Words with /sk/ Sound When you read the sounds of /s/ and /k/ together, you get the sound /sk/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /s/ and /k/ make together. /s/ + /k/ = /sk/ Read the words which have the /sk/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Skip Skirt Skate /sk/ Desk Mask Can you think of more words with the /sk/ sound? 52 ♫
Words with /st/ Sound When you read the sounds of /s/ and /t/ together, you get the sound /st/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /s/ and /t/ make together. /s/ + /t/ = /st/ Read the words which have the /st/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Star Study Stone /st/ Pest Fist Can you think of more words with the /st/ sound? ♫ 53 ♫ ♫
Recognise and Circle Look at the pictures and say the names aloud. Circle the correct beginning blends. cl sm sk bl gl pr tr gr pl sl st sk sl bl cr st fl sm 54 ♫
Write the Correct Blends Look at the pictures and recognise the missing blends. Write the blends in the spaces given. ask ue cl fl cr gl st br ush ain pl sm br bl tr cl oke ums sm fl pl gl br pl ayons ains fr tr cr gr fl pr udy ip sl st cr sm sk br ♫ ♫ 55 ♫
Write the Correct Blends Look at the pictures and recognise the missing blends. Write the blends in the spaces given. anket ouds st bl cr sk sm cl ame ince fr sl pr gr pr tr ide pe fr cr sl st br gl ug anch fl pl cl bl st br ow ell sl pr tr sm gl cr 56 ♫