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SCIENCE 4WORKBOOK – 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 1 11/20/2018 10:31:20 AM

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX has been involved in designing textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. IMAX presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as its guiding principles for Science:  Theme-based learning  Relating science learning to the daily-life experiences of students  Focus on skill/process development  Providing opportunities for knowledge construction  Infusion of environmental issues into the content Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the IMAX textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The IMAX team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of IMAX Traveller series:  Theme-based content that holistically addresses all the learning outcomes specified by CISCE curriculum  Opportunities for experimentation, analysis and synthesis of ideas and concepts  Exposure to locally relevant environmental problem solving  Focus on science-specific vocabulary building  Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process All in all, the Traveller series aims to enhance the learning of science, development of scientific temper and curiosity towards scientific activities along with the inculcation of healthy habits for environmental protection. – The Authors NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 2 11/20/2018 10:31:20 AM

Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Situation-based questions to foster real life skills • Use of image-based questions to build analytical skills • Focus on improving creativity through activities I Remember I Understand • Questions that are aimed at • Questions that are aimed at helping students recollect helping students engage with critical information related to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and concept ‘where’ of the concept I Explore (H.O.T.S.) I Apply • Extending the application of the • Applying the understanding concept to more advanced of the concept to questions and challenging questions which based on application of the meet the criteria of higher order concept in real-life scenarios thinking skills NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 3 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM

Contents 7 Composition of Air�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 8 Solutes, Solvents and Solutions����������������������������������������������������������������������5 9 Properties of L ight���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 1 0 Measurement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 1 1 Force and Its Effects��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 1 2 Friction and Its Effects�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 4 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM

7Lesson Composition of Air I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following gases is present in the largest amount in air?  [     ] (A) argon (B) oxygen (C) carbon dioxide (D) nitrogen 2) Which of the following helps in maintaining the oxygen level in air? [     ] (A) burning wood (B) cutting trees (C) releasing gases (D) planting trees Fill in the Blanks 3) Substances which make the air dirty are called _____________________________. 4) ____________________________ in the air helps in burning. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any two things that are present in the air. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Which gas do plants use for making their food? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘air pollution’. Give an example of a pollutant. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 5 1 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM

I Understand True or False 8) We should avoid using chemical sprays to kill insects. [         ] 9) We need nitrogen to breathe. [         ] 10) Vehicles should be serviced regularly. [         ] 11) The air around us contains only water vapour.  [         ] Short Answer Questions 12) How are germs added to the air? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) In the picture given below, draw the arrows to show the movement of gases correctly. Carbon dioxide Oxygen 2 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 6

Long Answer Question 14) Draw a diagram explaining the composition of air. (Hint: Use different colours to represent the different gases.) Ans. x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Rekha likes to burn crackers for Diwali. But her father told her not to light any crackers. Which of the following would be the reason for it? [    ] (A) Father did not want to spend money on buying crackers. (B) Crackers maintain the oxygen levels in the air. (C) Crackers introduce disease-causing germs into the air. (D) Crackers release harmful smoke. 16) Which of the following will help us to keep the air clean? [    ] (A) burning garbage in the neighbourhood (B) using bicycles for short distances (C) using chemical sprays to kill harmful insects (D) spitting in public places Composition of Air 3 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 7 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM

Short Answer Questions 17) Which of the following should we use for cooking and why? chulha LPG gas Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) Why should factories be away from the residential areas? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Public transport can help us in reducing pollution. Give reasons. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Make a poster to promote the ways to reduce air pollution in your neighbourhood. 4 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 8

8Lesson Solutes, Solvents and Solutions I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Soil does not dissolve in water, then which of the following is true?  [     ] (A) Soil cannot be separated from water. (B) Soil is insoluble in water. (C) Soil is a solvent. (D) Soil is soluble in water. 2) Which of the following dissolves in water? [     ] (A) chalk (B) sand (C) oil (D) sugar Fill in the Blanks 3) Substances that dissolve in a solvent are called ________________________________ substances. 4) The process in which insoluble substances are allowed to settle down by keeping the liquid undisturbed for some time is called ______________________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one method to separate soluble substances. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Which gas is dissolved in water in aerated soft drinks? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) A solution is prepared by using chocolate, sugar and milk. Complete the following sentences. a) ____________________________ and ____________________________ are solutes. b) ____________________________ is a solvent. NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 9 5 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM

I Understand Match the Following a) method to separate soluble 8) solute + solvent substances from water 9) lentils + rice grains b) m ethod to separate insoluble substances from water 10) filtration c) mixture 11) vaporisation d) solution Short Answer Questions Evaporation 12) Differentiate between boiling and evaporation. Boiling 13) Classify the following methods with respect to their uses. sedimentation and decantation, filtration, evaporation, boiling Methods to separate insoluble Methods to separate soluble substances substances 6 11/20/2018 10:31:21 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 10

Long Answer Question 14) D  raw the labelled diagrams for the process of sedimentation and decantation to separate a mixture of sand and mud from water. Ans. x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) A nuya would like to use her poster colours to colour her drawings. Which of the following would she choose? [] (A) petrol (B) diesel (C) oil (D) water 16) Guru is making lemon sherbet. Which of the following is he preparing? [ ] (A) solute (B) solution (C) solvent (D) filtration Short Answer Questions 17) Write down the methods you would use to separate the following substances. S. No. Substances Method of separation a) rice and water mixture b) tea leaves from tea c) salt from seawater d) oil and vinegar Solutes, Solvents and Solutions 7 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 11 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

18) Identify the following substances as soluble or insoluble in water. a) mustard seeds: _________________________ b) wax: ________________________ c) lemon juice: _________________________ d) oil: ________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Ravi accidentally mixed chalk powder in a bucket of water. How can he take the chalk powder out from the water? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) What will happen to the following solutes and solvents if we mix them? Write down your observations in the table given below. S. No. Solute + Solvent What happens to the What happens to the solute? solvent? a) blue ink + water b) coffee + water c) chocolate + milk d) sugar + water 8 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 12

9Lesson Properties of Light I Remember Multiple Choice Questions (D) [     ] 1) Which of the following animals does not give out light?  atolla jellyfish (A) firefly (B) earthworm (C) glow worm 2) Which of the following is a natural source of light? [     ] (A) electric bulb (B) oil lamp (C) candle (D) stars Fill in the Blanks 3) When we place any object in the path of light, the light hits it and bounces back. This is called _____________________________. 4) The bending of light when moving from one medium to another is called _____________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What are the two types of sources of light? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 13 9 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

6) Give any one example of a translucent object. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘shadow’. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Understand Match the Following 8) a) requires electricity to light 9) b) requires kerosene to burn 10) c) does not have its own light 11) d) natural source of light 10 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 14

Short Answer Questions 12) Classify the following objects as luminous and non-luminous. oil lantern, glass dish, tube light, notebook Luminous Non-luminous 13) The Moon is a non-luminous object. Explain. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Write down any four properties of light. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Anish lit a torch and placed his toy in front of the torchlight. Where would the shadow of the toy be seen? [    ] (A) to the left side of the toy (B) behind the torch (C) to the right side of the toy (D) behind the toy Properties of Light 11 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 15 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

16) Shadows formed by which of the following object will be dark? [    ] (A) plastic container (B) wooden block (C) glass container (D) glass block Short Answer Questions 17) Look at the pictures and identify the properties of light shown. a) b) Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) Classify the following items as transparent, translucent and opaque. water, coloured plastic box, spectacles, book Transparent Translucent Opaque Long Answer Question Refraction 19) Differentiate between reflection and refraction. Reflection 12 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 16

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Take a clean glass and fill halfway with water. Pour some oil carefully to fill the other half. Now, slowly dip a spoon in it. Observe the spoon and note down your observations. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Properties of Light 13 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 17 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

10Lesson Measurement I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) How many hands does a clock use to show time? [     ] (A) two (B) three (C) five (D) four 2) Which of the following is the unit for measuring weight? [     ] (A) centimetre (cm) (B) millimetre (mm) (C) kilometre (km) (D) milligram (mg) Fill in the Blanks 3) ______________________________ is the action of finding out the quantity or amount of something. 4) The thin, fast moving hand of the clock is the___________________________ hand. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What do we need to measure different things? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) What can be measured with the help of a ruler and measuring tape? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Write a short note on measuring time. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 14 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 18

I Understand True or False 8) In a clock, the hour hand is longer than the minute hand. [          ] 9) A digital thermometer uses mercury level to show the reading.  [         ] 10) m/cm/mm/km are the units used for measuring weights. [         ] 11) Thermometers are used to measure body heat.  [         ] Short Answer Questions 12) Identify the objects given in the picture. What are they used for? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) How do we get to know that both the sides of a weighing balance have equal weights? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) How do you measure the body heat with the help of a mercury thermometer? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Measurement 15 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 19 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Shubha asked her mother to stitch a new dress. Her mother would need to take her measurements for it. Which of the following should she use? [    ] (A) weighing machine (B) ruler (C) weighing balance (D) measuring tape 16) Anil bought 1 kg of potatoes from the farmer’s market. He thinks that the farmer has not given him the exact amount. Which of the following should he use to check the correct measurement? [    ] (A) thermometer (B) weighing balance (C) measuring tapes (D) ruler Short Answer Questions 17) Circle the measuring instruments. a) b) c) d) e) f) 18) Write down the instruments and units for measuring the following items. S. No. Items Instrument Units a) weight of a person b) a bag of grains c) height of a cupboard d) temperature of the body 16 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 20

Long Answer Question 19) Draw the positions of the hour, minute, and second hands for showing the time. a) 5 hours, 30 minutes and 15 seconds b) 6 hours, 30 minutes , 5 seconds Ans. a) b) I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) At your home try to measure the height of the following items. Write the instrument used to measure the height. S. No. Items Height Instrument used a) dining table b) fridge c) shoe box d) sofa Measurement 17 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 21 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

11Lesson Force and Its Effects I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) When we push an object, it moves away from us. Which of the following actions are good examples of it? [     ] (A) playing tug-of-war (B) playing tennis (C) wearing socks (D) removing clothes from the cupboard 2) In which of the following instances will the force applied change the direction of the object? [    ] (A) tear a paper (B) lift a pile of books (C) sit on a chair (D) hit a ball with a bat 18 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 22

Fill in the Blanks 3) _________________________ is push or pull acting on the object. 4) The force that acts when two objects rub together is called ____________________ force. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one game that involves pulling activity. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) What kind of force is used by the man in the picture to lift the box? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What happens when a force is applied to an object? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Understand True or False 8) Pulling is same as pushing. [         ] 9) Force can change the direction of a moving object. [         ] 10) Objects with a rough surface do not develop friction. [         ] 11) Rain drops are pulled to the ground due to gravitational force.  [         ] Force and Its Effects 19 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 23 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

Short Answer Questions 12) Identify whether push or pull is used in the following. No. Work Push/Pull No. Work Push/Pull a) b) c) d) 13) Describe the type of force shown in the picture. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) What happens when you throw any object upwards? Why? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 20 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 24

x I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Parth would like to test a magnet. Guess which of the following items would get attracted by the magnetic force? [    ] (A) pencil (B) paper (C) eraser (D) nail 16) Which of the following forces do bullocks apply for pulling the cart? [    ] (A) frictional force (B) muscular force (C) gravitational force (D) magnetic force Short Answer Questions 17) Identify and explain what helps kids to slide easily on the slide. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) a) Look at the picture. What type of force is used by the policeman to catch the thief? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Force and Its Effects 21 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 25 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

b) Look at the picture. Why does the apple fall to the ground? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Complete the crossword puzzle. a) force that pulls objects down (across) b) force that acts against the movement of objects (down) c) force applied by muscles (across) d) force of attraction by a magnet (across) Ans. b) F a) G A I Y c) M CL R d) M I NTC 22 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 26

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Find out the activities that use pull or push in our day-to-day life. Note down your observations in the table given below. Ans. Activity Push/Pull Force and Its Effects 23 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 27 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

12Lesson Friction and Its Effects I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hen you roll a ball on the floor, it stops after some time. Which force makes it stop?  [    ] (A) magnetic force (B) muscular force (C) force of friction (D) both A and B 2) Which of the following is not true about friction? [   ] (A) Friction help us to hold things tight. (B) Without friction moving objects will not stop. (C) Friction helps us walk. (D) Friction will not reduce the speed. Fill in the Blanks 3) _________________________________ between surfaces produces heat. 4) Frictional force is also called _____________________________ force. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Look at the given picture. Between which two surfaces will the friction act? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 24 12/29/2018 2:12:16 PM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Corrected pg 24 done.pdf 1

6) What do we call the substances that reduce friction? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘friction’. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Understand Match the Following 8) a) friction acting against the motion of the object 9) b) one of the uses of friction 10) c) o ne of the harmful effects of friction 11) d) one of the ways to reduce friction Friction and Its Effects 25 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 29 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

Short Answer Questions 12) If we roll a ball on the floor and roll the same ball on a carpet, which surface will have more friction? Why? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Identify and draw the direction in which friction will act in the following picture. Give reasons. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) How does applying powder on a carrom board reduce friction? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 26 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 30

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) While driving on a mountain road, Shree’s car got heated and started giving out smoke. Which of the following needs to be refilled in the car? [     ] (A) petrol (B) oil (C) diesel (D) coolant 16) In which of the following activities does friction develop?  [     ] (A) reading (B) washing clothes by hand (C) sleeping (D) thinking Short Answer Questions 17) What is the boy doing in the following picture? Identify the role of friction in the activity. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Friction and Its Effects 27 NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 31 11/20/2018 10:31:22 AM

18) After the long winter break, Alan took his bicycle out from the garage and started oiling it. Why did he do it? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Anuj wants to go on a hike to the Himalayas. Suggest what type of shoes he should buy and why. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Find out the activities in our day-to-day life where friction can be harmful to us. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 28 11/20/2018 10:31:23 AM NR_BGM_9789387552302 TRAVELLER G04 SCIENCE WORKBOOK PART 2_Text.pdf 32

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