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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-12-10 09:15:27



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Grid and Place Value Board.pdf 1 19-11-2018 13:39:07 GRID BOARD Instructions 1. Use this board to learn shapes, numbers and number operations. 2. Use the Bean Strip, Button Strip and Number Strip on this board to teach numbers. 3. Teachers will be provided with instructions to guide learners on the usage of this board.

Grid and Place Value Board.pdf 2 19-11-2018 13:39:07 PLACE VALUE BOARD Instructions 1. Use to form numbers. 2. Using Place Value Stamps, perform addition and subtraction on this board. 3. Use the exchange rate of the Stamps to perform addition and subtraction, which involve regrouping. Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones Thousands Replacement Box 10 One = 1 10 Hundreds =1 10 Tens Thousand Ten =1 10 Thousands = 1 Ten Hundred Thousand 192716006

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