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Home Explore 79849_ UTLM - 21_ 212210143-Oyster Premium-STUDENT-TLM-INTEGRATED-LKG-FY-SHEET5

79849_ UTLM - 21_ 212210143-Oyster Premium-STUDENT-TLM-INTEGRATED-LKG-FY-SHEET5

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-12-10 07:33:38

Description: 79849_ UTLM - 21_ 212210143-Oyster Premium-STUDENT-TLM-INTEGRATED-LKG-FY-SHEET5


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5 LKG Comparing Qualities - Activity Sheet Circle the small sack. Colour the tall building. Shade one glass to make it full. Circle the light object and tick the heavy object. Draw Below : Here is a long rope. Draw a short rope. Write the first letter of your name Colour the heavy object. Circle the empty jar. above the thick book. Draw more steps on the short ladder to Tick the girl in the long dress. Colour the big umbrella. Circle the thin slice of cake. make it tall. Cross the girl in the short dress. 212210143

Comparing Qualities - Revision Sheet Small Short Long Big Thin Thick Long / Short Thick / Thin Big / Small Short Tall Full Empty Light Heavy Tall / Short Full / Empty Light / Heavy 212210143

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