by classklapTM ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES – II (SOCIAL STUDIES) TEXTBOOK – PART 1 ALPINE SERIES Enhanced Edition 3 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ALP_SST_G3_TB_TOC.indd 1 14-12-2018 21:13:39
PrefaceIMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials andprocesses that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system todrive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of this series – updated andrevised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by ourexperienced reviewers and users.The Alpine series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the prescribed boardcurriculum. Furthermore, to facilitate comprehensive coverage, improvedunderstanding of diverse themes and ease of implementation, the EVS curriculum hasbeen split into EVS – I (Science) and EVS – II (Social Studies). Our books are split intotwo parts to manage the bag weight. They also strive to ensure inclusiveness in termsof gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneousIndian classroom.Our books also contain age-appropriate and easily relatable content that ensuresthat students can perceive social realities while imbibing the values of the IndianConstitution and human rights. There is also use of graphics, illustrations and picturesto help students to engage with concepts and ideas better. These objectives areintegrated in the EVS – II (Social Studies) textbooks and workbooks to provide a holisticlearning experience to students. The key features of the EVS – II (Social Studies) booksare as follows. Arrangement of concepts based on the RUAH model based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Character and dialogue-based introductions to concepts to make EVS – II (Social Studies) concepts more relatable to students V isually engaging formats for the organisation and presentation of information In-text activities to assist memorisation and understanding S ubject-related vocabulary building in every lesson U se of timelines and historical maps to help students to develop timeline, map and globe skills U se of maps and scenario-based questions in the workbooks Integration of values and life skills P romotes awareness and personal responsibility through dialogue and enquiry about the world around usOverall, this series aims to enhance social, cultural and analytical skills for the intuitiveand harmonious growth of an individual in an interconnected and independentglobal community. – The AuthorsALP_SST_G3_TB_TOC.indd 2 14-12-2018 10:55:02
Textbook Features Let Us Learn About ThinkContains the list of concepts to be Introduces the concept/subtopic andcovered in the lesson along with the arouses curiosity among studentslearning objectives Understanding RememberingExplains the aspects in detail that form Introduces new concepts to build on thethe basis of the concept prerequisite knowledge/skills toIncludes elements to ensure that understand and achieve the objective ofstudents are engaged throughout the topic ApplicationConnects the concept to real-lifesituations by giving an opportunity toapply what students have learnt Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Encourages students to extend the concept learnt to advanced application scenarios Amazing Facts Fascinating facts and trivia for students to establish a better real-life connect with the conceptALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 3 07-12-2018 11:54:21
Contents 3Class1 The Solar System����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 The Shape of the Earth�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63 Using and Making Maps�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114 India’s Physical Features�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 195 Parts of India and Its Government����������������������������������������������������������������� 26ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 4 07-12-2018 11:54:22
Lesson The Solar System 1 Let Us Learn About R the solar system. U how the solar system fits into the universe and why the Earth is a living planet. A space exploration. h solving riddles to identify heavenly bodies.ThinkThe children and Mrs Irani are watching the night sky ontheir terrace.Mrs Irani: Look at the bright stars tonight. All these stars arefar off in space.Rashi: But what is ‘space’?Morad: Space is the place beyond the Earth, where all the The night skystars and planets are.Meher: What is the difference between a star and a planet? Is the Earth a staror a planet?QQ. What is the Earth? (A) a star (B) a satellite (C) a planet (D) an asteroidALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 1 1 07-12-2018 11:54:25
RememberingA set of planets and heavenly bodies that constantly move around a star is called aplanetary system. Our planetary system is called the solar system. Our Earth is part ofthe solar system. It is made up of the Sun, eight planets and their satellites and otherheavenly bodies.PLANETSA planet is a very big ball-shaped object found in space. Look at the picture and findthe planets numbered as follows.1) Mercury 2) Venus 3) Earth 4) Mars5) Jupiter 6) Saturn 7) Uranus 8) Neptune 5 6 78 12 34 Our solar systemMercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, and Jupiter is the largest. Venus isthe hottest and the brightest planet in the solar system. Mars is called the red planet.Saturn has rings of ice and dust around it. Fast storms blow on Neptune. 2 07-12-2018 11:54:28ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 2
STARS A starThe planets in our solar system continuously move around A planet with itsthe Sun. The Sun is a star. A star is a burning, ball-shaped natural satellitesobject in space. It is made up of gas. It has its own light. Astar is very hot. We can feel the heat of the Sun on Earth. Asteroid belt The Halley’s CometNATURAL SATELLITESThe Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. A naturalsatellite is a ball-shaped object, which travels around aplanet. Natural satellites do not have their own light. So,why does the Moon shine?Point a torch at a mirror. You will see light. However, it is notthe mirror’s own light. The light from the torch is seen in themirror. Natural satellites are like mirrors. They do not havetheir own light. They reflect the light of the stars.OTHER HEAVENLY BODIESOther than planets and stars, many objects are found inspace. Some rocks found in the solar system are calledasteroids. The rocks between Mars and Jupiter make up theasteroid belt.A comet is a bright speeding heavenly body that travelsaround the Sun. It is made up of ice, gas and dust. It formsa bright tail when it is close to the Sun. A famous comet isthe Halley’s Comet. It takes about 75 years to travel aroundthe solar system and pass by the Earth. It was last seen in1986. It will pass close to the Earth again in 2061. UnderstandingOUR UNIVERSEYou are a part of your class; your class is a part of your school, and your school is apart of your city. Similarly, the Sun, the Earth and the other planets make up thesolar system. The Solar System 3ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 3 07-12-2018 11:54:32
A galaxy is a vast collection of gas,dust and of stars and their planetarysystems. There are uncountablegalaxies. All these galaxies are apart of the universe. The name of ourgalaxy is the Milky Way galaxy.OUR LIVING WORLDThe Earth is the only planet whichsupports life. This is a specialcharacteristic of the Earth. What makesit possible for living things to be onthe Earth?Planets like Mercury and Venus arevery close to the Sun and very hot.Venus is the hottest planet of our solarsystem. Its atmosphere traps the heat Position of the Earth in theof the Sun, making it so hot. As we go solar systemfarther and farther away from the Sun,the planets become cooler. Neptune is the coldest planet in our solar system.Since the Earth is the third planet from the Sun, it receives the right amount of lightand heat. There is also plenty of water on Earth. Water, air and heat are needed forliving things to grow. This is why the Earth is called the ‘living planet’. ApplicationFor hundreds of years, people have Yuri Gagarin Rakesh Sharmawanted to explore space. Long ago,people could only look at the sky andtry to study it. The first person to travel intospace was Yuri Gagarin from Russia(formerly known as the USSR) in 1961.Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian totravel into space. The Moon is the onlyheavenly body that people havetravelled to.4ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 4 07-12-2018 11:54:37
Artificial satellites sent into space help us learn about our Mangalyaanneighbouring planets and heavenly bodies. Example:Mangalyaan was sent to study Mars in 2013 by India. It takesphotographs of Mars and the space around it. Mangalyaanbecame famous as it was successful on the first try.Space exploration is expensive and dangerous. So, allmissions have to be very well-planned.Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.)Solve these riddles.1) I am a ball-shaped natural object found in space. I shine with my own light. What am I?Ans. _______________________________________________________________________________2) I am a group of rocks found between Mars and Jupiter. What am I?Ans. _______________________________________________________________________________ Amazing FactsThe Earth has one moon. Did you know that Jupiter has manymoons? Scientists say that Jupiter has 79 moons!New Words1) heavenly bodies – the natural objects found in space2) reflect – throw back the same light3) universe – the name given to the great collection of all living things, planets, stars, satellites, galaxies and so on4) explore – find out more about something5) expensive – something that costs a lot of money The Solar System 5ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 5 07-12-2018 11:54:38
Lesson The Shape of the Earth 2 Let Us Learn About R the shape of the Earth and its movements. U why the Earth is an oblate sphere. A how we can prove the shape of the Earth. h other planets in the solar system.ThinkRashi is reading a book about the Earth. She tells Meherabout a famous astronomer named Johannes Kepler.Meher: Who is an astronomer, Rashi?Rashi: An astronomer is a person who studies stars,planets and other objects in space.Meher: Wow! Tell me what you read about Kepler?Rashi: It was Johannes Kepler, who discovered that the Johannes KeplerEarth travels around the Sun.Meher: Wow!QQ. What does an astronomer study? (A) oceans (B) people’s futures (C) stars, planets and other (D) plants and animals objects in space 6 07-12-2018 11:54:39ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 6
RememberingTHE SHAPE OF THE EARTHThe Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is the only planet The shape of the Earthin the solar system where life exists. The Earth is spherical inshape. It is flattened at the top and bulging near themiddle. This shape is known as an oblate sphere.There is an imaginary line that runs through the Earth, fromtop to bottom, known as the axis. The Earth spins on its axis.The axis of the Earth is slightly tilted. The Earth also travelsaround the Sun in a fixed path called the orbit.MOVEMENTS OF THE EARTHThere are two different movements of the Earth. They are The Earth with an axisrotation and revolution. Rotation RevolutionThe spinning of the Earth around its axis The movement of the Earth around theis called rotation. Sun in a fixed path is called revolution.The Earth takes about 24 hours to The Earth takes 365 1/4 days to completecomplete one rotation. one revolution around the Sun.The rotation of the Earth causes days The revolution of the Earth causesand nights. seasons and years.The rotation of the Earth The revolution of the Earth around the Sun The Shape of the Earth 7ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 7 07-12-2018 11:54:41
UnderstandingFIRST PROOF OF THE EARTH’S SHAPEWhen we stand in an open field, the Earth looks flat. But we know that the Earth isshaped somewhat like a ball. Then, why does it appear flat to us?In ancient times, people believed that the Earth was flat. They thought that if theykept sailing in one direction for a long time, they would fall off the edge of the Earth!Many years ago, an explorer named Ferdinand Magellan began sailing west fromSpain. He, along with his team, continued sailing towards the west, until they cameback to the same place from where they started. Their journey showed that it was notpossible to fall off the Earth. Thus, it was proved that the Earth is round in shape.A painting imagining the Ferdinand Magellan edge of a flat Earth Application Ship at seaWAYS TO PROVE THE EARTH’S SHAPEThe following ways can be used to see the curved shape ofthe Earth.From the Earth’s surface: The line where the sky and theEarth appear to meet is called the horizon. When we usebinoculars to look at ships at sea, they appear to ‘sink’ below 8 07-12-2018 11:54:43ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 8
the horizon. As they sail away from us, they go across the curve of the Earth’s surface.From a great height: The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth from adistance of about 350 km. From this distance, the curve of the Earth can be seen.From space: An astronaut can see the complete shape of the Earth from the Moon orfrom space. This is because the Moon is at an average distance of 3,84,400 km awayfrom the Earth. Earth as seen from near the Earth as seen International Space Station (ISS) from spaceHigher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.)1) Look at the given picture. It shows the sizes of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and other planets.• Which planet is the largest?• Which planet is the smallest?• What can you observe about the shapes of the planets? The Shape of the Earth 9ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 9 07-12-2018 11:54:45
Amazing FactsThis is a famous picture called ‘Earthrise’. It shows the viewof the Earth from the Moon’s surface. It was shot in 1968 byWilliam Anders. It is one of the most famous pictures in thehistory of space travel.New Words1) spherical – shaped like a ball2) bulging – sticking out3) axis – an imaginary line about which a body rotates4) orbit – a fixed path along which a planet or a heavenly5) explorer body travels – a person who travels through unknown lands to learn6) imagining 7) binoculars more about them – forming a picture in mind – a tool used to see distant objects more clearly 10 07-12-2018 11:54:46ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 10
Lesson Using and Making Maps 3 Let Us Learn About R maps and what we can see on a map. U how a map is made and its uses. A how and where maps are used. h making a map.ThinkRashi, Meher and their families are going for a wedding.Mrs Jain: Do you know where the wedding hall is?Mrs Irani: It is called J K Hall. It is near Grant Road.Mr Irani: I have never heard of J K Hall. But, I do know howto reach Grant Road.Meher: Look! There is a picture on the invitation card. A mapIt shows us where the J K Hall is.Mr Jain: Very good, Meher! You have found a map. It will tell us where to go.QQ. What do we call a picture that shows us where a place is? (A) a map (B) a drawing (C) a page (D) an invitationALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 11 11 07-12-2018 11:54:49
RememberingA crow flies high over Meher’s school. It can see the tops of buildings, the roads andthe playground. Look at what the crow can see. A view from top A picture of the view from topWhen we draw a picture of this view, it is a map. A map is a drawing of a place on aflat surface as seen from a position above the place. It uses place names, signs, andcolours to show information.We can make a map of any place in the world. We can even draw the map ofMeher’s classroom. Imagine that the classroom has no ceiling. This way we can lookdown into the room and see the tops of different objects. Let us make some signs toshow these things in the classroom. The signs used on a map are called symbols.Object Symbol Object SymbolTeacher’s table BlackboardStudents’ desks and Cupboard chairs Dustbin Window window Symbols used for different objects 12 07-12-2018 11:54:50ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 12
We can use these symbols to make a map.Look at the given map of a classroom. Using the listof symbols on the previous page, can you point outthe objects shown on the map?Maps are of many kinds. They can be a map ora plan of a house, a route map, or a map of acountry. The signs or symbols used in maps depend A map of a classroomon the type of the map. Some maps also usedifferent colours to show different information.The symbols, colours and what they show is explained in the key or legend.Look at the maps shown below. Key1) A map or plan of a house with the key. Door Window2) A map showing the route with the key. Sofa Sink / Chair Commode Key Position/Location Roads Path to use Using and Making Maps 13ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 13 07-12-2018 11:54:50
3) A map showing the states and capitals in India. 14 07-12-2018 11:54:51ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 14
Directions are also important for maps. They make it easier to locate Directionsplaces and follow routes. Look at the map on page 14. The arrow withthe letter ‘N’ shows the north. North is one of the four main directions.The other main directions are east (E), south (S) and west (W). They areused to find the position or location of a place on a map. A compassis an instrument used to show the four directions.UnderstandingUSING MAPSWe look at a place from above to make a map. Maps show us the top view ofa place. Maps also help us to locate our position. How do we do this?We point out landmarks on a map. A landmark is a building or object that is easy tolocate from a distance. It helps people know where they are. We can decide whichway to go using landmarks.Look at the map below. The bookshop can be a landmark. Rashi and Meher aregoing to the park. In which direction should they turn from the bookshop? Using and Making Maps 15ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 15 07-12-2018 11:54:55
Some maps show a large area. This means that only a few important things aremarked on them. Example: the map of India. We cannot see our house or school on amap of India.Some maps show us every small thing in a place. Example: A map of yourneighbourhood would show every building and shop. These maps need correctmeasurements. We need to measure the space between two places or objects.Measurements help to mark the correct positions of things on a map.Straight lines drawn on a map divide it into many equal parts. We can use these partsto find a place or object quickly. The map given below has been divided into equalparts. Can you name the parts? Some parts have been named for you. Study each part of the map carefully and answer the following questions. 07-12-2018 11:55:05 1) In which part is the building with the blue windows located? 2) What colour is the building in A1? 3) Where is the sign with the directions placed on the map? 16ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 16
ApplicationMAKING MAPS EASY TO USEImagine you have two maps — Map A and Map B. Map A is as big as your classroom.When it is opened, it covers the entire floor. Map B is as big as the page of this book.Map B will be easier to use.A map needs to be easy to use. Yet, the measurements need to be correct. How canthis be done? Large measurements are changed to smaller ones. This makes a mapsmaller and easier to use. 1cmExample: The distance from the bookshop to the park is 1km1 kilometre. On the map, it can be shown as 1 centimetre. The Scale of a mapdistance from the park to Meher’s school is 10 kilometres. On amap, it can be shown as 10 centimetres. This is called the scale of the map.Now, we can use maps on mobile phones. We decide the area we want to see usingthese maps. To see more details we zoom in. To see a large area, we zoom out. Somemaps also allow us to see what the roads look like in different places. These maps donot show the top view. They show what a person sees if they stand on the road. Street view of a road on a smartphone Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.)1) Make a map of your house. Draw symbols to show all the furniture. Ask members of your family to show you the north, south, east and west in your house. Using and Making Maps 17ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 17 07-12-2018 11:55:05
Amazing FactsThere is a magical map in the Harry Potter books. It is a mapof Harry Potter’s school. Not only does it show the rooms inthe school but also who is in each room.New Words1) view – what can be seen from a certain point2) route – the way or path taken from one place to another3) state – a region of India with its own capital city4) neighbourhood – the area around one’s house 18 07-12-2018 11:55:06ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 18
Lesson India’s Physical 4 Features Let Us Learn About R the location of India. U the six regions of India. A how physical features affect the lives of people. h comparing two regions of India.ThinkRashi has seen a picture of an animal that looks different fromthe ones that she has seen so far. She tells Meher about it.Rashi: Meher! Look at this picture of a goat.Meher: That is not a goat! It looks so different from the goats Goats in Ladakhin Pune. Maybe Morad will know more about this goat.Meher and Rashi take the picture to Morad.Morad: This is a mountain goat. It is found in the Leh and Goats in PuneLadakh region of Jammu and Kashmir.Rashi: It looks so different from the goats we see in Pune.QQ. Why do the goats found in Ladakh look different from the ones found in Pune? (A) t he climate of Ladakh and (B) Ladakh is not an important city Pune is different (C) Pune is closer to Mumbai, a big city (D) there is no water in LadakhALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 19 19 07-12-2018 18:12:01
RememberingJust as the states are located in India, our country is situated in the continent of Asia. Itis the third-largest country in Asia. India measures about 3,214 kilometres from north tosouth. The length from west to east is about 2,933 kilometres.India is surrounded by the followingneighbouring countries.• Afghanistan• Pakistan• China• Nepal• Bhutan• Bangladesh• Myanmar• Sri LankaPHYSICAL FEATURES OF INDIATo the north, India is surrounded bythe Himalayas, the world’s highestmountain range. To the south, eastand west, India is surrounded by water.There is a lot of variety in India’s physical features. Physical features include landforms,water bodies, and soil. Plains, mountains, plateaus, deserts and islands are examplesof landforms.Based on the physical features, India can be divided into six regions.• the Northern Mountains• the Northern Plain• the Great Indian Desert• the Peninsular Plateau• the Coastal Plains• the Islands 20 20 07-12-2018 11:55:12ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 20
ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 21 IndiaIn’ds iPah’sysPihcyaslicFeaal tFueraetsures 21 21 07-12-2018 11:55:13
UnderstandingTHE NORTHERN MOUNTAINSThe Northern Mountains form a boundary between India and China. They are knownas the Himalayan Mountains. Many important rivers such as the Ganga, Yamuna andBrahmaputra start from the Himalayas.Some cities and states located in the Northern MountainsSrinagar, Jammu and KashmirDehradun, UttarakhandShimla, Himachal PradeshItanagar, Arunachal PradeshGangtok, SikkimTHE NORTHERN PLAINThis region lies to the south of the Himalayan Mountains. The river Ganga flows throughthe Northern Plain. Hence, the region is also known as the Gangetic Plain. The riverYamuna also flows through this region. These rivers have made the Northern Plainexcellent for farming. New Delhi, our capital, is located in the Northern Plain.Some cities and states located in the Northern PlainRohtak, HaryanaKanpur, Uttar PradeshVaranasi, Uttar PradeshPatna, BiharTHE GREAT INDIAN DESERTThis region is also known as the Thar Desert. Here, the summers are very hot and thewinters very cold. This region receives very little rainfall.Some cities and states located in the Great Indian DesertJaisalmer, RajasthanBikaner, RajasthanTHE PENINSULAR PLATEAUThe Peninsular Plateau is the largest region in India. It is triangular in shape. It is calledthe Peninsular Plateau because it covers most of the Indian peninsula. The riverNarmada divides the Peninsular Plateau into two parts — the Central Highlands and 22 07-12-2018 11:55:13ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 22
the Deccan Plateau. The Central Highlands lie to the north of the Narmada. Somerivers that flow through this region are Chambal, Betwa and Son. The Deccan Plateaulies to the south of the Central Highlands. It covers most parts of southern India.Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri are three main rivers of the Deccan Plateau. Some cities and states located Some cities and states located in the Central Highlands in the Deccan PlateauBhopal, Madhya Pradesh Bengaluru, KarnatakaGwalior, Madhya Pradesh Hyderabad, TelanganaJhansi, Uttar Pradesh Nagpur, MaharashtraTHE COASTAL PLAINSIn India, there are two long stretches of coastal plains. They run along the east andthe west coasts of India. They are called the Eastern Coastal Plains and the WesternCoastal Plains, respectively. These plains are popular for fishing.Some cities and states located in the Coastal PlainsChennai, Tamil NaduPuri, OdishaMumbai, MaharashtraPanaji, GoaTHE ISLANDSIndia has two groups of islands. They are located on either side of the coastal plains.The Lakshadweep are located in the Arabian Sea, next to the Western Coastal Plains.The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are located in the Bay of Bengal, next to theEastern Coastal Plains. The islands are known for their natural beauty. Andaman and Nicobar Islands The Lakshadweep 349 islands 36 islands India’s Physical Features 23ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 23 07-12-2018 11:55:14
ApplicationEFFECTS OF PHYSICAL FEATURES ON PEOPLE, PLANTS AND ANIMALSThe Northern MountainsIt is difficult to build roads through the mountains. So, Mules carrying loadsthere are very few roads in the Northern Mountains.People living here normally use mules for travelling.The ice-covered Himalayas make this region very cold.Therefore, the animals found in this region havethick fur.The Northern PlainThe Northern Plain is flat and has many rivers. The soilhere is good for growing crops. Many people practisefarming in this region. They grow crops such as rice,wheat and sugarcane.Many cities are located on the banks of these rivers. Banks of the Ganga in HaridwarSome of these cities are holy places for many peoplein India. Example: Haridwar, Ayodhya and VaranasiThe Great Indian Desert The hump of a camelThe desert gets very little rain. So, peoplehave to walk long distances to get water. A camelFood is scarce in this region. Animals in thisregion have special organs to store food.Example: Camels have humps on their backswhere they store fat. It is this fat that helpsthem to live when food and water are scarce. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.)You can see pictures of two different regions on the next page.• Which region would you like to visit?• What things would you carry with you when you visit the region?• What activities would you like to do in this region?24ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 24 07-12-2018 11:55:16
The Northern Mountains The Coastal Plains Amazing FactsMany rare animals live in the waters surrounding theIndian peninsula. One such animal is the ‘dugong’.Some dugongs are also called sea cows. They eatgrass growing in the seas.New Words1) climate – the weather of a place over a long period2) continent – a large mass of land3) plain – a low, flat land4) plateau – a raised land with a flat top5) desert – a dry land covered with sand and rocks with few plants6) island – an area of land surrounded by water7) peninsular – of land surrounded by water on three sides and land on one side8) coastal – of land right next to a sea or an ocean9) peninsula – a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides and land on one side10) mule – an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents11) scarce – very less12) hump – a rounded fleshy bump on the back of a camel13) rare – not found easily; not common India’s Physical Features 25ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 25 07-12-2018 11:55:19
Lesson Parts of India and Its 5 Government Let Us Learn About R village, town, city and state. U levels of a government. A functions of the government. h functions of people working in the government.ThinkMeher has made a greeting card for his friend who lives in Karnataka. He I Thinkwants his father to send the greeting card.Meher: Papa! Can you please send this greeting To,card to Mehnaz? Mehnaz Khan Shamsher Bungalow,Mr Irani: We have to write Mehnaz’s address on Ganesh Peth,the envelope. Hubli - 580020Mr Irani writes Mehnaz’s address on the envelope. KarnatakaMeher: Why does an address have so many words? Why do you not just writeIndia? After all, we all stay in India!Mr Irani: Without a proper address, would the postman be able to findMehnaz’s house? Think about it, Meher!QQ. W ill Mehnaz get the letter if Mr Irani writes just ‘India’ on the envelope? (A) yes (B) no 26 07-12-2018 11:55:20ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 26
RememberingThe letter that Meher sent had Mehnaz’s full address on it. An address has the nameof the person, the name of the house, street, village or city, as well as the state. Lookat the pictures to understand where Meher lives.56 K G Society Senapati Bapat Road Pune, Maharashtra, in Maharashtra in IndiaAs you can see, Meher’s house is on Senapati Bapat Road, which is in Pune. Pune is acity in the state of Maharashtra. So his address will be 56 K G Society, Senapati BapatRoad, Pune 411016, Maharashtra. India is made up of many such states, cities, townsand villages.VILLAGES, TOWNS AND CITIESVillagesIndia has one of the highest number of villages in the A villageworld. They are governed by the gram panchayats.More than half the population in India lives in villages.Compared to a city or a town, a village is as follows.• smaller in size• has more open space and greenery• less polluted• has no airports or mallsTowns A townTowns are governed by city councils or municipalities. They are bigger than villagesbut smaller than cities. Towns have more facilities, such as hospitals and schools, ascompared to a village. However, they are also more polluted than villages. Parts of India and Its Government 27ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 27 07-12-2018 11:55:24
Cities A cityCities are governed by municipalities or municipalcorporations. They are bigger than both towns and villages.Cities also provide many facilities such as big hospitals,schools and colleges. However, cities are more crowdedthan towns and villages. They are also much more polluted.The villages, towns and cities together form states.STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES OF INDIAIndia is the world’s seventh-largest country. It is difficult to manage such a large country.Therefore, it has been divided into smaller areas called states and union territories. Indiahas 29 states. The capitalof India is New Delhi. Eachstate also has a capital.For example, Bhopal isthe capital of MadhyaPradesh, and Dispur is thecapital of Assam.India also has seven unionterritories. A union territoryis an area that is directlygoverned by the centralgovernment.Look at the map of Indiawith the states and unionterritories. Rajasthanis India’s largest state,and Goa is the smalleststate. The Andaman andNicobar Islands is India’slargest union territory, whilethe Lakshadweep arethe smallest. 28 States and union territories of IndiaALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 28 07-12-2018 11:55:25
UnderstandingMany people live in India. It is the second most populated country in the world.Who takes care of the people living in India? It is the government.WHAT IS A GOVERNMENT?A government is a group of people that makes important decisions for a country. Thegovernment also makes laws that people in a country follow. Let us learn more aboutthe different levels of government in India.LEVELS OF A GOVERNMENTIt is difficult for the government to manage a large country like India from one place.Thus, the government in India works at three levels. These levels are as follows.• central government• state government• local government Levels of a Government The central government has the following features. • Located in New Delhi • Makes decisions for the entire country • Has a President, Prime Minister and a cabinet of ministers • Also directly governs the union territories Parts of India and Its Government 29ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 29 07-12-2018 11:55:26
The state government has the Statefollowing features. Government• Present in every state Local Government• Located in the capital city of a state• L ooks after people living in the state• Has a Governor, Chief Minister and other ministers of the stateThe local government has thefollowing features.• P resent in every city, town and village• Looks after basic needs such as water and roads• Known by different namesLocation Name of the local governmentcity municipaltown corporationvillage municipal council gram panchayat ApplicationFUNCTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENTJust as we are responsible for a lot of things, the government is also responsible for thefollowing functions.Maintaining law and order: The central and state governments often work togetherto make many laws. It includes making rules and seeing that the rules are properly 30 07-12-2018 11:55:27ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 30
followed. It also includes punishing the people who do not obey the laws.Fulfilling duties: The government also fulfils its many duties such as looking aftermonuments, forests, water bodies and so on. It also provides aid during bad eventssuch as earthquakes and floods.Providing various facilities: The government is also responsible for providing differentkinds of facilities. These facilities are cheap or free. The facilities offered by thegovernment are available to everybody. Some of them are the following. P ublic transport facilities: These include facilities that allow people to travel to different cities, towns, villages and states. Example: buses, trainsPublic transport facilitiesEntertainment facilities: These include Entertainment facilitiesfacilities that allow people to enjoy andhave fun. Example: zoos, parks Healthcare facilities: These include facilities to look after the health of the people. Example: hospitals, clinics Healthcare facilities Educational facilitiesEducational facilities: These includefacilities that allow the government toprovide education to people. Example:schools, libraries Parts of India and Its Government 31ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 31 07-12-2018 11:55:30
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.)1) With the help of adults, find the transport facilities provided by the government in your area. Also, talk to your neighbours and find out the most popular mode of public transport in your area.2) Visit a government office with your parents or family members. Talk to the people who work there. Learn about the different things they do. Try to create a timeline of the things they do in a day. Amazing Facts When we write addresses, we also write the PIN Code. Postal Index Number (PIN) is a 6-digit code used across the country. Different areas of a city have different codes. This system was introduced on 15 August 1972 to improve the delivery of mail.New Words1) capital – the city where the national or state government is located2) govern – make decisions for a country or a state3) airport – a place from where aeroplanes arrive and leave4) laws – rules that tell us what we can and cannot do5) feature – an important part6) aid – money, food or medicine given free of cost7) facilities – things that people can use8) transport – ways of moving from one place to another such as bus or train9) entertainment – something that people enjoy 32 07-12-2018 11:55:31ALP_SST_G3_TB_Book_Part 1_V02.indb 32
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