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Home Explore 79852_ UTLM - 24_ 212210146-Oyster Premium-STUDENT-TLM-INTEGRATED-LKG-FY-FACEMASK2

79852_ UTLM - 24_ 212210146-Oyster Premium-STUDENT-TLM-INTEGRATED-LKG-FY-FACEMASK2

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-12-10 07:36:31

Description: 79852_ UTLM - 24_ 212210146-Oyster Premium-STUDENT-TLM-INTEGRATED-LKG-FY-FACEMASK2


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(Crow) . Face Masks are a great aid for interactive storytelling The Fox and the Crow For Teachers/Parents Here is a character mask from the story 'The Fox and The Crow'. Use scissors to cut along the dotted lines. Punch holes on two sides and insert a thread. Use the character mask to narrate the story in class. Children can also form pairs to enact the story. 212210146

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