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Home Explore NEP_Mapping _Classklap Products

NEP_Mapping _Classklap Products

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-12-03 12:35:22

Description: NEP_Mapping _Classklap Products


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Mapping Document of National Educational Policy 2020 with ClassKlap's Products What does NEP say? (Excerpts) How is Classklap is complying with NEP? Curriculum On the curricular side, it will be extremely vital to The Classklap curriculum is a high impact introduce an increased focus on reading, writing, academic plan based on Bloom’s Revised speaking, counting, arithmetic, and mathematical Taxonomy and LSRW skills, with a thinking - throughout the primary school curriculum. specific focus on attaining universal foundational literacy and numeracy. The Preparatory stage will have some (light) textbooks, in order to lay a solid groundwork across The Classklap textbooks and NEP pack of subjects, including reading, writing, speaking, books ensure an integrated, multi- physical education, art, languages, science, and disciplinary curriculum experience mathematics. Curriculum content will be reduced in through the core content as well as a each subject to its core essentials. The mandated spectrum of book level features that ensure contents will focus on key concepts, ideas, integration of subjects, values and skills. applications, and problem-solving. No hard While maximising the range of exposure, separations between arts and sciences, between care has also been taken to keep the bag curricular and extra-curricular activities, between weight low by providing student books in vocational and academic, etc., multi-disciplinary parts. and a holistic education. The goal will be to create holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with key 21st-century skills. ICT Integration Access to downloadable PDF printable version of all The Classklap Learning App provides an textbooks will be provided. Concerted efforts will be ICT-integrated, blended learning made to significantly reduce the weight of school experience that promotes digital literacy, bags and textbooks. builds concept clarity and helps students attain mastery though a range of digital Digital libraries will also be encouraged to be set up content which are closely mapped to the in all public and school libraries. Once internet- curriculum. connected smart phones or tablets are available in all homes and/or schools, online apps with quizzes, competitions, assessments, enrichment materials, and online communities for shared interests will be developed. Pedagogical The Foundational Stage will consist of play/activity- The Classklap pedagogical plans ensure Plan based learning. The Preparatory Stage will high quality classroom transaction transition gradually from play-based learning to more through a range of learner-centred, formal but interactive classroom learning. competency-based, and experiential teaching strategies. The teaching Technological interventions to serve as aids to strategies are carefully selected based on teachers will be piloted and implemented. Every the developmental stages of the students, classroom will be developed into a smart classroom and they ensure gradual transition from in a phased manner, for using digital pedagogy and play/activity based learning to experiential thereby enriching the teaching-learning process, with learning through foundational to online resources and collaborations. preparatory stages.

The lesson plans effectively address classroom as well as out-of-classroom aspects of transaction. Supported with technologic platforms and digital teaching aids, the Classklap pedagogical plans provide a blended teaching- learning experience which is compatible to the 21st century educational environment. Along with the TeacherApp, the Classklap Learning App facilitates active parent participation in the learning experience of every student. Professional Each teacher will be expected to participate in, say, In addition to the instructional planning and Development 50 hours of CPD opportunities every year for their delivery support through comprehensive of Teachers own professional development, driven by their own pedagogical plans, the Classklap Teacher needs and choice. Training Program ensures continuous Assessment professional development and capacity System building of teachers through live trainings, webinars and self-learning modules. The aim of assessment in the culture of our The Classklap Personalised Revision schooling system will shift from one that primarily Sheets (PRSs), India’s one and only tests rote memorisation skills to one that is more curriculum-linked personalised learning formative, is more competency-based, promotes product for schools, provide personal learning and development for our students, and attention to every student. Each student’s tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical worksheet will have personalised practice thinking, and conceptual clarity. The primary content aligned to the strengths and areas purpose of assessment will indeed be for learning - it for improvement identified through AI- will help the teacher and student - and the entire based data analysis of competency-based schooling system continuously revise teaching- revision tests. learning processes to optimise learning and development for all students. The Classklap assessment system optimise learning and development for all students by focusing on regular In addition to introducing greater flexibility, student competency-based tests generated choice, and best-of-multiple-attempts through ClassKlap’s proprietary assessments that primarily test core capacities, Assessment Generator. Boards may over time develop further viable models and qualities of Board Exams that reduce pressure The tests are designed in a way to give and the coaching culture, such as: structured assessment exposure to annual/semester/modular. students from early stages itself, to facilitate easy transition to higher grades. Board Exams could be developed that each test far All tests have two variants - Beginner and less material, so that the pressure from exams is Proficient, and they consist of both better distributed, less intense, and less high-stakes objective and descriptive types of across the High School stage; as suggested by NCF questions. Based on the tests, all students 2005, all subjects, beginning with mathematics, could will receive personal feedback on their be offered at two levels, with students doing some of competencies for future improvement. their subjects at the standard level and the remaining

Educational at a higher level; each Board exam could have two The Classklap School App provides ICT- Planning & parts – one part of an objective type with multiple- enabled educational planning and Management choice questions and the other of a descriptive type. management experience to school leaders. Along with an enhanced, data-driven The thrust of technological interventions will be for planning and decision making the purposes of enhancing educational access, and experience, the dashboards of the streamlining educational planning and School App make monitoring of management including processes related to academic operations more efficient and admissions, attendance, assessments, etc. effective.

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