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Vocab_grade 2.indb 1 2 my VOCABULARY book Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ 05/11/2018 14:41:41

Content 1. Features____________________________________ 01 2. Grade 1 Wordlist____________________________ 02 3. Revision Activities___________________________ 03 4. Set – A Wordlist______________________________ 07 5. Set – B Wordlist______________________________ 14 6. Set – C Wordlist______________________________ 21 7. Set – D Wordlist______________________________ 28 8. Set – E Wordlist______________________________ 35 9. Set – F Wordlist______________________________ 42 10. Set – G Wordlist_____________________________ 49 11. Set – H Wordlist______________________________ 56Vocab_grade 2.indb 2 05/11/2018 14:41:41

Features This tells you the meaning of the word. If a word has more than one meaning, they are How to use this vocabulary book given using a semicolon (;). The first meaning is the most common one. This is the base word. In the brackets you can see the other forms of the word. The word has been broken into syllables (smaller sounds) using this line. Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture Spelling balloon (balloons) a bag filled with air or There were many another gas at the party. Write the spelling of the Write the meaning Fill in the blanks. Draw a picture of the word. Read out the word of the word. example sentence or of every time you write Write your own your own sentence. it, keeping the syllable sentence using the breakdown in mind. word.Vocab_grade 2.indb 1 1 05/11/2018 14:41:42

Grade 1 Wordlistabout does hint pencil thanaction draw item people theiractivity drink language person thereapplication each lesson plant thesebelow every like present theybest example living recall thingbird exercise magic relate thinkbirthday family make remember tickbook figure many room timecall find match school treecapital flower maths season underchocolate food measure section understandingchoose form money sentence vegetablecoin formal month shape vocabularycolour friend mother shown watercolumn from mouse skill wheelcome fruit name sound whencomplete girl note star whereconcept grade number stop willcook grammar object sweet yearcreative group opposite table yourcross hand order talkdictation help other teacher 05/11/2018 14:41:42different higher part tell 2Vocab_grade 2.indb 2

Revision Activities 3 A) Riddle Me! : Guess the word for the riddles below. 05/11/2018 14:41:42 1. With no body but a head and a tail, I am round, If I fall I make a sound. 2. Once a year, I bring gifts all your way, And make you happy on your special day. 3. I can hold things, but I am not a bag. I can write, but I am not a pencil. I am part of your body, but I am not a foot. 4. Made of wood and covered in paint, I have a point on one end. 5. If you are hungry, I am here, Fill your tummy, with me my dear. 6. Draw or paint, read or write, But only If you open me, yes that’s right! 7. I fly high like a kite, I have wings like a plane. 8. With a lot of sun and rain, I can grow to a great height, I reach to the sky, but I always hold the ground. 9. Every second, I am gone, I never come back, let me warn.Vocab_grade 2.indb 3

B) Riddle Me! : Guess the word for the riddles below. 1. Teachers and students, books and bags, All in one place, where is that? 2. I have legs, but I cannot walk, Sit with me to eat, read or talk. 3. Not one and not two, 365 days in all, you know who. 4. Not a person, nor a plant, not even an animal, what is that? 5. You can hear me, but cannot see me, If I am very loud, I can harm. 6. Yellow, orange, green and red, in many colours as I said, From a tree, with a seed, come on eat me, go ahead. 7. I may be a brinjal or a potato, may be a pumpkin or a tomato, You can eat me, only if you __________ 8. You use me to buy things, Lots of things that _______________ brings. 9. Father, mother, sister, brother, All of us are one together. 4Vocab_grade 2.indb 4 Answers A) 1. coin 2.birthday 3.hand 4.pencil 7.bird 8.tree 9.timeB) 1. school 2.table 3.year 4.thing 5.sound 6.fruit 7.cook 05/11/2018 14:41:42

C) Find the given words in the grid below. DOES EXAMPLE I E T C E J BOX I FIGURE P P H I GH E RQ T GRAMMAR WD X E X L R F J E HIGHER S O I L Y AC I CM ITEM F E V P M F GG Z T MEASURE F S DME A S U R E OBJECT U NAA Y XWRQ I PERSON OR T X B VOE R P GX J E J L K P P D P E R S ONXCA JVocab_grade 2.indb 5 Revision Activities 5 05/11/2018 14:41:42

D) Fill in the blanks and complete the crossword. 12 3 45 67 8ACROSS DOWN3. You wish her ‘Good Morning’ every day at school. 1. I am New Delhi. I am an important city, because6. I am the mark your teacher gives you in your I am the ____________ city. report card. 2. W hen your teacher takes your attendance, you7. Red, blue, yellow, green, what is common in say ‘__________’. between. 4. What a magician knows.8. When you use your brain, you ______________. 5. A mark (). 6 05/11/2018 14:41:43Vocab_grade 2.indb 6

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence PictureA a round fruit with red, I eat an ___________ every yellow or green skin day. apple (apples) brother (brothers) a boy or man who has My _____________ and I study the same mother and in the same school. father as you cake (cakes) food made with flour, Rahul cut a __________ for his butter, eggs and sugar birthday. and baked in an ovenVocab_grade 2.indb 7 77 05/11/2018 14:41:43

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturedifference not like something else There is a ___________________(differences) between a lion and a tiger.father (fathers) a man who is a parent My _____________ works in a factory.good well done; nice; This cake is really _________. well-behaved 88 05/11/2018 14:41:43Vocab_grade 2.indb 8

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturegrandfather the father of your father My ____________________ has(grandfathers) or mother white hair.grandparent the mother or father of My _________________________(grandparents) one of your parents live in Agra.make (makes, to get something ready; My mother _____________ amaking, made) to prepare cake today.Vocab_grade 2.indb 9 Set – A Wordlist 9 9 05/11/2018 14:41:43

Spelling Meaning Sentence Pictureparent (parents) your mother or father I love my ____________.side (sides) the left, right, edge or A box has six ______________. surface of somethingsister (sisters) a girl or woman who My ________________ loves to has the same mother or read. father as you 1010 05/11/2018 14:41:43Vocab_grade 2.indb 10

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturestory (stories) describe something I like the ____________________ either true or made up, of ‘The Ugly Duckling’. in an interesting waytomato (tomatoes) a soft, juicy red fruit, A ___________________ is a eaten raw or cooked fruit and a vegetable. as a vegetablebracket (brackets) one of a pair of (This sentence is in marks () put around ____________________.) a word, sentence or numberVocab_grade 2.indb 11 Set – A Wordlist 1111 05/11/2018 14:41:43

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturechoice (choices) choose between many You must eat the right things _______________ of foods.blank (blanks) an empty space; My drawing book has many without any marks or ___________ pages. writingexplain (explains, to help someone Our teacher _______________explaining, explained) understand something the lesson. 1212 05/11/2018 14:41:43Vocab_grade 2.indb 12

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. brother sister parents side grandfather grandparents stories I am Kabir. My family is very big. I have a brother and a _____________. My ___________________ also live with us. They are my mother’s __________________. We have a lot of fun with my _____________________. At night, we sit by his _____________. He tells us many ___________________. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. father apple made cake difference good tomatoes My father wanted to surprise us with a ___________________. So, he ________________ one. He wanted to make an ______________ cake. But he had never cooked anything before. So, he put __________________ instead. He did not know the ____________________ between the two. So, we ate a tomato cake. It tasted funny. But mummy said that it was _____________. She wanted to make my father happy.Vocab_grade 2.indb 13 Set – A Wordlist 13 05/11/2018 14:41:43

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture B the colour of the sky on My cat’s eyes are a sunny day ___________ in colour.blueinsect (insects) a small animal with six Flies, ants, bees and legs butterflies are all ___________.cousin (cousins) the son or daughter of My _____________ and I play your aunt or uncle together. 14 05/11/2018 14:41:44Vocab_grade 2.indb 14

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturegame (games) something that you Cricket is my favourite play that has rules _______________.butterfly (butterflies) a colourful insect with Simi saw a yellow ______________ in the garden. four large wingsjunk useless things _______________ food like pizzas and burgers are not healthy.Vocab_grade 2.indb 15 Set – B Wordlist 15 05/11/2018 14:41:44

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturelist (lists) a group of names or Mother made a shopping other things that you ________. write one below the othermeal (meals) food eaten at a Breakfast, lunch and dinner particular time of the are ________________. daymummy (mummies) another word for I call my mother, ‘_________________’. ‘mother’ 16 05/11/2018 14:41:44Vocab_grade 2.indb 16

Spelling Meaning Sentence Pictureonly not more than; no other I have ______________ one (pizzas) a flat, round piece of Rahul likes extra cheese on bread covered with his ________________. cheese and tomatoessome a few; little; not much We ate _____________ ice cream.Vocab_grade 2.indb 17 Set – B Wordlist 17 05/11/2018 14:41:44

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturestand (stands, to be on your feet Teacher told us to __________ without moving up.standing, stood)yesterday the day before today We went to the park (circles) a round shape, like a The children sat in a ring or a wheel _______________ at story time. 18 05/11/2018 14:41:44Vocab_grade 2.indb 18

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturecorrect (corrects, to fix the mistakes; Our teacher is ______________correcting, corrected) not wrong; with no our books. mistakesdescribe (describes, to say or write what Teacher told me to something or someone __________________ my family.describing, described) is likedone (‘do’) finished or completed Neha has ___________ her homework.Vocab_grade 2.indb 19 Set – B Wordlist 19 05/11/2018 14:41:44

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. junk stand mummy only games pizza mealsOnce there was a boy. He liked to eat junk food. His favourite junk food was ____________. His______________ told him not to eat so much. She told him to have healthy ________________. But he didnot listen. One day, he fell sick. He could not sit. He could not _________________. He could not play any____________________. The doctor gave him an injection. It pained a lot. The boy learnt his lesson. So,now he eats __________ good food.B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. yesterday insect cousin some blue list butterfly Yesterday, my grandfather took me to a _______________________ park. My ______________ also camewith us. I had never seen so many butterflies before. _______________ butterflies were big. Somebutterflies were small. I made a ___________________ of the names of all the butterflies. I liked a butterflywhich was ______________ in colour. A butterfly is a beautiful ___________________. 20 05/11/2018 14:41:44Vocab_grade 2.indb 20

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence PictureC always every time; all the time A desert is _____________ dry. around in a circle; on all sides We sat _____________ the table. beach (beaches) the land beside the I picked many shells on the sea, covered with ______________. sand and stonesVocab_grade 2.indb 21 21 05/11/2018 14:41:44

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturebicycle (bicycles) a vehicle with two Neha rides her _____________ wheels that you ride by to school. turning the pedals with your feetclothes the things that you We will buy new wear on your body, like ________________ for Diwali. shirts, pants, dresses, etc.dirty (dirtier, dirtiest) not clean Madhu is washing the ______________ plates. 22 05/11/2018 14:41:44Vocab_grade 2.indb 22

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturedress (dresses) a piece of clothing I wore a new ___________ for usually worn by girls or my birthday. womenking (kings) a man who rules a A ________________ wears a country or a place crown.lion (lions) a wild animal that looks I saw a _____________ at the like a big cat zoo.Vocab_grade 2.indb 23 Set – C Wordlist 23 05/11/2018 14:41:45

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturemove (moves, to change place or I ______________ my bed tomoving, moved) position the corner.sleep (sleeps, sleeping, to rest your body and The baby is ________________. mind with your eyesslept) closedtransportation moving of people or A rocket is the fastest means things from one place of _________________________. to another 24 05/11/2018 14:41:45Vocab_grade 2.indb 24

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturetravel (travels, to move from one My uncle ___________ all over place to another the world.travelling, travelled)type (types) a group of people or Owls are a ______________ of things that are same in bird. some wayfollowing something that comes The dog is after or next ___________________ me.Vocab_grade 2.indb 25 Set – C Wordlist 25 05/11/2018 14:41:45

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturegiven use from; based on; We are making sentences provided with the ____________ in what way; for what ___________________ can I reason help you?identify (identifies, to recognise My mom can ______________ something or someone all the flowers.identifying, identified) by name 26 05/11/2018 14:41:45Vocab_grade 2.indb 26

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. type king move travelled sleeping lions transportation We went on a jungle safari. A safari is a different type of zoo. In it all animals ____________ freely. But people sit inside a transport. The safari had public ________________________ like buses, cars and jeeps. We _________________ in a car. We saw many _____________________, tigers, elephants and other wild animals. Father said that the lion is the ____________ of the jungle. We saw tiger cubs also. But, they were ___________________. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. bicycle dirty around beach always dress clothes One day I was riding my bicycle to the ____________. My dog, Fluffy was running ______________ my bicycle. I slipped and fell. There was mud all over my ______________. They became very _____________. Mummy says that I _______________ make my clothes dirty whenever I go out to play. She says that she should make a _____________ out of paper for me. I told her that paper dresses make noise when walking. She laughed.Vocab_grade 2.indb 27 Set – C Wordlist 27 05/11/2018 14:41:45

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture D the bottom or lowest It is warm at the ___________ part of something of a mountain.basebrush (brushes, to clean with a brush I ____________ my teeth every day.brushing, brushed)children (child) young boys or girls Many __________________ are playing in the park. 28 05/11/2018 14:41:45Vocab_grade 2.indb 28

Spelling Meaning Sentence Pictureclass (classes) a group of students There are 20 children in my who learn together _____________.contraction a shorter form of a Can’t is a __________________ word or words of ‘cannot’.(contractions)cycle (cycles) things happening again We learned about the life and again in the same _________ of a butterfly. orderVocab_grade 2.indb 29 Set – D Wordlist 29 05/11/2018 14:41:45

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturefish an animal that lives in My cat loves to eat water and uses its fins ________________. and tail to swimmiss (misses, missing, to be without someone Two of his front teeth were or something; _____________________.missed) somebody or something not being thereprotect (protects, to keep someone or Umbrellas _______________ us something safe from the Sun and rain.protecting, protected) 30 05/11/2018 14:41:45Vocab_grade 2.indb 30

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturequantity (quantities) how much or how Ayush ate a very large many of something ________________ of cake.subject (subjects) something that you Science is my favourite are studying, writing or __________. talking abouttiger (tigers) a big wild cat that has The ________________ is the yellow-orange fur with national animal of India. black stripes on itVocab_grade 2.indb 31 Set – D Wordlist 31 05/11/2018 14:41:45

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturetogether with each other Nikki and Nimmi are sitting ___________________.week (weeks) seven days from It rained all ______________. Monday to Sundaytrue real; based on facts It is _______ that the Sun gives and not imagined; not us heat and light. false 32 05/11/2018 14:41:46Vocab_grade 2.indb 32

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturelook (looks, looking, to use your eyes to see I feel happy when I ________ something at my puppy.looked)multiple more than one; many The old house had ________________ rooms.question (questions) a sentence that asks Faizal asks many for information or an __________________. answerVocab_grade 2.indb 33 Set – D Wordlist 33 05/11/2018 14:41:46

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. tiger fish week together class children miss I have a pet cat. He has stripes like a tiger. So, I named him Tiger. He likes to eat _________________.Tiger and I are always ________________. We play a lot. I _________________ him when I go to school. Last___________, we had a ‘show and tell’ activity at school. I took Tiger to my ____________________. All the__________________ played with him.B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. brush true subject contractions cycle quantity protect a. We must brush our teeth in the morning and at night.b. My favourite ________________ is English.c. Clothes ______________________ us from cold, rain and heat.d. It is _____________ that the Sun rises in the east.f. Words like I’ve, we’ll, don’t and we’re are ________________________.g. Fish eat a small _______________________ of food every day.h. We learnt about the life _____________________ of a butterfly. 34 05/11/2018 14:41:46Vocab_grade 2.indb 34

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture E chapter (chapters) a section of a book We have seven ____________ with a title or a number in English. o’clock of the clock; used to School starts at eight talk about a particular _____________. time ice cream a very cold, sweet food I like vanilla ________________. made from frozen milk and creamVocab_grade 2.indb 35 35 05/11/2018 14:41:46

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturefootball (footballs) a game played by two Tapan loves to play teams who kick a ball _______________.length (lengths) how long something is The ______________ of a scale is often twelve inches.measurement finding out the amount A tailor takes or size of something __________________________(measurements) to stitch clothes. 36 05/11/2018 14:41:46Vocab_grade 2.indb 36

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturemovement moving the body or Jump, run and dance are part of the body some ___________________.(movements)noise (noises) a loud sound Firecrackers make a lot of ________.shadow (shadows) a dark shape made by Dad’s ______________ is something that blocks bigger than mine. the lightVocab_grade 2.indb 37 Set – E Wordlist 37 05/11/2018 14:41:46

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturestandard (standards) a unit of measurement The ______________ unit of weight is kilogram.student (students) a person who goes to I am a ___________________. school or college to studyunit (units) a measure used to Kilometre is a ____________ of express an amount or distance. quantity 38 05/11/2018 14:41:46Vocab_grade 2.indb 38

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturewalk (walks, walking, to move on foot I _________ with my dog every evening.walked)watch (watches, to look at something Pooja is ________________ TV. for a timewatching, watched)weight how heavy someone or A stone has more something is _____________ than a paper.Vocab_grade 2.indb 39 Set – E Wordlist 39 05/11/2018 14:41:46

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturerewrite (rewrites, to write again Teacher told us to ________________ the words.rewriting, rewrote,rewritten)short (shorter, shortest) not long; not tall Minu cut her hair (shows, showing, to let someone see Simi ____________ her report something; to teach or card to her parents.showed, shown) explain by example 40 05/11/2018 14:41:46Vocab_grade 2.indb 40

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. watching shadow football noise movement walked o’ clock One day I was alone at home. I was watching a ___________________ game on TV. It was 8 _____________ at night. Suddenly, I heard a ____________ from the bedroom. I was afraid. I slowly _____________ towards the room. I pushed open the door. I could see some __________________ inside the room. And then I saw a ______________. It was big. The shadow jumped on me. I was about to shout. But then, who did it turn out to be? My dog, Fluffy! B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. chapter measurements length standard units weight student In our maths class, we are doing a chapter on _________________________. Teacher made us measure the ______________ of different objects with a scale. She told us that the scale and the tape are the ____________________ instruments used to measure lengths. We learnt the different __________ of measurement. Tomorrow we will learn about measuring _________________. We will measure the weight of each _______________ in our class. We will find out how many kilograms we weigh.Vocab_grade 2.indb 41 Set – E Wordlist 41 05/11/2018 14:41:47

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture Fballoon (balloons) a colourful rubber bag We decorated the room with filled with air or gas a lot of ________________.banana (bananas) a long curved fruit with Monkeys love to eat yellow skin and white __________________. flesh insideevent (events) something special Our school annual day is a or important that big _____________. happens 42 05/11/2018 14:41:47Vocab_grade 2.indb 42

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturefill (fills, filling, filled) to make something full; to Ajay _____________ the bottle become full of something with (gifts) something that I got many ___________ for someone gives, at my birthday. special times like birthdayshappen (happens, to take place The party ________________ at night.happening, happened)Vocab_grade 2.indb 43 Set – F Wordlist 43 05/11/2018 14:41:47

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturejoin (joins, joining, to put two things We ___________ hands and together; to take part formed a circle.joined) in something with othersmeaning (meanings) what a word, text, This book gives the _________________ of many concept or action words. stands formember (members) to belong to a group There are four ______________ in my family. 44 05/11/2018 14:41:47Vocab_grade 2.indb 44

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturerectangle a shape with four A door is in the shape of a straight sides _______________.(rectangles)solve (solves, solving, to find the answer to Piya _______________ all the something maths problems.solved)start (starts, starting, to begin Our school _____________ at 9 o’clock.started)Vocab_grade 2.indb 45 Set – F Wordlist 45 05/11/2018 14:41:47

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturestudy (studies, to learn about a We _____________ subject from books vocabulary in English class.studying, studied) and classessubtract (subtracts, to take away a When you _________________ number or amount 3 from 5, the answer is _____.subtracting, subtracted) from another number or amounttill until; up to the time The shop is open _______ when 10 o’clock. 46 05/11/2018 14:41:47Vocab_grade 2.indb 46

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picturesolution (solutions) the answer to a Planting trees is _____________ problem or question for green Earth.trace (traces, tracing, to copy a picture by Sejal ________________ the covering it with a thin picture of a tiger from atraced) sheet of paper book.underline (underlines, to draw a line under a We _____________________ theunderlining, underlined) word or sentence difficult words.Vocab_grade 2.indb 47 Set – F Wordlist 47 05/11/2018 14:41:47

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. event join happened banana solving subtract studyOne day, a funny event _________________ at school. We were learning to _______________ numbers.We were ________________ the sums that teacher wrote on the board. Suddenly, I saw a monkeyjumping on a tree outside the window. It was eating a __________________. I was busy looking at it.Suddenly, my teacher called out my name. She asked me to stand up. She said, ‘Abhi! Do you want to________________? Or, do you want to ____________ your friend on the tree?’ The whole class laughedloudly.B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. started till members fill gifts balloon rectangle Yesterday, was my birthday. We had a party. The party started at 7 o’clock. All my extended family_________________ and my friends came for the party. I got many _______________. I cut a big cake. It wasin the shape of a _____________________, with a picture of Chota Bheem on it. We played many games.One was a _____________ game. We had to ___________ water in as many balloons as we could, in oneminute. Whoever filled the most, got a prize. The party went on ______________ 10 o’clock. Everyoneenjoyed a lot. 48 05/11/2018 14:41:48Vocab_grade 2.indb 48

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