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4) 5) 6) The cat wanted milk. The deer saw the hunter. The bear climbed the mountain. Verb Object Verb Object 1)   prescribed medicine 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Verbs can be transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb has an object. Notice that the verbs in the above-mentioned sentences are all transitive. Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not require an object to complete their meaning. Examples: Nita’s baby slept. The plant grows. The mouse squeaked. The Sun shines. The children laugh. She wrote quickly. In the given sentences, the verbs in bold provide complete meaning even without any object. They are intransitive verbs. A Lesson in Addition 47

Exercise 3.1: Underline the verbs in the sentences and say whether they are ‘transitive’ or ‘intransitive’. For transitive verbs, circle the objects. One is done for you. 1) The children ate apple puddings. – transitive 2) The Sun rises in the east. – _________________________________ 3) The children sat. – _________________________________ 4) The farmer cut the grass. – _________________________________ 5) They talked. – _________________________________ 6) The boy threw the ball. – _________________________________ Exercise 3.2: Look at the underlined verbs in the given sentences. Decide whether they are transitive or intransitive and tick the appropriate box. One is done for you. Transitive Intransitive 1) My mother laughed.  2) The servant carried the bags. 3) The ball on the table fell. 4) The lion in the cage roared. 5) Neeta made sandwiches. 6) The match starts at 5:00 p.m. Exercise 3.3: Underline the sentences that have intransitive verbs. Then, rewrite the sentences by adding objects and making the verbs transitive. Write ‘NA’ for the sentences that do not require any change. One is done for you. 1) The students eat. Ans. The students eat cake. 2) I caught a tiger. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) She has worn a pretty dress. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) The farmer grows. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 48

5) I saw a movie. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Jaya telephoned. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Language in Use Past perfect tense Read the following paragraph: Dina and Ravi participated in a dance competition yesterday. They had practised for this performance for almost a year. They glided together on the dance floor like birds in the sky. The audience went wild. It was Dina and Ravi’s first public performance. They had never danced in front of people before. They had got inspired by salsa dancers. For this performance, they had designed their own costumes and had composed the music as well! Many dancers participated in the competition. The judges awarded the first prize to Dina and Ravi. Needless to say, they were over the moon! The previous paragraph talks about an event in the past – the dance competition – and the events that happened before it. We use the past perfect tense to show which of two past actions happened first. When I arrived at the party, my best friend had already left. an earlier past a more recent past now event event past simple perfect past General form (past perfect tense) subject + had + past participle form of verb + object A Lesson in Addition 49

Let us look at a few more examples: Later events in the past Earlier events in the past before the guests arrived. before it crashed. I had already finished my dinner she visited me. The aeroplane had received many warnings when I arrived at the clinic. After Navika had completed her work The doctor had left Earlier actions in the past Later events in the past When we reached their house the baby had slept. Before the computer crashed I had saved all my data. Meera did not have any money as she had lost her wallet. Second event in the past First event in the past before the When Satyam reached the cinema hall second event occurred the movie had already started. Exercise 4.1: Circle the past perfect form of the verbs in the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) Everyone had gone home when I reached the party. 2) After Samar had eaten his breakfast, he left for school. 3) When the chief guests arrived, the dance performance had already started. 4) The train had just left when I arrived at the station. 5) Mayur had cleaned the house before the children arrived. 6) Siya had studied French before she moved to Paris. Exercise 4.2: Fill in the past perfect form of the verbs and complete the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) You said that you had bought (buy) this dress from a mall. 2) Seema ________________________________________ (spend) her holiday in Gulmarg. 3) The little boy ________________________________________ (break) the vase. 4) We ________________________________________ never __________________________________ (see) such an amazing bridge. 5) She ________________________________________ (write) many letters to her son. 6) They ________________________________________ already _______________________________ (paint) the wall. 50

Exercise 4.3: Fill in the blanks in the given sentences using the simple past or past perfect forms of the verbs in brackets. One is done for you. 1) He had eaten (eat) his dinner before he boarded (board) the bus. 2) I ________________________________________ (finish) my project work before I ____________ ____________________________ (sleep). 3) Ayush ________________________________________ almost _______________________________ (complete) his homework when the lights ___________________________________ (go) off. 4) They ________________________________________ (live) in Hyderabad for five years before they ________________________________________ (move) to Gurgaon. 5) By the time I ________________________________________ (reach) home, my father _______ _________________________________ (repair) the bicycle. 6) Mr Khanna ________________________________________ (own) this house for five years before he ________________________________________ (sell) it. Formal Writing Report writing Read the given sample of a report. Read it carefully and notice the language used. Also notice the facts and details mentioned, along with the format. Byline Singing duo shines at Cultural Day Headline Name of author, date It should be brief and and day By Ahana Awasthi, Saturday, 4th November 2017 catchy. Leave out articles, prepositions Body COIMBATORE: The students at Little Genius School on Friday and so on. It is usually written in showcased their cultural skills on the occasion of the school's third person and indirect Cultural Day, held on the school’s grounds as part of their Lead paragraph speech. Passive voice week-long pre-Diwali celebrations. It usually answers the and neutral language are questions: Who? What? used. Incidents are told The highlights of the Cultural Day were a ‘jugalbandi’ Where? Why? in the order in which they performance by brothers Amrit and Tarun Vijayaraghavan, happened. which earned high praise from all the attendees, and a Eyewitness accounts panel discussion with noted theatre artist Quasar Thakore They make the details Padamsee and actress-dancer Shobhana. more believable. Other performances that were appreciated were a fusion dance of many traditional Indian dance forms and a comic performance by Kalpana Rao, a high school student. A parent, T.S Gopi, said that it was inspiring to see such high levels of participation in the event and that he hoped the students would continue to reach new heights of excellence in all areas. A Lesson in Addition 51

Exercise 5: Complete the report given below on a school visit to the zoo on Annual Day. Also, provide a suitable title to the report. ____________________________________________________ By ________________________, ____________________ 2018 ________________________________________: On the morning of October 10, the students, teachers and staff of ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ at ___________________________________________ sharp for _____ _________________________________________________ as part of their Annual Day celebrations. Many animals were spotted, such as the___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. There was also a panel discussion on ______ ________________________________________________________________________________, where the zoo authorities spoke about _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________. The highlight was __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________, where students wrote about ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. Some of these selected essays __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________. 52

Creative Writing Biography writing Exercise 6: Interview your favourite teacher. Write a short biography of him or her. Use the hints given below to help you write. Hints: • Where and when was she or he born? • Describe her or his childhood. • Give a few details of her or his childhood. • What kind of a person is she or he? • Why do you admire her or him?                A Lesson in Addition 53

Lesson 6 Days with Kiki Section Name What I Will Learn Module 6 Dictation Sentence dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Synonyms 54

Dictation Exercise 1.1: Sentence dictation 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 1.2: Listening audio [ ] 1) How do dogs help people who cannot move?  (A) by helping them across the road (B) by fetching things for them (C) by making them smile (D) by chasing geese away 2) How can dogs help unhappy people? [] (A) by saving them from drowning (C) by helping them across the road (B) by being noisy (D) by making them smile 3) What does a dog do to keep people safe? [] (A) they sniff out fires and notify fire fighters (B) they are cute (C) they are extremely fast learners (D) they fetch things for people 4) What is one of the strangest tasks that dogs undertake? [] (A) make unhappy people smile (B) help deaf people hear (C) chase geese away from airports (D) save drowning people 5) What is a dog’s best work? [ ] (A) being able to sniff out bombs (B) being man’s truest friend (C) being a fast learner (D) being able to do strange jobs Days with Kiki 55

B C Vocabulary A Synonyms Exercise 2.1: Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with their synonyms and rewrite the sentences. Use a dictionary if needed. 1) Rahul gave me a gift on my birthday. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) They began shouting as soon as they saw the lion. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) I was very unhappy when I lost my cricket bat. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) A crowd collected outside the movie star’s house. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Cars should halt when the traffic light turns red. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Mother had made sufficient laddoos for all my friends. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 2.2: Write a word similar in meaning to each of the given words. Choose the words from the box below and write them against the given words. hurry   repair   careful   clothes   huge   fat 1) garments – _______________________________ 56

2) hasten – _______________________________ 3) enormous – _______________________________ 4) plump – _______________________________ 5) cautious – _______________________________ 6) mend – _______________________________ Days with Kiki 57

Lesson 7 The Story of Eklavya Module 7 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Grammar Ways of speaking Language in Use Formal Writing Articles Creative Writing Prepositions Paragraph writing Fill in the gaps to complete a story 58

Dictation Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Exercise 1.2: Listening audio 1) Who is the main character in the story? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What bad habit did Raju have? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What did Sheetal offer Raju? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What did Raju’s mother tell him to do in order to free his hand out of the jar? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) What is the moral of the story? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ B C Vocabulary A Ways of speaking There are many words in the English language to describe the manner in which a person speaks. The Story of Eklavya 59

Examples: • Shabnam whispered in my ears. In the sentence above, the word ‘whispered’ means 'spoke in a soft, low, hushed tone'. • Raj hummed to himself. In the sentence above, the word ‘hummed’ means ‘made a low continuous sound or sang in a low voice’. Exercise 2.1: Given below are a few more words that describe how people speak. Find out the meanings of these words. Use a dictionary if required. One is done for you. 1) mumble : speak in a low, unclear voice 2) hiss : __________________________________________________________________________ 3) murmur : __________________________________________________________________________ 4) ramble : __________________________________________________________________________ 5) shriek : __________________________________________________________________________ 6) splutter : __________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given in the word box. These words are all related to ways of speaking. One is done for you. murmur      bark      mutter     chat     yell     hum 1)  The old man walked out of the shop, muttering about the price of vegetables. 2) The two friends _________________________________ away for an hour. 3) The children were _________________________________ while playing. 4) The singer _________________________________ the new song. 5) The children _________________________________ answers during the test, which angered the teacher. 6) 'What do you want?' the angry shopkeeper _________________________________. 60

Grammar Articles Fill in the blanks with the correct articles to complete the paragraph. ______________ frog can live in ______________ water and on ___________ land. It is called ___________ ‘amphibian’. ‘Amphibian’ is ____________ Greek word, which means ‘having a double life’. ___________ wet skin holds the secret of ___________ frog’s double life. It can breathe only when ______________ skin is wet. If ___________ skin dries out, ________________ frog cannot breathe. Isn’t that ___________ interesting piece of information? Remember: • Articles are words used before nouns. • There are three articles in English: ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’. • ‘A’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles, while ‘the’ is called the definite article. Examples: A is used before singular, countable nouns beginning with consonant sounds. Tejas is a little boy. She is wearing a uniform. Gagan has a red car. The Story of Eklavya 61

An is used before singular, countable nouns beginning with vowel sounds. An old man sat on the bench. We will go in an aeroplane. They have an hour left to catch the train. The is used before singular/plural and countable/uncountable nouns that have been mentioned earlier. Use ‘the’ before particular (definite) things, such as names of rivers, lakes, oceans, holy books, newspapers, well-known buildings and some countries, such as the US or the UK. The Ganga is the longest river I have read the Ramayana. I liked the bag you gave in India. me. Zero articles A zero article is where a noun does not need an article in speech or writing. Let us look at a few instances where no articles are needed. We do not use an article while saying •  I hate coffee. general things about plural and uncountable nouns. •  I love rock music. We do not use an article before •  I am afraid of heights. abstract nouns. •  C reativity and patience are important skills. •  My mother gives good advice. We do not use an article before names •  Bhavna is from Switzerland. of people, countries, towns, subjects, •  Satyam can speak French. languages or proper nouns. •  Zayed is studying Biology. 62

Exercise 3.1: Fill in the blanks with correct articles from the brackets. One is done for you. 1) He is a (the/a) well-known movie star. 2) That is _____________ (a/an) excellent book on animals. 3) Would you like to drink _____________ (the/a) cup of tea? 4) Riyaz wants to go to __________ (the/a) Himalayas in December. 5) Did you read _______________ (the/an) newspaper I gave you? 6) He is ___________ (a/an) honourable and kind-hearted man. Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct articles. Put an 'x' where no articles are needed. One is done for you. 1) x Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. 2) My mother is __________ nurse and my father is ___________ architect. 3) Ravi works at ____________ airport every night. 4) Do you have __________ dictionary with you? 5) Do not worry about ____________ Mehak’s illness. She will be fine soon. 6) ____________ Honesty is the best policy. Exercise 3.3: Rewrite the paragraph after correcting the articles used. One is done for you. I found that things have become very expensive over a years. I have been living in a city for two years and have not been able to buy the house for the long time. Last month, I rented an small house with the garden in front. An first day, I wanted to get some milk, the small loaf of bread and a orange. I had twenty rupees only. An amount was not enough to buy any of a above things. Ans. I found that things have become very expensive over the years. ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The Story of Eklavya 63

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Language in Use Prepositions Underline the prepositions in these sentences and match them with the correct descriptions in the table given below: • She was standing among a group of teenagers. • The Sun was shining above the mountains. • There was a photograph below the clock. • I ordered an ice tea with my pizza. Preposition Description Remember: It means ‘lower than’. It means ‘in the middle’ or ‘surrounded by other things’. It means ‘along with’ or ‘being together’. It means ‘higher than’. Prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns and phrases to the other words in a sentence. They show position and give information about time, place and direction. 64

Let us learn a few other prepositions. Towards shows movement in the direction of a place or getting closer to someone or something. On hearing the knock, she Mira and Varun, look The boy and girl are walking walked towards the door. towards the camera! towards the beach. Through means 'from one end or side of something to the other'. It also denotes 'from the start to the end'. The Thames river flows through The girl cried through the Mita studied through the London. movie. night. Across means 'from one side of something to the other'. The police station is across the They travelled across the The children walked across road. desert. the road. To means ‘in the direction of’. It shows the place, person or thing that someone or something moves towards. Rina walks to school every day. They drive to Mumbai on every I mailed the package to Saturday. my mother. The Story of Eklavya 65

From is used to show the place where someone or something starts. It also denotes the time when something starts. She sent me a postcard from Lunch will be served from The petrol prices will Switzerland. 1: 00 p.m. increase from tomorrow. Exercise 4.1: Underline the prepositions. One is done for you. 1) Please come to my house. 2) My house is very far from here. 3) The cat is below the table. 4) I walked down to the market. 5) The flowers are in the vase. 6) The vase that was on the table fell down. Exercise 4.2: Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions from the brackets. One is done for you. 1) I was very impressed with his work. (with/from) 2) She was fed up ___________________________ everything. (on/with) 3) I will be working ___________________________ home today onwards. (among/from) 4) The bridge runs ___________________________ the river. (across/through) 5) The aeroplane flew ___________________________ the building. (below/over) 6) Are you interested ___________________________ drinking tea? (in/over) 66

Exercise 4.3: Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. One is done for you. 1) The painting is on the wall. 2) The rat is running ________________________________________ the living room. 3) The table and chairs are ________________________________________ the bunk bed. 4) The lamp is ________________________________________ the sofas. 5) The vase is ________________________________________ the chest of drawers. 6) There is a plate on the shelf ________________________________________ the bunk bed. Formal Writing Paragraph writing Exercise 5: Write a paragraph on how a national festival – Republic Day or Independence Day – was celebrated in your school last year. Hints: • Why is it an important day? • What did everyone wear? The Story of Eklavya 67

• What did the students and teachers do? • What was special about the celebrations? • How did you feel? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 68

Creative Writing Story writing Exercise 6: Most festivals have stories behind them. Think about a few festivals you enjoy and find out the stories behind them. Then, complete the gaps by writing down the story below. My favourite festival has an interesting story behind it. The festival that I enjoy the most is ___________________________. Here is the story behind it: Once upon a time, _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. That is why the festival of __________________________________________________________________ is celebrated. It reminds people that _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. The Story of Eklavya 69

Each year we _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. The story of ______________________________ was told to me by __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. 70

Lesson 8 Little Women Module 8 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Grammar Proverbs Language in Use Demonstrative adjectives Formal Writing and demonstrative Creative Writing pronouns Transformation of sentences Formal letter writing Editing exercise 71

Dictation Exercise 1.1: Sentence dictation 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 1.2: Listening audio 1) Where does chocolate come from? [ ] ] (A) obtained from animals (B) grows underground ] ] (C) grows on trees (D) made in factories ] 2) What do the hardened bars of unsweetened chocolate release? [ (A) cocoa butter (B) cocoa juice (C) cocoa liquid (D) cocoa curd 3) Which of the following ingredients is not part of the mixing process? [ (A) sugar (B) cocoa powder (C) cocoa butter (D) chocolate 4) What is most of the chocolate produced around the world used for? [ (A) for making candy (B) for making chocolate ice cream (C) for making cakes (D) for making chocolate shakes 5) Which of the following is leftover chocolate not used for? [ (A) milkshakes (B) medicines (C) baked goods (D) ice cream 72

B C Vocabulary A Proverbs Exercise 2.1: Match the proverbs in Column A with their correct meanings in Column B. Column A Column B 1) O ne good turn deserves another. a) Think well before you make a 2) T wo heads are better than one. decision. 3) Too many cooks spoil the broth. b) If we don’t waste things, we will not be in the sorry position of needing them. c) T wo people together can solve a problem faster than just one. 4) Waste not, want not. d) Ignorant people talk the most. 5) Look before you leap. e) Too many helpers can spoil the task 6) Empty vessels make the most noise. at hand. f) If you are good to others, they will be good to you too. Exercise 2.2: Write the proverbs that the sentences suggest by choosing from the table below. 1) better late than never 2) let sleeping dogs lie 3) clothes make a man 4) birds of a feather 5) penny wise, pound 6) don’t count your chickens flock together foolish before they hatch 1) Rakesh passed his school-leaving examinations after several attempts. Proverb:  __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2) Sita bought a cheap dress from the store but spent a lot more money in getting it fixed. Proverb:  __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Little Women 73

3) Riaz dresses neatly every time he steps out of the house. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4) The child had broken a glass bowl but did not inform her father as she feared him. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5) Rida’s father warned her about celebrating before she got her final results. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6) Rohan, Hassan and Ken are good friends; they love Mathematics, and they do it together all the time. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Grammar Demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns Underline the demonstrative adjectives and circle the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences: 1) These are not yours. 2) This sweater is red. 3) That smells nice. 4) Those birds are playful. Remember: near in space and time Singular Plural further apart in space and time this these that those 74

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. A demonstrative pronoun replaces an already-mentioned specific person or thing. These belong to Kiran. This is really delicious! Those are very comfortable. An adjective is a word that modifies a noun. A demonstrative adjective modifies a noun and tells us which specific person or object is mentioned in the sentence. A noun always follows a demonstrative adjective. Do you like this soup? These kittens are cute. Those pants are very uncomfortable. Remember: Demonstrative pronoun Demonstrative adjective It replaces the noun. It modifies the noun. It is not followed by a noun. It is followed by a noun. It is often followed by the main verb. It is not followed by the main verb. Exercise 3.1: Identify whether the underlined word is a demonstrative adjective or demonstrative pronoun. One is done for you. 1) This tomato is rotten. – demonstrative adjective 2) Do not colour that wall. – ____________________________________ 3) These look fresher than those. – ____________________________________ 4) Can you smell those roses from your kitchen? – ____________________________________ 5) This is a very fragile bowl. – ____________________________________ 6) Those are colourful flowers. – ____________________________________ Little Women 75

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns or demonstrative adjectives. One is done for you. 1) Those are my shoes that are lying on the doorstep. 2) I have chosen my dress, but you can choose from _______________ dresses. 3) _______________ is the vase in which she will arrange the flowers. 4) _______________ is Rajni’s jacket. 5) Give me _______________ movie ticket. 6) _______________ is where the treasure was found. Exercise 3.3: The demonstrative adjectives and pronouns are incorrectly used in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences after correcting them. One is done for you. 1) This smell rotten. Ans. These smell rotten. 2) Do not colour those drawing. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) This pants need to be mended. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Please do not hurt those cat. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) These is not poisonous. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Did you hear this noises from the shop? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 76

Language in Use Transformation of sentences Meet Miss Yes, Miss No and Mr Why. They are good friends, but they also get into heated debates often. Miss No and Mr Why always oppose poor Miss Yes. Whenever Miss Yes says something, Miss No turns that statement into a negative, while Mr Why immediately changes it into a question! It’s so entertaining to see how they behave! Miss Yes says: Miss No says: Mr Why says: Rajit goes to the market in Rajit does not go to the Does Rajit go to the market in the evening. market in the evening. the evening? They go on a trip every They do not go on a trip Do they go on a trip every month. every month. month? Notice that Miss Yes, Miss No and Mr Why were playing the game using the simple present tense. Let us revisit the rules. simple present (positive) • subject + base verb (-s/-es) + object simple present (negative) • Use 'do not' with 'I', 'we', 'you', 'they' and plural subjects. simple present (question) • Use 'does not' with 'he', 'she', 'it' and singular subjects. • Use base verbs without ‘-s’/‘-es’. • Begin questions with 'do'/'does'. Use 'do' with 'I', 'we', 'you' and plural subjects and 'does' with 'he', 'she', 'it' and singular subjects. • Use base verb without ‘-s’/‘-es’. • Ends with a question mark (?) Little Women 77

Here, Miss Yes, Miss No and Mr Why are talking about what they did at their school function. I participated in the western I did not participate in the Did I participate in the dance. western dance. western dance? Observe that the three were talking about the past. Here are the rules to follow for sentences in the simple past tense. simple past (positive) • subject + simple past verb form + object simple past (negative) simple past (question) • subject + did not + base verb form + object • did + subject + base verb form + object + question mark Now, Miss Yes, Miss No and Mr Why are debating inside a zoo about what a few animals are doing there. Can you fill in the blanks? The lion is sleeping. The lion is not sleeping. Is the lion sleeping? The monkeys are making a lot of noise. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 78

The three friends were talking in the present continuous tense in the above conversation. Let’s read the rules that they have followed. present continuous (positive) •  subject + ‘is’/‘are’/‘am’ + ‘-ing’ form of verb + object present continuous (negative) present continuous (question) •  Add ‘not’ after ‘is’/‘are’/‘am’. Everything else remains the same as the positive form. • Begin the sentence with ‘is’/‘are’/‘am’ followed by the subject + ‘-ing’ form of verb + object After coming back home, the three talked about the zoo again. As usual, Miss No disagreed with Miss Yes, while Mr Why was doubtful and asking questions. You know them well enough now, don’t you? Can you guess their responses? The peacocks were The peacocks were not Were the peacocks dancing? dancing. dancing. I was enjoying myself. ______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ The sentences above show actions that were happening in the past before something else happened. Let us revisit how to form different sentences in the past continuous tense. past continuous (positive) • subject + ‘was’/‘were’ + ‘-ing’ form of verb + object past continuous (negative) past continuous (question) • Add ‘not’ after ‘was’/‘were’. Everything else remains the same as the positive form. • Begin the sentence with ‘was’/‘were’ followed by the subject + ‘-ing’ form of verb + object + question mark Exercise 4.1: Identify the types of sentences. One is done for you. 1) I love to watch cartoon films. – positive sentence 2) Mariam does not enjoy playing cricket. – __________________________ Little Women 79

3) Where did you get that blue pen from? – __________________________ 4) What is your favourite sport? – __________________________ 5) She does not like to study. – __________________________ 6) My sister will make laddoos for me today. – __________________________ Exercise 4.2: Convert these positive sentences and questions into negative sentences and questions. One is done for you. 1) I think India will win the match tomorrow. Ans. I think India will not / won’t win the match tomorrow. 2) Do you know the answer to this question? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Mala sings sweetly in the morning. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) The man killed the snake with his bare hands. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Did she visit her cousin last week? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Rohit helped the blind lady to cross the road. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4.3: Convert the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets. One is done for you. 1) My friend cannot reach the shelf. (change to a positive sentence) Ans. My friend can reach the shelf. 2) The police could not catch the thief. (change to a question) Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 80

3) I understand what he says. (change to a negative sentence) Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Were you doing your homework? (change to a negative question) Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) This class is not finishing. (change to a positive sentence) Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) She went to the drawing class. (change to a question) Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Formal Writing Formal letter writing Read the given sample of a formal letter carefully. See the different parts that a formal letter has. Study its format and tone. 303, Block A, TVR Apts Sender’s address Presidency Road Bengaluru 18th January 2018 Date Recipient’s address The Manager Subject State Bank of India State the purpose of writing Salutation/Greeting Bengaluru the letter to focus attention You can use respectful of reader. titles such as 'Sir' or Subject: Request for opening a new bank 'Madam'. account. Introduction Introduce yourself and Body Respected Sir, explain why you are This is the part between writing in detail. Use formal the introduction and I request you to open a savings account for language throughout. Do the closing paragraph me in your bank. My name is Suman Singh, not use contractions. where you talk about and I am from Bengaluru, Karnataka. the main idea of the Conclusion letter. As I am not yet 18 years of age, I would like Say thanks, and if needed, to open a junior account. state that you look forward Signature I am enclosing all necessary documents to a response. Sign with your full name. with this letter. I hope you will fulfil this request as soon as you can. Enclosures Documents that may be Thank you in advance. needed to support your letter. (not always needed) Yours sincerely, Suman Singh Enclosures: 1) photocopies of identity proof 2) photocopy of address proof 3) recent passport photos Little Women 81

Exercise 5: Write a letter to the principal of your school, requesting him or her to allow your school to participate in the cultural festival happening in your city. Students of Class V Vidyapeth High School Bibwewadi Hyderabad – 511009 18th January 2018 The Principal Vidyapeth High School Bibwewadi Hyderabad – 511009 Subject: Requesting permission ____________________________________________________________. Respected _________________, There is ______________________________________ in _______________________________________ on the occasion of ___________________________________________ on ____________________________. On behalf of _____________________________________, I request you to kindly __________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. I assure you that this will not affect ________________________________________________________. I would be very ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. I promise to _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Thanking you, 82

Yours __________________________, ________________________________ Creative Writing Editing exercise Exercise 6: The story below has some spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Find these mistakes and rewrite the story by correcting them. There lived a poor man called hari. He found a Healthy goat. Two hungry crooks saw the healthy goat and wispered, That is a very plump goat. Let us trick Hari and taken the goat away. The first one stopped Hari and exclaimed 'why is you carrying a python on your shoulders?' Hari shouted, are you blind? Can’t you see it is a goat? 'Don’t be angry,' replied the first crook. 'If you think it is a goat, then please carry on'. Hari walked a few more metres when the second crook stopped him in shock. Why are you carrying a python?' exclamed the crook. Hari yelled, 'Are you blind too. This is a healthy and live goat and you say he is python!' 'but i can see a python,' said the second crook. 'What’s wrong with everyone?' Hari was confused. Two people have said that the goat was a python. He said, It is me who is blind, I better get rid of it.' He dropped the goat and ran away. The crooks took the goat and went their way. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Little Women 83

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 84

Lesson 9 The Coromandel Fishers Section Name What I Will Learn MMoodduulele99 Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Antonyms 85

Dictation Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 3) 6) 1) 2) 9) 4) 5) 7) 8) Exercise 1.2: Listening audio 1) How did the quarrel between the two kittens begin? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What did the old woman do? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What was the ground covered with? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What did the two kittens do while the old woman finished sweeping the floor? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) What lesson did the kittens learn that night? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 86

B C Vocabulary A Antonyms Exercise 2.1: Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with their antonyms and rewrite them. 1) As soon as he rubbed the magic lamp, the genie appeared. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2) The questions in the final examinations were really easy. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3) My father could not lock the door as he had lost the keys. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4) The mango was delicious as it was unripe. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5) The smooth surface of the floor made me slip and fall. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6) At the zoo, there were only a few tame animals to see. Ans. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ The Coromandel Fishers 87

Exercise 2.2: Write the antonyms of the following words by adding the correct prefixes. 1) infect × _______________________________ 2) possible × _______________________________ 3) obedient × _______________________________ 4) honest × _______________________________ 5) willing × _______________________________ 6) pure × _______________________________ 88

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