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1 LOOK AND LEARN TEXTBOOK PART-2 Name: ____________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: ______ School: ____________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap presents the latest version of the VISA NEP series. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the VISA NEP series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. The VISA NEP Look and Learn textbooks and workbooks envisage language learning through concerns pertaining to the learners’ immediate environment. They recognise the potential of languages available in the classroom for the enhancement of cognitive abilities along with language proficiency and sensitivity. They also strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The themes of the lessons are aligned with the themes recommended for English by the NCF 2005. The books are split into two parts to manage the bag weight. The VISA NEP Look and Learn textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Interactive content that engages learners through a range of open- ended questions that build curiosity and initiate exploration of the immediate environment  Effective use of visual elements to enable learning of personal relationships, the neighbourhood, and the larger community  A focus on vocabulary building through observable materials, structures, processes and phenomena  Integrated learning of values and life skills  Promotion of participatory and contextualised learning through the engagement of all relevant stakeholders in the learning process Overall, the ClassKlap VISA NEP Look and Learn textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to enhance language acquisition through exploration of the learners’ immediate physical, social and cultural experiences. They also hope to inculcate healthy habits, skills and values among learners to help them become responsible individuals. – The Authors

Textbook Features I Will Learn About I Remember Contains the list of learning Introduces new concepts to build on the objectives to be achieved in the prerequisite knowledge/skills required to lesson understand and apply the objective of the topic I Think Pin-up Note Introduces the concept/subtopic and arouses Contains key retention points from the curiosity among students concept Train My Brain I Understand Checks for learning to gauge the Explains the aspects in detail understanding level of students that form the basis of the concept I Apply Includes elements to ensure that students are engaged Connects the concept to throughout real-life situations by enabling students to apply what has been Be Amazed learnt through the practice questions Fascinating facts and trivia related to the concept Connect the Dots I Explore (H.O.T.S.) A multidisciplinary section that Encourages students to extend connects a particular topic to the concept learnt to advanced other subjects in order to enable application scenarios students to relate better to it A Note to Parent Activity Time To engage a parent in Provides for hands-on out-of-classroom learning of their experience with creating, child and conduct activities designing and implementing given in the section to reinforce something innovative and the learnt concepts useful

Contents Class 1 8 Wings and Tails ...................................Science and Technology��������������������������������1 9 What Should I Eat?..............................Health and Reproductive Health��������������������8 1 0 In the Kitchen .....................................Health and Reproductive Health������������������15 Activity Time – B ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Activity B1: Jal Tarang Activity B2: Fruit Salad 1 1 My House ............................................Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets������������23 1 2 Story of the Wheel ..............................Travel and Tourism�����������������������������������������29 1 3 Hot, Wet and Cold ..............................Science and Technology������������������������������37 Activity Time – C���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Activity C1: Roller Activity C2: Rain Gauge

Lesson Wings and Tails 8 I Will Learn About R different animals around us. U types of animals. A day and night animals. H identifying different animals. I Think Riya sees many animals in her alphabet chart. Some are big; some are small. Some can fly and some can walk. She wants to know the different types of animals around her. Can you help her? I Remember Animals can be seen all around us. Some animals can be seen inside our houses. Some can be seen only on farms or grounds near our houses. Some can be seen only in forests. 1

Animals Inside A House Some animals live in the farms, fields and houses. They are called domestic animals. They need humans for food, water, shelter and care. For example, dog, cat, cow, buffalo, chicken, sheep, goat, rabbit and so on. Domestic animals that live inside the house are called pets. For example, dogs, cats, rabbits, pet birds and so on. dog cat rabbit pet birds Domestic animals that live on farms and fields are called farm animals. They are very useful to us. For example, cow, buffalo, goat, horse and so on. cow buffalo horse goat Animals in the Jungle or Forests Some animals live in the jungle or forest. They are called wild animals. They find food, water and shelter on their own. For example, lion, giraffe, hyena, bear and so on. You may have seen them at the zoo. lion hyena giraffe bear 2

Can we see wild animals around us? Animals are of two types: We can see only farm animals or domestic 1) Domestic animals around us. But we may see some wild animals in the zoo. 2) Wild Domestic animals can be farm animals or pets. I Understand Animals are of many types. Let us look at different animals. 1) Size: Different animals have different shape, size and colour. Animals like the lion, tiger and elephant are big in size. Animals like the dog, rabbit and cat are small in size. animals differ in size, shape and colour 2) T ail: Tails of animals also differ in shape and size. For example, the tail of a dog is smaller than the tail of a tiger. Some animals have a tail; some do not. animals that have a tail animals that do not have a tail 3) Moving from one place to another: Some animals have legs, and some animals have wings to move from one place to another. Animals with legs can walk. Animals with wings can fly. Wings and Tails 3

animals with legs animals with wings There are other animals that do not have legs or wings. For example, snake, fish, worms and so on. animals that do not have legs or wings 4) P lace: Some animals live on land. For example, lion, elephant, dog, cat and so on. Some animals live in water. For example, fish, whale, dolphin and so on. Some animals live on land as well as in water. For example, frogs, crocodiles. frog crocodile 4

Train My Brain 1) Name any two pet animals. 2) Name any two animals that have wings. I Apply We know about many types of animals. Some animals are active during the day. They spend the whole night resting or sleeping. They are called day animals. For example, dog, monkey, elephant and so on. monkey elephant Some animals are not active during the day. They spend the whole day resting or sleeping. They are called night animals. They are active at night. For example, bat, mouse, owl and so on. bat mouse owl Wings and Tails 5

Be Amazed The pattern on the tiger’s body is stripes. No two tigers have the same stripes on their bodies. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) We have seen many different types of animals. • Wild and domestic animals • Day and night animals • Pet animals • Farm animals • Land and water animals Using these types, can you fill the given ‘Animal Letters Chart’? 6

Connect the Dots English Fun Write the rhyming words for the given animal names: 1) cat: 2) fox: Maths Fun Count the number of dogs. A Note to Parent Tell your child about the animals near your house. Ask them to group the animals as day and night animals, wild and domestic animals and so on. Visit a zoo to see animals having different sizes, shapes and tails. Wings and Tails 7

Lesson What Should I Eat? 9 I Will Learn About R the food we eat. U types of food. A food for good health. H eating food with others. I Think Riya eats her meals on time. But she likes to eat rice and dal only. She does not like vegetables. Is it good? I Remember baby drinking milk We eat food many times a day. Let us learn about the food we eat. Do you have a baby brother or sister? Small babies do not have teeth to chew. So, they mostly drink milk as food. Babies drink milk many times a day. 8

What do you eat and drink? You eat rice, dal, vegetables, roti and so on. You also eat milk and fruits. You may eat eggs and meat too. rice, dal, roti and vegetables milk fruits egg cooked meat When do you eat? We eat food at different times of the day. In the morning, we have Small babies have only milk. breakfast. We have lunch We eat rice, dal, roti, at noon and dinner at vegetables and so on. night. We drink milk every day. eating breakfast I Understand We learnt that small babies can drink only milk as food. As they grow, they start to eat soft food. Then they can eat khichdi, fruit pulp, juices and so on. When they get teeth, they start to eat hard(solid) food. Then, they eat food like roti, rice and vegetables. What Should I Eat? 9

The food we eat is of different types. Let us learn about them. CEREALS rice wheat grams (chana) PULSES lentils (masoor dal) VEGETABLES spinach carrots brinjals FRUITS apple grapes bananas oranges mango MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS curd butter cheese paneer 10

Meat and Eggs meat eggs Train My Brain 1) Name a cereal. 2) Name one milk product. I Apply Do your parents ask you to eat vegetables? They may also ask you to drink milk every day. Why do we need to eat all kinds of food? Let us find out. Food for Energy What happens if we do not eat food? We feel tired. We are not able to run or play. We need energy to study, run and play. Some food items give us energy. For example, cereals, oil, vegetables and fruits. cereals oil vegetables fruits What Should I Eat? 11

Food to Grow and be Strong Some food items we eat help us to grow. They also make our body strong. For example, pulses, milk, meat, fish and eggs. pulses milk products meat fish eggs To grow and become strong, we should eat these food items. Milk makes our teeth and bones strong. We should drink milk everyday. Food to Protect Some food items protect us from getting ill. Example: fruits, vegetables fruits leafy vegetables other vegetables Be Amazed There are around 7000 different types of apples. If we taste one type every day, it will take about 20 years to taste all the types. different types of apples I Explore (H.O.T.S.) At home, we eat food with our family members. Sometimes a group of people eat together. For example, during festivals, weddings and so on. 12

In some temples, people eat food together. People may eat together in places of worship like churches, mosques and gurudwaras. Have you heard of the midday meal in some schools? It is a free lunch given to children in those schools. It helps to make children healthy. During the midday meal, children sit together and eat their food. family eating together people eating midday meal in the school food together Food is very important for us. We must eat our lunch everyday. In school, we eat our lunch with our friends and teachers. It is not good to waste food. We must not leave anything in our lunch boxes. students sharing lunch Connect the Dots English Fun Read and enact this poem: Tomatoes make your cheeks red, Carrots make you jump ahead. Spinach makes you strong, Peas make you dance along. What Should I Eat? 13

Maths Fun Number of types of fruits in the basket = Number of types of fruits outside the basket = Total number of types of fruits = A Note to Parent Tell your child the importance of all types of food prepared at home. Encourage him or her to take vegetables, fruits and milk every day. 14

Lesson In the Kitchen 10 I Will Learn About R raw food and cooked food. U reasons to cook food. A cooking and serving vessels. H good cooking and eating habits. I Think Imagine you are hungry. There is no food ready to eat at that time. You found some brinjals in the fridge. Can you eat them? Why do we eat different food items in different ways? I Remember Look at the picture below. What kind of food do we see? We can see some fruits and vegetables. We can eat some of them raw. The food which we eat uncooked is called raw food. For example, orange, carrot, beetroot and so on. raw food 15

We do not eat brinjals raw. Similarly, we cannot eat raw grains, pulses and meat. We cook them before we eat. The food which is eaten after cooking is called cooked food. rice grains cooked rice wheat grains roti raw pulses cooked pulses raw pulses cooked pulses Two types of food that we eat are raw food and cooked food. raw meat cooked meat I Understand What is cooking? Cooking is the method to make the food soft with the help of heat. For example, boiling, baking or other methods of cooking. Why do we need to cook certain food items? 1) T o make the food soft: Some food items are hard. They are not easy to chew and swallow. Cooked ladies’ fingers are softer than raw ones. Rice, dal and meat also become soft on cooking. raw and cooked ladies' fingers raw and cooked dal 16

2) To make the food tasty: Think of eating raw potatoes and potato curry. The cooked potato curry is tasty. raw potatoes potato curry 3) To kill the germs: Uncooked food contains a lot of germs in it. These germs can make us ill. Cooking kills the germs in the food and makes it safe to eat. Methods of Cooking These are the different methods of cooking. 1) Boiling: Cooking food in hot water, for example, eggs. 2) Frying: Cooking food in hot oil, for example, chips. 3) Steaming: Cooking food using steam, for example, idli. 4) Baking: Cooking food in the oven, for example, cake. boiling frying steaming baking In the Kitchen 17

Train My Brain 1) Name any one method of cooking. 2) Name any one food item that can be eaten raw. I Apply We use different vessels for cooking and serving food. Cooking Vessels Vessels are picked based on the method of cooking. For example, we use pots for boiling. To fry, we use pans. We need a tava to make roti. Pressure cookers help us to boil and steam food. Spoons and ladles are used to mix food. pot frying pan griddle (tava) pressure cooker spoons and ladles Serving Vessels We use different vessels and utensils for serving and eating food. For example, trays, plates, bowls, spoons, forks and so on. tray plates bowls spoons forks 18

Be Amazed In olden times, people did not know about fire. So, they ate all food raw. Can you imagine eating a raw fish? I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Who cooks the food in your house? Do other family members help in cooking? Your parents wash the food items before they cook them. Washing helps to remove dirt and germs. They keep the cooked food in covered vessels. Dust and flies may spoil the food items if we leave them open. washing raw food before cooking keeping food in covered vessels Why do your parents tell you to wash your hands before eating? Washing hands with soap helps to remove the dirt and germs. Cooking Then and Now washing hands before meals In olden times, cooking was done using firewood or chulhas. Now, we have gas stoves at our houses. We also have hot plates, ovens and so on. They have made cooking easier and faster. chulha gas stove hot plate oven In the Kitchen 19

Connect the Dots English Fun Find one rhyming word each for: 1) cook: 2) fry: Maths Fun Find out the shapes of different vessels used for cooking. A Note to Parent Help your child identify raw food and cooked food. Show him or her different methods of cooking. Also, help him or her name the vessels used to cook. 20

Activity Time – B Make sure you do these activities only with the help of your teacher or an adult. Activity B1: Jal Tarang Jal Tarang is one of the oldest musical instruments. It uses different sizes of bowls filled with different amounts of water and a metal spoon. You will need: six glasses, water and a metal spoon (Note: Handle the glass carefully while filling the water, draining the water and tapping with the spoon.) You need to: 1) fill all the glasses with water. 2) tap them with a spoon. You can hear a very pleasant sound. 3) drain half of the water from all the glasses. 4) tap them with a metal spoon. Now the sound has changed. 5) p ut different amounts of water in each glass. (Use small amounts of water to avoid wastage and spilling). 6) tap them with a spoon again. Now you can hear different sounds. 21

Activity B2: Fruit Salad Fruit salad is a tasty and healthy snack that you can make in a short time. You will need: Soft fruits that are easy to cut or peel (bananas, oranges, grapes, apples), plastic utensils, cutting board and a mixing bowl You need to: 1) peel the bananas. Slice them into pieces on a chopping board. (Cut the fruits with the help of your teacher or parents only.) 2) wash the apple and cut it into small pieces. 3) wash the grapes and separate them. 4) add all of the fruits into a large bowl. 5) squeeze juice of one orange. 6) measure one-fourth cup of orange juice. 7) pour the orange juice into the bowl, mix all the ingredients, eat and enjoy! You can also make a fruit salad tree or other shapes using fruits. Different places in the world are famous for different types of salads. You can make salads with fruits or vegetables. Why is it important to wash fruits before eating? Find out. We should eat fruits either half an hour before or two hours after our meals. different types of salads 22

Lesson My House 11 I Will Learn About r why we need a house to live. U the use of different rooms in the house. A keeping our houses clean. H decorating our houses. I Think We have different rooms in our houses. We call them by different names. Why do we need different rooms? I Remember We live with our families in our houses. We eat, play and sleep in our houses. They keep us safe from the hot Sun, rain, thieves and wild animals. Houses have doors, windows and rooms. Rooms are of different sizes. Some houses have small rooms. Some have bigger ones. Some houses have many rooms. Some houses have few rooms. Some houses have a balcony too. We call rooms by different names. 23

Example: kitchen, dining room, drawing room, bedroom, bathroom The houses we live in have one or many rooms. The rooms are of different types. different rooms in a house I Understand What does your mother do in the kitchen? Your friends come to your house to play with you. In which room do you play with them? Each room in our house has a special use. Let us discuss them. Kitchen: A kitchen is a room for cooking food. Dining room: The family members sit and eat in the dining room. Some families use tables and chairs to sit and eat. Some families sit on the floor and eat. Where do you eat food in the house? kitchen 24

Does your family eat together? dining room Bedroom: We sleep in bedrooms. We also keep clothes and toys here. bedroom Drawing room: We use the drawing room when guests visit our houses. We can also do our homework here. We mostly keep the TV and sofa in these rooms. drawing room My House 25

Bathroom: We bathe in our bathrooms. Some houses have the bathroom and the toilet together. We use bathrooms to take a shower, wash our hands and face. Train My Brain bathroom 1) Name the room where we sleep. 2) In which room do we cook food? I Apply The house we live in with our family is our home. We need to keep it clean and tidy. A clean house keeps us healthy. It keeps illness away. Do you help your parents in cleaning the house? Our parents keep the house clean. We should also help them by: 1) k eeping our books, toys, shoes and socks in their correct place. 2) keeping our beds clean. 3) keeping our clothes in their proper place. 4) keeping the bathroom and toilet clean. things we need to keep the house clean 26

Be Amazed An igloo is a house made of snow. Here, the roof, walls and floor are made of snow. Igloos are found in very cold places. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Do you like to decorate your house? When do you decorate it? What are the different things that you use to decorate different rooms in your house? Draw any three things that you decorate your house with on your birthday. (Hint: balloons) My House 27

Connect the Dots English Fun Fill in the missing letters of the names of rooms. b1) dr om b2) thr om k3) tch n Maths Fun During the holidays, Aliya visited her uncle’s house. The house had • three bedrooms • one drawing room • one dining room • one kitchen How many rooms does the house have in all? A Note to Parent Talk to your child about the different rooms in your house. Tell them about the uses of the things kept in the house. Take your child for a walk down the street. Explain to them different types of how all the houses in the area are not of the same type. Tell houses them how the houses are made of different things. Show them how different houses have different shapes and sizes. 28

Lesson Story of the Wheel 12 I Will Learn About R the discovery of the wheel. U transport – then and now. A the different uses of the wheel. H pottery as a job. I Think You must have seen a bus, a car or a bicycle. All the three have wheels. Do you know where the wheel came from ? I Remember Do you like to ride a bicycle? Your bicycle or skates move on wheels. Let us know how and when we started using wheels. 29

The wheel was first used many years ago. At first, it was used as a potter’s wheel – for making pots. It was a flat disc. Many years ago the wheel was first used as a potter’s wheel. Then it was used to go from one place to another. potter’s wheel Then a log of wood was used to roll things. People could easily move heavy things by keeping them on a log and rolling it. log of wood load on a log Roll your pencil on your desk. Now try to roll your eraser. Which one rolls easily? A round or circle shape rolls easier than other shapes. Shapes square rectangle circle pentagon oval triangle rhombus hexagon star 30

Over time, the design of the wheel has changed. People in olden days came up with carts with wheels. They started using animal carts to carry heavy things. animal carts The wheel was first made of stone. Then people made wheels of wood. stone wheel wooden wheel Wheels in olden times were different from today. Wheels have changed from stone wheels to rubber wheels. I Understand We know that before the use of the wheel, people used animals such as horses, donkeys and cattle to carry heavy things. Now, we use vehicles with wheels to go from one place to another. animal carrying heavy things Story of the Wheel 31

Vehicles help us to travel and carry things. Most of the vehicles have wheels. vehicles Do a bicycle and a bus have the same number of wheels? The number of wheels is not the same in all vehicles. Let us see some examples. Two-wheeler: bicycle bike scooter cart Three-wheeler: auto rickshaw tricycle 32

Four-wheeler: car Vehicles with more than four wheels: bus truck Train My Brain 1) Was the first wheel made of stone or wood? 2) Name one vehicle with three wheels. I Apply Early humans used the wheels in many ways. • They were used to make carts. • They were used to draw water from wells. • Many old toys have wheels too. uses of wheel then 33 Story of the Wheel

Do you see other places where wheels are used? Let us look at some of them. • Sewing machine • Making cloth (charkha) • Giant wheel • Steering wheel • Grinding grains • Water wheels to pump water sewing machine charkha giant wheel turbine steering wheel water wheel unicycle Be Amazed There is a cycle which has only one wheel. It is called a unicycle. 34

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Do you drink water from earthen pots in summer? Who makes such pots? A potter makes earthen pots. A potter uses mud or clay to make these pots. He shapes the pots on the potter’s wheel. The pots are then dried to make them hard. Then, they are painted and decorated. The pots are now ready. A potter makes many such pots to sell. Connect the Dots English Fun Fill in the blanks to find the names of vehicles. 1) two-wheeler vehicles: b c cl 2) three-wheeler vehicles: r c sh w 3) four-wheeler vehicles: c r Story of the Wheel 35

Maths Fun Given below are a bus and a scooter. Use < or > to show which one has bigger wheels. A Note to Parent Whenever you go out with your child, show your child the different types of vehicles on the road. Ask them to count the number of wheels on different vehicles. Show them the different sizes of wheels on vehicles on the road. 36

Lesson Hot, Wet and Cold 13 I Will Learn About R weather, climate and seasons. U types of seasons. A taking care in different seasons. H my favourite season. I Think Noor loves to make paper boats when it rains. She wants it to rain during the whole year. Can it happen? I Remember On some days you feel cold. On some days you feel hot. Why do you feel hot or cold at different times of the day and year? What kind of a day is it today? Weather changes within a few hours. It can be sunny in the morning, hot in the afternoon and cold in the night. We may see different types of weather on the same day. It can be cloudy, hot, dry, sunny, windy, rainy and so on. 37

Climate is the weather of a place for a long time. hot climate cold climate Now, what is a season? Seasons are different parts of the year with a special climate. There are five seasons. They are: 1) summer 2) monsoon (rainy) 3) autumn 4) winter 5) spring summer monsoon autumn winter spring Summer, winter and monsoon are the main seasons. Autumn and spring are the short seasons. 38

I Understand All five seasons have different climates. So, we eat different food and wear different clothes. Can you think of one food that you eat in summer but not in winter? Let us learn about the five seasons. 1) Summer: • Weather is very hot. 2) Monsoon: • It is cloudy and rainy. summer 3) Autumn: • Old leaves turn yellow and fall down. 4) Winter: • It is cold. • A t some places, there is snowfall. monsoon autumn 5) Spring: • Some places also have a season called spring season. • We see new leaves and flowers. winter • It is not too hot or too cold. spring Hot, Wet and Cold 39

Train My Brain 1) Name any one season. 2) In which season is there snowfall in some places? I Apply Our body needs special care in each season. In summer, the weather is hot and dry. We sweat a lot. • We wear cotton clothes. • We should drink a lot of water. sweating during summers In winter, the weather is cold. • We wear warm clothes. In the rainy season, it rains and there is water everywhere. • We use raincoats and umbrellas. we use in summer we use in winter we use in rainy season Different seasons affect our daily lives. What do you feel like eating in summers? 40

Can you play outside in the rainy season? What happens to leaves and flowers in autumn? Be Amazed In winter, the days are short and nights are long. In summer, the days are long but nights are short. I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Which is your favourite season? Draw the scene. Collect pictures and paste them in your scrapbook. Hot, Wet and Cold 41

Connect the Dots English Fun Do you know any poem about seasons? Let us read and recite the poem on seasons. Seasons are fun One, two, three, four, five A year has seasons five. Monsoon, Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer, All come one after the other. Maths Fun Ritu plants two trees in each season. How many trees does she plant in a year in total? A Note to Parent Help your child in making an annual calendar. To understand the duration of various seasons, mark the months with different colours for different seasons. List down the activities they do during each season. 42

Activity Time – C Make sure you do these activities only with the help of your teacher or an adult. Activity C1: Roller You will need: four bottle caps, a straw, a long cylindrical rod or toothpick, clay, empty match box, Fevicol You need to: 1) make holes on the four bottle caps with the help of your teacher or parents. The hole should be big enough to let the rod or toothpick pass through. 2) insert the rod or toothpick inside the straw. (The straw should be shorter in length than the rod.) 3) place the two bottle caps at both the ends of the rod. 4) seal both the ends with clay. Let it dry (preferably in the Sun). 5) do the same with the other two bottle caps. Now you have four wheels of your roller. 6) place the empty match box in the middle of both the straws. Stick it with Fevicol. Then let it dry for some time. This will make the body of your roller. Your roller is now ready. 43

Activity C2: Rain Gauge A rain gauge is used to measure the amount of rain falling over a period of time. Let us make our own rain gauge. You will need: an empty two-litre plastic bottle, scissors, sticky tape, ruler, paper, pencil You can also use a flat, straight sided jar to avoid the step of cutting the bottle and adding stones. (Always use scissors with the help of your teacher or parents.) You need to: 1) cut the top of the bottle. 2) place some stones in the bottom of the bottle. This will make the bottom of the bottle straight so that you can measure the level of water easily. 3) turn the cut top upside down and tape it to the bottle step 1 as shown below. 4) use a ruler and marker pen to draw a scale on the bottle. step 2 step 3 step 4 5) p our water into the bottle until it reaches the bottom marking on the scale. This finishes your rain gauge. 6) put your rain gauge outside in the open and away from trees. 7) c heck how much water is filled in the bottle after the rain. Write down the amount of rainwater collected in your weather diary. 44

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