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by classklapTM ENGLISH WORKBOOK – TERM 3 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 1 1 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

Module 9 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Module 10 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Module 11 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 2 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

Module 9 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Alphabetical order Grammar Position words Writing Join the dots and fill in the blanks Complete sentences based on a picture Dictation 2) Exercise 1: Word dictation 4) 1) 3) NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 3 1 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

5) 6) 7) 8) PR Vocabulary Q Alphabetical order The English alphabet starts with the letter ‘A’ and ends with the letter ‘Z’. We always write the letters of the alphabet in the same order. a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V- W-X-Y-Z This order is called the alphabetical order. Have you ever seen your names in the teacher’s attendance register? It is in the alphabetical order. It is easy to find names or words written in the alphabetical order. Example: Read the first letters of the words in the list below. •  ant, bat, cat, dog, egg, fan, goat We began the list with a word that starts with the letter ‘a’. The next one starts with ‘b’, the next with ‘c’ and so on. 2 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 4

Exercise 2.1: Rewrite these words in alphabetical order. One is done for you. milk cabbage grapes onion potato banana 1) banana 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Exercise 2.2: Read the words under each group. Number the words (1, 2, 3 and so on) to put them in alphabetical order. One is done for you. Colours Animals Vehicles Things [  3  ] red lion car hat [  1  ] blue wolf train fan [  4  ] yellow zebra plane pencil [  2  ] orange giraffe van mat Module 9 3 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 5 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

Grammar Position words Position words are words that tell us where something or someone is. Here, the cat is IN the box. Where is the cat? Now, it is ON the box. in the box Where is the cat? on the box The cat is UNDER the box. Where is the cat? under the box Now, it is BESIDE the box. Where is the cat? beside the box The cat is BETWEEN the boxes. Where is the cat? between the boxes 4 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 6

Remember Position words help us to link two naming words. They tell us the positions of the naming words. Example: The cat (naming word) is under (position word) the chair (naming word). Without the word under, you cannot know where the cat is. In the same way, in, on, beside and between also tell us the different positions of naming words. Exercise 3.1: Draw a star over the position words in the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) The cat is sitting on the chair. 2) Sumit is standing beside Anjali. 3) The ball is between the boxes. 4) The owl is under the box. 5) The book is between the chairs. 6) The pencils are in the pencil stand. Module 9 5 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 7 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

Exercise 3.2: Where are the animals? One is done for you. in on under beside between 1) The cat is under the tree. 2) The hen is sitting the nest. 3) 6 The horse is the house and the tree. NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 8 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

4) The elephant is sitting 5) the chair. 6) The mouse is NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 9 the bed. The fish is the bowl. Module 9 7 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM

Exercise 3.3: Colour the blocks that have position words in them. Name the animal that is formed. fan black green car grow pen Monday under under shirt on book between in beside beside is skip on under in eye on cap lips give between leg stone is hand dog tree glass are ear grass under can hair water hill sleep May pan 8 1/7/2019 12:19:41 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 10

Exercise 3.4: Look at the picture given below. Fill in the blanks with the correct position words. One is done for you. 1) The frog is beside the stones. the kennel. 2) The dog is the kennel. the water. 3) The bird is the fish 4) The fish is Module 9 9 5) The pond is the kennel. 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM 6) The duck is and the leaves. NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 11

Writing Join the dots and fill in the blanks Exercise 4.1: Join the dots and colour the picture. Fill in the blanks to describe the animal. Add a full stop when you complete a sentence. 1) I see a 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM 10 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 12

2) It has ears. 3) It is in colour. 4) It is 5) It has a tail. Complete sentences based on a picture Exercise 4.2: Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Module 9 11 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 13 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

There are children playing in the rain. There is a behind the children. Two girls are jumping in A boy is holding an . holding a , and the other boy is They are . They look paper boats in the water. . 12 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 14

Module 10 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Magic words Grammar Joining words Writing Jumbled sentences Join the dots and answer the questions Dictation 2) Exercise 1: Word dictation 4) 1) 3) NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 15 13 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

5) 6) 7) 8) PR Vocabulary Q Magic words Magic words are polite words that we should use when we speak with others. Using these words shows that we have good manners. These are the five magic words.   sorry  – We must say ‘sorry’ when we do something wrong or hurt others.   please   – W e should say ‘please’ when we ask for something.   excuse me – We should say ‘excuse me’ when we ask someone to allow us to do something. We can also use it to ask someone to stop doing something and listen to us. thank you – W e must thank people when they do something nice for us or give us something. may I? – We should say ‘may I?’ when we ask someone to allow us to do something. Sometimes, we use ‘may I’ after ‘excuse me’ or ‘please’. 14 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 16

Exercise 2.1: What should we say when the following happen? One is done for you. 1) We bump into someone by mistake. – sorry 2) We want to politely ask our friends to give us – something. 3) We want to ask the teacher a question. – 4) We get gifts on our birthday. – 5) We want to leave the classroom for a few – minutes. 6) We break something at home. – Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct magic words. One is done for you. 1) May I get my bag from the classroom? 2) , do you know where my pencil is? 3) Can you help me with this sum? Module 10 15 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 17 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

4) I am . I did not mean to break your pencil box. for giving me these sweets. come in? 5) 6) Grammar Joining words When we want to join two objects, we use glue. To join two words, we use joining words. Joining words are also used to join two sentences. =  joining words Two common joining words are and and or. Use of ‘and’ We use and to join words or sentences that are related to each other. Examples: Rohit has a dog. Rohit has a cat. Rohit has a dog and a cat. 16 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 18

Chetan played well. Chetan won the prize. Chetan played well and won the prize. Use of ‘or’ When we want to show a choice between two things, we use or to join them. Examples: You can use a pen. You can use a pencil. You can use a pen or a pencil.   Do you want a lollipop? Do you want an ice cream cone? Do you want a lollipop or an ice cream cone? Exercise 3.1: Write what you see in the pictures using ‘and’. One is done for you. 1) 2) a dog and a cat Module 10 17 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 19 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

3) 4) 5) 6) 18 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 20

Exercise 3.2: Read the sentences and follow the instructions. One is done for you. 1) Tick the bulb and the Sun.   2) Tick the bucket or the well. 3) Tick the picture of the child who is wearing shoes and a cap. Module 10 19 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 21 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

4) Tick the pen or the pencil. 5) Tick the picture of the person who is happy and dancing. 20 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 22

6) Tick the picture of the forest or the classroom. Exercise 3.3: Join the words and make simple sentences. Add a full stop after you complete each sentence. One is done for you. 1) AND queen   king Module 10 21 Ans. The king and the queen are happy. 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 23

2) OR  cup glass Ans. 3) AND  cake pie 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM Ans. 22 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 24

4) ship OR plane Ans. 5) AND cow goat Ans. Module 10 23 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 25 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

6) OR     chair bed Ans. Exercise 3.4: Join and rewrite the following sentences. Use the joining words given in brackets. Add a full stop when you complete each sentence. One is done for you. 1) I am sleepy. I am tired. (and) Ans. I am sleepy and tired. 2) Do you want to play? Do you want to go to the park? (or) Ans. 24 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 26

3) I can read a story. I can write a story. (and) Ans. 4) You may have an apple. You may have an orange. (or) Ans. 5) Kavita knows Alice. Kavita knows Deepa. (and) Ans. 6) Reva can go by bus. Reva can go by train. (or) Ans. Module 10 25 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 27 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

Writing Jumbled sentences Exercise 4.1: Form sentences by putting these words in order. One is done for you. 1) jumps The wall. boy the over Ans. The boy jumps over the wall. 2) dog The barks loudly. Ans. 3) girl The on hops the road. Ans. 4) nose. has a The elephant big Ans. 26 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 28

5) mouse runs after the cat. The Ans. Join the dots and answer the questions Exercise 4.2: Read the numbers and join the dots. Then, colour the picture and answer the given questions. Add a full stop after you complete each sentence. One is done for you. Module 10 27 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 29 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

1) Where is the bug lying? 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM Ans. The bug is lying in the middle of a flower. 2) What is the bug doing? Ans. 3) How many petals does the flower have? Ans. 4) How many leaves does the stem have? Ans. 5) Give the bug a name. Ans. 28 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 30

Module 11 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Grammar Opposites Writing ‘This’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’ Make sentences with picture clues Arrange sentences in the correct order and write a story Dictation 2) Exercise 1: Word dictation 4) 1) 3) NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 31 29 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

5) 6) 7) 8) PR Vocabulary Q Opposites An opposite is a word that is completely different in meaning from another word. close open Exercise 2.1: Match the words in Column A with their opposites in Column B. Column A Column B 1) bad a) weak 2) same b) rough 3) strong c) old 4) smooth d) curly 5) young e) good 6) straight f) different 30 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 32

Exercise 2.2: Underline the words with opposite meanings in each sentence. One is done for you. 1) The bag is far away from Nina, but the book is near her. 2) Helen has long hair, and Raj has short hair. 3) Zakir is inside the house, and Som is outside. 4) My mother opened the window and closed the door. 5) The glass is empty, and the jug is full. 6) Her father sold his old car before he got a new one. Grammar ‘This’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’ The words ‘this’ and ‘these’ are used to point to things near us. ‘This’ is used for one thing, while ‘these’ is used for more than one thing. The words ‘that’ and ‘those’ are used to point to things far away from us. ‘That’ is used for one thing, while ‘those’ is used for more than one thing. Examples: This is a bicycle. That is a bicycle. This is a tree. That is a tree. Module 11 31 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 33 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM

These are clothes. Those are clothes. These are vegetables. Those are vegetables. singular Remember far (one) near That is an apple. Those are apples. plural This is an apple. (more than one) These are apples. 32 1/7/2019 12:19:42 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 34

Can you point to things in your classroom using ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’? Exercise 3.1: Tick the pictures for which you should use ‘this’ and ‘these’. Draw a star for the pictures for which you should use ‘that’ and ‘those’. One is done for you.  1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Exercise 3.2: Colour the circles with the correct words. One is done for you. 1) Give me these that dress. 2) I live in that those house. 3) That Those pencils belong to me. Module 11 33 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 35 1/7/2019 12:19:43 PM

4) Maya wants those this toy. 5) Give that these gifts to your father. 6) Those This picture looks beautiful. Exercise 3.3: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ or ‘those’. One is done for you. 1) This house is beautiful. 2) park is far away. 3) I want bag. 4) are your books. 5) glasses are mine. 34 1/7/2019 12:19:43 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 36

6) dog is friendly. Exercise 3.4: Choose the correct options and complete the sentences. One is done for you. 1) Look at those stars up in the sky. a) this b) these c) those 2) is my cousin. a) These b) This c) Those 3) We can ask teacher over there to help us. a) those b) these c) that 4) balloons are very colourful. a) That b) These c) This 5) Can you see boats in the sea? a) that b) those c) this 6) Do books belong to Ria? a) these b) that c) this Module 11 35 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 37 1/7/2019 12:19:43 PM

Writing Make sentences with picture clues Exercise 4.1: Complete the sentences using the picture clues. One is done for you. 1) This is a picture of three friends. 2) After school, we go to . . 3) We play on the 4) But we like the . . 5) On our way home 36 1/7/2019 12:19:43 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 38

Arrange sentences in the correct order and write a story Exercise 4.2: Number the sentences in the correct order by taking clues from the pictures. Then, write the story. One is done for you. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) • A woodcutter ran to the house and saved Red Riding Hood. • She told the wolf that she was going to see her Grandma. 1 • O ne day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother sent her to see Grandma. • The wolf acted like Grandma and tried to eat Red Riding Hood. • On the way, she met a wolf. • T he wolf ran to Grandma’s house before Red Riding Hood reached there. Module 11 37 NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 39 1/7/2019 12:19:43 PM

38 1/7/2019 12:19:43 PM NR_BGM_9789386663047 MAPLE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 40

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