1 25 25 by classklap Name: ______________________________________ Roll No.: _________ NUrSERY Section: __________ School: ___________________________________ ENGLISH CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING 1) TraceCOthNeCESPLTAUNATLIUNNGDLERINSTEASN.DING CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING 1
2) Write the LETTERS from A to F in the boxes. by classklap A 3) Trace the STRAIGHT LINES. 2
4) Trace the ‘S’ CURVES. by classklap 5) Write the missing LETTERS from L to P in the boxes. LN P 3
6) M atch the pictures to their BEGINNING LETTERS by drawing by classklap KITE X X-R AY U MANGO K UMBRELLA M 4
by classklap 7) Trace over the WAVY LINES. ACTIVITY 8) T race the STROKES and LINES to complete the picture. Colour the picture. 5
by classklap Q. NO. LEARNING OUTCOMES MARKS 1 Trace the Slanting Lines ______/3M 2 Write the Letters from A to F 3 ______/5M 4 5 Trace the Standing and Sleeping Lines ______/2M 6 7 Trace the S Curves ______/2M 8 Write the missing Letters from L to P ______/2M Identify the pictures and match them to the correct Beginning ______/4M ______/2M Letter ______/5M Trace the Wavy Lines Trace the Strokes and Lines to complete the picture and colour it Total Marks: _____/25M 6
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