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by classklap SOCIAL STUDIES WORKBOOK - TERM 1 ALPINE SERIES L 4 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Preface IMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of the Pinnacle series — specially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Tamil Nadu state board textbooks. The Pinnacle series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the Tamil Nadu Curriculum Framework in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Samacheer textbooks. The Class 4 workbooks are based on the latest edition of the Class 4 textbooks released for the academic year 2020 -21. A close mapping has been undertaken to ensure that the workbooks support and add value to the textbook content. The TNCF 2017 advocates the creation of age-appropriate and easily relatable content to aid learning. It also recommends the use of graphics, illustrations and pictures to help learners to think critically and innovatively. Below are some salient features of the Pinnacle Social Science workbooks series.  Arrangement of questions following on the RUAH (Remember, Understand, Apply and Higher Order Thinking Skills) model based on Bloom’s Taxonomy  Visually engaging concept maps that summarise information from the lessons  Stimulating Application and Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) questions which dissuade rote learning and promote problem solving abilities  Attractive maps and thought-provoking scenario-based questions in the workbooks Overall, the IMAX Pinnacle series aims to enhance social, cultural and analytical skills for the intuitive and harmonious growth of a learners in an interconnected and independent global community. – The Authors PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 2 3/6/2020 3:21:29 PM

Workbook Features Concept Map Remembering A graphic organiser to recap the main Questions aimed at helping students to points covered in the lesson recollect critical information regarding the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the concept Application Understanding Questions that require application of the Questions which aid comprehension of understanding from a concept to real-life the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the concept scenarios Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills for further application of the learning from a concept Activity Activities which encourage students to make real-life connections Term Project Activities that can be done at the end of the term to enhance learning PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 3 3/6/2020 3:21:32 PM

Lesson Name Page No. 1) Kingdoms of Rivers 1 2) Five Landforms 8 3) Municipality and Corporation 16 23 Term Project 25 Practice Questions from Textbook PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 4 3/6/2020 3:21:33 PM

Lesson 1: Kingdoms of Rivers Concept Map Important Kingdoms of the Sangam Age Chera Chola Pandya Pallava Capital: Capital: Capital: Capital: _______________ Uraiyur Madurai _______________ Flag: Flag: Flag: Flag: Bow and arrow _______________ Fish _______________ An important An important An important An important king: king: king: king: _______________ _______________ Pandiya Vishnugopan Nedunchezhian Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Who founded the kingdom of early Pallavas? [     ] (A) Vishnugopan (B) Sivas Kantha Varma Pallavan (C) Valvil Ori (D) Simhavishnu 2) Who were the forerunners of the ‘Moovendargal’?  [     ] (A) Cheras (B) Cholas (C) Pallavas (D) Pandyas 1 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 1 3/6/2020 3:21:34 PM

3) What can you see on the flag of the Cholas? [    ] (A) peacock (B) Peacock Bow and arrow (C) (D) Fish Tiger Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 4) Pura Nanooru, a Tamil book of poems, describes ________________________ as one of the important duties of the Tamils. 5) The later Pallava period began from the reign of ________________________. 6) ________________________ was the capital city of the Pandyas. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ (1M per question) 7) Kallanai dam was built by Cheran Senguttuvan. [     ] 8) The Pallavas were famous for building cave temples. [     ] 9) The Cheras and Pandyas joined forces and attacked Karikala Cholan [    ] at Venni. Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) Name the following: 10) The feudal lords who ruled over smaller lands in ancient Tamil Nadu Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 2 3/6/2020 3:21:42 PM

11) The location of the early Chola capital Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) Which epic narrates the story of Kannagi’s fight to prove her husband’s innocence? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) On which river was the port of the Pandyas located? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Why did the people of the Sangam age live happily? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) Who was Pandiya Nedunchezhian? Why was he given the title of ‘Thalaiyalanganathu Seruvendra Pandiya Nedunchezhian’? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Describe the administrative conditions of the Sangam age. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Kingdoms of Rivers 3 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 3 3/6/2020 3:21:43 PM

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) Identify the city shown in the given picture. Mention two reasons why it was popular during the Sangam period. Hint: Look at the temple that can be seen in the picture. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Why do you think women were respected in the Sangam age? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 4 3/6/2020 3:21:47 PM

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Why did ancient Tamil kingdoms emerge along rivers? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question (3M per question) 20) Find out about any three architectural achievements of the Sangam age. Write a line and paste a picture for each. Name Description Picture Kingdoms of Rivers 5 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 5 3/6/2020 3:21:47 PM

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 21) Using an atlas, mark the following places on the given map of Tamil Nadu. (A) The capital of the Pandyas (B) The port of the Pallavas (C) The capital of the Cheras (D) The river on which the Kallanai dam was built 6 3/6/2020 3:21:49 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 6

Activity 22) Make a chart on the different kingdoms of ancient Tamil Nadu. Outline the extent of their kingdoms and the rivers along which they flourished. Collect and paste pictures of some important features and achievements of each kingdom. Write a sentence or two on the greatness of each kingdom. Hints: • Include pictures of the flag, symbol, sceptre, sword, drum and venkotrakudai. of each dynasty. • Paste pictures of the temples, statues, caves and other examples of art and architecture of the dynasties. • You can also highlight the major battles fought by the various kings. Kingdoms of Rivers 7 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 7 3/6/2020 3:21:49 PM

Lesson 2: Five Landforms Concept Map ________________________ Mountains ________________________ Marutham ________________________ Neidhal Five Landforms of Tamil Nadu ________________________ Palai Forest ________________________ Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) On what basis were the landforms divided in the Sangam age?  [     ] (A) the work done by the people (B) the number of rivers (C) the amount of sunlight (D) the colour of the soil 8 3/6/2020 3:21:50 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 8

2) Out of the five thinais, which one is not permanent? [     ] (A) (B) Mullai Marutham (D) (C) Kurinji Palai 3) Which type of soil will you find in the Mullai land?  [     ] (A) red soil (B) black soil [     ] [     ] (C) blue soil (D) sandy soil [     ] Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 4) ________________________ is the flower of the Neithal land. 5) In the Coimbatore and Nilgiri districts, ________________________ forests can be found. 6) The Earth is the ________________________ planet in the solar family. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ (1M per question) 7) The god of the Palai land is Murugan. 8) Marutham was formed when the Kurinji and Mullai dried up. 9) The land of Neithal is made of saline soil. Five Landforms 9 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 9 3/6/2020 3:22:05 PM

Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) Name the following: 10) The forest region where red soil can be found Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) The type of forest found in the Cuddalore district Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) Which of the five regions of Tamil Nadu would have the coolest weather? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Which would be a major occupation in Marutham land? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Why is farming not an occupation of the people in the Palai land? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 10 3/6/2020 3:22:19 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 10

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) Why is the Kurinji flower considered miraculous? Where does it mostly grow? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Look at the given pictures. Identify the regions shown. Write any three differences between them. Picture A Picture B 11 Five Landforms PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 11 3/6/2020 3:22:29 PM

Ans. Picture A Picture B 12 3/6/2020 3:22:29 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 12

Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) Why is hunting and gathering the occupation of the Kuravar people? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) What is special about Pichavaram village? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Manisha has travelled to a region where the Kallanai dam is located. What is this region known as? Mention two important occupations of the people in this region. How is the landform of this region different from the Kurinji land? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Five Landforms 13 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 13 3/6/2020 3:22:30 PM

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question (3M per question) 20) Alia wants to visit three special places in Tamil Nadu. Which places would you recommend for her to visit? What is special about these places? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 21) Complete the given mind map on the Mullai land of Tamil Nadu. People _______________ Occupation MULLAI LAND Plant _______________ _______________ Animal _______________ 14 3/6/2020 3:22:30 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 14

Activity 22) Find names of animals that are found in the different regions of Tamil Nadu. Write the names of the regions where they are found. DA UMA I R U V O E CO B I P OO U F I NA Y AQV E AAK I U R U P T I GE R J R J P E F AY L BOLM GRAB B I T E Y Five Landforms 15 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 15 3/6/2020 3:22:31 PM

Lesson 3: Municipality and Corporation Concept Map 152 in Tamil Nadu Head: ________________________________ Municipality Urban local government Functions: _________________________________ • Creating parks and libraries and maintaining them • Disposing of garbage • ____________________________________ • ____________________________________ 14 in Tamil Nadu Head: Mayor Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Which of the following will be provided by a municipality? [     ] (A) (B) Public bus Wind energy 16 3/6/2020 3:22:37 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 16

(C) (D) Street lamps Railways 2) Which is not a part of a municipality?  [     ] (A) Township (B) Panchayat Union (C) Cantonment Board (D) Notified Area Committee 3) Which committee recommended a two-tier Panchayat Raj system?  [     ] (A) Ajit Kumar Committee (B) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (C) Ashok Mehta Committee (D) Kelkar Committee Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 4) Village Panchayat works at the ________________________ level. 5) Tamil Nadu consists of ________________________ districts. 6) A ________________________ Panchayat functions in places where the population exceeds 5000 people. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ (1M per question) 7) The Tamil Nadu government has declared Nagercoil as the [    ] 10th corporation. 8) The members of the Corporation are elected by the people directly. [     ] 9) One of the members of the municipality is the Vice-president. [     ] Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) Name the following: 10) The head of a Town Panchayat Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Municipality and Corporation 17 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 17 3/6/2020 3:22:38 PM

11) The unit into which a municipality is divided Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) On what basis are certain municipalities declared as corporations? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) What is the main source of income for the municipalities and the corporations? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Why do corporations provide drinking water, construct roads and dispose of garbage? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) What is the tenure of members of a corporation? What do you think happens after the tenure of a member ends? Why is this so? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18 3/6/2020 3:22:39 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 18

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Describe the structure of the local bodies in Tamil Nadu. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) Hari lives in a town of 60,000 people. His neighbourhood does not have a park. Which local body can Hari approach for help to build a park? What would help the local body to build the park? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Imagine you are the President of a municipality. Write three things you would do for the development of your municipality. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Municipality and Corporation 19 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 19 3/6/2020 3:22:39 PM

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Observe the given pictures. What are the people in the pictures doing? What kinds of problems might they face? How can we make their work easier? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question (3M per question) 20) What would you do if you were unhappy with the work of the President of your municipality? How would you ensure that people choose a good candidate as President? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 20 3/6/2020 3:22:39 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 20

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 21) To find out the number of hours every day that houses in their neighbourhood get regular drinking water, Rashi and her friends conducted a survey. Study the data they collected and mention the next steps that Rashi and the local bodies should take. Household No. of hours Household A 6 Household B 5 Household C 8 Household D 5 Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 22) With the help of your teachers, family and neighbours, find out the following information about your area. a) The local body governing your area b) The President of your municipality c) The address of your municipal office d) The number of the ward where you live and the elected representative of your ward Municipality and Corporation 21 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 21 3/6/2020 3:22:39 PM

e) The year in which the elections for your municipality or corporation will take place Display all the information you collected on a chart and show it to your class. Hints: • Make an information sheet to show all the data you have collected. • Y ou can also interview people in your area or use newspapers to find out the information. • Collect some pictures related to the information and paste them on the chart. 22 3/6/2020 3:22:40 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 22

Term Project Make a collage of the different landforms of Tamil Nadu. You will need the following. • Chart paper • Glue • Scissors • Sketch pens • Colourful scraps of paper • Paint • Paintbrushes • Cellophane or cling wrap • Pictures and cut-outs of the different landforms of Tamil Nadu, the plants and animals found in the regions and its people Follow the given steps to make your collage. 1. Gather the pictures and cut-outs of the landforms of Tamil Nadu. You can cut them into any shape or size. 2. Decide a layout for pasting the pictures and cut-outs on the chart paper. 3. P lace the chart paper on a table. Arrange the pictures and cut-outs on it. Do so in the layout that you have decided on. 4. You can cut the pictures into smaller sizes and layer them on top of each other. 5. Once you are happy with the arrangement, start pasting them onto the chart paper. 6. You can use colourful scraps of paper to fill blank spaces between the pictures if any. Term Project 23 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 23 3/6/2020 3:22:40 PM

7. You can also use sketch pens to make drawings and designs around the pictures. 8. Use paint or sketch pens to give your collage a colourful heading. 9. O nce your collage is done, use cellophane or cling wrap to cover it so that it does not get dirty or damaged. 10. Show your collage to your teacher and classmates and display it in the classroom. 24 3/6/2020 3:22:41 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 24

Practice Questions from Textbook Lesson 1: Kingdoms of Rivers Understanding Very Short Answer Question (1M per question) 1) Who said? - ‘Yano Arasan, Yanae kalvan‛. (Textbook, Pg. 134) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 2) Who were the greatest kings among the Cheras? (Textbook, Pg. 134) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Who were Kadai Ezhu Vallalgal? (Textbook, Pg. 134) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Tell about the achievements of Karikalan. (Textbook, Pg. 134) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Which were the capital and coastal towns of Pallavas? (Textbook, Pg. 134) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 25 25 3/6/2020 3:22:42 PM

Lesson 2: Five Landforms Understanding Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 1) What do you know about Sembulam? (Textbook, Pg. 146) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2) How is the Palai (dry land) region formed? (Textbook, Pg. 146) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What are the themes of Palai? (Textbook, Pg. 146) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Questions (4M per question) 4) Name the people of five thinais. (Textbook, Pg. 146) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 26 3/6/2020 3:22:42 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 26

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5) List four themes of Mullai land. (Textbook, Pg. 146) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Five Landforms 27 PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 27 3/6/2020 3:22:43 PM

Lesson 3: Municipality and Corporation Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 1) How is the President of Municipality elected? (Textbook, Pg. 155) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What is the total number of Corporations in Tamil Nadu? (Textbook, Pg. 155) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Questions (4M per question) 3) What are the sources of income of Municipality? (Textbook, Pg. 155) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What are the duties of a Corporation? (Textbook, Pg. 155) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 28 3/6/2020 3:22:43 PM PNC_SST_G4_WB_Term 1_AK.indb 28

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