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CO MPASS SERIES science Workbook part - 2 3 Name: Learn@Home Sec�on: Roll No.: School:

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Compass series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as its guiding principles for Science:  Theme-based learning  Relating science learning to the daily-life experiences of students  Focus on skill/process development  Providing opportunities for knowledge construction  Infusion of environmental issues into the content Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Compass series:  Theme-based content that holistically addresses all the learning outcomes specified by CISCE curriculum  Opportunities for experimentation, analysis and synthesis of ideas and concepts  Exposure to locally relevant environmental problem solving  Focus on science-specific vocabulary building  Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process All in all, the Compass Science books aim to enhance the learning of science, development of scientific temper and curiosity towards scientific activities along with the inculcation of healthy habits for environmental protection. – The Authors

Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Situation-based questions to foster real life skills • Use of image-based questions to build analytical skills • Focus on improving creativity through activities I Remember I Understand • Q uestions that are aimed at • Q uestions that are aimed at helping students recollect helping students engage with critical information related to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and concept ‘where’ of the concept I Explore (H.O.T.S.) I Apply • E xtending the application of the • A pplying the understanding concept to more advanced of the concept to questions and challenging questions which based on application of the meet the criteria of higher order concept in real-life scenarios thinking skills

Contents 7 Food Chains�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 8 Sound and Noise���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 9 Work and Energy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 1 0 Light and Shadows����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 1 1 Simple Machines�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 1 2 Cleanliness and Hygiene�����������������������������������������������������������������������������25

7Lesson Food Chains I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following type of living organisms are fungi and bacteria? [ ] (A) omnivores (B) decomposers (C) scavengers (D) carnivores 2) Which of the following is not a herbivore? [   ] (A) rabbit (B) cow (C) deer (D) polar bear Fill in the Blanks 3) L  iving organisms that can produce their own food are called ____________________________. 4) L eaves of plants are green due to the presence of a pigment called _____________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one carnivorous animal. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name any one omnivorous animal. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘scavengers’. Give two examples. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 1

I Understand True or False 8) A squirrel is a carnivorous animal. [         ] 9) Scavengers and decomposers play an important role in keeping the environment clean. [         ] 10) If the number of plants in an area decreases, then the number of herbivores will increase. [         ] 11) Forest fires are not only caused by natural causes such as lightning but can also be set by humans.  [         ] Short Answer Questions 12) How do forest fires cause imbalance in nature? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Classify the following animals as herbivores or carnivores. tiger, elephant, eagle, giraffe Herbivores Carnivores Long Answer Question 14) Define and describe a food chain with the help of a diagram. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2

x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Rekha wanted to buy a leather jacket for her friend. Her mother asked her to buy another gift instead. Which of the following could be the reason for it?  [   ] (A) It was not good. (B) It was damaged. (C) Its colour had faded. (D) It was made from animal skin. 16) Which of the following is an example of a food chain? [    ] (A) A rabbit eats a grasshopper. (B) An apple is eaten by a mouse, the mouse is eaten by a cat. (C) A mouse eats rice. (D) A seed grows into a plant. Food Chains 3

Short Answer Questions 17) In the food chain given below, name the producer, consumers and their eating habits. 18) Explain the importance of decomposers and scavengers. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) What will happen if rabbits disappear from the following food chain? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Make a poster to spread awareness about causes of imbalance in nature. 4

8Lesson Sound and Noise I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is an example of a sound made by a living thing?  [    ] (A) sound of a doorbell (B) barking of a dog (C) tick-tock of a clock (D) pressure cooker whistle 2) Which of the following sounds is the odd one in the list? [     ] (A) sound of a loudspeaker (B) horns of vehicles (C) sound of a drilling machine (D) sound of a flute Fill in the Blanks 3) A ______________________________ is used to warn people of fire inside a building. 4) A loud sound that causes discomfort to our ears is called ______________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one musical instrument that makes a sound when struck by an object. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name any one pleasant sound. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What is noise pollution? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5

I Understand a) fire alarm b) fire engine siren Match the Following c) ambulance siren 8) d) police siren 9) 10) 11) Short Answer Questions 12) What are warning signals and why are they used? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6

13) How does noise pollution affect our health? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Give any four ways to reduce noise pollution. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) While going to school, John suddenly heard a siren. The bus driver and other car drivers pulled their vehicles sideways giving way to the vehicle with the siren. Which of the following vehicles was it? [     ] (A) van (B) ice cream truck (C) school bus (D) ambulance 16) Aarohi goes to music class daily. Her teacher always closes the doors and windows before starting the class. Which of the following could be the reason for doing so?  [    ] (A) The teacher does not want others to hear the music. (B) The teacher does not want others to see what he or she is doing. (C) The teacher does not want others to get disturbed. (D) Both A and B. Sound and Noise 7

Short Answer Questions 17) Draw a mind map explaining the various causes of noise pollution. Ans. 18) Differentiate between pleasant and unpleasant sounds. Pleasant sounds Unpleasant sounds 8

Long Answer Question 19) F  ind the following musical instruments in the given word search. PIANO, FLUTE, DRUM, TABLA, GUITAR, VIOLIN, XYLOPHONE, TRUMPET A E N FMX I VN BXY LNT Y I P C D R U MOWOQ DBD T PXZ LA OAC E QON I D X Y L OP HON E T OU V I L XW Z AGU I T A R AH B B I VRQPGB L R CW U R I C D AQ J DM S A F E S P KXP ENK J TOL YE TOL I U NM Z T U MG H I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Write a slogan on noise pollution and make a poster for it. (Hint: Noise can make you deaf, keep the volume down!) Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Sound and Noise 9

9Lesson Work and Energy I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is a renewable source of energy? [     ] (A) petrol (B) wind (C) diesel (D) kerosene 2) Which energy do plants use to make food? [     ] (A) wind (B) heat (C) sound (D) light Fill in the Blanks 3) _________________________ is the ability to do work. 4) When a force applied causes displacement of an object, _____________________ is said to be done. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name the main source of energy on the Earth. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) What is the name given to the electricity that is generated with the help of moving water? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What is mechanical energy? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 10

I Understand a) g enerate hydroelectricity Match the Following b) generate electricity using 8) wind energy 9) 10) c) use electricity to work 11) d) need food as energy source Short Answer Questions 12) How is electricity generated using a windmill? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Work and Energy 11

13) Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources Non-renewable energy sources ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the process of generating electricity using water. Ans. 12

x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) O n a study tour to a hydroelectric plant, David saw a device moving with the help of the water force. What device did David see? [] (A) blades (B) windmill (C) dam (D) turbine 16) Shreya performed the following activities in a day. In which activity was work done? [    ] (A) sitting on a chair (B) lifting a heavy box (C) watching a movie (D) reading a book Short Answer Questions 17) Why should we try to limit the use of vehicles running on fossil fuels? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) Identify the forms of energy related to the given pictures. a) b) Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Work and Energy 13

Long Answer Question 19) I dentify if work is done in the following situation. Justify your answer. Rahul picked up a bottle kept on the table. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Make a poster on our need for energy. You may use the following points: • We need energy to run vehicles. • We need energy to cook food. • We need energy for our body to do work. 14

10Lesson Light and Shadows I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following results in the formation of day and night? [] (A) the revolution of the Sun (B) the rotation of the Earth (C) the revolution of the Moon (D) the rotation of the Sun 2) Which of the following will form a dark shadow when light is focused on it? [    ] (A) a glass of water (B) plastic bottle (C) wax paper (D) books Fill in the Blanks 3) The Earth moves around the Sun in a fixed path called the _____________________. 4) _ _______________________ objects allow only some amount of light to pass through them. 15

Very Short Answer Questions 5) H  ow much time does the Earth take to complete one revolution around the Sun? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) How many hours does the Earth takes to complete one rotation? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) When does an eclipse occur? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Understand True or False 8) A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes in between the Earth and the Sun. [] 9) An eclipse takes place due to the formation of shadows. [ ] 10) O paque objects allow only some amount of light to pass through them. ] [ 11) Our shadows are longer in the mornings and evenings. [ ] Short Answer Questions 12) W  hat are the factors responsible for the formation of day and night on the Earth? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Why does the length of our shadow vary throughout the day? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 16

Long Answer Question 14) D  ifferentiate between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) In which direction will our shadow be seen if the Sun is to our left? [    ] ] (A) up (B) left (C) down (D) right 16) D aniel was walking on the road. He noticed that his shadow was very short. What time of the day could it be? [ (A) morning (B) noon (C) evening (D) sunset Light and Shadows 17

Short Answer Questions 17) Rearrange the following letters to get the correct words. a) NOTIUOLVER - ______________________________________________________ b) TAIONTOR - ______________________________________________________ c) BTIRO - ______________________________________________________ d) ELIPSCE - ______________________________________________________ 18) W  hich type of eclipse are the people in the following picture viewing? Justify your answer. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Draw a labelled diagram to show the formation of a solar eclipse. Ans. 18

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) When did the solar eclipses and lunar eclipses occur in the year 2017? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Light and Shadows 19

11Lesson Simple Machines I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is the simple machine we use in our day-to-day life?  [    ] (A) washing machine (B) pulley (C) refrigerator (D) grinder 2) Which of the following is a complex machine? [     ] (A) staircase (B) doorknob (C) scissors (D) fishing rod Fill in the Blanks 3) ______________________ is the force applied at one point on a lever to move an object. 4) A _________________________ is the fixed point where a lever is attached. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give an example of class 1 lever. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) List the uses of wedges. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 20

Short Answer Question 7) List down the types of simple machines. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Understand Match the Following 8) a) wheel and axle 9) b) wedge 10) c) pulley 11) d) screw Simple Machines 21

Short Answer Questions 12) How do the three types of levers differ from each other? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) How does a pulley work? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) D raw labelled diagrams of class 1 and class 3 levers. Ans. 22

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) What type of simple machine is shown in the picture? [ ] ] (A) inclined plane (B) wedge (C) screw (D) wheel and axle 16) Which of the following is not an example of a lever? [ (A) nail cutter (B) roller skates (C) tweezers (D) bottle opener Short Answer Questions 17) Identify the type of lever given in the picture. Also, label the effort, load and fulcrum in the picture. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) A bicycle is a complex machine. Explain. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Simple Machines 23

Long Answer Question 19) Identify the types of simple machines given below. a) b) c) d) I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) F  ind out and list the simple machines that you use at your school. Also, write what type of simple machines they are. Name of the simple machine Type of the simple machine 24

12Lesson Cleanliness and Hygiene I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following diseases is not spread by mosquitoes? [     ] (A) malaria (B) dengue (C) chikungunya (D) measles 2) Which of the following will lead to food poisoning? [   ] (A) covering the cooked food (B) using unclean raw food for cooking (C) cooking for a longer time (D) cleaning food items before cooking Fill in the Blanks 3) _ ____________________________ is the set of practices that we follow to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. 4) T  he germs that cause diseases are known as ______________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What type of diseases spread from one person to another? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) N ame a biodegradable waste material. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Name any four Rs from the 5R method. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 25

I Understand a) c leanliness and hygiene of the surroundings Match the Following 8) b) oral hygiene 9) c) w ater hygiene 10) d) respiratory hygiene 11) Short Answer Questions 12) Describe rural waste. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Explain the importance of changing our clothes daily. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 26

Long Answer Question 14) D  istinguish between biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste. Biodegradable waste Non-biodegradable waste ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) A  nuj was suffering from a cold. He wore a mask while going out. Why did he do that? [   ] (A) to prevent food poisoning (B) to avoid taking medicines (C) to prevent others from getting infected (D) both A and B 16) W hich of the following would prevent the spread of infectious diseases? [ ] (A) touching (B) sanitising (C) water (D) insects Short Answer Questions 17) Classify the following diseases as airborne and waterborne. chickenpox, typhoid, cholera, measles Airborne diseases Waterborne diseases Cleanliness and Hygiene 27

18) Identify which of the 5Rs have been used in the following situations. a) carrying own cloth-bag for shopping b) making paper bags from old newspapers Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) What should be done in the following situations? a) The shopkeeper asks you to buy a plastic bag to keep groceries. b) Lina has so many old toys and clothes that she does not use anymore. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) F ind out two different ways to repurpose newspapers and plastic bottles. Write them in the table given below. Ways to repurpose newspapers Ways to repurpose plastic bottles 28

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