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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-05-21 05:15:01



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CONTENTS 1) Scribbling................................................................3 2) Gestures and Greetings......................................4 3) Expressions on My Face......................................8 4) Picture Story..................................................... 11 5) Using Hands........................................................ 13 6) Fun Time............................................................. 21

1) Scribbling Scribble Time Scribble using colourful crayons of your choice. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip 3

2) Gestures and Greetings Using Gestures When we use only actions to talk without using words, they are called gestures. Let us learn about situations where we can use them. Good Work Come Here When somebody When you want to call does something nice somebody near you such as helping others Silence Clapping When you want When you ask to show you liked somebody to be quiet something such as a show such as during study time Skills: Social Emotional, Listening, Imagination 4

Match Gestures to Situations Look at each picture and match the correct gesture to the situation by drawing lines. Helping others Clap Puppet show at school Come here Calling your friends who are far Silence Study time in the classroom Good work Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Social Emotional, Observation 5

Using Greetings Here are some gestures used as greetings. Let us see where they are used. Bye Salute Going away after Showing respect to meeting someone our National Flag Shake Hands Hello Namaste Meeting friends Greeting a new Greeting elders student in class Skills: Social Emotional, Listening 6

Match Greetings to Situations Look at each picture and match the correct greeting to the situation by drawing lines. New student Shake hands in class Meeting Bye friends Greeting Hello elders Going away after Namaste meeting someone Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Social Emotional, Observation 7

3) Expressions on My Face Expressions I Make Look at the pictures to learn about the different facial expressions. Happy Sad Angry Tired Sleepy Sorry Surprised Skills: Listening, Observation, Social Emotional 8

Circle the Correct Expression Circle (O) the correct word that describes each expression. 1) Happy 2) Sad 1) Surprised 2) Sleepy 1) Tired 2) Happy 1) Angry 2) Sleepy 1) Happy 2) Sorry 1) Surprised 2) Sad 1) Angry 2) Tired Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Observation, Social Emotional 9

Draw Expressions Draw any two expressions on the faces. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Social Emotional 10

4) Picture Story Story Time Look at the pictures and describe the story in your own words. Skills: Observation, Vocabulary Building, Sequencing, Speaking 11

Mary and the Spider Write the numbers in the boxes to put the story in the correct order. Mary was scared. Mary went to the Suddenly, she saw garden. a spider. She was collecting She ran away. flowers. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Vocabulary Building, Sequencing, Observation 12

5) Using Hands Colourful Sock Colour the sock as per the colour code. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Colour Sense, Number Sense, 13 Hand-Eye Coordination

Art Fun Follow the steps and draw the little bird. Use crayons to colour it. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination 14

Brave Lion Draw the missing half to complete the lion and colour it. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Imagination, Hand-Eye Coordination 15

Birthday Cap Colour the birthday cap. Paste bits of coloured paper to decorate it. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Imagination 16

Button Flowers Paste colourful buttons to make the flowers. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Observation 17

Yummy Cupcake Cut the different parts of the cupcake from the next page. Paste them to make the cupcake. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Observation 18

Cut and paste the different parts of the cupcake on the previous page.

6) Fun Time My Special Events Paste two pictures of special events in your life that come once a year. (Hint: Birthday, Festival) Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Imagination, Hand-Eye Coordination, Social Emotional 21

Worm Puzzle Help the mother worm find her way to the baby worm. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Observation 22

Insect Fun Join the dots to complete the ladybug and colour it. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Number Sense 23

Happy Fries Join the dots to complete the fries and colour them. Skills: Fine Motor Skills, Pincer Grip, Hand-Eye Coordination, Number Sense, Observation 24

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