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51704971_181910009_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook EVS_Term3_text

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-08 10:59:25

Description: 51704971_181910009_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook EVS_Term3_text


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Contents 1Class 1 0 Cooking������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1 1 1 My House���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 1 2 Story of the Wheel������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11 1 3 Seasons of the Year��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16

Lesson 10 Cooking Remembering Multiple Choice Questions [    ] 1) Which of the following is raw food? [      ] (A) (B) food. 1 (C) (D) 2) Which of the following is cooked food? (A) (B) (C) (D) Fill in the Blanks 3) The uncooked food that we eat is called (raw, cooked)

4) We cannot eat raw . (grains, vegetables) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name the cooked food shown in the picture. Ans. 6) Complete the following to get the name of a raw food item. it fAns. Short Answer Question 7) Name the two types of food we eat. Ans. 2

Understanding Match the Following 8) a) frying 9) b) boiling 10) c) steaming 11) d) baking Short Answer Questions the germs in the food and makes it Complete the following sentence: 12) Cooking to eat. 13) Which cooking method uses oil to cook the food? Ans. Cooking 3

Application Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which of the following helps us to boil and steam the food? [    ] (A) griddle (B) pressure cooker (C) spoons and ladles (D) tray 15) Which of the following do we use for serving the food?  [ ] (A) bowl (B) frying pan (C) griddle (D) pressure cooker Short Answer Questions 16) What do we use to mix the food? Ans. 4

17) What do we think about before picking up a vessel for cooking? Ans. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Identify these machines that help in cooking. Write their names. a) b) Ans. Cooking 5

Lesson 11 My House Remembering Multiple Choice Questions [    ] 1) With whom do we live in our house? (A) our family (B) our friends (C) our teachers (D) our classmates 2) Which of the following may be found in some houses only? [      ] (A) roof (B) window (C) door (D) balcony Fill in the Blanks from the hot sun and rain. 3) Houses keep us 4) We eat, play and sleep in our . Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name any one type of room in the house. Ans. 6) How many rooms are there in your house? Ans. 6

Short Answer Question 7) Label the following in the picture given below. door, window Understanding Circle the Correct Word 8) Food is cooked in the kitchen / bedroom / drawing room. 9) We have a bath in the kitchen / dining room / bathroom. 10) We sleep in the dining room / kitchen / bedroom. 11) The room used for eating the food is dining room / bedroom / drawing room. Short Answer Questions 12) Name the room shown in the picture. Ans. My House 7

13) Name the room shown in the picture. Ans. Application Multiple Choice Questions [    ] 14) Which of the following do we need to clean the house? (A) bucket and mop (B) pillows (C) knife (D) thread and needle 8

15) What is shown in the picture below?  [     ] (A) spray (B) bucket (C) brush (D) broom Short Answer Questions 16) How does a clean house help us? Ans. 17) How do you help your parents to keep your house neat and tidy? Write any one way. Ans. My House 9

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Make a wall hanging to decorate your house. You will need: • a matchbox or a carton • child-friendly scissors • gum • paper • colours • thread You can take the help of your parents. (Hint: ) 10

Lesson 12 Story of the Wheel Remembering Multiple Choice Questions [    ] 1) What was the first wheel made of? [      ] (A) wood (B) stone (C) clay (D) rubber 2) What did people first use the wheel for? (A) to go from one place to another (B) to draw water from wells (C) to make pots (D) to make toys Fill in the Blanks Complete the following words to get the types of wheels. 3) o d e n r4) b er 11

Very Short Answer Questions 5) What do you see in the given picture? Ans. 6) What do you see in the given picture? Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Number the following wheels from 1 to 4 – the oldest as 1 and the newest as 4. a) b) c) d) 12

Understanding Match the Following 8) a) three-wheeler 9) b) six-wheeler 10) c) four-wheeler 11) d) two-wheeler Short Answer Questions 12) How do vehicles help us? Write any one way. Ans. Story of the Wheel 13

13) Name animals that were used to carry heavy things before wheels. Ans. Application [    ] Multiple Choice Questions 14) Identify the wheel given in the picture. (A) grinding grain (B) steering wheel (C) water wheel (D) sewing machine wheel 15) Which of the following pictures shows a giant wheel?  [ ] (A) (B) (C) (D) 14

Short Answer Questions 16) Write any one use of the wheel to early human. Ans. 17) Rearrange the jumbled letters to get the name of a wheel. hcahkar Ans. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Number the following steps in making pots in the correct order: Story of the Wheel 15

Lesson 13 Seasons of the Year Remembering [    ] Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which type of weather does the given picture show? [      ] (A) rainy (B) windy (C) cloudy (D) hot 2) Which season does the following picture show? (A) summer (B) winter (C) rainy (D) autumn 16

Fill in the Blanks changes within a few hours. Complete the following. 3) (Weather, Climate) 4) are different parts of the year with a special climate. (Months, Seasons) Very Short Answer Questions 5) How many types of seasons are there in a year? Ans. 6) What do we call the weather of a place that stays for a long time? Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Name any two seasons of the year. Ans. Seasons of the Year 17

Understanding Write ‘Y’ for Yes and ‘N’ for No. [ ] 8) Old leaves turn yellow in autumn. [ ] 9) There is snowfall in summer at some places. [ ] 10) We have the same climate in all the seasons. [ ] 11) Winter season is from December to March. Short Answer Questions 12) Ana went for a picnic with her family. She saw new leaves and colourful flowers everywhere. Can you guess the season there? Ans. 13) Which season is shown in the picture below? Write the names of the months when we have this season. Ans. 18

[    ] Application Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which of the following do we use in winter? (A) (B) (C) (D) Seasons of the Year 19

15) In which season should we drink a lot of water?  [     ] (A) winter (B) rainy season (C) autumn (D) summer Short Answer Questions 16) Name any two food items you like to eat in summer. Ans. 20

17) Amit has to go to school. It is raining outside. What should he take with him if he does not want to get wet? Ans. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Which is your favourite season? Draw any two things you like to do in that season. (Hint: making paper boats during the rainy season or eating ice cream during summer and so on) Ans. Seasons of the Year 21


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