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181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2

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Plants that eat small insects: Some plants trap small insects and digest them. Such plants are called insectivorous plants. For example, pitcher plant, Venus flytrap and so on. pitcher plant Understanding Plants grow on land and in water. They have different food habits. Due to these differences, the plants have different features. The body features and special characteristics that help the plants to live successfully in a particular environment are called their adaptations. ADAPTATIONS OF TERRESTRIAL PLANTS Mountain plants: They are tall, straight and conical. They have narrow needle-shaped leaves. The conical shape does not allow the snow to remain on their leaves. If the trees in cold places are not conical in shape, snow will collect on the branches. Due to the weight of the snow the branches will break. Plants in plains: They have many branches that spread out. These branches help them to absorb maximum sunlight. leaves of a conical shape of branched stem of a tree mountain plant mountain plants Desert plants: They have fleshy green stems stem of a desert plant that store water. Their leaves are reduced to spines to prevent water loss. They have extensive roots. Plants in swampy areas: Swampy areas have very sticky and clayey soil. So, it is difficult for plants to grow because air cannot reach the roots. Hence, the plants in swampy areas have breathing roots. Such roots come out of the soil for oxygen and sunlight. Breathing roots are roots in the air that help plants to breathe. breathing roots Plants and Environment 3 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 101 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM

Plants in coastal areas: These plants have to adjust to strong winds and heavy rainfall. Coconut trees are mainly found in coastal areas. They have sturdy, flexible stems and thick leaves with many long strips to overcome strong winds. stem of a leaves of a coconut tree coconut tree ADAPTATIONS OF AQUATIC PLANTS Floating Plants: Their leaves and stems are light and spongy due to waxy leaves and the presence of air pockets. Air gets filled in these pockets. It helps them to float on water. Fixed plants: Their leaves are broad. The upper surfaces of air pockets the leaves of floating and fixed plants have a waxy layer. narrow leaves This waxy coating prevents the leaves from rotting due to water. Underwater plants: They have narrow and slender leaves. waxy leaves They breathe inside water. Adaptation of Plants According to Food Habits Plants which produce food have green leaves and a well developed root system. Leaves are positioned in such a way that they receive maximum sunlight. Parasitic plants have special roots. Using these roots, they absorb the food and water from other plants. Cuscuta is one such plant. Insectivorous plants have special structures to trap and digest insects. For example, the pitcher plant plants that produce cuscuta has a pitcher (pot-like structure) with a flap. The flap food produces nectar that attracts insects. The rim of the pitcher is slippery. So the insects slip inside. The pitcher is deep. Moreover, the inside wall is difficult to climb. So the insects drown and dissolve in the liquid present inside the pitcher. 4 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 102

flap rim pitcher parts of a pitcher insects on the rim insect trapped of the pitcher inside the pitcher Application Plants benefit from their environment. Environment provides all the necessary support to the plants. How do plants support their environment? In the process of photosynthesis, plants: • take in carbon dioxide gas from the air. • release oxygen. • trap the energy of the Sun (light energy). • trap nutrients from the soil. Roots hold the soil firmly which helps to: • prevent soil erosion. • conserve water. Plants support wildlife by providing shelter. Plants and Environment 5 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 103 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM

How do human activities affect the environment? • Due to human activities, the natural environment of plants is being destroyed. Humans cut down trees for firewood, timber, medicinal purposes and many more. This has destroyed the natural habitats of plants and animals. • S ome plants we see around have been introduced in our country from lantana distant places. Some such introduced plants spread rapidly destroying the environment of other local plants by competing for soil, water, nutrients and sunlight. For example, lantana What measures are being taken by the government? Due to the cutting of trees, some trees have disappeared talipot palm soap nut tree from the Earth. Some trees may disappear if we don’t protect them. So, they are given protection by the government. Example: sandalwood tree, Malabar mahogany, talipot palms, soap nut tree. Amazing Facts The General Sherman Redwood tree in California is about 2300-2700 years old. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Why do we celebrate Vanamahotsava? It is a yearly tree-planting movement in India. It began in 1950. It means the ‘festival of trees’. It is celebrated to create awareness about forest conservation and planting trees. Another practice has also been sacred groves followed since olden days to conserve trees. Some small forest areas are worshipped and protected by different communities. These areas are called sacred groves. Find out more about sacred groves. 6 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 104

Lesson Food for Animals 7 Let Us Learn About r herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. u body adaptations of animals to suit their eating habits. a food chain and food web. h how some animals may disappear from the Earth. Think Saleena was eating lunch. She found a squirrel on a tree near the window. She wondered where it got its food from. Do you know how animals find food? Remembering Animals cannot make their food. So, they eat plant parts or other animals that they find in their surroundings. For example, a squirrel finds its food from the surroundings. It collects fruits and nuts from different plants. It may eat some insects too. Have you seen a squirrel collecting groundnuts a squirrel eating termites squirrels eating termites? 7 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 105 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM

What does a cow eat? Does it eat termites like the squirrel? No. It eats grass, fruits or vegetables. Animals around us differ in their eating habits. They are of three types based on their eating habits. 1) Herbivores (‘herb’ means ‘a plant’, and ‘vore’ means ‘eat’): These are animals which eat only plant parts as their food. Cows, rabbits, deer are a few examples of herbivores. a cow eating grass 2) Carnivores (‘carni’ means ‘flesh’, and ‘vore’ means ‘eat’): These animals eat other animals as their food. For example, the lion, tiger, leopard and so on. 3) Omnivores (‘omni’ means ‘all’, and ‘vore’ means ‘eat’): These animals eat both plants and animals as their food. For example, human, bear, crow, squirrel and so on. herbivores carnivores omnivores Understanding Now, let us learn how animals find food themselves ants have a sharp from their surroundings. sense of smell If we happened to spill some sugar on the floor, 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM within minutes, it would be surrounded by ants. How do they find it? They can smell it. If we sit outside the house or school to have some food, a crow may fly down and take away our food. 8 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 106

Birds can see things from far away. So, they notice the food on our plate even when they fly high in the sky, or sit on a tree far away from us. Animals find their food with the help of their senses. Their eagles spot their prey senses are far stronger than ours. Can we smell the sugar kept from far away in a container inside the cupboard? No. But, ants can. This strong sense of smell helps them to find their food. In the same way, birds can find food with the help of their sharp eyes. Have you seen a cat waving its ear, when we make a scratching sound on the table or ground? They have a sharp sense of hearing. This helps them to find their prey. Do you remember reading about birds and beaks and that the cats have a sharp sense shapes of beaks are suitable for the food they eat? Similarly, have of hearing you ever observed the teeth of a cow? Are they different from that of a dog? Cows have flat teeth. But dogs and cats have sharp, pointed teeth. Why are they different? It is because the food they eat is different. Cows eat grass. They need flat teeth to grind the plant parts. Dogs and cats eat flesh. They need sharp teeth to tear the flesh. A rabbit has strong front teeth. These help the rabbit to bite food a dog has sharp teeth like carrots easily. Some animals use their tongue to sense the prey as well as to catch them. For example, frogs and lizards. Snakes have many senses that help them to find their food. They sense the movement and smell of their prey. strong front teeth help a rabbit to bite a frog uses its tongue a snake uses its sense of to catch the prey smell and movement Application What does an eagle eat? It eats small animals like rats. What do the rats eat? They eat fruits and seeds of plants. From where do these plants get their food? Food for Animals 9 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 107 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM

They make their food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients. In this way, plants and animals are linked to each other by eating and being eaten. This is called a food chain. a food chain food web Food chains are also connected to each other. For example, plants can be eaten up by a deer or a rabbit. The deer can be eaten up by not only a lion but also a tiger. The plants can be eaten up by a small bird. The small bird can be eaten up by a large bird. Such connected food chains form a food web. Amazing Facts The largest carnivore on Earth is the South Atlantic elephant seal. It usually weighs 3,500 kg. South Atlantic elephant seal Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) All animals need food to live. What will happen if they do not get enough food from the surroundings? Some of them may die. Their number will decrease in that area. If the food in the surroundings became more scarce, their number will decrease further. In this way, some animals may disappear from the surface of the Earth. Many animals have disappeared from the Earth in this way. Some animals are in danger now. Only a few of their kind are left. The Asiatic lion, Bengal tiger, red panda, snow leopard are few animals whose number has decreased. Asiatic lion Bengal tiger red panda snow leopard 10 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 108 2/17/2018 4:22:02 PM

Lesson Food Production 8 Let Us Learn About R farms. U how farmers grow food plants. A the journey of food from the farms to our homes. H growing plants without harming the environment. Think Arvind enjoys eating mangoes, and his favourite vegetable is brinjal. What are your favourite fruits and vegetables? Have you ever thought about where these food items come from and how they reach your house? Remembering We buy fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses and so on from the market. We also buy milk, meat and fish. We know that all these food items come either from plants or animals. Where are all these plants and animals grown? Who takes care of them? Let us find out. In villages, you must have seen open fields where some plants are grown. You may have seen some people working in those fields. There may have also been some animals like goats, NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 109 11 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

cows, buffaloes and so on. These are farms. A farm is a piece of land used to farming grow crops and raise animals. People grow different types of useful plants in farms. In some farms, animals which give eggs, milk and meat are also grown. Growing useful plants and raising livestock on a farm is called farming. The people who do these activities are called farmers. What are the different types of plants and animals farmers grow on their farms? They grow plants which give us food like vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, oilseeds and spices. They also grow sugar cane, tea plant, coffee plant, rubber tree and so on. The animals which are reared on farms include birds like chickens and ducks, cows, buffaloes, goats, pigs and so on. Some farmers rear fish, prawn and so on. Understanding How does a farmer grow plants on his or her farm? Let us find out. First, the farmer has to decide which crops to grow. You know that plants grow from the seeds. So, to grow plants, the farmer needs seeds of these plants. He or she may use the seeds already stored or may buy them from some other people. We have learnt that seed germination needs air, water, sunlight and nutrients from the soil. Once the seeds are ready, the farmer prepares the land to sow these seeds. The soil is cut, lifted, turned over and crushed. This is done to make sure that the soil becomes loose and airy. This will help the seeds to get more air and sunlight to germinate. A plough is used to prepare the soil. The farmer may use the plough with the help of animals such as oxen and buffaloes. He or she may also use machines like a tractor to do this. Plants need nutrients from the soil to grow. So, preparing the soil using animals and machines some nutrient-rich materials are mixed with the soil. Then, the seeds are put in the soil and covered with a loose layer of soil. This is sowing. After sowing, the field is watered to help sowing plantlets growing from seeds the seeds to germinate. In a few days, small plantlets will grow from the seeds. 12 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 110

The farmer waters the plants regularly. He or she will remove grass field flooded with water or any other unwanted plants which may also grow in the field. Fields are watered with the help of water channels made in the fields. A farmer may use sprinklers too. To grow some plants, the entire field needs to be flooded with water. Once the plants reach a certain stage of growth, some more nutrient rich materials may be added to the soil to help the plants grow. Fully grown plants give rise to flowers and fruits. Then, the field watered using sprinklers useful parts of the plants are collected from them. This is called harvesting. In some plants, the fruits are harvested. In some others plants, parts like stem, leaves, flowers or seeds are harvested. Harvesting is done by people or with the help of machines. While harvesting, some unwanted plant parts may also come along. These are removed, and the plant parts are cleaned up to be used as food. water channels in a farm harvesting Application The food harvested from farms needs to be stored in a safe place. Otherwise, they will get spoilt. From the farms, they are carried to their storage places. These storage places are called godowns. These godowns are kept dry and airy. They godowns are also kept free from insects and animals like rats that eat the food items. From these godowns, food are transported to the main markets. From the main market, these reach the local markets. We buy these food from the local market for our use. Food Production 13 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 111 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

Amazing Facts Some of the first food plants to be grown by humans were wheat and barley. Although the method used to grow them has changed, we still grow the same plants as we did around 10,000 years ago! Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) On farms, farmers grow so many plants. They may grow more than one set of plants in a year. They will repeat this practice year after year. If the same types of plants grow in the soil for many years, some soil nutrients may get completely used up. Some nutrients, which are not used by that type of plant, may pile up in the soil. Moreover, the farmers use some chemicals to increase the growth of plants. They also use chemicals to kill harmful plants and insects on the farm. These chemicals will kill even the useful organisms in the soil like earthworms. In these ways, farmlands may change into wastelands over the course of time. Some plants need a lot of water to grow. So barley wheat growing such plants in huge numbers may lead to water shortage in that area. So, it is important to grow plants without harming the environment. How can we do that? 1) Some farmers do not use chemicals on their farms. They use plant and animal made materials to increase plant growth and reduce the harmful insects. For example, they use animal waste like cow dung, ash and plant waste like fallen leaves of trees to add nutrients to the soil. They use manure made of all these things. Farmers spray juice of the leaves of some plants like the neem to kill insects. 2) Another practice is to grow different plants in the same field one after the other. For example, in rice fields, after the harvesting of rice, they will grow vegetables like peas, cucumbers, pumpkins and so on. This helps to keep the nutrients in soil at a proper level. 3) In areas where there is less water, choosing plants that need less water will be helpful. 14 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 112

Lesson Forests as Shelter 9 Let Us Learn About R different types of forests. U life in the forests. A the uses of forests to living things. H the need to protect the forest cover of the Earth. Think One day Samarth found a beautiful bird’s picture in one of the magazines his father bought for him. His dad told him that the bird could not be found in cities. It lived only in forests. Also, he promised to take him to a forest someday. Do you know what a forest is? Remembering forest with cone shaped trees When we travel to different places, we may see some lands that are covered with many trees and plants. These trees are not grown by people. They just grow on their own. These are forests. Forests are lands with many trees. There are different types of forests on the Earth. For example, forests found in cold mountains have cone shaped trees with needle-like leaves. Forests which grow in warm areas with high rainfall have trees with broad leaves. NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 113 15 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

Forests which get rain throughout the year remain green always. We call them evergreen rainforests. But, in some other forests, during the autumn season, the colour of the leaves changes to yellow, orange and red and they fall off. Then, the trees grow new leaves. evergreen rainforest forest which changes colour Understanding Have you ever visited a forest? What are the things we can find inside a forest? Let us read what Samarth found when his father took him to a forest. “Once we entered the forest, the air felt cool and fresh. We could hear the chirping of different birds and the sound of beetles. There was no proper road to walk. The guide in front of us guided us through a narrow way between the bushes. When I looked up, I could not see the sky properly. The branches beetle of trees were spread forming a cover overhead. I could find many types of birds on the trees. There was a group of monkeys on the branches of a huge tree. They were eating some berries. On one of the branches, there was a huge beehive. branches covering the sky monkeys on a tree berries beehive Suddenly I heard a rustling sound from the ground. I could see a snake crawling fast. It disappeared in the bushes. The ground was covered with leaves and animal droppings. It was spongy to walk. Using a stick, I removed some layers of leaves which covered the ground. 16 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 114

Below them, I could find dark coloured soil. It was loose. I could find some earthworms, a snail and some other insects in it. There were huge termite mounds here and there. Different types of ants and some other insects were on the ground and tree trunks. One big spider was weaving a web on a bush. Some tree trunks were covered with a spongy green growth. My mother said that they were small plants which grew only in moist places. Along with them, there were some plants with palm tree like leaves. crawling snake ground covered with leaves forest soil termite mound Many twiners were growing over the trees, and some of them were hanging from the tree branches. They were thick and strong that I could easily swing on them. There were many plants with beautiful flowers and colourful fruits. The guide told us that some of them were harmful. Then we reached a stream which flowed through the forest. The water was clean and clear. I could see the stream bed below the water. Down the stream, far away from us, there was a group of elephants. twiners with thick stems poisonous fruits forest stream elephants near the stream Then, I found a group of bats on a tree. They were sleeping, hanging upside down from the tree branches. Suddenly, a kingfisher flew down, grabbed a fish from the stream and flew away. On the other side of the stream, a woodpecker was pecking on the dried up branch of a tall tree. bats on the tree kingfisher catching a fish woodpecker on a tree NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 115 Forests as Shelter 17 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

Far ahead of us, I found some shelters. I wondered, who lived in there. The guide told us that they were the shelters of the people who lived in the forest. They eat the fruits, seeds and roots of forest plants and the flesh of wild animals. They used the water from the stream. They spoke a different language. The guide told us that we should leave the forest before it became dark. Many dangerous animals came out during the night. So we started our journey back. On the way back, mother collected some forest soil in a paper bag. She said it would help the growth of the potted tomato plants she grew in our terrace garden.” Application You read about the living things that Samarth found in the forest. Forests are home to many humans, animals and plants. They live there helping each other. What will happen to them, if we cut down trees and clear the forest? If we cut down forests, they will lose their home. Many animals will die and disappear from the Earth. Are the forests helpful only to them? Are they useful to us too? We get honey, some fruits, gums, wood and so on from forests. Forests help to absorb the rainwater into the soil. The dead leaves of trees cover the soil. The roots of plants form a network and hold the soil. So, the soil does not get washed away during rains. Moreover, they make the soil sponge-like. A sponge absorbs all the water that falls on it. In the same way, forest soil absorbs and retains the water. You read that Samarth’s mother carried some forest soil to increase the growth of tomato plants. How does the forest soil increase plant growth? Forest soil is covered with layers of dead remains of plant and animal material. The tiny microbes which live in the soil help these materials to decay and mix with the soil. When these materials decay, many nutrients are released into the soil. These nutrients help the growth of plants. You know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Forests have many trees. They all absorb a lot of carbon dioxide from the air and give out oxygen. This makes the air cool and fresh. 18 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 116

Amazing Facts Some forests are found near the seashores. They Sundarbans are called mangrove forests. Sundarbans is a mangrove forest. It is the largest mangrove forest in the world. It is located on the coast of West Bengal. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Look at the aerial view of the Amazon rainforest. It looks like a green carpet, doesn’t it? Forests form a green cover over the land. Almost three out of ten parts of the land on the Earth is covered with forests. This forest cover of the Earth helps to control the carbon dioxide levels in the air. When the forest cover is reduced, the carbon dioxide in the air increases. This increase in the levels of carbon the Amazon rainforest, Brazil appears like a dioxide may make the air around the Earth warm. green carpet So, it is important to protect the forest cover of the Earth. Forests as Shelter 19 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 117 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

Inside the Lab – B Make sure you do these activities only with the help of a teacher or an adult. Activity B1: Seed Germination We have learnt that seeds need moisture, air and the right amount of warmth to germinate and grow. Let us do a seed germination activity to find out whether the seeds need all these to germinate or not. You will need: bean seeds (15–20 per bowl), five clean and empty beakers (one for each condition), paper towels, water to wet the towels, masking tape to label the beakers You need to: 1) keep the seeds in the following conditions: How Where beaker 1 Place the seeds on a wet paper towel. in air and light beaker 2 Place dry seeds. in air and light beaker 3 Pour water in the beaker. Put seeds in the water. in air and light beaker 4 Place the seeds on a wet paper towel. in a dark place beaker 5 Place the seeds on a wet paper towel. in a refrigerator beaker 1 beaker 2 beaker 3 beaker 4 beaker 5 dark place refrigerator in air and light 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM 20 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 118

2) make predictions about what will happen. Note them down in your observation sheet. 3) have a look at the beakers 7 to 10 days later. Note down your results in the observation table given below. The seeds of which beaker germinate? Which do not? Note: • T he seeds in the water will need to have their water changed regularly, so that mould growth does not take over. • Check once a day that the paper towel is wet. Observation table: Experiment Conditions Prediction Actual Result Actual Result number after ____ days after ____ days Activity B2: Food Web Let us create a food web using animal picture cards. You will need: • scissors • gum • chart papers • pictures of different plants or plant parts like grass, vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses and so on Inside the Lab – B 21 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 119 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

• pictures of animals (Example: earthworm, grasshopper, rabbit, deer, elephant, wolf, lion, tiger, eagle, frog, fish, snake, hen, crow, crane, duck, squirrel, cow, cat, dog, mouse, human being) You need to: 1) use scissors to cut the chart paper into equal sized pieces. (Take your teacher’s help while cutting.) 2) paste the pictures of animals on the chart paper pieces to make picture cards. Your game cards are ready. 3) find out how many different combinations of food chains you can form using them. For example, grass, grasshopper, frog, snake and eagle will form one chain, while plant, rabbit, wolf will be another chain and so on. 4) involve your friends too. 5) try to join the food chains to make a food web. 22 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 120

EVS - II (SOCIAL STUDIES) TERM - 2 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 121 TERM 1 2/17/2018 4:22:03 PM

Contents 5Class 4 Some Famous Kingdoms of India 4.1 Some Powerful Dynasties of India�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 4.2 The Mughal Empire�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 5 Our Government 5.1 India’s Democratic Government��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 122 2/17/2018 4:22:04 PM

LESSON 11 Lesson Some Famous Kingdoms of India 4 I Will Learn About 4.1 R d efinitions of monarchy and dynasty. U extent of a few Indian empires. A main features of the Indian empires. h thinking like a king or a queen. 4.2 R the Mughal dynasty. U comparing and contrasting two Mughal kings. A comparing some features of two Indian Empires. h the merits and the demerits of a dynasty. Concept 4.1: Some Powerful Dynasties of India Think Rashi and Meher have invented a new game. Each one gets a turn to be the ruler. This time, Rashi is the ruler. Rashi: Meher, go and pluck a few flowers to put in my hair! Then, arrange for a visit to the park. It is my order as queen that all children must be allowed to stay awake past 8 pm And boys and girls must come back home after playing by 6 pm. Meher: Rashi, I’m so tired of you acting like a queen all the time! I am not following any of your orders. Go order someone else. Rashi: I will punish you for disobeying me! Meher: Hahaha! Playing with you is punishment enough, my queen. Tell me Rashi, were real kings and queens harsh like you? How can we know about them? Is India still ruled by them? QQ. India is still ruled by kings and queens. (A) yes (B) no NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 123 1 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM

Remembering A group of kingdoms or countries ruled by a single person, government or country is called an empire. Throughout history, there have been many different kinds of rulers and governments. Let us read about monarchies. MONARCHIES AND DYNASTIES A kingdom is a piece of land that is ruled by a king or a queen. A kingdom is often called a monarchy, which means that one person, usually inheriting their position by birth or marriage, is the leader or head of state. When the series of rulers or leaders who rule over a kingdom belong to the same family, it is known as a dynasty. Kingdoms are one of the earliest types of societies on Earth, dating back thousands of years. There have been hundreds of different kingdoms throughout history. Early kingdoms The world’s earliest kingdoms developed thousands of years ago when leaders began conquering and controlling cities and settlements. Rulers of early kingdoms provided protection to their residents, or subjects. In return, subjects paid taxes or services to the king. Kingdoms also had the power to create and enforce laws. SOME INDIAN DYNASTIES Name of the dynasty Region Period 322 BC – 185 BC Maurya most of the Indian peninsula 300 BC – AD 1279 AD 320 – AD 550 Chola Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Bihar AD 1526 – AD 1858 Gupta Bihar and Uttar Pradesh Mughal most of the Indian sub-continent Understanding India is known for its ancient kingdoms. These kingdoms were ruled by different dynasties at different times. The most powerful and well-known dynasties were the Mauryas, the Guptas and the Cholas. 2 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 124

WELL-KNOWN DYNASTIES OF INDIA The Mauryan dynasty (322 BC – 185 BC) The Mauryan dynasty was the largest empire of its time. It was the first, large, united kingdom in India. King Ashoka was a great warrior and emperor from this dynasty. He captured many kingdoms till the battle of Kalinga. After the battle of Kalinga, Ashoka chose to spread the message of peace. a pillar constructed by Ashoka The Chola dynasty (300 BC – AD 1279) Kallanai dam The Chola dynasty was one of the Rajendra Chola longest-ruling dynasties in India. The Kallanai dam in Tamil Nadu was originally built by the Chola kings. The dam still stands in the same place today. Rajendra Chola was the best-known Chola king. He is known to have crossed the sea and conquered islands such as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Sri Lanka and so on. The Gupta dynasty (AD 320 – AD 550) Some Famous Kingdoms of India 3 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 125 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM

The Gupta dynasty brought peace and prosperity both sides of a coin from the time of to their kingdom. Many scientific and artistic Samudra Gupta's rule achievements were made during this time. So, it is called the Golden Age of India. The mathematician, Aryabhata, and the poet, Kalidasa, belonged to this period. The Gupta king, Samudra Gupta, was known for building a large kingdom. He created a great army and a powerful navy. Application WHY DO WE STILL REMEMBER THESE KINGDOMS? Let us read about some important actions of the rulers of these dynasties. • Spreading knowledge: They invited visitors from other kingdoms to learn about other places. They supported great religious teachers. They built colleges where literature, mathematics, medicine and other subjects were taught. • Encouraging Artists: Many great plays and poems were written. Books such as the Mahabharata were translated into other languages. They supported the creation of great works of art. Now, let us look at some important creations of these dynasties. Cholas • temples and • sculptures Guptas All the kings of Ashoka • messages these dynasties (Mauryas) for his people were carved into supporters of stone artists. They built many temples and monuments. Mughals • forts • palaces • gardens 4 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 126

All these kingdoms had some important special features. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE KINGDOMS OF INDIA These kings had powerful armies. They protected the kingdoms from outsiders. The soldiers came from all parts of the kingdoms. The Mughal army was known for soldiers on horseback. The kingdoms remained safe with the help of laws and rules. People were also able to trade with each other. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) 1) If you were a king or queen, what would you do for your kingdom? What would you like to be known for? Discuss these questions in groups of three. Amazing Facts The British Empire was the largest empire in the world. It was under the rule of England, a country. More than one-fifth of world’s population lived in the empire. India was also a part of the British Empire. Millions of Indians died during their rule and they left one of the richest countries in world in a state of extreme poverty. Concept 4.2: The Mughal Empire Think Rashi and Meher ask Morad about other kings and queens of India. Meher: Were there dynasties after the Chola dynasty? Morad: Yes, there were. Long after the Cholas, there were many important dynasties in various parts of India. Rashi: I have heard of Akbar and the Mughals. Morad: Yes! It was an important dynasty. QQ. Meher wants to know if there were dynasties in India: (A) before the Mughal dynasty. (B) at the same time as the Maurya dynasty. (C) after the Chola dynasty. (D) in AD 1900. Some Famous Kingdoms of India 5 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 127 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM

Remembering THE MUGHAL DYNASTY The Mughal dynasty ruled most of northern India from the early 16th to the mid-18th century. The Mughal dynasty was notable for its more than two centuries of rule over much of India, for the ability of its rulers, who through seven generations maintained a record of unusual talent, and for its administrative organisation. Babur Humayun Akbar In 1526, Babur, a king from Babur's son, Humayun, Humayun’s son, Akbar captured many more kingdoms. He Central Asia, came to India. He became the next king in brought a large part of northern and central India under his captured many small kingdoms 1530. He lost control of control. He was one of the most successful Mughal emperors. to make a new empire in Asia. empire to Afghan rebels. This empire was called the Mughal empire. Jahangir Shahjahan Aurangzeb Akbar’s son, Jahangir, became the king Aurangzeb became the ruler in 1658. He in 1605. Jahangir’s son, Shahjahan, who conquered the Muslim kingdoms in southern became the next ruler in 1628, had a passion India. Thereby, he brought the empire to for buildings. Taj Mahal in Agra and Jama its greatest size. After his death in 1707, the Masjid in Delhi were built under his rule. Mughal Empire lost most of its power. 6 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 128 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM

Understanding Out of all the Mughal emperors, Akbar and Aurangzeb are the most famous ones. Let us learn about them in detail. How did they become emperors? Akbar became the emperor at age of 13 after his father passed away. He inherited the throne peacefully. On the other hand, Aurangzeb became the emperor by imprisoning his father Shahjahan and murdering his eldest brother. Similarities between them Both the Mughal Emperors, Akbar and Aurangzeb, had great reputation as rulers of large areas. Both of them were brave, industrious and energetic and had great military knowledge. Differences between them Akbar, had equal regard for all religions. He believed in the unity of all religions. He appointed Hindus to responsible posts in his government. He succeeded in securing whole-hearted cooperation of all people. Aurangzeb, did not appoint Hindus to government posts. He also imposed extra taxes on Hindus. This created differences between the Muslims and the Hindus. Akbar maintained a grand court and loved luxuries. On the other hand, Aurangzeb, was a simple man and avoided luxuries. Akbar was interested in various art forms such as painting, music, architecture, writing, poetry and so on. While Aurangzeb was not interested in paintings and arts. Who will you choose as your king, Akbar or Aurangzeb? Discuss with your partner and mention the reasons for your choice. Application How do you find the differences between empires Any two empires can be compared based on some features. Let us see some of these features for the Mauryan empire and the Mughal empire. 1) Time: The Mauryan empire existed during 322 BC - 185 BC, whereas the Mughal empire existed from 1526 AD to almost 1800s. 2) Size: The Mauryan empire was larger than the Mughal empire. 3) Religion: The Mauryan rulers were followers of Jainism and Buddhism, whereas the Mughals Some Famous Kingdoms of India 7 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 129 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM

were followers of Islam. Emperor Akbar and Emperor Ashoka were both in favour of all religions. 4) Culture: Huge Buddhist monasteries and pillars were built during the rule of Emperor Ashoka. During the Mughal empire, many buildings were made. Some of the Mughal kings are also known for their interests in arts, literature and music. Is it necessary to compare life during different times of history? Why or why not? Discuss with your partner. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) 1) In a dynasty, a ruler's child becomes the next ruler. This means that, sometimes, a person who cannot be a good king or queen rules the kingdom. Greedy and cruel people can become rulers. Discuss three qualities of a good ruler with your partner. Do you think dynasties are good, or do you think they are bad? Why? Amazing Facts The national symbol of India with four lions standing back-to-back is the Ashoka Pillar. It is more than 2000 years old and is located at Sarnath near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. New Words 1) inherit – to receive receive from parents or the previous owner 2) conquer – to take control of a place or people 3) enforce – to cause cause something to happen by force 4) sub-continent – the part of Asia to the south of the Himalayan mountains 5) emperor – the ruler of a very large kingdom 8 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 130

Lesson Our Government 5 I Will Learn About 9.1 R how we rule ourselves. U how democracy and elections work in India; levels of government. A sections of the central government. h comparison between different forms of government. Concept 5.1: India’s Democratic Government Think Mr and Mrs Jain are taking Rashi out. Rashi wants to know where they are going. Rashi: Mother, where are we going? Mrs Jain: The elections are today. We are going to the polling station. Rashi: Which train are we catching from the polling station? Mrs Jain: We are not catching a train from the polling station. QQ. What do you think Rashi’s parents will do at the polling station? (A) pick up a relative (B) take part in the elections (C) see a railway museum (D) book a train ticket NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 131 9 2/17/2018 4:22:05 PM

Remembering You have learned earlier that India was ruled by different kings and queens. Do you remember some of them? You have also learned that many European trading companies also came to India. Can you recall one of them? You have also studied that India fought against the British rule and became free on 15th August 1947. After India became free, our leaders decided that people should be allowed to elect their government. In other words, India’s leaders chose democracy. What is a ‘democracy’? A democracy is a government run by the people. In a democracy, the people are the most powerful group. They can choose their leaders. This is different from the rule of kings and queens where they have all the power. Let us now look at some of the features of a democracy. FEATURES OF A DEMOCRACY Understanding We have read that one of the main features of democracy is that people get to choose their representatives. In India, we choose our representatives through elections. 10 2/17/2018 4:22:06 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 132

WHAT IS AN ELECTION? An election is a method of choosing a representative by voting. They are held after a fixed number of years. In India, they are held every five years. Process of Election • Political parties • People go to • The votes are share their ideas. polling stations counted. The political party that forms and vote. the government is called the • They tell people • The candidate ruling party. The leader of the about the • They do not with the most ruling party becomes the head candidates from need to tell votes wins. of the government. The head of their parties. anyone who they the government chooses some voted for. • The political party Before the elections with the most On election day number of winning After the elections candidates forms the government. winning candidates from his or her party to work in the government. These candidates are responsible for different departments. Example: one candidate manages the agriculture department, while another manages the education department. Elections for different levels of government Do you know that there are three levels of government in India? They are the local, state and central governments. We have elections to elect representatives at all three levels. Name of the election Levels of the government Local election Local government State election State government Central government National election The working of the Government The central, state and the local governments have separate responsibilities. However, the central, state and local governments work together for the welfare of the people. Example: the local government installs street lights. The state government distributes electricity to all the cities and villages. The central government, on the other hand, gives permission for electrical projects and decides the price to be charged. Let us learn more about these levels. Level 1: The local government The local government looks after the needs of people at the village, town or city level. It has two levels – urban and village local governments. Urban local government Village local government The urban local government looks after the The village local government is responsible needs of the people living in cities and towns. for the welfare of people living in villages. Our Government 11 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 133 2/17/2018 4:22:06 PM

Level 2: The state government The state government takes care of many things such as agriculture, education and roads. The state government is made up of a State Assembly, Chief Minister, Governor and other ministers. Level 3: The central government The central government governs the entire country. It deals with the defence of India, relations with other countries, railways and shipping to name a few. Application You have understood the three different levels of the government. Now let us look at the structure of the central government. THREE SECTIONS OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT • the Parliament – has three parts and makes rules or laws for the entire country • the executive – implements the rules made by the Parliament • the courts – make sure that the laws are followed the Parliament by everyone. People who break these laws are punished. Let us learn more about the Parliament. The Parliament has three parts. They are the President of India, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. The Lok Sabha consists of members elected by the people during inside the Lok Sabha general elections. It is also called the House of the People. The Prime Minister is an important member of the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha consists of members indirectly elected by different states and union territories. It is also called the Council of States. The Vice-President of India is an important member of the Rajya Sabha. The President is the head of the country. He or she is elected by the inside the Rajya Sabha members of the Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies. 12 2/17/2018 4:22:06 PM NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 134

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) 1) Discuss with your classmates about how things would be if you lived under the rule of a king instead of in a democracy. Hint: You can discuss the absence of elections, limited freedom to express one’s thoughts and no or a limited number of courts. Amazing Facts India is the largest democracy in the world. Among all the democracies in the world, India has the highest population. New Words 1) election – a process through which people can choose the people to act or speak for them 2) polling station 3) vote – a place where people can go to vote in the elections 4) opinion – share one’s choice 5) representative – thoughts about a particular topic or person – someone who has been chosen to act or speak for a 6) political party person or a group of people 7) candidate – a group of people who have similar aims, ideas and 8) govern thoughts and who want to be a part of the government – someone who wants to be chosen or elected – to make laws and find ways for people to follow them Our Government 13 NR_BGM_181910055_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term2_text.pdf 135 2/17/2018 4:22:06 PM

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