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Class 5 Part 1 2 Module 2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 R2 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 48 5 Module 5 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53 R3 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 74 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 4 3/19/2018 10:55:03 AM

Module 2 PR Vocabulary Q Prefixes A prefix is a letter or a group of letters added to the beginning of words in order to form new words. These new words usually have the opposite meaning or a different meaning. Examples: • possible – impossible In the example above, ‘im-’ is added to the word ‘possible’ to form its opposite. • happy – unhappy In the example above, ‘un-’ is added to the word ‘happy’ to form its opposite. Exercise 3.1: Use any of the prefixes ‘un-’, ‘in-’, ‘im-’, ‘dis-’, ‘mis-’ or ‘re-’ with the given base words to make new words. 1) proper – _______________________ 2) match    – _______________________ 3) respect – _______________________ 4) play – _______________________ 5) suitable – _______________________ 6) active – _______________________ Exercise 3.2: Use a suitable prefix for the highlighted words and form new words. Rewrite the sentences using these new words. Ensure that the sentences are grammatically correct. 1) He does not like pets. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) I spelt the words incorrectly. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) It is not polite to stare at people. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Module 2 15 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 19 3/19/2018 10:55:04 AM

4) This dress is not expensive. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Thomas will have to do his homework again. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6) This bed is not comfortable. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Grammar Punctuation Correct the punctuation in the following sentences: 1) reena is very excited to be in chennai Ans.   2) Wow what a beautiful painting Ans.   3) dad wait for me. Ans.   4) there are swings slides merry-go-rounds and monkey bars in the park Ans.   16 3/19/2018 10:55:04 AM 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 20

Here are the rules of punctuation that we have learnt so far. Punctuation mark Usages Examples It is placed at the end of a sentence or I will travel tomorrow. statement. Full stop It is placed at the end of a question. Where are we going? Question mark It is used to separate: Comma •  three or more words or items in a list. • W  e ate chips, cake, candies and ice cream at • the person addressed. the party. •  It is placed at the end of sentences • P  ercy, the colourful parrot that convey emotions (happiness, excitement, frustration or anger). • What a beautiful beach! •  It is placed after interjections. An •  O h dear! This room is so interjection is used to express a sudden messy. burst of feeling or emotion. (Alas!, Exclamation mark Hurray!, Wow!) Many words always start with a capital letter. Remember the acronym M.I.N.T.S. for the correct usage of capital letters. Acronym Examples M : months, names of days • Christmas is celebrated in December. • My school started on Monday. Module 2 17 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 21 3/19/2018 10:55:04 AM

Acronym Examples I : the word ‘I’ • I helped my friend with her homework. N : names of people, states, cities • I visited my grandparents. and countries – proper nouns • M y sister, Mala, studies in Bhopal in Madhya T : titles of books and movies Pradesh. S : start of sentences • Our class went to Thailand last week. • I am going to watch Beauty and the Beast tonight. • My favourite comic book is Faster Fene. • Simran went home. She met her dogs. Punctuation in dialogue Punctuation also plays an important role when we write in dialogue form. Certain punctuation marks are used when we want to show that two or more people are talking. Example: ‘Seema has a book collection’, said Rohan. Naina replied, ‘That is interesting.’ • In the sentences above, single quotes (‘ ’) are used to show the part that is spoken or quoted. • Also, a comma ( , ) is used to separate the quoted part from the rest of the sentence. • The first word within quotes always starts with a capital letter. Exercise 4.1: Rewrite the following sentences using the correct punctuation marks (full stop, question mark, comma and exclamation mark). Use capital letters wherever needed. One is done for you. 1) we will travel to kolkata tomorrow Ans. We will travel to Kolkata tomorrow. 2) do you think it will start snowing in some time Ans.   18 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 22 3/19/2018 10:55:04 AM

3) the food was out of this world Ans. 4) s oma has to carry a sleeping bag a mosquito repellent heavy boots and a water bottle to the camp Ans. 5) Cv raman and jagdish chandra bose are two great scientists from india Ans. 6) w e will send new year cards to samit asha rajam and ali. Ans.  51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 23 Module 2 19 3/19/2018 10:55:04 AM

R2 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. The kingfisher is a small to medium-sized, colourful bird, generally found close to water. There are nearly 100 different species of kingfishers around the world. Kingfishers feed mainly on fish but also eat insects, frogs and crayfish. Kingfisher species that live in the woodlands occasionally eat reptiles, birds and even small mammals. There are three main types of kingfishers around the globe: the river kingfishers, the tree kingfishers and the water kingfishers. All of them have large heads, long, sharp, pointed bills, short legs and stubby tails. Kingfishers are well known for their brightly coloured feathers that range in colour from black to red to green. Due to their generally small size, kingfishers have a number of predators. The main predators who prey on kingfishers are foxes, raccoons, cats and snakes, but kingfishers are also preyed upon by other small mammals and large birds. Many kingfisher species are considered to be threatened species. Their numbers have been declining mainly due to habitat loss. These threatened kingfisher species inhabit woodlands and forests. Their habitat is being destroyed due to deforestation that is occurring around the world. 1) What do kingfishers mainly feed on? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Who are the main predators of kingfishers? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 48 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 52 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Write the comparative forms of the adjectives given in brackets. a) Kingfishers are _____________________________ than eagles. (small) b) Kingfishers have _____________________________ heads than many other birds. (large) c) Kingfishers have _____________________________ feathers than many other birds. (bright) 4) The meaning of ‘habitat’ is _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) species a) sometimes 2) occasionally b) animals that hunt other animals 3) predators c) type or kind Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Joginder sat down comfortably on a chair and said, ‘Well, well. One question at a time, dear. Let me begin by saying that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest leaders of America. He was the 16th President of the United States, from 1861 to 1865.’ Sarita bent forward and asked, ‘Daddy, was his father also a President?’ ‘No, he wasn’t. In fact, Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. Abraham had an older sister and a younger brother who died in their infancies. The Lincolns moved from Kentucky to Indiana due to a few land problems in 1817. They made a living by hunting and farming on a small plot of land. When Abraham was nine years old, his mother passed away due to ‘milk sickness’. After a few months, his father remarried. Abraham’s stepmother was a strong and affectionate woman named Sarah Bush Johnson. She had three children of her Reading Comprehension 49 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 53 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

own. Abraham Lincoln grew close to her, and she encouraged him to read. Sarita looked shocked, ‘But do you mean to say that he never went to school?’ ‘He was mainly self-educated. He received formal education for just about eighteen months, perhaps a few days or weeks at a time. You will be amazed to know that he was very fond of reading. He would often walk miles to borrow books.’ ‘What kind of books did he like to read?’ ‘He read all the popular books at that time, such as Aesop’s Fables, Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim’s Progress and, of course, the family Bible.’ 1) How did the Lincoln family make a living? Ans.   2) What kind of books did Abraham Lincoln like to read? Ans.   3) Write the abstract noun forms of the following words. a) comfortably  – _______________________________ b) died     – _______________________________ c) affectionate  – _______________________________ 4) The meaning of ‘encouraged’ is   . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) infancy a) proper 2) affectionate b) early childhood 3) formal c) loving 50 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 54

Module 5 PR Vocabulary Q Proverbs Exercise 3.1: Match the proverbs in Column A with their correct meanings in Column B. Column A Column B 1) One good turn deserves another a) T hink well before you make a decision. 2) T wo heads are better than one b) If we don’t waste things, we will not 3) T oo many cooks spoil the broth be in the sorry position of needing them. c) T wo people together can solve a problem faster than just one. 4) W aste not, want not d) Ignorant people talk the most. 5) L ook before you leap e) T oo many helpers can spoil the task at hand. 6) E mpty vessels make the most noise f) If you are good to others, they will be good to you too. Exercise 3.2: Write the proverbs that the sentences suggest by choosing from the table below. Better late than never Cleanliness is next to Honesty is the best policy godliness Birds of a feather flock Penny wise, pound Slow and steady wins the together foolish race 1) Rakesh started his own restaurant at the age of sixty. Proverb:  __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Module 5 53 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 57 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

2) Sita bought a cheap dress from the store but spent a lot more money in getting it fixed. Proverb:  __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3) The leaders admitted to their mistakes and earned the respect of the city. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4) Tina always keeps her study table neat and tidy. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5) The tortoise did not give up and in the end won the race against the hare. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6) Rohan, Hassan and Ken share many common interests that they enjoy together. Proverb:  _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Grammar Degrees of comparison Underline the adjectives in the sentences given below. Identify the degrees of comparison of the adjectives and fill in the given table. •  Mango is the sweetest fruit. •  The fox was cleverer than the crow. •  I like hot tea. •  It was an old quilt. •  My house is smaller than his. •  Suman’s dress is brighter than Leena’s dress. 54 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 58 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree Remember Adjectives have three degrees of comparison. • The positive degree shows the quality of something or someone. Example: I have a small dog. • The comparative degree is used to compare two things or people with the same quality. Example: My friend’s dog is smaller than mine. • The superlative degree is used to compare more than two things or people. It singles out one from the rest. Example: My neighbour’s dog is the smallest that I have seen. Regular adjectives The comparative and superlative degrees of most regular adjectives are formed by adding ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ to their positive degrees. The comparative and superlative degrees of words that end in ‘-y’ are formed by replacing ‘-y’ with ‘-ier’ and ‘-iest’ respectively. Examples: Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree black blacker blackest bold bolder boldest brave braver bravest clever cleverer cleverest costly costlier costliest Module 5 55 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 59 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree hard harder hardest heavy heavier heaviest narrow narrower narrowest quick quicker quickest strong stronger strongest funny funnier funniest In a few regular adjectives that end in ‘-e’, a single ‘-r’ is added in the comparative degree and ‘-st’ in the superlative degree. Examples: Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree simple simpler simplest nice nicer nicest late later latest The comparative forms of many adjectives of two syllables and all adjectives of more than two syllables are formed by using ‘more’ before the positive form. The superlative degree is formed by using ‘most’ before the positive form. Examples: Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree beautiful more beautiful most beautiful difficult more difficult most difficult important more important most important 56 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 60 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

Irregular adjectives Irregular adjectives do not follow any set rules or patterns to form their comparative and superlative degrees. Sometimes, a whole new word is used. Such adjectives are known as irregular adjectives. Examples: Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree good better best far farther/further farthest/furthest little less least bad worse worst much/many more most Exercise 4.1: Fill in the table with the positive, comparative or superlative forms of the given adjectives. One is done for you. Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree 1) enjoyable more enjoyable most enjoyable 2) strange 3) least 4) holier 5) more qualified 6) truest 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 61 Module 5 57 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM

Exercise 4.2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate degrees of comparison of the adjectives given in brackets. Then, sort the adjectives into the given table. One is done for you. 1) The Shanghai Maglev is the fastest (fast) train in the world. 2) T he South Pole is the _________________________________________ (cold) place on Earth. 3) I find home-cooked food _________________________________________ (delicious) than restaurant food. 4) If you walk in the snow your fever will get _________________________________________ (bad) than it was before. 5) T his dress is _________________________________________ (clean) than the one on the bed. 6) This is the _________________________________________ (difficult) decision that anyone has ever had to make. Superlative degree fastest Comparative degree 58 3/19/2018 10:55:05 AM 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 62

R3 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. The history of Chinese tea is a story of gradual refinement. Generations of growers and producers have perfected the Chinese way of manufacturing tea and its many unique variations. The original idea is credited to the legendary Emperor Shennong. His orders required that all drinking water be boiled. A story goes that one summer day, while visiting a distant part of his kingdom, he and the court stopped to rest. According to his ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from a nearby bush fell into the boiling water, and a brown substance soaked into the water. As a scientist, the Emperor was interested in the new liquid. He drank some and found it very refreshing. And thus, according to the legend, tea was created in 2737 BC. Tea is an important part of the Chinese tradition. The main varieties of Chinese tea are green tea, red tea (black tea), Wulong tea, white tea, yellow tea and reprocessed tea. 1) What happened when the emperor’s servants were boiling water for the court to drink? Ans.    2) Which are the main varieties of Chinese tea? Ans.   74 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 78 3/19/2018 10:55:06 AM

3) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate adjective from the passage. . a) Milk is ______________________ for growing babies. b) I want a ______________________ cup of tea. c) He has a ______________________ voice. It is very different. 4) The meaning of ‘reprocessed’ is  5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) gradual a) special 2) refinement b) over a long period 3) unique c) improvement Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Once upon a time, a smart boy from the city was travelling in a train. The only other person in the compartment was a boy who looked like a simpleton. The city boy, Akshay, thought he would have some fun at the other boy’s expense. ‘Hi, what is your name?’ he asked. ‘Ram’ was the reply. ‘Well, we have a long journey ahead of us. To make it more interesting, I suggest that we ask each other questions to pass the time’, he said. ‘All right’, said Ram. ‘Let us decide on a penalty. If the answer is wrong, the person has to pay 50 rupees’, said Akshay. ‘Fair enough! However, you are well educated, knowledgeable and smart whereas I am a simple village dweller. My penalty should be half of yours’, said Ram. Akshay agreed to this condition. Ram suggested that Akshay should ask the first question. Reading Comprehension 75 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 79 3/19/2018 10:55:06 AM

‘What is the latest technology by which seeds can produce stronger plants?’ asked Akshay. ‘I don’t know’, said Ram and handed 25 rupees over. ‘Your turn now’, said Akshay. ‘Why is it that when a handful of seeds are sown, a few germinate faster and a few don’t germinate at all?’ asked Ram. Akshay was stumped. He thought for a long time. Finally, he said, ‘I give up’ and handed Ram 50 rupees. ‘Tell me the answer’, said Akshay, watching Ram put the money into his wallet. ‘I don’t know either’, answered Ram. 1) Name the two boys in the story. Ans. 2) Who ended up with more money in the end? Ans. 3) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb ‘to be’. a) What ____________________________ the answer to this question? b) We ____________________________ travelling by train last night. c) I ____________________________ Ram. 4) The antonym of ‘half’ is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) stumped a) begin to grow 2) simpleton b) did not know the answer to something 3) germinate c) a simple or ignorant person 76 51704108_BGM_9789387888050_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 1_Text.pdf 80 3/19/2018 10:55:06 AM

Class 5 Part 2 7 Module 7 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 8 Module 8 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 R4 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 R5 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 54 12 Module 12 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 4 6/30/2018 12:02:28 PM

Module 7 PR Vocabulary Q Antonyms Exercise 3.1: Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with their antonyms and rewrite them. 1) As soon as he rubbed the magic lamp, the genie appeared. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2) The questions in the final examinations were really easy. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3) My father could not lock the door as he had lost the keys. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4) The mango was delicious as it was unripe. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5) The smooth surface of the floor made me slip and fall. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6) At the zoo, there were only a few tame animals to see. Ans. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 7 Module 7 3 6/30/2018 12:02:28 PM

Exercise 3.2: Write the antonyms of the following words by adding the correct prefixes. 1) infect × _______________________________________ 2) honest × _______________________________________ 3) obedient × _______________________________________ 4) possible × _______________________________________ 5) willing × _______________________________________ 6) active × _______________________________________ Grammar Verbs Main verbs and helping verbs Let us revise verbs and helping verbs learnt in earlier classes. Remember ► V erbs are action words. They show the action that the noun does or the state of being of the noun. Examples: a) Sandeep sings well. b) Chetana went to the market. ► H elping verbs do not show any action but help the main verb to complete its meaning. They also add detail or show the state of being of the noun. Helping verbs are also called auxiliary verbs. Examples: a) Parag is happy. b) I have seen her before. 4 6/30/2018 12:02:28 PM NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 8

Exercise 4.1: Connect the balloons that have only main verbs to Circle A and the balloons that have both main verbs and helping verbs to Circle B. One is done for you. My friends I remember She is Arsha He cried They are have gone your third walking in likes for his lost swimming birthday. the park. Khushi. home. dog. in the pond. Circle Circle A B  Module 7 English_NCERT_G5_WB_L07_New_Part2.indd 5 5 03/27/2019 15:09:10

Modal verbs Remember ► M odal verbs are also helping verbs. They give additional information about the main verbs that follow them. ► T he modal verbs ‘can’ (present tense) and ‘could’ (past tense) show ability. ► T he modal verbs ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘might’ and ‘can’ are modal verbs of permission. ‘Can’ is an informal modal verb of permission, whereas ‘might’ is an extremely formal modal verb of permission. More on modal verbs ‘Shall’ and ‘Should’ ‘Must’ ‘Will’ and ‘Would’ • T he modal verbs ‘shall’ • T he modal verb ‘must’ and ‘should’ make expresses obligation. • T he modal verbs suggestions, ask for ‘will’ and ‘would’ opinions or express • ‘Must’ also emphasises show preference, preferences. or recommends actions. determination, capability and wishes. • ‘Shall’ is also used for obligations in very formal • ‘Will’ is also used to situations. describe future actions. ‘Would’ is used to give advice. Exercise 4.2: Choose the best modal verbs to complete the sentences. One is done for you. 1) You must be tired. You worked till very late last night. a) must b) shall c) can 2) _________________ we dance? a) Wouldn’t b) Will c) Shall 3) I _________________ speak English when I was four years old. a) can b) could c) must 4) _________________ I come in? (extremely formal) a) May b) Would c) Might 5) We _________________ play with sharp objects. a) mustn’t b) will c) could 6) I _________________ leave earlier for the movie, if I were you. The roads have heavy traffic. a) could b) would c) should 6 English_NCERT_G5_WB_L07_New_Part2.indd 6 03/25/2019 17:44:56

Module 8 PR Vocabulary Q Words related to sports Exercise 3.1: Complete the crossword puzzle based on the clues given. 1 3 4 O P T 2 T Across 1) the person whom one competes against in a contest or game 2) a group of players that plays on one side in a competition or sport Down 3) a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport 4) an object awarded as a prize Module 8 15 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 19 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

Exercise 3.2: Match the names of sports from the given box to the pictures given below. One is done for you.                     archery 1) 2) boxing ____________________________________ 3) 4) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 5) 6) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 16 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 20

Grammar Tenses We have learnt various types of tenses before. Let us revise them once again. Remember ► The simple present tense describes habits and ideas that apply in general or as a rule. Rule: subject + base verb (+ ‘-s’/‘-es’) + object Example: • Let us eat pancakes. ► The simple past tense describes actions that have already happened. Rule: subject + past tense form of verb + object Example: •  Sumi ate pancakes. ► The simple future tense describes actions that will happen in the future. It also tells us about promises, decisions or hopes about a later time. Rule: subject + will/shall + base verb + object Example: •  Moiz will eat pancakes. ► The present continuous tense describes actions that are going on at the time of speaking. In the present continuous tense, we use ‘is’, ‘am’ or ‘are’ before the ‘-ing’ forms of the verbs. Rule: subject + is/am/are + ‘-ing’ form of the verb + object Example: •  Rustom is eating pancakes. ► The past continuous tense describes actions that were happening or going on at some point in the past. In the past continuous tense, we use ‘was’ or ‘were’ before the ‘-ing’ forms of the verbs. Rule: subject + was/were + ‘-ing’ form of the verb + object Example: •  Penny was eating pancakes. Module 8 17 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 21 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

Remember ► The present perfect tense reports news or describes completed actions (past) that are important now. It also talks about actions or situations that have started in the past and continue into the present. Rule: subject + have/has + past participle form of verb + object Example: • Meera has eaten pancakes. Exercise 4.1: Answer the following questions in the tenses mentioned in brackets. One is done for you. 1) How far is your house from your school? (simple present) Ans. My house is six kilometres from my school. 2) State something that you will do in the next thirty minutes. (simple future) Ans. 3) What were you doing last Friday? (past continuous) Ans. 4) What did you eat for breakfast today? (simple past) Ans. 5) Have you read the Harry Potter books? (present perfect) Ans. 6) What are you doing right now? (present continuous) Ans. 18 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 22 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

Past perfect tense Read the given paragraph. Dina and Ravi participated in a dance competition yesterday. They had practised for this performance for almost a year. They glided together on the dance floor like birds in the sky. It was Dina and Ravi’s first public performance. They had never danced in front of people before. They had been inspired by salsa dancers. For this performance, they had designed their own costumes and had composed the music as well! Many dancers participated in the competition. The judges awarded the first prize to Dina and Ravi. Needless to say, they were over the moon! The previous paragraph talks about an event in the past – the dance competition – and the events that happened before it. We use the past perfect tense to show which of two past actions happened first. When I arrived at the party, my best friend had already left. an earlier past event a more recent past now event past perfect simple past NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 23 Module 8 19 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

A sentence in the past perfect tense looks like this: subject + had + past participle form + object    of verb Kanta + had + left the house + when her brother broke the cup. Let us look at some more examples: Later events in the past before the guests arrived. Earlier events in the past before it crashed. I had already finished my dinner before she visited me. The aeroplane had received many warnings when I arrived at the clinic. Navika had completed her work The doctor had left Later events in the past Earlier actions in the past When we reached their house the baby had slept. When the computer crashed I had saved all my data. Meera did not have any money as she had lost her wallet. Second event in the past First event in the past before the By the time Satyam reached the cinema hall second event occurred the movie had already started. Exercise 4.2: Circle the past perfect form of the verbs in the given sentences. One is done for you. 1) Everyone had gone home when I reached the party. 2) Samar had eaten his breakfast before he left for school. 3) When the chief guest arrived, the dance performance had already started. 4) The train had left the station when I arrived there. 5) Mayur had cleaned the house before the children came. 6) Siya had studied French before she moved to Paris. 20 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 24 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

R4 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Two men and a woman approach. Old man: I have already paid money for this land. We’ll make multi-storeyed buildings here. Young lady: Sir, let’s provide facilities like a club, gym, pool and all-day water and power supply for the residents. Old man: W e’ll make a good profit. People who buy apartments over here will pay us a good amount. Old man: L et’s go. We’ll begin the work by next week! (They leave together.) All trees: Oh! Pine tree: Our end is near. (A group of two young men and a middle-aged woman approach.) Young man: L ook at this Green Forest. Isn’t it beautiful? We will never allow this to be cut down. We are environmentalists, and we will fight to save the trees. Another young man: I often come here for nature walks. Families and children come here for picnics. Some painters come here and make beautiful paintings. Middle-aged lady: T hat is right. This forest and the trees are so important for us. The animals and birds will also have nowhere to go. We’ll go to court. Why should the forest be destroyed? Let’s get orders to stop any construction work that may be taken up here. (They leave together.) 26 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 30

(After a few days) Pine tree: Good news! The Green Forest will not be cut down! Eucalyptus tree and Neem tree: Great news! Peepal tree (to the Pine tree): Who told you that? Pine tree:Well, I have my reliable sources. A little birdie told me that the court has ordered that no construction should take place here. The environmentalists have saved us. Everybody is talking about it. We are all safe. All the trees: G od bless the environmentalists. Humans should understand that they are closest to God when they are close to nature. 1) What was the old man planning to make on the land? Ans. 2) What did the pine tree tell the other trees at the start? Ans. 3) Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms from the brackets. a) Her finger started to __________________________ (bled/bleed) when she cut it. b) R am __________________________ (hold/held) the arrow in his hand. c) The dog __________________________ (bite/bit) Geeta as she tried to slap it. 4) The meaning of the word ‘environmentalist’ is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) residents a) gain 2) facilities b) people who stay somewhere for a long time 3) profit c) s pecial equipment or places provided for particular purposes Reading Comprehension 27 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 31 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. India was celebrating its Republic Day on the 26th of January. It was a national holiday. Mr Gupta was very annoyed and in a bad mood. He had had to close his factory and give the workers time off from work. A lot of work was incomplete and left undone. His profits would suffer. Mr Gupta was driving his luxury car with the air conditioner on full blast. At the traffic light, he slowed down and then stopped as the light turned red. His mood worsened. Just then, he happened to look out of the window and see a boy selling Indian flags. The boy was dressed in torn clothes, but his smile was infectious and lit up his face. On a whim, Mr Gupta rolled the window down and called out to him, ‘I want two flags’. The boy immediately ran over to him and handed him the flags, saying ‘Please give me change.’ Mr Gupta took out a ` 20 note and held it out. ‘No, change please’, repeated the boy. Mr Gupta was surprised. ‘I am giving change’, he said. ‘The flags are for ` 1 each, please give me ` 2 only’, said the boy. Mr Gupta was amazed. ‘How can you sell them for so less?’ he asked. ‘Today is Republic Day. Today, we are not doing business. We do that every other day. We are doing our bit for our country. The flags actually cost one rupee, so we are selling them at that rate’, the boy answered. Mr Gupta was taken aback. The poor, uneducated street boy valued his country more than him. He felt terribly ashamed. 1) Why did Mr Gupta have to give his workers time off from work? Ans.   28 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 32

2) Why were the flags being sold at a cheaper rate? Ans. 3) W rite the gender of the following nouns from the passage. (masculine, feminine, neuter, common) a) workers Ans. ______________________________________________ b) window Ans. ______________________________________________ c) country Ans. ______________________________________________ 4) The antonym of ‘educated’ is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) annoyed a) capable of being easily spread to other people 2) infectious b) a sudden wish or desire 3) whim c) slightly angry NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 33 Reading Comprehension 29 6/30/2018 12:02:29 PM

R5 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. In the evening, the priest kept a light behind the curtain and stood there with his puppet. When he carefully moved the puppet behind the curtain, it cast a dancing shadow on the curtain that was clearly visible to the emperor on the other side. As the emperor sat in front of the curtain and watched the dancing shadow, he listened to the stories narrated by the priest. The stories were about the queen. They were simply magnificent and brought back many of the emperor’s wonderful memories. The emperor clapped his hands with joy and said, ‘I would like to watch the puppet show every evening. I am delighted.’ Every day, the emperor attended court, talked to his ministers and courtiers and then watched the puppet show in the evening. He started taking great interest in his people. He built schools and hospitals in the name of the departed queen. He would also play with the children he visited in his schools. He felt very happy when crowds of people gathered around him and praised him wherever he went. They would cheerfully shout, ‘Hail the Emperor! Hail the mighty one!’ The priest told him one day, ‘Your Majesty, joys and sorrows are part of life. Whenever a person faces sorrow, they should always think of the good things and happy moments in life. These memories act as a source of joy that drives away all the sadness and cheers one up. They teach us to live happily and do good deeds to make others happy while remembering those who are no longer with us.’ The emperor smiled and nodded. ‘I thank you for guiding me with such wise words’, he said. 54 6/30/2018 12:02:30 PM NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 58

1) What stories did the priest narrate in the puppet show? Ans.   2) What did the emperor do before watching the puppet show every evening? Ans.   3) Write the adverb forms of the given words from the passage. a) simple –   b) clear –   c) careful –   4) The word from the passage whose homonym means ‘pellets of frozen rain’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) emperor a) dead 2) magnificent b) the king of a large kingdom 3) departed c) very impressive Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. The Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) lived in Laramidia, which is present-day western North America. It lived in the Upper Cretaceous Period, between 85–66 million years ago. The T-Rex was among the last non-flying dinosaurs. One of the largest land predators ever known, the T-Rex was nearly 40-feet long and 13-feet wide at the hips. It weighed four to seven tons! Scientists know from studying its fossils that the T-Rex had an enormous skull and a long, massive tail to support its weight. Despite its arms being relatively small, they were powerful, Reading Comprehension 55 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 59 6/30/2018 12:02:30 PM

with two clawed digits (like fingers) at the end. The hind legs of the dinosaur were extensive and mighty. The T-Rex possessed the most ferocious bite of any land animal on Earth. Its jaw was at least four-feet thick and contained 50–60 teeth, many of which were up to nine inches long. Its strong teeth could remove flesh from its prey and cut it in its mouth. 500 pounds of flesh and bone in one bite! Also, there were rotting bacteria between its teeth, giving it a ‘septic’ bite. If it wounded but failed to kill its prey, they would die of fatal infections anyway! In 1990, Sue Hendrickson, a famous fossil hunter, discovered the most complete fossil of a T-Rex skeleton ever found (85% complete). Eventually, it was sold to the Field Museum of Natural History for a whopping eight million dollars. The museum spent over 25,000 person- hours in removing rock from the bones. 1) What were the arms of the T-Rex like? Ans. 2) What did Sue Hendrickson do with the fossil of the T-Rex that she had found? Ans. 3) Find the plural forms of the given words from the passage. a) dinosaur –  b) inch –  c) tooth –  4) The meaning of the word ‘fatal’ is . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) present-day a) very large 2) septic b) in the current period of time 3) whopping c) infected with bacteria 56 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 60 6/30/2018 12:02:30 PM

Module 12 PR Vocabulary Q Antonyms An antonym of a word is another word that has an opposite or completely different meaning. Examples: departure arrival insult compliment 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM 72 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 76

Exercise 3.1: Match the words in Column A with their antonyms in Column B. Column A Column B 1) destroy a) loss 2) vertical b) timid 3) strength c) alive 4) dead d) weakness 5) profit e) horizontal 6) bold f) create Exercise 3.2: Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined words with suitable antonyms. One is done for you. 1) Faiz is better than Mohit at sports. Ans. Faiz is worse than Mohit at sports. 2) The lake near the mountains is unique. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3) My question was published in the newspaper. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4) The yoga instructor is present today. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5) I never go to bed on time. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Module 12 73 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 77 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM

6) The soldier reached the check post at dawn. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Grammar Sentences Let us revise the types of sentences we have learnt earlier. Declarative sentences Imperative sentences They are used to state information. They are These sentences give commands or statements and end with a full stop (.). make requests. Imperative sentences end with a full stop (.) or an exclamation mark (!). Interrogative sentences Exclamatory sentences These sentences ask questions and end These sentences show excitement with a question mark (?). or strong feelings. They end with an exclamation mark (!). Direct and indirect speech Your friend, Mira, tells you in school, ‘I am going to a play’. You come home and tell your mother what your friend told you. There are two ways in which you can tell your mother about this conversation. Mira said, ‘I am going to a play’. (direct speech) You repeated Mira’s words in exactly the way she said them. To show her exact words in writing, they are put in quotation marks: ‘…’ 74 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 78 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM

Mira said that she was going to a play. (indirect speech) Since Mira had spoken the words earlier, the tense and the pronoun change accordingly. (‘I am going’ changes to ‘she was going’.) The words spoken by Mira are not put in quotation marks for indirect speech. Remember We use indirect speech or reported speech when we tell or report something that someone said. Here are a few examples: He said that they were We are going on a picnic. going on a picnic. I work at a hospital. She said that she worked at a hospital. NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 79 Module 12 75 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM

Rules of indirect speech a) Reported speech is not enclosed in quotation marks. b) The word ‘that’ is used as a conjunction between the reporting verb and the reported speech. Example:  Adil said that he felt ill. reporting verb reported speech Rules of indirect speech c) The pronoun (subject) of the reported speech is changed according to the pronoun of the reporting verb or object (person). Look at the examples given on the previous page. ‘We’ has changed to ‘they’ and ‘I’ to ‘she’. Sometimes, the pronoun may not change at all. d) When the sentence within quotation marks is in the simple present tense, it changes to the simple past tense. Similarly, when the sentence within quotation marks is in the present continuous tense, it changes to the past continuous tense. Example:  She said, ‘I am going to Nagaland.’ S he said that she was going to Nagaland. Exercise 4.1: Indicate whether the following sentences are in direct or indirect speech. One is done for you. 1) Veda told Marie that she was going to a movie with her parents. Ans. indirect speech 2) ‘Can I come with you?’ Marie asked Veda. Ans.  76 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 80 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM

3) ‘Certainly, Marie! We’ll have a great time’, Veda answered happily. Ans.  4) Marie paused and then said that she would ask her parents first. Ans.  5) Veda replied that she would wait for her call. Ans.  6) ‘I’ll call you as soon as I get their permission’, Marie promised her friend. Ans.  Exercise 4.2: Convert the following sentences into direct or indirect speech. One is done for you. 1) He said, ‘Suresh needs a new uniform.’ Ans. He said that Suresh needed a new uniform. 2) The teacher said that Madhu was working sincerely. Ans.   3) Raghav said that the baby was crying. Ans.   4) They said that they were enjoying the weather. Ans.   5) They said, ‘We love our country.’ Ans.   Module 12 77 NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 81 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM

6) She said, ‘I am going out.’ Ans.  78 6/30/2018 12:02:31 PM NR_BGM_9789387888067_Summit G5 English Grammar Composition Part 2_Text.pdf 82

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