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Home Explore SA1_2P_LKG_English


Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-12-31 10:33:18

Description: SA1_2P_LKG_English


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1 50 LKG English Name: ______________________________________ Roll No.: _________ Section: __________ School: ___________________________________ CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING 1) Circle (O) the BEGINNING LETTER for each animal. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING jCONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING n m aeo egc hk l 1

2) T race the PATTERN WAVES. 3) Tick (P) the box below the correct ACTION in each row. Namaste Good work Silence 2

4) S POT THE DIFFERENT tree and circle it. 5) Write the MISSING LETTERS in each row. G JK E LM BC MN 3

6) Trace the dotted SLANTING LINES. 7) M atch the types of LINES with their names. Trace the LINES. Slanting Line Sleeping Line Standing Line 4

8) Match the pictures to their BEGINNING LETTERS by drawing lines. e n j k l d 5

9) L ook at the pictures. Circle (O) the BEGINNING LETTERS. em g t d ay ds a h c kn hi 10) Identify the EXPRESSIONS and write them below each picture. sad, angry, happy 11) Write the SMALL LETTERS from a to o. a 6

ACTIVITY 12) Identify and colour the vehicle/animal that makes LOUD SOUND. 7

SUGGESTED ORAL W hat are the people in the picture doing? Can you name and describe the things that you see? Q. NO LEARNING OUTCOMES MARKS 1 Identify the Beginning Letters ______/4M 2 3 Trace the Pattern Waves ______/2M 4 5 Identify the correct Actions ______/3M 6 Spot the Different picture ______/1M 7 Write the missing Letters ______/5M 8 Trace the Slanting Lines ______/6M 9 Match the Strokes to their names and trace them ______/6M 10 Match the pictures to their Beginning Letters ______/6M 11 12 Identify the Beginning Letters ______/2M Identify and write the Expressions shown ______/3M Write the small Letters from a to o ______/7M Identify and colour the vehicle/ animal that makes Loud Sound ______/5M Total Marks:_____/50M 8

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