Do on your own Below are some very important actions. Can you try to do at least one thing every day from this list? saving water, trees and air helping or caring for animals helping or being kind to people talking to people and telling them not to hurt other people, the environment or animals 47
17 Be the Change Many people do good acts freely and on their own. Many of these acts bring about a change. Alisha loves animals. She feels sad at how animals are treated. She wants to do something about it. She starts helping in an animal shelter on Sundays. Alisha VOLUNTEERS to feed the animals in the animal shelter. Volunteering means spending some of our free time helping others. You can volunteer to help animals, the environment, or any other cause that you care about. Is there something you care about? It can be caring for animals, homeless people, the environment, and so on? __________________________________________________________ Do you have some free time during the week? Yes No Would you like to use your free time to do something about the cause you mentioned above? Yes No Can you think of one way in which you and your family can do something for the cause you care about? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Well done! This is your first step to become a volunteer. 48
How to volunteer Volunteering is a great way to have fun with your family and friends along with bringing about change. Here are some ideas that you can do as a family, or with a group that is led by an adult. Clean up a park. Plant trees or flowers. Feed animals or help at an animal shelter. Teach someone younger than you. Read stories to someone who is ill. Help your parent at home. Think, Feel and Share Colour the clouds which have things that you need to be a volunteer. kindness care honesty height money team 49
18 Let’s See How Others See Did you know that different people can have different ways of understanding the same thing? Let us see how. Can you write down two numbers that you can add to make the number 50? _________________ Let us now take a look at them. How many of you wrote the same numbers? _________________ Did those with numbers different from yours get it wrong? YES NO Is it possible for two people to write different numbers and still be right? YES NO Now, take a look at your partner’s notebook. What numbers have they added to make the number 50? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Do you think your friends can feel differently and still be right? When we understand another person’s thoughts, feelings and needs, it helps us to understand them better. 50
Can you tell who is right or wrong in the following situations? The pool is No, it is not. so deep. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Aunt Mila is No, she is so old. not. Aunt Mila _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 51
Ice cream for thought Do you think— we should listen to others carefully to understand them better? YES / NO / MAYBE it is important to respect what others think even if we do not agree with them? YES / NO / MAYBE Listening to others patiently and trying to understand their thoughts is very helpful. It also makes us better people. 52
19 We Are All Different, All Alike! We are all very different from each other. But we still have some things in common. We might look different, eat different food, wear different clothes. However, we can still have similar likes and dislikes! Let us play a game to see in how many ways we are different from or similar to our classmates. 1) Stand side-by-side or in a large circle. 2) Your teacher will call out some sentences. 3) Listen carefully and respond to sentences that describe you by stepping forward. 4) For example, ‘Step forward if you like cricket’ or ‘Step forward if you like reading’. 5) Look at the two groups that are created—the group of students that likes cricket and the group of students that doesn’t. 6) Return to your original places. 7) Your teacher will call out more such sentences. 53
Now you know how you are similar to or different from your classmates. What did you learn from the game? Put a tick against the statements. We are all different from each other in many ways. We are also similar to each other in many ways. Ice cream for thought Do you think people should be treated differently if— they look different? YES / NO / MAYBE belong to different communities? YES / NO / MAYBE have different likes or dislikes? YES / NO / MAYBE The differences between people do not matter. What matters most is that we respect and love everyone. 54
Do on your own You can make a poster like the one given below. When you’re done, you can put it up on your classroom wall! 55
20 Respecting Others’ Choices Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do as long as they do not harm others. People can choose to learn anything, wear anything and live however they want. We should accept and respect everyone’s choices. What do you think about the people you see in the given pictures? Discuss in class. Kali loves to do Laila plays in the Ram loves Aman plays Bharatnatyam. National Cricket Team. knitting. basketball. Reena likes to Sona rides a Tayab likes playing read alone. scooter to work. with friends. 56
Ice cream for thought Do you think— everyone can do whatever they want to do as long as they do not hurt anyone? YES / NO / MAYBE we can all make choices to learn, eat and wear anything we want? YES / NO / MAYBE we should feel upset if anyone makes a choice we do not like? YES / NO / MAYBE Let us accept the choices that people make. Let us love everyone the way they are. Do on your own Turn to the last page of the book. There is a poster given for you. Cut it and paste it near your bed and follow it every day. 57
Sr. No Theme Sub-theme Learning Objectives (The learner will be able to...) 1 Self-awareness Understanding - identify that one can be whatever they want myself - identify the importance of accepting one’s own body - recognise other non-physical qualities in oneself 2 Self-awareness Self-care/body - identify one’s emotions and express them well 3 Self-awareness Interpersonal relationships 4 Self-control Problem solving - develop creative ways to approach different situations 5 Self-control Self-evaluation - recognise the importance of self-evaluation - devise ways to evaluate themselves 6 Self-management Self-motivation - identify the importance of dealing with self-doubt - identify the best qualities in themselves 7 Self-management Resource - devise ways to manage resources management - identify ways to manage waste - devise ways to manage waste 8 Environmental Recycle, reuse, - instill the spirit of taking initiatives awareness reduce 9 Environmental Taking initiatives awareness 10 Relationship skills Good communication - identify emotional sensitivity and use it in everyday life 11 Relationship skills Teamwork - identify the importance of teamwork 12 Relationship skills Good touch and bad - distinguish between good touch and bad touch touch - identify private parts - list ways to deal with bad touch 13 Responsible Effects of actions - acquire the understanding that all actions have reactions decision-making 14 Responsible Making right choices - identify the importance of thinking before acting decision-making - develop the skill to analyse situations and act mindfully 15 Moral Values Understanding - identify privilege and the need for equal opportunities privilege - recognise the need to help others when we have more than them 16 Moral Values Others and I - inculcate the spirit of change-making 17 Our duties Volunteering - de ne volunteering as willingness to make change - identify the qualities of a volunteer 18 Social awareness Showing empathy - recognise other perspectives 19 Social awareness Accepting diversity - identify diversity in appearances - devise ways to accept diversity 20 Social awareness Respecting ourselves - identify the need to understand and value others’ choices and others
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