you can chalk your own path. Once you have made up your mind about which option to back, it is really up to you to decide how you want to convey that opinion to the audience. Take for exam- ple, a proposal to cut trees and build a direct road to a business area that will help save time and fuel. If you are in favour of saving the tree, you might start something like this – A lot of people may argue in favour of urban development – wider roads, larger business areas, easily accessible markets, at a very low cost and in very less time, but I would like to …… and you may continue. Next you need to list out the benefits of your opin- ion. Here is where you will use phrases such as ‘in my opinion’, ‘I strongly believe’, ‘From my point of view’, ‘I would also like to point out’, ‘In addition to this’, ‘Fi- nally’ etc. Giving facts and figures while putting forth your opinion is very important. You can have a little summary of your points to bring up the end. But remember not to make it as detailed as your main content otherwise it would get terribly repetitive. You could also end with a question teas- ing the mind of the audience. Alternatively, you could have them imagine what happens if the opposing opinion prevails. Conclude with that thought and your point will automatically go through. 37

PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) Grammar: 1. Read the given conversation and fill in the is a well proverb. In the glare of technological power blanks. [f] we losing sight of ethics and pulls of mankind. [g] Martin: What have you been doing the last few It is time to wake from slumber and introspect. [h] weeks? Sheena: I have been working on a history project. 5. Rearrange the jumbled words to form meaningful Martin: Haven’t you finished it yet? sentences. Sheena: I was unwell for about a week. I am trying to a. per/chapters/subject/make/of/a list complete it as early as possible. b. before/calculate/exams/the/number of/days/ Martin: Let me know if you need any help. the Martin asked Sheena [a] __________. Sheena re- c. for each/divide/the/days/of/number/subject plied that [b] __________. Martin further asked [c] d. day/each/number/subject/of/allot/the/for/the __________. Sheena mentioned that [d] __________ chapters/per and that she [e] __________ as early as possible. Matrin told her [f] __________ any help. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. My favourite place [a] _____ read is [b] _____ a tree in my backyard. I sat [c] _____ my back [d] _____ the trunk. One time I read there [e] _____ three hours. I like to read about kids like me who go [f] _____ adventures. I imagine they invite me [g] _____ go with them. One day I will go on an adven- ture [h] _____ my own. 3. In the given paragraph, there is an error in each line. Edit the given paragraph. It is a image that no one will forget [a] in a hurry: frustrating residents of Shimla [b] urging tourists of social media, not to visit [c] the famous hill stations. The requests were made[d] last as there is not enough water. [e] The crisis was attributed in several reasons.[f] The situation deteriorated lastly year due to[g] poorest snowfall in the catchment of [h] water sources. 4. In the following passage, one word has been omit- ted in each line. Supply the missing word. Post independence India advanced steadily science and [a] technology. There rapid changes in the industry through [b] economic reforms and liberalization industrial policy. [c] Now India is slowly emerging the leader among the [d] developing countries. The development has opened two gates us – power and knowledge. Power corrupts [e] 38

11.1. The Proposal Reading Comprehension Extracts Extract 1: I’m off my balance with joy, absolutely off my balance! Oh, with all my soul.... I’ll go and call Natasha, and all that. 1. Who is the speaker? 2. Why is he so happy? 3. Why is he going to call Natalya? 4. Choose the correct option for the following: Which word in the passage means ‘away from’? (a) that (b) and (c) off (d) with. Extract 2: I can make you a present of them myself, because they’re mine! Your behaviour, Ivan Vassilevitch, is strange, to say the least! Up to this we have always thought of you as a good neighbour, a friend; last year we lent you our threshing-machine, although on that account we had to put off our own threshing till November, but you behave to us as if we were gypsies. 1. Who is Ivan and who is speaking to him? 2. Who does ‘them’ in the first line refer to? 3. What appears strange to the speaker? 4. Choose the correct option for the following: Which word or phrase in the passage means ‘for that reason’? (a) on that account (b) put off (c) strange (d) as if. 39

PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) Reading Comprehension (Unseen Passage) I. Read the passage carefully. [factual] containers in a secure and well-ventilated area. Dis- pose all unwanted products containing VOCs. Consid- Not just cars, a new study by researchers at the Uni- er purchasing low-VOC options of paints and furnish- versity of Colorado has found that household chem- ing. In general, ensure that there is good ventilation ical products are equally to be blamed for urban air in your house. pollution. The study, which focused on Volatile Or- Answer the questions given below. ganic Compounds [VOCs], suggests that we probably a. What is the finding of the researchers at the underestimated the impact of these products on air quality. The US Environmental Protection Agency has University of Colorado? held so far that 75% of toxic emissions come from ve- b. What conclusion has the US Environment hicles and 25% from consumer products. Volatile Organic Compounds are chemicals that have Protection Agency arrived at? low boiling point and are easily evaporative. Even at c. What are VOCs? room temperature, the molecules evaporate in large d. Where are the VOCs generally present? numbers. VOC is present in most of the petroleum e. When are VOCs released? products such as cleaning fluids, room fresheners, f. What are PM and how are they harmful? shampoos and paints. g. Mention two ways to reduce VOC effect. For instance, naphthalene is a VOC which is used in h. How is ground level ozone generated? the making of moth balls. Benzene, ethylene, glycol, II. Recently you have met many parents who formaldehyde, methylene chloride, xylene are some of the VOCs used in our daily products. have opted for homeschooling. This trend has Products containing VOCs can release these chemi- put many others in a state of confusion. Write cals when used. Building materials, furnishings and an article on 'Should formal schooling be painted walls slowly release VOCs over time. VOCs made optional?' often give out odour. Outdoors, VOCs can also be re- leased during manufacturing. When you use a prod- 40 uct containing VOCs indoors, the level of these chem- icals in the air increases. VOCs can waft into the atmosphere and react with other molecules in the air, such as oxygen and nitro- gen oxide, to generate ground-level ozone as well as fine particulate matter [PM]. Ozone [O3] is the main ingredient in smog. Breathing ozone can trigger a va- riety of health problems including chest pain. PM are a complex mixture of organic and inorganic particles. They include dust, pollen, soot, smoke and liquid droplets. High levels of PM make it hard to breathe and contribute to chronic lung problems. People with respiratory problems, children, the elderly and those with heightened sensitivity to chemicals may be more susceptible to the effects of VOCs. Chemicals can enter the body through touch and accidental in- gestion too. To reduce VOC effects – check the label of the prod- uct to find out if they contain VOCs, follow ‘Direction for Use’, remove or reduce the number of products in your house that give off VOCs, if you must store prod- ucts containing VOCs, do so in tightly sealed, original

PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) 5. Rearrange the jumbled words to form mean- Grammar: ingful sentences. 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. a. getting/ways/the/running/one/is/of/best/of/it Road safety is essential [a] _____ young people b. and/requires/inexpensive/it’s/equipment/special/ because [b] _____ a time, they [c] _____ the cause as well as the victim of serious road acci- no dents. They risk [d] _____ own lives by driving [e] c. interesting/and/make/teachers/teaching/inspir- _____breakneck speed. They become a potent source [f] _____ danger to others. [g] _____ root ing cause of accidents are haste, rash driving or d. concentration/active/demands/listening reckless driving [h] _____ flouting traffic rules. 2. Do as directed. a. The king would perform heavy exercises every morning. [Use ‘used to’] b. He handed everyone a packet of sweets. [Begin with ‘everyone’] c. When the man came to know the truth, he was furious. [use ‘No sooner …. Than] d. How fortunate you have been! [Rewrite as asser- tive sentence] e. Sonu is the tallest boy in the class. [Rewrite in positive degree] 3. In the given paragraph, there is an error in each line. Edit the given paragraph. Woman in Japan have launched an [a] online movement over workplace dress codes[b] who have made wearing high heels mandatory[c] for women. While both men or women are [d] supposed to wear suit when hunting for a [e] job and to their workplace, heels is the [f] de facto dress for work women in Japan. [g] Flats are usual frowned upon. [h] 4. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Supply the missing word. I had decided not to go home the Dussehra holidays. [a] I didn’t the fare nor did I want to impose the burden [b] for it my parents – I knew that what they were [c] giving me already was far their resources. And on top [d] of I was concerned about exams. I had a lot left to study[e] and who can any studying when he goes home? [f] But then I didn’t to stay on alone like a ghost in the [g] either, so when Rishan invited me home him, I followed [h] him happily. 41

Part A This sections contains grammar topics, and is an extension of the refresher covered in Class 9. For each of the topic a short summary with the key points and examples is given, followed by three practice exercises.

1. Determiners EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 3 1. I always keep _____ money in my pocket for Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners. emergencies. [any/some/many] A. Sarah cut the pizza into ten pieces and gave _____ slice to _____ of her guests. There was 2. The dogs were _____ given a bone. [any/every/ _____ left for her but she did not mind. She each] had already had _____ to eat. B. Flames appeared and _____ rushed towards 3. The police spoke separately to _____ suspect. the exit. There was _____ that _____ could do [some/each/every] to stop the fire. _____ was burnt. C. _____ his documents were lost during 4. We interviewed twenty candidates but _____ of transit. He does not have copies of _____ of them fit the post. [neither/much/none] his documents. He is trying his best to get the duplicate copies of at least _____ of them. 5. _____ Sarah and Mary come here often but _____ Hope he finds _____ to help him. of them offers any help. [Both…..either/Either….. both/Both…..neither] 6. _____ should have a check-up with the dentist _____ six months. [Everyone…..every/None…… some/someone…..all] 7. Unfortunately she has _____ talent for dance though she wanted to be a dancer. [less/few/ little] 8. There were _____ people at the meeting earlier but _____of them left early so there aren’t many left now. [several…..any/many…..all/several….. most] 9. I didn’t have _____ trouble getting the passports. I only had a problem with my photo because it was _____ old one. [any……..the/any… ..a] 10. Very _____ people prefer to fly long distances without a break. [little/few/many] EXERCISE 2 In the sentences given below determiners have not been used appropriately. Rewrite the sentences using appropriate determiners. 1. There wouldn’t be so many accidents if there was few traffic on the roads. 2. Last month was good for the company as we found much new customers. 3. Only a little houses were spared by the earthquake. 4. You can put the books somehow you like. 5. Hurry up! We haven’t got many time to waste. 6. Anyone has cut the telephone wires. 7. Many birds have wings but much cannot fly. 8. I dropped two eggs but either egg was broken. 9. Pedro asked his mother for much money because he had to pay the cab driver. 10. Some child received a gift but only one thanked the teacher. 44

2. Prepositions EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 3 Choose the appropriate preposition and complete The following is an extract from the short story the paragraph. ‘Two Friends’ by Guy de Maupassant. Complete Rohit was walking [a] _____[across, over] the the story by filling the blanks with prepositions. campus [b] _____ [in, at] the afternoon when he Besieged Paris was [a] _____ the throes of famine. met a friend whom he had not seen [c] _____ [since, Even the sparrows [b] _____ the roofs and the rats during] summer. They stopped [d] _____ [in front [c] _____ the sewers were growing scarce. People of, around] the library and sat down [e] _____ [in, were eating anything they could get. on] the steps. After they had talked [f] _____ [for, during] about ten minutes, Rohit said, “I must go[g] As Monsieur Morissot, watchmaker [d] _____ _____ [in, to] work in the nearby firm this semester. profession and idler [e] _____ the nonce [an Why don’t you drop by some afternoon [h] _____ expression meaning stupid], was strolling [f] _____ [over, after] classes?” the boulevard one bright January morning, his hands [g] _____ his trouser pockets and stomach EXERCISE 2 empty, he suddenly came face to face [h] _____ an acquaintance—Monsieur Sauvage, a fishing chum. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1. I have searched everywhere _____ my friend Before the war broke out Morissot had been in the habit, every Sunday morning, of setting forth [i] but haven’t been able to find her anywhere. _____ a bamboo rod in his hand and a tin box [j] 2. Please don’t shout _____ the poor beggar! Be _____ his back. He took the Argenteuil train, got out [k] _____ Colombes, and walked thence [l] _____ the nice to the old man! Ile Marante. The moment he arrived [m] _____ this 3. I saw my neighbour as we were driving along. place [n] _____ his dreams he began fishing, and fished till nightfall. I shouted _____ him but he didn’t hear. 4. Saloni has been suffering _____ severe knee pain since last week. 5. The children are addicted _____ watching cartoons. 6. When I saw my cousin, I congratulated him _____ passing his medical entrance test. 7. Be careful with those scissors. Don’t point them ________ me! 8. It’s not very pleasant when you accuse someone _____ something that he didn’t do. 9. Mrs. Holmes is _____ Rome now, but tomorrow she’s leaving _____ Venice. 10. Mr. Shyam prefers coffee _____ tea. 11. Non-vegetarian food does not agree _____ me. 12. The committee members agreed _____ a certain course of action. 13. I was the first _____ alight from the plane. 14. The sweets were distributed _____ the students present in the playground. 15. The village women were seriously engaged _____ talking to the Director of the Women’s Welfare Committee. 45

3. Modals EXERCISE 3 EXERCISE 1 Complete the conversation using suitable modals. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks. Sonia: Dad, we have long summer vacations. 1. My parents ____ [must/can/would] often We [a] _____ visit Mehra uncle as he has invite people to the house. called us many times. 2. My grandmother says that children _____ Father: I am not sure about my programme. It [b]_____ be clear by the weekend. We [c] [can’t/ shouldn’t/shan’t] stay up late. _____ leave after that only. 3. The doctor said that I _____ [can/will/need] Sonia: [d] _____ we take my friend Sunita along? not worry. Father: You [e] _____ if you like. 4. We _____ [need to/ought to /has to] borrow Mother: Y ou [f] _____ not. It [g] _____ be a huge responsibility for all of us. She is very money as there is not much fund. mischievous. 5. Dad, _____ [must/may/will] I please buy Sonia: That is my responsibility. You know she [h] _____ not go against my instructions. those shoes? Father: Well then it is alright. 6. As it is raining heavily, it ____ [should/ought to/might] take Rahul a long time to get back home. 7. The teacher ____ [can/must/may] analyse people’s handwriting. 8. The men _____ [may/can/ought to] walk fast as they are getting late. 9. He told his wife that he _____ [may/can/had to] go to Delhi as an important meeting was going to be held the next day. 10. I asked him if I _____ [will/won’t/ may] take his bike. EXERCISE 2 Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals. 1. If you are the owner of this house, you _____ be able to tell who the previous owner was. 2. They _____ carry their identity cards for the function tomorrow. 3. He wouldn’t _____ go against his father’s wishes. 4. I thought that you _____ like to join me for dinner tonight. 5. One _____ not leave small objects lying around. Small children _____ swallow them. 6. Sania _____ have gone on a holiday. I just met her at the market. 7. Nowadays women have dual responsibilities as they _____ work at home and office as well. 8. The government _____ pay attention to getting the roads repaired before the monsoons this year. 9. You _____ take your raincoat. It isn’t raining. 10. The kids are calm today. They _____ be very tired. 46

4. Verb Concord EXERCISE 3 EXERCISE 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the bracket. Choose the correct form of the verb and fill in the Do you [a] _____ [know] how to play bocce? blanks. The game [b] _____ [do] not require any special 1. Few _____ what it really takes to get going in athletic abilities. Bocce [c] _____ [be] a game for people of all ages. There [d] _____ [be] four life. [knows/know] players in each team. The players [e] _____ [take] 2. Most of the cookies _____  eaten. [was/were] turns rolling a ball down the court. Each of the 3. The table and chair I got at the players takes one ball and [f] ____ [aim] for the pallino. [Pallino is a small ball]. The players [g] store _____  really nice in here. [look/looks] _____ [try] to get their balls as close to the pallino 4. The committee _____ here every Thursday. as possible. Rick often [h] _____ [try] to bounce his ball off the side of the court. Nobody enjoys [meets/meet] playing bocce more than Rick [i] _____ [do]. 5. Neither black nor white _____  my favorite Everybody who [j] _____ [play] bocce enjoys the game. color. [is/are] 6. Everybody _____  a good book. [enjoy/ enjoys] 7. At the school level, each student  _____  a trophy for playing the match. [get/gets] 8. One of my friends _____  gone to France. [have/has] 9. My mother and I never _____ any concert that happens in our city. [misses/miss] 10. One of the nails _____  sticking out. [is/are] EXERCISE 2 There are errors in each of the given sentences. Rewrite the sentences with corrections. 1. Something have gone wrong here. 2. He run four miles every day 3. Most of the seats was taken. 4. The weather on the coast appear to be good today. 5. One of my friends believe in astrology. 6. A bunch of grapes are on the table. 7. Measles are a disease most children experience. 8. The women doesn’t know how to reach the theater. 9. Neither of us are going for work. 10. The girl with the books look like my sister 47

5. Clauses EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 3 Fill in the blanks with one of the words given in Complete the statements. the help box. You may have to use some of 1. It is strange………………………. them more than once. 2. The minister thinks………………………. 3. The truth is……………………………. and/but/or/so/furthermore/therefore/however/too/ 4. I know …………………………….. instead 5. I am sure…………………………. 6. The children will return………………….. It was a cold [a] _____ windy day. I wanted to 7. This is the place………………………… spend the evening drinking some hot tea [b] 8. I don’t know……………………………… _____ a cup of hot chocolate, [c] _____ that 9. They heard that……………………………… appeared far from reality. I had to attend a 10. It was dance rehearsal at the dance club near the city centre. I would have loved to ring up [d] ____ certain……………………………………… say that I was unwell. [e] _____ I had agreed to help with the choreography, [f] _____ I couldn’t 48 let the dancers down. [g] _____, I always give my friend Rosy a lift to the rehearsal. She cannot drive [h] _____ public transport is very poor. She [i] _____ has no other means of getting there. I sometimes give my trainer a lift [j] _____, [k] _____ she had already phoned me to say that she was going with her husband [l] _____. EXERCISE 2 Rewrite the sentences by matching the parts of the sentences from Column A to those in Column B. Sl COLUMN A COLUMN B No. 1 It was a wish if you have a pass 2 She is the girl that I took in Paris 3 Unless you give me with whom I share the the address flat 4 You may enter the where she spent her auditorium childhood 5 We shall not let the to whom we have man in given our order 6 Would you like to see that came true the photos 7 My mother took me to how you managed to a village cross the road 8 This is the waiter that was lying on the floor 9 I don’t know I can’t deliver the goods 10 The kid picked up the unless he discloses his coin identity

6. Tenses EXERCISE 1 7. The masons _____ the mall when a strike _____ all construction. Choose the appropriate option and fill in the a. built / is stopping blanks. b. were building / will stop 1. Ryan_____ his job in the bar, and now he _____ c. will build / will stop d. were building / stopped as a sales assistant in a department store. a. have been quitting / works 8. Although many people ___ women b. quit / is working empowerment to be a recent phenomenon, c. quits / has been working in fact, it ___ for nearly a thousand years. d. has quit / has worked a. believed / is existing 2. Although Sania normally _____ clothes, she b. are believing / exists _____ working as a sales assistant because of the c. believe / has existed financial requirements. d. have believed/is existing a. designs / has started b. is designing / starts c. has designed / starts d. has designed / has been starting 3. None of my close friends _____ married until now, but my best friend Ronit _____ Laura next week. a. got / marries b. gets / has married c. have gotten / is marrying d. was getting / marries 4. My aunt_____ in a small apartment at the moment, but she _____ to find a house with a terrace garden soon. a. is living / hopes b. lives / has hoped c. lives / was hoping d. has been living / hoped 5. The lorry in front of us _____very suddenly because an old man _____ slowly across the road. a. has stopped / walks b. stopped / was walking c. is stopping / has walked d. was stopping / was walking 6. The robber _____ sure that no one _____ before he crept through the window. a. was making / will look b. made / is looking c. will make / is looking d. made / was looking 49

6. Tenses EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE 3 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the Complete the paragraph using the correct verb verbs given in the brackets. forms. 1. Peter is an author. He _____ (write) mystery Next month I have a week’s vacation. I (a) _____ (plan) to take a trip. First, I (b) _____ (go) to novels and travelogues. Last year, he _____ Mumbai, to visit my brother. After I (c) _____ (leave) (write) one novel, three short stories and a book Mumbai, I (d) _____ (travel) to Delhi to see a friend of haiku poems. who (e) ____ (study) at a university there. She 2. Soham ___________ (try) to change a light bulb (f) _____ (live) in Delhi for three years, so she (g) when he _____ (slip) and _____ (fall). _____ (know) her way around the city. She (h)_____ 3. When Jimmy _____ (call) last night, I _____ (promise) to take me to many interesting places. (watch) my favorite show on television. I (i) _____ (be, never) in Delhi, so I (j) _____ (look) 4. My grandfather _____ (work) for this company forward to going there. for more than thirty five years when he _____ (retire) last month. 5. The students _____ (be) usually taught by Mrs. Leena. But next week they _____ (be) taught by Mr. John. 6. Sharon _____ (love) to travel. Next year she _____ [travel] to Japan. 7. I _____ (hear) loud sounds coming from the street. I _____ (walk) over to the window to see what _____ (happen). 8. For a long time people _____ (think) that the world was flat. 50

7. Voice EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 3 Change the following sentences from active to Given below are a set of instructions on how to build passive voice. a website. Read the instructions and complete the 1. Alladin found a magic lamp. paragraph. 2. The corporation has installed huge dustbins near the • purchase a domain name and a hosting package • download and install word press apartment. • choose a template as the design for your website 3. He had written many books before his 60th birthday. • customize the template with your website’s 4. People speak Portuguese in Brazil. 5. Who will read the news in the assembly tomorrow? name and logo 6. Please buy a few packets of noodles. • install plugins to enhance the site’s functionality 7. Robert is cleaning the chimney. • post the content 8. The sweepers sweep the roads early in the morning. • spread the word 9. At 8 o’ clock someone was narrating a horror story. 10. Who has broken the window pane? EXERCISE 2 In order to build a website, firstly, a domain name and [a] __________ . Word Press [b] __________. A template [c] __________ for the website. The Expand the newspaper headlines. template [d] __________ with the website’s name 1. GIRL RESTORED TO PARENTS and logo. Plugins [e] __________ the site’s The girl who had gone missing __________ to her parents functionality. The [f] __________ and the word [g] __________ with regard to the launch of the website. last week by the police. 2. HIGH COURT STAYS CBI RULING Today the High Court __________ the CBI ruling after much deliberation and thought. 3. JEWEL THIEF TO SURRENDER TODAY The most wanted jewel thief __________ himself to the authorities today. 4. MINISTER AND BROTHER DENY INVOLVEMENT IN THE BLACK MONEY SCAM In a television interview telecast recently, a senior minister and his brother __________ in the black money scam. 5. INDIA TO PLAY AUSTRALIA IN A HOME SERIES India _________ Australia in a home series to be held next month. 6. FIVE KILLED AS A TRUCK RAMMED INTO A JEEP Five passengers __________ as a truck rammed into a jeep yesterday. 7. GANESHA IDOLS IMMERSED The week-long Ganesha festival came to an end with the idols __________ today. 8. STUDENT DEVELOPS ZERO MAINTENANCE WATER PURIFIER A mechanical engineering student __________ a water purifier that requires no maintenance. 51

8. Reported Speech EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 3 Change the given sentences to indirect Read the given dialogue and rewrite the same in speech. reported speech. 1. The boy said, “I visited my aunt last Rohan: Raju, will you come with me to watch a weekend.” movie today? 2. The teacher said to the students, “ Keep the Raju: My aunt arrived from London yesterday workbooks away.” evening and she is staying with us today. 3. The maid said to me, “I will help you if I can.” She will be leaving early tomorrow. 4. Priya said, “What a beautiful resort this is!” 5. Rohit said to the receptionist, “Does the hotel have a Presidential suite?” 6. Mother said to me, “You are a smart kid.” 7. My grandmother said, “I will be going on a pilgrimage next month.” 8. The landlady said, “A thief broke into my neighbour’s home yesterday.” 9. Rakesh said to Harry, “You have a vast estate.” 10. Johny said to Pooja, “We had gone for a picnic with Uncle Sharma last month.” EXERCISE 2 Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph. Priya: You are wearing a beautiful dress. Where did you buy it from? Sana: Aunty Sunita designed this dress for me. Priya: I too want one like yours. Sana: I will take you to Aunty Sunita’s boutique and you can talk to her. Priya: When can we go? Sana: Next week, I will be free on Thursday. I will take you along with me. Priya told Sana [a] __________. She also asked [b] __________. Sana replied that [c] _________. Priya said that [d] __________. Sana told Priya [e] __________ and that [f] __________. Priya asked [g] __________. Sana mentioned [h] __________ and that she would take Priya along with her. 52

Part B This section contains creative writing tasks as relevant to class 10. For each of the tasks, a short checklist with the format is mentioned followed by one sample and two practice exercises [hints will be provided]

9. Formal Letters Formal letters include business letters, letters to …………………………………………………………… the editor, letters to government officials, letters of …………………………………………………… complaint, letters of inquiry etc. Subscription CHECKLIST Signature Name • Begin with the sender’s address on the left. [should include the house number, name of the apartment, LETTERS OF INQUIRY locality, name of the city, pin code] The following points need to be included while writing • The date has to be written on the left hand side. a letter of inquiry. [12th March 20….] Mention clearly what you are looking for - product or services • Receiver’s address must begin with the designation Make a query for all the relevant things associated followed by the office/name of the newspaper and with your inquiry. the name of the city with the pin code. You may also ask for further details in the form of cat- alogues, brochures etc. • The subject should be written in 4-5 words. The key words must begin in capital letters. Sample letter of inquiry You are Vihan/Vaishali. You wish to take your • Complete sentences must not be written. grandparents on a short trip to Kanyakumari. Write • Salutation should be written in brief [Sir, Madam] a letter to the Tour Manager of Geo Travels making • The content should be written in 3-4 paragraphs. It an inquiry for bookings, means of travel and other facilities. should include: Introduction Details – causes, effects. House No : 43 Conclusions – suggestions Raja Rammohan Roy Road • The content must end with a complimentary close Bangalore – 29 which is included in the last paragraph. 18th April 20…. • Subscription – ‘Yours truly’, ‘Yours faithfully’ on the To left hand side. Mr. Sandeep Kumar • The letter should conclude with the signature of Tour Manager Geo Travels the sender followed by the full name written in 15, Mahatma Gandhi Road brackets. Bangalore – 70 • Word limit: 120 words or as mentioned in the question paper. The format of a formal letter is given below. Sender’s address Date Receiver’s Address Sir/Ma’am, Subject: Sub : Inquiry for a trip to Kanyakumari Salutation [Sir/Madam] I read the advertisement of your company in the …………………………………………………………… ‘Times of India’ and I am interested to know a few de- …………………………………………………………… tails before deciding on availing your services. …………………………………………………………… I would like to travel to Kanyakumari with my grand- …………………………………………………………… parents in the month of May. I am interested in know- …………………………………………………………… ing about the accommodation, food, the preferable ……………………………………………. Content …… mode of transport and the approximate time required …………………………………………………………… to complete the tour. …………………………………………………………… I would like to mention that I would prefer a three or …………………………………………………………… a four star hotel preferably close to the seaside. Since …………………………………………………………… 55

9. Formal Letters my grandparents are aged, I would also like a comfort- LETTERS TO PLACE AN ORDER able mode of inbound transport. The following points need to be kept in mind while Kindly let me know the cost per head for the entire writing a letter for placing an order. package and also send me your brochure, if available, Mention in brief about who you are. for further details. Include the details of the products/things that you need Looking forward to a quick response from your end Mention the description and the numbers clearly [in a so that I can decide and make my reservations at the table] earliest. Request for quick delivery without any damages caused to the products Yours sincerely Ask for additional discount [Signature] Mention your mode of payment Vihan/Vaishali Sample Letter You are Ravikumar, the Admin In-charge of Harvard ASSIGNMENT 1 Public School, Sector 8, Gurgaon. You wish to place an order for notebooks for your school for the next aca- You are Gaurav, a resident of Thakur Complex, demic session. Write a letter to the Manager of Sunny Mumbai. You have got a scholarship to pursue Printers placing your order for the required number of your higher studies in France. You have to notebooks. complete a basic course in French before leaving Harvard Public School for France. Write a letter to the Language Head Sector 8 of Alliance Francais making an inquiry for the Gurgaon available courses. 18th December 20… To HINTS: The Manager Details of the requirement to be mentioned Sunny Printers Inquiry of the following to be made: Sector 36 Duration, timings, number of students in each Gurgaon batch, course fees, certificate Sir/Ma’am, The format given above has to be strictly followed. Sub: Order for Notebooks I am Ravikumar, Admin In-charge of Harvard Public ASSIGNMENT 2 School. I had, earlier, made an inquiry for notebooks and would like to place an order for the same now. The You are Sudhanshu/Sudha, librarian of Rainbow details of the requirement are given below. International School, Mumbai. You have a pretty good collection of books in the library but you Serial Description No. Of Numbers wish to add more to the collection. Write a letter Number pages required to the Manager of Scholastic India Publishing House making an inquiry for the books currently 1 Four line 200 100 available with them which you can add to your notebooks stock. 2 Single line 200 120 HINTS: A brief description of the existing books in the li- brary to be given- mention the types of books re- quired – include the intent behind looking for such books – add the ability of the readers and how you expect the books to help budding readers – mention age group – ask for the price and discount notebooks 3 Plain notebooks 100 150 4 Interleaf notebooks 100 100 5 Drawing notebooks 100 75 56

9. Formal Letters LETTERS TO PLACE AN ORDER I shall be grateful if you could deliver the above men- tioned items within the next two weeks. Since it is a The following points need to be kept in mind while bulk order, I would request you to consider giving us writing a letter for placing an order. some additional discount. Please ensure that the pa- Mention in brief about who you are. per used is of good quality. I assure you that the full Include the details of the products/things that you and final payment will be made by cheque on delivery need of the products. Mention the description and the numbers clearly [in a table] Yours sincerely Request for quick delivery without any damages [Signature] caused to the products Ravikumar Ask for additional discount Mention your mode of payment ASSIGNMENT 1 Sample Letter You are Ravikumar, the Admin In-charge of Harvard You are Shyam, the hostel warden of Indus Public School, Sector 8, Gurgaon. You wish to place an Residential School. Some of the electronic order for notebooks for your school for the next aca- appliances in your hostel have become old demic session. Write a letter to the Manager of Sunny and need to be replaced. Write a letter to the Printers placing your order for the required number of Manager of Reliance Digital, placing an order for notebooks. the required goods. Harvard Public School Sector 8 HINTS: Gurgaon Follow the format shown above 18th December 20… Mention the details of the items that are needed in a To table only. [Items may include fans, geysers, wash- The Manager ing machine, microwave oven, room heaters etc.] Sunny Printers Request for delivery on time and discount Sector 36 Payment mode Gurgaon Sir/Ma’am, ASSIGNMENT 2 Sub: Order for Notebooks I am Ravikumar, Admin In-charge of Harvard Public You are Akshay/Akshaya, the lab in-charge of School. I had, earlier, made an inquiry for notebooks your school. You need some items for the lab as and would like to place an order for the same now. The the number of students is on the rise. Write a details of the requirement are given below. letter to the Manager of Ruby Agency [supplier of lab equipment] placing an order for the lab Serial Description No. Of Numbers equipment for the next academic year. HINTS: Follow the format Mention the details of all the items [brand, item, co- lour, size, quantity etc.] in a table only. Give the mode of dispatch and payment Conclude the letter by requesting for quick and safe delivery of the items. Number pages required 1 Four line 200 100 notebooks 2 Single line 200 120 notebooks 3 Plain notebooks 100 150 4 Interleaf notebooks 100 100 5 Drawing notebooks 100 75 57

10. Letter to the Editor LETTER TO THE EDITOR show but along with that the incessant use of loudspeakers has been one of the chief causes of The following points have to be kept in mind while concern for the residents. Through the columns of writing a letter to the editor. your esteemed daily, I wish to voice my opinion with The first paragraph should highlight the topic/issue/ regard to the same. problem mentioned in the question. The second paragraph has to include the causes or The use of loudspeakers has become an integral reasons behind the problem and the effects of the part of almost all celebrations. Some people seem same. to believe that even private occasions like marriages The third paragraph has to include some suggestions and birthday parties would be incomplete without or measures. the blaring of the loudspeakers. The student may start a formal letter to the editor using the cues given below: Noise pollution is already one of the biggest • I read an article in the newspaper on ………….. problems that people in the area have to deal with. The excessive use of the loudspeakers makes it even [mention the issue] and wish to express my opinion worse. The worst hit are the elderly people and on the same. children. It disturbs the sleep of the elderly people • Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish and children find it difficult to concentrate on their to express my opinion on…….. studies. In spite of the repeated requests, no one • I am a resident of ……….. Recently our colony/area seems to be bothered. has seen a rise in …… I wish to bring the problem to the notice of the concerned authorities through It is high time the concerned authorities take some the columns of your newspaper stringent measures. A strict time limit needs to be Sample followed and people using the loudspeakers beyond You are Malcolm/Martha, a resident of Green View the stipulated time should be made to pay fine. The Apartments, Nehru colony, Ghaziabad. Your colony police can also play an active role by pulling up those is always abuzz with activities. One concern that has who refuse follow the rules. Such measures may help been bothering the residents has been the use of loud- curb the problem immediately. speakers for long hours which has become a nuisance not only to the residents but has also been one of the I hope that my letter finds space in newspaper so that chief causes of noise pollution. Write a letter to the Ed- the concerned higher authorities initiate quick action. itor of newspaper voicing your concerns regarding the same. Yours sincerely Flat No. 306 [Signature] Green View Apartments Martha Nehru Colony Ghaziabad ASSIGNMENT 1 10th June 20….. You are Vishal/Vishaka, a resident of Chembur, To The Editor Mumbai. Road accidents have increased by The Times of India large numbers recently. Write a letter to the Ghaziabad editor of a newspaper expressing your views on Sub: Problems caused by loudspeakers the same. Sir/Ma’am, HINTS: I am Martha, a resident of Green View Apartments, noticed an accident on the road – deeply disturbed Nehru colony. Our area, in the past couple of years, – innocent lives lost – reckless driving – not follow- has been facing a serious problem. Various events ing traffic rules – insensitive to the pedestrians on and festivals are celebrated with great pomp and the roads – truck drivers and auto drivers causing more nuisance – drunken driving – exceeding the speed limit Measures – strict action against those who flout rules – fine to be imposed – awareness to be spread. 58

10. Letter to the Editor [Students must ensure that they follow the format as shown in the sample] ASSIGNMENT 2 You are Ravish/Ritika, a student of Grade XII of Deccan International School. One of your friends has been admitted to a rehabilitation centre to help him get over his addiction to drugs. Write a letter to the editor a newspaper expressing your concern on the growing addiction to drugs among youth. HINTS: Growing addiction to drugs among youth – various reasons – not able to handle pressure – means to re- lax – peer pressure – tendency to try something new – taking to something as a means of showing dis- content – prey to truth and dare games – becomes a habit – taking to the wrong path – distraction from studies – leading to psychological and health issues – waste of a valuable life Measures – regular counseling sessions for the stu- dents – constant motivation – engage them in other activities – awareness programmes – make them feel wanted Strict action to be taken against drug peddlers – heavy punishment 59

11. Story Writing The structure of a story: Sample • Plot Write a short story beginning with the given lines. • Characters • Setting The football season was on. My father was a very tough Plot: Needs to be well-planned. It can be adventurous, person and he had laid out strict rules about spending mysterious, funny or a sci-fi. There can be a moral or time in front of the television...... message being conveyed. Some stories may have un- usual ends or may end on a note of suspense. A WHITE LIE Characters: Stories may have people, animals or oth- The football season was on. My father was a very tough er creatures as characters. Usually there is one main person and he had laid out strict rules about spend- character/the protagonist and the rest are supportive ing time in front of the television. All my friends were characters. watching the matches and discussing about the same Setting: The background provided to a story is its set- in the school I was feeling very bad that I could not ting. It can be an island, a planet, a city, a forest or just enjoy the same like the others. I was one of the best a room! The details should be carved keeping the set- football players in my school and had represented the ting in mind. school in various competitions and won accolades for Evaluation: It will be based on creativity, structure the school. Not being able to watch the matches live and coherence/relevance. frustrated me. Title: It is important to give the story a title. Dialogues may be used while writing a story but in The next match was between Germany and Brazil and such cases, proper punctuations must be used. I did not want to miss this match at any cost. It had Different types of questions for writing a story: been decided that all friends would gather at Am- Spin-a yarn where just a hint of a beginning is given it’s house to watch the match together. Exams were and the student is expected to weave a story with knocking at the doors. All of us knew that our parents what is given. wouldn’t agree to this proposal. But the thrill of the match tempted all of us to cook up a white lie. Using group studies, prior to the exams as an excuse, we all decided to meet at Amit’s house. Amit’s parents were not in town and they were supposed to return the next evening. This was the golden opportunity all of us were looking forward to. Stories based on visual stimuli The match was on and Germany and Brazil were tied The ending lines are given and students are expected at two goals each at the end of the first half. Each one to end the story with the given lines. of us was supporting our favourite teams and we were A story outline may be given and students have to having a great time. Suddenly there was a knock on build a story based on the given outline. the door. We were totally engrossed in the match and Word limit: 200 – 250 words none of us wanted to move an inch from seat. Reluc- tantly, I decided to go and open the door. To my great surprise I found my father at the door. He told me that he had to come as the driver had to leave due some urgent work and there was no one to pick me up. This was absolutely unexpected. As he entered, he could see everyone bundled up in front of the television. I felt extremely embarrassed as I was caught. Though my favourite team was winning, all the excitement was gone. I went home with my father and on the way I started apologizing to him. My father, in spite of being the strict person, calmly put his hand on my shoulder and told me that he had overheard me talking to Amit over the phone and so he had come himself to check out on all of us. I felt very sorry for having lied to him and 60

1S1T.OSRtYorWyRWITrINitGing promised to him that I would never repeat the mistake again. ASSIGNMENT 1 Write a story in about 200 words on the basis of the given outline. illiterate boy – caught for stealing – sent to juvenile prison – forced to attend classes – becomes very depressed and also rebellious – watches cookery shows on television during free hours – fascinated with the creativity and presentation – requests for training in cooking – chef at a reputed star hotel today ASSIGNMENT 2 Write a story beginning with the given lines. It was Soham’s birthday and I was at the shop looking for something interesting to gift him……… 61

MODEL QUESTION PAPER WITH MARKING SCHEME (Can be downloaded from website

Class: X English Language and Literature Marking Scheme 2018-19 Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 SECTION A (READING) 20 1. 8 i. a retired civil engineer ii. cold desert iii. Ladakh is a cold desert at 3000-3500 meters, annual rainfall rate of 50mm iv. climate change v. Glaciers provide water in the months of April/May which is crucial for irrigation vi. Glaciers and their layers close to the village melt and provide water vii. 2015 viii. 3-4 months ix. Accumulation 2.1 i. feelings, emotions, and dreams; meant to grow; flourishing and trying to make our 8 dreams come true is great when life is going our way ii. If you have a tendency to persevere and keep going then you have what experts call grit. iii. Failing teaches how to be perseverant and keep going for ones goals. Each failure makes one understand what to do and what not to do. iv. Do not accept defeat; effort to overcome limitations; not to stay down. v. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgement. This practice is a technique that many have used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts. 2.2 4 i. 1000 plus ii. human 30 iii. Persevere 8 iv. agonising v. Mindfulness SECTION B WRITING AND GRAMMAR 3. LETTER WRITING FORMAT 1 Mark CONTENT 4 Marks ACCURACY 1.5 Marks FLUENCY 1.5 Marks 1

4. STORY WRITING 10 TITLE 1 marks CONTENT 4 marks ACCURACY 2.5 marks FLUENCY 2.5 marks 5. GAP FILLING 4 a) (i) in b) (ii) is c) (iv) but d) (iv) finds e) (iii) catching 6. EDITING 4 1 mark to be awarded to each correct answer. For the marks to be awarded the incorrect word and the correct word should be written. The correct word should be underlined. Incorrect word Correct word a) a the b) or and c) has is d) irrigating irrigate e) requiring require 7. SENTENCE RE- ORDERING 4 • Millions tons of plastic enters the ocean every year. • Sightings of junk filled waters are common. • Middle – class population is increasing along coastlines. • Lack of waste management has led to increase in trash. • My close friends like helping others. SECTION- C 30 (LITERATURE) 8. a) 4 i) The pilot who was flying an aeroplane from Paris to England ii) Favourable weather conditions. Sky was clear. iii) Everything was going well/calm and quiet iv) happy because of being alone OR 2

b) i) Gautam Buddha/ The Prince ii) All the sights moved him. iii) He left his palace and went in search of enlightenment iii) Looked at 9. (1 for content = 1 for grammatical accuracy) 8 i. No doubt Hari is a thief as well as good human being. Situations compel a person to become either a beast or remain as a human being. Even goodness and nobility of a person changes anyone’s heart and mind. ii. Only because of the necklace and showing off, Loisel fell in a debt trap which forced her to live like an ordinary lower middle class housewife. She started doing all the household chores which a lady of her status normally does not do. Aspirations have no limits but one should never forget the ground realities. iii. Employees were kind and helpful. iv. Lencho was not at all justified in calling them ‘a bunch of crooks’ because they helped him by collecting money and helping him. v. To serve her parents in old age and to teach the students in the same school where she had learnt too much. 10. (4 for Content = 2 for Fluency = 2 for Grammatical Accuracy ) 8 i) Live a contented life, ii) Best quoted phrase is ‘Honesty is the best policy’ iii) Simple living and high thinking, iv) We should not run after materialistic world v) We must not think beyond our limits. OR i) Nothing is good or bad only our thinking makes so ii) Best things in life are free iii) Life is full of problems, we should solve them rather than sitting and regretting. iv) Sometimes unimportant things change the meaning of life. v) Like a lesson taught by crow and the hemlock how to take adverse season in stride and work for the better life 11. (5content+2.5fluency+2.5grammatical accuracy) 10 ANY 5-6 POINTS i) Got on her 13th birthday ii) Her father gifted her 3

iii) Gave diary a nickname, ‘Kitty’ iv) Became her companion as well as good and trusted friend. v) Confides everything with her vi) Pen down her thoughts and feelings vii) Listens to Anne without any advises and preconceptions OR i) Anne shares the atrocities. ii) whole book reveals her nature, iii) war, iv) Viewpoint of people who are termed as sufferers. v) Book reveals about the mentality of the people during war vi) Depressing end vii). Every one died in the end except Mr. Frank (5content+2.5fluency+2.5grammatical accuracy) ANY 5-6 POINTS i) Deaf person is deprived of exchanging thoughts and ideas ii) Deaf and a blind person can’t distinguish the tone of a voice, without a support/ help iii) Helen’s teacher, Anne Sullivan, recognized the problem iv) Firmly helped her to supply the kinds of stimulus she lacked v) Kept on repeating the words vi )Used to speak as well as spell the words for Helen. OR i) Author of The Story of my Life ii) Deaf and Blind due to childhood illness. iii) Capability to work tirelessly iv) Educate public about rights and needs of people with disability. v) Expressive person vi) Discover pleasure in simplest things 4

Class X English Language and Literature (184) Sample Question Paper 2018-19 Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 General Instructions: I. The question paper is divided into three sections : SECTION A : Reading 20 MARKS SECTION B : Writing and Grammar 30 MARKS SECTION C : Literature 30 MARKS II. All questions are compulsory. III. You may attempt any section at a time. IV. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order. SECTION-A 20 (READING) 1. Read the passage given below : 1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortages, life didn’t grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Jammu and Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers. 2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 metres above sea level, has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon-fed India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one harvest season. 3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to the village and lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers of ice above melt with increasing temperature thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Thus, farmers have been able to manage two crops instead of one. It costs about Rs.1,50,000 and above to create one. 4. Fondly called the “glacier man”, Mr. Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh since 1987. In recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab Mukherjee, in 2015. 5. There are few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier. 1

6. River or stream water at higher altitudes is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the winter sun is blocked by a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of winter/November, the diverted water is made to flow onto sloping hill face through distribution channels. Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slope. Ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice which is referred to as an “artificial glacier”. (349 words) Adapted from: 1.1 Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read. 1x8=8 i. Who was Chewang Norphel? ii. What kind of a land form is in Ladakh? iii. Why have glaciers been the only source of water for Ladakh? iv. Why has the pattern of snowfall and rainfall changed? v. How are glaciers significant for irrigation? vi. How do farmers manage to grow two crops instead of one? vii. In which year did President Pranab Mukherjee confer Padmashri to Mr. Norphel? viii. How many months does the ice formation continue for? ix. Find the word in the paragraph 6 which means the same as ‘gathering’? 2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1. Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought of attempting to do it again was the last thing you wanted to do? 2. If your answer is yes, then you are “not a robot.” Unlike robots, we human beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going our way. But what happens when it’s not? What happens when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again and again until you are satisfied? If you have a tendency to persevere and keep going then you have what experts call, grit. 3. Falling down or failing is one of the most agonizing, embarrassing, and scariest human experiences. But it is also one of the most educational, empowering, and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance (grit) is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success and betterment in society? The other six are: curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1,000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room, you know well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of failures, he merely stated that what they had been not failures. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking at the bright side 2

4. Develop a short story with the help of the given visual / starting line. Give a suitable title to 10 your story. (150-200 words) A. OR B. It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic. We all stood aghast to see a strange flying object over our heads. We started guessing …(write in 150-200 words) 5. Fill in any four of the blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given in the 1x4=4 box. Write the answers in your answer –sheet against the correct blank numbers. 1. Butterflies are abundant (a) the Central African Republic. 2. It (b) ___________home to nearly 600 identified species. 3. Many butterflies are brilliantly coloured and small(c) some are as big as saucers. 4. Farmer Philippe (d) solace in collecting butterfly wings from his fields and turning them into works of art. 5. My favourite hobby, since my childhood, is (e) butterflies. 1. (a) (i) in (ii) from (iii) for (iv) into 2. (b) (i) has (ii) is (iii) was (iv) are 3. (c) (i) if (ii) therefore (iii) so (iv) while 4. (d) (i) find (ii) to find (iii) finding (iv) finds 5. (e) (i) catch (ii) caught (iii) catching (iv) has been catching 5

6. In the following passage one word has not been edited in each line .Write the incorrect 4 word along with the correct word in the space provided. Do any four. incorrect correct In the Himalayas, the desert is turning gre.en. e.g. the a Climate change in a Indian region of a) Ladakh has shrunk glaciers or has made rainfall b) and temperature unpredictable. Water has c) needed to irrigating the fields . d) Farmers may requiring aid from the government. e) 7. Rearrange any four of the following word or phrases to make meaningful sentences. 4 i. enters / millions tons / the/ every year / of / ocean /plastic ii. are / waters/ sightings / junk – filled /of /common iii. population / middle-class / increasing / is / coastlines / along iv. trash/ increase/ has led / waste management/lack/of/in / to v. close/like/ others/ helping/my/friends SECTION C 30 (LITERATURE) 8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. 1x4=4 A. The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping countryside. Questions : i. Who narrates the above lines? ii. Which type of weather conditions are being discussed in the above lines? iii. Explain the term ‘the sleeping countryside’? iv. Why is the narrator happy? OR B. At about the age of twenty five, the Prince, thereof shielded from the sufferings of the world, while hunting out glanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms. These sights so moved him that he at once became a beggar and went out into the world to seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed. Questions : i. Whose age has been referred here? ii. What was the effect of these sights on the Prince? iii. How did witnessing sorrow change him? iv. What does ‘glance’ imply in the given lines? 6

9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8 i. Hari Singh is both a thief and a human being. Explain. ii. How does the necklace change the course of the Loisel’s life? iii. Explain the qualities of the post office employees? iv. Why would you not agree with Lencho calling them ‘a bunch of crooks’? v. Bholi’s heart was overflowing with a ‘New hope and a new life’. What does the phrase ‘the new hope and the new life’ mean? 10. Attempt any one out of two long answer type questions in 100-120 words. 8 A. People should always try to live within their means. Aspirations have no limits but one should never forget the ground realities. Elaborate on the basis of chapter, “The Necklace”. OR B. Simple moment proves to be very significant and saves rest of the day of poet from being wasted. Explain on the basis of the poem ‘Dust of Snow’. 11. (A) Answer the following questions in about 200-250 words. 10 a. Kitty plays a vital role in Anne’s life. Elucidate OR b. In spite of the heartrending circumstances in which‘The Diary’ was written, it was not an inspiring rather a depressing book. Explore. OR (B) Answer the following questions in about 200-250 words (10 marks) a. How did Miss Anne Sullivan help Helen to communicate properly? OR b. Give a pen portrait of Helen Keller. ***** 7









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