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Home Explore Summit_Maths_Grade 2_Bridge Course_QP_Assesment

Summit_Maths_Grade 2_Bridge Course_QP_Assesment

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2022-04-01 12:25:48

Description: Summit_Maths_Grade 2_Bridge Course_QP_Assesment


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Name: _______________________________________ UUID: ___________________________________ School: ______________________________________ Section: ________________________________ School ID: _____________ Date: _________________ Inv. Sign: _______________________________ Choose the correct option. [] 1) How many hearts are there in the box? (A) thirty (B) thirty-one (C) thirty-two (D) thirty-three 2) What is the expanded form of 79? [] (A) 7 + 9 (B) 700 + 9 (C) 70 + 9 (D) 70 + 90 3) seventeen – eight = ? [] (A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 5 4) One subtraction fact for 54 + 35 = 88 is 88 – 35 = 54. Identify the other subtraction fact. [] (A) 88 – 54 = 35 (B) 35 – 7 = 28 (C) 88 – 2 = 75 (D) 54 – 35 = 7

Fill in the blanks. [] 5) There are                                             number of images in total. [] 6) 19 = 19 – _______________________ [] 7) 47 comes                                        48. [] 8) 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = ___________________________ [] Answer the following. 9) Circle the correct option. 10)  Tick ( ) in front of the correct option. [] 11)  Tick ( ) the correct option. []

Answer the following. 12) Write the expanded form of the number shown by the blocks given below. Write its number name. [] ____________________________________________________________________ 13) Arrange vertically and add: [] 32 + 23 14) Fill in the blanks. []

15) Write the number shown by the blocks given below. Write its number name. [] ____________________________________________________________________ 16) Add and subtract the numbers 45 and 27. Compare both the answers using [] < and > sign. ____________________________________________________________________ Answer the following. 17) 4 students are standing in line. Look at the picture and tick the correct answer. []

18) Look at the picture below and answer the following question. []

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