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2. Was the doctor scared initially? 3. Was the doctor scared later in the story? 4. What saved the doctor? 5. What sort of writing style does the author have? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,,, Said the Duck to the Kangaroo, “Good gracious! How you hop! Over the fields and the water too, As if you never would stop! My life is a bore in this nasty pond And I long to go out in the world I wish I could hop like you!” Said the Duck to the Kangaroo. $QVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQVJLYHQEHORZ 1. Who is the speaker of these words? 2. What does the duck admire in the Kangaroo? 3. Why is it bored? 4. What does the duck want to do? 5. Do you think there was true friendship between them? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,9 “Go to your room, Bobby, and think about how you have behaved this year. Then write a letter to God and tell Him why you deserve a bike for your birthday.” $QVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQVJLYHQEHORZ 1. Who is the speaker? 250

2. What did Bobby's mother want? 3. What did Bobby want for his birthday? 4. What did he write in his last letter? 5. What does Bobby's behavior show us? *LYHWKHDQWRQ\\PVRIWKHIROORZLQJZRUGV  1. Unmarried x 2. Important x 3. Laugh x 4. Expensive x 5. Certain x &KRRVHWKHPRVWVXLWDEOHPHDQLQJVRIHDFKXQGHUOLQHGZRUGLQ VHQWHQFHV 1. Be polite to elders. [] a) cruel b) respectful c) obedient 2. The man rushed home eagerly. [] a) played b) went fast c) came 3. It seemed as if God appreciated that. [] a) recognized b) notice c) look 4. I did not know anything for certain. [] a) right b) correct c) sure 5. Bobby's mother wanted him to reflect. [] a) to think b) to sink c) to enjoy   251

UNIT - II *$0(6$1'632576 &RPSUHKHQVLRQSDVVDJH, The pole vault is truly the glamour event of any track and field competition. The sportsman combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder. Pole - vaulting also has the element of flying and the thought of flying as high as a two - storeyed building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event. Today it is not only Michael Stone's reality and dream - it is his quest. 1. What is truly the glamour event of any track and field competition? 2. What does the sportsman combine? 3. What was his achievement? 4. What was so special about his achievement? 5. Throw some light on Michael's character. &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,, Michael's mother read him numerous stories about flying, when he was growing up. Her stories were always the ones that described the land from a bird's eye view. Her excitement and passion for details made Michael's dreams full of colour and beauty. 1. What was Michael's mother's role in his success? 2. What does 'bird's - eye view' mean? 3. How did her excitement and passion help Michael? 4. Give a character sketch of Michal's mother. 5. What sort of person was Michael's father? 6. Is the name of the lesson 'True Height' apt? If so how? 252

&RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,,, A player is one, who has a strong, sensible mind. Never pondering about failing, only contemplating prevailing. A player is one who doesn't chicken out, Who wants to be in the game when everything counts Now, that is a true player. 1. Who has a strong, sensible mind? 2. What does a player never ponder on? 3. How does a player learn? 4. Who is a true player? 5. What does the phrase 'chicken out' mean?   &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,9 'There were many. But some stand out, though I never played the World Cup that saw India as the No.1 team, being a member of the Indian team which was the World No.1 in Test cricket was one of them. The 281 against the Aussies in Kolkata in 2001 was another. 1. Which player is being spoken about here? 2. Whom did he admire in his early days? 3. What was his personal motto? 4. What did the sport of cricket teach him? 253

5. What was one of his biggest moments in cricket? *LYHWKHDQWRQ\\PVRIWKHIROORZLQJZRUGV 1. quest x 2. excitement x 3. arrogant x 4. glamour x 5. achieve x 6XIIL[ - ion - - ment - tence - ly - ful - less - hood ity 81,7,,, 6&+22//,)( &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH, The headmaster entered the class with a slightly flushed face and a hard ominous look in his eyes. Swaminathan wished that he had been anywhere but there at the moment. 1. Why was the headmaster annoyed? 2. Why did Swaminathan wish that he was elsewhere? 3. What did the head master intend to do? 4. Was Swaminathan punished? 254

5. Do you think corporal punishment is justified? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,, Here there was no chance of escape. Swaminathan kept staring foolishly till he received another whack on the back. The headmaster demanded what the young brigand had to say about it. 1. What had Swaminathan done? 2. Who was punishing him? 3. Who was called to prove Swaminathan's act? 4. What does the word 'brigand' mean? 5. When he was hit with the cane many times what did Swaminathan do? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,,, As each day grew longer Our trust became stronger Each time I wanted to cry You stayed there right by my side 1. What grew stronger each day? 2. Who is 'I' in the above lines? 255

3. Who stayed right by his side? 4. What was the relationship between the teacher and the student? 5. Do you support the poet on his views about the teacher student relationship? If so Why? +RPHZRUN &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,9 Many teachers defend large amounts of homework, claiming that it helps to prepare students for a world that is becoming increasingly, competitive. However, Dr. Kralovec, author of 'The End of Homework' argues that doing homework during high school has little or no effect on successful study skills of the students when they join college. 1. What do many teachers defend? 2. Who is the author of the book 'The End of Homework’? 3. What is Dr. Kralovec's opinion on Homework? 4. How can homework be effective? 5. How can homework be damaging? *LYHWKHDQWRQ\\PVRIWKHZRUGV i) courage x ii) dirty x iii) shout x iv) protest x v) visible x 256

81,7,9 (19,5210(17 &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH, We are a part of the Earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters, the deer, the horse, the great eagle these are our brothers. The rocky crests the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and the man, all belong to the same family. So, When the Great Chief in Washington sends word, that he wishes to buy our land, he asks much of us. 1. Who is speaking these words? 2. What does the sentence 'We are a part of the Earth and it is part of us' really mean? 3. 'All belong to the same family'. What does 'All' represent? 4 Who sends word that he wishes to buy their land? 5. Is the title 'What is man without the beasts' apt? 6. Throw some light on the character of Chief Seattle. &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,, River, river, little river! Bright you sparkle on your way; O'er the yellow pebbles dancing, Through the flowers and foliage glancing Like a child at play. 1. Who appears like a child? 2. Why is the river being compared to a child? 3. What is the journey of the river compared to? 4. What does 'foliage' mean? 5. What does 'dancing' mean in the poem? 257

&RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,,, He stood on the grass verge by the side of the road and looked over the garden wall at the old house. It had not changed much. The old house built with solid blocks of granite was not altered at all. He was glad to see that the jack fruit tree still stood at the side of the building casting its shade on the wall. 1. Who does 'He' stand for? 2. Why was he looking at the old house? 3. What do you think were his feelings, when he was looking at the house? 4. Do you think the title 'Can't climb trees any more' is apt? If so how? *LYHDQWRQ\\PVRIWKHIROORZLQJ 1. buy x 2. warmth x 3. sacred x 4. connect x 5. comfortable x 81,7–9 ',6$67(56 &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH, But on 28th of September 2009 no tourist visited the city from any part of the state. No bus entered the city from any distant village or town. Something terrible happened, which stopped the visitors. 1. Which city is being spoken about? 2. Why didn't any tourist visit the city on 28th? 258

3. 'Something terrible happened' what was it? 4. How many villages were affected by the floods in the district? 5. What were the sights that day? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,, The government sent relief teams as early as possible to distribute the emergency relief supplies among the flood survivors. The relief teams reached some of the worst - hit areas and found that people had lost their whole lives, their memories, homes and loved ones. Thousands of people were displaced from their homes. 1. How did the government help the flood affected people? 2. What supplies were distributed? 3. Who else helped with the relief work? 4. What did the government set up to help the flood survivors? 5. What type of feelings are raised in our hearts when we read this lesson? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,,, The hand was born in the belly of the ocean, fed by plates creating the potion. It grew in fury, it grew in power, The anger to be unleashed within the hour. 1. What does the phrase `in the belly of the ocean `mean? 2. How does 'it' grow? 259

3. What does 'it' stand for? 4. What is the meaning of 'unleashed'? 5. What sort of destruction did the tsunami cause? &RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJH,9 On September 2, 2004, Ham Radio was used to inform weather forecasters with information on Hurricane ‘Frances’ live from the Bahamas. On Dec. 26, 2004 an earthquake and resulting Tsunami across the Indian Ocean wiped out all communications with the Andaman Islands, except for an expedition that provided a means to coordinate relief efforts. 1. What do you understand by Ham radio? 2. Cite two instances when Ham radio was useful. 3. How is Ham radio useful during disasters? *LYHWKHDQWRQ\\PVRIWKHJLYHQZRUGV 1. flimsy × 2. attack × 3. gloomy × 4. receive × 5. brunt × *LYHWKHV\\QRQ\\PVRIWKHJLYHQZRUGV 1. gloomy - 2. flimsy - 3. rescue - 4. enormous - 5. shock - 260

,, 8QVHHQ&RPSUHKHQVLRQ3DVVDJHV 7HPSODWHIRUXQVHHQSDVVDJHV These passages or stanzas (from poems) have been picked up from various sources on a variety of topics. They would be immensely beneficial to the students in enhancing their thinking skills and substantiating their understanding. The key concept of CCE, the '5Wand1H' has been emphatically incorporated into this section as well. Students must be encouraged to do them on their own. The different type of questions like multiple choice, True or False, fill in the blanks and content based questions would help the children from the examination point of view. 81,7, +80285 I. Burj Kalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and it is tallest man - made structure ever built. Its construction began on Sept. 21, 2004 and the interior of the structure was completed on Oct.1, 2009. The building is a part of the new 490 acre flagship development area called Downtown Dubai. It has height of over 828 meters and more than 160 storeys. It is not only the tallest building in the world but also the tallest free-standing structure in the world, a record which was previously held by CN Tower, Toronto. It also holds the record of having the world's highest mosque, which is located on its 158th floor. $QVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQVJLYHQEHORZ 1. Which is the tallest building in the world? 2. How many years did it take to build this structure? 3. What is the height of the building and how many storeys does it have? 4. Which building held the record for the tallest building previously? 5. What is the other record that it holds? II. Sea Anemones are simple creatures. They have no proper brain, only a few nerves to control the movements of their tentacles and stalk. They can only do the simplest actions, such as detecting and eating prey, and gliding along the rocks to a new place. Yet anemones have many 'friends' on the seashore. They live in partnerships with other creatures such as fish, shrimps, crabs and worms. For example, the anemone feeds on leftover from the food of its fish friend, while the fish is safe hiding in the anemone's tentacles. This type of helpful partnership is called symbiosis. The dahlia anemone, plumose anemone etc. are some example of anemones. 261

i) Sea Anemones do not have a a) stomach b) heart c) brain d) kidney d) friends ii) They have many _____________ on the shore. d) ants d) tentacle a) helpers b) brothers c) enemies d) floating in the iii) They live in partnership with a) shrimps b) sharks c) humans iv) Helpful partnership is called a) friendship b) brotherhood c) symbiosis v) Sea Anemones are found a) deep in the sea b) on the shore c) on the sea bed sea 81,7,, *$0(6$1'632576 I. Whales are large, intelligent aquatic mammals. They have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through water. In fact, they are the only mammals other than the sea cows that live their entire lives in water and the only mammals that have adapted to life in the open oceans. Like all mammals, whales breathe air, are warm- blooded and have mammary glands. The biggest whale is the blue whale, which is about 115 feet in length and height of approximately a nine - storeyed building. These enormous animals eat about four tons of tiny krills each day. Adult blue whales have no predators except man. The smallest whale is the Dwarf sperm whale which is about 11 feet. 1. Describe whale in one sentence. 2. Which other mammal is adapted to life in the open ocean? 3. How big is the blue whale and what is its height? 4. What do whales eat? 5. Which is the smallest whale? II. Life is sweet because of the friends we have made And the things which in common we share ; 262

We want to love on, not because of our selves, But because of the ones who would care. It's living and doing for somebody else. &KRRVHWKHFRUUHFWDOWHUQDWLYH i) We can _______________ anything with friends. a) care b) share c) have d) make d) believe ii) Friends _______________ for our feelings. d) friends d) All the above a) share b) wonder c) care d) our selves iii) Life is sweet because of ______________. a) cousins b) classmates c) parents iv) We can reach out to friends during _____________. a) problems b) happiness c) calamities v) Life is all about doing something for ________________ else. a) anybody b) somebody c) their 81,7,,, 6&+22//,)( Some animals in a forest decided to start a school. The students included a bird, a squirrel, a fish, a dog, a rabbit and a mentally retarded eel. A board was formed to determine the curriculum and it was decided that flying, tree climbing, swimming and burrowing would give a broad-based education. All animals were required to take all subjects. The bird was excellent in flying but could not swim or burrow. The squirrel was great in tree climbing, but failed in all other activities. The fish was the best swimmer but couldn't come out of water. So was the case with all the other animals. The mentally retarded eel, could swim a little, climb a little, burrow and fly. So it was declared as the winner of the class. 1. What was the bird good at? 2. What was the squirrel good at? 3. Who was the winner of the class? 4. Do you think the eel was really an excellent student? Give a reason. 5. What do you learn from this story? 263

II. The most important thing we have learned, so far as children are concerned, Is never, NEVER, NEVER, let Them near your television set - or better still, just don't install The idiotic thing at all. It rots the sense in the head ! It kills imagination dead ! It clogs and clutters up the mind ! His powers of thinking rust and freeze ! Choose the correct alternative i) We should never install a ______________ in our house a) TataSky b) Radio c) Television d) Music system ii) What is the T.V. commonly called? a) Stupid thing b) silly box c) Great thing d) Idiot box iii) Who should not be allowed near the T.V.? a) old people b) children c) woman d) cousins iv) How does it kill imagination dead? a) by rusting his thinking powers b) by freezing his senses c) by making him lazy d) by making him obese v) What does 'clogs and clutters up the mind' mean? a) it encourages good thoughts b) it discourages peaceful thoughts c) it discourages healthy growth of the mind d) it encourages laziness 264

81,7,9(19,5210(17 I. Fifteen or twenty years ago there were few summer camps for children and even those few were very expensive. Only the wealthy could afford to send their children. But in the past ten years, however, the number of camps has greatly increased. These camps provide peaceful living away from the noise and pollution of the city. Good food, clean air and relaxation make them rejuvenated. Purposeful and carefully planned activities teach them creativity and love for fine arts. Crafts and sports are also part of a camp. Thus such camps help in the all round development of the children. 1. What are summer camps? 2. What do summer camps teach children? 3. In what way do children benefit? 4. Are such camps affordable to everybody? 5. Why were the number of camp less 20 years back? II. Online Education is fast becoming a major preferred mode of education among student. Enrolling in regular courses is increasingly getting highly competitive in India. So online education has provided a wonderful alternative and several student opt for it. As the term itself suggests, online education means web based learning, but there is no universally accepted definition. So, the methods used for implementing online education may differ from institute to institute. Some online courses may require students and teachers to meet from time to time for physical lectures or to conduct practical. Online courses benefit students in many ways. Though, online education is yet to pick up in India compared to other countries. i. What is the alternative to regular courses? a) off line courses b) diploma courses c) on- line courses d) courses abroad ii. What does on line education mean? a) tech based learning b) web - based learning c) exam based learning d) teacher based learning iii. On line courses are ________ for student a) beneficial b) entertaining c) important d) taxing iv. On line education is ___________ in India a) not known b) very popular c) yet to pick up d) useful. v. Enrolling in regular courses is __________ a) highly costly b) highly competitive c) distance of colleges is more d) all the above. 265

81,79 ',6$67(56 I. Bhadrachalam is one of the holy pilgrimages of Andhra Pradesh. It is now in Telangana. This temple of Lord Rama is situated on top of the Bhadra hill on the banks of the river Godavari in Khammam District of Telangana. Lord Rama while wandering in the forest with Sita and Lakshmana touched the hill Bhadra by his feet. The temple stands as one of the finest in South India, with its beautiful art and magnificent sculpture. Vaikunta Ekadasi andSri Rama Navami are two important festivals celebrated here with great pomp. 1. On which hill is the temple situated? 2. Which God is worshipped in this temple? 3. What is the mythological story behind the temple? 4. Which festivals are celebrated here? 5. On the banks of which river is the temple situated? II. We spray the fields and scatter The poison on the ground So that no wicked wild flowers Upon our form be found We line our purse with pence; We give no compensation The earth is ours today And if we lose our fertile land Our children will pay i) What does 'poison' mean in the above lines? a) rat poison b) fertilizers c) pesticides d) perfumes ii) Why do we spray an excess of poison on the ground? a) So that it kills pests b) So that rats and animals are also killed c) So that we ruin the soil d) So that wild flowers or weeds don't grow. iii) Is man acting in a greedy manner? If so, why? a) to earn more money b) to help others c) to kill others d) to compensate. iv) Answer in one sentence:- a) Are we taking care of the Earth today? b) Who will have to pay for it tomorrow? 266

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81,7–,,, 6&+22//,)(   81,7–,9 (19,5210(17  268

81,7–9 ',6$67(5    269

,9 :ULWLQJ'LVFRXUVHV  'LDORJXH:ULWLQJ Dialogue Writing is basically a conversation between two people. It could be a formal conversation or an informal conversation. 7HPSODWH • The points that need to be kept in mind while writing a dialogue are:­ • Type of participants (For eg:­ between friends or between father and son or between teac her and students, etc.) • The language used (For eg :­ between friends informal words could be used where as between teacher and student formal language has to be used. • The topic to be covered. • Greetings to begin with and ending with concluding words. • Dialogue should be short and to the point Write a dialogue between a software engineer and a doctor, where the former has been facing some health problems due to extended use of computers. Hints : 1. Spending 8-10 hours a day in front of the computer 2. Not feeling active 3. Eye - sight effected, back pain 4. Need for exercise Mohan : Hello Doctor! Doctor : Hello Mohan ! How are you? Mohan : Actually I am not doing too well. Doctor : What is the problem ? Mohan : I have been working at least 12 hours a day on the computer. Doctor : Have you developed some pain ? Mohan : Yes, I have developed severe back pain and neck pain. Doctor : You need to take it easy a little. After every 2 hours, get up and walk around a bit that will ease the muscles. Mohan : Even my fingers feel stiff. 270

Doctor : I will prescribe some tablets and ointment for muscle relaxation. I advice you to do yoga every morning for at least 15 min. Mohan : Thank you Doctor for the advice. :ULWLQJD1HZVSDSHU5HSRUW Article writing for a newspaper is a type of writing in which we present our points of view on major issues related to current affairs. 7HPSODWH Therefore the following points need to be kept in mind:­ • It shouldn't be too descriptive • It should be compact and to the point • Names of people are generally not mentioned as it is not personal. • Language used should be formal and apt. • Deviation from the main topic must not happen 5HDGWKHIROORZLQJQHZVSDSHUKHDGOLQHV 'Government Indifferent to weaver's light'. The leaders of the opposition party are used to Government that they were being indifferent to the plight of the weavers and were not supporting them. Now write a Newspaper Report to one of the leading newspaper highlighting the problems faced by the weavers. Hints that could be used in the Report : • Emerging power looms • Lack of proper loans • Agent cheating them • Production cost increasing :HDYHU V3OLJKW6RPHKRPHWUXWKV Tirupur, November 3rd: The recent article 'Government indifferent to weaver' plight in your newspaper is a wake - up call tothe Government if they do not want to the tradition to die out. India is known for its traditional art, culture and traditions. The hand woven silk sarees, the traditional hand woven cotton fabric are a trade mark of our rich culture. But alas ! These products are getting over- shadowed by the mill clothwhich is manufactured at the factories. These are cheaper, easily available more durable and easy to maintain. Therefore people are more interested to buy them with decreasing demand, the weaver plight is getting worse. Getting loans from Government to keep the production going is becoming increasing difficult. Lack of co-operation from officials is adding fuel to the fire. The agents who buy these materials from the weavers, sell them at very high prices to the business men in the cities, but they pay very little to the weavers. Their livelihood and essential needs 271

are not getting fulfilled. As such many weavers are committing suicides. Some and moving to the cities to work as daily wage labour. The Government needs to take some concrete steps, if they want to keep our tradition alive. C. Sreenivas Correspondent. /HWWHU:ULWLQJ–,QIRUPDO Letter writing is an important part of written communication. It is generally of 2 types :- Formal and Informal letters. In this section we would focus on Informal Letters. All letters follow the Block format. 7HPSODWH An informal letter consists of 6 parts in the following order:­ • The Heading ­ Consists of the writer's address and the date. • The salutation ­ Consists of addressing the addressee. • Body of the letter ­ Contains the main content of the letter. • The Subscription ­ Ending of the letter for e.g.:­ Thanking you, Yours friend,etc The Signature • The Superscription ­ Consists of the Sender's address to be written on the envelope. Your sister has joined hostel recently. Write a letter to your sister inquiring about her adjustment to hostel life. Hints : • Reading room mates and friends • Food and Hygiene • Academics and Facilities at the college • Library and Teaching faculty • Extracurricular activities 272

Flat No. 305 Sravani Apartments Seethmadhara Visakhapatnam - 3 Dated : 12th Sept. 2015 Dear Sushmita, I hope you are fine in the hostel. All of us are fine at home. We miss you very much. After two months of joining the hostel, you must have got adjusted very well. How are your room- mates? Are they friendly and cooperative? Are you enjoying the hostel food? They must be preparing Tamilian dishes. Hope you have got accustomed to them. In your last letter you had told us that the college faculty, library and other facilities are excellent. We were very happy to hear that. Hoping to see you soon. Yours loving sister Ranjitha To Ms. Sushmita Parimala College Chennai Tamil Nadu. 6WRU\\ZULWLQJ Story writing is a delightful form of composition. It has its own charm. Everyone likes to read a story or write a story. 7HPSODWH The following hints will help in writing a good and interesting story :­ • Understanding the central idea of the outline given. • Having a definite idea of the plot of the story. • Beginning and ending must be striking • Simple language must be used • Preferably a moral to be added • Story must always be narrated in Past tense. 273

Hints : - Home alone - parents out for party - locked all doors - started studying - heard rumbling sound - raining heavily - power went off - no candles - heard a knock on the door - got scared - wanted to call my parents - looked through window - my pet dog - all wet-laughed at myself. Story : One day, about a week ago, my parents went out for a late night party. I was all above a home. I checked whether all the doors and windows were locked carefully. I sat in my room and started studying for my exam. After about half an hour, I heard a loud rumbling followed by heavy rain. It kept raining heavily for about one hour. Then all of a sudden the power went off. I was in total darkness. I started getting scared. I didn't know where the candles were kept. I hesitated to go and search for them. Then I remembered that the torch was in the bed side drawer. I took it out and switched it on. The beam of light from the torch gave me a little courage. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. It was a low sound which was barely audible. I ignored it, but it continued. My heart beats increased and I started sweating profusely. I was in two minds whether to call my parents, but at the same time thought that they would laugh at me for my timidity. Then I gathered some courage and walked to the door. I opened the door slowly and looked out. To my surprise, it was my pet dog which was scratching the door. I quickly pulled it in and locked the door. &UHDWLQJDQDGYHUWLVHPHQW Advertisements are a powerful tool of expression. They are used either to make us aware of a new product launched or to spread a social message or to give certain information to the public. Advertisements involve a lot of creativity. 7HPSODWH • Content should be presented interestingly • short phrases must be used • Pictures can be used for better impact. • An advertisement must have the sender's details • Contact numbers and e­ mail address must be give. • Captions make them more noticeable  .H\\FKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIDQ$GYHUWLVHPHQW • Catching attention • Stimulating interest • Arousing desire • Supplying details • Motivating action 274

Create an advertisement for the given details of a competition: The Horlicks Wiz Kids Team is having their grand finale live on 19th Feb (10 am to 1 pm) at the Chinnaswami Stadium, Bengaluru. 100 finalists from India, Pakistan and Srilanka will compete for the 'Title' of 'Horlicks Wiz Kid' and a scholarship of Rs.1,00,000 being conducted by Krayon. HORLICKS :,=.,'6 %\\.UD\\RQ Be Awesome, Dream, Explore, Perform The Grand Finale on 19th Feb (10 am to 1 pm) At the ChinnaSwami Stadium, Bengaluru, India & also from Pakistan & Srilanka. Watch the winner get the TITLE 'Horlicks Wiz Kid' & Rs.1,00,000 Contact us on Ph No.88667722 or www. :ULWLQJD1RWLFHIRUWKH1RWLFH%RDUG Notices are written to be put up on the Notice- board of schools, colleges, hospital, offices, zoo, parks, etc. 7(03/$7( A notice must have the following characteristics: • Must be brief • Eye ­ catching captions • Must have points in order of priority • Content must be presented in concrete manner 275

Imagine you are the Secretary of your apartment and prepare a notice for the Notice board regarding a meeting to discuss frequent thefts in the locality. Seeta Kiran Apartments Society NOTICE Saturday, 24th December, 2015 Residents' Association Meeting The VHFRQG meeting of the New Year 2016 of the Residents Association will be held on Jan 25th at 6.00 p.m in the basement to discuss the frequent thefts that have been happening in the complex. All the members are hereby informed to make it convenient to attend the meeting. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. Mr R.R.Rao Secretary (VVD\\:ULWLQJ An essay is defined as a composition on a specific topic that has three or more paragraphs. A formal essay is impersonal and direct, whereas an informal essay projects the writer's personal experiences and views. 7HPSODWH Features of a good essay:­ 1. Introduction and conclusion must be very effective. 2. There should be unity in the sense that all the content must be related to the main theme. 3. Sequence or order of ideas is a very important part of an essay. 4. Not more than 300 words 5.An essay should have individuality i.e. personal touch and style Write an essay on `the Power of Press` in not more than 300 words. The following hints can be used in the essay:- Hints : • Definition • The Age of Democracy • Press as a social reformer • Political influence on Press • Damage caused by Press • Sensationalizing unimportant news items • Conclusion 276

7KH3RZHURI3UHVV In the twentieth century, the press is a mighty force. It is the citadel of strength and influence. It can make a hero of a common man and a common man of a hero. The Press is often termed as `the people's parliament always in session`. The press guides the public opinion which in turn, makes or breaks the governments. Our daily newspapers are constantly reporting, moulding and shaping our political opinions. The power of press in any country depends on the number of newspaper readers and this in turn depends on the spread of education. Most people read and accept what is published in the newspapers or what is read out in the news on T.V or radio. Therefore power of press on the common man is massive. In democratic countries, whereby the system of election and representation of the people controls the government, public opinion is the chief power. It is, therefore obvious that if press controls the government, the press is ultimately controlled by the public. Such is the political power of press. At the same time, the press can also be used by some political parties by unethical means to manipulate.& change the truth& present distorted news to the public. Since the last few years it has been observed that the influence of Press is doing a lot of damage on the Psyche of the public. The large number of news channels which telecast news round the clock try to sensationalize unimportant news, just to improve their TRP ratings. With the spread of literacy in India and with the country's economy booming, the power of press will expand further and will become a power to reckon with. 3DUDJUDSK:ULWLQJ A paragraph is a group of sentences related to one main topic or idea. It is generally short with 10 to 12 sentences. A Paragraph is sometimes called a miniature essay. 7HPSODWH &KDUDFWHULVWLFVRIDJRRGSDUDJUDSK 1) Should have one main topic or theme 2) Should have unity of purpose 3) Should be coherent 4) A good starting and ending sentence Write a paragraph in about 100 words about `Superstition`.The following hints may be useful :- Hints : • Definition • Some examples • How it effects people's life. • How ignorant people are manipulated by superstitions • Science and superstition 277

6XSHUVWLWLRQ Superstition is an irrational fear of the unknown. Such beliefs are as old as man himself and have continued to be part of the society. For eg:- Starting a new task on an auspicious day and time, tying religions threads on our wrist, etc. Belief in lucky and unlucky numbers is yet another superstitious belief. In older days, people were ignorant and so they feared and worshipped the forces of nature. But unfortunately in today's world, where science and technology have developed tremendously, people still believe in superstitions. The yagnas, pujas and hommams being done by influential people are pushing the mindsets of people backwards and sort of re- creating the power of superstition. People must start coming out of such narrow minded beliefs and must think modernly. 278

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