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Published by IMAX, 2020-04-02 04:00:33

Description: 63501_BGM027_9789387969780-DOLPHIN-UKG-MATHS-BOOK-FY


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Contents 3 1) Comparing Qualities   Big and Small  Thick and Thin 14  Tall and Short  Long and Short 31  Heavy and Light 43 59 2) Numbers: 1 to 200  68 3) Comparing Quantities   Equal To  More and Less 74 76 4) Number Names: 1 to 100  84 5) Shapes  90 102  Circle  Square 109  Triangle  Rectangle 115  Cone Shape  Ball Shape  Box Shape 6) Sorting and Grouping   Colour  Shape  Size 7) Pairing of Objects  8) Comparing Positions   Left and Right  Before and After  In Between 9) Patterns  10) Addition  11) Counting in Tens and Ones  12) Skip Counting   Skip Counting in 5s  Skip Counting in 2s 123) Take Away

1) Comparing Qualities Big and Small Look at the objects. Point out the BIGGEST and SMALLEST object in each row. 3

Mark Biggest and Smallest Objects Given below are sets of objects in three different sizes. Cross (X) the BIGGEST object and circle (0) the SMALLEST object in each row. 4

Thick and Thin Look at the objects. Point out the THICK and THIN objects in each set. Thick Log Thin Log Thick Rope Thin Rope Thick Carrot Thin Carrot Thick Candle Thin Candle 5

Mark Thick and Thin Objects Put a tick (P) for THICK objects and put a cross (X) for THIN objects in the given boxes. 6

Tall and Short Look at the objects. Point out the TALLEST object and the SHORTEST object in each row. 7

Mark Tallest and Shortest Persons Tick (P) the box under the TALLEST person and cross (X) the box under the SHORTEST person in each row. 8

Long and Short Look at the objects. Point out the LONGEST object and the SHORTEST object in each set. 9

Mark Longest and Shortest Objects Look at the objects. Tick (P) the box under the LONGEST object and cross (X) the box under the SHORTEST object in each set. 10

Heavy and Light Look at the objects on the see-saw. The object that is down on the see-saw is HEAVY. The object that is up on the see-saw is LIGHT. 11

Heavy and Light Place the things shown in the pictures in your hand. Say which object is HEAVY and which object is LIGHT. Duster Leaf 4 Books 1 Book Bowl of Rice Empty Bowl 12

Mark Heavy and Light Look at the pictures. Answer the questions by ticking (P) the box under the correct picture. Which object is LIGHT between these? Which object is HEAVY between these? Which object is LIGHT between these? 13

2) Numbers: 1 to 200 Let Us Revise: 1 to 50 1 1 1 21 31 1 2 12 22 32 2 3 13 23 33 3 1 23 1 23 1 23 7 17 27 37 7 8 18 28 38 8 1 23 10 20 30 0 0 14

Write Missing Numbers Write the missing numbers from 1 to 20. 1 11 1 7 8 13 11 10 20 15

Write Missing Numbers Write the missing numbers from 21 to 50. 21 30 31 40 41 50 16

Let Us Revise: 51 to 100 1 1 71 81 1 2 2 72 82 2 3 3 73 83 3 78 78 78 7 7 77 87 7 8 8 78 88 8 78 0 70 80 0 100 17

Write Missing Numbers Write the missing numbers from 51 to 70. 1 22 88 0 70 18

Write Missing Numbers Write the missing numbers from 71 to 100. 71 80 81 90 91 100 19

Numbers: 101 to 110 Recognise the numbers from 101 to 110. Read them aloud. 101 10 102 107 103 108 10 10 10 110 20

Write Missing Numbers Write the missing numbers from 101 to 110. 101 107 103 10 110 21

Numbers: 111 to 130 Recognise the numbers from 111 to 130. Read them aloud. 111 11 121 12 112 117 122 127 113 118 123 128 11 11 12 12 11 120 12 130 22

Numbers: 131 to 150 Recognise the numbers from 131 to 150. Read them aloud. 131 13 1 1 1 132 137 1 2 1 7 133 138 1 3 1 8 13 13 1 1 13 1 0 1 1 0 23

Write Missing Numbers Write the missing numbers from 111 to 150. 111 112221 131 11 132 11 12 1 11 12 1133 1 117 127 17 11 12 1 10 10 24

Let Us Revise: 101 to 150 101 111 121 131 11 21 110023 11 1123 11122223 113323 1 3 111100007 11 1122 1133 1 11100108 111 1117 127 13 11 78 111211 80 11123280 113387 1111 0 13 10 25

Missing Numbers: 101 to 150 Write the missing numbers from 101 to 150. 101 1 1 1 112221 113321 1 1 1122 103 11 11 127 1133 11 10 12 17 110087 117 1 0 11 0 1 10 11 26

Numbers: 151 to 200 1 1 1 1 171 181 1 1 111 23 11 23 117723 11188823 111 32 11 111 111777 1188 111 7 11 87 17 117787 11188887 11 8 11 0 18 11870 10 200 1170 27

Missing Numbers: 151 to 170 Write the missing numbers from 151 to 170. 151 156 160 161 166 170 28

Missing Numbers: 171 to 200 Write the missing numbers from 171 to 200. 171 180 181 190 191 200 29

Join the Dots: 101 to 200 Join the numbers from 101 to 200. 101 102 103 200 104 199 112 105 198 111 110 109108 107 106 184 185 197 113 180 181183 186 189 190 196 114 179 182 188 191 195 115 178 187 192 194 116 176 177 171 175 193 117 174 173 172 170 118 169 168 144 119 167 120 166 143 122 121 145 146 142 165 147 123 141 124 148 140 125 128 164 127 129 149 139 163 138 126 131 137 130 132 162 150151152 153 133 161 154 136 135 134 155 156 160 159 158 157 30

3) Comparing Quantities More and Less Count the number of cars in each set. Point out the set which has MORE cars and the set which has LESS cars in each row. 31

Mark More or Less Count the number of objects in each group and tick (P) the group that has MORE number of objects in each row. 32

More Than and Less Than Look at the pictures. In each row, the crocodile will eat the set that has MORE number of objects. 6 Apples More Than 4 Apples 3 Ice Creams Less Than 4 Ice Creams 33

Mark More Than or Less Than Count the objects in each set and write the number in the boxes under them. In each row, draw a ‘<’ or ‘>’ inside the correct crocodile mouth to show if the first set is MORE THAN or LESS THAN the second set. 34

Draw More Than or Less Than Count the objects in each set and write the number in the boxes under them. Draw the crocodile mouths (> or <) in the boxes in the middle to show if the first set is MORE THAN or LESS THAN the second set. 35

Equal To The two boxes in each row have the same number of objects. When the number of objects in both the boxes is the same, we use the term EQUAL TO. The sign for EQUAL TO is ‘=’. === EQUAL TO === EQUAL TO === EQUAL TO 36

Draw More Than, Less Than or Equal To Count the number of objects in each set. Draw the crocodile mouths (> or <) or equal to (=) sign in the boxes in each row. 37

Draw More Than, Less Than or Equal To Count the number of objects in each set. Draw the crocodile mouths (> or <) or equal to (=) sign in the boxes in each row. 38

One More and One Less Mina has 5 chocolates. Tia has 1 chocolate LESS THAN Mina. Ali has 1 chocolate MORE THAN Mina. I have I have 5 I have 4 chocolates. chocolates. 6 chocolates. 1 LESS 1 MORE THAN 5 THAN 5 Tia Mina Ali Look at the numbers. 4 is 1 MORE 2 3 THAN 3. 2 is 1 LESS 39 THAN 3.

What is 1 More and 1 Less? Babu has 8 chocolates. Jojo has 1 chocolate LESS THAN Babu. Ali has 1 chocolate MORE THAN Babu. Fill in the blanks to answer the questions. I have ______ I have 8 I have _______ chocolates. chocolates. chocolates. 1 LESS THAN 8. 1 MORE THAN 8. Jojo Babu Ali Write the number that is 1 LESS THAN and the number that is 1 MORE THAN the given number in the circles. 20 1 LESS THAN 1 MORE THAN 40

Mark Sets That Have 1 More Circle (0) the set in each row that has 1 MORE object than the number in the box. 6 8 9 7 5 41

Mark Sets that have 1 Less Circle (0) the number in each row that has 1 LESS THAN the number of objects. 654 9 11 10 659 423 798 42

4) Number Names: 1 to 100 Let Us Revise: Number Names 1 to 20 Read the number names from 1 to 20 aloud. 1 One 1 1 Eleven 2 Two 12 Twelve 3 Three 13 Thirteen 1Four Fourteen 1Five Fifteen 1Six Sixteen 7 Seven 17 Seventeen 8 Eight 18 Eighteen 1Nine Nineteen 10 Ten 20 Twenty 43

Match Numbers with Number Names Match the numbers with their number names by drawing lines. 1 Six 2 One 3 Five Two Three Four 7 Ten 8 Nine Seven 10 Eight 44

Match Numbers with Number Names Match the numbers with their number names by drawing lines. 1 1 Thirteen 12 Fourteen 13 Fifteen 1 Twelve 1 Eleven 1 Nineteen 17 Eighteen 18 Twenty 1 Sixteen 20 Seventeen 45

Number Names: 20 to 29 Read the number names from 20 to 29 aloud. 20 Twenty 2 Twenty Five 2 1 Twenty One 2 Twenty Six 22 Twenty Two 27 Twenty Seven 23 28Twenty Three Twenty Eight 2 Twenty Four 2 Twenty Nine 46

Write Number Names Write number names from 21 to 29 in the space below. 21 22 23 2 2 2 27 28 2 47

Number Names: 30 to 50 Read the number names from 30 to 50 aloud. 30 Thirty 0 Forty 3 1 Thirty One 1 Forty One 32 Thirty Two 2 Forty Two 33 Thirty Three 3 Forty Three 3 Thirty Four Forty Four 3 Thirty Five Forty Five 3 Thirty Six 37 Thirty Seven Forty Six 38 Thirty Eight 3 Thirty Nine 7 Forty Seven 8 Forty Eight Forty Nine 0Fifty 48

Mark the Numbers Read the number names and circle (0) the correct number in each set. 3Thirty One 3 1 3 37 3 3 32 3Thirty Four Thirty Six 37 33 3 3 37 0 3 38Thirty Eight 33 32Thirty Two 3 3 38 3 3 3Thirty Five Forty 0 32 33 31 49

Write the Numbers Read the number names and write the correct number in the boxes. Forty Seven Forty Three Forty Nine Fifty Forty Eight Forty Four Forty Five 50

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