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ENGLISH WORKBOOK - PART 1 A PRODUCT OF CLASSKLAP PVT LTD IMAX sPASSPORT to u cc es s Latest Edition Class 4 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 1 12/28/2017 12:05:04 PM

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX presents the latest version of the Passport series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the Passport series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. Therefore, our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. NCF 2005 asserts that listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) are all generalised skills, and students’ mastery over them is key to success at school. All these skills frequently need to be used together. Therefore, the Passport English textbooks and workbooks strive to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four LSRW skills. To this effect, the Passport English textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Themes recommended by the NCF across grades 1–5 in the literature pieces  Samples of Indian writing in English as well as popular English literature pieces from western countries  Pictures for word meanings in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words  Non-detailed lessons to enable additional reading  A speaking project and two reading comprehension passages in each unit to further hone speaking and reading skills  Horizontal and vertical progression across grades for the grammar concepts covered in the workbooks, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Samples of format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing Overall, the IMAX Passport English textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication and empower students to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 2 12/28/2017 12:05:05 PM

Workbook Features I Listen Vocabulary Dictation – Words from the lesson Helps to build or sentences with commonly vocabulary with explanations confused spellings for dictation and practice exercises practice Listening Audio – Questions Grammar based on an audio piece Introduces and for listening practice (for teaches an aspect of Grades 4 and 5 only) grammar with explanations and practice exercises Language in Use Develops an I Write: Creative Writing aspect of language structure Fosters creative writing skills by with explanations and practice encouraging students to exercises imaginatively draw from real-life experiences I Write: Formal Writing Inculcates writing skills by POEGMRSAMMAR introducing formal writing styles STORIES by providing samples and adequate practice WORD MEANINGS LANGUAGE GAMES NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 3 WRITING 12/28/2017 12:05:06 PM

Contents Class 4 Theme 1: Peace and Harmony 1 Module 1 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 The Prince and the Pauper 2 Module 2 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 The Peaceful Warrior 3 Module 3 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26 The Caged Bird Theme 2: Life Around Us 4 Module 4 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 The Man Who Never Lied 5 Module 5 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 42 The Lady of the Forest 6 Module 6 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56 To Sleep Theme 3: Art and Culture 7 Module 7 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 60 Puppet 8Tra��d���i�t�io���n��s��o���f��I�n��d��i�a����������������������������������p��o���e�g�m��r��s��a����m����m����a����r�������� Module 8 73 The Elephant’s Nose stories 9 Module 9 ������������������������������������������������������������w���o���r���d�����m�����e���a���n���in���g���s�� 89 A Musical Journey language games writing NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 4 12/28/2017 12:05:06 PM

Lesson The Prince and the Pauper 1 Module 1 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Grammar Prefixes Language in Use Formal Writing Collective nouns Creative Writing Punctuation Paragraph writing Photo description NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 5 1 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM

1 I Listen Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Exercise 1.2: Listening audio 1) What nickname was given to King Ashoka because of his wickedness? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Which battle changed Ashoka’s life? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What policy did Ashoka adopt? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Write two things that Ashoka did for the welfare of his people. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) How did Ashoka address his people? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 6

B C A 2 Vocabulary Prefixes Prefixes are letters or groups of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to make a new word with a different meaning. Every prefix has its own meaning. Examples: • im- means not • re- means again Prefixes can be used: • to create a new word, sometimes with the opposite meaning of the original word. • to turn a word into its negative form. Base word Prefix + Base word Type of meaning sure un + sure (unsure) opposite in meaning / negative respect dis + respect (disrespect) opposite in meaning / negative order re + order (reorder) to put in order again possible im + possible (impossible) opposite in meaning / negative ability in + ability (inability) opposite in meaning / negative lead mis + lead (mislead) opposite in meaning / negative Exercise 2.1: Complete the table by combining the base words with the correct prefixes. One is done for you. Prefix Base word New word 1) im- honest dishonest 2) in- cover 3) un- understand 4) re- pure 5) mis- sufficient 6) dis- call The Prince and the Pauper 3 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 7 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM

Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks by adding suitable prefixes such as ‘un-’, ‘dis-’, ‘re-’, ‘im-’, ‘in-’ and ‘mis-’ to the base words given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Razia was upset because of Mohan’s impolite (polite) behaviour. 2) The road was ____________________________ (even). As a result, my mother fell down and hurt herself. 3) The teacher asked her students not to ____________________________ (behave). 4) Radha seemed to ____________________________ (appear) every time her tuition teacher walked in. 5) Saumya felt that John would be ____________________________ (capable) of completing the work on time. 6) Riyaz asked Faizal to ____________________________ (arrange) their books. 3 Grammar Nouns It’s a sunny Sunday. Aayat is sleeping on her cosy bed. The Sun is shining, and the birds are singing. Her mother calls out to her. Aayat jumps out of her bed, picks up her clothes and runs into the bathroom. Her brother, Asif, is waiting for her. He is a photographer. Aayat works as a doctor, but she loves to paint. Read the given passage and fill in the table below. Proper noun Common noun Gender masculine feminine neuter common 4 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 8

Collective nouns Read the passage below. bunch of grapes Kriti’s father took her to her grandfather’s brood of hens flock of sheep farm last Thursday. Some of the students from gaggle of geese her class also went along. For breakfast, her grandfather treated everyone to fresh bunches of bananas and grapes. Then, he took them around the farm where they saw a herd of cows, a flock of sheep, a brood of hens and a gaggle of geese. They also spotted a colony of ants near an ant hill. What do the words in italics in the passage refer to? Which type of nouns are they? They are called collective nouns. Collective nouns are words that refer to a group of people or things. They are always singular as they represent one group with many units. Here are a few examples. Groups Collective noun Groups Collective noun soldiers, ants army hive sheep, birds flock bees fleet bunch ships pack flowers, fruits gaggle dogs brood class geese students herd hens cows, horses, cattle, buffaloes Exercise 3.1: Read the following sentences and sort the nouns into the table. One is done for you. Reena plays with her friends. She is an active girl and wants to be a sportsperson someday. Her brother, Rahul, calls out to her and asks her to teach him some football tricks. Proper noun Common noun Gender Rahul masculine feminine neuter common The Prince and the Pauper 5 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 9 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM

Exercise 3.2: Match the words in column A with the correct collective nouns in column B. One is done for you. Column A Column B a) bunch 1) lions b) band 2) keys c) class 3) wolves d) pride 4) musicians e) pack 5) cows f) herd 6) students Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blanks with collective nouns from the box. One is done for you. gang troupe audience stack troop flight 1) The audience clapped at the end of the play. 2) My pen was kept on the ________________________________ of books. 3) A ________________________________ of monkeys jumped in front of our car. 4) The ________________________________ of thieves ran away. 5) I am part of a ________________________________ of dancers. 6) Ira climbed the ________________________________ of stairs to reach her flat. 4 Language in Use Punctuation Rohan received an e-mail from his pen friend in Trivandrum. He opened the mail in excitement. Here is the e-mail. hi rohan, how are you i want to invite you to the onam celebrations at my house onam is an important harvest festival it is celebrated for ten days yippie i am so excited to think that you may join us for onam this year do tell me about your plans waiting eagerly to hear from you, rajam 6 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 10

The e-mail completely puzzled Rohan. Rajam had written it in a hurry. He had missed adding commas, question marks and full stops. He had also not used capital letters where needed. Insert the correct punctuation marks and capital letters. Rewrite the e-mail so that the message is clearer to Rohan. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Punctuation marks are the traffic signals of writing. They help us to pause, end and begin our sentences. They are symbols that make a written message clearer and reduce miscommunication. They are used to structure and organise writing. Punctuation mark Usage Examples It is placed at the end of a I will travel tomorrow. It is too sentence or statement. late to travel today. Full stop It is placed at the end of a Where are we going? question. Question mark The Prince and the Pauper 7 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 11 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM

Punctuation mark Usage Examples Comma It is used to separate: •  words or items in a list. • He bought vegetables, Exclamation mark milk, fruits and cheese •  the person addressed. from the market. • It is placed at the end of •  Rohan, sit down. sentences that display • What a beautiful beach! emotions (happiness, excitement, frustration, • Wow! This room is so big. anger and so on). • It is placed after interjections. Many words always start with a capital letter. Remember the acronym M.I.N.T.S. for the correct usage of capital letters. Acronym Examples M : months, names of days • M y birthday is in September. • I go to church on Sundays. I : the word ‘I’ • I bought a new pencil. N : names of people, states, cities • I live in Pune. • M y friend Sandeep lives in Kochi in Kerala. and countries – proper nouns • I plan to visit Norway next month. T : titles of books and movies • I am going to watch Titanic tonight. S : start of sentences • My favourite book is Black Beauty. • I have a new friend. Her name is Fatima. Punctuation in dialogue Punctuation also plays an important role when we write in dialogue form. Certain punctuation marks are used when we want to show that two or more people are talking. Example: ‘Seema has a book collection’, said Rohan. ‘That is interesting’, replied Naina. 8 12/28/2017 12:05:07 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 12

• In the sentences above, single quotes (‘ ’) are used to show the part that is spoken. Also, a comma ( , ) is used after the quoted section. • The first word within quotes always starts with a capital letter. Note: All regular sentences use this pattern. Questions or exclamations do not follow this pattern. You will learn about such sentences in Class 5. Exercise 4.1: Fill in the blanks with the correct punctuation marks. One is done for you. 1) Mango is my favourite fruit. 2) When is your birthday______ 3) I walk to school every day______ 4) What a pretty dress______ 5) May I leave now______ 6) Oh my god______ Exercise 4.2: Rewrite the given paragraph by correcting the usage of punctuation marks and capital letters. The first part is done for you. ben was a nice and smart boy he had many pets ben had a dog a few cats fish and even a lizard as pets his latest pet was a guinea pig named martin why do you think ben loved having so many pets Ans. Ben was a nice and smart boy. _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4.3: Rewrite the given sentences by correcting the usage of punctuation marks and capital letters. One is done for you. 1) why are you going now. Ans. Why are you going now? 2) i will give you the Book tomorrow Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What a beautiful sight. Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The Prince and the Pauper 9 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 13 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

4) Do you want to buy the yellow. pink or black shirt! Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Oops. I dropped the cup? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) rajeev usman and tina went to delhi during their holidays? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 I Write: Formal Writing Paragraph writing Exercise 5.1: Fill in the gaps to complete the paragraph given below. The paragraph explains ways by which you can be an understanding member of your family. There are different ways by which we can _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. Firstly, we must __________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. We should _______________________________________________________________________________. Also, we can __________________________________ by doing _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. We should respect _______________________________________________ by _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Finally, we can _______________________________________________________________________ by ___________________________________________________ and __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________. 10 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 14 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

Exercise 5.2: Prayag has just joined your school. Everybody is friendly with him. However, he turns into a bully whenever he plays games in groups. He either breaks rules or hurts others. As a result, his classmates do not want to play with him. Explain how you, as a classmate, would solve this problem. Hints: • Would you be rude to him because he is a bully? • Would you try to sort out the situation yourself or take help from your classmates? • Do you think your teacher would be able to explain things to him? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The Prince and the Pauper 11 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 15 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

6 I Write: Creative Writing Photo description Exercise 6: Look at the given photograph. Describe what you see in the photograph. Describe the surroundings and mood of the children. Hints: • Who do you see in the photo? • What are they doing? • Do they look happy or sad? • What do their surroundings look like? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 16

Lesson The Peaceful Warrior 2 Module 2 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Sentence dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Grammar Antonyms Language in Use Formal Writing Demonstrative pronouns Creative Writing Countable and uncountable nouns Informal letter writing Photo-based character sketch NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 17 13 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

1 I Listen Exercise 1.1: Sentence dictation 1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  Exercise 1.2: Listening audio [] 1) What was the fee given by the swans for using the lake? (A) a golden feather (B) a golden coin (C) five feathers (D) five golden feathers 2) What did the homeless bird plan to do? [] (A) go to a faraway land (B) make the river its home (C) compete with the other birds (D) shoo away the other birds from the lake 3) Why did the golden swans refuse to give shelter to the homeless bird? [] (A) The bird was new to the lake. (B) The golden swans were jealous. (C) It did not have golden feathers. (D) They were afraid of the bird. 4) What did the homeless bird do after she was insulted by the swans? [] (A) She cried. (B) She went to the king with her complaint. (C) She fought with the swans. (D) She flew away and never came back. 5) How did the king punish the golden swans? [] (A) He ordered them to leave the river. (B) He killed all of them. (C) He asked them to apologise. (D) He made them servants to the homeless bird. 14 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 18

B C A 2 Vocabulary Antonyms Exercise 2.1: Complete the crossword puzzle with the antonyms of the words given in the clues. 1 2 3 4 Clues: Down Across 1. an antonym for 'beautiful' 2. an antonym for 'idle' 2. an antonym for 'top' 3. an antonym for 'bitter' 3. an antonym for 'deep' 4. an antonym for 'adult' The Peaceful Warrior 15 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 19 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct antonyms of the words in brackets. 1) It is very __________________________ here. (cool) (A) cold (B) warm (C) sleepy (D) wet 2) Please meet me __________________________ dinner. (after) (A) during (B) at (C) before (D) eating 3) __________________________ to my room. (go) (A) Come (B) Going (C) Look (D) Sleep 4) This dress is very __________________________. (cheap) (A) light (B) cold (C) expensive (D) inexpensive 5) He came __________________________ in the race. (last) (A) middle (B) first (C) home (D) in the end 6) He __________________________ travels by bus. (never) (A) today (B) seldom (C) sometimes (D) always 3 Grammar Pronouns When Anya came into the classroom, she thought to herself, 'Is there a test today? Why did Sheetal not tell me about it?' Anya went to the desk that was hers. She sat down with her partner, Vishal. They prepared for the test together. Read the given paragraph and underline all the pronouns in it. Also, name the type of each 16 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 20

pronoun. Remember: Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Demonstrative pronouns These pronouns demonstrate or point out someone or something. this (singular) It points to a single thing that is near. that (singular) Examples: these (plural) • This is my book. those (plural) • This is my bag. It points to a single thing that is far. Examples: • That is my house over there. • T hat is my dog. He is running in the park. It points to multiple things that are near. Examples: • These are the best books in the library. • These are fresh apples. It points out multiple things that are far. Examples: • Those are friendly animals. • T hose are my shoes. Exercise 3.1: Underline the pronouns in the sentences. Write the type of pronoun as well. One is done for you. 1) She is a good singer. – subject pronoun 2) Rahul was waiting for me. – ________________________________ 3) This book is his. – ________________________________ 4) That is Sheena. – ________________________________ 5) Kirti bought a new book for herself. – ________________________________ 6) The man who lives here is kind. – ________________________________ The Peaceful Warrior 17 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 21 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the type of pronoun mentioned in brackets. One is done for you. 1) What is she doing in the park? (subject pronoun) 2) The doctor gave medicines to _________________. (object pronoun) 3) This pen is _________________; please return it to her. (possessive pronoun) 4) This is your job. Can you complete it _________________? (reflexive pronoun) 5) My house, _________________ has two bedrooms, is not far from here. (relative pronoun) 6) _________________ are beautiful forts, but they are far away. (demonstrative pronoun) Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those. One is done for you. 1) That is a beautiful dress in her hand. 2) __________________ are red roses. 3) __________________ is a very difficult exercise. 4) __________________ belongs to my friend. 5) __________________ is my cycle. 6) __________________ are flowers that do not grow in summer. 18 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 22

4 Language in Use Countable and uncountable nouns Look around your classroom. Can you name a few things (common nouns) in the room that can be counted? Now, can you think of things (common nouns) that cannot be counted? Countable nouns: These nouns refer to things that we can count using numbers such as one, two, three and so on. Examples: book – we can count the number of books. one book three books Here are some more countable nouns: • a dog, three cats, an animal, one man • many bottles, a few boxes, six pens • a table, a couple of chairs Remember: • When a countable noun is singular, we use ‘a’, ‘an’,‘the’ or the number 'one' before it. • When a countable noun is plural, we use words like ‘many’, ‘a few’ or numbers more than one (two, three) before it. Uncountable nouns: These nouns refer to things or concepts that cannot be counted. For example, we cannot say ‘one milk’, ‘two milk’ or ‘three milk’. We can say ‘one milk bottle’, ‘two milk bottles’ and ‘three milk bottles’. Here, we are counting the bottles and not the milk. Here are some more examples of uncountable nouns: • lots of love, a lot of happiness, a little bit of sadness • a piece of furniture or luggage, a lot of homework • a little rice or sugar, a lot of water, some milk Remember: some milk two milk bottles • All uncountable nouns are singular. There is no plural form for these words. • We use words like ‘some’, ‘little’, ‘any’ or ‘much’ before uncountable nouns when we don't use any other unit. The Peaceful Warrior 19 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 23 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

Exercise 4.1: Look at the pictures given below. Identify whether these things are countable or uncountable. One is done for you. 1) honey 2) table 3) bird Ans. uncountable Ans. ________________________ Ans. _______________________ 4) cheese 5) rice 6) star Ans. _______________________ Ans. ________________________ Ans. _______________________ Exercise 4.2: Sort the nouns given below into the correct columns. One is done for you. sugar furniture bottle work woman book Countable nouns Uncountable nouns 1)        bottle 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 20 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 24

Exercise 4.3: Write whether the common nouns in the sentences given below are countable (C) or uncountable (UC). There may be more than one common noun in each of the sentences. One is done for you. 1) Seema spread jam on the bread. Ans. jam – UC and bread – UC 2) Do you think the cat drank the milk? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Pass me some sugar, please! Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Don’t make noise, the baby is sleeping. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Anish served them tea when they reached home. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) He fried the vegetables in oil. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Peaceful Warrior 21 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 25 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

5 I Write: Formal Writing Informal letter writing We write informal letters to our friends and family members. The tone of such letters is friendly and not formal. Read the given sample of an informal letter carefully. See the different parts that a letter has and study the format. There is no need to H. No. 18 - 421 - 12 Your address include the address Forest Colony of the person to Nagpur Date whom you are writing. 2nd June 2018 Introduction Salutation/Greeting In the first paragraph, You can use a Dear Soham, explain why you person’s first name. are writing. Use How are you? Hope you are friendly language Body enjoying your basketball throughout. This is the part camp. I have come to visit my in between the grandparents for the summer, and Closing paragraph introduction and the I am having a really good time. Ask a question or closing paragraph make a suggestion so where you talk My grandparents give me many that the person can about the main idea gifts and let me eat all the things I send a reply. of the letter. want! They also have big cotton and sugarcane farms where I play with Signature the new friends that I have made Sign your name. How here. You should see how beautiful you sign off shows the cotton fields look when the cotton how you feel about bolls are in full bloom. My mom helped the person to whom me take pictures of the fields – I will you are writing. show them to you when I am back. I wish you and Sneha could have come too. See you soon! Please teach me basketball when I get back! Lots of love, Peeyush 22 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 26

Exercise 5.1: Given below is the outline of a letter written by a boy, Suraj, to his cousin Shalu, who lives in another country. He writes about the unity of his country in spite of its various cultures and different languages. Fill in the gaps to complete the letter. Lane 33, Bhandari Nagar JP Nagar Bengaluru 23rd January 2018 Dear Shalu, How ______________________________________________? I have been waiting to finish my school project on ‘India, the Land of Unity in Diversity’ to write to you about it. The project showed how the people of India __________________________________________________________ though they speak different languages and have __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Do you know that there are ______________________________ states and seven _______________ _________________________? Yet, people unite in the name of _______________________________ _____________________________. Our cricket, hockey and other sports teams have ____________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ who play together for ____________________________________________________________________. People celebrate ___________________________________________________ and share ___________ ___________________________________ happily. I am very proud of ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. I wish you could ______________________________________________ during Christmas. My neighbour, Susan Aunty, makes ________________________________________________________ for all of us at that time. I told you, ___________________________________________________ in India. We celebrate together! Do write and let me know ________________________________________________________________. With warm regards, Suraj The Peaceful Warrior 23 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 27 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

Exercise 5.2: You had a fight with your friend over a pen that she broke by mistake. You got angry and shouted at her. Now she does not want to talk to you. Write an apology letter, requesting her to forgive you for your behaviour. Hints: • Write how important the pen was to you. • Apologise for getting angry suddenly. • Mention how important her friendship is to you. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 24 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 28

6 I Write: Creative Writing Photo-based character sketch Exercise 6: Look at the photograph. Fill in the gaps to complete the character sketch of the woman in the photograph. This is the photo of a young boy with his _______________________________________. She must be ___________________________________________________________________ years old. She is dressed in a ____________________________________________________. Her hair is ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________. She looks _______________________________________________________. She is wearing ___________________________. The jewellery that she is wearing is _______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. She looks ___________________ ________________________________________________________________. It looks like ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________. The grandmother is sitting __________________________________________ ____________________________. He may be __________________________________________________ ________________________________. Both the people in the picture seem to be ________________ _______________________________________________________. The Peaceful Warrior 25 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 29 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

Lesson The Caged Bird 3 Module 3 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Synonyms 26 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 30

1 I Listen Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Exercise 1.2: Listening audio The theme of this lesson is 'peace and harmony'. What is your idea of peace? Write a few lines on what you understand from the song ‘Imagine’, which you have just heard. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ The Caged Bird 27 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 31 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

B C A 2 Vocabulary Synonyms Exercise 2.1: Match the words with their correct synonyms. Words Synonyms 1) wealthy a) truthful 2) mighty b) answer 3) honest c) very big 4) intelligent d) strong 5) respond e) smart 6) enormous f) rich Exercise 2.2: Write a synonym for each of the words that have been underlined in the sentences. Use a dictionary if required. One is done for you. 1) Our school team won the cricket match with ease. – comfort 2) This book is amazing. – ______________________ 3) The weather in the morning was pleasant. – _______________________ 4) Helping people in need is a good deed. – _______________________ 5) I was eager to go to school the next day. – _______________________ 6) I am a little afraid to enter that dark room. – _______________________ 28 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 32

Lesson The Man Who Never Lied 4 Module 4 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Sentence dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Grammar Suffixes Language in Use Present and Formal Writing past participles Creative Writing ‘Going to’ and ‘will’ Paragraph writing Editing exercise NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 33 29 12/28/2017 12:05:08 PM

1 I Listen [] [] Exercise 1.1: Sentence dictation [] 1)  [] 2)  [   ] 3)  4)  12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM 5)  Exercise 1.2: Listening audio 1) How are feathers arranged on the penguins’ bodies? (A) in a circular pattern (B) in rows (C) in columns (D) without any pattern 2) How long can penguins be at sea?  (A) 7 days (B) 15 days (C) months (D) 2 days 3) What is a penguin’s source of food? (A) fish (B) leaves (C) meat (D) shrimp 4) What is the main difference between penguins and other birds? (A) their colour (B) ability to walk (C) ability to swim (D) having solid bones 5) How are penguins’ feet? (A) webbed feet (B) flippers, not feet (C) flat feet with toes (D) scaly feet with claws 30 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 34

B C A 2 Vocabulary Suffixes Exercise 2.1: Choose the correct suffix from between -ment and -tion. Make new words by combining the base words with the correct suffixes. Base word Suffix New word 1) agree 2) attract 3) appoint 4) suggest 5) pay 6) invent Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks by using the correct suffix from between -tion and -ment in each case. Use the base words in brackets as hints. 1) Mira is moving in the ________________________________ (direct) of the campus. 2) Zaheer showed no signs of ________________________________ (improve) in his Maths lessons despite his teacher’s best efforts. 3) The ________________________________ (argue) continued for two hours and stopped only after Ria accepted defeat. 4) Burying a person alive was a harsh ________________________________ (punish) given by rulers in olden times. 5) The ________________________________ (construct) site had a crane as well as a bulldozer. 6) My old grandmother needs to take medicines after every meal for proper ________________________________ (digest). The Man Who Never Lied 31 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 35 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

3 Grammar Present participle and past participle What is common among the following words? run  sing  dance  climb  play  cook  get  thin  come All of them are verbs. In a sentence, verbs tell us what someone or something is doing. Example: The children are playing in the garden. T he word ‘playing’ tells us what the children are doing. Verbs have different forms. The form of a verb that shows past or present action is known as a 'participle'. There are two types of participles in English: Participles Present participle (-ing) Past participle (-d, -ed) Verbs in the past tense Verbs in the simple past tense show actions that have already happened. • He cooked dinner yesterday. • Salma decided to study for her exam. 32 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 36

Past participle The past participle form of verbs is used with ‘have’ or ‘has’. It shows something that started in the past but is continuing until now. Present participle The present participle form of verbs is made by adding '-ing' to the base forms of verbs. It is used to show an event that is continuing in the present. Let’s now look at the present participle and past participle forms of some regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs Base form Present participle Simple past Past participle laugh laughed start laughing laughed started stay stayed wash starting started washed Base form staying stayed Past participle do done go washing washed gone drawn draw Irregular verbs driven drive flown Present participle Simple past eaten fly put eat doing did cut put cut going went drawing drew driving drove flying flew eating ate putting put cutting cut Exercise 3.1: Complete the table with the correct verb forms. One is done for you. Base verb Present participle Simple past Past participle 1) swim swimming swam swum 2) singing 3) brought slept 4) rung 5) cried 6) The Man Who Never Lied 33 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 37 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

Exercise 3.2: Underline the participles and write whether they are in the past participle form or the present participle form. One is done for you. 1) Singing birds are in the sky. –   present participle 2) Be careful about the broken glass. –   _________________________________________ 3) Sally was taken to the hospital. –   _________________________________________ 4) I had flown a kite yesterday. –   _________________________________________ 5) The crying baby took a deep breath. –   _________________________________________ 6) She has worn that dress before. –   _________________________________________ Exercise 3.3: Change the verb in each sentence from the present participle to the past participle form. One is done for you. 1) I am cooking food. Ans. I have cooked food. 2) The child is swimming. Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3) I am washing the car. Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4) Kaustubh is reading a book. Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5) I am building a house. Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 34 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 38

6) She is drawing a picture. Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4 Language in Use ‘Going to’ and ‘will’ ‘Going to’ and ‘will’ are two forms of the simple future tense. Forms of the simple future tense Going to Will (subject + to be (is/are/am) + going to (subject + will + verb + object) + base verb + object) You will help him later. I am going to meet Aslam tonight. Uses of ‘going to’ Let’s look at a few examples to understand when ‘going to’ is used. It is used to talk about plans for the Examples: future. • I’m going to be a singer when I grow up. • H e’s going to spend his vacation in Dubai. (The use of ‘going to’ shows that the speaker has thought about the plan Examples: or decision before the moment of • The Principal is very angry with Sohan. He is speaking.) going to call his parents. It is used to express an action that is • The sky is very dark. It’s going to rain heavily. going to happen very soon, based on the present situation. The Man Who Never Lied 35 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 39 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

Uses of ‘will’ Now, let’s look at the situations in which ‘will’ is used. It is used for decisions made at the Examples: moment of speaking. • at a restaurant Father: What will you have, Myra? Myra: (looks at the menu) 'I will eat chocolate ice cream.' It is used to make predictions in the far-off Examples: future. • Astrologer: You will be a famous writer. (prediction) • A: The bridge is not safe. B: Yes, it will crumble down one day. It is used to make promises, requests and Examples: offers. • I will surely attend your dance performance. (promise) • D on’t worry, I will drive safely. (promise) • Will you shut the door, please? (request) • Y ou’re very tired; I will drive you home. (offer) It is used when the speaker decides to do • I will make a few sandwiches. something willingly or on their own. • I will answer the phone. Exercise 4.1: Complete each sentence. Use ‘going to’ + one of the verbs given in the box. One is done for you. break    watch    celebrate    stay    hit    eat 1) I am very hungry. I am going to eat this pudding. 2) It’s Neha’s birthday. She is __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ it with some friends. 36 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 40

3) A few friends have come from Chennai. They are ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ with us. 4) He is driving carelessly. He is _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ the footpath. 5) Don’t sit on that damaged chair. It is ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________. 6) There is a special interview with M.S. Dhoni on television this evening. Are you ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ it? Exercise 4.2: The sentences in Column A indicate that something is going to happen. Choose the result from Column B and make meaningful sentences. One is done for you. Column A Column B 1)  The boy is carrying the tray carelessly. a)   You are going to be late. 2)  Look at the clear blue sky. b)   He is going to catch a cold. 3)  You are overloading the bag. c)   We are not going to get the tickets. 4)   Arun is playing in the rain. d)   He is going to drop the glasses. 5)   The traffic is terrible. e)   It’s going to be a lovely day. 6)   What a long queue! f)   It is going to tear. 1) The boy is carrying the tray carelessly. He is going to drop the glasses. 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Man Who Never Lied 37 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 41 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4.3: The first half of six sentences are given below. Complete the sentences by adding meaningful endings. Add a full stop when you complete a sentence. One is done for you. 1) Sheela was in Shillong. She was going to meet her parents there. 2) Salman was tired and decided that he was going to _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) I have made up my mind. I will ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) She said that she is going to _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) When I grow up, I will _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) My teacher told me that I had performed well. He is going to _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 I Write: Formal Writing Paragraph writing Exercise 5.1: Complete the given paragraph that narrates how the students of a school cleaned the area around their school. One day, just as school started, the Principal made an announcement. 'The area around the 38 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 42

school is very dirty and littered with ____________________________________________________ and ________________________________. I need volunteers to clean the area'. Every child __________ ________________________________. All the children took big plastic bags and trooped out. They made teams, and each team _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ It was hard work but a lot of fun too. After the work had finished, the children could not recognise the place. It looked so spick and span. 'What a good idea', they said, 'we must do it regularly so that our school and the area around it always look clean.' Exercise 5.2: It is Mother’s Day today. Narrate what you did to make the day special for your mother. Hints: • You may have surprised her with a cake, made a special card on your own, planned an outing or anything else that would make her happy. • W rite about your plan in detail. Also write how you executed your plan. • M ention what you did and your thoughts behind each action. • Focus on your feelings for your mother. • Also write what your mother felt and how she reacted. The Man Who Never Lied 39 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 43 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 I Write: Creative Writing Editing exercise Exercise 6: Akshay wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper. However, there were many errors in it. There were errors related to spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence formation. Can you spot the errors and correct them? Dear Editor, 1 Kasturba Gandhi Road Parel 17th March 2017 I have been reading your magazine 'Child Zone' four the past three ears. I realy enjoys reading the magazine. 40 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 44

I like to read articles on famous writers and the new books available in the market. I was wondering if you could add a section on book rewiews. I thinks your readers will be intrested in such views ritten by childs who have read the books, I hope U will like my idea and also gave me an opportunity to write something in your wonderfull magazine, Your’s sincerly akshay paul ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The Man Who Never Lied 41 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 45 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

Lesson The Lady of the Forest 5 Module 5 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Listening audio Grammar Context clues Language in Use More on subject-verb Formal Writing agreement Creative Writing Present perfect tense Informal letter writing Biography writing 42 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 46

1 I Listen Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Exercise 1.2: Listening audio 1) What was Mrs Shastri doing when the thief came in? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What did she do when she heard a loud noise? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What was the thief doing when Mrs Shastri saw him? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What was the thief wearing? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) What did the thief steal? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Lady of the Forest 43 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 47 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

B C A 2 Vocabulary Context clues Context clues are words or phrases in a sentence that help us to understand the meaning of a new or difficult word. Examples: • Rajiv introduced his friend Ravi to his mother. It was the first time she was meeting him. • Harry Potter became invisible every time he wore the cloak. No one could see him. In the above sentences, the underlined words are new or difficult words. ‘It was the first time she was meeting him’ and ‘No one could see him’ are the context clues that can help us to understand the underlined words. Exercise 2.1: Based on the context, choose the correct meaning of the underlined words in the sentences given below. 1) Ravi was so anxious on stage that he could hardly recite one line of the poem. [] (A) nervous (B) excited (C) upset (D) sad 2) Peter fetched the apples from the market as his mother needed them for [] the pie. (A) peeled (B) ate (C) brought (D) helped 3) I was so enthusiastic to participate in the annual craft competition that I bought a dozen chart papers. [ ] (A) angry (B) irritated (C) surprised (D) eager 4) The sight of the Halley’s comet is so rare that we can see it only once in every 75 years.[ ] (A) common (B) uncommon (C) regular (D) smooth 44 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 48

5) My mother had kept plenty of food for me in the refrigerator. After eating all of it, my stomach felt heavy. [] (A) less (B) very little (C) enough (D) more than enough 6) Rajiv spent the entire day at the park. He came home in the evening. [ ] (A) all day (B) till noon (C) part of the day (D) morning Exercise 2.2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box below. Use a dictionary to look up the meanings of the words. modest   delighted   shallow   surface   enormous   alter 1) Please _____________________ the length of my dress. It is too big for me. 2) Alex got a/an _____________________ amount of money from his father. He does not need to work anymore. 3) The ___________________ of the table had become rough. I polished it. 4) Rina has a lovely voice, but she is very _____________________ about her talent and does not take credit for it. 5) M other was so _____________________ with Rohit that she gave him a big hug. 6) The water in the tank is ___________________. All the fish in it can be seen clearly. 3 Grammar More on subject-verb agreement You have learnt to identify the subject and the verb in a sentence. Now, read the following sentences: • I are on the bus. l The dogs chases the cat. The Lady of the Forest 45 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 49 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM

Is something wrong with these sentences? Don't they sound incorrect? In the first sentence, the helping verb ‘are’ does not go with the subject ‘I’. Similarly, the verb ‘chases’ (singular) has been used incorrectly with the subject ‘dogs’(plural). Remember: In a correct and meaningful sentence, the subject should be in line with its verb. In other words, the subject and the verb should agree. This is known as subject-verb agreement. Rules of subject-verb agreement Rule 1: A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Examples: • The boy throws a green ball. • The boys throw a green ball. In other words, the subject and the verb must agree in number. Rule 2: Two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘either...or’ and ‘neither...nor’ require a singular verb. However, if one of the two subjects is plural and is closer to the verb than the singular subject, the verb will be plural. Examples: • My uncle or aunt is arriving today. • Neither Mary nor her children want to come to the park. • Either my brother or sister has made the bed. 12/28/2017 12:05:09 PM Rule 3: Use a plural verb with two or more subjects connected by ‘and’. Examples: • Kabir and Suman are friends. • Meher and Mihir go to school together. 46 NR_BGM_9789387552784-Passport-G4-Workbook-English-Part1_Text.pdf 50

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