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INTEGRATED 3 TEXTBOOK - TERM ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, EVS NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 1 1 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM

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ENGLISH 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM TERM 3 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 3

Contents 1Class Theme 4: Imagination and Adventure 12 This Old Man ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 S4 Speaking Project �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 R4 Reading Comprehension ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Theme 5: Exploring the World 13 The Animal Picnic ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 14 The Rainbow Butterfly ����������������������������������������������������������������������������14 15 Wheels on the Bus ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 S5 Speaking Project �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 R5 Reading Comprehension ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 4 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM

Lesson This Old Man 12 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word two shoe three knee four door five hive seven eight gate nine heaven ten again spine Warm Up Activity • What are the things that you can count? • What is the biggest number that you know? Let us read and sing a fun rhyme and learn about numbers. NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 5 1 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM

Reading the Text paddywhack This old man, he played one, bone knee He played knick-knack on his drum; hive With a knick-knack paddywhack, door Give the dog a bone, sticks This old man came rolling home. 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM This old man, he played two, He played knick-knack on his shoe; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played three, He played knick-knack on his knee; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played four, He played knick-knack on his door; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played five, He played knick-knack on his hive; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played six, He played knick-knack on his sticks; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. 2 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 6

This old man, he played seven, gate He played knick-knack up in heaven; spine With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played eight, He played knick-knack on his gate; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played nine, He played knick-knack on his spine; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played ten, He played knick-knack once again; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. Let Us Discuss 1) What should the dog be given? 2) Who went rolling home? Understanding the Text New words Meaning small things Word people who stay in a country called Ireland knick-knack paddywhack This Old Man 3 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 7 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM

Word Meaning bone a toy that dogs play with that looks like a bone knee the hard, round part between the thigh and the lower leg a flat object at the entrance of a room or a house that door can be opened or closed a bee’s nest hive thin pieces of wood sticks a beautiful place heaven the main entrance of a building, which opens or closes like a door gate the row of bones in the middle of the back; the backbone spine Exercise 1: Literature comprehension 1) How did the old man go home? Ans. 2) When did the old man play knick-knack on his shoe? Ans. 3) What did the old man play on when he played six? Ans. 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM 4 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 8

4) When did the old man play knick-knack up in heaven? Ans. Exercise 2: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Is it fun to learn through songs and rhymes? Why or why not? Ans. Speaking Task Circle time Sit in a circle with your teacher and classmates. Your teacher will point to any student and say a number. Each student should come up with a sentence that has the given number. Example: ten – I have ten crayons. All students should say their sentences out loud for the rest of the class to listen. This Old Man 5 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 9 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM

S4 Speaking Project Your animal adventure story Do you like animals? If you could turn into an animal, which animal would you like to be? What kind of life would you have? Draw pictures and weave a story around your adventurous life. Hints: • Think of the animal that you would like to be. • Where would you live? • What would you eat? • Who would be your friends? • What would you do in the jungle? 6 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 10

R4 Reading Comprehension Picture 1 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) There are __________ children wearing caps. [    ] (A) six (B) four (C) seven (D) three [    ] 2) We can see ____________ fish in the picture. [    ] (A) three (B) four (C) five (D) two [    ] 3) The children ___________ going on an adventure. (A) are (B) was (C) is (D) am [    ] 4) The children are walking across a _______________. (A) stream (B) scream (C) streem (D) strime 5) There are rocks on both sides of the stream. A ‘rock’ is a _____________. (A) fish (B) stone (C) grass (D) bird NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 11 7 2/16/2018 4:24:01 PM

Picture 2 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) Ishita and Rishabh are in their ___________ class. [    ] (A) dance (B) music (C) art (D) drama 2) Ishita has a _____________ on her head. [    ] (A) paint (B) bow (C) hair (D) hat 3) They are using _________________ brushes. [    ] (A) pained (B) paint (C) beint (D) peint 4) They find their art class interesting. The opposite of ‘interesting’ is _________________. [    ] (A) funny (B) sad (C) boring (D) angry 5) The word _____________ can be used to describe Rishabh’s T-shirt. [    ] (A) green (B) dirty (C) white (D) torn 8 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 12

Why are we studying this theme? Travel is the best way to know the world. The second-best way is to read. Let us read two stories and a poem about travel. NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 13 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

Lesson The Animal 13 Picnic Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Words with the ‘ae’ sound Words with the ‘e’ sound bag fan bed hen tap van leg wet Warm Up Activity Look at the picture above. • What are the animals doing? • Which place is shown in the picture? Let us read a story about what happens when a few animals decide to go on a picnic. 10 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 14

Reading the Text One day, the animals in the forest decide to go on a picnic. ‘It is a nice day for a picnic’, says the fox. The squirrels bring nuts. The rabbits bring juicy carrots. The fox brings fat grapes. Their picnic baskets are full. picnic The animals set off for the park. On the way, they come to a stream. They see a log. They decide to cross the stream by climbing over the log. ‘Let’s climb the log one after the other’, says stream the fox. The rabbits climb onto the log but slip and fall. They are quickly saved by the fox. The animals wonder how they can cross the stream. The slip squirrels notice that the log is hollow. It has space to walk through! ‘How clever of you!’ says everyone to the squirrels. Then, the animals cross the stream one by one through the hollow log hollow log. They reach the park without any trouble. They can now enjoy their picnic. (Source: Adapted from ‘Let’s Go on a Picnic’; lets-go-on-a-picnic/) Let Us Discuss 1) What do the animals decide to do? 2) Who notices that the log is hollow? Understanding the Text New words Word Meaning picnic when someone decides to pack their food and eat outdoors The Animal Picnic 11 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 15 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

Word Meaning stream a small and narrow river log a large part of a tree that has been cut or has fallen down slip to slide hollow empty Exercise 1: Literature comprehension 1) Where do the animals go for a picnic? Ans. 2) What is the picnic basket filled with? Ans. 3) What happens to the rabbits? Ans. 12 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 16

4) How do all the animals cross the stream in the end? Ans. Exercise 2: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) D o you like to go on picnics? What do you think is the best day to go on a picnic? Ans. Speaking Task Song This song is about the things that you take for a picnic. Hold hands and walk in a circle around the picnic rug. Do the actions for each verse. We’re going on a picnic, leaving right away If it doesn’t rain, we’ll stay all day. ‘Have you got the sandwiches?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got the sandwiches!’ ‘Have you got the bananas?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got the bananas!’ Going on a picnic on a sunny day. (Song writers – Lynn Freeman Olson and Georgia E. Garlid) The Animal Picnic 13 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 17 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

Lesson The Rainbow 14 Butterfly Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Words with the ‘aw’ Words with the ‘u’ sound sound Words with the short ‘i’ cot cup sound hop nut big top gum mix sip Warm Up Activity • What do you call a butterfly in your mother tongue? • Have you seen a rainbow? Can you name the colours of a rainbow? Let us read about a butterfly named Titlee and learn how she got her colours. 14 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 18

Reading the Text Titlee is a plain and simple butterfly. One day, Titlee hears a wise butterfly tell a story. ‘A long time ago, our grandparents saw a rainbow in the sky. The rainbow had many colours. The butterflies decided to fly, touch it and get the colours of the rainbow. When they touched plain the bow, it was magical! The butterflies got all the colours in the world!’ Titlee wants all those colours on her wings too! One day, after a good rain, Titlee sees a rainbow. She rainbow decides to fly and get all the beautiful rainbow colours. She flies higher and higher towards it. She is very tired. The air has also turned very cold. But she still keeps flying. After a long time, Titlee reaches the rainbow. She beautiful touches it, and the colourful light falls on her. Titlee falls asleep after that. When she wakes up, she sees smiling faces. They are saying, ‘Oh! What pretty colours you have!’ Titlee looks down at herself. She is now a colourful butterfly! bravery She flies fast to share her colours with everyone. From that day on, all butterflies have beautiful colours. Titlee’s bravery helps all her friends. Let Us Discuss 1) What kind of a butterfly is Titlee? 2) What happens when Titlee touches the rainbow? The Rainbow Butterfly 15 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 19 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

Understanding the Text New words Word Meaning plain without colours simple not fancy rainbow a bow of seven bands of colour that can sometimes be seen in the sky decided planned magical like magic; very beautiful in a different way beautiful pretty the quality of being able to do something that others are too bravery scared to do Speaking Task Story telling Imagine that you are Titlee. Make a short story in your own words. In the story, share how you would make your plain wings colourful. 16 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 20

Lesson Wheels on the Bus 15 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Rhyming word sound Word deep round pack beep fish back swish Warm Up Activity • W hat all do you see when you travel on a bus? • Do you like travelling by bus? Read this poem that is also a popular song. You can also sing and act it out with your classmates. NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 21 17 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

Reading the Text wheel wipers The wheels on the bus go round and round, Round and round, horn Round and round; The wheels on the bus go round and round, 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM All through the town. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish; The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, All through the town. The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep; The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, All through the town. The door on the bus goes open and shut, Open and shut, open and shut, The door on the bus goes open and shut, All through the town. The people on the bus go up and down, Up and down, up and down, The people on the bus go up and down, All through the town! The driver on the bus says, ‘Move on back, Move on back, move on back’; The driver on the bus says, ‘Move on back’, All through the town. The baby on the bus says, ‘Wah, wah, wah, Wah, wah, wah, Wah, wah, wah’; The baby on the bus says, ‘Wah, wah, wah’, All through the town. 18 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 22

The mommy on the bus says, ‘Shush, shush, shush, Shush, shush, shush, Shush, shush, shush’; The mommy on the bus says, ‘Shush, shush, shush’, All through the town. Let Us Discuss 1) What do the bus doors do? 2) What does the driver say? Understanding the Text New words Word Meaning wheels the round objects under a car, bicycle or bus that turn when wipers they move swish rubber blades that move on the glass of cars or buses to clear horn raindrops beep the sound that a wiper makes a thing in a car, bus or bicycle that makes a loud noise so that other people or cars can hear the sound that a horn makes Exercise 1: Literature comprehension 1) How do the wheels on the bus go? Ans. Wheels on the Bus 19 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 23 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

2) What sound does the horn make? Ans. 3) How does the mother make the baby stop crying? Ans. 4) Where are the people on the bus going? Ans. Exercise 2: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Why does the driver make the people ‘move on back’? Ans. 20 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 24

Speaking Task Ask and answer questions When we give directions, we use the following words: A turn left turn right go straight go past cross ahead When we ask for directions, we start the question like this: Excuse me, where is……….? How can I go to………? Make pairs. Ask your partner for directions to one of the following places. Then, exchange your roles. • from your class to the washroom • from your class to the school gate • from your class to the play area Wheels on the Bus 21 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 25 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

S5 Speaking Project Talking about transportation We use many kinds of transportation to travel from one place to another. Look at the pictures given below. Choose a picture and tell your classmates about it. Hints: • What is the name of the vehicle? • What does it look like? • Where can we drive it? • How many people can sit in it? • Where would you like to go in it? Why? 22 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 26

R5 Reading Comprehension Picture 1 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) This picture is taken at a ________________. [    ] (A) railway station (B) traffic signal (C) bus stand (D) hotel [    ] 2) We can see ________________ on the tracks. (D) two train (A) two trains (B) one trains (C) a train 3) The train is ____________ the tracks. [    ] (A) over (B) on (C) in (D) under 4) There are many ____________ in the picture. (A) person (B) people (C) peoples [    ] 5) The word ‘train’ rhymes with _____________. (D) pupils (A) tram (B) ran (C) tray [    ] (D) rain NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 27 23 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM

Picture 2 Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. 1) All the animals in the picture are __________ animals. [    ] (A) wild (B) small (C) domestic (D) pet 2) Among the animals in the picture, only a ________ [    ] does not have legs. (A) bird (B) snake (C) crocodile (D) monkey 3) There ______ two birds in the picture. [    ] (A) is (B) are (C) am (D) was 4) A _________ has white and black stripes on its body. [    ] (A) zebra (B) horse (C) tiger (D) rhino 5) A monkey can hang by its _______. [    ] (A) tale (B) tall (C) tail (D) tell 24 2/16/2018 4:24:02 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 28

MATHEMATICS TERM 3 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 29 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

Contents 1Class 8 Measurements 8.1  Measure Short Lengths Using Non-Standard Units����������������������������������������� 1 8.2 C ompare Heavy and Light Objects���������������������������������������������������������������� 7 9 Data Handling 9.1  Collect, Represent and Interpret Data���������������������������������������������������������� 16 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 30 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

Chapter Measurements 8 Let Us Learn About • measuring short lengths using hand span, cubit, foot and pace. • identifying heavier and lighter objects. • comparing weights using scale.   Concept 8.1: Measure Short Lengths Using Non-Standard Units Think Bantei collected paper ribbons from his school. He placed them one above the other. But he did not know which ribbon was the smallest. Do you know to arrange ribbons in the order of their lengths? Recall We have learnt to compare the: • short distances between objects. • lengths of objects. • heavy and light objects. • heights of objects. NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 31 1 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

Let us recall them. Short Tick as directed. One is done for you. Low Tall  High Near Far 2 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 32

Thin Thick Marker Heavy Light & Remembering and Understanding In olden days, people measured lengths and distances using: Hand span Cubit Foot Pace Hand span, cubit, foot and pace are called non-standard units of measurement. To measure length, we use one of these methods Read a few examples of measurement of length. Example 1: Measure the following objects with the given hand span. Note down your answer. One is done for you. Measurements 3 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 33 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

Object Measuring the length of the Number of object hand spans 3 Example 2: Measure these objects with the given cubit. Write down your answer. One is done for you. Object Measuring the length Number of cubits 3 4 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 34

Object Measuring the length Number of cubits Application Read a few real-life examples which involve measuring the lengths of some objects. Example 3: Measure the lengths of the objects as directed. Write the values in the table after measuring. Object Measure a) Length of a textbook Measured using Length of a TV stand hand span Length of a window Measurements 5 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 35 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

Object Measure b) Length of a table Height of a table Measured using Edge of a chair cubit Length of a rack c) Length of a mat Measured using Width of a mat a foot Length of a blanket Width of a blanket Measured using d) L ength of your pace classroom Width of your classroom Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Estimation of lengths and distances Sometimes, we need not know the exact length of an object. A value closer to the actual value will be enough. In such cases, we guess the lengths and distances. To guess the values is called estimation. Let us now understand estimation of lengths. Example 4: Estimate the lengths using your hands and feet. Write the values in a table. Check if your guess is close to the actual measure. Object Estimate Actual length Maths textbook Lunch box 6 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 36 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

Object Estimate Actual length Water bottle Desk Duster Friend’s height Distance between the door of my classroom to the door of the next classroom Length of the school corridor Concept 8.2: Compare Heavy and Light Objects Think Bantei went to the supermarket with his father. His father bought some fruits and vegetables. He gave Bantei two small packets to hold. Bantei felt that holding one of the packets was easier than the other. Why was it so? Recall We can compare heavy objects with the light ones. Let us recall the same through some examples. Tick as directed. a) Lightest: Measurements 7 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 37 2/16/2018 4:24:03 PM

b) Heavier:    c) Heaviest:   d) Lighter: & Remembering and Understanding We can guess the weight of objects and compare them. Let us understand through some examples. Objects that weigh more are heavier and those which weigh less are lighter. Example 5: Look at these objects. Write 5 for the lightest and 1 for the heaviest. 8 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 38

Solution: 23145 Example 6: Compare the following objects. Write numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the boxes below them. Write 1 for the lightest and 5 for the heaviest. One is been done for you. a) 1325 4 b) c) d) Measurements 9 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 39 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM

e) Application We compare the weights of objects using a simple balance. The pan of the simple balance with the heavier object goes down. The pans are balanced if the objects on them are of the same weight. An orange is heavier A watermelon is lighter Both the bottles are of than a banana. than 4 footballs. the same weight. Example 7: Look at the objects on the simple balance. Tick the heavier object and cross the lighter one. One is done for you. Simple balance Objects   10 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 40

Simple balance Objects Measurements 11 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 41 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM

Example 8: C ompare the weights of these objects. One is done for you. a) __1___ = __3___ b) _____ = _____ c) _____ = _____ d) _____ = _____ 12 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 42

e) _____ = _____ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Look at these containers of different sizes. They have different heights and weights. They hold different amounts of water, milk or oil. A bigger container can hold more water than a smaller one. Example 9: Tick the object that can hold more water. One is done for you. a)  Measurements 13 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 43 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM

b) c) Drill Time (A) (B) Concept 8.1: Measure Short Lengths Using Non-Standard Units (C) 1) Long and short Look at the picture given and answer the following questions. a) Which pencil is the longest? b) Which pencil is the shortest? c) Which pencil is of medium length? 2) Measure lengths using non-standard units. Rani measures the lengths of some objects with her hand-span. Their measurements are as given below. Table = 12 hand spans Window = 8 hand spans 14 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 44

Bed = 18 hand spans Notebook = 2 hand spans Based on the given information, answer the following questions: a) Which object has the maximum length? b) Which object measures the least in length? c) Which object is longer: the table or the bed? d) Which object is shorter: the window or the notebook? 3) Measure the length using the given smaller objects. a) b) c) d) Concept 8.2: Compare Heavy and Light Objects 4) Observe the given picture and answer the following questions. white ball football balloon filled with air a) Which out of the three weighs is the heaviest? b) Which out of the three is the lightest? Measurements 15 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 45 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM

Chapter Data Handling 9 Let Us Learn About • the terms ‘data’ and ‘collection’. • interpreting data. Concept 9.1: Collect, Represent and Interpret Data Think Bantei has a collection of different toys. He knows the total number. He wants to know how many toys he has of each type. How can Bantei find this out? 16 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 46

Recall We have learnt how to count the number of objects. Let us recall the same. Observe the given animals on the farm and answer the questions. a) Count the number of sheep. [    ] b) How many butterflies can you see? [    ] c) How many ducks can you count? [    ] d) Count the number of dog(s). [ ] & Remembering and Understanding Collection: A group of similar type of items or objects taken together is called a collection. Data: A collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements and so on is called data. Data Handling 17 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 47 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM

Let us learn to identify a collection and form its data. Example 1: Here are a few collections of objects. Name them. One is done for you. A collection of A collection of A collection of pencils _________________ _________________ A collection of A collection of A collection of _________________ __________________ __________________ Now let us see the following example. Example 2: Observe the collection of balls and answer the questions. a) H ow many balls are there altogether? b) H ow many balls are red in colour? c) H ow many balls are blue in colour? d) H ow many green balls are there? 18 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 48

e) W hich coloured ball is one in number? Solution: a) Total number of balls is 11. b) There are 2 red balls. c) There are 3 blue balls. d) There are 5 green balls. e) Pink From a collection, we get some data. From this data, we get some information. Application We collect data to get some information from it. Let us see a few examples of data collection. Example 3: Radha went to a vegetable market. She bought the vegetables shown on the right. Make collections of each type of vegetable. Solution: The collections of each type of vegetable are: Vegetable Collection No. of vegetables 10 5 3 Data Handling 19 NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 49 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM

Example 4: Ravi kept some pencils, erasers Eraser Solution: and sharpeners in a box. Make collections of each type of item. Eraser The collections of each type of item Eraser Eraser are: Item Collection No. of items 4 Eraser 5 Eraser 4 Eraser Eraser Eraser Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Now, let us see another example. Example 5: Observe the collection of birds in a zoo. 20 2/16/2018 4:24:04 PM NR_181910056_BGM_Maple G1_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 50

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