6 UNDERSTANDING MS WORD Friends! Think you want to make a fun birthday card for your friend. How can you do this? We learned to type using Notepad. Is it possible to make a colorful fun card on Notepad? Let Us Start There are a lot of programs that are used for typing. They are called Word Processor. We know Windows is the most popular GUI Operating System. MS WORD is the most popular word processing software works in Windows. Let Us Do 1: Draw lines to match the words given in the column A with column B to revise the terms learned in previous lessons. A B Notepad Brain of a Computer Mouse Storage Device CPU Give space between two words Recycle Bin Text Editor Hard Disk Pointing Device Spacebar 6WRUDJHDUHDRIGHOHWHGÀOHVDQGIROGHUV In this lesson We will learn 7RVWDUW0LFURVRIW:RUGDQGEHIDPLOLDUZLWKWKH06:25'VFUHHQ 'LIIHUHQWIHDWXUHVRI06WRUG +RZWRFUHDWHRSHQDQGVDYHDWRUG document 46 14-12-2017 18:24:05 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 52
MS WRUG is a part of the bigger package called MS OFFICE. It can do much more than word processing. :KHQ\\RXRSHQXS062)),&(\\RXZLOOILQGIRXUPDLQFRPSRQHQWVLQLW7KH\\DUH 06 :25' IRU ZRUG SURFHVVLQJ MS EXCEL IRU VSUHDGVKHHW MS ACCESS (for database management) and MS POWERPOINT (for presentation purposes). +RZHYHUZHZLOOOHDUQRQO\\06:25'LQWKLVOHVVRQ Do You Know? 0LFURVRIW2IÀFHVXLWHLVDFROOHFWLRQRIFRPPRQO\\XVHGFRPSXWHU programs made by Microsoft.” Getting Familiar With MS Word Microsoft Word (MS Word) is excellent for creating documents. It is used to create different types of documents that can include graphics and pictures. We can ZULWH SRHPV OHWWHUV HVVD\\V DQG VWRULHV :H FDQ HYHQ PDNH UHSRUWV SRVWHUV DQG greeting cards using MS Word. It allows us to make documents look attractive and LQWHUHVWLQJE\\DGGLQJEXOOHWVERUGHUVVKDGLQJHWF MS WordZDVÀUVWUHOHDVHGRQOctober 25, 1983. A number of versions of 06:RUGDUHDYDLODEOH6RPHRIWKHPDUH06:RUG;3 DQG06:RUGLVWKH12th version of Microsoft’s word processing software. Starting MS Word To start working on a new Word document or continue working on an existing GRFXPHQW ZH QHHG WR ILUVW RSHQ D :RUG :LQGRZ 7R RSHQ D QHZ :RUG :LQGRZ &lick: Start o All Programs o Microsoft 2IÀFHo0LFURVRIW2IÀFH:RUG 06:RUG,QWHUIDFH JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 53 47 14-12-2017 18:24:05
%HORZ LV WKH 06 :RUG LQWHU IDFH DV LW DSSHDUV )LJXUH ,W LV D EODQN GRFXPHQW page ready to start typing in. Let us discuss the important components of the screen or interface. Figure 6.1 Ms Word Screen 2IILFH %XWWRQ It is located in the upper-left corner of the screen. It contains the basic commands on the FilePHQX6RPHRIWKHPDUH 2SHQ6DYH6DYH$V3ULQWHWF Title Bar:7KHWLWOHEDUGLVSOD\\VWKHQDPHRIWKHGRFXPHQWV%\\GHIDXOWWKHGRFXPHQW is named as Document 1. Control Buttons: $VHWRIWKUHHEXWWRQVLQWKHWRSULJKWFRUQHUWKDWPLQLPL]H UHVWRUHRUFORVHWKHSURJUDP 48 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 54
Quick Access Toolbar: Provides with access to commands ZHIUHTXHQWO\\XVH%\\GHIDXOW6DYH8QGR5HGRDSSHDUVRQ this toolbar. Ribbon: A panel that organizes commands into tabs and groups. It is displayed just below the title bar. The three parts of the Ribbon are tabsgroups and commands. T abs: Each tab represents core tasks we do in a given program. Groups: Sets of related commands. C ommands:$FRPPDQGFDQEHDEXWWRQPHQXRU a box where we enter information. Status Bar: It appears at the bottom of the window. This bar GLVSOD\\V LQIRUPDWLRQ VXFK DV WKH FXUUHQW SDJH QXPEHU ZRUGFRXQWODQJXDJHHWF Rulers: ,WGLVSOD\\VWKHWDEVLQGHQWVPDUJLQV Horizontal ruler in Word can be used for: Setting and changing margins. Vertical ruler can be used to increase or decrease the top and bottom margins. View Buttons: 7KHVH EXWWRQV DOORZ WR XVH ÀYH different document views. Text Area: The large area below the ruler is called the text area. We can type document here. Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars: The scroll bars let us scroll the document up-down vertically or left-right horizontally. The document moves in a direction opposite to the movement of the scroll box. JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 55 49 14-12-2017 18:24:06
Styles and Effects ,Q06:RUGZHFDQFKDQJHWKHORRNRIWH[WXVLQJFont Group. 7KH WH[W ORRNV EHDXWLIXO ZKHQ LW LV ZULWWHQ LQ GLIIHUHQW FRORUV VW\\OHV DQG VL]HV 7R FKDQJHWKHIRUPDWRIWKHWH[WLWVKRXOGEHÀUVWVHOHFWHG Selecting means choosing the text to be formatted. To select a desired portion of text. STEP 1: Place the insertion point next to the text you want to select. STEP 2: &OLFN WKH PRXVH :KLOH KROGLQJ LW GRZQ GUDJ \\RXU mouse over the text to select it. STEP 3: Release the mouse button. You have selected the text. A highlighted box will appear over the selected text. To change the font size: STEP 1: Select the text you want to modify. STEP 2: Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size box on the HomeWDE$GURSGRZQPHQXDSSHDUV)LJXUH STEP 3:6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGIRQWVL]HIURPWKHPHQX$OWHUQDWLYHO\\ you can type the value you want and then press Enter on your keyboard. You can also use the Grow Font and Figure 6.2 Font Size Shrink Font commands to change the size. Figure 6.3 Font To change the font: STEP 1: Select the text you want to modify. STEP 2: Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font box on the Home tab. The Font drop-down menu appears )LJXUH STEP 3: Move the mouse pointer over the various fonts. A live preview of the font will appear in the document. STEP 4: Select the font you want to use. The font will change in the document. 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 56
To change the font color: STEP 1: Select the text you want to modify. STEP 2: Click the Font Color drop-down arrow on the Home tab. The Font Color menu appears (Figure 6.4). STEP 3: Move the mouse pointer over the Figure 6.4 Font Color various font colors. A live preview of the color will appear in the document. STEP 4: Select the font color you want to use. The font color will change in the document. To highlight text: STEP 1:)URPWKH+RPHWDEFOLFNWKH7H[W Highlight Color drop-down arrow. The Highlight Color menu appears (Figure 6.5). STEP 2: Select the desired highlight color. STEP 3: Select the text you want to modify. Figure 6.5 Highlight Text It will then be highlighted. STEP 4:7RVZLWFKEDFNWRWKHQRUPDOFXUVRUFOLFNWKH7H[W+LJKOLJKW&RORUFRPPDQG To use the bold, italic and underline commands: STEP 1: Select the text you want to modify. STEP 2: Click the BoldItalicRUUnderline command in the Font group on the Home tab. To change text case: STEP 1: Select the text you want to modify. STEP 2: Click the Change Case command in the Font group on the Home tab. STEP 3: Select the desired case option from the list. JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 57 51 14-12-2017 18:24:06
To change text alignment: STEP 1: Select the text you want to modify. STEP 2: Select one of the four alignment options from the Paragraph group on the Home tab. A lign Text Left: Aligns all selected text to the left margin. C enter: Aligns text an equal distance from the left Quick Keys and right margins. Ctrl+L Left A lign Text Right: Aligns all selected text to the right Ctrl+E Center Right margin. Ctrl+R -XVWLfy J ustify: Aligns text equally on both sides and lines up &WUO- equally to the right and left margins; used by many newspapers and magazines. Let Us Practice: 6WDUWDEODQNZRUGÀOHDQGW\\SHWKHEHORZVHQWHQFHV Read Only Memory A Read only Memory is a memory unit that performs the read operation only. It does not have a write capability. This implies that binary information stored in a ROM is made permanent during the hardware production of the unit. It cannot be altered by writing different words into it. Change the format for the title: Font – Arial, Font When you want Size – 16, Bold, Font Color- Blue. Alignment- Center to save a copy of a ÀOHXVHWKH6DYH$V Change the format for the word “ROM”: Bold, command. Underline, Italic. Font Color- Green. SavHDQG&ORVHWKH)LOH Let’s Save the Document 7KHÀUVWWLPHZHVDYHDÀOHZHQHHGWRVSHFLI\\WKUHH items: D 7KHGULYHRUIROGHUWRVDYHDÀOH 52 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 58
E 7KHQDPHRIWKHÀOH on F 7KH IRUPDW WR VDYH WKH ÀOH :H FDQ use default option for most purposes. To save a new document STEP 1: Click the 2IÀFH%XWWRQ. A menu appears. STEP 2: Click Save. Save As dialog box appears. STEP 3:7\\SHDQ\\QDPHIRUWKHÀOHLQWKH File Name box. STEP 4: Click on the Save document. When you want to save an open document, you can use the Save button the Quick Access Toolbar. Do You Know? The Word software will automatically add an extension .docx or .doc to the ÀOHQDPH Closing a document A document will remain open on the screen till we close it. To close the open GRFXPHQW Click the Close button on the upper right hand corner of the window. OR &OLFNWKH2IÀFH%XWWRQDQGFKRRVHWKHRSWLRQ&ORVH OR Press Alt+F4 in the keyboard. If we try to close an unsaved document on ZKLFKVRPHWKLQJLVW\\SHGZLWKRXWVDYLQJLW:RUG prompts us to save it. Opening an Existing File $IWHUWKHGRFXPHQWLVVDYHGWKHÀOHQDPHDSSHDUVZLWKWKHQDPH\\RXKDYHW\\SHG on the Title Bar. These are the STEPS for opening an existing document: JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 59 53 14-12-2017 18:24:06
STEP 1: Click on the 2IÀFH%XWWRQ. STEP 2: Click on the Open option. The Open dialog box appears. STEP3: &OLFN RQ WKH ÀOH \\RX ZDQW WR RSHQ &OLFN RQ WKH Open button. The document will be opened. Quick Keys Ctrl+O Opens an existing document Ctrl+S Saves a document Ctrl+W Closes a document Glossary W ord processor: $ VRIWZDUH WKDW DOORZV \\RX WR FUHDWH HGLW IRUPDW DQG print documents. Suite: A group of programs that have similar look and feel. Horizontal Scroll Bar: It allows to move left or right through a wide document. 4. Vertical Scroll Bar: It allows to move up or down through a wide document. 5. Menu: A list of options. 6. Quick $ccess toolbar: A toolbar that contains commands that users use PRUHRIWHQVXFKDV6DYH8QGRDQG5HGR Ribbon: A panel that is divided into tabs that contain groups. 8. Save: A button in the Quick Access Toolbar that saves an existing document. 9. Save As: $GLDORJER[WKDWZLOOVDYHDGRFXPHQWLQDVSHFLÀFIRUPDW D ialog Box: A box that appears on a display screen to present information RU UHTXHVW LQSXW 7\\SLFDOO\\ GLDORJ ER[HV DUH WHPSRUDU\\ WKH\\ GLVDSSHDU once you have entered the requested information. 54 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 60
Inside the Lab Let’s practice a little of what we just learnt. Teacher’s Notes ( [SODLQWKHZRUG´:RUG3URFHVVLQJµ 'HPRQVWUDWHWRWKHVWXGHQWVKRZWRVWDUWVDYHDQGFORVHDZRUGGRFXPHQW ) DPLOLDUL]H WKH VWXGHQWV ZLWK WKH YDULRXV VFUHHQ FRPSRQHQWV RI 06 :RUG toolbars and their commands. Student’s Notes 2 SHQ D QHZ GRFXPHQW DQG W\\SH \\RXU IXOO QDPH +LJKOLJKW \\RXU QDPH DQG select the Papyrus font from the Font group. 3 UHVVEnter keyDQGW\\SHDSDUDJUDSKIURP\\RXUERRN6DYHWKHÀOHZLWKWKH name “My First Doc” and close it. 2 SHQWKHVDPHGRFXPHQWW\\SHIHZOLQHVPRUHDQGVDYHLWZLWKDGLIIHUHQWQDPH EXERCISE 1) Multiple Choice Questions: D ,Q :RUGWKHUHLVDQDUHDDWWKHWRSRIWKHZLQGRZ,WLVDZLGHEDQG with groups of commands. What is it called? $0HQX %5LEERQ &2IILFHEXWWRQ '6WDUWEXWWRQ b) There is a toolbar at the top left hand side of the window in Word. It is next WRWKH2IÀFHEXWWRQ<RXFDQDGGDQGUHPRYHGLIIHUHQWFRPPDQGV:KDWLV this toolbar called? (A) 6tart (B) 4uick $ccess toolbar &)LOH '+RPH F 7KHÀUVWYHUVLRQRI06:RUGLVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $:RUG %:RUG &:RUG ':LQGRZV;3 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 61 55 14-12-2017 18:24:06
2) True or False D % \\GHIDXOWWKHWH[WLVDOLJQHGWRWKHULJKWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB E 06:RUGLVDSDUWRIWKH062IILFHVXLWHRIDSSOLFDWLRQVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB F $WDQ\\JLYHQWLPHPRUHWKDQRQHWDEEHGWRROEDUIURPWKHULEERQFDQEH made visible.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3) Fill in the blanks D 06:RUGLVGHYHORSHGE\\DFRPSDQ\\NQRZQDVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB E 7KHH[WHQVLRQRIDVDYHGÀOHLQ06:RUGLVBBBBBBBBBBBB F %\\GHIDXOWWKHGRFXPHQWLVQDPHGDVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLQ:RUG 4) Match the following a) Ctrl+B (i) Saves a document b) Ctrl+O (ii) Makes your text bold c) Ctrl+S (iii) Closes a document d) Ctrl+W (iv) Opens an existing document. 5) Very Short Answer Questions a) Arrange the following in order of their occurrence in MS Word from left to right: &RQWURO%XWWRQV2IÀFH%XWWRQ7LWOH%DU4XLFN$FFHVV7RROEDU b) Arrange the following in order of their occurrence in MS :ord from top to bottom: 6WDWXV%DU7LWOH%DU5LEERQ7H[W$UHD5LEERQ7DE 6) Short Answer Questions D : KDWLV062IÀFHVXLWH\"1DPHLWVPDLQFRPSRQHQWV Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ E ' HÀQH7H[W$UHD Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 56 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 62
7) Long Answer Question How many parts are there in the Ribbon? Explain them. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8) Picture Based Question List down the name of the parts of MS WORD screen. JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 63 57 14-12-2017 18:24:06
Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: (a) Circle all the icons of MS Word. (b) Put a tick on the extensions of MS Word. .doc .pptx .docx .xls 58 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 64
7 GETTING STARTED WITH MSWLOGO Friends! Do you think computer can understand Hindi, English and other languages? No, computer cannot understand these languages. To interact with a computer you need a language. LOGO is one such language. Here we will learn LOGO and meet our new friend Turtle. Let Us Start Microsoft Windows LOGO (MSW LOGO) is a simple computer language. It is useful IRU OHDUQLQJ WR SURJUDP /2*2 LV XVHG IRU GUDZLQJ ÀJXUHV XVLQJ FRPPDQGV ,W LV also used to type text and perform arithmetic calculations. There are several types of LOGO programming. Here we are going to use MSW LOGO. It is a free application that can be downloaded from the Internet. In this lesson We will learn 7RVWDUW06:/2*2SURJUDPDQGLGHQWLI\\SDUWVRIWKH/2*2ZLQGRZ 8VHRIEDVLFFRPPDQGVRI/2*2DQGH[LWLQJWKH/2*2ZLQGRZ LOGO stands for Language of Graphics Oriented. Sir Seymour Papert and his team developed LOGO in 1967. In LOGO, the pen is called the TURTLE. It works as a pointer and draws a line as it moves. We can draw different shapes by moving the turtle in different ways. The LOGO turtle is represented by a triangle. It shows the position where it will start to draw. The turtle has two parts: 7KHXSSHUSRLQWHGSDUWLVFDOOHGHead. 7KHORZHUEURDGHUSDUWLVFDOOHGTail. 59 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 65 14-12-2017 18:24:06
Do You Know? Originally, the turtle was a robot that moved around WKHIORRU ZKHQWKHXVHUW\\SHG/2*2FRPPDQGVinto a computer. How to Start 06:LOGO? Follow the steps below to start MSW LOGO: STEP 1: Click on the Start button. STEP 2: Click on All Programs. STEP 3: From the list, click on Microsoft Windows LOGO. (Figure 7.1) A LOGO window appears here. (Figure 7.2) Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Let’s Learn LOGO Window Parts The MSWLOGO window is divided into TWO sections: Main Screen (Figure 7.3) and Commander Window (Figure 7.4). T he Main Screen: It is the area where every drawing is viewed by the user. It consists of: 60 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 66
1. Menu Bar 2. Title Bar 3. Drawing Area 7 KH Commander Window: It is the area where the user gives the commands. These commands make the turtle move on the main screen. The commander window has three main parts. Figure. 7.3: Main Screen ¾ Input Box – The Input Box is the area where you type the LOGO commands. You can also edit the commands in this window. Figure. 7.4&RPPDQGHUZLQGRZ ¾ Recall list box – The Recall List box keeps a list of all the instructions typed in the Input Box. ¾ Tools – The Tool Box contains the control buttons. The Control Buttons on the right side corner are used for quick actions. The various Control buttons are: Halt - Stops running the commands entered in the Input Box. Trace - Checks our programs for errors. Pause - Stops the LOGO program temporarily. Status - Click on this button gives us the turtle’s position, the thickness of the line it draws, etc. Step - Runs the program we enter step-by-step. JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 67 61 14-12-2017 18:24:06
Reset - Clears the main screen. Execute - Carries out the commands typed in the Input Box. To execute a command, click the Execute button or press Enter key. Edall - Opens the command editor window. Basic LOGO Commands To Move: ¾ FORWARD or FD is used to move the turtle in the forward direction. You can give the number of steps the turtle should move. Format: FORWARD<space><number of steps> Or FD<space><number of steps> Example: FD 90 ¾ BACK or BK is used to move the turtle in the backward direction. You can give the number of steps the turtle should move. Format: BACKWARD<space><number of steps> Or BK<space><number of steps> Example: BK90 ¾ HOME is used to bring the turtle back to the center of the screen. Even if you DUH GUDZLQJ DQ\\ ÀJXUH DQG \\RX W\\SH WKH +20( FRPPDQG WKH WXUWOH ZLOO move back to the starting position. Format: HOME To Turn ¾ RIGHT or RT turns the head of the turtle towards the right side. Format: RIGHT<space><number> Or RT<space><number> 62 14-12-2017 18:24:06 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 68
Example: RT 60 ¾ LEFT or LT turns the head of the turtle towards the left side. The format to turn the turtle in the left direction is: Format: LEFT<space><number> Or LT<space><number> Example: LT 60 Entering MSWLOGO Commands STEP 1: Click in the Input Box at the bottom of the MSW LOGO Commander Window. STEP 2: Type in the command. STEP 3: Press the Enter key, or click the Execute button at the right of the Commander Window. Let US Do 1: Let’s make a square with each side 100 units using FD and RT command Enter the following commands. After each command press the Enter key FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 More LOGO Commands Let’s Clear the Screen ¾ CLEARSCREEN or CS The CS command erases the drawing on the screen and brings the turtle to its initial position. Format: CLEARSCREEN Or CS ¾ CLEAN JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 69 63 14-12-2017 18:24:07
It does the same function as CS command. However, it does not bring back the turtle to its home position. Format: CLEAN ¾ CLEARTEXT or CT This command is used to clear the Recall List Box. The CLEARTEXT will not clear the LOGO screen. 7KHUH SUHVHQWHG ÀJXUH RQ /2*2 VFUHHQ ZLOO QRW get erased. The short form of CLEARTEXT is CT. Format: CLEARTEXT Or CT Let’s 3OD\\+LGHDQG6HHN ¾ HIDETURTLE or HT ,WKLGHVWKHWXUWOHDQG\\RXFDQVHH\\RXUÀQLVKHGGUDZLQJZLWKRXWWKHWXUWOH Format: HIDETURTLE or HT ¾ SHOWTURTLE or ST It shows the turtle again on the screen. ST Command works after HT command is already given. Format: SHOWTURTLE or ST Figure. 7.5 Execution of ST Command Figure. 7.6 Execution of HT Command 64 14-12-2017 18:24:07 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 70
Exiting LOGO Figure 7.7 You can exit LOGO by two methods: STEP 1: Type “BYE” in the Command Input Box. STEP 2: Press the Enter key. Or STEP 1: Select File in Menu Bar. STEP 2: Click on Exit. Glossary 1) Turtle: It is a small triangle placed at the center of the drawing area of /2*2ZLQGRZ,WPRYHVDQGGUDZVÀJXUHV 2) Input Box: It is the place where the LOGO commands are typed. 3) Commander Window: It is a place where user gives the commands. 4) Recall list box: Place where commands are listed typed in the Input Box. 5) Execute: Tells the turtle to run the command typed in the Input Box. Inside the Lab Let’s practice a little of what we just learnt. Teacher’s Notes 0 6: /2*2 FDQ EH GRZQORDGHG IURP WKH OLQN EHORZ https://mswLOGO. en.softonic.com for Windows OS. ( [SODLQWRVWXGHQWVWKDWMXVWDVZHQHHGODQJXDJHVWRLQWHUDFWZLWKHDFKRWKHU ZHQHHGVRPHVSHFLÀFODQJXDJHVWRLQWHUDFWZLWKDFRPSXWHU ' LVFXVVZLWKWKHVWXGHQWVWKHXVHRIPRVWFRPPRQO\\XVHGFRQWUROEXWWRQVLQ/2*2 ( [SODLQKRZWRRSHQ FORVH/2*2DQGWKHPDLQVHFWLRQVRIWKH/2*2VFUHHQ ([SODLQDOOWKHFRPPDQGVJLYHQLQWKHOHVVRQ *XLGHDQGKHOSVWXGHQWVWRFRPSOHWHWKHDFWLYLWLHVJLYHQLQWKHOHVVRQ JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 71 65 14-12-2017 18:24:07
Student’s Notes 7 U\\DQGH[HFXWHDOOWKHFRPPDQGVJLYHQLQ\\RXUOHVVRQ ([HFXWHWKHFRPPDQGVDQGGUDZ'VKDSHVLQ/2*2 FD 100 RT xx (A) Pentagon-72 (B) Hexagon- 60 (C) Octagon- 45 : ULWHWKH/2*2FRPPDQGVWRGUDZWKHOHWWHUN- FD 40 RT 135 FD 60 LT 135 FD 40 HT A,:ULWHWKH/2*2FRPPDQGVWRGUDZWKHOHWWHU L and execute. 7 \\SHDQGH[HFXWHWKH/2*2FRPPDQGVJLYHQEHORZ'UDZWKHVKDSHV\\RX see in your notebook. FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 FD 100 FD 100 BK 100 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 120 RT 90 LT 45 LT 90 RT 90 FD 100 LT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 BK 100 FD 100 BK100 RT 120 FD 100 RT 45 RT 90 RT 90 FD 100 FD 100 BK 100 FD 100 RT 120 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 EXERCISE 1) Multiple Choice Questions: a) In LOGO after typing each command you have to press this button. (A) (nter (B) (xecute (C) 6hift (D)%RWK(A) or (B) b) Choose a command for exit LOGO. $*22'%<( %%<( &287 '&/26( c) Home command brings back the turtle to ______BBB (A) top position (B) bottom position (C) middle position (D) left position 66 14-12-2017 18:24:07 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 72
2) True or False a) The LOGO window is divided into 4 parts.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB b) The turtle cannot be moved backward.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB c) CLEARTEXT does not clear the LOGO screen.BBBBBBBBBBBBB 3) Fill in the blanks a) The LOGO commands are typed in the _____________________. b) The _____________ command erases the drawing on the screen. F BBBBBBBBBB7857/(FRPPDQGLVXVHGWRKLGHWKHWXUWOH 4) Match the following a) Forward (i) RT E 6+2:7857/( LL/7 c) Left (iii) FD d) Right (iv) ST 5) Very Short Answer Questions a) What is WKHLOGO cursor called? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b) Who developed LOGO? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6) Short Answer Questions a) What is MSWLOGO? What does LOGO stand for? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 73 67 14-12-2017 18:24:07
b) What is ‘Commander Window’? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7) Long Answer Question Describe the components of LOGO window. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8) Picture based question: Label the parts of LOGO screen. ACTIVITY: Write the LOGO commands and execute them to draw the below ÀJXUHV 68 14-12-2017 18:24:07 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 74
Notes: JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 75 69 14-12-2017 18:24:07
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Page No. 1. FAMOUS PEOPLE 1–3 4–7 Famous Personalities 8 – 12 2. INDIAN CULTURE 13 – 15 Indian Handicrafts Delicacies of India Religious Books Cities and their Nicknames 3. SCIENCE AROUND US Heavenly Bodies Information on Satellites Great Inventors and Inventions Doctor’s Kit Solids and Liquids 4. GREEN EARTH About Plant Kingdom Plants in Different Regions JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 79 14-12-2017 18:24:08
Lesson Page No. 16 – 21 5. ANIMAL PLANET 22 – 25 Largest, Tallest and Fastest Animals 26 – 27 Mammals and Reptiles 28 – 30 Carnivores and Herbivores Habitats 31 – 37 Birds and their Beaks 6. FUN WITH SPORTS It's a Sporty Affair 7. Cartoon Corner Movie Characters Comic Characters 8. MIXED BAG Nicknames for different Countries Superheroes Professions 9. WORLD HISTORY Civilizations Great Indian Kings Mughal Kings Nobel Prize Winners JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 80 14-12-2017 18:24:08
Lesson Page No. 10. POLITICS 38 – 41 Political Parties and Symbols Chief Ministers Presidents and Prime Ministers 11. GLOBE TRAVELLERS 42 – 46 Let Xs 7ravel to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 81 14-12-2017 18:24:08
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,GHQWLI\\WKHVHIDPRXVSHUVRQDOLWLHV ) ________________________________ ) ________________________________ ) ________________________________ 3 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 85 14-12-2017 18:24:08
2 INDIAN CULTURE Indian Handicrafts Match the following handicrafts to the states they belong to Handicrafts States 1) Tanjore Paintings [] a) Rajasthan 2) Meena Jewellery [] b) Karnataka 3) Bidri Metal work [] c) West Bengal 4) Kangra Pottery [] d) Maharashtra 5) KoOhapuri Chappals [] e) Himachal Pradesh 6) Dhakai Jamdani [] f) Tamil Nadu 7) Cane Furniture [] g) Assam 8) Pashmina Shawls [] h) Kashmir Do You Know? In 2012, Madhubani artists created colourful masterpieces on tree trunks to prevent deforestation. 4 14-12-2017 18:24:08 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 86
Delicacies of India To which state do these dishes belong? 1) ‘Makki Roti’ is a corn meal Indian bread that tastes fabulous with ‘Sarson saag’ – mustard green. ________________________________. 2) Aviyal (avial) is a delicious preparation made with mixed vegetables, curd, coconut and seasoned with coconut oil and curry leaves. _______________________________. 3) Dhokla is a savoury cake famous in this state. ______________________________ 4) Rasgullas, the fresh cheese-dough balls dipped in a sugary V\\UXSLVDIDYRXULWHWKURXJKRXW,QGLDEXWZDVÀUVWPDGHLQWKLV state. ________________________________. 5) A simple creation involving a deep fried potato patty with some coriander and spices placed between a bun, called Vada Pav originated as cheap street food in this state. __________________________. 6) In this state, Pongal is a famous breakfast dish, made from rice, milk and jaggery. ____________________________. JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 87 5 14-12-2017 18:24:09
Religious Books &RPSOHWHWKHFURVVZRUGE\\ÀOOLQJLQWKHQDPHRIWKH+RO\\ERRNVRIGLIIHUHQWUHOLJLRQV 1 2 3 4 5 Across: Down: 1) The Holy book of the Jews. 1) The Holy book of the Buddhists. 5) The Holy book of the Hindus. 2) The Holy book of the Sikhs. 3) The Holy book of the Muslims. 4) The Holy book of the Christians. 6 14-12-2017 18:24:09 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 88
Cities and their Nicknames Guess the name of the city 1) Golden City of India : ____________________________________ 2) IT Capital of India : ____________________________________ 3) City of Pearls : ____________________________________ 4) Pink City : ____________________________________ 5) Gods own country : ____________________________________ 6) City of Joy : ____________________________________ 7) City of Nawabs : ____________________________________ 8) Temple City : ____________________________________ 9) Financial Capital of India : ____________________________________ 10) Scotland of the East : ____________________________________ Fun Fact 7KHUHLVDÁRDWLQJSRVWRIÀFHLQ'DO/DNH6ULQDJDU,WZDVLQDXJXUDWHGLQ August 2011. JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 89 7 14-12-2017 18:24:09
3 SCIENCE AROUND US Heavenly Bodies With the help of the phrase given below try and name the planets. “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos” +LQW8VHWKHÀUVWOHWWHUVRIWKHZRUGVWRQDPHWKHSODQHWV ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 2WKHUKHDYHQO\\ERGLHVDUHGZDUISODQHWVDVWHURLGVDQGPHWHRUV Find pictures of these heavenly bodies and stick them in the space given below. 8 14-12-2017 18:24:09 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 90
Solids and Liquids +L , DP 5RVKQL , VWXG\\ LQ &ODVV <HVWHUGD\\ , VWXGLHG DERXW GLIIHUHQW VXEVWDQFHV LQ VROLG DQG OLTXLG VWDWHV 0\\WHDFKHUKDVJLYHQPHDZRUNVKHHW IRU KRPHZRUN &DQ \\RX SOHDVH KHOS PHFRPSOHWHLW\" 7KHTXHVWLRQVJLYHQEHORZDUHIURP5RVKQL·VZRUNVKHHW+HOSKHUDQVZHUWKHP Look at the following pictures and write names of solid or liquid objects in their respective boxes. Solid Liquid 12 14-12-2017 18:24:09 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 94
4 GREEN EARTH About Plant Kingdom Look at the jumbled words below and try to place the letters in the correct order. ARETW GTHSLIUN TINNTURES IAR _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Also identify how these above words are important in the life of a plant. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Look at the following pictures and answer the questions that follow: 1) Which part of the plant is shown in the above picture? Ans. __________________________________________________________________ 2) :KDWDUHWKHQDPHVRIWKHWZRURRWV\\VWHPVVKRZQ\" Ans. __________________________________________________________________ JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 95 13 14-12-2017 18:24:09
3) +RZDUHWKHURRWV\\VWHPVGLIIHUHQWIURPHDFKRWKHU\" Ans. __________________________________________________________________ )LQGSLFWXUHVRISODQWVWUHHVHDFKZLWKWKHWDSDQGÀEURXVURRWV\\VWHPDQGVWLFN them in the space provided below. Also specify the tree/plant name and the type of root it has below the picture. 14 14-12-2017 18:24:09 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 96
Plants in Different Regions Match the following descriptions with the respective images. Column A Column B 1) Desert Plants >@ a) 2) Mountainous Plants >@ b) 3) Underwater Plants >@ c) 4) Plants in Swamps >@ d) JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 97 15 14-12-2017 18:24:09
5 ANIMAL PLANET Largest, Tallest and Fastest Animals Do You Know? Rabbits and parrots can see what is behind them without turning their heads. Multiple Choice Questions (B) Ostrich [] 1) The largest OLYLQJbird (D) Eagle [] > @ (A) Emu % .LQJÀVKHU [] (C) Vulture (D) Parrot 2) The smallest bird alive $ 6SDUURZ (B) Crow (C) HummingEird (D) Penguin 7KHRQO\\PDPPDOWKDWFDQÁ\\ (A) Swan (B) Elephant (C) Bat (D) Brown Bear 4) The tallest living animal (A) Giraffe (C) Ostrich 16 14-12-2017 18:24:09 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 98
5) The fastest land animal [] [] (A) Lion (B) Tiger [] [] (C) Cheetah (D) Panther [] 6) The largest land animal (A) Ostrich (B) Giraffe (C) Kangaroo (D) African Elephant 7) The smallest land animal (A) Bumble Bat (B) Dwarf Monkey (C) Pygmy Rabbit (D) Etruscan Shrew 8) The largest mammal that lives in water (A) Shark (B) Blue Whale (C) Penguin (D) Crocodile 9) The slowest land animal (A) Giant Tortoise (B) Panda (C) Koala Bear (D) Sloth Fun Fact 1. 77KH$XVWUDOLDQZKLWHWKURDWHGWurtle can breathe through LtV butts. %XWWHUIOLHVWDVWHZLWKWKHLUIHHW JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 99 17 14-12-2017 18:24:09
Mammals and Reptiles 5HRUGHUDQGSlace the right characteristicV under the right heading. WordBank 1. They lay eggs. 6. They give birth to young ones. 2. They are warm blooded. 7. They are cold blooded. 3. They have fur on their skin. 8. They have scales on their skin. 4. They do not care for their young ones. 9. Lizard 5. They look after their young ones. 10. Bear Mammals Reptiles 18 14-12-2017 18:24:09 JSNR_181310003-_BGM_CSGK-G3-Integrated Book-Computers+GK-FY_WK_Text.pdf 100
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