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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2022-04-04 06:23:51



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by classklap ENGLISH WORKBOOK Enhanced Edition 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 1 Lesson Page No. Unit 1 1) A Happy Song 1 2) Nature 4 3) Action Time 9 7) Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard 22 8) Sounds in the Middle of Words 25 9) Soham’s Ball 28 11) Number Song 34 Unit 2 39 43 1) Rain 46 2) Things in My Classroom 51 3) Colours 4) Magic Seed

TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Page No. Unit 3 63 69 1) Bow, Wow 73 2) Jungle Safari 80 3) Toto - The Hen 83 4) Let's Know More About Animals 5) Surprise Birthday Party Unit 4 88 92 1) An Action Song 96 2) Sunny and Mini 100 3) Good Habits 104 4) Favourite Things 108 5) The Helpful Girl 111 6) Word House 118 7) Bicycle 8) Where is the cat?

Lesson 1: A Happy Song I have read the lesson ‘A Happy Song’. From this poem, we learn the actions we sometimes do to show that we are happy. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word toes hands and feet walk jump together 1 tap A Happy Song

Lesson 2: Nature I have read the lesson ‘Nature’. From this poem, we learn that nature or the natural world we see around us has many qualities. Sometimes it is strong and smart. At other times it is moody and beautiful. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word might moody beauty smart 4

Lesson 3: Action Time I have read the lesson ‘Action Time’. From this lesson, we learn how to do different actions. We can do these actions to relax and take a break from our work. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word raise your close and hand open hop left and 9 right Action Time

Word Meaning Meaning Word stop shake 10

Lesson 7: Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard I have read the lesson ‘Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard’. From this lesson, we learn how the letters are arranged on tabs and computer keyboards. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word tab computer keyboard type 22

Lesson 8: Sounds in the Middle of Words I have read the lesson ‘Sounds in the Middle of Words’. From this lesson, we learn about the middle sounds of words. We learn how to group words with the same beginning, middle and ending sounds together. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word vase yell 25 yolk rope Sounds in the Middle of Words

Lesson 9: Soham’s Ball I have read the lesson ‘Soham’s Ball’. From this lesson, we learn how important it is to be polite. We also learn the magic words ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, ‘may’ and ‘excuse me’. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word football garden 28

Lesson 11: Number Song I have read the lesson ‘Number Song’. From this poem we learn number names till ten. We also learn that we should plant many trees. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word plant gate 34 double number names

Lesson 1: Rain I have read the lesson ‘Rain’. From this poem, we learn what happens when it rains. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word sea field umbrella ships 39 Rain

Lesson 2: Things in My Classroom I have read the lesson ‘Things in My Classroom’. From this lesson, we learn about different things around us in the classroom. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word window projector screen board 43 Things in My Classroom

Lesson 3: Colours I have read the lesson ‘Colours’. From this lesson, we learn about the colours of different things. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word parrot grass chilli snow 46 silk cotton

blueberry lemons pie 47 Colours

Lesson 4: Magic Seed I have read the lesson ‘Magic Seed’. From this lesson we learn about a little seed that becomes a big tree. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word seeds figs wide sprouted 51 Magic Seed

Lesson 1: Bow, Wow I have read the lesson ‘Bow, Wow’. From this lesson, we learn about the sounds that different animals make. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word hog cuckoo Word Meaning owl 63 Bow, Wow

Lesson 2: Jungle Safari I have read the lesson ‘Jungle Safari’. From this lesson, we learn the names of different animals. We also learn how to identify common letters and sounds in their names. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word giraffe butterfly deer squirrel 69 Jungle Safari

Lesson 3: Toto – The Hen I have read the lesson ‘Toto – The Hen’. From this lesson, we learn about Rahish and his pet hen who saved the farm from a fire. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word fire farm coop tap 73 Toto – The Hen

Lesson 4: Let’s Know More About Animals I have read the lesson ‘Let’s Know More About Animals’. In this lesson, we learn about animals, their shelters and the sounds they make. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word den jungle Word Meaning 80 water

Lesson 5: Surprise Birthday Party I have read the lesson ‘Surprise Birthday Party’. From this lesson, we learn that it is nice to have friends and celebrate special days like birthdays with them. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning cranes lake surprise 83 Surprise Birthday Party

Lesson 1: An Action Song I have read the lesson ‘An Action Song’. From this lesson, we learn about different body parts. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word touch pull 88 shut ground

Lesson 2: Sunny and Mini I have read the lesson ‘Sunny and Mini’. From this lesson, we learn how to keep ourselves neat and clean. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word dirty sticky 92 neat messy

Lesson 3: Good Habits I have read the lesson ‘Good Habits’. From this lesson, we learn about some good habits that we should follow and some habits that we should not have. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word spit waste/ rubbish Meaning Word 96 harm

Lesson 4: Favourite Things I have read the lesson ‘Favourite Things’. From this lesson, we learn about things that we like and make us happy. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word rainbow fairy 100 candyfloss cake

Lesson 5: The Helpful Girl I have read the lesson ‘The Helpful Girl’. From this lesson, we learn that we should be kind and helpful. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word picnic playground 104 stones thorns

Lesson 6: Word House I have read the lesson ‘Word House’. From this lesson, we learn about words related to home, body parts, numbers and clothes. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word cupboard 1st (first) 108 scarf shoulder

Lesson 7: Bicycle I have read the lesson ‘Bicycle’. From this lesson, we learn that we should not fight with friends. We also learn to share things with each other. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word shout pushed 111 count grab Bicycle

Lesson 8: Where is the cat? I have read the lesson ‘Where is the cat?’ From this lesson, we learn to use words which tell us the position of things. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word near far Word Meaning Meaning Word 118 beside behind

TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Part 2 Page No. Unit 5 1 10 1) We are opposites 23 3) A Surprise for Grandma 5) Me, Myself and I Unit 6 28 32 1) Alphabet Song 39 2) Shyam’s Horse Cart 45 3) Buying Things 54 4) Everyday Things 6) The Ant and the Pigeon G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 4 14-Aug-18 12:51:59 PM

TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Page No. Unit 7 60 1) Traffic Rules 71 3) The Egg 81 5) The Monkey and the Log Unit 8 91 2) Tommy is Lost G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 5 14-Aug-18 12:51:59 PM

Lesson 1: We are opposites I have read the poem ‘We are opposites’. In this poem, we learn about words which have completely different meanings. We also learn words which sound similar and are called rhyming words. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word in and up and down out 1 small stop and go and big G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 1 We are opposites 14-Aug-18 12:52:01 PM

Word Meaning Meaning Word hot and new and old cold before town and after 2 14-Aug-18 12:52:03 PM G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 2

Lesson 3: A Surprise for Grandma I have read the lesson ‘A Surprise for Grandma’. From this lesson, we learn about two children who, along with their Grandpa, gave their Grandma a surprise. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word surprise wipe 10 Banana busy Delight G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 10 14-Aug-18 12:52:15 PM

(Section 1 – pagesW7o7r-d86) Meaning tired G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 11 11 A Surprise for Grandma 14-Aug-18 12:52:17 PM

Lesson 5: Me, Myself and I I have read the poem ‘Me, Myself and I’. In this poem we read about a girl eating pie, and also write about ourselves. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word rolling chase pin Word Meaning 23 pie G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 23 Me, Myself and I 14-Aug-18 12:52:23 PM

Lesson 1: Alphabet Song I have read the poem ‘Alphabet Song’. We learn about the letters of the English alphabet from this poem. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word bounced hang 28 island jogs G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 28 14-Aug-18 12:52:26 PM

Word Meaning Meaning Word (Section 1 – pages 77-86) nurse purse logs queued up G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 29 29 Alphabet Song 14-Aug-18 12:52:28 PM

Lesson 2: Shyam’s Horse Cart I have read the lesson ‘Shyam’s Horse Cart’. It is about what happens when two children, a dog, a peacock and a frog go to a fair in Shyam’s horse cart. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word fair fields 32 panting frightened G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 32 14-Aug-18 12:52:30 PM

Word Meaning Meaning Word (Section 1 – pages 77-86) helter- running skelter Word Meaning relaxed G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 33 33 Shyam’s Horse Cart 14-Aug-18 12:52:32 PM

Lesson 3: Buying Things I have read the lesson ‘Buying Things’. It is about two children who go shopping and buy things to make something on their own. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word glue money counter 39 buy G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 39 Buying Things 14-Aug-18 12:52:41 PM

Lesson 4: Everyday Things I have read the lesson ‘Everyday Things’. It is about things that we use in our daily lives. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word garland scent Word Meaning 45 tie G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 45 Everyday Things 14-Aug-18 12:52:42 PM

Lesson 6: The Ant and the Pigeon I have read the lesson ‘The Ant and the Pigeon’. In this lesson, we learn about how the ant and the pigeon help each other. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word aimed pond 54 stung scream G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 54 14-Aug-18 12:52:53 PM

Lesson 1: Traffic Rules I have read the poem ‘Traffic Rules’. In it, we learn about rules that we should follow on the road. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word vehicle zebra crossing 60 traffic secure G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 60 14-Aug-18 12:53:00 PM

Word Meaning Word Meaning (Section 1 – pages 77-86) fuss precious G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 61 61 Traffic Rules 14-Aug-18 12:53:05 PM

Lesson 3: The Egg I have read the lesson ‘The Egg’. In this lesson, we learn about a baby parrot who looks after an egg while the mother is away searching for food. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word nest wrapped eggshell peered 71 G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 71 The Egg 14-Aug-18 12:53:15 PM

Word Meaning hatched 72 14-Aug-18 12:53:16 PM G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 72

Lesson 5: The Monkey and the Log I have read the lesson ‘The Monkey and the Log’. From this lesson, we learn how a monkey meddles with other people’s things and gets into trouble. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word temple wedge 81 G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 81 The Monkey and the Log 14-Aug-18 12:53:24 PM

Lesson 2: Tommy is Lost I have read the lesson ‘Tommy is Lost’. In this lesson, we learn about two friends who get lost in the forest. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word sobbed hugged 91 G1_Summit_English_P2.indb 91 Tommy is Lost 14-Aug-18 12:53:45 PM

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