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AS2-Asking questions and making hypothesis Short Answer Type Questions 12. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.2)] Shape of the shadows change with the way they are positioned. Do you agree? Give reasons. CHAPTER 15. LIGHT, SHADOWS AND IMAGES 99

AS3-Experimentation and field investigation Short Answer Type Questions 13. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.1)] When is a rainbow formed? Write your observations. 14. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.2)] Write an experiement to show how shadows are formed? Short Answer Type Questions 15. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.1)] Take a white sheet, glass and a polythene cover. Put each of them in front of a light source and write which object is transparent, translucent and opaque. CHAPTER 15. LIGHT, SHADOWS AND IMAGES 100

AS4-Information skills and projects Short Answer Type Questions 16. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.1)] Collect information on lasers and their uses from the internet to pre- pare a short report on them. CHAPTER 15. LIGHT, SHADOWS AND IMAGES 101

AS5-Communication through drawing and model making Long Answer Type Questions 17. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.2)] Observe the shadows in the figure. Guess and write the names of the objects which forms these shadows. AS6-Appreciation and aesthetic sense, Values Short Answer Type Questions 18. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 15.3)] How would you appreciate the role of pinhole camera in explaining the fact that “light travels in a straight line”? CHAPTER 15. LIGHT, SHADOWS AND IMAGES 102

Objective Questions AS1-Conceptual Understanding 19. Choose the correct answer. (i) Time taken by light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth is (A) 8 min 17 sec (B) 17 min 8 sec (C)8 min 8 sec (D)17 min 17 sec (ii) Which of the following is not a source of light? (A) Bulb (B) Eyes (C) Sun (D) Light (iii) Things which are required to obtain the shadow of an opaque object are (A) Light and object (B) Object and screen (C) Object, screen and light (D)Screen and light (iv) Light always travels in a . (A) curved line (B) straight line (C)horizontal direction (D)vertical direction (v) Light gets when it falls on any object. (A) absorbed (B) reflected (C) deviated (D) all (vi) Which of the following is a transparent material? (A) Glass (B) Paper (C) Mirror (D)Polythene cover CHAPTER 15. LIGHT, SHADOWS AND IMAGES 103

(vii) Which of the following is not a translucent object? (A) Oily paper (B) Water (C)Tissue paper (D) Ice (viii) Which one is not a primary colour of light? (A) Red (B) Blue (C) Yellow (D) Green (ix) Choose the dissimilar object (A) Ice (B) Wood (C)Oily paper (D)Polythene cover (x) The substances which partially allows the light to pass through them are called as (A) Transparent (B) Translucent (C) Opaque (D) None CHAPTER 15. LIGHT, SHADOWS AND IMAGES 104

16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING SESSION 1 INTRODUCTION AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LIVING AND NON-LIVING THINGS 1.1 Mind Map 1.2 Terminology i. Living things – Living things are organisms that display the key characteristics of life. ii. Non–living things – A nonliving thing is no longer living or has never had the traits of life including respiration, reproduction, movement, metabolism, sensitivity and growth 1.3 Key Concepts i. We see many things, plants and animals in our surroundings. ii. Some show the characteristics of a life and some do not. iii. Those who shows characteristics of a life such as growth, movement, taking food, breathing, excretion, response to stimuli, giving birth to young ones are called living things. SESSION 1. INTRODUCTION AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LIVING AND... 105

iv. Plants do not actually move, but they are living things. Their roots grow in the direction of soil and their shoots grow in the direction of sunlight. It is also a kind of motion. v. Plants grow throughout their life. But animals and humans grow for a certain period and afterwards their growth stops. 1.4 Conceptual Understanding Q1. List out common characteristics of living things. [Refer to TB page 175 Q1] A. Living things, show a) growth b) have movement c) take food d) breath e) can get rid of waste f) respond to heat g) respond to touch h) respond to light i) can give birth to young ones. Q2. Why do cockroaches come out of their places when lights are put out? [Refer to TB page 175 Q2] A. i. Cockroaches are nocturnal. ii. Cockroaches are typically less active during the day. They prefer to move about at night. iii. They get their food only at nights. iv. They respond to darkness. Q3. Which characteristics are same in both living and non–living things? [Refer to TB page 175 Q3] A. 1) All living and non–living things are made up of matter. 2) All living and non-living things have mass and occupy space. 3) Both are made up of structural units. 4) Molecule is the structural unit of non-living things and the structural unit of a living thing is the cell. SESSION 1. INTRODUCTION AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LIVING AND... 106

Q4. Which of the following are derived from living things? [Refer to TB page 175 Q4] a) Sugar b) Coconut oil c) Pen d) Rice e) Fan f) Omelette g) Bush h) Wooden chair i)Garland j) Mango k) Fruit juice. A. Things derived from living things: 1) Sugar 2) Coconut oil 3) Rice 4) Omelette 5) Mango 6) Fruit juice 7)Wooden chair 8) Garland 1.5 Application to Daily Life, Concern to Bio Diversity Q1. Do you think both living and non - living things are necessary for our environment Why?[Refer to TB page 176 Q15] A. i. Yes, both living and non-living things are necessary for our environment. ii. The ecosystem is made of living and non-living things. iii. Living things depend on the non-living things for the raw material necessary for their existence. iv. For example, plant is a living thing. It takes water and minerals from the soil for its survival. SESSION 1. INTRODUCTION AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LIVING AND... 107

SESSION 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 2.1 Mind Map 2.2 Terminology i. Growth –The process of increasing in size. ii. Breathing –The process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs. iii. Excretion –The process of eliminating or expelling waste matter. iv. S timulus – A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue. v. Movement – An act of moving. SESSION 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 108

vi. Oviparous – Birds and animals that lay eggs for giving birth to young one are known as oviparous. vii. Viviparous – who give birth to young ones without laying eggs are known as viviparous. 2.3 Key Concepts i. Animals and plants both are living but plants grow throughout their life however ani- mals and humans grow for a certain period and afterwards their growth stops. ii. We breathe through the nose and lungs. But plants take in and send out gases through stomata. iii. All living things send out waste materials through some organs meant for this purpose. This process is called excretion. iv. Even plants excrete sticky substances such as gums and resins. v. Some of the living things produce their young ones by laying eggs. Such animals are called oviparous. vi. Some other animals give birth to their young ones directly. They are known as viviparous. vii. Plants also produce their young ones. The reproduction of plants is through germina- tion of seeds. viii. Response to stimuli is another characteristic of living beings. ix. The folding of leaves in touch–me–not is an example of response to stimuli in plants. x. Seed of a plant is a living thing. 2.4 Conceptual Understanding Q1. How can you say that a tree is living even though it does not move? [Refer to TB page 175 Q5] A. Trees are living though they do not move because they can grow, make their own food and give rise to new plants, Hence we can say that trees are living Q2. Which of the following is not a response to stimulus? [Refer to TB page 176 Q8] SESSION 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 109

a) Feeling cold by touching ice. b) Feeling the weight of carrying a bag of books. c) Scratching the skin at the place of ant bite. d) Closing eyes immediately after seeing bright light. A. Feeling the weight of carrying a bag of books is not a response to stimulus 2.5 Asking Questions and Making Hypothesis Q1. Venkatesh argues with his friend Tanveer about ‘seed is living.’ What questions does Tanveer ask? [Refer to TB page 176 Q10] A. Tanveer asks the following questions: a) Does the seed grow? b) Does seed need food ? c) Can the seed breathe? d) Will the seed give rise to new seeds? Q2. What will happen if there are no stomata in leaves? Write your predictions. [Refer to TB page 176 Q11] A. 1) Stomata in the leaf acts like our nose. 2) It is useful in the exchange of gases between the plant and the atmosphere. 3) If the stomata are not there, the leaf cannot breathe. The process of photosynthesis cannot be carried on. 4) When photosynthesis is not carried on, plants fail to produce their food and ulti- mately they will not exist. 2.6 Experimentation and Field Investigation Q1. Collect sweet potato, bottle, salt and water. Take a bottle fall of water and add salt; then put sweet potato inside the bottle. Observe for a few days. What happens? Note your observations. How can you prove that sweet potato is also a living thing? [Refer to TB page 176 Q9] SESSION 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 110

A. i. The sweet potato bulges by absorbing salt water. ii. The metabolic changes continue in the potato, though removed from the parent plant. iii. This proves that sweet potato is also a living thing. 2.7 Information Skills and Projects Q1. Collect information from your school library/internet about Sir J.C. Bose who invented response to stimulus in plants. [Refer to TB page 176 Q16] A. i. Sir J.C. Bose was born on November 30, 1859 in Faridhapur now in Bangladesh. ii. He proved to the world that plants have life; they consume food, sleep during nights and wake up early in the morning. iii. They suffer pain and have pleasures too. These discoveries made him world fa- mous. iv. British government conferred “Knighthood’ on him and the title “Sir’ was prefixed to his name. He died on November 23, 1937. 2.8 Communication Through Drawing and Model Making Q1. Prepare Venn diagram to represent living, non living characters of dog and tree. [Refer to TB page 176 Q14] A. SESSION 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 111

DOGS: i. Dogs have life. ii. Dogs can move. iii. Dogs stop growing TREES: 1. Even trees have life. 2. Trees cannot move. 3. Trees grow life long. Common characters: 1) Both dogs and trees respond to the environmental changes. 2) Both possess same characteristics like breathing, excretion, giving birth to young ones. 2.9 Appreciation and Aesthetic Sense, Values Q1. How do you feel when you touch ‘Touch me not’ plant? Write your feelings. [Refer to TB page 176 Q13] A. 1) When I touched the leaves of ‘touch me not’ plant (Mimosa plant), the leaves drooped. 2) Here touch is the stimulus to which the sensitive plant responds by folding its leaves. 3) It felt good to touch that plant as the response is almost immediate. 4) After few seconds, the plant gets back to its normal stage. SESSION 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 112


3.2 Terminology i. Microorganisms – A microscopic organism, especially a bacterium, virus, or fungus. ii. Microscope – An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times. iii. Mould – is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae. iv. Bacteria – are microscopic living organisms, usually one–celled, that can be found everywhere. 3.3 Key Concepts i. Microscope is an instrument which we use to see minute things that cannot be seen with naked eye. ii. Organisms that can are visible only with the help of microscope are called microor- ganisms. iii. Bread mould (which grows on rotten bread) and it contains extremely minute particles called spores, through which it reproduces. iv. Some of the bacteria are helping and some of them cause diseases to human beings. v. There is a vast world of micro–organism and they are all part of the living world. vi. Bacteria are found everywhere in air, water, soil, animal, people, arid, food. vii. Some moulds are used in food production such as cheese manufacture. 3.4 Conceptual Understanding Q1. What is the use of a microscope? [Refer to TB page 175 Q6] A. A microscope is used to see minute things which we cannot see with our eyes. Q2. Thread like structures developed in bread are . [Refer to TB page 176 Q7] A. mould 3.5 Experimentation and Field Investigation SESSION 3. LIVING THINGS UNDER MICROSCOPE 114

Q1. Write down the steps of the experiment that you did in the lab to observe micro organ- isms in pond water. [Refer to TB page 176 Q12] A. 1) Water sample from a pond is collected. 2) A drop of this water is put on a slide. 3) Cover it gently with a cover slide. 4) This is put under the microscope and observed. 5) I observed micro-organisms in it. —— CCE Based Practice Questions —— AS1-Conceptual Understanding Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Match the items in column A with appropriate answers in column B [(Session 16.3)] Column A Column B i. Structural component a. Nose piece ii. Mould b. Grey substance iii. Bacteria c. Body iv. Visual component d. Different shapes v. Bigger size e. Magnifying lens 2. Fill in the blanks. [Refer to Session 16.3 ] (i) Bacteria are found in , , and . than their actual size. (ii) Objects seen through a magnifying lens appear . (iii) Small organisms can be seen under and (iv) The two components of a microscope are . CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 115

(v) The tiny thread like structures on bread are called . 3. Match the items of column A with their appropriate answers from column B: [(Session 16.2)] Column B Column A a. Plant excretion i. Oviparous ii. Gummy substance b. Intermediate between living and non–living iii. Stomata c. Exchange of gases iv. Viviparous d. Give birth without laying eggs v. Dead things e. Give birth by laying eggs 4. Fill in the blanks. [Refer to Session 16.2 ] (vi) and are the two characteristics of living things. (vii) Breathing in of air is called . (viii) is the place where the food is prepared. (ix) Plants breathe with the help of structures called . (x) Plants absorb and from the soil to prepare food. (xi) Process of getting rid of waste is called . (xii) Non–living things do not and . (xiii) The excretory products of animals are used as . (xiv) An egg white is mainly made of a protein called . (xv) Seeds and turn into a whole plant. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 116

5. Fill in the blanks. [Refer to Session 16.1 ] (xvi) Members of a common group share . (xvii) Things can be categorised into and . (xviii) Non–living things do not . (xix) is an example of a living thing. Short Answer Type Questions 6. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.3)] What is a magnifying lens? What happens when we look at objects through it? (ii) [(Session 16.3)] What are the grey coloured thread-like substances on bread called?Name them and write a few lines about it. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 117

7. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.2)] What is photosynthesis? Write two lines about it. (ii) [(Session 16.2)] In which part of the plant food is prepared and what is the source of food? Long Answer Type Questions 118 8. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING

(i) [(Session 16.3)] What are microorganisms? Name a category of microorganisms that can be seen under a microscope. Write a few lines about them. (ii) [(Session 16.3)] Are seeds living things or not? Substantiate with reasons. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 119

9. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.1)] What are living and non–living things? Give two examples of each and write two differences between them. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 120

AS2-Asking questions and making hypothesis Short Answer Type Questions 10. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.2)] Plants aslo breathe. Do you agree? Give reasons to show that they breathe? (ii) [(Session 16.2)] Prove that tress are living organisms. Write your views. AS3-Experimentation and field investigation Short Answer Type Questions 11. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.3)] What happens when you pack bread or vegetables and keep them CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 121

for couple of days? (ii) [(Session 16.3)] Identify the picture and comment on it. 12. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.2)] Collect sweet potato, bottle, salt and water. Take a bottle full of water and then add salt, put the sweet potato inside the bottle. Observe for few days. What CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 122

happens? Note down your observations. Long Answer Type Questions 13. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.3)] Take a pond water sample from your nearby locality and take it to your school laboratory. Examine the water sample under a microscope and record your observations in table. Note down the characteristics of bacteria and report to your teacher with your observations. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 123

AS4-Information skills and projects Long Answer Type Questions 14. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.2)] Fill the empty spaces in the table given below with appropriate means of locomotion corresponding to each living organism: Living Organism Means of Grasshopper Locomotion Lizard Snake Crawls Rabbit Man Walk, , jump Sparrow Mosquito CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 124

AS5-Communication through drawing and model making Long Answer Type Questions 15. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.3)] Describe the structure of microscope by a neat labelled diagram. 16. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.2)] Look around in your locality, outside school, your house etc. and make a list of living and non-living things. Prepare a Venn diagram and represent thesimilarities between living and non-living characteristics of things in your chart. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 125

AS7-Application to daily life, concern to bio diversity Long Answer Type Questions 17. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) [(Session 16.1)] List out the different animals you come across in your daily life and categorize them as oviparous and viviparous. CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 126

Objective Questions AS1-Conceptual Understanding 18. Choose the correct answer. (i) do not lay eggs. (A) Hen (B) Peacock (C) Dog (D) Sparrow (ii) What is called as nose of plant? (A) Leaf (B) Stomata (C) Branch (D) Root (iii) Which of the following does not grow? (A) Mountain (B) Bird (C) Plant (D) Human (iv) Seed is a . (A) Microorganism (B) Living thing (C)Non–living thing (D)Intermediate between living and non–living thing (v) An intermediate stage between living and non–living things (A) Death (B) Growth (C) Reproduction (D) Decomposition (vi) An example of microorganism CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 127

(A) Bread mold (B) Ant (C) Mosquito (D)All of the above (vii) Dead materials to form non–living things. (A) grow (B) react (C) decompose (D) none (viii) Which of the following cannot be seen through naked eyes? (A) Birds (B) Microorganisms (C) Plants (D) Animals (ix) The compound used to transport oxygen during respiration in humans is . (A) Carbon dioxide (B) Glucose (C) Haemoglobin (D) None (x) Which of the following are derived from non–living things? (A) Wood (B) Sand (C) Paper (D)All of the above CHAPTER 16. LIVING AND NON-LIVING 128

PROJECT BASED QUESTIONS —— Project Based Questions —— (i) Write a list of electrical appliances in your house, how do you feel about the comforts given by this great invention to human beings? Observe the way it works and mention the source of energy with which the appliances work. (ii) List out the activities that you performed at your home before coming to school. Which joints are involved in each activity. Mention the games you play in your Physical education class. Draw or stick pictures of the joints involved in those games. (iii) Draw the shadows in your note book for the objects given below assuming that the light source is exactly above these objects. 1. A pen 2. A table 3. A tumbler 4. An apple (iv) Collect samples of soil from different places like park, play field, garden etc. Observe the sample under the microscope. Draw what you have observed. Also try to identify the microorganism with the help of your teacher. Project Based Questions 129