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by classklapTM ENGLISH WORKBOOK – TERM 3 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 1 3 1/9/2019 3:12:50 PM

Module 9 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Module 10 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Module 11 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 28 Module 12 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 43 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 2 1/9/2019 3:12:50 PM

Module 9 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Outdoor games and activities Grammar Adverbs Formal Writing Friendly letter Creative Writing Write a rhyme Dictation 3) Exercise 1: Word dictation 6) 1) 2) 9) 4) 5) 7) 8) Module 1 1 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 3 1/9/2019 3:12:50 PM

PR Vocabulary Q Outdoor games and activities frisbee Some games and activities can be played or done outside, and some can be played or done inside. Games or activities that can be played or done outside are called outdoor games and activities. Some examples of outdoor games and activities are frisbee, hopscotch, cricket, football and kho-kho. Exercise 2.1: Fill in the missing letters in the names of the given outdoor games and activities to complete the word search puzzle. One is done for you. 1) I F Z Q X P G C N L P F Z W C V E U J Y H I K I NGG R L S E T B MM T E N N I S Y D OQ Y A X V S J B T MW X I CG X HIKING N Z WH R Y G T P S E U NWG 2) GQ T O R N A S I F Z I QW P J S C PM Z QH N T D K DGC N P O S M S OQG I D H B R D GF HCE I UNRQLO I S D ___ O ___ ___ O I WO S P D X I F G K L Z Z L S N T R B S N E K K H Y MM 3) F H Y C O W B M J E L O O C N X I S H HWD L T R F J O J B F NNNA S K F Y V POS CV NGO P GO X E E GN U B T N ___ ___ ___ H ___ N ___ 4) 5) 6) H ___ ___ S ___ ___ T ___ ___ ___ ___ N ___ ___ S K ___ ___ - ___ H ___ 2 1/9/2019 3:12:50 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 4

Exercise 2.2: Match the words with the correct pictures. 1) horse riding a) 2) cycling b) 3) basketball c) 4) swimming d) 5) badminton e) 6) judo f) Module 9 3 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 5 1/9/2019 3:12:50 PM

Grammar Adverbs She ran slowly. He spoke angrily. The children played gladly. Look at the words ‘slowly’, ‘impatiently’ and ‘gladly’. All of these words show how the actions of ‘running’, ‘speaking’ and ‘playing’ were done. Such words are known as adverbs. Adverbs tell us when, where, why or how an action happens. Exercise 3.1: The action words or verbs in the given sentences are underlined. Circle the adverbs that describe the verbs. One is done for you. 1) My granny smiled kindly at me. 2) He answered the question shyly. 3) The Sun shines brightly. 4) Jamal walked home quickly. 5) They came home safely. 6) Rama spoke rudely to her sister. 4 1/9/2019 3:12:50 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 6

Adverbs of manner There are many types of adverbs. An adverb that shows the way or manner in which an action is done is called an adverb of manner. Adverbs of manner answer the question ‘How?’ Examples: Jenny finished her work Rahul drove the car well. Amita sings beautifully. quickly. How does Amita sing? How did Rahul drive the How did Jenny finish her car? work? quickly well beautifully Exercise 3.2: Look at the pictures. Colour the stars with the adverb of manner that suits each picture the best. One is done for you. 1) slowly angrily fast The snail crawls _______. softly quickly angrily 2) They are in the library. So, they are Module 9 5 talking _______. 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 7

3) cheerfully silently angrily The woman scolded me _______. 4) hard correctly loudly I answered all the questions _______. 5) happily sadly lazily We played _______ on the football field. 6) sadly greedily cheerfully I greeted my friend _______. 6 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 8

Exercise 3.3: Read the actions that Twinky the monkey is doing. Circle the adverbs of manner in the sentences. One is done for you. Hints: Remember that adverbs of manner answer the question ‘How?’. 1) Twinky is holding the bananas carefully. 2) Twinky is playing actively. 3) Twinky is sleeping peacefully. 4) Twinky waves happily. Module 9 7 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 9 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

5) Twinky is jumping joyfully. 6) Twinky swims fast. Exercise 3.4: Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs of manner based on the adjectives given in brackets. One is done for you. This is Aryan. He quietly (quiet) cleans his room. First, he ________________________ (neat) folds his clothes and ________________________ (quick) puts them in the cupboard. Then, he ________________________ (slow) picks up all the scraps of paper, pencil shavings and wrappers and throws them into the bin. A clean room will allow 8 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 10 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

him to do his work ________________________ (calm). After he is done, he helps his father in the kitchen. He ________________________ (polite) greets his grandparents who come down for dinner. Formal Writing Friendly letter Exercise 4: Write a letter to your friend, describing a scary dream (also called a ‘nightmare’) that you had. Hints: • When did you have the scary dream? • What was it about? • What happened in the dream? • Who did you see in your nightmare? • How did you feel when you woke up?  Dear ____________________________________________,  Module 9 9 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 11 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Creative Writing Write a rhyme Read the following words aloud. Stress on the letters that are in bold. play way double trouble dish vanish beneath teeth 10 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 12

The ending sounds in the given word pairs are either similar or the same. Words that have the same ending sounds are called rhyming words. Use the pictures to help you think of other rhyming word pairs. Meet Mohsin and Kriti. They are playing a game. Mohsin says some words to which Kriti answers with rhyming words. The game ends when Kriti says a word that does not rhyme with Mohsin’s word. Mohsin: friend Kriti: send Mohsin: said Kriti: bed Mohsin: money Kriti: brain ‘Game over!’ says Mohsin. The ending sounds in the words ‘money’ and ‘brain’ are not the same. To find out if two words rhyme, read out the words and listen carefully. If they sound the same or similar, they rhyme. Example: Some words that rhyme with ‘float’ are 'boat', 'coat' and 'goat'. If the words sound different, they do not rhyme. Example: 'house' and 'place' do not rhyme. Identify the rhyming words in the lines given below. Underline them with the same colours. I am a little spider, Then I’ll spin my web watch me spin! to hold you tight, If you’ll be my dinner, and gobble you up I’ll let you come in. in one big bite! Module 9 11 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 13 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Exercise 5: Write a poem of two lines on any topic using the given hints. Hints: What is the Write a few Write down some poem about? words that you can rhyming words that add to the poem. can be used. Example: I see shells on the seashore. I have five, but I want more! Write your poem below. Draw a picture related to your poem as well.  12 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 14

Module 10 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Vocabulary Homophones Grammar Prepositions Formal Writing Summary writing Creative Writing Fairy tale writing Dictation Module 1 13 Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1)  1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM 2)  3)  4)  5)  NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 15

PR Vocabulary Q Homophones Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Examples: •  ‘see’ and ‘sea’ •  ‘right’ and ‘write’ Exercise 2.1: Fill in the blanks with the correct homophones from the options given in brackets. 1) ____________________ (I/Eye) am feeling happy. 2) Mariyam saw a ___________________ (hare/hair) hopping in the park. 3) Ali ___________________ (nose/knows) how to tie his shoelaces. 4) Radha ____________________ (eight/ate) only half the sandwich. 5) I need a new ____________________ (pear/pair) of shoes. 6) Mohan and Tom fed the ____________________ (deer/dear) at the zoo. 14 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 16

Exercise 2.2: Complete the puzzle with the help of the hints given below. One is done for you. 1 2 WI T CH 3 B U 4 GS W Across Down 1) a woman with magical powers 1) h ow heavy something is (a homophone of ‘which’) (a homophone of ‘wait’) 3) to exist (a homophone of ‘bee’) 2) a unit of time (a homophone of ‘our’) 4) the name of a flower (a homophone of ‘rows’) 3) breathed air from the mouth (a homophone of ‘blue’) Grammar Prepositions Tick the prepositions in the following sentences. 1) My pet was hiding behind the door. 2) The birds are flying in the sky. 3) The car stopped in front of the building. 4) He fell asleep on the bed. Module 10 15 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 17 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Remember Prepositions help in connecting two nouns. They tell us the positions of the nouns. Example: T he sheep (noun) are in (preposition) the field (noun). ‘At’, ‘near’ and ‘around’ Let us learn three new prepositions. At: It points out a particular time, place or address and an activity. Amjad will meet me at 2 John lives at 43A, Karve Ishaan is good at painting. o’clock in the afternoon. Road. Near: It points to something or someone that is close by. The animals are grazing The house is near the The apples are lying near the fence. mountains. near the box. 16 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 18

Around: It means ‘surrounding or circling on every side’. The children are We were playing around The bees are flying dancing around the a tree. around the beehive. stools. There are some prepositions that have similar or the same meanings. Let us read about such prepositions. ‘Above’ and ‘over’ ‘Beside’ / ‘at the side of’ / ‘next to’ ‘At the side of’ and Both ‘above’ and ‘over’ ‘next to’ mean the mean ‘at a place that is same as ‘beside’. higher than someone or Examples: something’. •  The apple is beside the box. •  The apple is at the side of the box. Examples: •  The apple is next to the box. •  The apple is above the box. •  The apple is over the box. Module 10 17 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 19 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Exercise 3.1: Match the positions of the owl in the pictures with the correct prepositions. One is done for you. 1) c a) between 2) b) in front of 3) c) on 4) d) around 5) e) behind 6) f) below 18 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 20

Exercise 3.2: Look at the picture and write true or false. One is done for you. 1) The child is sitting in the shopping cart. – true 2) The fridge is over the other shelves. – _________________ 3) A girl is standing behind the counter. – _________________ 4) There are many food items on the shelves. – _________________ 5) The people in the picture are standing under each other. – _________________ 6) A man is standing behind the child. – _________________ Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. Riyaz and Atul are friends. Their houses are next to (under/next to) each other. Riyaz decides to meet Atul ___________________________ (at/on) four o’clock in the evening at the park. They sit ___________________________ (in/on) a park bench and talk. There Module 10 19 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 21 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

are a few puppies playing ___________________________ (over/near) them. After a while, the boys go to the library ___________________________ (above/in front of) the park. The books are neatly placed on shelves. The storybooks are on the shelves ___________________________ (above/at) the history books. Exercise 3.4: Draw pictures according to the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) 2) The apple is beside the mango. The clouds float over the mountains. 3) 4) The bees fly around the flower. The fish swims in the pond. 20 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 22

5) 6) The keys are on the table. The ball is under the stool. Formal Writing Summary writing What is a summary? Have you ever watched a movie that you liked so much that you just had to tell your friends about it? Did you narrate the entire story scene by scene? Or did you retell the main parts of the story in your own words? A summary is a short piece of writing. It contains the most important points of a longer story. It does not give too many details. It gives the person who has not read or seen the piece a good idea of what it is about. Writing a summary of a story involves two steps. 1) Answer important questions about the text. 2) Put the answers together and summarise the story. Module 10 21 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 23 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Exercise 4: Read a passage about what Simran has to say about her school supplies. Then, answer the questions based on the passage and summarise it in your own words. School starts in a week, and today is the day we go shopping for school supplies! I told mother that I didn’t need anything. I loved my backpack from last year. It had a picture of Topaz, my favourite singer. It even had her autograph across the bottom of her picture. I couldn’t wait to get my bag out of the cupboard and check my pens and pencils. When I pulled out my backpack from the back of my closet, I was horrified at how dirty it was. Somehow, over the summer, a strap had broken, the colour had faded, and the zipper was stuck. There was a dark spot right on Topaz’s face, and you could hardly read her signature any more. When I looked inside, I found papers that were stuck together from an open glue bottle. I wondered who had taken the cap off of my glue bottle. My sketchpens had come out from the box, and the caps were mysteriously missing. My lucky pencil was too short to write with anymore. I decided it was time to make my list of new school supplies. STEP 1 – Answer the questions 1) Who is the main character? What did she tell mother? Ans.    2) Describe her backpack. Ans.     22 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 24

3) What did the character find inside the backpack? Ans.     4) What did the character decide in the end? Why? Ans.    STEP 2 – Summarise the story Summarise in five lines  Module 10 23 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 25 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Creative Writing Fairy tale writing Look at the given pictures. What do they remind you of? Fairy tales! A fairy tale is a magical and imaginary story. We read about fairies, wizards, dragons and magic in fairy tales. Anything can happen in a fairy tale! It need not be real. 24 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 26

Let us read a famous fairy tale and see the different parts or elements that make up such a story. Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack. He lived with his mother. They were very poor. One day, a man gave Jack some beans. Jack took them and went home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans, she got angry and threw them away. The next morning, Jack saw a giant beanstalk outside his window. He started to climb it. He went up to the sky through the clouds. He saw a beautiful castle there and went inside. Suddenly, he heard a voice saying, ‘Fee, fi, fo fum!’ Jack got scared and ran into a cupboard. A huge giant came into the room and sat down. There was a hen on a table. ‘Lay!’ said the giant. The hen laid a few golden eggs. The giant then fell asleep. Jack jumped out of the cupboard and took the hen and the golden eggs. The giant woke up as he was running out and angrily shouted, ‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!’ Jack quickly ran down the beanstalk. The giant followed him. Once he climbed down, Jack shouted for help. His mother chopped the beanstalk with an axe. The giant fell to the ground and vanished. Jack and his mother had the golden eggs and they lived happily forever. Characters Setting Jack, his mother, the Jack’s garden, man, the giant giant’s castle Solution Background of the story Problem Jack and his family takes hen and Jack and his mother are very poor. golden eggs from One day, Jack gets beans and grows were poor giant’s castle a beanstalk. He is curious to know Ending what lies at the top of the beanstalk killed giant and took his hen and and climbs up to find out. golden eggs Lesson learnt be bold and curious Module 10 25 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 27 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Exercise 5: Read the given fairy tale and identify the different story elements. A long, long time ago, there were two children named Hansel and Gretel. The children’s stepmother, did not like them at all. She said to her husband, ‘Go leave them in the forest tomorrow. They will get lost, and wild animals will eat them up!’ Hansel overheard their parents’ plan. With his sister, he came up with a plan of his own. The next morning, the woodcutter took his children into the forest. But Hansel and Gretel had stuffed their pockets with pieces of bread. They kept dropping those on their way into the forest. They would follow this trail of breadcrumbs back home. Soon enough, the woodcutter left the children in the forest. Suddenly, they smelt something delicious and sweet! They followed the lovely smell. Soon, they came to a strange little house. Its walls were made of cake, the roof was made of chocolate, and the doors and windows of the most delicious biscuits and cookies! The children hungrily broke off pieces of the house and started munching on them. While they were still eating, an old woman came out of the house, smiling widely at them. She invited Hansel and Gretel into her house and said they could eat all they wanted. But inside, the house was made of iron and steel—there were no sweet treats at all! There was a large oven with a big fire burning inside. All of a sudden, the old woman jumped upon Hansel and tied him up! ‘I am going to have you for dinner, you chubby child! Ha! Ha! Ha!’, laughed the woman, clapping her hands with delight. She was not a kind old lady but an evil witch who trapped little children to eat them up! Gretel was thinking of a plan to escape and also save her brother from the evil witch. ‘Go check if the oven is hot enough!’, the witch ordered her. Gretel got an idea. ‘It isn’t hot enough’, she said to the witch. An hour later, when the witch asked her to check again, Gretel gave the same answer. This went on for a few times, and the hungry witch was getting impatient. ‘Are you trying to fool me, little girl?’ she cried angrily. ‘I’ll go check myself!’ she said. This was the moment Gretel had been waiting for. As soon as the witch went near the oven, Gretel pushed her hard from behind. In went the witch, tumbling into the roaring, burning fire, and soon she was turned to ashes! Gretel then untied her brother, and off they ran, out of the house and straight out of the forest! 26 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 28

Characters Background Setting Problem Solution Ending Lesson learnt NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 29 Module 10 27 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Module 11 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Alphabetical order Grammar Conjunctions Formal Writing Summary writing Creative Writing Fairy tale writing Dictation 3) Exercise 1: Word dictation 6) 1) 2) 9) 4) 5) 7) 8) 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM 2882 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 30

PR Vocabulary Q Alphabetical order The alphabetical order is the arrangement of the letters of the alphabet from A to Z. We arrange words in alphabetical order according to the first letter of each word. Example: cake, egg, smoke 'C' comes before 'e' and 'e' comes before 's'. So, we write cake first followed by egg and then smoke. Exercise 2.1: Arrange the words in alphabetical order. One is done for you. 1) coconut, knocked, patch, excitement Ans. coconut, excitement, knocked, patch 2) basket, greedy, helmet, dagger Ans.  3) friend, uncle, neighbour, relative Ans.  4) king, queen, minister, soldier Ans.  5) two, five, seven, eight Ans.  6) English, French, German, Spanish Ans.  Module 11 29 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 31 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Dictionary guide words The words in a dictionary are arranged in the alphabetical order. The words on the top of a dictionary page are called guide words. The top-left corner of a page lists the first word on the page. The top-right corner lists the last word on the page. A page has only those words that can be alphabetically arranged between the given guide words. Guide words help us to find a word easily. Exercise 2.2: Look at the guide words given on the dictionary page. Based on the guide words, write whether the words given below will appear on this page. Put a  for yes and  for no. One is done for you. 1) hand  2) habit 3) hard 4) half 5) hammer 6) horse 30 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 32

Grammar Conjunctions Join the sentences with the correct conjunctions (and, but, or, so). Use the hints in brackets to help you. 1) I tried my best. I could not catch the bus. (opposite ideas) Ans.   2) Moiz played sports. Moiz was fit. (result) Ans.   3) You can attend the swimming class. You can attend the dance class. (You cannot attend both.) Ans.   4) Shalini went to school on Monday. Shalini went to the park on Monday. (She went to both the places on Monday.) Ans.   Module 11 31 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 33 1/9/2019 3:12:51 PM

Remember  You have learnt that conjunctions are words that join words or parts of sentences together.  There are three types of conjunctions. Conjunctions Coordinating Correlative Subordinating conjunctions conjunctions conjunctions  The conjunctions you have learnt about in the previous classes ('and', 'but', 'or', 'so') are coordinating conjunctions. We will learn about more coordinating conjunctions in this lesson. Coordinating conjunctions They are words that connect two or more sentences or parts of sentences together. They also connect two similar parts of a sentence. Remember Remember the term FANBOYS for coordinating conjunctions. 32 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 34

Let us understand how each coordinating conjunction is used. ‘For’ means ‘because’ or ‘since’. Examples: • I was tired, for I had been working hard. • I don’t go to beaches, for I am afraid of the sea. ‘And’ combines one thing, idea or event with another. Examples: • We ate pasta and cake at her party. • We sang and danced on New Year’s Eve. ‘Nor’ indicates two negative ideas, each of which does not happen or take place. Examples: •  He will not come to the theatre, nor will he stay at home. •  Anya did not steal the necklace, nor did she take the money. ‘But’ connects statements with opposite ideas. Examples: • I called Meera, but she was not at home. • It was cloudy, but it did not rain. ‘Or’ shows choice (options) between two things. Examples: • Will you have coffee or tea? • Will he stay tonight or go back home? Module 11 33 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 35 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

‘Yet’ shows a surprising fact after the previous fact mentioned. Examples: • I was tired, yet I had to keep running. • I left early, yet I reached late. ‘So’ connects two sentences where one shows a cause and the other the result. Examples: • It was raining, so she decided to carry an umbrella. • He was rude, so I did not speak to him. Remember  When you join two simple and complete sentences, place a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Examples: •  I want to go to the market, but I don’t have money. •  I am not well, so I will not go to the picnic.  When coordinating conjunctions join two words or incomplete sentences, a comma is not placed before the conjunction. Examples: •  Shaila and Heena went to school. •  The dog is young but well-trained.  34 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 36

Exercise 3.1: Colour the stars next to the sentences where the coordinating conjunctions are correctly used. One is done for you. 1) I would like to eat strawberries or mangoes.  2) Huma was tired, yet she fell asleep. 3) Dara and Stuti are best friends. 4) He knows Rama but Piyush. 5) They had to return home, for the show was cancelled. 6) She was told to sit still, but she kept moving. Exercise 3.2: Join the given pairs of sentences using the coordinating conjunctions given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) The principal entered the classroom. The students did not stop talking. (yet) Ans. The principal entered the classroom, yet the students did not stop talking. 2) He is careful. He does not want to make a mistake. (for) Ans.   Module 11 35 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 37 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

3) They came here in the evening. They began making all the arrangements. (and) Ans.   4) The doctor can treat the old woman first. The doctor can treat the child first. (or) Ans.   5) The car is small. It has a lot of space inside. (but) Ans.   6) There was no water. They waited for the water tanker. (so) Ans.   Exercise 3.3: Make six sentences using suitable conjunctions. One is done for you. 1)  I went to the market, and cookies. 2) You can go to the playground yet bad at singing. 3)  Seema likes cake but will she go to the theatre. 4) I had kept my sweater safely, or to your friend’s house. 5)  He was good at drawing for I could not find it. 6)  Raima will not go to the library, nor I had to buy some vegetables. 36 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 38

1) I went to the market, for I had to buy some vegetables. 2)  3)  4)  5)  6)  Exercise 3.4: Complete the passage by using the correct coordinating conjunctions. One is done for you. Ronny loves his mother and father. He listens to them, _____________________ they give good advice. The three of them spend little time together, ________________________ they are a very close family. They do not argue, ________________________ do they fight. Ronny works hard ________________________ that he can make his parents proud. His mother ________________________ father is always there to pick him up from school even if both cannot come every day. Formal Writing Summary writing Tick the true sentences about summarising and cross out the false ones. 1) A summary is a detailed version of the main story. 2) Summaries can be written for movies, books, plays and poems. 3) A summary gives you only the main idea of the story. Module 11 37 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 39 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

4) A summary is not enough for the reader to get the main idea of the story. 5) You must only include facts and not opinions in a summary. Follow these steps to summarise a passage. 1) Read the text. 2) Identify the main idea of the entire text. 3) Summarise each paragraph. 4) Put together the important points, and summarise them in your own words. Exercise 4: Read the text. Then, fill in the details and summarise the text in the space provided. Once, a man and his son were going to the market with their donkey. As they walked, a man passed them and said, ‘How silly! You are walking that donkey when you could be riding it instead.’ Hearing this, the man put his son on the donkey’s back and they went on their way. Soon, they passed a group of women, one of whom said: ‘You should be ashamed of yourself, young man. Your father, who is older than you, should be riding. You should be walking.’ Red-faced and embarrassed, the boy jumped down to have his father get up on the donkey. They hadn’t gone far when they passed a man and a woman, one of whom said to the other, ‘Doesn’t he know they can both ride that donkey? His son doesn’t have to walk this dusty road.’ The man didn’t know what to do, but he took his son up and sat him down in front of him on the donkey. When they reached the town, the people began to jeer and point at them. ‘You’re overloading that poor donkey—you and your son both sitting there. You should carry the donkey yourselves.’ So, they picked the donkey up and carried it on their shoulders towards the bridge that led to the market. The townspeople saw the sight and laughed so much that the donkey got scared by the noise. It tried to get away from the man and his son, but slipped and fell to the ground. Once it got on its feet again, it ran away. ‘That will teach you,’ said an old man who had followed them. ‘Try to please everyone, and you will please no one.’ 38 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 40

Main idea:  Summary of Paragraph 2  Summary of Paragraph 1  Summary of Paragraph 3 Summary of Paragraph 4   Summary of Paragraph 5  Your final summary  Module 11 39 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 41 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

Creative Writing Fairy tale writing magic fairies not FAIRYTALE kings real and queens once upon a talking time ... animals castles Characters are the people, animals or things in a story who think, feel and act. How the characters look and what they say, feel and do take the story forward. Descriptions like 'tall', 'brown-haired', 'hooked nose' tell us how a character looks like on the outside. What characters do, say or feel tell us how they are on the inside, as a person. For example, sharing things with others shows kindness. Being selfish or unkind to people shows wickedness. 40 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 42

what they what they look like say outside inside what they what they do feel A few character descriptions are given below. Identify the qualities that can be seen on the outside. Also identify what the characters are like on the inside based on what they say, feel or do. Use the words given in the boxes to help you. You can also add words of your own. chubby, long-haired, beautiful, tall, skinny, shy, loves animals proud, rude, greedy, selfish foolish 1) Sushma was a short, plump girl. She studied in Class 4. She had a round face, covered with freckles. Her long hair swayed from one side to the other. She sat by herself during lunch time. She never got along with her classmates. After school hours, she would go out and pet Malu, the school watchman’s dog. 2) R otlu was a good-looking snake. He had brown spots covering his silky green body. He called himself the king of the jungle. Rotlu always ordered the other animals around. He did not care if he hurt others’ feelings when he said anything. Deep down, Rotlu was afraid that they did not really like him. He thought that the only way to make the others respect him was to make them afraid of him. 3) Ratul was a thin boy with shiny brown eyes. He could run fast with his long legs. However, people would often tease him for his elephant ears. He was never Module 11 41 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 43 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

happy with what he had. Ratul often took his sister’s favourite pen without asking her, even though he had one of his own. He always wanted more. Ratul would say, ‘We must take the things we want and not feel bad.’ Exercise 5: Fill in the boxes and create a character for a fairy tale using the picture given below. What is the name of the character? What do they look like? What do they think and feel? What do they say? What do they do? 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM 42 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 44

Module 12 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Vocabulary Grammar Names of musical instruments Formal Writing Names of people in different occupations Creative Writing Types of sentences Transformation of sentences Research writing Fairy tale writing Dictation Module 1 43 Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1)  1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM 2)  3)  4)  5)  NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 45

PR Vocabulary Q Names of musical instruments Exercise 2.1: Write the names of the musical instruments shown below. Use the given words. tabla harmonium sitar flute piano guitar 1) 2) ______________________________ ______________________________ 3) 4) ______________________________ ______________________________ 5) 6) ______________________________ ______________________________ 44 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 46

Names of people in different occupations Exercise 2.2: Match the pictures in Column A with the occupations in Column B. One is done for you. Column A Column B 1) a) fruit seller 2) b) librarian 3) c) chef 4) d) tailor    e) plumber 5)    f) nurse 6) Module 12 45 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 47 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

Grammar Types of sentences Where are She is Give me some We won the you going? dancing. water. match! Did you notice that each sentence above is different from the others? Each type of sentence has a different purpose. Let us learn more about the types of sentences. Declarative They are used to state information. They are sentences statements and end with a full stop (.). Examples: •  I will come to your party. •  The elephant has a long trunk. •  The Earth goes around the Sun. Imperative These sentences give commands or make requests. sentences Imperative sentences end with a full stop (.) or an exclamation mark (!). Examples: •  Please pass me my book. (request) •  Go sit in your chair. (command) •  Speak the truth! (command) 46 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 48

Interrogative These sentences ask questions and end with sentences a question mark (?). Examples: •  Who broke the vase? •  What is your name? •  Which is the fastest train? Exclamatory These sentences show excitement or strong feelings. sentences They end with an exclamation mark (!). Examples: •  I have a new frock! •  My sister is so clever! •  Oh! I lost my English book. Exercise 3.1: Read the given sentences and sort them according to their types. One is done for you. 1) A re you going to buy a swimming costume? 2) How colourful is the rainbow! 3) Please get me a bowl of popcorn. 4) Shut the door. 5) Can you solve these questions? 6) The Sun is a star. Declarative sentences Imperative sentences (statements) (orders or requests) Module 12 47 NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 49 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM

Interrogative sentences Exclamatory sentences (questions) (strong emotions) 1) A re you going to buy a swimming costume? Exercise 3.2: Rearrange the jumbled words to form the types of sentences given in brackets. Then, add the correct punctuation marks at the end of each sentence. One is done for you. 1) love/playing/we/cricket (declarative) Ans. We love playing cricket. 2) homework/you/do/your/did (interrogative) Ans.   3) feed/animals/do/not/the (imperative) Ans.   4) well/she/how/sings (exclamatory) Ans.   5) India/from/is/he (declarative) Ans.  48 1/9/2019 3:12:52 PM NR_BGM_9789386663306 MAPLE G03 ENGLISH WORKBOOK TERM 3_Text.pdf 50

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