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Home Explore 85196_MG - 11222310316-MAGNOLIA-STUDENT-WORKBOOK-MATHEMATICS-G01-PART2 (NXPowerLite Copy)


Published by CLASSKLAP, 2022-05-05 06:00:13

Description: 85196_MG - 11222310316-MAGNOLIA-STUDENT-WORKBOOK-MATHEMATICS-G01-PART2 (NXPowerLite Copy)


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17) Sony and Honey had different fruits as shown. Make collections of each type of fruit and write the number in each. Solution: Data Handling 47

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Observe the collection given and answer the following questions. a) How many circles are there? b) Which shape is maximum in number? c) Which shape is minimum in number? Solution: Practice Questions 1) Name the given collections of objects. a) b) c) 48

2) Make collections of each different letter and mention how many are in each collection. ABABCBBBCCAAA BCBCBCACAABBC C A A A C C C C B B A A C BAACBBCAAAB 3) Observe the collection of leaves in a garden. Make collections of each type of leaf and mention the number in each. 4) Based on the collections in the above picture, answer the following. a) How many more leaves are there than leaves? leaves? b) Number of leaves in all? c) What is the total number of leaves and Data Handling 49

5) Observe the collection of dogs. Make collections of each type of dog. 6) Based on the collections in the above picture, answer the following. a) How many less are there than ? b) How many are there in all? c) How many different dogs are present in the picture? 50

7) Observe the collections of each type of marbles. Prepare any three questions based on this data. Marbles Collection of marbles 8) Prepare a table to represent the number of faces pictorially. Prepare any 3 questions. Faces Number of faces 3 4 6 9) Look at the picture and answer the questions. Data Handling 51

a) How many different types of shapes are present in the table? (A) 3 (B) 8 (C) 5 (D) 4 b) How many are there? (A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 5 c) Which shape is more in number? (A) circle (B) square (C) rectangle (D) triangle d) How many rectangles and squares are there? (A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 13 (D) 12 10) Observe the collection of shapes in the picture given above. Make collection of each type of shape. 52