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ENGLISH TEXTBOOK – PART 1 1 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Preface ClassKlap Program partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap Program presents the latest version of this series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. This series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the prescribed board curriculum. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The books are split into two parts to manage the bag weight. Listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) are fundamental skills for any language skills, and students’ mastery over them is key to success at school. All these skills frequently need to be used together. Therefore, the English textbooks and workbooks strive to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four LSRW skills. To this effect, the English textbooks and workbooks offer the following features:  Theme-based literature pieces across classes 1-5  Samples of Indian writing in English as well as popular English literature pieces from western countries  P ictures for word meanings in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words  S upplementary literature pieces (without questions and answers) to enable additional reading  A speaking project and two reading comprehension passages in each unit to further hone speaking and reading skills  Horizontal and vertical progression across grades for the grammar concepts covered in the workbooks, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  S amples of format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing Overall, the ClassKlap English textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication and empower students to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors

Textbook Features Listen and Say Aloud Warm Up Activities and questions to prepare Interesting questions to arouse students to focus on pronunciation and curiosity about the lesson help teachers to introduce the lesson Reading the Text Variety of literature pieces (prose/ poetry/drama) Questions after the literature piece for quick check of understanding Understanding the Text Questions to check comprehension of the literature piece – 'Literature comprehension' and 'Value-based questions' are only a part of detailed lessons Speaking Task Activities for students to speak individually or in pairs or groups on a theme-related topic

1Class 1 Buddy, My Dog ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 2 New Shoes ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 3 My Home ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10 S1 Speaking Project ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 R1 Reading Comprehension ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 4 Bunty’s Shrinking Clothes ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 5 Healthy Food ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 6 Rani’s First Day at School ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 S2 Speaking Project ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 R2 Reading Comprehension ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 34

Buddy, 1 My Dog My Family and I Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘a’ sound at am ant cat man happy wag have 1 Warm Up Look at the picture. What do you see? • How many people are there in your family? • What do you like to do together? Let us read a story about a girl named Ammu and her family.

Reading the Text Father Mother Simi Ammu Buddy  Hello! My name is Ammu. Look at this picture of my family. It has my father Harman Singh, my mother Saroj, my sister Simi, and then there’s me. Also meet our small brown dog Buddy. Do you know what ‘Buddy’ means? It means ‘friend’. Every morning, my gives a of milk and a to . She wags her when she sees the . My takes her for a walk every evening. A small comes to our . 2

Every time sees him, she says, ‘Woof! Woof!’ The says, ‘Meow! Meow!’ and I give the some . runs after the and chews on her . We all laugh watching them play together. This is my family! Let Us Discuss 1) Is the dog big or small? 2) What is the name of the dog? Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning brown colour of chocolate wags to move the tail from one side to another chews to bite and eat Exercise 2: Literature comprehension Tick the correct answers. 1) What colour is Buddy? (A) black (B) white (C) brown   (D) green   Buddy, My Dog 3

2) What does the mother give Buddy? (A) milk (B) water (C) milk and bone (D) bone 3) Who takes Buddy for a walk? (A) father (B) mother (C) Ria (D) Sunny Exercise 3: Read and answer Look at the pictures of family members and trace their names. mother father  grandmother sister  grandfather Exercise 4: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation Circle the correct answers. 1) We should take care / not take care of our pets. 2) We should help / not help each other in a family. 4

Speaking Task Public speaking Write down things about yourself and share the information with your friends. I am years old. is my friend. My favourite colour is . You can also answer the following questions. • What is your favourite food? • What is your favourite TV show? • What is your favourite game? Buddy, My Dog 5

New 2 Shoes My Family and I Life Around Us Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming words squeaky creaky, leaky today away Warm Up Look at the pictures below and name the things. Which of these things can you wear? Let us read a poem about a child who got a new pair of shoes. 6

Reading the Text leaky My shoes are new and squeaky shoes. squeaky They are very shiny, creaky shoes, creaky I wish I had my leaky shoes That mother threw away. I liked my old, brown, leaky shoes Much better than these creaky shoes, These shiny, creaky, squeaky shoes I have to wear today. Let Us Discuss 1) How are the new shoes? 2) What colour were the old shoes? Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning squeaky making a sharp and loud sound like a mouse does creaky making a low and long sound leaky having holes New Shoes 7

Exercise 2: Literature comprehension Tick the correct answers. 1) How do the new shoes look? (A) shiny, creaky, squeaky (B) dull, creaky, squeaky (C) old, shiny, creaky (D) old, dull, squeaky 2) What did the child’s mother do with the old shoes? (A) put them in a box (B) gave them to someone (C) threw them away (D) asked the child to wear them 3) How were the child’s old shoes? (A) black and leaky (B) grey and squeaky (C) yellow and squeaky (D) brown and leaky Exercise 3: Read and answer Trace the rhyming words. Add more rhyming words in the blanks. Then read the words aloud. 1) squeaky creaky leaky 2) old cold 3) brown crown my4) cry 8

Exercise 4: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation Underline the correct sentences. 1) (A) I like my torn shoes. (B) I like my new shoes. 2) (A) We should never take care of our things. (B) We should always take care of our things. Speaking Task Song Read the song along with your teacher and trace the letters to complete the words. Then sing the song with actions. h o eOne, two Buckle my s . o o rThree, four . Shut the d i c kFive, six Pick up the st s. Seven, eight Lay them straight. n. Nine, ten eA big fat h New Shoes 9 L02_Alpine_English_G1_TB_20-21.indd 9 12/01/2022 11:51:33 AM

3 My Home Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘i’ sound is in him lip pink morning give wish Warm Up • Look at the picture. What is the family doing? • Do you think they are enjoying themselves? 10

Reading the Text This is my home. I live here with my family. We take off our shoes and chappals My grandfather keeps his stick here. in the corner. We also keep our mats there. My father keeps his motorcycle outside. My Home 11

But his helmet is on the My mother and grandmother keep cupboard. their saris in the trunk. My family cooks tasty food in My grandmother likes to sleep in the the kitchen. afternoon. Friends of my grandfather visit him You must come and visit my home. in the evening. Do come soon! – Adapted from ‘My Home’ by Rukmini Banerji 12

Let Us Discuss 1) Who does the girl live with? 2) How many people are there in her family? Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning helmet a strong, hard hat that covers and protects the head trunk a box to store clothes and things Speaking Task Circle time Sit in a circle and talk about your house and your family. • Whom do you live with? • How many rooms are there in your house? • Where do you eat food? • Where do you take a bath? • In which room do you sleep? My Home 13 L03_Alpine_English_G1_TB_20-21.indd 13 12/01/2022 11:48:31 AM

Paste a picture of your family in the house given below. 14

S1 Speaking Project Talking about family We all like to spend time with our families. Bring your favourite photograph of your family and show it to your classmates. Tell your classmates about who all are in the photograph, where it was clicked and why you like it. 15

R1 Reading Comprehension Picture 1 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) The girl has a pet _______. [    ] (A) cat (B) dog [    ] (C) rabbit (D) mouse [    ] 2) Her mother wants her to take her _______. (A) bag (B) shoes (C) dog (D) lunch box 3) The girl is going _______ school. (A) to (B) from (C) of (D) off 16

4) The girl and her mother are standing on a carpet. [    ] A carpet is like a _______. (A) mat (B) chair (C) flower (D) step 5) There is a _______ in the picture, and the word rhymes with ‘lock’. [    ] (A) dog (B) clock (C) shoes (D) bag Picture 2 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) This picture shows children enjoying _______. [    ] (A) a bedtime story (B) a good sleep [    ] (C) watching TV (D) reading a book 2) There are _______ window panes in the picture. (A) three (B) two (C) no (D) four Reading Comprehension 17

3) There are two _______ in the picture. [    ] (A) child (B) childs [    ] (C) childrens (D) children [    ] 4) The grandmother is sitting on a _______. (A) cheir (B) chiar (C) chair (D) cheyar 5) T he children are lying on a bed. The word ‘_______’ rhymes with ‘bed’. (A) red (B) bad (C) bell (D) wet 18

Bunty’s 4 Shrinking Clothes Life Around Us Listen and Say Aloud Words with the short ‘o’ sound of on for dog not log pot stop Warm Up • W hat kind of food do you like to eat? • What will happen if we eat only one kind of food every day? Let us now read the story of a boy named Bunty, who only eats cheese. 19

Reading the Text cheese Bunty loves cheese. He eats cheese for breakfast, healthy lunch and dinner. buttons listen burst Bunty’s mother tells him to eat healthy food. But tries on Bunty does not listen. shrunk One day, all the buttons on Bunty’s shirt burst open. Bunty runs home and tries on all his clothes. He finds that his clothes have shrunk. They do not fit him. Bunty starts crying. Bunty’s mother tells him that he must stop eating only cheese. If he eats healthy food, his clothes will fit him again. That night, Bunty eats rotis, carrots, peas and a banana for dinner.  V ery soon, Bunty’s clothes fit him again. He promises to eat healthy from that day on. Let Us Discuss 1) What does Bunty love to eat? 2) What all did Bunty eat that night? 20

Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning cheese healthy a yellow or white solid food made from milk listen food that makes one strong and does not make one fall buttons sick burst to hear what someone is saying tries on shrunk round objects on clothes broke open wears and checks became smaller Exercise 2: Literature comprehension Choose the correct answers. 1) What does Bunty eat every day? [    ] (A) cheese (B) healthy food (C) burger and fries (D) biscuits and soft drinks 2) What does Bunty do when he finds that his clothes have shrunk? [    ] (A) he is happy (B) he is angry (C) he starts crying (D) he smiles 3) What does Bunty’s mother tell him to do? [    ] (A) to only eat cheese (B) to drink lots of water (C) to not eat anything (D) to eat healthy food Bunty’s Shrinking Clothes 21

Exercise 3: Read and answer Read the names of the food items and match them with their pictures. Food name Picture 1)      milk (A) 2)      sandwich (B) 3)      soup (C) 4)      vegetables (D) 5)      bananas (E) 22

Exercise 4: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. (healthy/unhealthy) 1) W hen we eat food, we stay fit and strong. 2) Bunty starts eating (less/more) cheese and (less/more) vegetables and fruits. Speaking Task Ask and answer questions Make pairs. Tell your friend about your favourite healthy food. Ask them questions about their favourite healthy food as well. • What is your favourite fruit? • Which vegetable do you like the most? • S hould we eat too much of cake, chips or cookies? • Why is it important to have healthy food? Ask your friend to try one healthy food item that they do not eat. Bunty’s Shrinking Clothes 23

5 Healthy Food Life Around Us Listen and Say Aloud Rhyming word queen Word drink green pink Warm Up • Have you gone vegetable shopping with your parents? • What did you buy? Name two vegetables. What were their colours? Let us read a poem about some healthy vegetables. 24

Reading the Text Tomatoes are red; beans are green, A brinjal has a crown, just like a queen. beans Potatoes are brown; onions are pink, crown juice Carrots have juice that is healthy to drink. healthy Vegetables make me strong, healthy and wise, l eat them every day with roti and rice. vegetables Let Us Discuss 1) What are the colours of tomatoes and beans? 2) What do carrots have? Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning beans long, green-coloured vegetables with seeds crown (here) the brinjal stem, which looks like the circular object that queens wear on their heads juice a liquid taken from fruits or vegetables healthy vegetables good for the body wise parts of plants that are used as food clever Healthy Food 25

Exercise 2: Literature comprehension are brown and pink. 1) Why is the brinjal like a queen? Ans. The brinjal is like a queen because 2) Which vegetables are brown and pink? Ans. 3) What do vegetables make us? Ans. Vegetables make us 26

Exercise 3: Read and answer Read the names of the food items given below. Circle the ones that are healthy. 1)      cake fruit salad 2)      milk doughnut apple 3)      capsicum 4)      cookies oranges 5)      eggs soft drink Healthy Food 27

Exercise 4: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation Choose the correct answers. 1) We should eat different fruits and vegetables because _________. [    ] (A) they are colourful (B) they are healthy (C) they come from plants (D) they look good 2) Vegetables make us _______________________. [    ] (A) fat and short (B) lazy and sad (C) lovely and beautiful (D) strong and wise Speaking Task Group activity What do you think the children in each picture are doing? Make groups of three and describe the pictures in your own words.    28

6 Rani’s First Day at School Listen and Say Aloud cup must Words with the short ‘u’ sound up us bun hut jug fun Warm Up Look at the picture. Where do you think the girl is going? • Do you remember who dropped you to school on your first day? • Do you remember any one activity you did in school on your first day? Let us read about what happened on Rani’s first day at school. 29

Reading the Text It is my first day at school. Mummy is holding my hand and walking with me. ‘I am grown up now’, I say. ‘Leave my hand, Mummy!’ Mummy holds my hand very tight. There are many children near the school. They come by bus. They come by car. They come by rickshaw. They cycle. They walk, like me. We reach the gate. Mummy leaves my hand. She stays at the gate. I have to go inside alone. There are many new faces all around me. 30

I take one step. I take another step. I look back. Mummy gets smaller as I walk away. Will she disappear? I run back to her. I don’t feel very grown-up. I hold her hand. ‘Don’t go away’, I say. Everyone is inside now. I am the only one outside. The teacher comes out. She smiles at me. I smile back. Mummy says, ‘Rani, I will be here when you come out.’ I leave her hand. She waves to me. I run inside. Mummy will be there after school! – Adapted from ‘Rani’s First Day at School’ by Cheryl Rao Rani’s First Day at School 31

Let Us Discuss 1) Where is Rani going? 2) Who is holding Rani’s hand? Understanding the Text Exercise 1: New words Word Meaning grown-up become big disappear when a person cannot be seen anymore Speaking Task Circle time Sit in a circle with your friends. Your teacher will ask you the following questions. Answer them one by one. • How did you come to school on the first day? • Who did you meet? • What did you do? • What games did you play? • How did you feel? • What else do you remember? 32

S2 Speaking Project Describing pictures Look at the pictures given below. What can you see in each of them? Do you see any difference? What is it? Describe it to your classmates. If you were to live in any one of these rooms, which room would you choose? A or B? Why? Room A Room B 33

R2 Reading Comprehension Picture 1 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) There are ______ men in the picture. [    ] (A) five (B) three [    ] (C) two (D) one [    ] 2) A ______ is pulling the cart. (A) donkey (B) monkey (C) cow (D) horse 3) The plural of ‘horse’ is ______. (A) horses (B) horsses (C) horse (D) horsoes 34

4) The cart has two big ______. (rhymes with ‘feels’) [    ] (A) meals (B) wheels [    ] (C) seals (D) bells 5) The word ______ describes the colour of the horse. (A) brown (B) red (C) orange (D) white Picture 2 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) There are __________ children wearing caps. [    ] (A) six (B) four [    ] (C) seven (D) three 2) We can see ____________ fish in the picture. (A) three (B) four (C) five (D) two Reading Comprehension 35

3) The children ___________ going on an adventure. [    ] (A) is (B) was [    ] (C) are (D) am [    ] 4) The children are walking across a _______________. (A) stream (B) scream (C) streem (D) strime 5) There are rocks on both sides of the stream. A ‘rock’ is a big _____________. (A) fish (B) stone (C) grass (D) bird 36

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