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Contents 3 10 1) Myself  14 2) My Family  25 3) My Body  31 4) My School  37 5) Places Around Us 41 6) My Country  45 7) Festivals  49 8) Cleanliness  53 9) Healthy Food  55 10) Well Being  59 11) Day and Night  64 12) Calendar  68 13) Water  75 14) Vehicles  80 15) Colours Around Us  87 16) Plants and Trees  94 17) Animals  96 18) Birds  98 19) Insects and Reptiles  104 20) People Who Help Us  111 21) Good Manners  22) Save Our Planet

1) Myself Who Am I? Anam and Karan are telling us about themselves. Let us learn more about them. I am Anam. I am a girl. I am Karan. I am a boy. I am 5 years old. I am 5 years old. My birthday is My birthday is on 24th January. on 15th May. I like to play football. I like dancing. My favourite food is idli. My favourite food is poha. 3

What Do I Like? Draw the things you like in the boxes and write their names in the lines. A toy I like A fruit I like A vegetable I like A game I like 4

My House Look at the picture and identify the rooms in the house. This is a drawing This is a bedroom. room. We watch We sleep here. television here. This is a bathroom. This is a kitchen. We wash up and We cook food here. bathe here. This is a dining room. We eat food here. 5

Rooms in My House Circle (0) the correct option. Do we in the ? YES or NO Do we in the ? YES or NO Do we in the ? YES or NO Do we in the ? YES or NO Do we in the ? YES or NO 6

My Birthday Birthdays are special for everyone. Let us read how Maya celebrates her birthday. I am Maya. My birthday is on 24th October. On my birthday my house is decorated with balloons. I cut cake with my family and friends. I get many gifts on my birthday. How do you celebrate your birthday? 7

Birthdays in My Family Write the birthdays of your family members in the lines. Your birthday Mother Father Sister Brother 8

Match Birthday Party Objects Match the pictures with their names by drawing lines. Birthday Cap Gift Balloon Cake 9

2) My Family My Family Members In my family, my father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother and I live together. Brother Sister Me Grandfather Father Mother Grandmother 10

I have uncles, aunts and cousins too. They visit our house sometimes. We celebrate festivals and other occasions together. Cousin Uncle Cousin Cousin Aunt Uncle Aunt Cousin 11

Draw My Family Draw your family inside the house. 12

Match Names of Family Members Draw lines to match the family members to their names. Father Grandmother Mother Sister Grandfather Brother 13

3) My Body Body Parts Point to the parts of the body and read the names aloud. Head Trunk Legs 14

Parts of the Trunk Point to the parts of the trunk and read the names aloud. Neck Shoulder Chest Waist 15

Parts of the Body Match the parts of the body in the picture to their names by drawing lines. Neck Chest Head Shoulder Trunk Waist Legs 16

Parts of the Face Point to the parts of the face and read the names aloud. Hair Eyebrow Eye Ear Nose Cheek Tongue Mouth Chin 17

Missing Letters These are the names of the parts of the face. Write the missing letters of the names in the blanks. mouth nose chin tongue cheek eyebrow ear eye hair h r ey b w e r ee cek tn e n s c i m th 18

Parts of the Arm Point to the parts of the arm and read the names aloud. Fingers Thumb Palm Wrist Hand Elbow 19

Match Parts of Arm to Names Match the parts of the arm in the picture to their names by drawing lines. Wrist Thumb Fingers Palm Hand Elbow 20

Parts of the Leg Point to the parts of the leg and read the names aloud. Thigh Knee Foot Ankle Toes Heel 21

Match Parts of Leg to Names Match the parts of the leg in the picture to their names by drawing lines. Foot Knee Toes Ankle 22

Things I Can Do Look at the different parts of the body and see how they help us. I can taste with my tongue. I can see with my eyes. I can hear with my ears. I can smell with my nose. I can feel with my hands. I can walk with my legs. 23

Write Things I Can Do Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. tongue nose eyes legs ears hand 1) I walk with my 2) I write with my 3) I see with my 4) I smell with my 5) I hear with my 6) I taste with my 24

4) My School About My School Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Complete the lines with the help of your teacher. This is my school. The This is my teacher. name of my school is She/He is ________________. Ms./Mr. ________________. This is my classroom. I am in class __________. 25

Places in My School Look at the pictures and identify the places. Read the names aloud. Principal’s Room Staff Room This is our principal's This is the staff room. Our room. The principal is teachers work here when the head of our school. they are not in class. Playground Washroom This is our playground. This is a washroom. We We play here. wash our hands and use the toilets here. 26

Answer the Questions Answer these questions in one word. Playground, Principal, Teacher, Library Who is the head of your school ? Who teaches you in school ? Where do you play in school ? 27

Match People to Places in School Look at the pictures on the left. Draw lines to match them to the place in school where these children need to go. Washroom Classroom Playground 28

Events at My School These are some events at my school. School Assembly Sports Day We assemble everyday. We play various sports We get to know about on Sports Day. important events at the assembly. Annual Day We have cultural events during our Annual Day. 29

Match School Events to Names Draw lines to match the pictures of the events to their names. Circle (O) your favourite event. Sports Day School Assembly Annual Day 30

5) Places Around Us Places in Our Neighbourhood What do you see in the neighbourhood? Look at the pictures and learn. We go to the police We go to the station to ask for park to play. help when we are in trouble. We go to the We go to the hospital when market to buy we are sick. things. 31

Here are a few more places in our neighbourhood. We go to a restaurant We go to a medical shop when we want to eat to buy medicines when we out. are sick. Our parents go to the bank to keep money there or to take it out. 32

Match Places to Names Match the pictures of places in our neighbourhood to their names by drawing lines. Park Bank Police Station Market 33

Match People to Places Match the people to the places they are seen in by drawing lines. 34

Match Objects to Places Match the objects to where they can be found in the neighbourhood by drawing lines. Food Medical Shop Medicines Market Vegetables Park and Fruits Slide Restaurant 35

Match Situations to Places Look at the people in the situations. Match them to the names of the places in the neighbourhood they need to visit. I am hurt. Market I need money. I need Hospital vegetables. Bank 36

6) My Country Things that Represent Our Country Here are a few things that represent our country. This is our The river dolphin is our National Flag. National Aquatic Animal. The peacock is our The tiger is our National Bird. National Animal. Jana Gana Mana is our The lotus is our National Anthem. National Flower. The mango is our National Fruit. 37

We are Different, We are One We are all from different cultures and religions. We may also speak different languages. But we are all Indians. 1) What is the language you speak at home? 2) Where is your native place? 3) A sk your friend or classmate the same questions. 38

Things that Represent India Write the names of the things that represent India in the lines. Peacock Lotus Tiger River Dolphin Mango 1) National Bird 2) National Animal 3) National Fruit 4) National Flower 5) National Aquatic Animal 39

Answer Yes or No Read the lines and tick (P) the correct answer. Parrot is our national bird. (Yes / No) Lotus is our national flower. (Yes / No) Our national flag has seven colours. (Yes / No) Tiger is our national animal. (Yes / No) Apple is our national fruit. (Yes / No) 40

7) Festivals Festivals We Celebrate Here are a few festivals that we celebrate as part of our cultures. Baisakhi Baisakhi is a festival of harvest. We celebrate with family and friends by singing and dancing. Christmas Christmas is a festival of joy and peace. We celebrate by giving gifts and decorating Christmas trees. 41

More Festivals We Celebrate Here are a few more festivals that we celebrate as part of our cultures. Eid Eid is a festival of togetherness and love. We go to mosques to pray and wish our family and friends. Diwali Diwali is the festival of lights. We eat sweets and decorate our houses by lighting diyas. 42

Match Pictures to Festivals Match the pictures to the correct festivals by drawing lines. 43

Match Festival Names to Pictures Tick (P) the correct picture in each row to match the festival name with its picture. Diwali Eid Christmas 44

8) Cleanliness I Take Care of Myself Here are a few ways to keep yourself clean. We do We use Brush our teeth twice Toothpaste and a day Toothbrush Have bath in the morning with warm Soap and Towel water and soap Wash and comb Shampoo and Comb our hair Cut our nails with Nailcutter a nailcutter Wash our hands before and after eating Soap and Towel 45

Match Actions to Object Names Match the actions given to the correct object names by drawing lines. I comb my hair Toothbrush with a I wipe my hand Comb with a I wash my hands Nailcutter with a I brush my teeth Towel with a I cut my nails Soap with a 46

I Take Care of My Surroundings These pictures tell us about the cleanliness of our surroundings. Use a dustbin to throw Keep your books and waste. Do not throw toys on the shelves. waste on the ground. Do not leave them everywhere. Keep your surroundings clean. Mosquitoes breed in Keep food covered. dirty water. Keeping food open attracts flies and Mosquitoes spread serious diseases like causes diseases. dengue and malaria. Eat your food Do not allow dirty neatly. Do not spill on the table. water to collect around your home. 47

Mark Good Habits See the pictures in each row. Which one do you think is a good habit? Put a tick (P) on it. 48

9) Healthy Food Healthy Food Habits Here are a few food habits that will make you healthy and strong. Eating home cooked food Including these in the food we eat everyday Drinking a good Eating fruits and amount of water vegetables everyday 49

Mark Healthy Food Items You are hungry. Circle (0) the healthy food items. Chips Bananas Salad Cola Sandwich Pizza Grapes Apple Burger Doughnut Carrot 50

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