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182920061-Traveller-G4-Teacher Companion Book-English-Part1-A

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Page 98 Teacher Reference: Literature D  6DPDULVIDFLQJGLIÀFXOWLHVDWVFKRRO$OOKLVRWKHUIULHQGVKDYHOHIWKLP2QO\\5HKPDQ supports him and helps him out. Ans. A friend in need is a friend indeed. b) Kaushik behaves just like his dad. He even looks a lot like him. Ans. Like father, like son. c) The shopkeeper kept his shop open for longer on the eve of Diwali. Thus, he could sell all his clothes. Ans. Make hay while the Sun shines. d) Soha’s mother ensures that Soha covers up well before going out in the cold. In this way, Soha does not get sick. Ans. Prevention is better than cure. I Feel 8) Is it all right to believe someone blindly without thinking and using one’s mind? Ans. Learner’s response Sample: No. We should always try to understand and reason things out and not follow someone blindly. 9) Why do you think only the little girl told the truth? Why didn’t anybody else say anything? Ans. Learner’s response Sample: The little girl did not fear what would happen if she told the truth. She said what she saw without worrying about what people would think of her. All the others were too scared about what would be thought of them. So, they either remained quiet or lied. The Emperor’s New Clothes

Teacher Reference: Literature Word Dictation 10) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) appeared b) weavers c) invisible f) pretended d) dull e) immediately i) troubled g) design h) cobweb Listening Audio 11) What was the nickname given to King Ashoka because of his wickedness? Page 99 Ans. King Ashoka was given the nickname Chand Ashok which means ‘Ashoka the Fierce’. 12) Which battle changed Ashoka’s life? Ans. The battle of Kalinga changed Ashoka’s life. 13) What policy did Ashoka adopt? Ans. Ashoka adopted the policy of non-violence (Ahimsa). 14) What did Ashoka do for the welfare of his people? Ans. Ashoka built many universities, water transit and irrigation systems for trade and agriculture. He treated his subjects as equals, regardless of their religion, politics and caste. He also constructed hospitals for animals and renovated major roads throughout India. (Any two points are enough.) 15) How did Ashoka address his people? Ans. Ashoka addressed his people as his ‘children’. The Emperor’s New Clothes

Page 100 Teacher Reference: Literature Connect the Dots Science Fun ¾ Find out how clothes are made. Describe the process in your own words. Ans. & ORWKHVDUHPDGHWKURXJKDORQJSURFHVV)RUWKLVFRWWRQLVÀUVWFROOHFWHGDQGVSXQ into threads. The fabric for making clothes is woven using these threads. The fabric is later dyed or printed with designs. It is later cut and sewn according to patterns and measurements to make clothes. Maths Fun ¾ The weavers pretended to work for 8 hours every day. They took 12 days to complete their work. They started on a Monday and did not work on Sundays. How many hours did they pretend to work in all? Ans. 8 x 12 = 96 hours – 1 Sunday (8 hours) = 88 hours The Emperor’s New Clothes

1 Nouns Nouns You have learnt about nouns in the previous classes. Let us revise the different types of nouns. Remember ‡ Common nouns are names given to people, places, hospital animals or things of the same kind. They do not begin with a capital letter. Examples: lady, hospital, cheetah, duster Page 101 ‡ Proper nounsDUHVSHFLÀFQDPHVJLYHQWRSHRSOHSODFHV animals or things. They always begin with a capital letter. Examples: Enid Blyton, Amit, Nagpur, Tiggy Tiggy flock of sheep ‡ Collective nouns are words that refer to a group of people or things. Examples: ÁRFN of sheep, ÁLJKW of stairs, swarm of bees, audience ‡ M aterial nouns refer to the materials or substances from which things are made. Examples: iron, rubber, silver, silk nails made of iron 1

Gender of nouns 1RXQVFDQDOVREHVRUWHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUJHQGHU ‡0 DVFXOLQHJHQGHUQRXQV These ‡1 HXWHUJHQGHUQRXQV These are are the names for boys, men and nouns that name non-living things male animals. Examples: son, uncle, without any gender. They are used nephew, prince, horse, gander for objects and places. They are also used to name the months of the year ‡) HPLQLQHJHQGHUQRXQV These are the and the days of the week. names for girls, women and female Examples: ruler, box, clothes, library, animals. Examples: daughter, aunt, table, stone, truck, building, ocean, niece, princess, mare, goose July, Monday ‡& RPPRQJHQGHUQRXQV These refer to nouns that can be male or female. Examples: child, singer, coach, engineer, pilot, cousin, referee, parent ([HUFLVH6RUWWKHQRXQVLQWRWKHWDEOHJLYHQEHORZ2QHLVGRQHIRU\\RX Page 102 Prakash animal Uma peahen man cookie Proper noun Common noun Gender Prakash man masculine Uma peahen feminine – cookie neuter – animal common 2

([HUFLVH&ODVVLI\\WKHJLYHQQRXQVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUJHQGHU2QHLVGRQHIRU \\RX shepherdess gentleman reporter cave stick emperor student bride Masculine Feminine a) gentleman c) shepherdess b) emperor d) bride Common Neuter e) reporter g) cave f) student h) stick Page 103 ([HUFLVH&RPSOHWHWKHVHQWHQFHVXVLQJWKHFRUUHFWFROOHFWLYHQRXQV2QHLV GRQHIRU\\RX fleet colony pride family bouquet troupe a) I gave my mom a bouquet of flowers. b) I saw a ___________c_o_l_o_n_y_____________ of ants in my garden. c) Jack wanted to meet my ___________f_a_m__i_ly_____________. d) Kunal saw a ___________p__ri_d_e______________ of lions on television. e) The ___________f_le__e_t______________ of ships moored at the shore. f) The __________t_ro__u_p_e______________ of dancers performed well. Nouns 3

([HUFLVH0DWFKWKHREMHFWVWRWKHPDWHULDOVWKDWWKH\\DUHPDGHRI2QHLV GRQHIRU\\RX a) plastic F A B D b) wool A C c) iron D F d) glass B E e) marble C f) paper E Page 104 ([HUFLVH5HDGWKHSDVVDJHJLYHQEHORZDQGXQGHUOLQHWKHQRXQV7KHQ DQVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQV2QHLVGRQHIRU\\RX Arsha, Raj and Leena were good friends. They made a great team. They were polite to their parents and helped the other little boys and girls in their school. They also shared their toys. Raj had an engine made of wood that Leena had gifted him. Arsha had gifted Leena a watch that had a strap made of leather. a) Write a masculine proper noun from the passage. $QV Raj b) Write a collective noun from the passage. $QV team c) Write a common gender noun from the passage. $QV friends, parents d) Write a feminine common noun from the passage. $QV girls e) Write a material noun from the passage. $QV wood, leather f) Write a neuter gender noun from the passage. $QV school, toys, engine, watch, strap (Accept all valid responses.) 4

Page 105 ([HUFLVH5HDGWKHSDVVDJHJLYHQEHORZDQGXQGHUOLQHWKHQRXQV7KHQ DQVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQV2QHLVGRQHIRU\\RX I like visiting zoos and natural parks. I go there with my uncle and cousin. Last Wednesday, we had gone to an animal shelter. We met a dog named Bruno and a goose named Lucy. Bruno had a collar made of silk around his neck. There was also a litter of kittens at the shelter. a) Write a feminine proper noun from the passage. $QV Lucy b) Write a common gender noun from the passage. $QV cousin, kittens c) Write a material noun from the passage. $QV silk d) Write a masculine common noun from the passage. $QV uncle, dog e) Write a collective noun from the passage. $QV litter f) Write a neuter gender proper noun from the passage. $QV Wednesday (Accept all valid responses.) Nouns 5

Page 106 W1 Writing )RUPDO:ULWLQJ ([SODQDWRU\\SDUDJUDSKZULWLQJZLWKOLQNLQJZRUGV Linking words: ‡ OLQNRUFRQQHFWSDUWVRIVSHHFK ‡ OLQNDQDUJXPHQWWRDQRWKHU ‡ OLQNDQLGHDWRDQRWKHU ([HUFLVH)LOOLQWKHJDSVWRFRPSOHWHWKHSDUDJUDSKJLYHQEHORZ8VHOLQNLQJ ZRUGVOLNH¶ÀUVWO\\··WKHQ·¶ODWHU·¶ÀQDOO\\·DQGVRRQWROLQN\\RXUVHQWHQFHV7KH SDUDJUDSKH[SODLQVZD\\VE\\ZKLFK\\RXFDQEHDQXQGHUVWDQGLQJPHPEHURI \\RXUIDPLO\\ 7KLVLVDVDPSOHUHVSRQVH'RQRWGLFWDWHDVLV<RXFDQXVHWKLVWRKHOSOHDUQHUV JHQHUDWHLGHDV There are different ways by which we can ______________b_e__u_n_d__e_r_st_a_n__d_in__g_____________ __________________m__e_m__b__e_r_s_o_f_o__u_r_f_a_m__il_ie__s _____________. ________F_ir_s_tl_y_______, we must _______________________re__sp__e_c_t_e__v_e_r_y_o_n_e__i_n_t_h_e__f_a_m__il_y________________________________. _____T_h_e_n_________, we should _________a_lw__a_y_s__h_e_l_p_e__a_c_h__o_t_h_e__r ________________________ ______________. _______A__ls_o______, we can ______h_e_lp__o__u_r_p_a__re_n__ts_______________________ by ___d__o_in__g__o_u_r_d__u_ti_e_s_s_u_c__h__a_s_s_t_u_d_y_i_n_g_,_c__le_a__n_in__g__a_n_d__f_in_i_sh__in_g__o__u_r_c_h_o__re__s_o_n__t_im__e______ ___________________________________________________________________________________. ______T_h_e__n_______, we should respect __o__u_r_g_r_a_n_d__p_a__re_n__ts_____________________________ by _____________s_p_e_n__d_in__g__ti_m__e_w__it_h__t_h_e_m___a_n_d__li_s_te__n_in_g__t_o__t_h_e_m_________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. 6

_______F_in_a__lly_________, we can _________h_e__lp__o_u_r__y_o_u_n_g__e_r_s_is_t_e_rs__a_n_d__b__ro_t_h_e__rs___________ _______________ by _______________s_h_a__ri_n_g__o_u_r__to__y_s_____________________ and _________ ___________________h_e_l_p_i_n_g__th__e_m__w__it_h__t_h_e_ir__h_o_m__e_w__o_r_k________________________________. &UHDWLYH:ULWLQJ Picture-based description ([HUFLVH2EVHUYHWKHSLFWXUHJLYHQEHORZ'HVFULEHWKHSLFWXUHE\\ÀOOLQJWKH JDSVLQWKHSDUDJUDSK +LQWV ‡ 'HVFULEHZKDW\\RXVHHLQWKHSLFWXUH ‡ +RZGR\\RXWKLQNWKHDQLPDOVIHHO\" ‡ ) LOOLQWKHJDSVZLWKUHDVRQVIRUZK\\\\RXWKLQNWKDWDQLPDOVVKRXOGQRWEHKHOG captive in zoos. Page 107 :ULWLQJ 7

Page 108 7KLVLVDVDPSOHUHVSRQVH'RQRWGLFWDWHDVLV<RXFDQXVHWKLVWRKHOSOHDUQHUV JHQHUDWHLGHDV This is _________a__z_o_o________________. There are ______m__a_n__y_d__if_fe__re_n__t _a_n_d__b__e_a_u_t_if_u_l_____ ____________________________________________________________________________________ animals in the picture. There is _____________a__n__e_le__p_h_a__n_t_______________________ at the centre. There are two __________g_i_ra_f_f_e_s_____________ and ___________f_la__m__in_g_o__s________ each. The flamingos are standing _____________i_n_a__s_m__a_l_l s_t_re__a_m__o__f_w_a__te__r_____________ __________________________________. A monkey is __h_a__n_g_i_n_g__u_p_s_id__e__d_o_w__n__fr_o_m___a__tr_e_e___ ___________________________________________________________________________________. There are many people _____________________in__t_h_e__z_o_o_______________________________. An alligator is ____________________b_a_s_k_i_n_g__b_e_s_id__e__th__e_w__a_t_e_r__c_a_n_a__l ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. +RZHYHUORRNLQJDWWKLVSLFWXUHKDVPDGHPHVDG7KHDQLPDOVORRNOLNHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ___________t_h_e_y__a_r_e__a_l_w_a__y_s_k_e_p__t_in__t_h_e__s_a_m__e__p_l_a_c_e__a_n__d__h_a_v_e__n_o__w_h__e_re__t_o__g_o___________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. I think we should not hold animals captive in zoos because __________________________ _______________t_h_e_y__sh__o_u_l_d__h_a_v_e__t_h_e__fr_e_e__d_o_m___to__m__o_v__e_a__ro__u_n_d__in__t_h_e__w__ild_______________ _______________________. Their lives should not be __g_o_v__e_rn__e_d__b_y__th__e_w__h_i_m__s _a_n_d_________ __________________f_a_n_c__ie_s__o_f_h_u_m__a__n_s________________________________________________. Baby animals are sometimes removed from their families, when _____________________ _________w__e_t_r_a_n_s_p_o__rt_t_h_e__m__t_o_z_o__o_s________________________. This also affects them in a bad way. Animal rights are important. Even if ________t_h_e__a_n_i_m__a_ls__a_r_e_t_r_e_a_t_e_d__w__e_ll_i_n__zo__o_s________ ________________________________________________, they should not become __________ ___________________________o_b__je_c__ts__o_f_p__u_b_l_ic__e_n_t_e_r_t_a_in__m_e__n_t__________________________. This is why ___________I _th_i_n_k__th_a__t_a_n__im__a_l_s _s_h_o_u_l_d__n_o_t_b__e__h_e_ld__i_n_z_o__o_s____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________. 8

Teacher Reference: Literature Theme: Peace and Harmony Lesson 2: The Peaceful Warrior Page 109 In-text Questions ¾ Why did the samurai run away? Ans. The samurai had killed his master. He ran away because he knew that if he got caught, he would be put to death. ¾ How long did it take the samurai to dig halfway into the mountain? Ans. It took the samurai four years to dig halfway into the mountain. New Words Word Meaning regretted (v.) scared (adj.) felt deeply sorry single-handedly frightened; afraid (adv.) carve (v.) done by a person by himself or herself tunnel (n.) revenge (n.) cut skilfully fascinated (adv.) an underground passage patience (n.) harm done in return for harm done rubble (n.) very interested in something or someone the ability to wait calmly broken pieces of rocks or stones The Peaceful Warrior

Teacher Reference: Literature Word Meaning kneeling (v.) resting on one’s knees sword (n.) a weapon with a long blade and a handle Sentence Dictation Page 110 1) Listen to your teacher and write the sentences. a) I regretted my decision to leave the hockey team. b) Pari completed the project single-handedly. c) The baby was fascinated with the shiny toy. d) A massive stone was lying among the rubble. e) The king conquered many kingdoms. Language Game Stand for peace, sit for war Your teacher has a list of words related to war and peace. He or she will read out one word at a time. You have to respond by standing up for words that mean ‘peace’ or are related to peace and sitting for words that mean ‘war’ or are related to war. Your teacher also has prepared two columns with ‘Peace’ and ‘War’ as headings. After each word is read, your teacher will ask a student to write the word under the appropriate column. Words related to peace Words related to war friendly suffering united death harmony fight stability love destruction enmity The Peaceful Warrior

Teacher Reference: Literature Listening Audio 2) What was the fee given by the swans for using the lake? [a] a) a golden feather b) a golden coin  F ÀYHIHDWKHUV    G ÀYHJROGHQIHDWKHUV 3) What did the homeless bird plan to do? [b] a) go to a faraway land b) make the river its home c) compete with the other birds d) shoo away the other birds from the lake Page 111 4) Why did the golden swans refuse to give shelter to the homeless bird? [c] a) because the bird was new to the lake b) because the golden swans were jealous c) because it did not have golden feathers d) because they were afraid of the bird 5) What did the homeless bird do after she was insulted by the swans? [b] a) she cried b) she went to the king with her complaint  F VKHIRXJKWZLWKWKHVZDQV  G VKHÁHZDZD\\DQGQHYHUFDPHEDFN 6) How did the king punish the golden swans? [a] a) he ordered them to leave the river b) he killed all of them c) he asked them to apologise d) he made them servants to the homeless bird The Peaceful Warrior

Page 112 Teacher Reference: Literature Connect the Dots Maths Fun ¾ The samurai took 672 hours in total to carve a part of the road through the mountain. He worked for 6 hours every day. How many days did it take for him to complete the work? Ans. 672 ÷ 6 = 112 days The Peaceful Warrior

Page 113 2 Punctuation Punctuation Rohan received an e-mail from his pen friend in Trivandrum. He opened the mail in excitement. Here is the e-mail. hi rohan, how are you i want to invite you to the onam celebrations at my house onam is an important harvest festival it is celebrated for ten days yippie i am so excited to think that you may join us for onam this year do tell me about your plans waiting eagerly to hear from you, rajam The e-mail completely puzzled Rohan. Rajam had written it in a hurry. He had missed adding commas, question marks and full stops. He had also not used capital letters where needed. Insert the correct punctuation marks and capital letters. Rewrite the e-mail so that the message is clearer to Rohan. Hi Rohan, How are you? I want to invite you to the Onam celebrations at my house. Onam is an important harvest festival. It is celebrated for ten days. Yippie! I am so excited to think that you may join us for Onam this year. Do tell me about your plans. Waiting eagerly to hear from you, Rajam 9

Punctuation marks are the traffic signals of writing. They help us to pause, stop and start our sentences. They are symbols that make a written message clearer and reduce miscommunication. They are used to structure and organise writing. Punctuation marks Usage Examples It is placed at the end of a I will travel tomorrow. It is sentence or statement. too late to travel today. Full stop It is placed at the end of a Where are we going? question. Page 114 Question mark It is used to separate: Comma ‡ ZRUGVRULWHPVLQDOLVW ‡ + HERXJKWYHJHWDEOHV, Exclamation mark ‡ WKHSHUVRQDGGUHVVHG milk, fruits and cheese from the market. ‡ 5RKDQ, sit down. ‡ ,WLVSODFHGDWWKHHQGRI ‡ : KDWDEHDXWLIXOEHDFK! sentences that display emotions (happiness, excitement, frustration, anger and so on). ‡ ,WLVSODFHGDIWHU ‡ : RZ! This room is so big. interjections. 10

Many words always start with a capital letter. Remember the acronym M.I.N.T.S. for the correct usage of capital letters. Acronym Examples M : months, names of days ‡0 \\ELUWKGD\\LVLQSeptember. ‡,JRWRFKXUFKRQ Sundays. I : the word ‘I’ ‡I bought a new pencil. ‡, live in Pune. N : names of people, states, cities ‡0 \\IULHQGSandeep lives in Kochi in Kerala. and countries – proper nouns ‡,SODQWRYLVLWNorway next month. T : titles of books and movies ‡,DPJRLQJWRZDWFKTitanic tonight. ‡0\\IDYRXULWHERRNLVBlack Beauty. S : start of sentences ‡, have a new friend. Her name is Fatima. Page 115 Punctuation in dialogue Punctuation also plays an important role when we write in dialogue form. Certain punctuation marks are used when we want to show that two or more people are talking. Example: ‘Seema has a book collection’, said Rohan. ‘That is interesting’, replied Naina. ‡ ,QWKHVHQWHQFHVDERYHVLQJOHTXRWHV ‘ ’) are used to show the part that is spoken. Also, a comma ( , ) is used after the quoted section. ‡ 7KHÀUVWZRUGZLWKLQTXRWHVDOZD\\VVWDUWVZLWKDFDSLWDOOHWWHU Note: All regular sentences use this pattern. Questions or exclamations do not follow this pattern. You will learn about such sentences in Class 5. Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct punctuation marks from the box. One is done for you. .?! a) Mango is my favourite fruit. b) When is your birthday___?___ c) I walk to school every day___.___ d) What a pretty dress___!___ e) May I leave now___?___ f) Oh my god___!___ Punctuation 11

Page 116 Exercise 2: Punctuate and rewrite the given paragraph. Use capital letters wherever needed. One line is done for you. ben was a kind and smart boy he had many pets ben had a dog a few cats fish and even a lizard his latest pet was a guinea pig named martin why do you think ben loved having so many pets Ans. Ben was a kind and smart boy. He had many pets. Ben had a dog, a few cats, fish and even a lizard. His latest pet was a guinea pig named Martin. Why do you think Ben loved having so many pets? Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One is done for you. a) why are you going now. Ans. Why are you going now? b) i will give you the Book tomorrow Ans. I will give you the book tomorrow. c) What a beautiful sight. Ans. What a beautiful sight! d) Do you want to buy the yellow. pink or black shirt! Ans. Do you want to buy the yellow, pink or black shirt? e) Oops. I dropped the cup, Ans. Oops! I dropped the cup. f) rajeev usman. and tina went to delhi during their holidays? Ans. Rajeev, Usman and Tina went to Delhi during their holidays. 12

Page 117 Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One is done for you. a) .I do not have your pen.? said alia, Ans. ‘I do not have your pen’, said Alia. b) Where is The library! Ans. Where is the library? c) this is an Amazing movie. Ans. This is an amazing movie! d) i have a camp in february. may. july and december? Ans. I have a camp in February, May, July and December. e) This Is disgusting? Ans. This is disgusting! f) ‘we are very Happy’. said The students. Ans. ‘We are very happy’, said the students. Exercise 5: Rewrite the following passage with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One line is done for you. My favourite pastime is reading books? the authors that I like to read are Roald Dahl. J.K. Rowling and Ruskin Bond. The day my summer holidays began, I found a brown package under my bed! yipee! My mother had gifted me my favourite detective series for the vacation. Can you think and tell me what is your favourite pastime. Ans. My favourite pastime is reading books. The authors that I like to read are Roald Dahl, J.K. Rowling and Ruskin Bond. The day my summer holidays began, I found a brown package under my bed. Yipee! My mother had gifted me my favourite detective series for the vacation. Can you think and tell me what is your favourite pastime? Punctuation 13

Page 118 Exercise 6: Rewrite the following passage with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One is done for you. yuvraj was walking home from School, it was november and there was a chill in the Air? Do you know what Yuvraj loved the most! It was the cool wind hitting his face. Then, he saw his Friend Ramya. hi ramya said Yuvraj. Ans. Yuvraj was walking home from school. It was November and there was a chill in the air. Do you know what Yuvraj loved the most? It was the cool wind hitting his face. Then, he saw his friend Ramya. ‘Hi Ramya’, said Yuvraj. 14

W2 Writing Formal Writing Informal letter writing We write informal letters to our friends and family members. The tone of such letters is friendly and not formal. Read the given sample of an informal letter carefully. See the different parts that a letter has and study the format. Page 119 There is no need to H. No. 18 - 421 - 12 Your address include the address Forest Colony of the person to Nagpur Date whom you are writing. 2nd June 2018 Introduction Salutation/Greeting In the first paragraph, You can use a Dear Soham, explain why you person’s first name. are writing. Use How are you? Hope you are friendly language Body enjoying your basketball throughout. This is the part camp. I have come to visit my in between the grandparents for the summer, and Closing paragraph introduction and the I am having a really good time. Ask a question or closing paragraph make a suggestion so where you talk My grandparents give me many that the person can about the main idea gifts and let me eat all the things I send a reply. of the letter. want! They also have big cotton and sugarcane farms where I play with Signature the new friends that I have made Sign your name. How here. You should see how beautiful you sign off shows the cotton fields look when the cotton how you feel about bolls are in full bloom. My mom helped the person to whom me take pictures of the fields – I will you are writing. show them to you when I am back. I wish you and Sneha could have come too. See you soon! Please teach me basketball when I get back! Lots of love, Peeyush 15

Page 120 Exercise 1: Given below is the outline of a letter written by a boy, Suraj, to his cousin, Shalu, who lives in another country. He writes about the unity within his country despite its varied cultures and different languages. Fill in the gaps to complete the letter. This is a sample response. Do not dictate as is. You can use this to help learners generate ideas. Lane 33, Bhandari Nagar JP Nagar Bengaluru 23rd January 2018 Dear Shalu, How _____________h_a__v_e__y_o_u__b_e_e__n___________________? I have been waiting to finish my school project on ‘India, the Land of Unity in Diversity’ to write to you about it. The project showed how the people of India _________l_iv_e__in__p_e__a_c_e__a__n_d__h_a_r_m__o_n_y__________ ______________ though they speak different languages and have _____________________ _____d_if_f_e_re__n_t_c__u_lt_u_r_e_s_________________________________________________. Do you know that there are _________t_w_e__n_t_y_-n__in_e___________ states and seven ___u_n_io__n__ __t_e_r_ri_to__ri_e_s_i_n__In_d__ia______________? Yet, people unite in the name of ___________________ __________t_h_e__c_o_u__n_tr_y_____________________. Our cricket, hockey and other sports teams have ____________p_e_o__p_le__f_r_o_m__d__if_fe__re__n_t_p_a__rt_s_o__f _In_d__ia_________________________________ who play together for ____________t_h_e__c_o__u_n_t_ry_______________________________________. People celebrate ________f_e_s_t_iv_a__ls_t_o_g__e_t_h_e_r___________________________ and share ____ _______e__a_c_h__o__th_e__r’_s_j_o_y____________________ happily. I am very proud of _o_u__r _c_o_u__n_tr_y___ _____a_n_d__a__ll_t_h_e__p_e__o_p_l_e_w__h_o__l_iv_e__h_e_r_e__in__p_e__a_c_e__a__n_d__h_a_r_m__o_n_y__t_o_g_e__th__e_r_______________. I wish you could ______________________v_is_it__In_d__ia_________________ during Christmas. My neighbour, Susan Aunty, makes ________________y_u_m__m__y__c_a_k_e__s_a_n__d__b_is_c_u__it_s____________ ______________ for all of us at that time. I told you, _________t_h_a__t’_s_h__o_w__w__e__d_o__it_________ _______________ in India. We celebrate together! Do write and let me know ________________w__h_e_n__y_o_u__p__la_n__t_o__v_is_it__In_d__ia________________. With warm regards, Suraj 16

Creative Writing Photo-based character sketch Exercise 2: Look at the photograph. Fill in the gaps to complete the character sketch of the woman in the photograph. Page 121 This is a sample response. Do not dictate as is. You can use this to help learners generate ideas. This is the photo of a young boy with his ________g__ra__n_d_m__o_t_h_e__r ___________. She must be _____________________a_ro__u_n_d__s_ix_t_y__to__s_ix_t_y_-_fi_v_e_________________________ years old. She is dressed in a ________________b_e__a_u_t_if_u_l_s_a_r_e_e_______________________. Her hair is _________ ______________c__u_t_s_h_o__rt_. _It__is_c__o_m__p_l_e_t_e_ly__g_r_e_y_._I_t _lo__o_k_s_n__e_a_t_a__n_d__t_id_y_____________________ _________________. She looks ________h_a_p__p_y__w_i_th__h_e__r _g_r_a_n_d__so__n________________________. She is wearing _________sp__e_c_t_a_c__le_s_________. The jewellery that she is wearing is ________ ___________s_im__p_l_e__a_n_d__e__le_g__a_n_t_._S_h_e__is__w_e__a_r_in_g__a__p_e__a_r_l _n_e_c__k_la_c__e_i_n__th__is_p__h_o_t_o_g_r_a_p__h_____ __________________________________________________________________________. She looks ____________________________l_ik_e__a__c_a__lm__a__n_d__q_u__ie_t_p__e_r_s_o_n____________________________. It looks like __________________s_h_e__lo__v_e_s_h__e_r_g_r_a_n__d_s_o_n__a__lo_t_.____________________________ _____________________________. The grandmother is sitting ____n_e__x_t_t_o_h__e_r_g__ra_n__d_s_o_n_____ __________________________________________. He may be ____te__lli_n_g__h_e__r _a_b_o__u_t_h_i_s_d_a__y___ _____________________________________________________. Both the people in the picture seem to be _________________________e_n_j_o_y_i_n_g__e_a_c__h__o_t_h_e_r_’s__c_o_m__p__a_n_y________________. Writing 2 17

Page 122 R1 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. The national flag went up fluttering in the air. Everyone looked up and applauded loudly. This was followed by the singing of the national anthem, ‘Jana Gana Mana’. A small group of children sang a few patriotic songs, and Mini’s grandmother gave a short speech about India’s freedom struggle. On the occasion of 15th August, the Indian Independence Day, Mini’s grandmother was invited to hoist the national flag. She was the senior-most resident of the colony, and had been a freedom fighter as a young girl. Mini stood beside her grandmother throughout. Mini often listened to her detailed descriptions of the freedom struggle of India: her life in an India that was ruled by the British and the history and struggles of her family. All the people who had gathered listened keenly to what the 90-year- old freedom fighter had to say. Their hearts were full of pride as they looked at the flag. Soon, sweets were distributed before everyone dispersed. 1) Who gave a speech about India’s freedom struggle? Ans. Mini’s grandmother gave a speech about India’s freedom struggle. 2) What is special about 15th August? Ans. 15th August is the Indian Independence Day. 18

3) Rewrite the sentences given below with the correct punctuation and capitalisation. a) minis grandmother gave a short speech about indias freedom struggle Ans. Mini’s grandmother gave a short speech about India’s freedom struggle. b) everyone sang the national anthem jana gana mana together Ans. Everyone sang the national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’ together. c) patriots like gandhi nehru bhagat singh and netaji subhash chandra bose fought for freedom from the british rule Ans. Patriots like Gandhi, Nehru, Bhagat Singh and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose fought for freedom from the British rule. 4) The opposite of ‘senior-most’ is ‘junior-most’ . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Page 123 Column A Column B a) patriotic B A) left the area b) pride C B) having love and devotion for one’s country c) dispersed A C) a feeling of happiness about something or someone related to you Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Once, there was a king who offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two that he really liked, and he had to choose between them. One picture was of a calm lake. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Everyone who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. Reading Comprehension 1 19

The other picture had mountains as well. However, these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which rain fell. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush, a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest – in perfect peace. Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture. To be at peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. To be at peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. 6) How many paintings did the king need to choose from? Ans. The king needed to choose from between two paintings. Page 124 7) In the second picture, what did the king see in the bush? Ans. In the bush, the king saw a mother bird on a nest that she had built. 8) Write the plural forms of the words given below. a) bush – _b__u_s_h_e_s_______________________ b) waterfall – _w__a_t_e_r_fa__ll_s____________________ c) sky – _s_k_ie__s_________________________ 9) The meaning of ‘tumbled’ is ‘fell down suddenly’ . 10) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B a) foaming C A) above b) overhead A B) calmness c) peace B C) bubbling up 20

Teacher Reference: Literature Theme: Our Country Lesson 3: Indian Weavers Page 125 In-text Questions ¾ What is the blue of the garment compared to? Ans. The blue of the garment is compared to the wing of a wild halcyon. ¾ Whose marriage veils do the weavers weave? Ans. The weavers weave the marriage veils of a queen. New Words Word Meaning gay (adj.) bright, brilliant or colourful halcyon (n.) a type of bird with bright-blue feathers plumes (n.) groups of feathers on a bird solemn (adv.) in a serious or formal manner funeral shroud (n.) a cloth that is used to wrap a dead body Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) At what times of the day do the weavers weave? Ans. The weavers weave at the break of day and the fall of night. Indian Weavers

Page 126 Teacher Reference: Literature 2) What garments do the weavers weave for the newborn child? How do the garments look? Ans. The weavers weave robes for the newborn child. The garments are blue and look happy. 3) Which bird’s plumes do the queen’s marriage veils look like? Ans. The queen’s marriage veils look like a peacock’s plumes. B) Reference to context 4) ‘Weavers, weaving at fall of night, Why do you weave a garment so bright?’ a) Whom do the weavers weave the bright garment for? Ans. The weavers weave the bright garment for a queen. b) Describe the bright garment. Ans. The bright garment looks like the plumes of a peacock as it is purple and green. c) What will the wearer of the garment use it for? Ans. The queen will use the garment as her marriage veil. 5) ‘Weavers, weaving solemn and still, What do you weave in the moonlight chill?’ a) What are the weavers weaving in the moonlight chill? Ans. The weavers are weaving a funeral shroud in the moonlight chill. b) What does the garment or thing look like? Ans. The funeral shroud is as white as a feather and cloud. c) Why are the weavers solemn? Ans. The weavers are solemn as they are weaving a shroud for a dead person. C) Answer the following 6) Fill in the blanks with words from the poem. a) Weavers, weaving at break of day. Indian Weavers

Teacher Reference: Literature b) Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild. c) Weavers, weaving solemn and still, d) What do you weave in the moonlight chill? e) We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud. P Vocabulary Q R 7) Look at the puzzle grid. Pick out the four pairs of compound words and write them Page 127 below. light bee board skate horse house hive star ÀVK a) lighthouse b) beehive F  VWDUÀVK d) skateboard I Feel 8) Do you think that the job of a weaver is unimportant and does not need to be respected? According to you, are a few occupations more important and respectful than the others? Explain your answer. Ans. Learner’s response Sample: No, I do not feel that the job of a weaver is unimportant. According to me, all jobs are equally important. A lot of people help us with the jobs they do, and they should all be respected. Indian Weavers

Teacher Reference: Literature 9) The poem ‘Indian Weavers’ is a rhyming poem. However, many poems do not contain rhymes. Do you prefer poems with rhymes or without? Why? Ans. Learner’s response Sample: I like rhyming poems because it is so much fun to read the rhyming words aloud. Rhyming poems are easy to remember. We can also sing rhyming poems. Word Dictation 10) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) weavers b) garment c) halcyon f) plumes d) marriage veils e) bright i) shroud Page 128 g) solemn h) funeral Language Game Similes A simile is a literary device that is used for direct comparison between two things. We usually XVHWKHZRUGV¶OLNH·RU¶DV·WRFRPSDUHWKLQJVXVLQJWKLVÀJXUHRIVSHHFK Examples: ‡ Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green Here, the marriage veils of a queen are compared to the plumes of a peacock using the word ‘like’. ‡ :KLWHas a feather and white as a cloud Here, the white funeral shroud is compared to white feathers and clouds using the word ‘as’. Indian Weavers

Teacher Reference: Literature Now, form pairs and complete the following popular similes by matching the phrases from Column A to the correct phrases in Column B. Column A Column B a) as cool as D A) a fox b) as cunning as A B) a lamb c) as gentle as B C) chalk from cheese d) as different as C D) a cucumber Listening Audio Page 129 11) What is your idea of peace? Write a few lines on what you understand from the song ‘Imagine’ that you have just heard. Ans. The song tells us to imagine a world where there is no heaven or hell but only the sky above us. It tells us to think of a world where there are no countries or religions. In such a world, there would only be peace and no war. People would not have anything to kill for or die for. The song tells us to imagine sharing the world and living as one. Connect the Dots Maths Fun ¾ A weaver weaves clothes for 4 hours every day. He weaves 16 garments every day. How many garments does he weave in an hour? How many minutes does he have for each garment? Ans. 16 ÷ 4 = 4. So, the weaver weaves 4 garments in an hour. 60 ÷ 4 = 15. So, the weaver has 15 minutes for each garment. Indian Weavers

Audio Transcripts Audio Transcripts for Listening Exercises Page 130

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Page 134

V – Appendices Usage Tip: Additional resources that can be read to improve your knowledge and expertise Sub-Sections: 15. How to be a Rockstar Teacher (In Part B) 16. Speaking Rubric Page 135

16. Speaking Rubric I Speak – Evaluation Rubric* Focus Area Beginner Developing Proficient Advanced (up to 35%) (35 to 70%) (70 to 95%) (95% and above) The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner: Sentence Construction  used words out of logical  used a verb in a group of  used short and relevant  used complete and order to answer questions. words while answering sentences to answer relevant sentences to questions. questions. answer questions. Organisation  missed out on important  included some important  included most important  included everything required points required for the task; points required for the points required for the in the task; presented ideas presented points in a way task; presented points in task; tried to present ideas in a that did not make sense; too a random order. in an order.  logical, coherent manner. long or short. Confidence and Fluency  is mostly incoherent.  spoke feebly and  spoke quite confidently  spoke confidently and and mostly answered answered clearly and answered clearly and clearly and completely. completely. completely.  made eye contact with the  had a confident posture; listeners most of the time; made eye contact with Body Language  made little or no eye contact;  made very little eye seemed comfortable. listeners. shuffled and seemed very contact; seemed quite uncomfortable. uncomfortable. Page 136

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