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Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 1 04/10/2019 12:04:09

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX presents the latest version of the Pinnacle series – especially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Tamil Nadu state board textbooks. The Pinnacle series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the Tamil Nadu Curriculum Framework, 2017, in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Samacheer textbooks. The IMAX English workbooks and Grammar & Composition books for the Pinnacle series strive hard to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). Below are some salient features of the Pinnacle English workbooks series:   Summaries of the Samacheer English textbook lessons   Meanings of difficult words from the lessons provided, along with example sentences  Coverage of all textbook questions that require space for writing along with adequate space for writing  ‘Quick Check’ questions at the start of every workbook lesson to recapitulate details of the textbook lesson  Inclusion of questions based on comprehension, vocabulary, judgement & appreciation and speaking skills Here are some salient features of the Pinnacle Grammar & Composition series:  The grammar concepts covered have a horizontal and vertical progression across grades, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Inclusion of age-appropriate picture reading for grades 1 & 2, and reading comprehension passages for grades 3, 4 & 5  Inclusion of samples for format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing  Provision of a listening to audio section for honing of listening skills for different purposes for grades 4 & 5 Overall, the IMAX English Pinnacle series aims to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication, while providing students the opportunity to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 2 04/10/2019 12:04:09

GrammarFeaantduCreosmposition Dictation Words from the textbook or sentences with commonly confused spellings for dictation practice PR VoDcicatbautilaorny LisDteicntiangtioAnudio Q Questions based on an audio piece for Practice exercises to help build and listening practice enhance age-appropriate vocabulary GrDaimctmataior n Writing Engaging grammar explanations and Formal Writing inculcates writing skills by well-crafted exercises introducing formal writing styles by providing samples and adequate practice R ReDaicdtiantgioCnomprehension Creative Writing exercises to foster Interesting reading comprehension creative writing by using imagination and passages on varied themes along drawing from real-life experiences with questions that focus on language building Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 3 04/10/2019 12:04:10

Class 4 6 Module 6 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1 R3 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 7 Module 7 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 8 Module 8 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 R4 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 9 Module 9 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 4 04/10/2019 12:04:10

Module 6 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Listening Audio Listen and answer Vocabulary Dictionary work Grammar Articles Formal Writing Paragraph writing Creative Writing Speech writing Reading Passage 1 Comprehension Passage 2 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 1 1 04/10/2019 12:04:12

Dictation Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Listening Audio Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. 1) For how long should you wash your hands? [] a) for five minutes b) till the count of twenty c) for three minutes d) till the count of five 2) Why shouldn’t we share water bottles? [] a) Germs may spread. b) Water differs from house to house. c) Some water bottles are not clean. d) Water bottles can break. 3) What should you do when you have a fever? [] a) go outdoors b) play with friends c) stay at home d) eat junk food 4) Why should we eat fruits and vegetables in plenty? [] a) They boost the immune system. b) They make one sick. c) They weaken the immune system. d) They are cheap. 5) For how many hours should we sleep every day? [] a) six hours b) two hours c) seven hours d) eight hours 2 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 2 04/10/2019 12:04:12

PR Vocabulary Q Dictionary work A dictionary is a book that lists words and their meanings in alphabetical order. We use dictionaries to search for meanings of words, their spellings, pronunciations and other such information. Nowadays, we also have online dictionaries. They are very simple dictionary to use. We just need to type the word that we are searching for and read its meaning. Online dictionaries also give example sentences. We can even listen to the pronunciation of difficult words using online dictionaries. For example: Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 3 Module 6 3 04/10/2019 12:04:13

Exercise 3.1: Use a physical dictionary to find the meanings of the first three words. Then, use an online dictionary to find the meanings of the next three words. 1) tradition   – __________________________________________________________________ 2) audience   – __________________________________________________________________ 3) performance   – __________________________________________________________________ 4) theatre   – __________________________________________________________________ 5) ancient   – __________________________________________________________________ 6) camera   – __________________________________________________________________ Exercise 3.2: Look up the following words in a dictionary. Write their meanings and parts of speech. Also, mention a synonym for each word. Word Part of speech Meaning Synonym 1) cheerful 2) embarrassing 3) amusing 4) swiftly 5) scare 6) strange Write one sentence each using the words mentioned in the table. 1)  2)  3)  4)  4 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 4 04/10/2019 12:04:14

5)  6)  Grammar Articles Remember The words ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are called articles. ► ‘A’ and ‘an’ are called the indefinite articles. These are used depending on the first sound of a word. • If the first letter of a word makes a consonant sound, then the article ‘a’ is used before the word. • If the first letter of a word makes a vowel sound, then the article ‘an’ is used before it. a boy, an apple, a girl an egg Remember Remember that the first ‘sound’ and not the first ‘letter’ should be considered. Example: It is an honour to meet you. We say ‘an’ honour even though the first letter in honour is ‘h’, which is a consonant. This is because while pronouncing this word, ‘h’ is silent and we pronounce the word as ‘aunur’. The same goes for words like ‘uniform’ or ‘unicorn’. We use the article ‘a’ before them as the first sound in these words is /y/ even though the first letters are vowels. Module 6 5 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 5 04/10/2019 12:04:15

► ‘The’ is called the definite article. It is used to: • refer to something that has already been mentioned or where the noun is something specific or particular. • refer to something that is only one of its kind. • refer to names of rivers, mountains, seas and so on. The thief who stole The Sun is The Alps are the the diamonds has shining highest not been caught. brightly. mountain ranges in Europe. Pronouncing ‘the’ Remember • We pronounce ‘the’ as the when the next word starts with a consonant sound. • We pronounce ‘the’ as thee when the next word starts with a vowel sound. Let us look at the examples given below. We write Vowel sound We pronounce the apple a ‘thee’ apple the elephant e ‘thee’ elephant the ice cream i ‘thee’ ice cream the orange o ‘thee’ orange the umbrella u ‘thee’ umbrella 6 04/10/2019 12:04:16 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 6

Zero articles A zero article is where a noun does not need an article in speech or writing. Let us look at a few instances where no articles are needed. •  I hate coffee. We do not use an article while saying general things about plural and •  I love rock music. uncountable nouns. •  I am afraid of heights. We do not use an article before •  Creativity and patience are important skills. abstract nouns. •  My mother gives good advice. •  Bhavna is from Switzerland. We do not use an article before names of people, countries, towns, subjects, •  Satyam can speak French. languages or proper nouns. •  Zayed is studying Biology. Exercise 4.1: Read the sentences given below. Write whether the article ‘the’ is pronounced as ‘the’ or ‘thee’ in each sentence. One is done for you. 1) The principal of this school is Mrs Dias. – the 2) Do you know the address of his house? – __________________ 3) Shyam goes to the orphanage every Sunday. – __________________ 4) That is the honest boy who returned my purse. – __________________ 5) The utensils in this kitchen are very dirty. – __________________ 6) Please keep the umbrella in there. – __________________ Exercise 4.2: Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. Put a ‘0’ (zero) if you think that no article is needed. One is done for you. 1) The Indian Ocean 2) _______________ China Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 7 Module 6 7 04/10/2019 12:04:17

3) _______________ strawberry 4) _______________ uniform 5) _______________ Ayub 6) _______________ elf Exercise 4.3: Fill in the blanks with the correct articles from the options given in brackets. Write ‘0’ (zero) where no articles are needed. One is done for you. 1) I am a student. (the/a/0) 2) __________________ Nile is a very long river. (0/An/The) 3) __________________ Rose feeds her baby. (0/The/A) 4) This is __________________ candle. (an/a/0) 5) What __________________ elegant lady! (the/0/an) 6) I love eating __________________ apricots. (an/0/the) Writing Formal Writing Persuasive paragraph writing Exercise 5: Fill in the gaps to complete the paragraph given below on ‘Why art, music, dance and language classes are as important as other subjects in school’. Children should learn ______________________________________________________________________ _______ at school. When we say subjects, we do not mean only _____________________________ 8 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 8 04/10/2019 12:04:18

_______________________________________________ but also ___________________________________ _______________________________. We learn Maths and Science to ___________________________ ________________________________________. But arts and languages are _______________________ ____________________________________. Music helps a student ________________________________ _____________________ and also teaches ____________________________________________________ ________________. It has ___________________________________________________________________. Dance can _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________. Language helps _______________________________________________. One may want to become a _____________________________________________________________, and these classes also help one to _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________. Other forms of art that should be given importance and could be taught are __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________. We must remember that arts and languages ___________________________________________________________________________________________ with Maths and Science. One cannot learn one without ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 9 Module 6 9 04/10/2019 12:04:18

Creative Writing Speech writing A speech is a talk or lecture delivered to an audience. Read the sample given below to understand the different sections that make up a speech. Salutation/Greeting Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Title Address the listeners in this part. Good morning, ladies and Opening lines gentlemen! This sets the tone for Closing line the speech and tells Thank the audience. One of the initiatives launched the audience what by our Honourable Prime Minister, to expect. Shri Narendra Modi, is the much- needed Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Body of the speech that asks citizens to pledge and Make a case for devote themselves to cleanliness the speech. Include and hygiene. examples if needed. Several individuals, municipalities, Concluding lines organisations and even ministries, Close or end the such as the Ministry for Drinking speech with a Water and Sanitation and the conclusion or a call Ministry for Urban Development, for action. have pledged themselves to providing and maintaining a clean India under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Cleanliness plays a big role in the development of a nation – it helps in maintaining personal hygiene and eradicating diseases. Therefore, I ask that our school and each of us personally will remember to do our part to help achieve the cause of Swachh Bharat. To make a start in this direction, our school is sponsoring the cleaning of our locality this Sunday, and all are requested to participate. Thank you! 10 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 10 04/10/2019 12:04:18

Exercise 6: You have been asked to give a speech on an invention that has changed the world. Given below is an outline of the speech. Fill in appropriate words, phrases and sentences to complete it. Title:  . Respected Principal, teachers and fellow students, I am here to talk about something . important today. . Today, I am going to speak about an invention that has changed the world. It is  !  In today’s world, we are dependent on         Truly, life has changed   Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 11 Module 6 11 04/10/2019 12:04:19

R3 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. There was an old king who liked to ride his elephant to town just after sunrise. After the rides, he would send the elephant to its trainer and his wife, who would bathe and feed it. One day, the king fell ill, and his son decided to sell the elephant to the circus. The elephant was very sad. Its trainer said, ‘Don’t be sad. You will be taught many tricks, and you will be happy to see the children who will love you.’ True enough, as soon as he entered the ring, the children clapped their hands and called out to him. Everybody loved the elephant, and he was happy travelling across the country with the circus. On one of his trips, he arrived at his old hometown. His wish to see his trainer and the king grew stronger every day. One day, he ran away from the circus and reached the palace. He was shocked to see it broken and empty! The elephant turned back, and tears rolled down his eyes. Suddenly, he heard someone call his name. He looked back and saw his trainer. Immediately, he ran towards him, lifted him onto his back and went back to the circus. Everybody was happy to see the elephant. The trainer joined the circus and helped in training the other elephants. 1) Whom would the king send the elephant to after the rides? Ans.   12 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 12 04/10/2019 12:04:20

2) What did the king’s son decide to do when his father fell ill? Ans.   3) Write the correct subject and object pronouns for each of the words given below. a) king – ___________________________ b) palace – ___________________________ c) wife – ___________________________ 4) A word from the passage that rhymes with ‘guide’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) trainer a) unexpectedly 2) shocked b) coach 3) suddenly c) felt upset and surprised Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. It was a bright and sunny morning. A large group of young boys gathered in the forest with their bows and arrows. But they were not ordinary boys. They were the five Pandavas and the hundred Kauravas. A fierce rivalry between them had begun to grow when they were just children. The royal children learnt the skills of using weapons from Dronacharya. He was one of the greatest warriors of his time. He had learnt the secret of powerful weapons from Parasurama. Reading Comprehension 13 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 13 04/10/2019 12:04:20

The Pandavas and the Kauravas were quick to learn. Each of them had his own favourite weapon. Duryodhana and Bhima favoured the mace and Yudhisthira the spear. Arjuna was fascinated by bows and arrows. The twins Nakula and Sahadeva were most comfortable with swords. The guru treated all his disciples equally. However, he liked Arjuna the most because Arjuna practised his art with great concentration. Soon, he became the best archer among all. Duryodhana and his brother Dushasana did not like this and openly criticised their guru for favouring Arjuna. As a reply to their criticism, Dronacharya arranged for a test to pick out the best archer from among them. On that day, Guru Dronacharya asked the students to gather by the forest near his ashram. He had placed a wooden bird with a clearly painted eye on one of the trees. The task was to hit the wooden bird in the eye. 1) What was Yudhisthira’s choice of weapon? Ans.   2) Who was the best archer? Ans.   3) Write the comparative forms of the adjectives given in brackets to fill in the blanks. a) Ram’s house is ____________________________ to the school than Mohit’s house. (near) b) This painting is ____________________________ from here than it is from there. (clear) c) This bird has ____________________________ colours on its wings than the other birds. (bright) 4) The word from the passage that means ‘did again and again to get better at . something’ is  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) rivalry a) preferred 2) favoured b) disapproved 3) criticised c) competition 14 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 14 04/10/2019 12:04:21

Module 7 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Listening Audio Vocabulary Listen and answer Grammar Use of ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’ Modal verbs Formal Writing Subject-verb agreement Creative Writing Editing exercise Story writing Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 15 15 04/10/2019 12:04:21

Dictation 3) 6) Exercise 1: Word dictation 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) Listening Audio Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. [    ] 1) What did Trishanku desire? [    ] a) wealth b) to ascend bodily into heaven c) to reach heaven when he dies d) to get godly powers [    ] 2) Why did Sage Vishwamitra decide to fulfil Trishanku’s desire? [    ] a) for the good turn he had done Vishwamitra [    ] b) to get praises c) so that he is worshipped d) for making him stop praying to Vishnu 3) What did Indra do to Trishanku? a) made Trishanku sit next to him b) threw him down from heaven c) adorned him with flowers d) made him ascend to heaven 4) What did Vishwamitra do to keep Trishanku from falling down? a) propped him up with a long pole b) placed a big cloth mid-air c) propped him up with a sword d) raised his hand and caught him 5) Which part of the coconut, according to the story, is Trishanku’s beard? a) the husk b) the inner part c) the nut d) the fibre 16 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 16 04/10/2019 12:04:22

RP Vocabulary Q Use of ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’ The words ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’ sound exactly like one another but have very different meanings. To: It is a preposition that helps to express direction or to show a particular condition. Examples: •  He went to the market early yesterday. •  Rida likes to eat laddoos. Two: It is the number name for 2. Examples: •  Chanda has eaten two biscuits today. •  Two of his friends were laughing loudly. Too: It means ‘also’ or ‘to a large degree’. Examples: •  Neha loves chocolates, and I love them too. •  This house is too large for us. Exercise 3.1: Fill in the blanks with ‘to’, ‘two’ or ‘too’. 1) Romila had ________________ meet Shyam in the morning. 2) Zaheer saw ________________ lovely roses bloom in his garden. 3) I was invited to a party, and my sister was ________________. 4) Climb ________________ the top, and wave the flag. 5) He has gone ________________ far this time. 6) His father came home and gave him ________________ oranges. Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 17 Module 7 17 04/10/2019 12:04:22

Exercise 3.2: In the following sentences, the underlined words have been used incorrectly. Rewrite the sentences using the correct words. 1) My mother went two Shillong last month. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Ravi likes too come back home early from office. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) To of those apples are ripe and juicy. Please give me both. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Mary hates nursery rhymes. Her sister, Jane, hates them to. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Raza’s father brought too beautiful pens from his shop. One was blue, and the other was red. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Peter wants two be a surgeon when he grows up. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18 04/10/2019 12:04:23 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 18

Grammar Verbs and helping verbs In the previous classes, we have learnt about main verbs and helping verbs. Remember ► Verbs are action words. They show the action that the noun does or the state of being of the noun. Examples: a) Corla cooks very well. b) Subhash lives in Assam. ► Helping verbs do not show any action but help the main verb to complete its meaning. They also add detail or show the state of being of the noun. Helping verbs are also called auxiliary verbs. Examples: a) We were going to the park. b) There is a forest here. Underline the main verbs and circle the helping verbs in the sentences given below. •  Do you know my name? •  She is doing her best. •  Ravi and Sam are best friends. •  I am making eggs for dinner. Modal verbs (ability and permission) Read the following sentences: May I use your phone, Could my sister come along I can swim for an hour, but please? too? my brother cannot. Module 7 19 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 19 04/10/2019 12:04:24

Observe the use of ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ in these sentences. They are used by speakers to seek permission or to show ability. The word ‘cannot’ shows a lack of ability to do something. These words are called modal verbs. What are modal verbs? Modal verbs, or helping verbs, give additional information about the main verbs that follow them. Let us learn about the modal verbs of ability and for permission. Modal verbs of ability Positive Negative Question Can (ability in I can play the guitar Reema cannot play table Can you speak the present) very well. tennis. Spanish? Megha could not write Could (ability in Gina could walk when until she was seven. Could you read or the past) she was just eleven write before you months old. were six? Modal verbs for permission (more formal) Asking for permission Giving permission Saying someone has permission May May I borrow your You may borrow book? my book. Students may borrow Could an extra book from the Might (extremely library tomorrow. formal) Could I take a leave – – tomorrow? Might I give an idea? – – Modal verbs for permission (less formal) Saying someone has Asking for permission Giving permission permission Can Can I watch the play You can watch the You can use the spare pencils kept in the tonight? play. box. 20 04/10/2019 12:04:24 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 20

Note: To use a modal verb in its negative form, add ‘not’ between the modal verb and the main verb. Examples: •   You may not leave early today. •   She cannot ride a bicycle. Exercise 4.1: Choose the correct modal verbs for the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) I cannot pick up this 2) ______________________ I ask a 3) W hen I was a child, I box; it is very heavy. question, please? ______________________ do (less formal) a headstand. a) cannot a) Could b) may not b) Can a) can c) might not c) May b) could c) may 4) ______________________ 5) H e ______________________ 6) Y ou ______________________ I leave early? (extremely speak fluently in English when go home if you like. (less formal) he came here two years ago. formal) a) Can b) Might a) cannot a) can c) Could b) could not b) might c) may not c) may Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 21 Module 7 21 04/10/2019 12:04:26

Subject-verb agreement A sentence is made up of three parts. Sentence Subject Verb Object It is what or whom the It is the activity or action It is the bearer of the sentence is about; it is of the subject. action; it is the somebody who does the thing or the person who action. is acted upon. Now, read the following sentences. •  He cook dinner for his family. •  The girls walks to college every day. •  Your sister talk a lot for her age.  •  The children swims well. You will notice that all these sentences seem unclear. They just do not sound correct! Identify the subjects and the verbs in these sentences. You will find that they do not go together. Remember ► In a correct and meaningful sentence, the subject should be in line with its verb. This means that the subject and verb should agree. ► This is known as subject-verb agreement. Rules of subject-verb agreement Rule 1: A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Examples: •  The boy throws a ball. 22 04/10/2019 12:04:26 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 22

Rule 2: Two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘either... or’ and ‘neither... nor’ require a • singulTahrevbeorby.s throw a green ball. InHootwheervwero,ridf os,nteheosfuthbejetcwt oansudbtjheectvseisrbplmuruasltaangdreisecilnosneurmtobtehre. main verb than the singular subject, then the verb will be plural. Examples: •  My uncle or aunt is arriving today. •  Neither Mary nor her children want to come to the park. •  Either my brother or sister has made the bed. Rule 3: Use a plural verb with two or more subjects connected by ‘and’. Examples: •  Kabir and Suman are friends. •  Meher and Mihir go to school together. Remember ► We add ‘-s’ to make nouns plural and remove the ‘-s’ to make them singular. However, with verbs, we need to add ‘-s’ to make them singular and remove the ‘-s’ to make them plural. ► Use the helping verbs ‘is’, ‘does’ and ‘has’ with singular nouns. ► Use the helping verbs ‘are’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ with plural nouns. Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 23 Module 7 23 04/10/2019 12:04:28

Let us now correct the sentences we read earlier.  He cook dinner for his  H e cooks dinner for his family. family. ‘He’ is a singular subject, so the singular verb ‘cooks’ should be  Y our sister talk a lot for used. her age.  Y our sister talks a lot for her age.  The girls walks to college every day. A gain, ‘sister’ is a singular subject that takes the singular verb ‘talks’.  T he girls walk to college every day.  T he girl walks to college every day. ‘Girls’ is a plural subject, while ‘walks’ is a singular verb. To correct the sentence, we should use ‘walk’, which is a plural verb, or ‘girl’, which is a singular subject.  The children swims well.  T he children swim well.  T he child swims well. ‘Children’ is a plural subject, so we should use 'swim', which is the plural form of the singular verb ‘swims’. We can also use the singular subject ‘child’ instead. Exercise 4.2: Choose the correct forms of the verbs from the given options and fill in the blanks. One is done for you. 1) My friend talks a lot. (talk/talks) 2) The old woman and old man ___________________________ (looks/look) healthy. 3) Either the girl or the boy ___________________________ (rides/ride) this cycle. 4) My neighbour ___________________________ (drives/drive) a taxi. 5) The athletes ___________________________ (runs/run) five kilometres a day. 6) Neither my mother nor father ___________________________ (have come / has come) home yet. 24 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 24 04/10/2019 12:04:29

Exercise 4.3: Rewrite the sentences so that the subjects and verbs agree. One is done for you. 1) The wheels of the bus goes round and round. Ans. The wheels of the bus go round and round. 2) The dog and the cat eats a lot of food. Ans.   3) The elephants or monkeys will takes the bananas. Ans.   4) I likes drawing. Ans.   5) Neither Suresh nor Maria like to sing. Ans.   6) A bag and a book was lying on the floor. Ans.   Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 25 Module 7 25 04/10/2019 12:04:29

Writing Formal Writing Editing exercise Exercise 5: The passage given below has spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Rewrite the passage in the space provided after correcting the errors. Last night! I looked up at the dark blew sky. I knew I wood sea stars, but I is Surprised by there brightness. There where so many stars!! I know they were made millions of ears ago bcos I has read about them in books from the librerry. I stood there and watched them for a hour. Then my brother satish called me we went to eat dinner.             26 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 26 04/10/2019 12:04:30

Now, draw a picture to show what is happening in the passage. Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 27 Module 7 27 04/10/2019 12:04:30

Creative Writing Story writing Exercise 6: The beginning, middle and end of a story are given. Complete the story in your own words. Ananya had been playing in her garden when she saw a strange sight. A small, saucer- shaped, flying object appeared and landed in front of her. A door slid open, and a ladder came out. She saw tiny, strange-looking men climb down.           ‘Would you like to take a trip on our flying saucer? Don’t worry; you shall be safe.’ ‘Of course!’ she replied excitedly.      28 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 28 04/10/2019 12:04:30

Ananya came out, and in a second, the saucer disappeared. ‘Did this really happen, or was this a dream?’ she wondered. Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 29 Module 7 29 04/10/2019 12:04:31

Module 8 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Listening Audio Listen and answer Vocabulary Words related to art Grammar Tenses Formal Writing Paragraph writing Creative Writing Photo description Reading Passage 1 Comprehension Passage 2 30 04/10/2019 12:04:32 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 30

Dictation Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Listening Audio Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. 1) Where does the owner of the woods live? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Why would the little horse think that there was some mistake? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What does the poet say about the woods? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What was special about that evening? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Module 8 31 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 31 04/10/2019 12:04:32

5) Write the line that is repeated in the poem. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PR Vocabulary Q Words related to art Exercise 3.1: Solve this crossword puzzle about different forms of art. Use the clues given under the puzzle. 12 3 4 5 Across – _____ u _____ _____ c 1) nice to listen to – p h _____ t _____ _____ r a _____ h y 5) done with a camera 32 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 32 04/10/2019 12:04:35

Down – s _____ e t _____ _____ 2) made with a pencil – s _____ _____ g _____ 3) can be sung – _____ a n _____ _____ 4) performed alone or in a group – _____ a i _____ _____ ______ n g 5) done with paints during free time Exercise 3.2: Find the names of six Indian dance forms in the word search below. Use the pictures as hints. K AMK UCH I P U D I V R C bhangra A X A P A P DQX F NAV P N kathakali T P Y X X UQX Z QH YMU S H I T H T D T CH T U KG I P kathak A F AA E V I RCR U I L I L K N NWN B V K DCMA H A D GX AQ L F Q T H B K J F A P D J T R N X N I CA A K K OQ V F AOA S P NH VN L S GN V R R MM U R T G B L Q Y K I L E A Z D I AMAN I P U R I CXH I X K S X E F S NNA Z UWB R E H J J KOHC L D Y HOQ Z P OCN I M P I E A X B HANGR AV Z T G E Y F A manipuri kuchipudi bharatanatyam Module 8 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 33 33 04/10/2019 12:04:38

Grammar Tenses Simple present, simple past and simple future tenses Meet Siya and read her story. Hi! I am Siya. I live in Chennai, and I study in Class 4. I love to read, swim and travel. We travelled to Bengaluru last month. I went with my parents and my younger brother. Bengaluru is a beautiful city. For our stay, we visited many historical places and gardens. For our next vacation, we will visit Delhi. My grandparents live in Delhi. Together, we will travel to Mathura. Isn’t that exciting? Notice that Siya is talking about actions that happen every day or are generally true, actions that have taken place earlier (in the past) and actions that will take place later (in the future). Just like Siya, when we communicate, we refer to the present time, the time in the past and the time in the future. In other words, we use tenses. Tenses Present tense Past tense Future tense  I live in Chennai.  We travelled to Bengaluru.  We will visit Delhi. 34 04/10/2019 12:04:38 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 34

Let us revise the simple present, simple past and simple future tenses. Simple present Simple past Simple future  subject + base verb  subject + past tense form  subject + will/shall + (‘-s’/‘-es’) + object of verb + object base verb + object  The verbs in this tense  The verbs in this tense  The verbs in this tense show habits and ideas refer to actions that have refer to actions that will that apply in general or already happened. happen in the future. as a rule. (goes, plays, sings, (‘went’, ‘played’, ‘sang’, (‘will go’, ‘will play’, ‘will dances) ‘danced’) sing’, ‘will dance’) Examples: Examples: Examples: •  I play with my friends •  I played with my friends •  I will play with my friends every day. at school yesterday. at school tomorrow. •  Rita goes to tennis •  Rita went to tennis •  Rita will go to tennis practice daily. practice at 4:00 p.m. practice at 4:00 p.m. •  The Sun rises in the east. Let us look at more sentences in the three tenses. Simple present Simple past Simple future We go for a walk every We went for a walk last We will go for a walk every morning. morning. morning. You eat dosas for breakfast You ate dosas for breakfast You will eat dosas for every day. yesterday. breakfast on Thursday. He will watch a movie on He watches a movie every He watched a movie last night. night. Friday. They go on a family picnic They went on a family picnic They will go on a family every year. last week. picnic tomorrow. Module 8 35 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 35 04/10/2019 12:04:39

Present continuous tense The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are taking place now. How should we form sentences in the present continuous tense? Children are playing in the garden. subject is/am/are object ‘-ing’ form of verb Past continuous tense The past continuous tense is used to refer to actions that were going on at a particular time in the past. These actions were in progress in the past. How should we form sentences in the past continuous tense? Children were playing in the garden. subject was/were object ‘-ing’ form of verb Exercise 4.1: Convert the tenses of the sentences according to the instructions in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Rishav is happy to be home. (Change this to the simple future tense.) Ans. Rishav will be happy to be home. 36 04/10/2019 12:04:39 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 36

2) Seema rode to school on her bicycle. (Change this to the simple present tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3) My best friend will come to school. (Change this to the present continuous tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4) Gita and Rita play in the park. (Change this to the simple past tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 5) The dog barked at the stranger. (Change this to the past continuous tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 6) I visit my cousins at their homes. (Change this to the simple future tense.) Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Present perfect tense Afreen has finished her painting. I have seen the movie. You have passed your exam. These sentences describe actions that have just finished in the present. Such actions are written in the present perfect tense. Module 8 37 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 37 04/10/2019 12:04:41

► The present perfect tense links the present and the past. ► It reports news or describes ► It also talks about actions or completed actions (past) that are situations that have started in the important now. past and continue in the present. Example: Example: � I have passed the exam. � He went to India in 2012. He has lived there ever since.  UasUn‘eswde‘ehs‘’hia,na‘sgt’vhuweela’iytrw’hnait‘ohnhude‘nI’’p,,s.l‘‘usyhroaeul ’’n,,o‘iut’ns. A sentence in the present perfect tense looks like this: subject + have/has + past participle form + object of verb Kavya + has + completed + the project. Here is a list of the past participle forms of some common verbs. Base verb Past tense form Past participle form be was, were been beat (is, am, are) beaten beat 38 04/10/2019 12:04:41 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 38

Base verb Past tense form Past participle form begin began begun sing sang sung break broke broken bite bit bitten blow blew blown choose chose chosen come came come dive dove dived go went gone eat ate eaten draw drew drawn do did done fall fell fallen freeze froze frozen give gave given grow grew grown see saw seen Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 39 Module 8 39 04/10/2019 12:04:41

Base verb Past tense form Past participle form lay laid laid spend spent spent bend bent bent Exercise 4.2: Fill in the blanks with the present perfect forms of the verbs. One is done for you. 1) I have read (read) the newspaper today. 2) She ____________________________________ (be) nervous all day. 3) They ____________________________________ (see) this play before. 4) Josh ____________________________________ (call) them three times today. 5) We ____________________________________ (spend) all our money. 6) I ______________________ just ____________________ (eat) my dinner. Exercise 4.3: Answer the following questions about yourself in the present perfect tense. One is done for you. 1) Have you ever seen a ghost? Ans. I have never seen a ghost. 2) What languages have you studied? Ans.   3) Which cities or states have you travelled to in India? Ans.   40 04/10/2019 12:04:42 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 40

4) How many friends have you met today? Ans.   5) What is the best food item that you have eaten today? Ans.   6) Where have you lived for the last two years? Ans.   Writing Formal Writing Narrative paragraph writing Exercise 5: Imagine that you heard some noise in the kitchen at night. You got up from your bed and walked towards the kitchen. What happened next? Write a paragraph narrating the incident using the given hints. Hints: •  What did you think the noise was? •  How did you feel as you walked towards the kitchen? •  What did you see? •  What did you do and how did you feel when you found out what had made the noise?   Module 8 41 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 41 04/10/2019 12:04:42

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Creative Writing Photo description Exercise 6: Look at the given photograph. Describe what you see in it. Describe the surroundings and mood of the children. Hints: •  Who do you see in the photo? •  What are they doing? •  Do they look happy or sad? •  What do their surroundings look like? There are two ____________________________ and an ____________________________ in the picture. One boy is ________________________________________________________________________ Module 8 43 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 43 04/10/2019 12:04:47

_____________________. The other boy _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. They are __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. The boys look _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. They are in _______________________________________________________________________________. The jungle is _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. The ground is _____________________________________________________________________________. There are _________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. The photograph looks _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. 44 04/10/2019 12:04:47 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 44

R4 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Last Sunday, little Phulmani went to watch a jatra with her parents. She was thrilled to watch it. The next day, when she narrated the story of the performance to the class, her teacher said that jatra is actually a kind of folk theatre. This kind of theatre is performed under different names in different parts of our country. It is called ‘tamasha’ in Maharashtra, ‘nautanki’ in northern India and ‘jatra’ in Bengal. Most of these folk theatre forms are based on mythological incidents or characters. India also has a rich heritage of classical dance forms, and each deals with a mythological narrative. The dancers wear colourful costumes and dance in harmony with music. Kathak is a dance of northern India, while Bharatanatyam, Mohiniattyam, Kuchipudi and Kathakali are all from southern India. Manipuri and Odissi are dance forms of eastern India. Such a wide variety of dance forms cannot be found anywhere else in the world. 45 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 45 04/10/2019 12:04:47

Phulmani came to know that Indian kings and rulers patronised classical music and dance in their courts. Emperor Akbar loved to listen to the songs of Tansen. Our country is so big that we have many different styles of classical music like Hindustani and Carnatic. Each of these styles began in temples and developed down the ages. 1) What did the teacher say a ‘jatra’ was? Ans.   2) Whose songs did Emperor Akbar like to listen to? Ans.   3) Rewrite the sentences by correcting the spelling and punctuation errors. a) i am very found of signing and dancing. Ans.   b) My favorite dance is kathak I like bharatanatyam to. Ans.   c) I want to partisipate in a dance compitition next ear, Ans.   4) The word from the passage that means ‘relating to or based on folk tales and myths’ is  . 46 04/10/2019 12:04:48 Pinnacle_G4_T2.indb 46

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