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Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture G learn (learns, learning, verb – to find out or to Rishab is ___________ to play know something new the violin. learned, learnt) observe (observes, verb – to notice or see; I _________________ the fish in observing, observed) to watch something the aquarium. gram (grams) noun – the basic unit A bowl of rice is about 180 of weight in the metric ____________. system Vocab_grade 3.indb 49 49 05/11/2018 13:49:08

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture revise (revises, verb – to study again I have to _________ the lesson for my exam tomorrow. revising, revised) find (finds, finding, verb – to get something My dog is always ___________ found) without looking for it bones. convert (converts, verb – to change into Water in the freezer another form or state ___________ into ice. converting, converted) 50 05/11/2018 13:49:08 Vocab_grade 3.indb 50

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture metre (metres) noun – a unit for The swimming pool is five measuring length ___________ wide. into preposition – to the She walked ________________ inside of; to change the room. from one thing to another work (works, working, verb – to do something My mother is _____________ in worked) using effort the garden. Vocab_grade 3.indb 51 Set – G Wordlist 51 05/11/2018 13:49:08

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture calendar noun – a chart of all Sonal hung a ______________ the days, weeks and on the wall. (calendars) months of the year future noun – time that is yet In the ____________, people to come might travel to Mars. support (supports, verb – to help, hold or The table is _____________ by encourage somebody its four legs. supporting, supported ) or something 52 05/11/2018 13:49:08 Vocab_grade 3.indb 52

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture crack (cracks, verb – to break but not Jamal _________________ the into separate pieces plate when he dropped it. cracking, cracked) cloth noun – material used Nidhi wiped the table with a to make clothes and wet _________. other things phone (phones) noun – short for My sister likes to talk on the ‘telephone’; a thing _____________. used to talk with people Vocab_grade 3.indb 53 Set – G Wordlist 53 05/11/2018 13:49:08

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture what pronoun, adjective ______________ is your name? – used to ask for information about someone or something which pronoun, adjective – _________ car is yours? what one or ones who pronoun – what or I have a friend _____________ which person or is very tall. people 54 05/11/2018 13:49:09 Vocab_grade 3.indb 54

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. learned observed grams revise finding convert metres Today in maths class we learned how to _____________ measurement units. Our teacher taught us how to convert __________ to kilograms and __________ to kilometres. She showed us many examples. We ___________ them carefully. After we had practised a few times, ____________ the solution became easy. Our teacher told us to ____________ at home. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. into work calendar future supports cracked cloth Ajay fell down while running into a room. He _______________ a bone in his leg. His mother wrapped ice in a wet ______________ and placed it on his leg to reduce the pain. He is unable to walk properly. His mother _____________________ him while walking. She told him that he needs his legs to walk or to do any ____________. So, he should be careful in the ___________________. The doctor told Ajay to take rest for 15 days. He is marking the days in his ___________________. He wants to get better fast. He has a tennis match to play. Vocab_grade 3.indb 55 Set – G Wordlist 55 05/11/2018 13:49:09

Set Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture H noun – a whole There are 29 __________ in country or part of a India. state (states) country fire noun – the heat, light We warmed our hands over and flames produced the ___________________. when something burns bottle (bottles) noun – a container for Bunty drank a __________ of liquids, usually made of juice. glass or plastic 56 05/11/2018 13:49:09 Vocab_grade 3.indb 56

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture notice (notices, verb – to see, hear or I _______________ a stain on noticing, noticed) feel something my jacket. butter noun – soft, yellow or I like jam and ___________ on white food made from my bread. cream pack (packs, packing, verb – to put things into I have _____________ my a suitcase, box or other Christmas gifts. packed) container Vocab_grade 3.indb 57 Set – H Wordlist 57 05/11/2018 13:49:09

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture bread noun – a food made Rina likes to eat ____________ from flour and baked with milk. in an oven organ (organs) noun – a part of Our lungs are _______ full of the body that has a air. particular purpose double adjective – two times Sujith likes to have a ________ as much; twice the scoop of ice-cream. amount or number 58 05/11/2018 13:49:09 Vocab_grade 3.indb 58

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture rate noun – the speed Cheetahs run at the ________ at which something of 120 kmph. happens; an amount that is paid reason (reasons) noun – why you want The ________________ Ajay to do something or why wants a computer is to play something happens games. positive adjective – good or I am ______________ that I useful; certain or sure can ride this cycle. Vocab_grade 3.indb 59 Set – H Wordlist 59 05/11/2018 13:49:09

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture option (options) noun – a choice I have two _________________ for dinner - roti or rice. change (changes, noun – to make The leaves on trees _________ different or become colour in autumn. changing, changed) different tennis noun – a game that is Bhanu plays __________ every played with a racket Saturday. and ball on a court 60 05/11/2018 13:49:09 Vocab_grade 3.indb 60

Spelling Meaning Sentence Picture why adverb – for what reason, _________ is the sky blue? purpose or cause word (words) noun – a group of ‘Thank you’ is a good sounds or letters that _______________ to say. mean something write (writes, writing, verb – to make letters We are learning to read and with a pen, pencil or __________________. wrote, written) other thing Vocab_grade 3.indb 61 Set – H Wordlist 61 05/11/2018 13:49:09

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. state fire bottles noticed butter packed bread The Gir National Park is a great place for camping. It is in the state of Gujarat in India. Last summer we visited the place. We _____________ all the things we needed. We carried many _____________ of water. On the way, Mother gave us _______________ to eat. But, she forgot to put ________________ on the bread. It was very cold during the night. So, we lit a _________________ to keep ourselves warm. The next day, we ________________ different types of animals roaming and grazing freely. I had never seen so many animals before. I want to visit again. B) Fill in the blanks using the given words. The first one is done for you. organs double rate reasons positive options change The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. It beats at a ____________ of 60 to 100 beats per minute. We need to ______________ our way of life to lead a healthy life. We must eat good food to stay healthy. Food like eggs, milk, fruits, etc. are some healthy _________________ to choose from. Stress is one of the _________________ why people fall sick. So, we must fill our mind with good and _______________ thoughts. Good thoughts _________ our happiness. 62 05/11/2018 13:49:09 Vocab_grade 3.indb 62

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