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SCIENCE 5WORKBOOK – 1 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___1 / 32

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX has been involved in designing textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. IMAX presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as its guiding principles for Science:  Theme-based learning  Relating science learning to the daily-life experiences of students  Focus on skill/process development  Providing opportunities for knowledge construction  Infusion of environmental issues into the content Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the IMAX textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The IMAX team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of IMAX Traveller series:  Theme-based content that holistically addresses all the learning outcomes specified by CISCE curriculum  Opportunities for experimentation, analysis and synthesis of ideas and  concepts   Exposure to locally relevant environmental problem solving Focus on science-specific vocabulary building Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process All in all, the Traveller series aims to enhance the learning of science, development of scientific temper and curiosity towards scientific activities along with the inculcation of healthy habits for environmental protection. – The Authors NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___2 / 32

Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Situation-based questions to foster real life skills • Use of image-based questions to build analytical skills • Focus on improving creativity through activities I Remember I Understand • Questions that are aimed at • Questions that are aimed at helping students recollect helping students engage with critical information related to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and concept ‘where’ of the concept I Explore (H.O.T.S.) I Apply • Extending the application of the • Applying the understanding concept to more advanced of the concept to questions and challenging questions which based on application of the meet the criteria of higher order concept on real-life scenarios thinking skills NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___3 / 32

Contents 1 The Circulatory System�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 2 The Skeletal System�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 3 Healthy Food��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 4 Pollination�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 5 Reproduction in Plants����������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 6 Solids, Liquids and Gases�����������������������������������������������������������������������������24 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___4 / 32

1Lesson The Circulatory System I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Name the system that carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.  [   ] (A) digestive system (B) respiratory system (C) skeletal system (D) circulatory system 2) What are the lower chambers of the heart called? [     ] (A) arteries (B) capillaries (C) ventricles (D) auricles Fill in the Blanks 3) ___________________ is a red coloured liquid that circulates throughout the body. 4) The sound of the heart pumping the blood is called the ______________________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name the tube-like structures through which the blood flows in the body. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the vein that brings blood from the upper portion of the body to the heart. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘arteries’. What do we call the largest artery? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___5 / 32

I Understand True or False 8) Your heart is almost the size of your fist. [     ] 9) Arteries carry blood towards the heart. [     ] 10) The heart works like a pump to keep the blood flowing continuously.     ] [ 11) Blood does not carry waste material in the body. [     ] Short Answer Questions 12) State the function of the blood vessels. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Define ‘pulse’. What is the normal pulse rate of an adult human being? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) State any four functions of human blood. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___6 / 32

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Sujit wants to keep his heart healthy. Which of the following activities will help him keep his heart healthy? [    ] (A) watching television while sitting in one place for many hours (B) eating lots of oily food (C) exercising and eating healthy food (D) drinking lots of soft drinks 16) Help Priya find out why the heart sends blood to the kidneys.  [    ] (A) to collect waste materials (B) to remove waste materials (C) to remove carbon dioxide (D) to absorb oxygen Short Answer Questions 17) Draw a flowchart to show the process of blood circulation in the human body. Ans. 18) Ravi eats fried food items everyday. Is it a good thing to do? Why? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The Circulatory System 3 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___7 / 32

Long Answer Question 19) Draw and locate the position of the heart in the following cutout of the human body. Ans. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Rahul is Rima’s elder brother. While discussing the circulatory system with her, he said, “The circulatory system in our body works like the water supply system in our house.” Is he correct? Give reasons to support your answer. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___8 / 32

2Lesson The Skeletal System I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hich of the following is a bone of the upper arm? [    ] (A) femur (B) humerus (C) sternum (D) vertebra 2) Which type of joint does our shoulder have? [   ] (A) gliding joint (B) pivot joint (C) ball and socket joint (D) hinge joint Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) The framework of bones inside our body is called the ______________________. (skeleton/ribcage) 4) The bones join each other at certain points in our body called _________________. (cartilage/joints) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name one of the girdles found in the human body. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the vitamin that helps to keep our bones strong. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define the ‘backbone’. Where is it located? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___9 / 32

I Understand a) ball and socket joint b) gliding joint Match the Following 8) 9) 10) c) pivot joint 11) d) hinge joint Short Answer Questions 12) Write a short note on the human ribcage. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Why should we always maintain a good posture? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___10 / 32

Long Answer Question 14) Describe the functions of the skeletal system. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) H  elp Rani to identify the band-like structure that connects the bones at the joints. [   ] (A) cartilage (B) ligament (C) spine (D) girdle 16) C  hetan wants to keep his bones fit and fine. Which of the following will help him do so? [   ] (A) always sitting with a bend (B) not eating food items like milk or leafy vegetables (C) watching TV all the time (D) exercises such as stretching and simple yoga Short Answer Questions 17) Given below is a description of a joint; identify the type of the joint and draw it. T  his joint performs only back and forth movements. We find it in our knees and elbows. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The Skeletal System 7 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___11 / 32

18) R ajat finds it difficult to draw pictures of the human skull and the ribcage. Can you help him in drawing them? Ans. 8 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___12 / 32

Long Answer Question 19) S imon wants to know why he cannot move his knee in the same way that he can move his head. Explain it to him. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Find the following parts of the skeletal system in the word search given below. RIB, FEMUR, LIGAMENT, JOINT, cartilage, vertebrae, sternum, skeleton S CA R T I L AG E VE R T E BRAE L S K E L E T ON S I Z T OMN T Z I T G R F EMU R S N E A X H D R WC Z T RM AKK I NDHVNE VMR B U U A I U N JO I N T RMZMT The Skeletal System 9 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___13 / 32

3Lesson Healthy Food I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following is a disease caused due to the deficiency of iodine in our body?  [] (A) goitre (B) marasmus (C) diabetes (D) beriberi 2) W hat do we call the materials that are added to food items to change their quantity and appearance?  [] (A) fats (B) sprouts (C) adulterants (D) carbohydrates Fill in the Blanks 3) A person suffering from ________________________ has high blood sugar levels. 4) ______________________________ allows food to be easily digested. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one lifestyle disease. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) List a way to make our diet healthier. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘deficiency’. Give an example of a disease caused by deficiency. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 10 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___14 / 32

I Understand a) vitamin A deficiency Match the Following 8) kwashiorkor 9) night blindness b) protein deficiency 10) rickets c) iron deficiency 11) anaemia d) vitamin D deficiency Short Answer Questions 12) Define ‘obesity’. What are the causes of obesity? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Define a ‘balanced diet’. Name the components in a balanced diet. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Why should we avoid eating junk food? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Healthy Food 11 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___15 / 32

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following can make a diet healthier? [] (A) adding sugar (B) adding oil (C) adding soaked dals while cooking vegetables (D) using adulterants 16) R  icha was suffering from headaches and paleness. Her doctor advised her to eat dates, raisins, bitter gourd and green leafy vegetables. Which of the following deficiency diseases may she be suffering from?  [ ] (A) beriberi (B) goitre (C) high blood pressure (D) anaemia Short Answer Questions 17) G ive two examples of adulteration of food observed in everyday life. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) L ist any two healthy lifestyle choices that Puja should follow to avoid lifestyle diseases. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) C lassify the following as healthy food items and junk food items. rice and dal, burger with a lot of cheese, apple juice, dosa, French fries, pizza Ans. Healthy food items Junk food items 12 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___16 / 32

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) D  raw a food pyramid showing your diet. (Hint: Draw a pyramid. On every step of the pyramid draw and name the food items that you include in your diet to make it a balanced diet.) Ans. Healthy Food 13 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___17 / 32

4Lesson Pollination I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hich of the following is the male reproductive part of a flower? [    ] ] (A) stamen (B) carpel (C) calyx (D) petals 2) W hich of the following is a monosexual flower? [   (A) jasmine (B) rose (C) papaya (D) hibiscus Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) The _________________ is the outermost whorl of a flower. (corolla/calyx) 4) The corolla is made up of colourful, attractive ____________________. (petals/carpels) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name the sac-like part at the base of the style in a flower. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) W  hat do we call flowers that have both male and female parts? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) D efine ‘pollination’. Give an example of a pollinator. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 14 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___18 / 32

I Understand True or False 8) Sepals protect a flower in the bud stage. [] 9) Pollen grains are present inside the ovary. [] 10) The gynoecium is the female reproductive part of a flower. [ ] 11) Pollination is the transfer of female gametes from one flower to another. ] [ Short Answer Questions 12) The process of pollination is necessary. Give reasons. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Distinguish between self-pollination and cross-pollination. Ans. Self-pollination Cross-pollination _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Describe the parts of a hibiscus flower with the help of a labelled diagram. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Pollination 15 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___19 / 32

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Help Mona to identify the part of the flower shown in the picture. [    ] ] (A) calyx stigma (B) corolla style (C) androecium (D) gynoecium ovary 16) H  elp Ritu identify the part at the tip of a stamen. [    (D) filament (A) calyx (B) anther (C) corolla 16 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___20 / 32

Short Answer Questions 17) R  ashi has to identify the type of pollination shown in the picture as a part of her homework. Help her to identify the type. Give a reason to support your answer. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) What will happen if no pollinators visit a flower? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) D  raw and label the parts of a flower that are involved in the process of pollination. Ans. Pollination 17 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___21 / 32

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Solve the following crossword to get the names of pollinators. 1. 2. 3. T S O P 4. GN 5. E NY 3 12 45 18 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___22 / 32

5Lesson Reproduction in Plants I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W hat do male and female gametes fuse to form? [   ] (A) pollen (B) zygote (C) bud (D) ovule 2) W  hich one of the following parts helps in the reproduction process in the onion plant? [  ] (A) bud (B) ovule (C) bulb (D) leaves Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) T  he pollen grain forms a ___________________________________ through the style to reach the ovary and fuse with the ovules. (zygote/pollen tube) 4) A  fter fertilisation, walls of the __________________ increase in size and change into a fruit. (petals/ovary) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give an example of a plant that reproduces through its stem. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) N  ame the plant that reproduces through the leaf buds on its leaves. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘fertilisation’. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 19 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___23 / 32

I Understand a) dispersal of seeds by water b) dispersal of seeds by explosion Match the Following 8) 9) 10) c) dispersal of seeds by air 11) d) dispersal of seeds by birds Short Answer Questions 12) Distinguish between sexual and vegetative reproduction. Sexual reproduction Vegetative reproduction _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 13) Define ‘dispersal of seeds’. How is it helpful to plants? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 20 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___24 / 32

Long Answer Question 14) Draw and label male and female reproductive parts of a flower. Ans. I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Help Neha identify the plant which has seeds that get dispersed by wind.[ ] (A) cashew (B) coconut (C) dandelion (D) ladyfinger 16) R ohit’s teacher has asked him to identify the plant that uses its roots to reproduce. Help him out. [    ] (A) bryophyllum (B) hibiscus (C) potato (D) carrot Reproduction in Plants 21 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___25 / 32

Short Answer Questions 17) R icha wonders how animals can help in the dispersal of seeds. Help her understand. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) A plant shown in the picture grows in ponds. What would be the likely way of dispersal of seeds for the plant? Give a reason to support your answer. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) R  ashi found a hibiscus plant in his neighbour’s garden. He wants to grow it in his garden as well. How can he do that? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Y  ou have learnt about the life cycles of insects in previous classes. Draw a flow chart showing various stages in the life cycle of the flowering plant. (Hint: germination, dispersal of seeds, fertilisation, pollination) 22 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___26 / 32

Ans. Reproduction in Plants 23 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___27 / 32

6Lesson Solids, Liquids and Gases I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is a gas? [   ] (A) nitrogen (B) sugar (C) salt (D) milk 2) Which of the following is available in the form of crystals? [   ] (A) oxygen (B) petrol (C) copper sulphate (D) nitrogen Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) _______________________ is the amount of space that an object or substance occupies. (Weight/Volume) 4) In __________________, the particles are far away from each other. (gases/solids) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give an example of a liquid. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) What do we call strong winds blowing at high speeds? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘monsoon breeze’. State its importance with respect to the Indian climate. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 24 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___28 / 32

I Understand True or False 8) V  entilators near the roof help to drive away the warm air from the room. [ ] 9) Air does not contain water vapour at all. [] 10) Warm air is lighter than fresh, cold air. [] 11) Storms that bring sand are called snowstorms. [] Short Answer Questions 12) Why does matter appear in different forms? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) D raw a diagram showing the composition of gases in the air. Name the various gases present in the air. Ans. Solids, Liquids and Gases 25 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___29 / 32

Long Answer Question 14) C  omplete the following table that compares the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Ans. Solids Liquids Gases Solids have a definite shape Liquids ________________ Gases do not have a fixed shape or and volume. volume. __________________ a Solids _____________________ Liquids can flow. Gases ______________ flow. flow. In solids, particles are In liquids, particles are Gases have a lot of _________________________ loosely packed. space between the _________________________. particles. I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which property of liquids does the given picture show? [   ] (A) Liquids cannot flow. (B) Liquids have a fixed shape. (C) Particles of liquids are tightly packed. (D) Liquids take the shape of their container. 16) Which of the following should we have for good ventilation in the kitchen? [   ] (A) water filter (B) exhaust fan (C) gas stove (D) oven 26 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___30 / 32

Short Answer Questions 17) T he room in the picture shows many windows and ventilators. Why do we need windows and ventilators in houses? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) R oom A has two windows, and they face each other. On the other hand, Room B has only one window. Which room is better ventilated? Why? Room A Room B Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) J  afar is confused about how sea breeze and land breeze are different. Help him to know the difference between them. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Solids, Liquids and Gases 27 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___31 / 32

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Find the given words in the word search below. STORM, GAS, FLOW, BREEZE, FORCE, LIQUID, PARTICLE, SOLID SBR E E Z E PKX F VD Z K SD L HV L GMW F O R C E N OJ KQU L T I C L WE T GN I S N S I X HGNWD Z T T Q AK F L O J HVOU PAR T I CL E R I CGA S H X L Z MD S D E S L R T HWV 28 NR_BGM_9789387552395-TRAVELLER-G05-SCIENCE-WORKBOOK-PART1_Text.pdf___32 / 32

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