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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-02-11 06:52:22



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ENVIRONMENTAL 1 STUDIES WORKBOOK – 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as its guiding principles for Environmental Studies (EVS):  EVS learning needs to be theme-based rather than topic-based  Relating the child’s local knowledge to what is learnt in class will discourage the rote memorisation and encourage the developmentally age-appropriate learning  Visuals/illustrations play a very pivotal role in EVS learning  Activities and questions have an important place in EVS learning Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Traveller series:  Theme-based content that addresses all the specified learning outcome holistically.  Student engagement through age-appropriate, visually appealing and activity-based content.  Diverse presentation and activities to address the differential learning styles of students.  A variety of question types based on Bloom’s taxonomy to build specifi thinking skills.  Focus on EVS-specific vocabulary building All in all, the Traveller Science books aim to promote an interdisciplinary learning of the environ-ment and its dynamic interactions with humans subtly in order to promote concern and sensitivity towards the environment as a vital entity that supports the existence of life. – The Authors

Workbook Features • Use of simple, age-appropriate language • Situation-based questions to foster real life skills • Use of image-based questions to build analytical skills • Focus on improving creativity through activities I Remember I Understand • Q uestions that are aimed at • Q uestions that are aimed at helping students recollect helping students engage with critical information related to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and concept ‘where’ of the concept I Explore (H.O.T.S.) I Apply • E xtending the application of the • A pplying the understanding concept to more advanced of the concept to questions and challenging questions which based on application of the meet the criteria of higher order concept in real-life scenarios thinking skills

Contents 8 Taking Care of Myself and My Surroundings �����������������������������������������������1 9 Our Neighbourhood ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 10 Plants Around Us �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 11 Animals Around Us ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 1 2 Transport ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 13 Let Us Communicate�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34 14 Changes in Our Surroundings����������������������������������������������������������������������39

8Lesson Taking Care of Myself and My Surroundings I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following is a way to keep our surroundings clean? [    ] (A) throwing garbage in a dustbin (B) brushing teeth (C) throwing garbage everywhere (D) washing hands before eating 2) Which of the following is not a good habit? [   ] (A) bathing daily 1 (B) keep the nails long and dirty (C) brushing twice a day (D) washing hands and legs after playing

Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) T  o keep our body , we need to take care of it. (healthy/unhealthy) 4) A is any person whom we do not know. (stranger/friend) Very Short Answer Questions What are the children in the pictures doing? 5) Ans. 6) Ans. 2

Short Answer Question and 7) C  omplete the following sentence: C  lean body and clean clothes keep away. I Understand True or False 8) I t is not necessary to wash hands when we come back home after playing outside. [] 9) We should not run and play on the road. [    ] 10) Playing with sharp objects like a knife and scissor is very safe. [] 11) W  e should tell our parents or teachers when we do not like the way anyone touches us. [] Short Answer Questions 12) Tick () the correct picture and cross () the wrong one. a) b) Taking Care of Myself and My Surroundings 3

13) N  umber the following pictures in the correct order. a) b) c) I Apply [   ] Multiple Choice Questions 14) Which of the following do we use to clean our teeth? (A) comb (B) cream (C) oil (D) toothbrush and toothpaste 4

15) R  on wants to keep his body healthy and strong. Which of the following should he not do? [    ] (A) Drink 5-6 glasses of clean water every day. (B) Do some exercise and yoga. (C) Eat burgers, pizzas and samosas. (D) Drink milk daily. Short Answer Questions 16) T  ick the safety rules to be followed at home. a) Do not touch electrical wires, switches or plugs. b) D o not put your hands out of the window of a moving car or bus. c) Do not open the doors for a stranger. d) Cross the road only with a grown-up person. 17) I f you do not like the way anyone touches you, what should you do? Number the actions in the proper order. a) Run away. b) Say a loud ‘NO’. c) Tell your parents or teacher about it. d) Scream. Taking Care of Myself and My Surroundings 5

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) D  raw, colour and name two healthy food items you eat. Ans. 6

9Lesson Our Neighbourhood I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following people help us to read and write? [    ] [    ] (A) doctors (B) teachers (C) postmen (D) sweepers 2) Which of the following is not a place where we pray? (A) mosque (B) temple (C) bank (D) church Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3)  take care of gardens. (Milkmen/Gardeners) 7

4) Our includes all the places around our home. (playground/neighbourhood) Very Short Answer Questions 5) N  ame the neighbourhood place where we go to watch movies. Ans. 6) Name the neighbourhood place shown in the picture. Ans. Short Answer Question 7) F rom the options given below, circle the places we should go to start our travel. a) fire station b) bus station c) police station d) railway station 8

I Understand a) Match the Following 8) if we get hurt 9) in case of fire b) 10) t o send and receive c) letters and parcels 11) watching movies d) Short Answer Questions 12) Look at the pictures and complete the following: Most important people in our neighbourhood are . and Our Neighbourhood 9

13) T  ick the picture which shows the appropriate behaviour in our neighbourhood place. a) b) stand in a queue talk loudly on the phone in a movie theatre I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) R  itu’s grandparents gave her some money as a birthday gift. Which of the following places must she choose to keep her money safe? [    ] (A) police station (B) bank (C) temple (D) hospital 10

15) Aliya is not feeling well. Whom should she go to from the following? [    ] (A) firefighter (B) police officer (C) gardener (D) doctor Short Answer Questions 16) D  raw a picture of any neighbourhood place you would like to go to in your free time. Ans. Our Neighbourhood 11

17) W  hile walking in the neighbourhood, you find a house on fire. From the following, circle the places and people whom you will call for help. a) bus station b) fire station c) sweepers d) firefighters I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) F  ind out and write about the person shown in the picture. 12

Ans. Our Neighbourhood 13

10Lesson Plants Around Us I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following is not a part of a plant? [    ] (A) stem (B) root (C) fruit (D) climber 2) Which of the following is a climber? [   ] (A) mango (B) mint (C) grapevine (D) rose Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) M  ost of the plants grow from . (leaves/seeds) 4) is an example of a medicinal plant. (Mango/Neem) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give one example of a small plant. Ans. 14

6) Give one example of a flower we eat as food. Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Name the plants given in the pictures. a  ) b) I Understand [] [] True or False [] 8) All plants look the same. [] 9) Water lily is a climber. 10) Amla can be used as medicine. 11) P  lants grow only on land. Plants Around Us 15

Short Answer Questions 12) Circle the plants that are used as medicine. a) b) c) d) 13) Label the parts of the plant. b) a) d) c) 16

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) We drink sugar cane juice very often. What part of sugar cane plant is used to make juice? [] (A) seed (B) flower (C) root (D) stem 15) Which of the following is an example of a leafy vegetable?  [ ] (A) tulsi (B) neem (C) broccoli (D) lettuce Plants Around Us 17

Short Answer Questions 16) Draw any two fruits that you like. Ans. 17) Colour the seeds and stems we eat. a) corn b) apple c) mango d) potato 18

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) N  ame the plant shown in the picture. What type of plant is it? Ans. Name: Type of plant: Plants Around Us 19

11Lesson Animals Around Us I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following body part do birds use to fly? [    ] ] (A) fins (B) legs (C) tusk (D) wings 2) Which of the following is a not a pet animal? [    (A) dog (B) fish (C) lion (D) cat Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) D  omestic animals can be animals or pets. (zoo/farm) 4) Fish use to swim in water. (legs/fins) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Tick the odd one out. a) dog b) worm c) parrot d) duck 20

6) Circle the odd one out. b) fish a) dolphin c) rabbit d) whale Short Answer Question 7) Name the animal in the picture. Where does it live? Ans. Animals Around Us 21

I Understand Match the Following 8) a) hoot 9) b) croak 10) c) quack 11) d) trumpet Short Answer Questions 12) a) Name the animal which makes a hissing sound. b) Name the animal which tweets. Ans. a) b) 22

13) Label the body parts of an elephant. a) b) c) d) I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) W  hich of the following animals we may not see around our houses? [    ] (A) lion (B) frog (C) chicken (D) dog Animals Around Us 23

15) Which of the following is the right way of taking care of animals? [    ] (A) (B) (C) (D) Short Answer Questions 16) What is the thing shown in the picture? For what is it used? f e e rAns. It is a bird . 24

It is used to . 17) Circle the farm animals. b) a) c) d) e) f) Animals Around Us 25

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) C  ollect and paste the pictures of animals that can be kept as pets. Ans. 26

12Lesson Transport [   ] I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following vehicles has a sail? (A) aeroplane (B) car (C) boat (D) bus 2) Which of the following is an emergency vehicle? [   ] (A) train (B) bus (C) bicycle (D) ambulance 27

Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) To means moving from one place to another. (travel/transport) 4) Land, water and air are the three modes of . (communication/transport) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Identify the person in the picture. Ans. b) hot air balloon 6) Circle the odd one out. d) aeroplane a) helicopter c) yacht 28

Short Answer Question a) on road 7) What do traffic police ensure? b) needs tracks Ans. c) through air I Understand Match the Following 8) 9) 10) 11) d) through water Transport 29

Short Answer Questions 12) Draw a traffic signal and write what each light says. Ans. 13) L  abel the parts of a car. a) b) c) d) 30

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) hich of the following modes of transport does the given picture show? [    ] (A) water (B) land (C) air (D) water and land 15) N  iti was going to the park with her grandma. While walking she saw a person standing in the middle of the road and giving directions. Can you guess who the person is?  [] (A) pilot (B) driver (C) sailor (D) traffic police Transport 31

Short Answer Questions 16) Look at the picture and complete the following: All vehicles have stopped moving because the traffic signal must be . They will move when the signal turns . 17) Look at the picture and write the correct word in the blanks. a) He is wearing a mask because of from vehicles. b) He is covering the ears because of the blowing of . 32

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) F  ill the following crossword with the help of hints given below: a) It flies in the air. (across) b) It needs tracks to run. (down) c) Thieves are scared of this vehicle. d) A vehicle that moves on land. e) A vehicle that moves on water. (down) f) We need to pedal to make it move. (across) d) R b) E a) A T c) PA N f) I e) B CE E T N Transport 33

13Lesson Let Us Communicate I Remember Multiple Choice Questions 1) W  hich of the following is a written type of communication? [ ] (A) television (B) mobile (C) inland letter (D) telephone 2) Which of the following is not used for getting the latest news?[ ] (A) television (B) radio (C) clapping (D) newspaper 34

Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) Sharing of feelings or thoughts with others is called . 4) We (communication/transport) to signal that we are joking. (cry/wink) Very Short Answer Questions 5) Give an example of communication without words. Ans. 6) Give an example of communication with words. , Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Complete the following sentence: Misuse of or TVs can affect our growth and health. Let Us Communicate 35

I Understand True or False 8) Parcels and gifts are delivered through the post. [ ] ] 9) When we are happy, we shake our head. [    ] 10) Computers can be used to communicate. [ ] 11) P  eople who cannot talk and hear, communicate with hand movements. [ Short Answer Questions 12) W  hich type of communication is shown in the picture? Ans. 13) F  rom the given pictures, tick the picture in which communication is without words. a) b) 36

I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) A  nu’s father forgot his office file at home. Which of the following ] ways did her father use to communicate this to the family?  [ (A) letter (B) postcard (C) parcel (D) mobile 15) R  ihaan is a baby. He gets hurt while playing. How does he communicate this? [    ] (A) laughs (B) cries (C) smiles (D) winks Short Answer Questions 16) M  egha likes to talk to her sister who stays in a different country. Circle the means of communication she can use. a) computer with internet b) newspaper c) mobile d) television 17) Draw the expressions you show when you are a) happy, b) angry. Ans. Let Us Communicate 37

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) W  hich type of communication is shown in the pictures? Write M for movement of hands, E for Expression. a) b) 38

14Lesson Changes in Our Surroundings I Remember Multiple Choice Questions [   ] 1) Which of the following pictures shows sunrise? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which of the following is the last part of the day? [    ] (A) morning (B) afternoon (C) evening (D) noon Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the brackets. 3) W  e can see the Moon and stars at . (day/night) 39

4) When the Sun sets, it starts to get . (bright/dark) Very Short Answer Questions 5) What part of the day comes after morning? Ans. 6) What does the Sun give us? Ans. Short Answer Question 7) Circle the pictures of the night sky. a) b) c) d) 40

I Understand a) windy day b) rainbow Match the Following c) sunny day 8) d) cloudy day 9) 10) 11) Short Answer Questions 12) When do we see a rainbow in the sky? Ans. Changes in Our Surroundings 41

13) Look at the given picture and complete the following sentences: At night, we . In the morning, we . I Apply Multiple Choice Questions 14) S  teve wants to make a snowman. In which of the following weather will he be able to make a snowman?  [] (A) rainy (B) sunny (C) snowy (D) windy 15) O  n which day do you hear lots of frogs croaking? [   ] (A) sunny (B) hot (C) snowy (D) rainy 42

Short Answer Questions 16) Look at the picture and answer the following questions: a  ) What type of weather is shown in the picture? Ans. b) What do you see in the sky? Ans. 17) D  raw a picture of a sunny day. Ans. Changes in Our Surroundings 43

I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Draw a rainbow and colour it. Ans. 44

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