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18) One student weighs 35.53 kg and another student weighs 35.00 kg. Which one is heavier than the other? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Deepali arranged four wooden boards of lengths 4.5 m, 4.52 m, 4 m and 4.505 m from the longest to the shortest. What is Deepali’s order of the boards? Solution: Decimals 47

20) Farida wrote down the lengths of a few sticks as 32.40 cm, 23.124 cm, 23.524 cm and 65.763 cm. She arranged the sticks from the shortest to the longest. What is Farida’s order of the sticks? Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) The heights of six students standing in a line from the shortest to the tallest are 1.22 m, 1.28 m, 1.35 m, 1.40 m, 1.48 m and 1.50 m. Kamran is the seventh and the last student in the line. What should be his height? Solution: 48

Long Answer Question 22) S ix students were running a race. The time taken by five students to reach the finishing line are 1.71 min, 1.6 min, 1.65 min, 1.67 min, and 1.62 min. Arrange these times in ascending order. What should be the time taken by the sixth runner to reach the finish line first? Solution: Decimals 49

12Chapter Decimal Operations 12.1 Add and Subtract Decimals [] I Recall [] [] Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following pairs are like decimals? (A) 72.03, 53.70 (B) 1.24, 9.8 (C) 13.9, 32.82 (D) 132.7, 289.656 2) 75.32 and 96.414 are _____________ decimals. (A) equivalent (B) like (C) unlike (D) equal 3) An equivalent decimal of 46.600 is ___________.  (A) 46 (B) 46.06 (C) 46.66 (D) 46.6000 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions [] 4) 200.011 + 200.022 = ____________  [] (A) 200.022 (B) 200.033 (C) 200.300 (D) 400.033 [] 5) 111.111 – 110.111 = _____________  (A) 1.001 (B) 1.111 (C) 1 (D) 0.111 6) 999.000 – 888.000 = ___________  (A) 0.111 (B) 001.000 (C) 111.111 (D) 111.000 50

Fill in the Blanks 7) Before adding or subtracting decimals, convert the unlike decimals to _________ decimals. 8) 56.60 – 46.60 = _______________ 9) 101.330 + 101.331 = _________________ Very Short Answer Questions 10) Solve: 12.02 + 10.01 Solution: 11) Solve: 12.77 – 6.00 Solution: 12) Solve: 1.22 – 1.00 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Solve the following: a) 45.78 + 34.65 b) 90.80 – 70.70 Solution: 14) Solve the following: b) 34.35 + 20.30 a) 56.98 – 45.65 Solution: Decimal Operations 51

Long Answer Questions b) 345.9 – 56.89 15) Solve: d) 678.4 – 567.3 a) 557.65 + 23.45 c) 101.987 + 101.010 Solution: 52

16) Solve: b) 50.055 – 5.500 a) 1.001 + 0.101 d) 98.4 – 65.72 c) 24.78 + 33.56 Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Keshav spends ` 11.75 for a notebook, ` 23.50 for a pencil box and ` 25.25 for a box of erasers. How much money did he spend in all? Decimal Operations 53

Solution: 18) Teena bought crayons, water colours and colour pencils. Their prices are ` 127.50, ` 150 and ` 175.00. Find the total cost of the items that Teena bought. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) S hahid bought dry beans, dry peas and lentils. The respective weights of these pulses were 212 g, 145 g and 319 g. Express these weights in kilograms. What is the total weight (in kilograms) of the pulses that Shahid bought? 54

Solution: 20) Rose bought 1.350 kg of vegetables and 1.500 kg of fruits. She ate a total of 0.750 kg of fruits and vegetables combined. Find the total weight of vegetables and fruits left with Rose. Solution: Decimal Operations 55

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Dilip had to give ` 805.90 to his friend. However, he had ` 75.20 less than he needed. How much money did he have? Solution: Long Answer Question 22) Subtract the sum of 72.612 and 6.489 from the sum of 92.708 and 8.314. Explain with steps. Solution: 56

12.2 Multiply Decimals (D) 25200 [] (D) 8752 [] I Recall (D) 4860 [] Multiple Choice Questions 1) The product 1500 × 15 is _____________. (A) 15001 (B) 22500 (C) 15100 2) The product 604 × 13 is _____________. (A) 785 (B) 7825 (C) 7852 3) The product 576 × 14 is ____________. (A) 8064 (B) 8046 (C) 8460 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The product 57.6 × 4 is ____________. [] (A) 2304 (B) 23.04 (C) 2.304 (D) 230.4 5) The product 76.9 × 0.4 is ____________. [] (A) 307.6 (B) 30.76 (C) 3.076 (D) 30.67 6) The product 87.908 × 1000 is ____________. [] (A) 87908 (B) 8790.8 (C) 879.08 (D) 8.7908 Fill in the Blanks 7) The decimal point is shifted to the right by one digit if the multiplier is __________. 8) 189.15 × 100 = __________ 9) The decimal point is shifted to the right by ______________ digits if the multiplier is 1000. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Solve: 2.176 × 10 Solution: Decimal Operations 57

11) Solve: 1.387 × 100 Solution: 12) Solve: 4.894 × 1000 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Solve: 9.87 × 8.6 Solution: 14) Solve: 23.82 × 8.62 Solution: Long Answer Questions b) 364.16 × 1.9 15) Solve the following: a) 198.50 × 24 58

Solution: 16) Solve the following: b) 1089.76 × 0.89 a) 984.32 × 56 Solution: Decimal Operations 59

I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) The weight of a box of mangoes is 18.98 kg. What is the weight of 15 such boxes? Solution: 18) Ronit bought six shirts. If the cost of one shirt is ` 865.56, how much did he pay in all? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Amie buys 15 baskets of strawberries to share with her class. Each basket has 12 strawberries. How many strawberries does she have in total to share with her class? Each basket costs ` 156.75. What is the total cost of 15 such baskets? Solution: 60

20) E ggs are packed in boxes of 6. Rashi bought 16 boxes. How many eggs does she have in total? If the cost of one box is ` 34.67, how much did Rashi pay in all? Solution: Decimal Operations 61

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Find the missing numbers. a) ____________ × 100 = 235.2 b) 11.012 × _______________ = 1101.2 c) 781.4 × ___________ = 7814 d) 99.012 × _________ = 990.12 Long Answer Question 22) Ranjan bought 8 chairs for ` 789.23 each and Khushi bought 9 chairs for ` 650.23 each. Who paid less for the chairs and by how much? Solution: 62

13Chapter Percentages 13.1 Introduction to Percentage I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) 0.75 expressed as a fraction is ___________. [] [] (A) 75 (B) 75 (C) 0.75 (D) 7.5 [] 100 10 10 100 2) The fraction equivalent to 1.55 is ________. (A) 0.55 (B) 155 (C) 1 (D) 155 100 100 5 1000 3) 9.812 expressed as a fraction is __________. (A) 9812 (B) 9812 (C) 9812 (D) 9812 100 10 1000 10000 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions [ ] ] 4) The percentage equivalent of 35 is ___________. (D) 3.05% ] 100 (A) 3.5% (B) 35% (C) 0.35% 5) The fraction equivalent to 9.2% is _____________. [ [ (A) 92 (B) 92 (C) 92 (D) 9.2 100 10 1000 100 9 6) The percentage equivalent of 5 is ____________. (D) 1800% (A) 180% (B) 18% (C) 1.8% Fill in the Blanks 7) To convert any fraction into a percentage, _____________________________ the fraction by 100. 63

8) To convert 50.1% into a fraction, we divide 501 by __________________. 9) If ______________ is converted into a fraction, the result is 25 . 100 Very Short Answer Questions 10) Convert 550% into a decimal. Solution: 11) Convert 77% into a decimal. Solution: 12) What is the percentage of 24 ? 50 Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Convert 90% into a fraction and a decimal. Solution: 14) Convert the following into percentages. a) 9 b) 1 10 50 Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Look at the figure. Write the fraction and the percentage of both the blue section and the orange section. 64

Solution: 16) Convert the given percentages into fractions and decimals. Percentages Fractions Decimals 20% 5.5% 0.25% 155% I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) 9 of a glass is filled with water. What percentage of the glass is filled with 25 water? Solution: Percentages 65

18) Out of 25 students, 20 students were present in the Maths class. What percentage of students were present in the class? Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Out of 50 students in a class, 20 students like playing football, 16 students like playing kabaddi and the remaining students like playing cricket. What is the percentage of students who like each game? Solution: 66

20) Out of 100 marks in each subject, Ashima scored 56 marks in Maths, 62 marks in English, 87 marks in Science and 95 marks in Social Studies. What is the percentage in each subject? In which subjects did she score the maximum and the minimum? Solution: I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) A class has 50 students, of whom 28 know French. What is the percentage of students who do not know French? Solution: Long Answer Question 22) Shahid has ` 1000. He spent 15% on groceries and 26.5% on clothes. What percent of the total amount is left? Solution: Percentages 67


14Chapter Measurement 14.1 Conversion of Units of Measurement I Recall Multiple Choice Questions (C) 6300 mℓ (D) 6.300 mℓ [ ] 1) 6 ℓ 300 mℓ = __________ (C) 789 km 5 m (D) 7895 km 0 m [ ] (A) 63.00 mℓ (B) 630.0 mℓ (C) 634.5 (D) 6.345 [ ] 2) 7895 m = ________ (A) 78 km 95 m (B) 7 km 895 m 3) 6 kg 345 g = _________ g (A) 6345 (B) 63.45 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions [ ] 4) 67.898 km in km and m is __________. [ ] (A) 67 km 898 m (B) 678 km 98 m [ ] (C) 6789 km 8 m (D) 0 km 67898 m 5) 987.65 mm in cm is _________. (A) 98.765 cm (B) 9876.5 cm (C) 9.8765 cm (D) 9876.5 cm 6) 6 540 mg in g is ___________. (A) 0.0654 g (B) 0.00654 g (C) 65.40 g (D) 6 .540 g 69

Fill in the Blanks 7) 6 ℓ 7 mℓ = _________________ ℓ 8) 98.776 kg = _________________ g 9) 789 m = _________________ cm Very Short Answer Questions Compare the given measures using <, > or =. 10) 890 mℓ _______ 0.89 ℓ 11) 9.88 m _______ 988 cm 12) 8079 g ______ 8.079 kg Short Answer Questions 13) Convert: a) 9 ℓ 789 ml into ℓ b) 34.223 kg into g Solution: 14) Convert: a) 9.68 m into mm b) 42.346 ℓ into mℓ Solution: Long Answer Questions 15) Convert the following: a) 40564 g into kg b) 8 km 321 m into m c) 24.42 m into cm d) 1.234 ℓ into mℓ Solution: 70

16) a ) Convert 110 km 678 m into km. b) Convert 4.194 kg into g. Then convert into kg and g. Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) Add 567.89 kg and 678.89 kg. Convert the sum into g. Solution: Measurement 71

18) Multiply 678 cm by 56. Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) F arha travelled 789.65 km and her brother travelled 109.56 km. Who travelled more and by how many kilometres? Express the difference in km and also in m. Solution: 20) Sania buys 4556 kg of rice every month for her restaurant. How much rice does she buy in 6 months? Solution: 72

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) R oshan has a piece of cloth of length 190 m. He wants to cut it into 5 pieces of the same length. How many centimetres long would each piece be? Solution: Long Answer Question 22) R amya buys 89.07 kg of dog food for her dog every month. She also gets 76.32 kg of eggs every month. How much dog food and eggs does she buy in a year? Solution: Measurement 73

14.2 Area and Perimeter I Recall Multiple Choice Questions P O [ ] 1) Name the corners of the given figure. N [ ] (A) M, N, P, Q (B) M, Q, N, S M [ ] (C) M, N, O, P (D) M, R, O, T L K 2) Name the given 2D shape. 3 cm (A) Triangle (B) Square J (C) Rectangle (D) Circle 3) T he area of the given shape is _________. (A) 3 sq. cm (B) 9 sq. m (C) 9 sq. cm (D) 12 sq. cm I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The product that gives the area of a square is _________. [ ] [ ] (A) s × s (B) 4s (C) ℓ × b (D) 2 (ℓ + b) [ ] 5) The units of area are __________. 2 cm (A) cm and sq. m (B) cm and sq. cm (C) cm and m (D) sq. m and sq. cm 6) T he perimeter of the given figure is _________. (A) 7 cm (B) 10 sq. cm (C) 10 cm (D) 14 cm 5 cm 74

Fill in the Blanks 7) The perimeter of a square is given by __________. 8) The units of perimeter are _____________. 9) Area of a triangle is _______________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Find the area of a square having sides of 5 cm. Solution: 11) A rectangle is 4 metres long and 2 metres wide. What is its area? Solution: 12) Find the area of a triangle whose base is 2 cm and height is 3 cm. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Find the perimeter of each of the following figures. a) 2 cm b) 6 cm 6 cm Solution: 14) Find the area and perimeter of a square if the length of its sides is 4.1 cm. Solution: Measurement 75

Long Answer Questions 15) Find the perimeter of each of the given figures: 3 cm 3 cm a) 4 c m 5 c m b) 4 cm 4 cm 3 cm 2.5 cm 3 cm 0.5 cm c) 4 cm 4 c m d) 5 cm Solution: 5 cm 16) Solve the following: a) A rectangle is 8 metres long and 7 metres wide. Find its area and perimeter. b) Find the area of the triangle given. 6 cm 7 cm 76

c) Find the perimeter of the given triangle. 6 cm 10 cm 8 cm d) Find the area and perimeter of a square having side 10 cm. Solution: I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) T he length of a rectangular sheet is 9 cm and its width is 5 cm smaller than its length. Find the area and perimeter of the sheet. Solution: Measurement 77

5 cm18) Find the area of the given figure. 2 cm 4 cm Solution: Long Answer Questions 19) Solve the following: a) A rectangular swimming pool measures 12 metres by 8 metres. What is the area of the swimming pool? b) A rectangular table top is two times as long as it is wide. Its width is 1.5 metres. Find the area of the table top. Solution: 78

20) Find the areas of the given figures. b) a) 2 cm 5 cm 6 cm 9 cm 5 cm 4 cm 8 cm Solution: Measurement 79

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) Find the length (in cm) of the side of a rectangle whose perimeter is 70 cm and breadth is 7 cm. Solution: Long Answer Question 22) A wall is 6 m long and 3 m wide. If the cost of painting is ` 120 per sq. m, what would be the total cost of painting 4 such walls? Solution: 80

Measurement 81

15Chapter Data Handling 15.1 Line Graphs and Pie Charts I Recall Multiple Choice Questions The sale of cars for the different months in a shop is given in the graph. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow. Y - axis Sale of Cars 30 25 20 Cars Sold15 10 5 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May X - axis [] Months [] 1) In which month were the maximum number of cars sold? (A) February (B) March (C) January (D) May 2) How many cars were sold in May? (A) 5 (B) 15 (C) 25 (D) 30 82

3) In which months were equal numbers of cars sold? [] (A) February and April (B) February and May (C) January and April (D) April and May I Remember and Understand Look at the pie chart and answer the questions from 4 to 9. Favourite Fruits Multiple Choice Questions The circle graph given shows the fruits that children in a school like the most. Study the graph and answer the following questions. 4) The fruit liked by most number of children is _________.  [] (A) apple (B) mango (C) orange (D) banana 5) The fruit liked by least number of children is _________. [] (A) orange (B) banana (C) mango (D) apple 6) The percentage of children who like apple is ________.  [] (A) 10% (B) 9% (C) 23% (D) 58% Fill in the Blanks 7) The total percentage of children who like orange and banana is ________. 8) 9% of children like ______________. 9) The percentage of children who like orange the most is _________. Data Handling 83

Very Short Answer Questions The graph gives information about the time spent by a student studying different subjects. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow. Time Spent 10) For which subject did he spend the least amount of time? Solution: 11) For which two subjects did he spend the same amount of time? Solution: 12) For which subject did he spend the most time? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) The circle graph shows the different modes of transportation preferred by students to come to school. Study the graph and answer the following questions. Mode of Transportation 84

a) Which is the most preferred mode of transportation for coming to school? b) W hich mode of transportation is preferred more by the students - going to school by cycle or on foot? Solution: 14) The circle graph shows the percentages of students in a class who speak different languages at home. Read the graph and answer the following questions. Different Languages a) Which language is spoken at home by the maximum percentage of students? What is the percentage? b) W hich languages, when combined, are spoken at home by 43% of students? Solution: Data Handling 85

Long Answer Questions 15) T he favourite type of movie of students in a class is given as a circle graph. Observe the graph carefully and answer the questions that follow. Type of Movie a) W hich type of movie is the most favourite of the students? What is the percentage? b) Which type of movie is the least favourite of the students? What is the percentage? c) W hat is the combined percentage of students who like comedy and sci-fi? d) W hat percentage of students like action movies? Solution: 16) Rajesh recorded the percentage of profit made by a company from January to September. Observe the line graph and answer the following questions. a) I n which month(s) was the profit percentage maximum? What is the percentage? 86

b) What was the profit percentage for the month of February? c) I n which month(s) was the profit percentage minimum? What is the percentage? d) Which two months combined together gives profit percentage as 90? Y - axis Profit Percentage of the Company 100 90 80 70 Profit Percentage 60 50 40 30 20 X - axis 10 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Months Solution: Data Handling 87

I Apply Short Answer Questions 17) O ut of 50 students of Class V, 10 like chess, 20 like badminton, 5 like cricket and the remaining like football. Determine the fraction and percentage of the groups in a tabular format. Solution: 18) T here are 40 students in a class. Given here are the number of students who like different subjects. Find the fraction and percentage of students who like different subjects. Mathematics – 12 English – 15 Science – 6 Social Studies – 7 Solution: 88

Long Answer Questions 19) In a school, the following data is recorded about the vehicles taken by students and teachers to come to school. Calculate the fraction and percentage of the vehicles. Draw a circle graph for the data. Car – 20 School bus – 30 On foot – 10 Auto – 20 Solution: Data Handling 89

20) Aransha prepared for her English exam for a total of 32 hours. The time she took for each section is given below. Make a circle graph and answer the questions. Spelling: 5% Learning: 6% Reading: 33% Practising: 56% a) What is the total percentage of time spent for spelling, learning and reading? b) For what activity did Aransha spend the maximum time? c) What percent of the time was spent on learning? d) For what activity was the least time spent? What is the percentage? Solution: 90

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 21) T  he marks obtained in English by 30 students of a class are as given in the table. Write the tally marks and find their fractions and percentages. 20, 25, 30, 30, 25, 40, 50, 30, 30, 40, 50, 50, 50, 20, 20, 25, 25, 40, 40, 25, 25, 20, 25, 30, 25, 30, 40, 50, 25, 20 Solution: Long Answer Question 22) T he different items won by participants in a game show are as given below: w  ashing machine, car, dinner set, air conditioner, dinner set, washing machine, dinner set, air conditioner, dinner set, car, bike, air conditioner, dinner set, car, bike, washing machine, dinner set, air conditioner, dinner set, washing machine, dinner set, car, dinner set, car, bike, washing machine, bike, car, bike, air conditioner, dinner set, car, bike, bike, car, washing machine, bike, car, air conditioner, car M  ake a table using tally marks. Draw a circle graph for the same and answer the questions. a) How many participants won washing machines? b) Which item was won by the maximum number of participants? Solution: Data Handling 91


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