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ENGLISH WORKBOOK - PART 2 by classklapTM 4 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 1 20-11-2018 18:21:29

Preface IMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of this series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. This series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the prescribed board curriculum. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. Listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) are fundamental skills for any language, and students’ mastery over them is key to success at school. All these skills frequently need to be used together. Therefore, the English textbooks and workbooks strive to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four LSRW skills. To this effect, the English textbooks and workbooks offer the following features:  T heme-based literature pieces across classes 1-5  Samples of Indian writing in English as well as popular English literature pieces from western countries  P ictures for word meanings in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words  S upplementary literature pieces (without questions and answers) to enable additional reading  A speaking project and two reading comprehension passages in each unit to further hone speaking and reading skills  Horizontal and vertical progression across grades for the grammar concepts covered in the workbooks, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  S amples of format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing Overall, the IMAX English textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication and empower students to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 2 20-11-2018 18:21:29

Dictation RP DViocctatbiounlary Q Dictation – Words from the lesson or sentences with commonly confused Helps to build vocabulary with spellings for dictation practice explanations and practice exercises Listen and answer – Questions based on an audio piece for listening practice (for Grades 4 and 5 only) GDircatmatmioanr DFoicrmtaatiloWn riting Introduces and teaches an aspect of Inculcates writing skills by introducing grammar with explanations and formal writing styles by providing samples practice exercises and adequate practice DCircetaattiivoen Writing Includes samples and pre-work to ensure proper scaffolding Fosters creative writing skills by having students draw from real-life experiences as well as encourages creative thinking ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 3 20-11-2018 18:21:30

Module 7 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Module 8 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Module 9 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 Module 10 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 50 Module 11 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 66 Module 12 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 82 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 4 20-11-2018 18:21:30

Module 7 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Listen and answer Grammar Use of ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’ Formal Writing Verbs Creative Writing Subject-verb agreement Persuasive writing Travel writing Dictation 3) Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 6) 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 1 7) 8) 20-11-2018 18:21:31 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 1

Exercise 1.2: Listen and answer b) to ascend bodily into heaven [    ] d) to get godly powers [    ] 1) What did Trishanku desire? a) wealth [    ] c) to reach hell when he died [    ] [    ] 2) Why did Sage Vishwamitra decide to fulfil Trishanku’s desire? a) for the good turn he had done Vishwamitra b) to get praises c) so that he would be worshipped d) to make him stop praying to Vishnu 3) What did Indra do to Trishanku? b) threw him down from heaven a) made Trishanku sit next to him d) made him ascend to heaven c) covered him with flowers 4) What did Vishwamitra do to keep Trishanku from falling down? a) propped him up with a long pole b) placed a big cloth mid-air c) propped him up with a sword d) raised his hand and caught him 5) Which part of the coconut, according to the story, is Trishanku’s beard? a) the husk b) the inner part c) the nut d) the fibre RP Vocabulary Q Use of ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’ The words ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’ sound exactly the same but have very different meanings. To: It is a preposition that expresses direction or shows a particular condition. Examples: • He went to the market yesterday. • Rita likes to eat laddoos. 2 20-11-2018 18:21:31 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 2

Two: It is the number name of 2. Examples: • Chanda has eaten two biscuits today. • Two of his friends were laughing loudly. Too: It means ‘also’ or ‘much more or less than needed’. Examples: • Neha loves chocolates, and I love them too. • This house is too large for us. Exercise 2.1: Colour the circles with the correct options and complete the sentences. 1) I was invited to a party, and my sister was to two too . 2) Zaheer saw to t w o too lovely roses bloom in his garden. 3) Romila had to t w o t oo meet Shyam in the morning. 4) Climb to t wo too the top, and wave the flag. 5) He has eaten to t w o t o o much this time. 6) His father came home and gave him to tw o too oranges. Exercise 2.2: In the following sentences, the underlined words have been used incorrectly. Rewrite the sentences using the correct words. 1) My mother went two Shillong last month. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2) Ravi likes too come back home early from office. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) To of those apples are ripe and juicy. Please give me both. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Module 7 3 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 3 20-11-2018 18:21:32

4) Mary hates nursery rhymes. Her sister, Jane, hates them to. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) R  aza’s father brought too beautiful vases from his shop. One was blue, and the other was red. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) We took a trip to Ladakh; we visited Kashmir two. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Grammar Verbs and helping verbs In the previous classes, we have learnt about main verbs and helping verbs. Underline the main verbs and circle the helping verbs in the sentences given below. 1) Do you know my name? 2) She is doing her best. 3) We are going to the market. 4) I am making eggs for dinner. Remember • V erbs are action words. They show the action that the noun does or the state of being of the noun. Examples: a) Corla cooks very well. b) Subhash lives in Assam. • Helping verbs do not show any action but help the main verb to complete its meaning. They also add detail or show the state of being of the noun. Helping verbs are also called auxiliary verbs. Examples: a) We were going to the park. b) There is a forest here. 4 20-11-2018 18:21:32 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 4

Modal verbs (ability and permission) Read the following sentences. May I use your phone, Could my sister come along I can swim for an hour, but please? too? my brother cannot. Observe the use of ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ in these sentences. They are used by speakers to ask for permission or to show ability. The word ‘cannot’ shows a lack of ability to do something. These words are called modal verbs. What are modal verbs? Modal verbs, or helping verbs, give additional information about the main verbs that follow them. Let us learn about the modal verbs that show ability and are used to ask for permission. Modal verbs of ability can (ability in Positive Negative Question the present) Can you speak I can play the guitar Reema cannot play very well. table tennis. Spanish? could (ability in Gina could walk Megha could not Could you read or the past) when she was just write until she was write before you eleven months old. seven. were six? Module 7 5 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 5 20-11-2018 18:21:33

Modal verbs for permission (more formal) may Asking for Giving could (polite) permission permission might (extremely May I borrow your book? You may borrow my book. formal) Could I take a leave tomorrow? – – Might I give an idea? Modal verbs for permission (less formal) Asking for Giving permission permission can Can I watch the play tonight? You can watch the play. Note: To use a modal verb in its negative form, add ‘not’ between the modal verb and the main verb. Examples: •   You may not leave early today. •   She cannot ride a bicycle. Exercise 3.1: Choose the correct modal verbs for the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) I cannot pick up this 2) _ _____________________ I ask 3) W hen I was a child, I box; it is very heavy. a question, please? ______________________ (less formal) do a headstand. a) cannot b) may not a) Could a) can c) might not b) Can b) could c) May c) may 6 20-11-2018 18:21:34 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 6

4) ______________________ 5) H  e ______________________ 6) You ______________________ I leave early? speak fluently in Hindi when he go home if you like. (extremely formal) came here two years ago. (less formal) a) Can a) cannot a) can b) Might b) could not b) might c) Could c) may not c) may Exercise 3.2: Choose the appropriate modal verbs for the following sentences from the words given below. One is done for you. could can may might couldn’t cannot 1) I cannot hear you. The room is very noisy. 2) _  ___________________ you do a headstand? My sister has learnt yoga for five years, and she is very good at it. 3) W e ____________________ meet the author at the bookstore. There was too much rush. 4) ____________________ we borrow your pens? (more formal) 5) ____________________ I take a leave tomorrow? (extremely formal) 6) When I was younger, I _______________________ run for three hours continuously. Module 7 7 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 7 20-11-2018 18:21:34

Subject-verb agreement A sentence is made up of three parts. Sentence Subject Verb Object It is what or whom the sentence is about; it is somebody or something It is the action that It is the thing or the person who the subject does. is acted upon or receives the who/that does the action. action. Now, read the following sentences. • He cook dinner for his family. • The girls walks to college every day. • Your sister talk a lot for her age. • The children swims well. You will notice that all these sentences seem odd. They just do not sound correct! Identify the subjects and verbs in these sentences. You will find that they do not go together. Remember • In a correct and meaningful sentence, the subject should be in line with the verb. This means that the subject and the verb should agree. • This is known as subject-verb agreement. Rules of subject-verb agreement Rule 1 A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Examples: • The boy throws a ball. • The boys throw a ball. 8 20-11-2018 18:21:34 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 8

Rule 2 Two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘either... or’ or ‘neither... nor’ require a singular verb. However, if one of the two subjects is plural and is closer to the main verb than the singular subject, then the verb will be plural. Examples: • Either my brother or sister has made the bed. • My uncle or aunt is arriving today. • Neither Mary nor her children want to go to the park. Rule 3 Use a plural verb with two or more subjects connected by ‘and’. Examples: • Kabir and these children are friends. • Meher and Mihir go to school together. Remember • W e add ‘-s’ to make nouns plural and remove the ‘-s’ to make them singular. However, with verbs, it is the opposite. With verbs, we need to add ‘-s’ to make them singular and remove the ‘-s’ to make them plural. • U  se the helping verbs ‘is’, ‘does’ and ‘has’ with singular nouns. • U  se the helping verbs ‘are’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ with plural nouns. Module 7 9 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 9 20-11-2018 18:21:35

Let us now correct the sentences we read earlier.  He cook dinner for his family.  H  e cooks dinner for his family. ‘He’ is a singular subject, so the singular verb ‘cooks’ should be used.  Your sister talk a lot for her age.  Your sister talks a lot for her age. A gain, ‘sister’ is a singular subject that goes with the singular verb ‘talks’.  The girls walks to college  The girls walk to college every day. every day.  The children swims well. ‘Girls’ is a plural subject, while ‘walks’ is a singular verb. To correct the sentence, we should use ‘walk’, which is a plural verb.  The children swim well. A gain, ‘children’ is a plural subject, so we should use 'swim', which is the plural form of the singular verb ‘swims’. Exercise 3.3: Choose the correct forms of the verbs from the given options and fill in the blanks. One is done for you. 1) My friend Mohit talks a lot. (talk/talks) 2) The old woman and the old man ___________________________ (looks/look) healthy. 3) Either the girl or the boy ___________________________ (rides/ride) this cycle. 4) My neighbour ___________________________ (drives/drive) a taxi. 5) The athletes ___________________________ (runs/run) five kilometres every day. 10 20-11-2018 18:21:35 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 10

6) N either my mother nor my aunts ___________________________ (have come / has come) home yet. Exercise 3.4: Rewrite the sentences so that the subjects and verbs agree. One is done for you. 1) The wheels of the bus goes round and round. Ans. The wheels of the bus go round and round. 2) The dog and the cat eats a lot of food. Ans. 3) The elephants or the monkeys takes the bananas. Ans. 4) I likes drawing. Ans. 5) Neither Suresh nor Maria like to sing. Ans. 6) A bag and a book is lying on the floor. Ans. Module 7 11 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 11 20-11-2018 18:21:35

Formal Writing Persuasive writing Imagine that a fair is happening in your school. You are going to sell something at the fair. Choose your product and think of four reasons you will give to the visitors to make them buy it. Draw what you will sell here. 1) ______________________ 2) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 3) ______________________ 4) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Look at the ads given below. Observe the message they are trying to convey. Pay attention to the pictures and slogans used. Stuff it. Zip it. Go! Makcoeleovuerrfyuld!ay 12 20-11-2018 18:21:36 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 12

youSjuocasyntu'otmnhea! ve Advertisements are excellent examples of persuasive writing. They show how one can convince people about a product or idea. There is very little space in an advertisement. Too many reasons cannot be given to convince the audience. It is mainly the attractive pictures along with catchy sentences that convince people to buy the product or service. Exercise 4: Create an advertisement to sell homemade chocolate chip biscuits. Fill in the planning sheet to complete the activity. Draw attractive pictures and include a slogan in your advertisement. Colour it once you finish. What is the product? 1 Who is it for? 2 Module 7 13 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 13 20-11-2018 18:21:37

Why do you think people should buy your product? 3 What slogan can you use to sell the product? 4 What pictures can you use? 5 14 20-11-2018 18:21:37 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 14

Module 7 15 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 15 20-11-2018 18:21:37

Creative Writing Travel writing Think about all the words that come to your mind when you think of the word ‘travel’. Write them down in the mind map given below. Compare your list of words with that of your classmates. 16 20-11-2018 18:21:38 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 16

Shikha had visited Goa recently. During the trip, she had written about her experiences in her diary. Let’s read what she had loved on this trip. 6 February 2019 7 February 2019 We reached Panjim at 11:00 We went to Anjuna beach a.m. It is so pretty! I love how today. there are trees at the sides of all I visited the flea market of the roads. Anjuna. Mummy bought me a Today, we visited Miramar few bangles and shell earrings. beach and the churches of Old I'm wearing them right now! Goa. We even went on a lovely After shopping, we played in boat ride on river Mandovi. the water at Anjuna beach. It Local musicians were playing was great fun to splash about lively Goan music on the boat. in the gentle waves. I felt like dancing to the lovely After playing in the water, tunes! we walked barefoot to a beach We ended the day with tasty shack and drank cool iced tea Goan food. I really enjoyed the and lemonade. I had a lot of prawn curry! fun today! Module 7 17 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 17 20-11-2018 18:21:39

Exercise 5: Given below is some information about the city of Hyderabad. Imagine that you have recently visited the city. Write a diary entry about a memorable day spent in Hyderabad. (What did you love about the city? It could be places of interest, food or people.) Hyderabad—The City of Pearls Places of interest Hyderabad is a place with many historical monuments. The old city is famous for the Charminar, the Salar Jung Museum and the markets. The Salar Jung museum has the largest one-man collection of artefacts in the world. Golconda is an old fort with a beautiful view of the city. Hussain Sagar, a human-made lake, is famous for boating. Ramoji Film City, located on the outskirts of Hyderabad, is a popular tourist attraction because of its film sets and fun activities. Food 20-11-2018 18:21:41 Hyderabad is famous for its non-vegetarian food, mainly biryani, haleem, nihari and kebabs. Moreover, one should not leave the city without trying its sweet dishes such as phirni and double ka meetha. Shopping Hyderabad is famous for pearl jewellery (necklaces and earrings). The markets near Charminar are famous for traditional clothes and jewellery. Laad Bazaar is the famous bangle street near Charminar. One can buy the local ‘kalamkari’ fabric and arts and crafts items from a place called Shilparamam. 18 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 18

Module 7 19 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 19 20-11-2018 18:21:41

20-11-2018 18:21:41                 20 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 20

Module 8 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Vocabulary Listen and answer Grammar Words related to art Formal Writing Creative Writing Tenses Friendly letter Dialogue writing Dictation 21 Exercise 1.1: Sentence dictation 20-11-2018 18:21:42 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 21

Exercise 1.2: Listen and answer 1) How many islands together make the Lakshadweep islands? [   ] [   ] a) 36 b) 34 [   ] [   ] c) 24 d) 28 [   ] 2) How many among these islands are populated? a) 10 b) 32 c) 15 d) 25 3) What was Lakshadweep formerly called? a) Minicoy b) Seychelles c) Laccadives d) Lakh Deeps 4) Which is the largest of all the Lakshadweep islands? a) Andrott b) Kavaratti c) Minicoy d) Mahim 5) W hich of the following languages is mentioned in the passage you listened to? a) English b) Malayalam c) Hindi d) Muslim 22 20-11-2018 18:21:42 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 22

PR Vocabulary Q Words related to art Exercise 2.1: Solve this crossword puzzle about different forms of art. Use the clues given under the puzzle. One is done for you. 12 mu s i c 3 4 5 Across – music 1) nice to listen to – p h ___ t ___ ___ r a ___ h y 5) done with a camera Down – s ___ e t ___ ___ 2) made with a pencil – s ___ ___ g 3) can be sung – ___ a n ___ ___ 4) performed alone or in a group – ___ a i ___ ___ ___ n g 5) made with paints as a hobby Module 8 23 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 23 20-11-2018 18:21:44

Exercise 2.2: Find the names of the given Indian dance forms in the word search below. K AMK UCH I P U D I V R C bhangra A X A P A P DQX F NAV P N kathakali T P Y X X UQX Z QH YMU S H I T H T D T CH T U KG I P kathak A F AA E V I RCR U I L I L K N NWN B V K DCMA H A D GX AQ L F Q T H B K J F A P D J T R N X N I CA A K K OQ V F AOA S P NH VN L S GN V R R MM U R T G B L Q Y K I L E A Z D I AMAN I P U R I CXH I X K S X E F S NNA Z UWB R E H J J KOHC L D Y HOQ Z P OCN I M P I E A X B HANGR AV Z T G E Y F A manipuri kuchipudi bharatanatyam 24 20-11-2018 18:21:45 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 24

Grammar Simple present, simple past and simple future tenses Meet Siya and read her story. Hi! I am Siya. I live in Chennai. I study in Class 4. I love to read, swim and travel. We travelled to Bengaluru last month. I went with my parents and my brother. Bengaluru is a beautiful city. During our stay, we visited many historical places and gardens. For our next vacation, we will visit Delhi. My grandparents live in Delhi. Together, we will travel to Mathura. Isn’t that exciting? Notice that Siya is talking about: • actions that happen every day or are generally true. • actions that have taken place earlier (in the past). • actions that will take place later (in the future). Just like Siya, when we communicate, we refer to the present time, the time in the past and the time in the future. In other words, we use tenses. Tenses Present tense Past tense Future tense  I live in Chennai.  We travelled to Bengaluru.  We will visit Delhi. Module 8 25 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 25 20-11-2018 18:21:45

Let us revise the simple present, simple past and simple future tenses. Simple Present  The verbs in this tense show habits and ideas that apply in general or as a rule. subject + base verb ('plays', 'goes', 'sings', 'dances') (‘-s’/‘-es’) + object Examples: •  I play with my friends every day. •  R ita goes to tennis practice daily. • The Sun rises in the east. Simple Past  The verbs in this tense refer to actions that have already happened. subject + past tense (‘played’, ‘went’, ‘sang’, ‘danced’) form of verb + object Examples: •  I played with my friends at school yesterday. •  R ita went to tennis practice at 4:00 p.m. Simple Future  The verbs in this tense refer to actions that will happen in the future. subject + will/shall + (‘will play’, ‘will go’, ‘will sing’, ‘will dance’) base verb + object Examples: •  I will play with my friends at school tomorrow. •  R ita will go to tennis practice at 4:00 p.m. 26 20-11-2018 18:21:45 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 26

Let us look at more sentences in the three tenses. Simple present Simple past Simple future We go for a walk every We went for a walk last We will go for a walk morning. morning. tomorrow morning. You eat dosas for breakfast You ate dosas for breakfast You will eat dosas for every day. yesterday. breakfast on Thursday. He will watch a movie on He watches a movie every He watched a movie last night. night. Friday. They go on a family picnic They went on a family picnic They will go on a family every year. last week. picnic tomorrow. Exercise 3.1: Convert the tenses of the sentences according to the instructions given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Rishav goes to school. (Change this to the simple future tense.) Ans. Rishav will go to school. 2) S eema rode to school on her bicycle. (Change this to the simple present tense.) Ans. 3) M y best friend will come to school. (Change this to the simple past tense.) Ans. 4) Gita and Rita play in the park. (Change this to the simple past tense.) Ans. 5) T he dog barked at the stranger. (Change this to the simple present tense.) Ans. Module 8 27 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 27 20-11-2018 18:21:45

6) I visited my friends in Manipur. (Change this to the simple future tense.) Ans.  Present continuous tense The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are taking place now. Use ‘is’ with How to form sentences in the Use ‘are’ with ‘you’, ‘he’, she’, ‘it’ and present continuous tense? ‘we’, ‘they’ and plural nouns. singular nouns. Children are playing in the garden. subject is/am/are object ‘-ing’ form of verb Past continuous tense The past continuous tense is used to refer to actions that were going on at a particular time in the past. Use ‘was’ with How to form sentences in the Use ‘were’ with 'I', ‘he’, she’, ‘it’ and past continuous tense? ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’ and plural nouns. singular nouns. Children were playing in the garden. subject was/were object ‘-ing’ form of verb 28 20-11-2018 18:21:45 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 28

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with verbs in the correct continuous tenses. One is done for you. 1) You were cooking (cook) while I was doing my homework. 2) The girls ____________________________________ (go) to the playground now. 3) The cat ____________________________________ (chase) the mouse yesterday. 4) I ____________________________________ (make) tea for my mother right now. 5) Sunny ____________________________________ (listen) to the radio last night. 6) It ____________________________________ (rain) right now; we cannot go to the park. Present perfect tense Afreen has finished her I have watched the movie. You have passed your painting. exam. These sentences describe actions that have just finished in the present. Such actions are written in the present perfect tense. It reports news or The present perfect tense It also describes completed links the present and talks about actions (past) that are the past. actions or situations that have started in the important now. past but continue into the Example: present. I have passed Example: the exam. He went to India in 2012. He has lived there ever since. Module 8 29 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 29 20-11-2018 18:21:46

Use ‘has’ with A sentence in the present Use ‘have’ with ‘I’, ‘he’, she’, ‘it’ and perfect tense looks like this: ‘you’, ‘we’, ‘they’ and plural nouns. singular nouns. Kavya has completed the project. subject has/have object past participle form of verb Here is a list of the past participle forms of some common verbs. Base verb Past tense form Past participle form be (is, am, are) was, were been beat beat began beaten begin sang begun sing broke sung break bit broken bite blew bitten blow chose blown choose came chosen come dove come dive went dived ate gone go drew eaten eat drawn draw 30 20-11-2018 18:21:46 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 30

Base verb Past tense form Past participle form do did done fall fell fallen froze frozen freeze gave given give grew grown grow saw seen see laid laid lay spent spend spent bent bend bent Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blanks with the present perfect forms of the verbs. One is done for you. 1) I have read (read) the newspaper today. 2) She ____________________________________ (be) nervous all day. 3) They ____________________________________ (see) this play before. 4) Josh ____________________________________ (call) them three times today. 5) We ____________________________________ (spend) all our money. 6) I ______________________ already ____________________ (finish) my dinner. Exercise 3.4: Answer the following questions about yourself in the present perfect tense. One is done for you. 1) Have you ever seen a ghost? Ans. I have never seen a ghost. 2) What languages have you studied? Ans. Module 8 31 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 31 20-11-2018 18:21:46

3) Which cities or states have you travelled to in India? Ans. 4) How many friends have you met today? Ans. 5) What is the best thing that you have eaten all day? Ans. 6) Have you played any games today? Ans. Formal Writing Friendly letter Read these letters and identify the friendly one and tick the correct box. Bungalow 65 Letter 1 Lunar Road Kanpur 31 July 2019 Dear Srija, How are you? It was great reading your letter. Congrats on winning the spelling bee! I’m preparing for a spelling bee at my school too. Why don’t you give me some tips? Call me and we can discuss about a few methods to prepare. Do call me soon! Your friend, Adhir 32 20-11-2018 18:21:46 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 32

B-69 Patrakar Society Letter 2 Patrakar Nagar Pune – 411018 The Editor The Pune Herald Patrakar Nagar Pune – 411018 31 August 2019 Subject: Request to start a subscription of your newspaper Dear Editor, My name is Alok Khot. I am interested in subscribing to your newspaper. My address is mentioned above. I want to subscribe to your daily newspaper and not to the other supplements. I would like you to start delivering the newspaper from next week. Kindly call me on 7690000000 to confirm. Regards, Alok Khot Exercise 4: Your friend Simran is very fond of wildlife and camping. So, when you came to know about the Ranthambore National Park camp for children, you couldn’t wait to attend it with her. Write a letter to Simran, asking her to join you at the camp. Hints: • Greet your friend. • Give the details of the camp: the last date for registration, the exact location and so on. • Write why you think she will enjoy it. • Mention why you look forward to her company at the camp. Module 8 33 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 33 20-11-2018 18:21:47

34 20-11-2018 18:21:47 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 34

Creative Writing Dialogue writing Exercise 5: Given below is a picture of seven friends. Read their names and the things that they like or want to do. Choose any two friends and write a conversation between them in which they discuss their likes and desires. Amir Rohit Faisal Rosy Shweta Nazia Judy Here is a sample of a conversation between two of the friends. Amir: Hi, Rohit! Rohit: Hello, Amir. How are you? Amir: I'm fine. What about you? Rohit: I am doing good as well. Where are you going? Amir: A camp has been organised to train students in rock climbing. I am going to join the camp. Rohit: Oh, how adventurous! I like to stay at home and play carrom with my family. I simply love the game. Module 8 35 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 35 20-11-2018 18:21:47

Amir: That's great! Everyone has their own hobbies. Anyway, I'm getting late. I have to run. See you later. Rohit: Sure, Amir. Enjoy! 36 20-11-2018 18:21:47 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 36

Module 9 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Listen and answer Grammar Use of ‘they’re’, ‘their’ and ‘there’ Formal Writing Creative Writing Adverbs Notice writing Story writing Dictation 3) Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 6) 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 37 7) 8) 20-11-2018 18:21:47 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 37

Exercise 1.2: Listen and answer 1) What did Akbar love doing? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) How many roads were there at the junction? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) According to the young man, which of the roads went to Agra? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What was the young man’s name? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) What did Akbar gift the young man? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PR Vocabulary Q Use of ‘they’re’, ‘their’ and ‘there’ ‘They’re’ is the contracted form of ‘they are’. Examples: • They’re happy to be home. • They’re going to play football. 38 20-11-2018 18:21:48 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 38

‘Their’ is used to mean ‘belonging to’. Examples: • T heir bus stopped moving after crossing the temple. (the bus that belonged to them) • R icha and Shweta love gardening. I want to visit their garden. (the garden that belongs to them) ‘There’ is used to show a particular position or place. Examples: • Let us go there and have some ice cream. • There are four mangoes in the bag. Look at the table below for more examples of ‘they’re’, ‘their’ and ‘there’. they’re their there I like to eat bananas when They went to visit their Please put your sweater they’re soft. grandparents. there. They’re going to play near Their house is almost one Have you been there? the sea. hundred years old. There is no water left in the They’re not as bad as you We are looking for their lost bucket. think. cat. What did she see over there? I think they’re going to come By tomorrow, their work will home soon. be done. Exercise 2.1: Fill in the blanks correctly with ‘they’re’, ‘their’ or ‘there’. One is done for you. 1) There is a big lion in the zoo. It looks fierce. 2) It was _____________________ idea to go to the fair. 3) _____________________ very angry with you for breaking the glass. 4) I think _____________________ both very excited about the match. 5) A  kram’s favourite restaurant is the Punjabi Dhaba. He is fond of _____________________ chicken tikka masala. 6) Once upon a time, _____________________ lived a greedy king named Harish. Module 9 39 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 39 20-11-2018 18:21:48

Exercise 2.2: Read the following passage from a magazine. Correct the usage of ‘they’re’, ‘their’ and ‘there’ wherever required and rewrite it below. They’re is something new happening with dhabas. They used to serve rather ordinary food. But now, their bringing they’re food to the streets to get closer to the customers. Every week, their is an event in some park or the other to provide samples of such food. Families from the surrounding neighbourhoods go they’re for an evening of fun and food. They have a good time they’re. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Grammar Adverbs of manner Underline the adverbs of manner in the following sentences. 1) She performed well in the exam. 2) He humbly refused the gift. 3) They were talking loudly. 4) Smita rode her bicycle slowly. 40 20-11-2018 18:21:49 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 40

Remember • A dverbs describe or say more about verbs and adjectives. • A dverbs that show the way or manner in which actions are done are called adverbs of manner. • Adverbs of manner answer the question ‘how?’. Example: Ravi spoke softly. softly How did Ravi speak? So, ‘softly’ is the adverb of manner. • Most adverbs are formed by adding ‘-ly’ to the ends of adjectives. Examples: – quickly  quick  beautiful –   beautifully Now, let us learn about two new kinds of adverbs. Adverbs of degree Adverbs of degree tell us about the degree or intensity of an action. Adverbs of degree answer the questions 'how much?' or ‘to what extent?’. How difficult is this It’s exercise? extremely easy. Here, the word ‘extremely’ is the adverb of degree. It shows the degree of difficulty of the exercise. Module 9 41 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 41 20-11-2018 18:21:50

Here are two more examples of adverbs of degree. to a • Be careful. You almost fell from the tree. considerable extent ‘Almost’ answers the question ‘to what extent?’. So, it is an adverb of degree. • It is too cold to go out. to a very large extent ‘Too’ describes the intensity of the cold weather. Hence, it is an adverb of degree. The following table gives the most commonly used adverbs of degree. almost nearly hardly very completely too enough quite just extremely Remember • S ometimes, adverbs describe other adverbs. Examples:  I finished my work quite quickly.  She runs very fast. adverb of adverb of adverb of adverb of degree manner degree manner Adverbs of place An adverb of place tells us about the place where an action takes place or happens. Adverbs of place answer the question ‘where?’. Let us go there. 42 20-11-2018 18:21:50 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 42

Notice that the word ‘there’ answers the question ‘where?’ and tells us about the location of the movement. So, it is an adverb of place. Here are two more examples of adverbs of place. where? • She went up. – up • Amalu looked around, but she couldn’t see anyone. – around The words ‘up’ and ‘around’ tell us more about the location of the action or movement. So, they are adverbs of place. The following table gives the most commonly used adverbs of place. up down around inside outside away nearby there here Exercise 3.1: Underline the adverb in each sentence. Write the verb or adjective it describes in each of the sentences. One is done for you. Sentence Verb/Adjective 1) She lives here. lives – verb 2) The ice cream was deliciously sweet. ____________________________________ 3) Shreyan ate his dinner hungrily. ____________________________________ 4) He went outside. ____________________________________ 5) Varun's shirt is quite pretty. ____________________________________ 6) Heena nearly won the race. ____________________________________ Module 9 43 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 43 20-11-2018 18:21:51

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with adverbs of degree and place from the given words. One is done for you. completely inside everywhere really nearby very 1) They went inside. 2) Mani lives _____________________________. 3) We looked for the dog _____________________________. 4) H e is _____________________________ tired. He cannot walk all the way home. 5) This food is _____________________________ delicious. 6) I was _____________________________ drenched in the heavy rain. Exercise 3.3: Look at Pinky the monkey. Fill in the blanks according to the instructions to show what she is doing. One is done for you. 1) Pinky paints very well. (adverb of degree) Pinky was climbing a ladder that was kept 2) ____________________. (adverb of place) 3) Pinky is ____________________ brave to hang from that branch. (adverb of degree) 44 20-11-2018 18:21:51 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 44

4) Pinky pushes the box ____________________ . (adverb of place) 5) Pinky holds the rope ____________________. (adverb of manner) 6) Pinky is standing over ____________________. (adverb of place) Exercise 3.4: Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs of manner, place and degree from the given words. One is done for you. around deeply bravely extremely nearby completely The warrior fought bravely with her bow and arrows. She ran _________________________ and fought against all her enemies. She was ________________________ engaged in battle. The warrior was _________________________ good at archery. Some villagers lived _________________________. They were _________________________ engaged in watching the warrior fight. Module 9 45 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 45 20-11-2018 18:21:52

Formal Writing Notice writing Read the given sample of a notice carefully. See the different parts of a notice and study its format. Date Good SHEPHERD school Issuing authority Name and 20 March 2019 Headline designation of the person Movie day for class 4 Body issuing the talks about notice A trip to Globe Cinemas is being the purpose, organised for the students of Class 3 event, date, on Sunday, 26 March, to watch Toy time and Story 4. Interested students must pay venue 150 rupees to their respective class teachers at the latest by Friday, 24 March. Students shall receive further details from their class teachers on Saturday, 25 March. Nisha Kalra Academics In-charge 46 20-11-2018 18:21:52 ALP_G4_ENG_WB_Part 2.indb 46

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