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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-09 09:41:26



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Read 4) Read the sentences. Then, match the sentences to the pictures. a) A boy and his A) grandmother are crossing a road. b) The traffic light is red. B) c) A few children are C) walking on a platform. d) Two children are D) wearing seatbelts in 47 a car. E) e) Some people are standing in a line to board a bus. PNC_V2_G1_English_T2_WB.indb 47 My Journey 04/05/2019 11:32:30

5) Read the statements and write T for true and F for false. a) We should cross a road when the traffic light is green. b) We should push each other while boarding a bus. c) We should hold hands while crossing a road. d) We should look right and left before crossing a road. e) We should never play on roads. Write 6) Write four lines describing the scene. Use phrases like these: I can see… There is… 48 There are… (1M per line) PNC_V2_G1_English_T2_WB.indb 48 04/05/2019 11:32:41

49 My Journey 04/05/2019 11:32:42 PNC_V2_G1_English_T2_WB.indb 49

7) Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (1M per question) helmet  sign  right  bicycle  light  red     a) Always be careful when you ride a in the town. ! b) Always wear a turn left. c) When you see this . 50 is green, go. d) When you see this sign, turn e) When the PNC_V2_G1_English_T2_WB.indb 50 04/05/2019 11:32:42

f) When the light is , stop. Value-based Question 8 ) Why is it important to hold hands with a grown-up person while crossing a road? Read the clues and make your own sentences. You can also add your own reasons. (2M per question) cars move fast – cannot see cars coming – drivers cannot see sometimes – elders know traffic rules 51 PNC_V2_G1_English_T2_WB.indb 51 My Journey 04/05/2019 11:32:43

Activity Get into pairs. Make a poster on traffic rules and road safety. Share your poster with the class. For example: ALWAYS DRIVE CAREFULLY! 52 04/05/2019 11:32:43 PNC_V2_G1_English_T2_WB.indb 52

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