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4 my VOCABULARY book Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Content 1. Features____________________________________ 01 2. Grade 1 Wordlist____________________________ 02 3. Grade 2 Wordlist____________________________ 03 4. Grade 3 Wordlist____________________________ 04 5. Revision Activities___________________________ 05 6. Set – A Wordlist______________________________ 07 7. Set – B Wordlist______________________________ 14 8. Set – C Wordlist______________________________ 21 9. Set – D Wordlist______________________________ 28 10. Set – E Wordlist______________________________ 35 11. Set – F Wordlist______________________________ 42 12. Set – G Wordlist_____________________________ 49 13. Set – H Wordlist______________________________ 56 Vocab_grade 4.indb 2 05/11/2018 17:51:30

Features This shows whether this word is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, pronoun or How to use this vocabulary book preposition. This is the base word. This tells you the meaning of the word. If a In the brackets you can see the other word has more than one meaning, they are forms of the word like plural forms of given using a semicolon (;). The first meaning nouns or different tenses of verbs. is the most common one. The word has been broken into syllables (smaller sounds) using this line. Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture Spelling balloon (balloons) noun – a bag filled with There were many air or another gas at the party. Write the spelling of the Write the meaning Fill in the blanks. Draw a picture of the word. Read out the word of the word. example sentence or of every time you write Write your own your own sentence. it, keeping the syllable sentence using the breakdown in mind. word. Vocab_grade 4.indb 1 1 05/11/2018 17:51:31

Grade 1 Wordlist about does hint pencil than action draw item people their activity drink language person there application each lesson plant these below every like present they best example living recall thing bird exercise magic relate think birthday family make remember tick book figure many room time call find match school tree capital flower maths season under chocolate food measure section understanding choose form money sentence vegetable coin formal month shape vocabulary colour friend mother shown water column from mouse skill wheel come fruit name sound when complete girl note star where concept grade number stop will cook grammar object sweet year creative group opposite table your cross hand order talk dictation help other teacher 05/11/2018 17:51:31 different higher part tell 2 Vocab_grade 4.indb 2

Grade 2 Wordlist always cream junk parent start apple cycle king past story around difference last pattern student balloon dirty length pizza study banana dress light possessive subject base event line potato subtract beach false lion proper tiger bicycle father list protect till blue feature made punctuation together brother feminine mark quantity tomato brush fill meal rectangle total butterfly first meaning replace transportation cake fish measurement represent travel capacity football member shadow true chapter game miss shelter type children gift move side unit class good movement simple walk clock grandfather mummy sister watch clothes grandparent need sleep week compare happen next solve weight continuous hour noise some yesterday contraction hundred only spelling count insect orange stand cousin join paragraph standard Vocab_grade 4.indb 3 3 05/11/2018 17:51:31

Grade 3 Wordlist also data habit occupation share animal date herself option sheep arrange dear holiday organ should bake degree home pack social basic description homework packet source because diary house painting stamp bench discover image passage state bottle divide informal phone support bread double into photo symbol butter down kilometre picture take calendar entry learn place tennis candy equally letter plain ticket celebrate estimate live planet tomorrow change festival long play unhappy chart finding market positive vacation cloth fire mean possession very collect flavour metre purchase want collection floor minute rate whom communication future mountain read work community give movie reason comparison gram much refer convert grandma neighbour relative crack guide notice revise crop guitar observe rice 4 05/11/2018 17:51:31 Vocab_grade 4.indb 4

Revision Activities candy festival A) Riddle Me! : Guess the word for the riddles below. holiday date grandma good fire floor future 1. I am C and Y, Join me, and that is I. 2. Every day I come and go, With a new number on your blackboard. 3. I bring sweets and lots of treats, I bring new clothes and holidays in heaps. 4. I cook food, I keep you warm, Put your hand, I cause harm. 5. Stand on me, run on me, Lie down on me, but do clean me. 6. I am not past, I am not now, I am the time that is yet to come. 7. You say me when you feel nice, You say me when you feel right, You say me when done well, What am I, now you tell. 8. I can scold your mother or your father, But never you or your brother. 9. When I come, I am fun, No school, no homework, nothing to be done. Vocab_grade 4.indb 5 5 05/11/2018 17:51:31

B) Riddle Me! : Guess the word for the riddles below. Answers A) 1. candy 1. Bread or pastry, pie or cake, B) 1. bake 2.bench You can eat me, only if you _________________. 2. You sit on me at your school, you sit on me at a park, I am a long seat, without a back. 3. Water, juice or milk, I hold it for you to drink. 4. Eat me with jam, eat me with butter, I make your breakfast better. 5. Numbers, weeks and days, You can find them in one place. 6. I have windows, I have doors, I have rooms big and small, All your family lives in me. 7. You use me to talk to your friend, Many messages you can send. 8. Nine of us, but now only eight, We go around the Sun, never do we wait. 9. I come from a grass-like plant You eat me, when food is what you want. 6 Vocab_grade 4.indb 6 3.festival 5.floor 6.future 7.good 8.grandma 3.bottle 4.bread 5.calender 8.planet 9.rice 05/11/2018 17:51:31

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture A above preposition – at a higher Lift the ball _________________ place your head. buy (buys, buying, verb, noun – to get Ajay _____________ a new TV. something by paying bought) money for it glass noun, adjective – a The ______________ window hard, clear material broke. that breaks easily Vocab_grade 4.indb 7 77 05/11/2018 17:51:31

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture grow (grows, growing, verb – become bigger Nitin wants to be a painter grew, grown) in size when he __________ up. have (has, having, verb – to own; used I __________ a pencil in my with a verb to express hand. had) a completed action love (loves, loving, verb – to strongly like Najeeb _____________ his loved) someone or something parents very much. 88 05/11/2018 17:51:31 Vocab_grade 4.indb 8

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture nice (nicer, nicest) adjective – pretty; My new friend is very pleasant; kind; good __________________. prince (princes) noun – the son of a king The ___________ came riding or queen a white horse. request (requests, verb – to ask someone I _________________ my father for something in a polite for a glass of water. requesting, requested) way Vocab_grade 4.indb 9 Set – A Wordlist 9 9 05/11/2018 17:51:31

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture said (say, says, saying, verb – to tell; to speak Romi ____________ that she is going to school. said) since conjunction – from a Rahul has been playing time in the past till now _____________ morning. speech (speeches) noun – a talk by a Neena gave a _____________ person on a particular on Abdul Kalam. topic 1010 05/11/2018 17:51:31 Vocab_grade 4.indb 10

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture thank (thanks, verb – to tell somebody I ______________ my friend for that you are pleased or helping me. thanking, thanked) grateful for something young (younger, adjective – not old; at A kitten is a ________________ an early stage of life or cat. youngest) growth bracket (brackets) noun – one of a pair (This sentence is in of marks () put around ____________________.) a word, sentence or number Vocab_grade 4.indb 11 Set – A Wordlist 1111 05/11/2018 17:51:31

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture choice (choices) noun – choose You must eat the right between many things ________________ of foods. blank (blanks) adjective, noun – I have a ______________ book empty; without any for drawing. marks or writing explain (explains, verb – to help someone He ____________________ how understand something to play the game. explaining, explained) 1212 05/11/2018 17:51:32 Vocab_grade 4.indb 12

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. nice glass have said bought requested love ‘Oh, how nice he looks! Let me ______________ him!’ said little Neena, looking at the stuffed elephant in the shop. ‘But, I ___________ a toy for you last month’, Neena’s mother _____________. ‘Oh, I just ____________ him! Please mother, one last toy!’ Neena _______________ her mother, hugging the large toy animal tightly in her arms. ‘Be careful. You might break him!’ teased Neena’s mother. ‘He is not made of ______________. He is just full of cotton. He won’t break’, laughed Neena. ‘Well, fine, we will take him’, smiled Neena’s mother. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. young thanked grows since above prince speech Long ago, there was a ______________ prince. He never spoke a word _____________ the day he was born. ‘What kind of a king will he be, when he ____________________ up, if he cannot speak!’ his father, the king thought. So, he took the prince to the wise old man who lived high ____________, on the mountain top. The wise old man gave the prince a magic apple. The young prince ate the apple and got his ___________________ back. The king was very happy. He _______________ the wise old man. Vocab_grade 4.indb 13 Set – A Wordlist 13 05/11/2018 17:51:32

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture B adjective – nice to look A rose is a __________________ beautiful at or listen flower. bike (bikes) noun – a vehicle You should wear a helmet with two wheels; a when you ride a ___________. motorbike both adjective – two people _____________ boys are tall. or two things together 14 05/11/2018 17:51:32 Vocab_grade 4.indb 14

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture could verb – to be able or Dad ________________ play possible to do; also tennis when he was young. used in polite requests or offers earth noun – the planet that ________________ is the third we live on; soil planet in the Solar System. energy noun – the power or Plants use ________________ ability to make from the Sun to grow. something work or be active Vocab_grade 4.indb 15 Set – B Wordlist 15 05/11/2018 17:51:32

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture fuel (fuels) noun – something that Wood, coal and petrol are is burned to give heat types of _______________. or power golden adjective – made of My aunt wears _____________ gold ; having a bright bangles. yellow colour like gold imagine (imagines, verb – to picture I always ________________ something or someone flying like a bird. imagining, imagined) in your mind 16 05/11/2018 17:51:32 Vocab_grade 4.indb 16

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture pollution noun – dirty or harmful Smoke from vehicles causes air, water or soil air __________________. public adjective – shared by Use of _____________ or open to all transportation reduces air pollution. same adjective – not at all The two cats look the different; matching _______________. exactly Vocab_grade 4.indb 17 Set – B Wordlist 17 05/11/2018 17:51:32

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture then adverb – soon after; at She ate food and ___________ that time went to bed. use (uses, using, used) verb, noun – to work We ______________ a knife to with something; the cut vegetables. value of something circle (circles) noun – a round shape, The children sat in a like a ring or a wheel _______________ at story time. 18 05/11/2018 17:51:32 Vocab_grade 4.indb 18

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture correct (corrects, verb, adjective – to fix Teacher is __________________ correcting, corrected) the mistakes; not wrong our books. or with no mistakes describe (describes, verb – to say or write Nidhi __________________ what something or what she did during the describing, described) someone is like holidays. done verb – finished or Neha has ____________ her completed homework. Vocab_grade 4.indb 19 Set – B Wordlist 19 05/11/2018 17:51:32

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. golden beautiful could same then both imagined A poor farmer had a duck that laid a golden egg every day. The farmer sold the eggs and became rich. Soon, he became greedy. He wanted all the golden eggs at the ____________ time. ‘If I ____________ have all the golden eggs that are inside the duck, I will become richer. __________, I will buy a big house. I will marry a _______________ woman’, he thought. He ______________ all the things that he could buy. So, he took a knife and cut the duck. But, there was nothing inside. The greedy farmer lost _______________ the duck and the golden eggs and became poor again. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. bike public earth use fuel energy pollution My dad has a bike. But he does not ______________ it every day. He goes by bus. He says that ______________ transportation is safe. It helps us save ________________. It also helps in reducing _________________. He says that we all need to do our bit to conserve ________________. When we conserve energy, we save our _____________. 20 05/11/2018 17:51:32 Vocab_grade 4.indb 20

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture C build (builds, building, verb – to make Birds ________________ nests. something by putting built) parts together enough adjective – as much as There is ______________ food you need for everyone. important adjective – having It is ______________________ to great meaning or always tell the truth. value Vocab_grade 4.indb 21 21 05/11/2018 17:51:32

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture keep (keeps, keeping, verb – to put or store Asha always ____________ her things carefully. kept) listen (listens, listening, verb – to hear carefully I like to ___________ to songs. listened) most adjective – greatest _______________ birds can fly. in number or quantity; nearly all of something 22 05/11/2018 17:51:33 Vocab_grade 4.indb 22

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture plastic adjective – a light, Buckets and bottles are strong material that made of _______________. does not break easily preserve (preserves, verb – to save something We should respect and preserving, preserved) from being spoiled, ________________ our culture. damaged or harmed small (smaller, smallest) adjective – not big; little A rat is a __________________ in size animal. Vocab_grade 4.indb 23 Set – C Wordlist 23 05/11/2018 17:51:33

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture soil (soils) noun – the top layer of Black __________ is good for earth in which plants growing cotton. can grow spend (spends, verb – to use money to Never _____________ money spending, spent) buy things on junk food. team (teams) noun – a group of I am in the school football people who work or ____________. play sports together 24 05/11/2018 17:51:33 Vocab_grade 4.indb 24

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture throw (throws, throwing, verb – to send The baby ____________ the something out of your toy out of the window. threw, thrown) hand with force world (worlds) noun – the earth and India is the seventh largest all those to live on it country in the ___________. following adjective – something We went to the park the that comes next or ____________________ day. below Vocab_grade 4.indb 25 Set – C Wordlist 25 05/11/2018 17:51:33

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture given adjective – something I finished the exam within the that is mentioned, ______________ time. provided or arranged how adverb – in what way; ___________ are you feeling? for what reason; used to ask the condition or quality of something identify (identifies, verb – to recognise My dog can _______________ something or someone me even in the dark. identifying, identified) by name 26 05/11/2018 17:51:33 Vocab_grade 4.indb 26

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. team most spend listen built enough small My brother and I are like a team. We ______________________ all our time together. Our dad _______________ a tree house for us. It is ________________. But it is _______________ for both of us. We spend _______________ evenings in the tree house. We _____________ to music, read books or play. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. important soil preserve world keep throw plastic The Earth is our home. It is important that we take good care of it. We must ______________ and protect nature. We must _______________ our surroundings clean. We should ________________ waste only in dustbins. We must not use _________________ bags. Plastic bags harm our ________________ and our environment. We must do what little we can to make this ___________________ a better place to live in. Vocab_grade 4.indb 27 Set – C Wordlist 27 05/11/2018 17:51:33

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture D noun – a large town Mumbai is a big ____________. city (cities) connect (connects, verb – to join together I ______________________ the phone to the computer. connecting, connected) decimal adjective, noun – 0.5 is a __________________ counting numbers and number. parts of numbers in tens 28 05/11/2018 17:51:33 Vocab_grade 4.indb 28

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture discovery noun – something that The ________________ of polio someone finds out drops saved many children. (discoveries) about, when it was not known before electricity noun – a kind of The fan runs on energy used to make ___________________. machines work favourite adjective – most liked Kohli is my _________________ cricketer. Vocab_grade 4.indb 29 Set – D Wordlist 29 05/11/2018 17:51:33

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture film (films) noun – cinema; movie I like to watch cartoon _____________. function (functions) noun – the purpose or An umbrella’s _____________ role that something is to protect you from rain. has; a party library (libraries) noun – a place where I like to go to the ___________ you can read or borrow to read books. books 30 05/11/2018 17:51:33 Vocab_grade 4.indb 30

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture mobile (mobiles) noun, adjective – able Mom has a _________________ to move or be moved phone. easily from one place to another mostly adverb – usually; mainly Kashmir is _____________ cold. science (sciences) noun, adjective – a Our _______________ teacher study of nature and taught us about the human humans body. Vocab_grade 4.indb 31 Set – D Wordlist 31 05/11/2018 17:51:33

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture them pronoun – a group I have some books with of people, animals or pictures in _______________. things thousand noun, adjective – the The table costs a number 1000 _______________ rupees. (thousands) useful adjective – able to use A cow is a ________________ something in a helpful animal. way 32 05/11/2018 17:51:33 Vocab_grade 4.indb 32

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture look (looks, looking, verb – to use your eyes I feel happy when I to see something __________at my puppy. looked) multiple adjective – many; Our house has ______________ having or made of rooms. more than one part question (questions) noun – a sentence that Faizal asks many asks for information or ________________. an answer Vocab_grade 4.indb 33 Set – D Wordlist 33 05/11/2018 17:51:33

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. library favourite thousands electricity science city discovery There is a big library in our _______________. There are ________________ of books in it. I always go there to read ________________ books. Science is my ___________________ subject. Every time I go to the library, I read about some new ___________________. Last time I read about the discovery of _______________________. I learn many new things from the library. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. mobile them connects functions mostly useful films The mobile phone has become very _______________ nowadays. It _______________ you with people even if you are far away from __________________. At first it was used _______________ for making calls. But now, it has many other __________________. We can send messages, take pictures, listen to music, see _____________ and do many more things. 34 05/11/2018 17:51:34 Vocab_grade 4.indb 34

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture E noun – the language, Festivals are an important customs and beliefs of part of Indian ______________. culture (cultures) a particular group of people disease (diseases) noun – something that Doctors treat ______________. causes sickness distance (distances) noun – space between The ____________________ two places between the wall and the table is four feet. Vocab_grade 4.indb 35 35 05/11/2018 17:51:34

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture equivalent noun, adjective – the 1000 grams is same as or equal to __________________ to one another in meaning, kilogram. value or measure follow (follows, verb – to go behind My little sister _______________ or after something or me everywhere. following, followed) someone Indian (Indians) noun, adjective – a The ____________ team won person born in India; the cricket match. someone or something belonging to India 36 05/11/2018 17:51:34 Vocab_grade 4.indb 36

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture kitchen (kitchens) noun – the part in a Our dog is not allowed in the house where food is _____________. cooked plan (plans, planning, verb, noun – to decide We _____________ a surprise how you are going to party for my dad. planned) do something principal noun – the head of a Our __________________ gave group a speech at the function. (principals) Vocab_grade 4.indb 37 Set – E Wordlist 37 05/11/2018 17:51:34

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture really adverb – very; truly; It was _________________ cold actually last night. respect (respects, verb – to admire or We should _____________ our honour elders. respecting, respected) that adjective, pronoun ___________ road is dirty. – used to talk about 38 someone or something that is not near you Vocab_grade 4.indb 38 05/11/2018 17:51:34

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture those (plural of ‘that’) pronoun, adjective ______________ are my books. – used to talk about things or people that are far from you tired adjective – to feel low I was ______________ after on energy; to feel the running. need to sleep or rest virus (viruses) noun – something Computer _________________ that causes disease or spreads through emails. damage Vocab_grade 4.indb 39 Set – E Wordlist 39 05/11/2018 17:51:34

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture rewrite (rewrites, verb – to write again Teacher told us to __________ the sentences in our books. rewriting, rewrote, rewritten) short (shorter, shortest) adjective – not long; Nina cut her hair ___________. not tall show (shows, showing, verb – to let someone Simi _____________ her report see something; to card to her parents. showed, shown) teach or explain by example 40 05/11/2018 17:51:34 Vocab_grade 4.indb 40

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. culture equivalent Indians followed those respect distances tired India is a land of rich culture and customs. Here, guests are treated ______________________ to God. _____________ remove their shoes before entering a place of worship and before entering someone’s home. It is a sign of_____________. Water is first offered to all _____________ who come home. In the past, people had to walk long _______________________. So they were offered water, as they may be ______________ and thirsty. These customs are _________________ even today. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. disease really virus kitchen Principal that plan ‘I think I have some disease. I am not feeling well. Call my school ______________ and tell him I can’t come. What if it is some ________________? What if all my friends fall sick because of me?’ cried little Arya. ‘I know your _____________. You want to skip school’, said Arya’s mother. ‘_____________ is not true. I ______________ have a stomach ache’, argued Arya. ‘Oh! But I made laddoos for you. Too bad you can’t eat them’, said mother. ‘I think my stomach ache is gone’, said Arya, running into the ____________ to eat the laddoos. ‘Then get ready for school’, laughed his mother. Vocab_grade 4.indb 41 Set – E Wordlist 41 05/11/2018 17:51:34

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture F adjective – usual; Mangoes are _____________ normal; easily found; in summer. common often seen define (defines, verb – to describe the Father asked Amar to meaning of something ____________ what a noun is. defining, defined) diagram (diagrams) noun – a simple We drew the _______________ of a leaf. drawing 42 05/11/2018 17:51:34 Vocab_grade 4.indb 42

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture equal noun, adjective – a Both pencils are ____________ person or a thing that is in length. the same as another express (expresses, verb – to show an Distance is _________________ amount or quantity in a in kilometres. expressing, expressed) different form; to show how you feel or think fraction (fractions) noun – a number 1 is a ___________________. that is part of a whole 2 number; a small part of something Vocab_grade 4.indb 43 Set – F Wordlist 43 05/11/2018 17:51:35

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture half (halves) noun – one of two More than ___________ of the equal parts of Earth’s surface is covered something with water. label (labels, labelling, verb – to identify, I ________________ the parts describe or give of the human body. labelled) information about something mixed adjective – combined 5 1 is a __________________ into one 2 fraction. 44 05/11/2018 17:51:35 Vocab_grade 4.indb 44

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture problem (problems) noun – something that I spent an hour trying to solve needs to be solved the maths ______________. project (projects) noun – a set of actions We did a ________________ in towards a particular aim science. sort (sorts, sorting, verb – to separate into Mum asked me to __________ sorted) groups or types the dirty clothes. Vocab_grade 4.indb 45 Set – F Wordlist 45 05/11/2018 17:51:35

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture vehicle (vehicles) noun – something that An aeroplane is a transports things or ____________ that can fly. people with preposition – by using; I write ______________ a pen. being together write (writes, writing, verb – to make letters, Sona has ________________ a words or numbers with poem. wrote, written) a pencil or pen 46 05/11/2018 17:51:35 Vocab_grade 4.indb 46

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture solution (solutions) noun – the answer to a Planting trees is a problem or question _____________ to air pollution. trace (traces, tracing, verb – to copy a picture Sejal _________________ the traced) by covering it with a picture of a tiger from a thin sheet of paper book. underline (underlines, verb – to draw a line Nisha _____________________ underlining, underlined) under a word or the spelling words in her workbook. sentence Vocab_grade 4.indb 47 Set – F Wordlist 47 05/11/2018 17:51:35

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. equal express half fractions written problems with mixed ‘Divide the chocolate into two equal parts. Share it ____________ your sister’, Mother said to Rohan. ‘You mean one _______________ for me and the other for Tinku, don’t you?’ said Rohan. ‘Well, well! You are very smart’, smiled mother. ‘We are learning _______________ at school. I even know that half is ________________ as ½. I also learnt ______________ fractions’, Rohan said very proudly. ‘That is good. Then, shall I give you some word ______________? Do you think you can ____________ them in mixed fractions correctly?’ asked mother. ‘Easily’, said Rohan. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. project vehicle labelled common diagrams sorted defined I did a school project on the types of transportation. First, I ___________________ what transportation means. I wrote what the ______________ means of transport are. Then, I ___________________ the vehicles according to land, water and air transport. I wrote about the way each _______________________ moves. I drew ___________________. I _______________________ the diagrams neatly. Teacher said that I did really well. 48 05/11/2018 17:51:35 Vocab_grade 4.indb 48

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