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Description: 222310071-VISA-STUDENT-WORKBOOK-EVS_II-G05-PART1


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ENVIRONMENTAL 5 STUDIES - II WORKBOOK PART-1 Name: ____________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: ______ School: ____________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap presents the latest version of the VISA NEP series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the VISA NEP series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. Furthermore, to facilitate comprehensive coverage and improved understanding of diverse themes, the EVS curriculum has been split into EVS – I and EVS – II. Our books also strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The NCF 2005 advocates the creation of age-appropriate and easily relatable content that ensures that students can perceive social realities while imbibing the values of the Indian Constitution and human rights. The NCF also recommends the use of graphics, illustrations and pictures to help students to engage with concepts and ideas better. These objectives are integrated in the VISA NEP EVS – II textbooks and workbooks to provide a holistic learning experience to students. The key features of the VISA NEP EVS – II books are as follows.  Arrangement of concepts based on the RUAH model based on Bloom’s Taxonomy  C haracter and dialogue-based introductions to concepts to ground EVS – II concepts in reality to make them relatable to students  Visually engaging formats for the organisation and presentation of information  In-text activities to assist memorisation and understanding  S ubject-related vocabulary building in every lesson  Use of timelines and historical maps to help students to develop timeline, map and globe skills  Use of maps and scenario-based questions in the workbooks  Integration of values and life skills  P romotes awareness and personal responsibility through dialogue and enquiry about the world around us Overall, the ClassKlap VISA NEP series aims to enhance social, cultural and analytical skills for the intuitive and harmonious growth of an individual in an interconnected and independent global community. – The Authors

Workbook Features I Remember I Understand Recollecting critical information Engaging with the ‘how’ and related to the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’ of the concept ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the concept I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Extending the application of the I Apply concept to more advanced and Applying the understanding of challenging questions that meet the concept to questions related the criteria of higher order to real-life scenarios thinking skills Map Practice Developing spatial thinking abilities and sharpening map work skills for improved application and analysis of the concepts learned

Contents Class 5   1  Representing the Earth   1.1 Maps and Globes��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1   1.2 Latitudes and Longitudes��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6   2  All Kinds of Regions Make up the World   2.1 The Climatic Zones of the Earth��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11   2.2 Life in the Different Climatic Zones���������������������������������������������������������������������������������15   3  European Expeditions to India   3.1 Colonial India�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21   4  The Revolt of 1857   4.1 The First War of Independence���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25   5  The Freedom Struggle   5.1 Reforms after 1857 and the Partition of Bengal�������������������������������������������������������������29    Map Practice���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33

Lesson Representing the Earth 1 Concept 1.1: Maps and Globes I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following maps shows borders of the countries?  [    ] [    ] (A)  political map (B)  physical map (C)  sketch map (D)  thematic map 2) Which feature is used to explain the colours and symbols used on a map?  (A) grid (B) direction (C) key (D) title Fill in the Blanks 3) The shape of a globe is similar to that of the ________________________. 4) You can find information related to major crops and rainfall on a ________________________ map. Answer in One Word 5) Which hemisphere lies below the Equator? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) At which angle is the axis of a globe tilted? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘map’. Name any one type of map. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Understand Circle the Correct Word 8) A map is easy / difficult to carry. 9) A map / globe can be used to study the rotation and revolution of the Earth. 10) The Equator / Prime Meridian forms part of a circle that divides a globe into eastern and western hemispheres. 11) The globe is divided into the northern and southern hemispheres by the Equator / Tropic of Capricorn. Short Answer Questions 12) Priya’s teacher tells her that she can use a globe to study the Earth. Give two ways in which a globe can be helpful to study the Earth. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Label the four lines marked on the globe that has been given below. Ans. 2

Long Answer Question 14) Write any four differences between maps and globes. Ans. Maps Globes I Apply [    ] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Identify the given picture.  (A) globe (B) map (C) compass (D) telescope Representing the Earth 3

16) Which of the following are not shown on the given map? [    ] (A) cities                (B) rivers of India (C)  mountain ranges          (D)  plateaus Short Answer Questions 17) If the Earth was flat, which representation of the Earth would not be used? Why? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) While visiting a new place, what does a traveller use — a map or a globe? Give one reason for your answer. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4

Long Answer Question 19) Two friends, Reema and Abdul, were working on an assignment on maps. Reema wanted to locate capitals and other important cities of India on the map. Abdul wanted to show the information related to population density of the country on the map. (a)  Which type of map should each of them use? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Write any two ways in which maps are useful to you in your everyday life. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) L ook at the road map given as an example, and make your own road map. Show the route from your home to your school. Mark and label the important landmarks that you will find on this route. Use the symbols given in the key. Representing the Earth 5

Ans. KEY my school my house landmark road to take Concept 1.2: Latitudes and Longitudes [  ] I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) What are latitudes also known as? (A) semicircles           (B)  longitudes (C) parallels           (D) circles 6

2) Which unit is used to mark latitudes and longitudes?  [  ] (A) centimetres           (B)  decibels (C) kilograms           (D) degrees Fill in the Blanks 3) The ________________________ does not pass through any country. 4) The Prime Meridian passes through ________________________ in the United Kingdom. Answer in One Word 5) What is the Prime Meridian also known as? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Which imaginary lines are drawn vertically on a map? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘Equator’. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Understand Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ 8) The Antarctic Circle is a latitude. [  ] 9) Latitudes join the North and South Poles. [  ] 10) Longitudes are parallel lines. [  ] 11) The Polar Circles receive the least sunlight on the Earth.  [  ] Short Answer Questions 12) The country of Kenya is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Describe the position of the Sun over this country. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Representing the Earth 7

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Describe the combined effect of the tilt of the Earth and its revolution on the different parts of the Earth. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question  14) John and Amrita are discussing some of the important lines which divide the globe into smaller sections. Complete their discussion and identify the lines about which they are discussing. John Amrita These are horizontal lines drawn These are (b) _________________________ (a) _________________________ to lines that join the North and South Poles. the Equator. They run from They run from (d) _________________________ direction. (c) _________________________ direction. The distance is least towards the poles They (e) _________________________ in and they are (f) _________________________ length from the Equator towards at the Equator. the poles. 8

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) How long will it take the Sun to move from overhead of 70° W meridian to overhead of 85° W meridian? [    ] (A) 1 hour 30 minutes          (B) 1 hour (C) 4 hours               (D) 2 hours 16) Ankur lives at a place on the 40° W meridian. His father lives at Greenwich. If the present time in Ankur’s place is 4:00 p.m., what would be the time at his father’s place? [    ] (A) 6:40 p.m.              (B)  7:02 p.m. (C) 7:04 p.m.              (D) 3:16 a.m. Short Answer Questions 17) Wabang lives in Aizwal. She wants to talk to her cousin who lives in Austria. Does she need to check the time before she calls? If yes, why? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Why do you think time for different countries is measured relative to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)? Give two reasons to support your answer. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Draw the International Date Line on the map given on the next page. Why is it curved in some places? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Representing the Earth 9

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Write the names of four cities that you would like to visit. Find out the exact coordinates of these cities using the internet. Also, find out the standard times of these places. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10

All Kinds of Regions Lesson 2 Make up the World Concept 2.1: The Climatic Zones of the Earth I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) What is the weather conditions of an area recorded over a long period [    ] known as?  [    ] (A) temperature (B) season (C) climate (D) hemisphere 2) During which months does the northern hemisphere experience winter? (A)  February to March (B)  December to February (C)  March to May (D)  June to August Fill in the Blanks 3) When the southern hemisphere experiences winter, the northern hemisphere experiences ________________________. 4) The cyclical changes in weather over a period of a year are called ________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name one factor that affects the climate of a place. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) How many seasons do we experience in all parts of India? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘weather’. 11

Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Understand Circle the Correct Word 8) Places closer to the sea are cooler than other places because they experience sky / sea breeze. 9) The North Frigid Zone extends from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic Circle / North Pole. 10) The higher we go above sea level, the warmer / cooler we feel. 11) Places near the Equator / Poles, receive direct rays of the Sun. Short Answer Questions 12) What does ‘torrid’ mean? Why is it hot in the Torrid Zone? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) L ook at the world map given below. Mark and label any two climatic zones of the Earth. Ans. Long Answer Question 14) Find and circle eight words related to climatic zones of the Earth from the word search puzzle. 12

GCNV E O L T CD B T K I JQZ TOZ R E VO L U T I ON W Z GC L I MA T E E C S E A S ONON A T EMP E RA T E T YK TOR R I D I H UM I D I T YWJ EAFR IGI D I Y R P QWCO L A D L I Apply [    ] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Why does Svalbard in Norway experience 24 hours of sunlight between April and August? (A)  It is close to the North Pole. (B)  It is surrounded by water. (C)  It is a group of islands. (D)  It is mostly covered with ice. 16) Jakarta in Indonesia always experiences hot and humid climate. In which climatic zone does it lie? [    ] (A) North Temperate Zone (B)  Torrid Zone (C)  South Frigid Zone (D)  South Temperate Zone Short Answer Questions 17) New Zealand is marked on the map given on the next page. If you visit it during your summer vacation, which season will New Zealand experience at that time? Why? All Kinds of Regions Make up the World 13

Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Diveagar is a coastal village in Maharashtra, whereas Bori is a village located in the interiors of Maharashtra. Which village will be cooler? Why? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question  19) Udagamandalam, popularly called Ooty, is a hill station in Tamil Nadu. Even during the summer season, it is cool. However, Chennai is hot all around the year. Why is there such a difference in climate? Mark the two places on the map of Tamil Nadu. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 14

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Which climatic zone would you like to live in? Why? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Concept 2.2: Life in the Different Climatic Zones I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hich of the following will you find in the Frigid Zone? [    ] (A)  (B) Deer Flamingo (D) (C)  Tiger Polar bear All Kinds of Regions Make up the World 15

2) Which of the following will you find in the Torrid Zone? [    ] (A)  (B)  Arctic tern Poison arrow frog (D)  (C)  Anteater Bobcat Fill in the Blanks 3) The ________________________ is the world’s largest desert. 4) ________________________ forests have trees that shed their leaves in the winter season. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give two examples of vegetation found in the Frigid Zone. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name two trees found in the Torrid Zone. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Identify the tree shown in the picture. Which climatic zone would you find it in? Ans. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 16

I Understand Match the Following Column A   Column B 8) topmost layer of the forest     a) forms a canopy 9) second layer of the forest b) small plants and creepers 10) layer close to the ground c) receives a lot of sunlight 11) third layer of the forest d) roots and fallen leaves Short Answer Questions 12) Why do the forests in the Torrid Zone have many trees? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) What is hibernation? Name an animal that hibernates. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Identify the animals given. Mention the climatic zones they are found in. Ans. a)  b)  ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ All Kinds of Regions Make up the World 17

c)  d)  ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following is not required in the Frigid Zone? [    ] [    ] (A) scarf   (B) gloves   (C) cotton trousers   (D) sweater 16) Mala recently visited another country. She saw that the leaves of the trees had started to fall. In which zone does the country lie? (A)  Torrid Zone  (B)  South Temperate Zone (C)  South Frigid Zone (D)  North Frigid Zone Short Answer Questions 17) During winter, the Arctic tern moves to a warmer place. In which zone do you think the Arctic tern lives? Why does it move to a warmer place? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) If you visit Thailand, you can see stilt houses everywhere. In which zone do you think is Thailand located? Why do you think so? 18

Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of clues given below. Across 3) Sheds its leaves during winter 4) An example of a cone-shaped tree 5) Class of animals not found in the Frigid Zone 8) Grows during summer in the Frigid Zone Down 1) A type of vegetation found in the Temperate Zone 2) Movement of birds to warmer places to get away from cold winter 6) The zone which receives plenty of sun and rain 7) Houses built in regions which receive heavy rainfall 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 All Kinds of Regions Make up the World 19

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Complete the following table. Paste pictures wherever you can. Ans. The place A place that A place that where you live you visited you want to visit Vegetation Wildlife Clothing Shelter 20

Lesson European Expeditions 3 to India Concept 3.1: Colonial India I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which traders settled in Surat in 1668? [    ] (A) French (B) Dutch (C) Portuguese (D) English 2) In which year did the British East India Company set up their first trading station in India? [    ] (A) 1655 (B) 1615 (C)  1605 (D)  1650 Fill in the Blanks 3) ________________________ was the first to discover a sea route to India from Europe. 4) A/An ________________________ is a journey by a group of people with a specific purpose. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name two spices found in India which the Europeans were interested in. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) What is the term used for people from the Netherlands? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Who were trading companies? Give an example. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21

I Understand Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ [    ] 8) The Dutch and French were defeated by the British in India. [    ] 9) The British lost the Anglo-Mysore War. [    ] 10) The Carnatic Wars were fought between the Dutch and the British. [    ] 11) The British had the advantage of using modern weapons in battles. Short Answer Questions 12) Why did the Europeans fight against each other in India? Give any two reasons. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Give two reasons why the British were able to colonise India. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Why did the Europeans want to find sea routes to reach Asia? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 22

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Imagine that you are a British administrator in 1853. Which of the following [  ] actions would you take if the crops of a farmer failed? (A)  give money to improve farms (B)  give seeds and fertilisers (C)  provide food (D)  collect taxes 16) Manik was a weaver from Dhaka in Bengal during the British rule. He suffered losses and lost his job. Which of the following occupations was he most likely to join? [  ] (A)  farming (B)  army (C) pottery (D) carpentry Short Answer Questions 17) Rani Lakshmi Bai was the ruler of Jhansi. She adopted a son because she did not have a child of her own. What happened to Jhansi after her death? Why? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Imagine a trader from the British East India Company is visiting the court of an Indian ruler. Write two things he would offer to convince the Indian ruler to look after the British army in the kingdom. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Imagine you are a historian in the year 1820. You want to write a historical account of the rise of the British Empire in India. Choose any two important years to complete the table. European Expeditions to India 23

Ans. Year Event Impact I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Western countries and their cultures have influenced Indian culture. In the same way, Indian culture has also influenced people in many western countries. Find out about the aspects of Indian culture which have been adopted by western countries. Write a short note about what you find. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 24

Lesson The Revolt of 1857 4 Concept 4.1: The First War of Independence I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) When did the First War of Independence take place? [    ] [    ] (A) 1856 (B) 1857 (C) 1860 (D) 1865 2) Who was recognised as the last Mughal emperor by the British? (A)  Shah Jahan (B)  Bahadur Shah (C)  Akbar (D)  Bahadur Shah Zafar Fill in the Blanks 3) The sepoys were unhappy with their ________________________ of work. 4) ________________________, a young soldier, wanted sepoys to revolt against the British. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Who was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) When people refuse to accept the laws and decisions of their rulers, what is it called? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Why did Indians feel that the British were trying to destroy their culture and religion? Give two reasons. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ The Revolt of 1857 25

I Understand Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ [    ] 8) Bahadur Shah Zafar refused to become the leader of the revolting sepoys. [    ] 9) The Revolt of 1857 occurred in large parts of southern and western India. [    ] 10) People from different sections of society joined the Revolt of 1857. [    ] 11) Bakht Khan was a postmaster who led the revolt in Ahmedabad. Short Answer Questions 12) Give two reasons why the Revolt of 1857 failed. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) How did the British suppress the revolt? Mention any two actions taken by them. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Vidya finds the following pictures in her grandmother’s diary. Help her to identify the following people. What are these people famous for? Picture A Picture B Picture C Picture D Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following was not a consequence of the Revolt of 1857? [    ] (A) The number of British soldiers working in India decreased. [    ] (B) Indians had to pay more taxes. (C) India had new rulers. (D) Indians now had to follow new rules. 16) Who became the new rulers of India after the Revolt of 1857? (A) the British East India Company and the Queen of England (B) the Queen of England and the British government (C) the British government and the British East India Company (D) the Queen of England and the British Indian government Short Answer Questions 17) Did the British make any changes in the way they ruled over India after the revolt? If yes, why? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Were there any positive results for the Indians from the Revolt of 1857? If yes, write about two such results. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Revolt of 1857 27

Long Answer Question 19) Imagine that you are a reporter in the year 1857. You have to cover the First War of Independence for your newspaper. On the map, mark and label four places that you will visit for this work. Name one Indian ruler or rebel leader that you will meet at each place. Ans. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Had the Revolt of 1857 been a success, how would have things been different? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28

Lesson The Freedom Struggle 5 Concept 5.1: Reforms after 1857 and the Partition of Bengal I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Who believed that ‘service to mankind is service to God’? [    ] [    ] (A)  Swami Vivekananda (B)  Dinabandhu Mitra (C)  Raja Ram Mohan Roy (D)  Tantia Tope 2) Who among the following was a leader of the Indian National Congress? (A)  Bal Gangadhar Tilak (B)  Mangal Pandey (C)  Subramania Bharati (D)  Swami Vivekananda Fill in the Blanks 3) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a ________________________. 4) Vande Mataram was written by ________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) In which year did the Indian National Congress split? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Which play was published by Dinabandhu Mitra to show the misery of indigo farmers? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What were the results of the reformation in literature? Give an example. Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29

_____________________________________________________________________________________ I Understand   Asked people to fight for Swaraj / Showed how British robbed India’s wealth / Founded the INC Tried to assassinate a British judge 10)  11)  Wanted people to follow bad customs / Composed Sare jahan se accha / Wanted women to be educated Composed Jana gana mana Short Answer Questions 12) Why was the All India Muslim League formed? What did the party do after its formation? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Who raised the slogan, ‘Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it’? What do you understand by it? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30

Long Answer Question 14) To change British attitude towards Indians, the Indian National Congress demanded few things from the British government. Write about these demands in the table given below. (b) m embers of ________________________ (a) freedom of ________________________ and to publish their views in newspapers to be elected _______________________ and magazines freely instead of the government Demands of the Indian National Congress (c) money for ________________________ (d) to know how government and ________________________ ________________________ was being spent I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following was not a result of the Partition of Bengal? [    ] (A) revolutionary activity (B)  social reformation (C)  formation of the Muslim League (D)  splitting of the INC 16) Who among the following is considered a revolutionary freedom fighter?[    ] (A)  Gopal Krishna Gokhale (B)  Subramania Bharati (C)  Khudiram Bose (D)  Swami Vivekananda Short Answer Questions 17) Putul was a 13-year-old girl. She started wearing khadi clothes instead of British clothes. She also stopped going to her English medium school. Which movement do you think she was a part of? Why did people participate in this movement? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) If you were a farmer during British rule in 1865, which crop would you be forced to cultivate? What would you be forced to do with the produce? The Freedom Struggle 31

Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Imagine you are looking at newspapers published after the Partition of Bengal. What kind of headlines would you come across? Give four examples. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) When you read the history of a country, you read the common history of a large number of people. Everyone has their own history. Talk to your family and friends, and find out if anybody has stories of India’s freedom struggle. Listen to their stories and write them. Hints: • D  o you have any writings from that time? • Do you have photographs of the time? • Did you have a revolutionary in your family? Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 32

Map Practice 1) Find out the answers to the following questions. Mark them on the map given below. You can use an atlas to help you locate the places. a) In which city did the Congress split of 1907 occur? Ans. __________________________________________________ b) In which city was Swami Vivekananda born? Ans. __________________________________________________ c)  In which city was the Muslim League founded? Ans. __________________________________________________ d) In which city was the first session of the INC held? Ans. __________________________________________________ 2) On the given map of the world, draw and label the following. a)  the 0° latitude b)  the latitude that is also known as the Southern Tropic c)  the meridian that passes through Greenwich in the United Kingdom d)  the northernmost major latitude that lies below the North Pole Ans._ 33

3) On the given map, mark and label the following. Make a key to show what you have marked. ​ a​) a region in the southern hemisphere where the forests have tall trees with broad leaves (dark green) ​b)​  an ​area in Europe where you might see an Arctic fox (light blue) ​c)​  the part of India that lies in the T​ orrid Zone (brown) ​d)​  an island that experiences summer in December (purple)​​​ Ans._ Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn 4) On the given map of India, mark and label the following. Make a key to show what you have marked. a)  a region where the climate is hot and dry b)  an area which is always covered with snow c)  a city which is close to the Tropic of Cancer d)  a city that experiences sea breeze 34

Ans. Map Practice 35

5) Use an atlas to mark and label the following on the given map of India. a)  the place where Vasco da Gama arrived in 1498 b)  the place where the first French settlement was set up c)  a place in Bihar where the Revolt of 1857 took place d)  the city where Bakht Khan took charge of the forces during the Revolt of 1857 36

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