1 25 25 by classklap Name: ______________________________________ Roll No.: _________ UKG Section: __________ School: ___________________________________ ENGLISH CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING 1) Write the PLURAL forms of the objects by adding an ‘s’ at the end of the singularCfOoNrmCEsP.TUAL UNDERSTANDING CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING cow pencil cycle 1
by classklap 2) Look at the pictures. Write the words that RHYME with ‘-ut’, ‘-at’, and ‘-oy’. -at -ut -oy 3) Look at the arrows and the pictures. Use the correct words (This/That/ These/Those) to complete the SENTENCES. a) are umbrellas. b) is a car. c) are flowers. d) is a chair. 2
by classklap 4) C hoose the correct letters from the brackets. ADD it to the WORDS to make new words. Write the new words. (r, x) ice (a, s) ink 5) Look at the pictures. Choose the correct CONSONANT BLENDS to complete the words. ( st / fr / tr / sk ) og irt uck ar 3
by classklap 6) L ook at the PICTURE and read the STORY. Complete the answers to the questions. a) Which day does Mira go to the park? Mira goes to the park on b) What does Mira eat in the park? Mira eats 4
7) R ead the words. Use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before each word. by classklap horse elephant ACTIVITY 8) Read the SENTENCES and colour the picture. This is my dog, Joy. His body is brown in colour and his nose is black. He has a blue collar. 5
by classklap Q. NO. LEARNING OUTCOMES MARKS 1 Write the Plural forms of the objects ______/3M 2 Write the words that Rhyme with ‘-ut’, ‘-at’ and ‘-oy’ 3 ______/3M 4 5 Use ‘This’, ‘That, ‘These’ or ‘Those’ to complete the Sentences ______/4M 6 7 Add the correct letter to form new Words ______/2M 8 Complete the words by using the correct Consonant Blends ______/4M Complete the answers to the questions related to the Picture ______/2M ______/2M Use ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly before each word ______/5M Read the Sentences and colour the picture Total Marks: _____/25M 6
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