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ENGLISH 2 WORKBOOK PART-2 Name: ____________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: ______ School: ____________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap presents the latest version of the VISA NEP series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the VISA NEP series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. Therefore, our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. NCF 2005 asserts that listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) are all generalised skills, and students’ mastery over them is key to success at school. All these skills frequently need to be used together. Therefore, the VISA NEP English textbooks and workbooks strive to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four LSRW skills. To this effect, the VISA NEP English textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Themes recommended by the NCF across grades 1–5 in the literature pieces  Samples of Indian writing in English as well as popular English literature pieces from western countries  Pictures for word meanings in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words  Non-detailed lessons to enable additional reading  A speaking project and two reading comprehension passages in each unit to further hone speaking and reading skills  Horizontal and vertical progression across grades for the grammar concepts covered in the workbooks, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Samples of format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing Overall, the ClassKlap VISA NEP English textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication and empower students to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors

Workbook Features I Listen Vocabulary Dictation – Sight words or commonly Helps to build vocabulary with confused spellings and sentences explanations and practice exercises for dictation practice Listen and answer – Questions based on an audio piece for listening practice (for Grades 4 and 5 only) Grammar Introduces and teaches an aspect of grammar with explanations and practice exercises I Write Fosters writing skills by having students draw from real-life experiences as well as encourages creative thinking POEGMRSAMMAR STORIES WORD MEANINGS LANGUAGE GAMES WRITING

Contents Class 2 Module 7 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Module 8 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Module 9 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Module 10 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 34 Module 11 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 46 Module 12 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56 poegmrsammar stories word meanings language games writing

Module 7 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Grammar Meanings and synonyms Verbs—action words I Write Helping verbs Make questions Answer questions based on a picture and complete a paragraph 1 I Listen 3) Exercise 1: Word dictation 6) 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 11 7) 8)

B AC 2 Vocabulary Meanings and synonyms Exercise 2.1: Match the words with their meanings. Words Meanings 1) grow 2) wash a) a light wind 3) bring b) being good, loving and nice to others 4) kind 5) breeze c) to become bigger 6) many d) more than one e) clean with water or soap f) to get something from one place and take it to another place Exercise 2.2: Complete the synonyms for the following words. 1) right − c _________ r r _________ c t 2) yummy − t _________ s t _________ 3) silent − q _________ i e _________ 4) tiny − s m _________ _________ l 2

5) forest − j _________ n _________ l e 6) large − b _________ g 3 Grammar Verbs—action words Riya and her friends have many hobbies. Rahul paints. Riya plays the violin. Aditi takes pictures and Varun exercises. The words paints, plays, takes and exercises are action words or doing words. They are also called verbs. Module 7 3

What actions can you see in these pictures? Write down the verbs below the pictures. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Exercise 3.1: Look at the words and pictures given below. Choose and write the verb related to each picture. One is done for you. hop crawl squeeze drive skip write 1) 2) 3) Ans. skip Ans. __________________ Ans. __________________ 4) 5) 6) Ans. __________________ Ans. __________________ Ans. __________________ 4

Helping verbs A few verbs do not show action but help the main verbs to complete their meanings. They come before the main verbs. Such verbs are called helping verbs. Helping verb Usage Example is used with he, she, it She is doing her homework. and singular nouns Main verb: doing are used with you, we, they The children are playing in the and plural nouns garden. am used only with I Main verb: playing I am walking. Main verb: walking Remember Sometimes, helping verbs do not come with a main verb. At those times, they are called be verbs. Examples: • They are here. • He is hungry. • I am sick. Exercise 3.2: Tick the correct helping verbs or be verbs to complete the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) Jane is am playing in the rain. 2) I are am happy. 3) You is are talking too much! 4) Mala is am walking to the park. 5) Balloons are am fun. 6) I am is writing a poem. Module 7 5

Exercise 3.3: Underline the helping verbs and tick the main verbs in the sentences given below. One is done for you.  2) We are feeling hungry. 1) It is snowing outside. 3) I am going to the circus. 4) Sonali is walking to school. 5) They are singing merry songs. 6) He is smelling the sweet flowers. Exercise 3.4: Complete the crossword puzzle with verbs. Use the hints given below. One is done for you. 6 A 5 R 3 EN D O 14 DR I NK S 2 C D S Across: 1) Sohan drinks milk. 2) We __________________ together. 3) She __________________ the gift that I gave her. 6

Down: 4) Vinu __________________ his bicycle to school. 5) I __________________ a story before going to bed. 6) Fruits __________________ good for health. 4 I Write Make questions Exercise 4.1: Make simple questions for the given answers using ‘how’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘who’. One is done for you. Ans. Jay is a dancer. Q. Who is a dancer? / What is Jay? Ans. Jay looks very good when he dances. Q. Jay Ans. Jay looks like a bird who flies in the sky. Q. Ans. Jay started dancing when he was three years old. Q. Module 7 7

Ans. Jay loves dancing on the stage. Q. Answer questions based on a picture and complete a paragraph Exercise 4.2: Look at the picture given below. Answer the questions based on the picture and complete the paragraph. 1) What is the girl on the left using to paint a picture? Ans. 2) What is the girl with the paintbrush trying to paint? Ans. 3) How many rolls has the boy made with the clay? Ans. 8

4) What is the girl with two ponytails making? Ans. 5) Name two things that the girl is using to make the doll. Ans. Now, complete a paragraph about the picture. There are ____________________________________________ children in the picture. The girl on the left is ________________________________________________________. She has a _______________________________________________ in her hand. She is ________________________________ a picture of the ____________________________. The boy is __________________________________________________________________. The girl with the two ponytails is ______________________________________________ ________________________________. She is using ________________________________ ____________________ and ________________________________ to make the doll. Module 7 9

Module 8 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Sentence dictation Vocabulary Words related to rooms and things in a Grammar house Tenses I Write Write about one's likes and dislikes Complete a story 1 I Listen Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 10

B AC 2 Vocabulary Words related to rooms and things in a house A house has many rooms. Each room has a different name. We do different things in the different rooms of a house. Let us look at some rooms that houses have. In the living room, The kitchen has we can see a cupboards, a sofa, a chair, a fridge, a gas stove centre table, a and so on. carpet and a few more things. living room kitchen In the bedroom, The dining room we can see a has a table and bed, a table chairs. lamp, some shelves and a dining room bedside table. bedroom The bathroom has a toilet and a basket for dirty clothes. bathroom You have read about things in the different rooms of a house. Now, look at the pictures given above and say what each room is used for. Module 8 11

Exercise 2.1: In which rooms will you keep these things? 1) __________________________________________________ 2) __________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________________ 5) __________________________________________________ 6) __________________________________________________ 12

Exercise 2.2: Complete the sentences with the names of different rooms given in the box. bedroom bathroom living room kitchen dining room 1) I eat my dinner in the ___________________________________. 2) I sleep in the ___________________________________. 3) I help my parents cook in the ___________________________________. 4) I take a bath in the ___________________________________. 5) Guests come and sit in the ___________________________________ first. 6) I brush my teeth in the ___________________________________. 3 Grammar The simple present tense and the simple past tense Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense or the simple past tense forms of the verbs given in brackets. Last summer Maggie __________________ (visit) her grandparents. She __________________ (help) her grandparents in the garden and kitchen during the day. At night, they __________________ (play) carrom. She also __________________ (learn) some good habits. Now, she __________________ (brush) her teeth twice a day and __________________ (comb) her hair by herself. Maggie really __________________ (love) her grandparents because they __________________ (care) for her and __________________ (teach) her good things. Module 8 13

Remember  The simple present tense describes habits, events and actions that happen regularly or daily or are always true. Rule: subject + base verb (+ -s/-es) + object Examples: • They live in that house. • Harish gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning every day. • The Sun rises in the east.  Add -s or -es to verbs that follow he, she, it and singular nouns.  Do not add -s or -es to verbs that come after I, we, you, they and plural nouns.  The simple past tense describes actions that are finished or complete. Rule: subject + past tense form of verb + object Examples: • We lived in Chennai last year. • Rustom played with Samira yesterday. • I tried cooking last night.  In the simple past tense, the following happens. • is and am was • are were  The past tense forms of most words are made by adding -d, -ed (or -ied for a few words that end in -y, such as study – studied). 14

The simple future tense Read what Mona and Leena are talking about. Mona: Leena, what will you do tomorrow? Leena: I will go to the market with my parents. Mona: What will you buy? Leena: My birthday is coming soon. I will buy a dress for my birthday party. Mona: Will you show your dress to me? Leena: Yes! I will show it to you. The girls are talking about actions that have not happened yet. The tense used to describe actions that will happen later is called the simple future tense. Remember In the simple future tense, we use will before the verb to show an action that is going to happen later. Rule: subject + will + verb + object Examples: • She will dance at the function. • I will go to the market tomorrow. Module 8 15

Exercise 3.1: Mona has made a timetable, planning how she will spend her holidays. Read her timetable and fill in the blanks using the simple  future tense. One is done for you. Days Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Morning go to play go to draw go to the go to the visit Afternoon Evening music carrom music class pictures dentist market grandparents class with with Chandu Mother read a go to do holiday go to watch do holiday play with storybook the zoo homework Seema's cartoons homework cousins with house to Aunt play watch relax at help Father read a read a make a listen to television home to water storybook storybook greeting music the plants card for Mother 1) What will Mona do on Sunday morning? Ans. Mona will visit her grandparents on Sunday morning. 2) How many times will Mona read a storybook? Ans. Mona ___________________________________ a storybook three times. 3) When will Mona go to the zoo? Ans. Mona ___________________________________ to the zoo on Tuesday afternoon. 4) With whom will Mona play carrom on Tuesday morning? Ans. Mona ___________________________________ carrom with Chandu on Tuesday morning. 16

5) When will Mona make a greeting card? Ans. Mona ___________________________________ a greeting card on Saturday evening. 6) With whom will Mona water the plants? Ans. Mona ___________________________________ the plants with her father. Exercise 3.2: Draw a star over verbs that are in the simple past tense. Underline the verbs that are in the simple future tense. One is done for you. 1) You will work all day tomorrow. 2) It snowed yesterday. 3) Eddy and Lisa will visit the Charminar when they are in Hyderabad. 4) You drank lemonade at the party. 5) I will write my exam next Thursday. 6) The teacher explained the sum. What is happening now?—present continuous tense Many people are visiting the mall today. People are going up the stairs. A salesperson is waiting for customers in a shop. A man is buying vegetables. A girl is opening the door to a clothes shop. The above passage talks about actions that are happening now. Such actions are shown in the present continuous tense. Module 8 17

Remember  In the present continuous tense, we use the -ing form of the verb.  We use is, am or are before the -ing form of the verb. is for he, she, it and singular nouns am for I are for you, we, they and plural nouns Rule: subject + is/am/are + -ing form of the verb + object Examples: • I am going to the park right now. • We are playing ludo. • Mili is crossing the street. Exercise 3.3: Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks to answer the questions. One is done for you. 1) What are the ducks doing? Ans. The ducks are swimming (swim). 2) What is the mother bird doing? Ans. The mother bird __________ __________________________ (feed) her babies. 3) What is Ravi doing? Ans. Ravi __________ __________________________ (sleep). 4) What is Som doing? Ans. Som __________ __________________________ (drink) water. 18

5) What is the girl doing? Ans. The girl __________ __________________________ (dance). 6) What are the children doing? Ans. The children __________ __________________________ (play) in the park. Exercise 3.4: Tick the verbs that are in the simple present tense. Underline the verbs that are in the present continuous tense. One is done for you.  1) Shekhar paints a picture. 2) Sania is watching television. 3) Sohan is waiting for the shops to open. 4) Birds fly in the sky. 5) We eat together. 6) I am watering the plants. 4 I Write Write about one's likes and dislikes My name is Mihir. I am seven years old. I love to dance. It makes me feel very happy. I do not like cockroaches. They walk very fast and look scary. Module 8 19

My name is Preeti. I am eight years old. I love to play basketball. I get so excited when I play it. I dislike eating carrots. They are very hard. Mihir and Preeti have shared what they like and dislike. They have also shared their reasons for them. You must also really like or dislike some things, isn't that right? Exercise 4.1: Answer the following questions about your likes and dislikes. 1) Write down three food items that you like and one food item that you dislike. Ans. 2) What game do you like playing the most? What game do you dislike? Ans. 3) Do you like pets or dislike them? Why? Ans. 4) Write the name of a song that you like. Ans. 20

5) Name the thing you love the most in the world. Why do you love it so much? Ans. Complete a story Exercise 4.2: Look at the pictures carefully. Write the story with the help of the words given below. lion sleeping mouse jumped lion got angry mouse saved lion mouse said sorry hunters trapped lion they became friends 1) One day a lion ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. 2) A mouse ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. Module 8 21

3) The lion _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. 4) The mouse ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. 5) A few days later, ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. 22

6) The lion was __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. 7) The mouse and the lion ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. Module 8 23

Module 9 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Alphabetical order Grammar Prepositions—position words I Write Describe a picture Paragraph writing 1 I Listen 3) Exercise 1: Word dictation 6) 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) 24

B AC 2 Vocabulary Alphabetical order You have learnt in Class 1 that the English alphabet begins with the letter ‘A’ and ends with the letter ‘Z’. This is called the alphabetical order. To write words in the alphabetical order, we check the first letter of each word. Exercise 2.1: Arrange the given words in alphabetical order. pen doctor nurse cobbler teacher singer 1) ____________________________ 2) ____________________________ 3) ____________________________ 4) ____________________________ 5) ____________________________ 6) ____________________________ Exercise 2.2: Number the sets of words in each column in alphabetical order. Number names Months of the year Days of the week one January Monday two May Tuesday four April Wednesday six December Friday Module 9 25

3 Grammar Prepositions—position words We have learnt a few position words in Class 1. Now, let us practise using these words. Minnie has a naughty cat and a loving dog. Her cat is playing with a ball of wool. Her dog is walking around his kennel. Now, write the positions of the cat and the dog. Choose the correct position words from the given words. in on under between beside ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Remember •  Position words help in connecting two naming words. They tell us the positions of the naming words. • Position words are also called prepositions. 26

Let us learn four new prepositions. below: It refers to a position that is at a lower level than someone or something. Zoya and Suzy are The dog is sleeping He jumped into the standing below Amjad. below the table. water below. above: It refers to a position that is at a higher level than someone or something. The mirror is hanging The aeroplane is flying The boy raised his arms above the bathtub. above the mountains. above his head. Module 9 27

in front of: It means ‘to the front of someone or something’. A ball is in front of the The cat and the dog are The clock is box. sleeping in front of the in front of the bag. fireplace. behind: It means ‘to the back of someone or something’. The Sun is behind the hill. The bus is behind the The girl is hiding tree. behind the wall. 28

Exercise 3.1: Where are the children? Choose the correct position of each child from the given position words. One is done for you. between below beside in behind on front of in front of 1) the suitcase _______________________________ 2) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ 3) _______________________________ the suitcases _______________________________ 4) _______________________________ the suitcase Module 9 29

_______________________________ 5) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ 6) _______________________________ the suitcase Exercise 3.2: Look at the pictures given. Complete the puzzle with the correct prepositions to show where the dragon is. One is done for you. 1) 2 4) 1 HN 4 F 2) 6 5) UE 5 W ON 3) T 6) 3 VE 30

Exercise 3.3: Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct  prepositions. One is done for you. 1) The eggs are in the 2) The open book 3) The cat is sitting __________ the girl. basket. is __________ the table. 4) The sea is_________ 5) The fox is 6) The Sun was __________ the hiding __________ the plane. the clouds. dog. Exercise 3.4: Look at the picture given below. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. One is done for you. Module 9 31

1) A girl is standing in front of the drawing board. 2) Two children are sitting ______________________________ the sandpit. 3) The drawing board is ______________________________ the ball. 4) The boy wearing the cap is ______________________________ the slide. 5) A dog is standing ______________________________ the girl. 6) A boy is sitting ______________________________ a bicycle. 4 I Write Describe a picture Exercise 4.1: Describe the animal and the person in the picture. Use the given hints. Hints: • What animal do you see in the picture? • Give names to the person and the animal. • What is the person in the picture wearing? • How do the person and the animal look? • What are the person and the animal doing? 32

Paragraph writing Exercise 4.2: Look at the picture given below. Write a short paragraph about this picture by completing the sentences. Christmas comes in _________________________________________________. There is a fire burning in the fireplace because _______________________________________ ________________________________. The family _________________________________ ____________________________________________________. They have decorated _____________________________________ with __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. There is a Christmas tree with ________________________________________________ ________________________________. There are __________________________________ ________________________ on the floor. The family is ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. Module 9 33

Module 10 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Sentence dictation Vocabulary Words for movement Grammar Conjunctions—joining words I Write Correct the mistakes in a paragraph Write and draw about a place that one has visited 1 I Listen Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 34

B AC 2 Vocabulary Words for movement All of us move from one place to another. Sometimes, we walk. At other times, we run. The different ways in which a person can move have different names. Look at the names of a few movements below. run jump leap dance Sometimes, we move only one or two parts of our bodies. These movements also have names. clap kick knock wave Can you name three movements that you have made today? Module 10 35

Exercise 2.1: Find the following words related to movement in the word search puzzle below. skip walk march crawl jog kick SQH B V PC K NW J I A R I MA R CH A P E L UCFW Z UK I CK L W J OG L G S Bathroom skip walk march jog kick crawl 36

Exercise 2.2: Match the words for movement with their pictures. Column A Column B 1) stretch a) 2) push b) 3) wave c) 4) tiptoe d) 5) dive 6) fall e) f) Module 10 37

3 Grammar Conjunctions—joining words Complete the sentences with suitable joining words. Madhu _____________ You can choose the I like strawberries Priyanka are good books _____________ _____________ friends. toys but not both. chocolate. Remember The words ‘and’ and ‘or’ join words or sentences. They are called joining words or conjunctions. Conjunctions are words that join words or parts of sentences together. Examples: • My dog and my cat like to chase each other. • Do you want a lollipop or an ice cream cone? Let us learn about two new conjunctions or joining words. Conjunction Usage Examples but It connects two opposite • I want to play now, but I have so ideas. to help my brother. • I want to sleep, but my mother wants me to study. It joins two sentences • It was late, so she went to where one sentence shows sleep. a cause or reason and the other shows the result. • Sam was hungry, so he ate the whole cake. 38

Exercise 3.1: Match the sentences. One is done for you. Column A Column B 1) Lily wrote a a) so he bakes letter, cakes very often. He likes b) but she sleeps 2) baking, late. 3) They were c) or a pair of going on a jeans? vacation, 4) A crow d) so they packed their bags. Will you wear e) but she did not 5) a skirt post it. 6) Swati wakes f) and an eagle up early, can both fly. Module 10 39

Exercise 3.2: Complete the sentences with the help of the options given in the box below. One is done for you. and bathed in it but healthy or tea so she was very strong but dogs cannot so I ate it 1) My Grandpa is old but healthy. 2) The food was tasty, _______________________________________________. 3) Would you like to have milk ______________________________________? 4) Kabir went to the river, ____________________________________________. 5) Basira exercised a lot, ____________________________________________. 6) Parrots can talk __________________________________________________. Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Vivaan is my friend, so (so/or) he always helps me. 2) Is Sara going to the market to buy vegetables _________________ (but/or) milk? 3) Parrots can talk, _________________ (but/or) they cannot draw. 4) Suman plays the guitar _________________ (but/and) drums. 5) Rima was not thirsty, _________________ (or/but) she still drank the fruit juice. 6) Does Rohan have a brother _________________ (or/so) a sister? 40

Exercise 3.4: Make simple sentences based on the pictures below by using the given conjunctions. One is done for you. 1) + so Rita had a cold. Rita drank some hot soup. Ans. Rita had a cold, so she drank some hot soup. 2) + and You can buy a cycle. You can buy some toys. Ans. 3) + or She will wear pants. She will wear shorts. Ans. Module 10 41

4) + but I wanted to go to the party. I had to stay at home and study. Ans. 5) + and My mother loves me. My father loves me. Ans. 6) + so It is raining. I will carry an umbrella. Ans. 42

4 I Write Correct the mistakes in a paragraph We must be careful of two things when we write. spellings punctuation marks and capital letters Exercise 4.1: Read the story, and underline the mistakes in spelling and punctuation marks. Rewrite the story without mistakes. Also, use capital letters where needed. once upon a time, there was a hunter. He lived in a vilage. He had a dog. It was very loyal? One day, the hunter went to the city with his wife. He left his son at hmoe. A wolf came there. It entered the house. The Dog fought with the wolf and chased it away? Module 10 43

Write and draw about a place that one has visited Hi, I am Mehul. Last month, I went with my family to Ooty for a vacation. It was very cold there. We all had to wear sweaters. But, I enjoyed it. The view from the hills was very nice. I could see valleys and rivers from there. I ate delicious food every day. I had a lovely time in Ooty. Exercise 4.2: Think of a time when you visited an interesting place. Write about what you saw and how you felt. Answer the questions to help you complete the exercise. Also, draw a picture of the place. Which place did Why did you go What did you you visit? there? see there? How did you What did you Will you go feel? like or dislike? there again? 44

Draw the picture here. Module 10 45

Module 11 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Opposites Grammar ‘This’, ‘that’, ‘these’, ‘those’ I Write Make a greeting card Write rhyming lines 1 I Listen 3) Exercise 1: Word dictation 6) 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) 46

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