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by classklap SCIENCE WORKBOOK - TERM 1 Enhanced Edition 5 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 1 15-Jun-19 6:38:09 PM

Preface IMAX Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX Program presents the latest version of the Pinnacle series – specially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Tamil Nadu state board textbooks. The Pinnacle series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the Tamil Nadu Curriculum Framework in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Samacheer textbooks. The Class 5 workbooks are based on the latest edition of the Class 5 textbooks released for the academic year 2019-20. A close mapping has been undertaken to ensure that the workbooks support and add value to the textbook content. The larger aim of the TNCF 2017 regarding EVS/Science teaching is to acknowledge and address the dynamic nature of EVS/Science by focusing on the development of skills to acquire and process information scientifically. It also recommends the use of graphics, illustrations and pictures to help students to engage with concepts and ideas better. Below are some salient features of the Pinnacle EVS/Science workbook series:  Arrangement of questions based on the RUAH (Remember, Understand, Apply and Higher Order Thinking Skills) model based on Bloom’s Taxonomy  Stimulating Application and Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) questions that ensure students engage with the content and not just focus on rote learning  Effective use of concept maps to enable learning of structures, processes and phenomena  Exposure to locally relevant environmental problem solving Overall, the IMAX Pinnacle series aims to enhance the development of scientific temper along with the inculcation of healthy habits, skills and values that promote environmentally sensitive and culturally responsive democratic citizenship among students. – The Authors PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 2 15-Jun-19 6:38:09 PM

Workbook Features Concept Map Remembering A graphic organiser to be used to Questions aimed at helping students to recap the main points covered in recollect critical information regarding the lesson the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the concept Application Understanding Applying the understanding of the Questions aimed at helping students concept to questions related to real-life engage with the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the scenarios concept Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Extending the application of the concept to more advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills Term Project Inside the Lab Hands-on experience provided at the end Activities that can be done to enhance of the term for creating and designing learning something innovative and useful PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 3 15-Jun-19 6:38:10 PM

Lesson Name Page No. 1) Organ systems 1 2) Matter and materials 6 3) Energy 11 4) Science in everyday life 16 21 Inside the Lab 23 Term Project PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 4 15-Jun-19 6:38:12 PM

Lesson 1: Organ systems Concept Map Organ systems Digestive system Circulatory system digestive tract heart digestive glands blood blood vessels Respiratory system _______ (1) Nervous system lungs central nervous system muscles of respiration brain ____________ (3) Excretory system nerves kidneys ________ (2) ____________ (4) nervous system urinary bladder somatic nervous system autonomous nervous system PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 1 1 15-Jun-19 6:38:13 PM

Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Which of the following is not a complex compound? [    ] (A) glucose (B) proteins    (C) fats (D) carbohydrates 2) Which of the following connect the kidneys to the urinary bladder? [    ] (A)   neurons (B)  blood vessels (C)  ureters (D)  trachea Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) The ________ are the primary organs of the respiratory system. 4) The ___________ system removes the waste products or wastes from our body. Match the Following (5M) 5) a) pumps blood 6) b) produces bile for the digestion of fat 7) c) helps us to think, read and write 8) d) filters blood to remove waste 9) e) gives out carbon dioxide Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 2 15-Jun-19 6:38:18 PM

Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) Name the organ or gland that produces bile juice. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Which organ system helps in transporting oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) Identify whether the statement is true or false. The double-walled membrane which covers the heart is ‘rib cage’. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Which among the cerebrum and the cerebellum is the largest part of the brain? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Complete the following sentences. a) Digestion is the process of _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ b) Cerebellum co-ordinates the ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ c) Heart is placed inside the _________________________________________________ in between ____________________________________________________________________ 15) Explain nephrons in your own words. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Organ systems 3 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 3 15-Jun-19 6:38:19 PM

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Describe blood vessels. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) Which nervous system helps us to feel different sensations? Describe it in brief. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Complete the table by filling in the empty boxes. Body part Organ system Function digestive tract airway ureters 4 15-Jun-19 6:38:19 PM PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 4

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Discuss how the respiratory system and the circulatory system are interrelated. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question (4M per question) 20) Complete the digestive and respiratory tracts. Which organ is a part of both the digestive and the respiratory system? Ans.     Digestive System Respiratory System Mouth Nostrils Buccal Cavity Nasal Cavity (a) ____________ Pharynx Esophagus Larynx Stomach Trachea (b) ______________ Bronchi Large intestine (c) ____________ Anus Alveoli ________________________________________________________________________________ Organ systems 5 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 5 15-Jun-19 6:38:19 PM

Lesson 2: Matter and materials Concept Map Matter and materials Matter It has mass and occupies space. Solid: Molecules are very closely packed. (Ex: book, chair) States of matter _______(1): Molecules are loosely packed. (Ex: water, oil, kerosene) Material Gas: Molecules are very loosely packed. (Ex: LPG, aerosol, vapour) Fibre a mixture of substances that constitute an object Grains _________(2) fibres (Ex: cotton, jute, coir) synthetic/man-made fibres (Ex: rayon, polyester, acrylic, nylon) _________(3) (Ex: corn, oat, rice) legumes (Ex: beans, peas, chickpea) Household the products that we use in our house permanently goods (Ex: furniture, clothes, boots) Sinking If the weight of an object is more than the upthrust, it sinks. (Ex: coin, spoon, marbles) Floating If the weight of an object is less than the upthrust, it floats. (Ex: feather, wooden piece, plastic bottle) Solubility of solids in soluble (Ex: salt, sugar) water ___________(4) (Ex: sand, saw dust) Mixing Liquids of different densities separate when the mixing is stopped. 6 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 6 15-Jun-19 6:38:21 PM

Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Which of the following is a liquid?  [    ] (A) apple (B) buttermilk (C) air (D) chair 2) What is the process of making yarn from lint called?  [    ] (A) ginning (B) knitting (C) spinning (D) weaving Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) _______________ is referred to as the golden fibre. 4) _____________________ fibres are made by human beings with the help of a chemical process. Match the Following (5M) 5) a) peas 6) b) millet 7) c) wheat 8) d) maize 9) e) rice Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Matter and materials 7 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 7 15-Jun-19 6:38:33 PM

Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) Name the state of matter in which the molecules are closely packed. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Name any one liquid that does not dissolve in water. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) Which property of an object determines whether it floats or sinks? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Which among nylon and polyester is used to make PET bottles? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Complete the following sentences. a) Spinning is the process of _________________________________________________ b) Weaving is the process of _________________________________________________ c) Ginning is the process of __________________________________________________ 15) Explain upthrust in your own words. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 8 15-Jun-19 6:38:34 PM PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 8

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Describe grains with examples. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) Identify the household goods used to perform the given tasks. Ans. Task Household good a) listening to an audio without video b) checking the time c) electronic device for washing clothes 18) Complete the given table for the given examples. Ans. Example State of matter Shape of the object (definite/no definite shape) a) apple b) petrol c) water vapour Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Why does a plastic spoon float on water? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Matter and materials 9 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 9 15-Jun-19 6:38:34 PM

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question (4M per question) 20) Complete the flowchart on the different types of fibres. Also, collect any three fibres and paste them in the empty box given below. Also, write the names of the collected fibres. Ans. Fibres ________________ Synthetic/Man-made Fibre cotton jute _______ rayon _______ polyester _______ 15-Jun-19 6:38:34 PM 10 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 10

Lesson 3: Energy Concept Map Energy Forms of energy mechanical energy kinetic energy - energy possessed by a moving object _________ (1) energy - energy possessed by an object which is at rest wind energy - energy possessed by the wind heat energy - energy released from the substance when temperature is increased light energy - energy that travels in the form of waves _________ (2) energy – energy caused by the movement of electron chemical energy – energy stored in substances when atoms join together to form chemical compounds Uses of energy helps in doing different kinds of work used for generating _____________ (3) used for running vehicles, cooking food, molding metals, and so on light helps us to see helps in the working of electrical appliances Conservation of energy water dams - potential energy into __________ (4) energy electrical appliances - electrical energy into mechanical, heat, light or sound energy burning of fuels - chemical energy into heat energy 11 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 11 15-Jun-19 6:38:35 PM

Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Which of the following objects possesses potential energy?  [    ] (A) moving fan (B) flowing water (C) rolling ball (D) water in a tank 2) Which of the following energies is visible to man? [    ] (A) light energy (B) wind energy (C) heat energy (D) kinetic energy Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) The food we eat contains __________ energy. 4) Light energy travels in the form of _________. Match the Following (5M) 5) a) chemical energy 6) b) light energy 7) c) heat energy 8) d) potential energy 9) e) wind energy Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 12 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 12 15-Jun-19 6:38:42 PM

Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) Name the source of light energy used by plants for preparing food. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Name the types of mechanical energy. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) Which form of energy is used for washing clothes in a washing machine? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) A man is standing out in the sunlight. Which of the two vitamins, Vitamin D or Vitamin B, is likely to be synthesised by his skin? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Briefly discuss the type of energy used to mold hard materials into different shapes. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) Differentiate between electrical energy and wind energy and give one use of each. Ans. Electrical energy Wind energy Energy 13 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 13 15-Jun-19 6:38:43 PM

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Give four examples of objects or things which possess chemical energy and discuss their uses. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) How are dams useful in generating electricity? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Give three daily-life examples where kinetic energy is converted into heat energy. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Here are a few examples of conservation of energy. Write the type of energy transfer taking place in each of them. 14 15-Jun-19 6:38:43 PM PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 14

Ans. Examples Type of energy conversion a) switching on a fan b) switching on a TV c) hitting a stationary ball d) burning of fuel Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question (4M per question) 20) Complete the flowchart by using words given below. (electrical energy, mechanical energy, chemical energy, burning candle, wind energy, potential energy, burning fuels, flowing water) Ans. Energy light (e) ____________ heat (g) ____________ energy ____________ energy ____________ (d) _________ helps to (f) _________ stored in _________ sail boat _________ batteries (a) ____________________ (h) ___________ ____________________ ___________ (b) ___________ kinetic helps to work ___________ energy on computer water stored (c) _________ in dam _________ Energy 15 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 15 15-Jun-19 6:38:43 PM

Lesson 4: Science in everyday life Concept Map Science in everyday life Scientists Changes around us Sir C.V. Raman reversible changes Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ____________________(1) Wastes from Study of wastes households organic waste Need for proper ____________(2) disposal of waste recyclable waste solid waste to control pollution ___________(3) to conserve natural resources Wastes from to control the spread of diseases schools to recycle wastes for further use Ways to reduce waste ________(4) reuse recycle dispose 16 15-Jun-19 6:38:44 PM PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 16

Remembering Multiple Choice Questions (1M per question) 1) Identify the e-waste among the following.  [    ] (A) kitchen waste   (B) computer parts   (C) paper   (D) paints 2) Select the colour that is NOT a part of white light. [    ] (A)  violet (B)  green     (C)  orange   (D)  black Fill in the Blanks (1M per question) 3) All chemical changes are __________________ changes. 4) Dr M.S. Swaminathan contributed to the _____________ revolution. Match the Following (5M) 5) a) organic waste 6) b) recyclable waste 7) c) toxic waste 8) d) an example of reversible change 9) e) an example of irreversible change Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Science in everyday life 17 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 17 15-Jun-19 6:38:51 PM

Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 10) When is ‘National Science Day’ celebrated in India? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Name any two types of household wastes. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions (1M per question) 12) Is cooking an egg a reversible change or an irreversible change? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Which colour in sunlight does not scatter during sunset and sunrise? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 14) Differentiate between reversible and irreversible changes. Ans. Reversible changes Irreversible changes 15) State any three reasons why there is need for waste management. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 18 15-Jun-19 6:38:52 PM

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 16) Why does the sky appear blue? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Short Answer Questions (3M per question) 17) Write the type of change (reversible/irreversible) taking place in the following examples. a) melting of chocolate b) making of ghee from butter c) burning of paper to ash Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Suggest any three measures to reduce waste in your home and surroundings. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Science in everyday life 19 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 19 15-Jun-19 6:38:52 PM

Long Answer Question (4M per question) 19) Read the names of different wastes given in the box. Write them in the columns based on the type of waste management that can be done to them. chemical fertilizers vegetable peels old newspapers plastic covers electronic materials cell phone parts broken glass waste solid waste Ans. Reduce Reuse Recycle Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question (4M per question) 20) Look at the pictures and answer the question. These days, straws are made with different materials to avoid ‘one-time-use’ plastic straws. Identify and write the materials that the straws are made of. Ans. 1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 1 2 34 4. ________________ 20 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 20 15-Jun-19 6:38:55 PM

Inside the Lab Up, Up and Away! Every object on the Earth has potential energy at rest. When an object is moving, it has kinetic energy. A catapult helps in energy conservation. Let us make a catapult and find out how a catapult helps to transfer energy from the spoon to the object. The object will have potential energy until the spoon is released. Then, the object will have kinetic energy as it flies through the air. You will need: nine craft sticks or ice-cream sticks, six good-quality rubber bands, one plastic spoon. You need to: 1) take seven craft sticks and bind them together using two rubber bands, one at each end. 2) bind the other two craft sticks together towards the end of the sticks, using another rubber band. 3) put the stack of seven sticks in between the two-stick bundle. 4) secure these two bundles with a rubber band in a cross fashion. 5) use a few rubber bands and attach the plastic spoon to the open end of the top stick, as shown in the given image. 6) try catapulting pebbles or other small objects using the catapult. Explain how energy is converted when you use the catapult you prepared. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 21 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 21 15-Jun-19 6:38:56 PM

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 22 15-Jun-19 6:38:57 PM PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 22

Term Project Let’s make a model of the digestive system to understand its functions. Also, explain the function of salivary glands in the process of digestion. You will need: • cardboard • brown paper • tubing or piping of 6 different sizes (Refer to the picture.) • markers • stickers • adhesive materials (glue or tape) • empty soft drink can • plastic bottles of 4 different sizes (Refer to the picture.) • empty juice tetra pack • empty toothpaste tube You need to: 1) paste the brown paper on the cardboard using glue or tape. 2) cut off the bottom half of the toothpaste tube. 3) stick the toothpaste tube (as mouth), the plastic bottle (as liver), the soft drink can (as the stomach) and the juice tetra pack on the cardboard using glue or tape, as shown in the picture. 4) u se rubber pipes of different sizes for the tubular organs such as the food pipes and the intestines. Also, cut one small piece of rubber pipe to represent the anus. Once these are cut, arrange them in the proper order and position. Now, stick these pipes to the board using glue or tape. 23 PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 23 15-Jun-19 6:38:58 PM

5) label the organs in the digestive system using markers and stickers: mouth, food pipe, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver and anus. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 24 15-Jun-19 6:38:59 PM PNC_Science_G5_WB_Term1.indb 24

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